HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080806Response to Order.pdfBEFORE TH IDAHO PUBLIC UTLITIS COMMSSIONr:,ECE IN TH MATTER OF TH APPROPRIATE DISPOSITION OF PROCEEDS FOR TH SALE OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S S02 EMISSION ALLOWANCES IN CY 2007 J J J l IEEP Response to ORDER NO. 30577 H¿~:Jg)UTIUilto CASE NO. IPC-E-08-11- -5 On behalf of the Idaho Energy Education Project (lEEP), I would like to tha the Idao Public Utilities Commssion for having the vision to open thi docket to assess the proposas on how best to proceed wih the implementation of energy education in the Idaho Power service area. It is IEEP's wish that the $500,000 of the S02 sales money allocated for energy education be used in the most effcient and effective maer.. The idea of investin money in energy education is very consisent with the followi goals of the 2007 Idao Energy Plan: 4. In order to protect and enhance Idaho's qualit of life, it is incumbent on all citizens to use Idaho's precious natural resources, including energ, in a wise and responsible manner. 5. When acquiring resources, Idaho and Idaho utilitis should give priority to: (1) Conservatin, energ efficiency and demand response; and (2) Renewable resources; recognizing that these alone may notfulfll Idaho's growing energy requirements. 7. It is Idaho policy to encolLrage the development of customer-owned and community owned renewable energ and combined heat and power facilities. How better to achieve those goal than through education. There is no better place to begin ths education tha with the young in our schools. A K-12 program helps creates the interest not only in using energy in a wise and responsible maer, but helps to develop a lifetime interest in energy related issues and possibly entering careers in engineering, architecture or some other techncal aspect of energy effciency or renewables. Shortages of qualified people have already been identifed and added to that are the nea term retirement of thousds of those already workig in the electrical industry. Money spent in K-12 education as opposed to spending that money at the college level is much like purchasing a packet of seeds (25) vs. a 4-pack of plats for the sae money. The Idao Energy Education Project proposed from the star that the Idao State Deparment of Education (SDE) and the Idaho Offce of Energy Resources (OER) should be the admistrators of these fuds. They have both the struture and the staf to most effciently implement thi project. Parnered wih Idao Power and the IEEP would have given the project some added vision and expnence. SDE and OER have refused to discuss this project and have in fact put a modified version of the ongin IEEP proposa on the table. Whle,lEEP welcomes their paricipation, we feel that their proposal could be better, thus savig valuable time, money an opportty. Their proposa spends a good deal of time and money on the assessment and development of curculum when curculum already exists as well as teachers trained in that curculum. There ar various teacher associations that could be tapped into as well to move at least portions of this project along at a fater rater than the timelies in the OERISDE proposal. The OERIOE proposal also alers the intent ofthe project portion ofthe onginl IEEP proposa and thus par of the energy educational intent by focusing the projects more on school admiistrators and less on the students; IEEP believes in getting as much bang for the buck as we can and thus by involving the students in an energy effciency project, not only do they gain hads on exprience, they ca also lea someg about the issues that school admisttors fàe. A well thought out project not only encompasses the afore mentioned but the school ends up with a more energy effcient building and a more energy aware student body and a more energy aware communty. The IEEP stil believe th the Ida Offce of Energy Resources an the Idao State Dearent of Education ar the reasonable paries to adister this project and would support their proposal if it more fully took advantage of existing curiculum and traied teachers and if the project portion of their proposa would encompass the onginal intent of involving the stdents more fully in the energy effciency projects. Adjunct Proposal: The IEEP does not want to hold this process up, but does want it to be effective and effcient. If th Idao Offce of Energy Resources and The Idao Stae Depant of Education ar not wiling to sit down wih other interested paries (i.e. Snae River Allance, Idaho Rural CounciL, Idaho Conservation League and Citizns Protecting Resources) and come to some ageement, then IEEP would propose tht since thi is a pilot project tht $25,000 of the monies be se aside for evaluation ofthe OERISDE progr Ths money would pay for the time and trvel of an evaluation tea made up of a representative from the above mentioned paries. The team would review proposed projects, mae site visits to the paricipating schools, visit with teachers and students regardin the value of the curculum and discuss wi adsttors the impacts of th projects. The commee would reprt back to the Ida Public Utilities Commission as to the effectiveness of the program IEEP would reiterte tht the money for th progr is neiter Idao Power money nor taayer money. It is ratepayer money and may well be considered publi interest money and that is why there needs to be either direct paricipation by public interest groups in the program or at the miimum oversight and evaluation. Submied thi 4th day of August, 2008 by Bil Chisliolmcoordintor Idaho Ener.gyEducation Project