HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090105Intervenor Funding Application.pdfLAW OFFICES OF W. MARCUS W. NYE RANDALL C. BUDGE JOHN A. BAILEY, JR. JOHN R. GOODELL JOHN B. INGELSTROM DANIEL C. GREEN BRENT O. ROCHE KIRK B. HADLEY FRED J. LEWIS ERIC L. OLSEN CONRAD J. AIKEN RICHARD A. HEARN, M.D. DAVID E. ALEXANDER LANE V. ERICKSON PATRICK N. GEORGE scon J. SMITH STEPHEN J. MUHONEN BRENT L. WHITING JUSTIN R. ELLIS JOSHUA D. JOHNSON JONATHON S. BYINGTON DAVE BAGLEY CAROL TIPPI VOLYN THOMAS J. BUDGE: CANDICE M. MCHUGH JONATHAN M. VOL YN MARK A. SHAFFER RACINE OLSON NYE BUDGE & BAILEY CHARTERED 201 EAST CENTER STREET POST OFFICE BOX 1391 POCATELLO, IDAHO 83204-1391 BOISE OFFICE 101 SOUTH CAPITOL BOULEVARD, SUITE 208 BOISE, IDAHO 83702 TELEPHONE: (208) 395-11 FACSIMILE: (208) 433-167 www.racinelaw.net IDAHO FAL OFFICE 477 SHOUP AVENUE SUITE203A IDAHO FALLS, 108342 TELEPHONE: (208) 528-101 FACSIMILE: (208) 528-109 TELEPHONE (208) 232-6101 FACSIMILE (208) 232-6109 COEUR D'ALNE OFFICE 250 NORTHWEST BOULEVARD, SUITE 106 COEUR D'ALENE, 1083814 TELEPHONE: (208) 765-888 SENDER'S E-MAIL ADDRESS:efo(§racinefaw.net All OFFES TOll FREE (877) 232-6101 LOUIS F. RACINE (1917-2005) WILLiAM D. OLSON. OF COUNSEL Januar 2, 2009 ~e:;, C-:::z Iui ;:m (")mJean Jewell IPU C Commission Secretar 472 W. Washington Boise, Idaho 83702 :::: "BNCJ Re: IPC-E-08-10 Dear Mrs. Jewell: Enclosed for filing you will find the original and seven (7) copies of the Application for Intervenor Funding of The Idaho Irrgation Pumpers Association, Inc. ERIC L. OLSEN ELO/elo f.S. ike pÐc.e\/ wC"\.Lò,,+~"" B..;~e~iI6' /\1 "'~e 4,.l+tV'..o.cA A.~..-.."'¿ Enclosures ;l.~ci ~e ic?",t-el""..+ rAt~~(litly.f¡I-e. H.-v't i-c;(eJ .Ji.,~~ "iei+P.c: Service List (via regular mail) 7l""(cs ¿ø;c"l", nf~-llA N:\RCB\l5 i 85\IC-E-08- i O\iean jewell Ii.. i .2.09.wp I -.'-' ~ Vå'ÎU I~AL .-;:.'...Eric L. Olsen, ISB #4811 ¡. ~i~~: g~¡~~È~~' BUDGE & innq JAtl -5 AM 9:25 P.O. Box 1391; 201 E. Center Pocatello, Idaho 83204-1391 Telephone: (208) 232-6101 Fax: (208) 232-6109 Attorneys for Intervenor Idaho Irrgation Pumpers Association, Inc. BEFORE TH IDAHO PUBLIC UTIITIES COMMSSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-08-10 APPLICATION FOR INRVENOR FUING OF THE IDAHO IRGATION PUMERS ASSOCIATION, INC. COMES NOW the Idaho Irrgation Pumpers Association, Inc. ("Irrigators"), by and through counsel of record, Eric L. Olsen, and hereby respectfully makes application to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ('"Commission") for intervenor fuding, pursuat to Idaho Code § 61-617A and IDAPA through .165, in Idaho Power Company's ("IPC") general rate case, as follows: (A) A sumar of the expenses that the Irrgators request to recover broken down into legal fees, consultant fees and other costs and expenses is set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated by reference. Itemized statements are also included as Attachments 1 and 2 to Exhibit "A" in support of said sumary and are incorporated by reference. (B) The Irrigators' Vice President, Sidney F. Erwin, its legal counsel, Eric L. Olsen, and its consultant, Anthony J. Yanel, P.E., fully paricipated in these APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING OF THE IDAHO IRRGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC - i proceedings. Furher, Irrgator's President, Mark Mickelsen, its Executive Director, Lynn Tominaga, its Board Member, Dean Stevensen, and other members of irrigation class provided testimony at the public hearngs held in Pocatello, Twin Falls, and Boise, Idaho. Procedurally, this case was a full blown rate case with direct and rebuttal testimony being fied and all paries preparing for and attending the technical hearngs held on December 16th through December 19th, 2008. Irrgators' Vice President, Sidney F. Erwn, testified that the expansion of ground water pumping corresponded with the surplus of cheap, clean electricity available from IPC's Hells Canyon complex. He testified that irrigation pumping has also expanded due to the switch from flood to more effcient sprinkler irrgation. However, he testified that the