HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080715Proposal.pdfOFFICE OF ENERGY RESOURCES PAUL KJELLANDER Administrator 322 East Front Street. P.O. Box 83720 Boise. Idaho 83720-0098 C.L. "BUTCH" OTTER Governor (208) 287-4903 FAX (208) 287-6700 July 15, 2008 :t-Ë -c)~ - (t ('C) t,.f') Jean Jewell Commission Secretar Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 W. Washington PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 (JI. Jean Jewell: In response to Order No. 30588 (Notice of Status Conference), the Idaho Offce of Energy Resources (OER) submits the attached proposal for your review. The proposal was prepared in cooperation with Idaho Power Company (IPC) and the Idaho Deparment of Education (DOE). This collaborative effort among OER, DOE, and IPC provides a level of established accountability essential to ensuring that revenues for this project are used for the intended purpose and can withstand audit review. Ultimately, this provides the IPUC with the necessar protection to assure utility customers that sulfu dioxide (SOz) emission allowances identified for this project are appropriately expended. Specifically, this proposal establishes the OER as the lead agency for an Energy Education project that utilizes $500,000 of the SOz proceeds referenced in Case No. IPC-E-08-1 1. The project has two main thrsts: an energy effciency curculum component and an enhanced energy efficiency funding element. Both efforts are consistent with the intent and scope of the IPUC's recent orders. The energy effciency curiculum component has two distinct phases. The fist phase identifies teachers who wil work with the DOE to identify a curculum, adjust it to meet Idaho's needs, and utilize it in the classroom. These teachers wil then assist with phase two ofthe project involving a significant trai the trainer currculum component. The goal ofthis project is to encourage the use of energy effciency curiculum and to develop a core of educators traied to utilize the material in the classroom. The enhanced energy effciency portion of this proposal seeks to kick star an aggressive cost savings program for public schools in IPC's terrtory. Under the provisions of this segment of the proposal, existing IPC incentives wil be marketed to schools in conjunction with enhanced energy efficiency funding generated through SOz fuds. This approach addresses one of the fundamental problems Idaho schools face; a lack of capital funds to perform energy effciency 2 measures. By creating an opportunity for schools to more readily deploy energy efficiency measures, it is anticipated that schools can immediately begin reducing their energy consumption, see a quicker pay back for measures implemented, and potentially redirect funds previously used for utility bils. If approval is granted, the OER stands ready to respond to any additional provisions the IPUC deems appropriate. The OER is also prepared to coordinate with IPC and DOE to respond to any subsequent Commission inquiries and adjust the proposal as needed. Additionally, the OER wil work with IPUC staff to determe reporting procedures necessar to conform to the Commission's fial order on this matter. This proposal is respectfully submitted for your review and I look forward to the opportunity to address any of your concerns. Sincerely, Paul Kjellander Administrator Idaho Offce of Energy Resources .' Energy Efficiency Education Project Proposal H: 59 Overview Establish an energy effciency education project for existing public school buildings utilizing energy effciency programs and curriculum, and providing additional cash incentives for energy effcient school building improvements. This project is restricted to school facilties in Idaho Power's Service terrtory. Funding for the project wil utilize $500,000 in SOz emissions allowances originally identified in the Idaho Public Utilties Commission Order No. 30529. Objectives: · Develop curicula focusing on energy effciency . Train teachers · Educate students about energy effciency · Capture additional energy savings from schools, beyond what might be captured under the existing incentive structure from Idaho Power Task I: Curriculum Development and Delivery $250,000 Develop and energy efficiency curriculum and integrate into K-12 classrooms. Many organizations have developed strong energy effciency curiculums. To facilitate integration into Idaho classes, several steps need to be taken. Specifically: Evaluate existing curricula for applicabilty to Idaho. The National Energy Education Development (NEED) Project, for example, has an extensive history in classrooms and well- accepted in schools throughout the United States. The project covers a depth of topics and activities and already provides curiculum and materials that are closely aligned to state standards. NEED also provides each state with a budget for implementing the project statewide. Other examples of existing curicula include those developed by the Allance to Save Energy, Texas Energy Division-Watt Watchers, California Energy for Keeps, National Energy Foundation, Bonnevile Environmental Foundation (for the Solar 4R Schools Program) and/or the U.S. Deparment