growth of additional ground water pumping has been static since the 1992 when a moratorium on new ground water rights was decreed. This lack of irrgation water right growth has corresponded with a lack of growth of electrcity demand within the Irrigation Class for the last two decades and into the foreseeable futue. As a paricipate in past and present integrated resource planing committees, Mr. Erwin testified that the primar cause of growt on IPC's system and the corresponding need for this current rate increase is the residential and commercial load growth in the Treasure Valley. He also noted that IPC's class cost of service study assigns a disproportionate amount of growth related costs to the Irrgation Class notwithstanding the fact that the Irrigation Class is not causing the growt and he urges the Commission that this needs to be corrected. Mr. Erwn also testified that he has paricipated in IPC's Irrigation Peak Reward Program ("Program"). His paricipation in this Program provides him with a voluntar APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING OF THE IDAHO IRRGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC - 2 means of controlling his electricity costs, while at the same time reducing Irrgation Class load and corresponding summer peak costs allocated to the Irrgation Class. IPC's system is also benefited by the Program's reduction of approximately 40 MW of system, sumer peak load, which helps slow the pace of growth related costs driving the need for rate increases. He further testified that the Commission is curently considering changes to the Program that would allow IPC the ability, at its options, to interrpt electricity to paricipating irrgator's pumps during critical sumer peak hours. This change has the potential to significantly benefit the IPC system by reducing summer peak load by an estimated 112 to 200 MW and fuher slow growth related costs. The Irrgators' consultant, Anthony J. Yanel, testified that there has been very rapid growth on the IPC's system. However the Irrigation Class load has been flat for the last 25 years. The cost of growth affects all aspects of the IPC's operations. IPC's cost of service study allocates costs of growth on the assumption that all classes are growing equally. This erroneous assumption results in the Irrgation Class and other static classes getting allocated a disproportionate amount of growth related costs notwithstanding the fact that they are not causing the bulk of these growth related costs. As a means of addressing the growth issue, Mr. Yankel testified that IPC's cost of service study should be modified to match the marginal cost allocation factors with the customer classes causing the increase in these marginal costs. His proposed modifications utilize cost of service principals and are applied prospectively in a nondiscriminatory maner. When the impact of disproportionate growth is properly taken into account, the Irrigation Class rate of retur is above the system average and he asks the Commission to give the Irrgation Class a below average rate increase. APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING OF THE IDAHO IRRGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC - 3 Mr. Yanel also testified that the Irrgation Peak Rewards Program ("Program") is curently being revised to allow IPC to interrpt paricipating irrgators' pumps at their option during sumer peak times in June and July. This revision to the Program should greatly increase paricipation levels and become a major resource for IPC to use in controllng its sumer peak load. These changes should be in place for next sumer's Irrgation season and system peak loads. Thus, Mr. YaneI urged the Commission that any consideration of cost of service and revenue responsibility for the Irrgation Class should reflect the fact that there wil be major changes to the system peak loads when these rates are in effect as well as the Irrgation Class' contribution to those peak loads. Mr. Yanel further testified that IPC has historically allocated Sales For Resale revenues on a simplistic basis (anual energy usage and/or generation demand responsibility). Data and computing techniques are available today to match these sales on an hourly basis with the cost causation that makes these sales possible. An example is presented as to how this can be done and a recommendation is made to consider such techniques for future cases to benefit all customer classes. (C) The expenses and costs incured by the Irrgators set fort in Exhibit A and accompanying attchments are reasonable in amount and were necessarly incured. The expenses and costs were incured in reviewing the Company's fiing and intervenor testimony (direct and rebuttal), preparing and reviewing approximately 35 Irrgators data requests and responses, drafting and filing direct testimony, drafting and fiing rebutt testimony, preparing cross examination questions for varous witnesses, and paricipating in the public and technical hearngs held by the Commission. Without incurng these APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNING OF THE IDAHO IRRGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC - 4 expenses and costs, the Irrgators would not have been able to fully paricipate in this matter. (D) The costs described in Paragraph (A) above constitute a financial hardship for the Irrigators. The Irrigators curently have approximately $5,000.00 in the ban with outstanding accounts payable from the IPC-E-08-23 case, this case (through the technical hearings), the PAC-E-08-07 case and expenses of operations totaling approximately $45,000.00. The Irrigators are an Idaho nonprofit corporation qualified under I.R.C. § 501(c)(5) representing farm interests in electric utility rate matters affecting farers in southern and central Idaho. The Irrigators rely solely upon dues and contributions voluntarly paid by members, together with intervenor fuding, to support activities. Each year mailings are sent to approximately 7500 Idaho Irrgators (approximately two- thirds in the Idaho Power Company service area and one-thrd in the RMP service area), soliciting anual dues. The Irrgators recommend members make volunta contrbutions based on acres irrgated or horsepower per pump. Member contributions have been fallng which is believed to be attbutable to the curent depressed economy and increased operating costs and threats, paricularly those relating to water right protection issues. From member contributions the Irrgators must pay all expenses, which generally include mailing expenses, meeting expenses and shared offce space in Boise, Idaho, in addition to the expenses relating to participation in rate cases. The Executive Director, Lynn Tominaga, is the only par-time paid employee, receiving a retaner plus expenses APPLICA TION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING OF THE IDAHO IRRGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC - 5 for office space, office equipment, and secretaral services. Officers and directors are elected anually and serve without compensation. It has been and continues to be a financial hardship for the Irrgators to fully paricipate in general rate cases such as this one due to the time and expense that has to be incured to fully paricipate in such a case. As a result of the Irrgators' financial constraints, paricipation in case review, fiing of testimony and cross-examination has been selective and, primarly, on a limited basis to the extent possible. (E) The Irrgators' positions urged to be adopted by the Commission materially differed from those addressed by the Commission Staff and other paries on several important points. First, the Irrgators addressed the growth issue on Idaho Power system and proposed a method to allocate a portion of the growth costs to the customer classes causing the system growth in a way not to penalize other static customer classes and based on cost of service principals. No other pary addressed this issue head on. If this issue is not addressed, then the growth issue will continue to be dealt with on a piecemeal basis like IPC is doing with the revisions to its Rule H Tarff for new service attachments and distribution line installations and alterations (IPC-E-08-22) and