of Energy. By pulling from NEED and these other available sources, Idaho can develop a state curculum that best reflects our energy use and concerns. Align curriculum to Idaho State Educational Content Standards developed by the Idaho State Department of Education. The State Deparment of Education wil review all existing curcula to ensure it meets Idaho content standards before implementing a program in K-12 schools statewide. Durig this analysis, the Deparment wil also determe the best grade level or levels in which to implement such a program across the state so it meets the necessar content standards and reaches a wide audience. Integrate into the classroom. Stand-alone curiculum delivery has been successfully integrated into classrooms at a variety oflevels using the train-the-trainer modeL. The train-the-trainer 1 model is an effcient use of funding, time and resources. The train-the-trainer models utilize curiculum coordinators to both train and support educators in integrating the coursework into existing classroom activity. Teachers are traied at anual events at the national or statewide level, such as the Idaho Science Teachers Association meeting or Idaho Environmental Educators Association meeting, or at sumer teacher camps and year-round weekend sessions. These courses can be designed provided continuing education credits to teachers, thereby providing teachers with an additional incentive to complete the traiing. This method reach many educators across the state: Using the trai-the-trainer modeL for example, Project Wet hosts about 20 to 30 workshops a year but ends up reachig about 300 teachers and 24,750 students in a single year. Another example ofthe effective use of the train-the-traier mode is with the Idaho National Laboratory's JASON Project. The Idaho National Lab sent 15 teachers from Idaho to a national training, and then those teachers came back to Idaho and trained other teachers across the state. Ultimately, 20,000 students leared the curculum after these traiings. This model is also curently used in Idaho's Project Wet (sponsored by the Idaho Water Research Resources Institute), Project Wild (sponsored by the Idaho Deparment ofFish and Game) and Project Learing Tree (sponsored by the American Forest Foundation and Idaho Forest Products Commission). For this project, energy effciency curiculum wil be developed and two teachers wil be selected to incorporate the curculum in their classroom. These teachers wil pilot the curculum and offer feedback on ways in which the curculum could be improved to best meet students' needs. Then the teachers wil attend a trai-the-trainer program using the developed curculum. Those teachers would then train up to 30 teachers per workshop. Estimated Costs: . Curiculum development (includes copyright licensing, teacher review and testing,standards correlation, priting and distribution) $ 80,000. Select two teachers to use curculum $ 10,000 . Train the trainer workshops (includes trainer costs, continuing education credits, substitute teacher pay, location materials, food) 30 workshops over 2 years . Administration .80 FTE $55,000/anually for two years Total $ 50,000 $110,000 $250,000 Timelie: Fall 2008: Winter 2008: Spring 2009: Fall 2009-201 0: Identify grade level and develop curriculum Select two teachers to use curculum in classroom Hold train-the-trainer workshops Training workshops 2 Task 2: Additional Incentives for Energy Effciency Projects $250,000 Encourage initiation and completion of energy effciency projects in school facilties. Provide additional incentive to existing schools. Existing schools throughout Idaho Power's service terrtory are struggling with declining budgets and many are looking at every opportunity to reduce expenses. In this project, schools wil be able to take advantage of not only the curent school incentive program that Idaho Power is now offering for energy effciency measures, but an additional 10-20% incentive on top of that wil be available. In Idaho Power's service terrtory there are approximately 62 public school districts with 355 buildings. Many districts spend more money on energy each year than on supplies. Schools can lower energy bils and redirect dollars into facilities, teachers' salaries, computers, textbooks and more, simply by using energy more effciently. By offering 10-20% in addition to Idaho Power's curent program the Offce of Energy Resources can take advantage of the existing maket structure, and incentives and achieve energy effciency savings greater than those achievable via the utility program alone. Estimated Costs: . Marketing . Incentives · Admininstration.50 FTE for one year (includes OER staff time for curculum support phase ofproject) $ 13,989 $185,000 Total $ 51,011 $250,000 Timelie: Fall 2008: Sprig 2009: Summer 2009: Identify existing Idaho Power school incentive programs Establish incentive criteria for energy effciency upgrades Develop pre-approval process for schools Develop specific targets for bonus incentive Identify marketing strategy Deploy marketing strategy Quantify and measure impact of energy effciency measures Make payments to schools Report results Winter 2008: 3