with the new proposed Hoku Facility energy contract that prices portions of the energy to cover the marginal costs incured for the increased load Hoku will put on IPC's system (IPC-E- 08-21). Second, as a outgrowth of the 2007 rate case, the Irrgators have brought to the Commission revisions to the IPC Peak Rewards Program that should signficantly increase paricipation and should significantly shave peak summer load and slow the costs of growth on IPC's system to benefit all customer classes. Finally, with the changes in technology, the Irrigators urged that the Commission to fuher look at how APPLICA nON FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING OF THE IDAHO IRRGA nON PUMPERS ASSOCIA nON, INC - 6 sales for resale are determined. Specifically, data and computing techniques are available today to match these sales on an hourly basis with the cost causation that makes these sales possible. The Irrgators urged the Commission to look into this matter further to see if costs and benefits of sales for resale can be better assigned to the classes causing the costs or those classes that are allowing the benefits to be obtained. The Commission Staff did not address these issues. (F) The Irrgators' paricipation addressed issues of concern to the general body of users or consumers on IPC's system. All customer classes have an interest in finding a method to equitably pay for the cost ofIdaho Power's system growt. Furher, the Peak Rewards Program has enabled IPC in the past to shave approximately 40 of load during the sumer system peak and will in the futue shave more than 112 MW of load durng the summer system peak if the proposed changes are adopted. This reduction in peak load benefits all Idaho Power customer classes by reducing the overall system costs. This translates into lower rate increases when rate cases are fied. Finally, looking at the sales for resale issues ensures that costs and benefits of sales for resale wil be properly assigned to all customer classes. (G) The Irrgators represent the irrgation class of customers under Schedule 24. Based on the foregoing, it is respectfully submitted that the Irrgators are a qualifying intervenor and should be entitled to an award of costs of intervention in the maximum amount allowable pursuant to Idaho Code § 61-617 A and IDAP A through .165. APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING OF THE IDAHO IRRGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC - 7 DA TED this 2nd day of Januar, 2009. APPLICA nON FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING OF THE IDAHO IRRGA nON PUMPERS ASSOCIA nON, INC ~ 8 ERIC L. OLSEN, Attorney for Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Assn., Inc. CERTIFICATE OF MAING I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this2nd day of Januar, 2009, I served a true, correct and complete copy of the foregoing document, to each of the following, via the method so indicated: Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 472 W. Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 i jewell (ßpuc .state.I d. us U.S. MaillPostage Prepaid E-Mail Facsimile _ ..vernight Mail V Hand Delivered Baron L. Kline Lisa D. Nordstrom Donovan E. Walker Idaho Power Company P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707-0070 bkline(ßidahopower.com Inordstrom(ßidahopower .com dwalker(ßidahopower.com v U.S. MaillPostage Prepaid..-Mail Facsimile Overnight Mail Hand Delivered John R. Gale Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Idaho Power Company P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707-0070 rgale(ßidahopowef .com v-.S. MaillPostage Prepaid ~E-Mail Facsimile Overnight Mail Hand Delivered Peter J. Richardson RICHARDSON & O'LEARY PLLC 515 N. 2ih Street Boise, ID 83702 peter(ßrichardsonandolear .com .i¿ ßS. MaillPostage Prepaid v: E-Mail Facsimile Overnight Mail Hand Delivered Don C. Reading 6070 West Hil Road Boise,ID 83703 dreading(ßmindspring.com ~ lLS. MaillPostage Prepaid/"E-Mail Facsimile Overnght Mail Hand Delivered APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING OF THE IDAHO IRRGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC - 9 Brad M. Purdy Attorney at Law 2019 N. 17th St. Boise,ID 83702 bmpurdycmhotmail.com Lot R. Cooke Arhur Perr Bruder Offce of the General Counsel United States Deparment of Energy 1000 Independence Ave. SW Washington, DC 20585 Lot. Cooke(iq .doe.gov Arhur.Bruder(ßhq .doe. gov Dwight Etheridge Exeter Associates 5565 Sterrett Place, Suite 310 Columbia, MD 21044 detheridge(ßexeterassociates.com Michael L. Kurz Kur J. Boehm BOEHM, KURTZ & LOWRY 36 East 7th St., Suite 1510 Cincinnati, OH 45202 rnurz(ßBKLlawfrm.com kboehr(ßBKLlawfrm.com Kevin Higgins Energy Strategies, LLC Parkside Towers 215 South State Street, Suite 200 Salt Lake City, UT 8411 1 khiggins(ßenergystrat.com Conley E. Ward GIVENS PURSLEY LLP P.O. Box 2720 Boise,ID 83701-2720 cew(ßgivenspursley.com APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING OF THE IDAHO IRRGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC - 10 ~ U.S. MaillPostage Prepaid~-Mail Facsimile Overnight Mail Hand Delivered i/ !l.S. MaillPostage Prepaid~E-Mail Facsimile Overnight Mail Hand Delivered v U.S. MaillPostage Prepaid~Mail Facsimile Overnight Mail Hand Delivered ~ !1. MaillPostage PrepaidV"-Mail Facsimile Overnight Mail Hand Delivered ~ U.S. MaillPostage Prepaid~E-Mail Facsimile Overnight Mail Hand Delivered v ~S. Mail/Postage PrepaidV E-Mail Fac1imile Overnight Mail Hand Delivered Dennis E. Peseau, Ph.D. Utility Resources, Inc. 1500 Libert Street SE, Ste. 250 Salem, OR 97302 dpeseau(fexcite.com Weldon Stutzman Neil Price Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington St. Boise,ID 83702 Weldon.Stutzman(fPUC.idaho.gov Ken Miler Snake River Allance P.O. Box 1731 Boise,ID 83701 kriller(fsnakeriveralliance.org ~.S. Mail/Postage Prepaid~-Mail Facsimile Overnight Mail Hand Delivered V-U.S. Mail/Postage Prepaid~-Mail Facsimile Overnight Mail Hand Delivered APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUDING OF THE IDAHO IRRGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC - i i EXIIT A SUMY OF EXPENSES INCURD BY IRGATORS IN CASE NO. IPC-E-07-08 1. Legal Fees: Eric L. Olsen (Parner): 148 hrs CÐ $175.00 Pam Mottishaw (Paralegal): 1.8 hrs CÐ $75.00 $27,380.00 $ 135.00 Costs: Tele. Conf./Long distance: Postage: Travel/Mileage Lodging & Meals $ 0.00 $ 16.32 $ 273.78 $ 676.93 Total Work and Costs:$28.482.03 2. Consultat Anthony J. Yanel: 376 hrs CÐ $125 per hour $47,000.00 Expenses: Travel, room and meals $ 1001.67 Total Work and Costs:$48,001.67 TOTAL FEES AN EXPENSES: APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING OF THE IDAHO IRRGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC - 12 $76,483.70 ATTACHMNT 1 Trans Hours Date Atty Rate to Bil Amount 7/9/2008 ELO 185 0.5 92.50 REVIEW FIRST DATA REQUESTS AND SEE THAT SAME ARE SERVED 7/28/2008 ELO 185 0.4 74.00 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: IDAHO POWER RATE CASE AND PRELIMINARY ISSUES 7/31/2008 ELO 185 0.2 37.00 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: IDAHO POWER RATE CASE 8/6/2008 ELO 185 0.2 37.00 CONFERENCE WITH NJ RE: PREPARATION OF SECOND DATA REQUESTS 8/6/2008 ELO 185 0.2 37.00 REVIEW VOICEMAIL AND EMAIL BART KLINE RE: PRODUCTION REQUEST 8/7/2008 ELO 185 0.1 18.50 REVIEW AND FINALIZE SECOND DATA REQUESTS 8/18/2008 ELO 185 0.1 18.50 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: IPCO'S TREATMENT OF REDUCED DEMAND IN THE PE REWARD PROGRAM PROGRAM 8/25/2008 ELO 185 0.1 18.50 SEE THAT THIRD SET OF INTERROGATORIES ARE PREPARED 8/29/2008 ELO 185 0.1 18.50 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: NAMES OF SUBSTATIONS 10/6/2008 ELO 185 2 370.00 REVIEW COMPANY TESTIMONY 10/7/2008 ELO 185 2.4 444.00 CONTINUED REVIEW OF COMPANY TESTIMONY 10/8/2008 ELO 185 2.1 388.50 REVIEW AND REVISE YANKEL TESTIMONY; TELEPHON CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: TESTIMONY AN GETIING LAY TESTIMONY; OUTLINE LAY TESTIMONY 10/8/2008 ELO 185 2.6 481.00 CONTINUED REVIEW OF TATUM TESTIMONY; TELEPHO CONFERENCE WITH SID ERWIN RE: PROVIDING TESTIMONY; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH YANKEL RE: SAME AND PRIOR ISSUES WITH GROWTH ARGUME 10/9/2008 ELO 185 1 185.00 CONTINUED REVIEW OF COMPANY TESTIMONY 10/10/2008 ELO 185 0.7 129.50 DRAFT LAY TESTIMONY OF SID ERWIN 10/14/2008 ELO 185 3 555.00 CONTINUE REVIEW OF COMPANY TESTIMONY 10/15/2008 ELO 185 1.4 259.00 CONTINUE REVIEW YANKEL DRAFT TESTIMONY; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH BRENDA TOMINAGA RE RECENT IRP MEETING; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WIT LYNN TOMINAGA RE: FILING OF TESTIMONY 10/15/2008 ELO 185 0.5 92.50 CONTINUE REVIEW YANKEL'S DRAFT TESTIMONY 10/16/2008 ELO 185 4.3 795.50 CONTINUE REVIEW OF YANKEL'S DRAFT TESTIMONY; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH SID ERWIN RE: GROWTH TESTIMONY; CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: REVIEW OF TESTIMONY 10/17/2008 ELO 185 4.1 758.50 DRAFT TESTIMONY OF SID ERWIN; REVIEW PCA WORKSHOP MATERIALS RE: WATER SUPPLY ISSUES; RESEARCH INFORMATION ON PRIOR IPC POSITIONS THE WATER ISSUE; DRAFT TESTIMONY OF SID ERWI 10/20/2008 ELO 185 4.9 906.50 CONTINUE DRAFTING ERWIN TESTIMONY 10/21/2008 ELO 185 7.8 1,443.00 CONTINUE REVIEW COMPANY TESTIMONY AND PRIOR TESTIMONY OF PARTIES ON ISSUES; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: REVIEW OF TESTIMONY TO BE FILED IN THIS CASE 10/22/2008 ELO 185 5.3 980.50 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: FINAL CHANGES TO HIS TESTIMONY; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH MARK MICKELSEN RE: SAME AND FINALIZE TESTIMONY; CONTINUED REVIEW OF COMP TESTIMONY; CONTINUE DRAFTING OF ERWIN TESTIMONY 10/23/2008 ELO 185 9.5 1,757.50 FINISH REVIEW OF COMPANY TESTIMONY; CONTINUE FINALIZING YANKEL TESTIMONY AND EXHIBITS; FI DRAFTING OF ERWIN TESTIMONY AND EMAIL FOR REVIEW 10/24/2008 ELO 185 7 1,295.00 FINALIZE TESTIMONY AND EXHIBITS AND SEE THAT ARE FILED AND MAILED OUT 10/27/2008 ELO 185 2 370.00 ORGANIZE IIPA FILE; REVIEW INTERVENOR TESTIM . 10/28/2008 ELO 185 1.2 222.00 REVIEW STAFF TESTIMONY 11/11/2008 ELO 185 0.2 37.00 PREPARE DISCOVERY RESPONSES TO IPC 11/17/2008 ELO 185 0.5 92.50 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: IP RATE CASE STRATEGY; 11:30 TO 12:06; TELEPHON CONFERENCE WITH SID ERWIN RE: STATUS OF RATE CASE AND TESTIMONY 11/20/2008 ELO 185 1.6 296.00 PREPARE IIPA'S DISCOVERY RESPONSES TO IPC 11/21/2008 ELO 185 1.4 259.00 CONTINUED PREPARATION OF DISCOVERY REQUEST AND SEE THAT SAME IS SERVED 11/21/2008 PM 75 1.8 135.00 COLLATED MATERIALS FOR DISCOVERY RESPONSES AND SENT OUT 11/25/2008 ELO 185 0.3 55.50 REVIEW EMAIL ABOUT CONFERENCE CALL; RESPONSE WITH COPY OF NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS 12/1/2008 ELO 185 0.6 111.00 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH DEAN STEVENSON RE: IPC RATE CASE AND TESTIFYING AT PUBLIC HEARINGS; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH DAVE PICKET RE: SAME 12/2/2008 ELO 185 2.2 407.00 REVIEW AND FINALIZE YANKEL REBUTTAL TESTIMONY 12/3/2008 ELO 185 2.7 499.50 CONFERENCE CALL WITH TONY YANKEL; CONTINUED REVIEW AND REVISION OF YANKEL'S REBUTTAL TESTIMONY; FINALIZE REBUTTAL TESTIMONY AND SE THAT SAME IF FILED AND SERVED ON THE PARTIES 12/4/2008 ELO 185 3.8 703.00 PREPARE TESTIMONY SUMMARY FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS 12/5/2008 ELO 185 1.4 259.00 FINALIZE TESTIMONY SUMMARY; CORRECT YANKEL'S REBUTTAL TESTIMONY; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH LYNN TOMINAGA RE: GETTING TESTIMONY SUMMARY AND TAKING TO TWIN FALLS PUBLIC HEARING 12/8/2008 ELO 185 3.9 721.50 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL DEVELOPMENT OF CROSS EXAMINATION OF COMPANY, STAFF AND INTERVENOR WITNESSES; CONTINUED REVIEW OF REBUTTAL TESTIMONY; REVIEW AND RESPOND TO E-MAIL RE: SCHEDULING OF WITNESSES FOR HEARING; CONTINUED REVIEW OF REBUTTAL TESTIMONY; PREPARE FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS; ATTEND PUC PUBLIC HEARINGS ON RATE CASE AT POCATELLO CITY HALL 12/9/2008 ELO 185 0.4 74.00 E-MAIL DEAN STEVENSON RE: TWIN FALLS HEARING TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH LYNN TOMINAGA RE: TWIN FALLS PUBLIC HEARINGS AND PROVIDING TESTIMONY SUMMARY 12/10/2008ELO 185 2.9 536.50 CONTINUED REVIEW OF REBUTTAL TESTIMONY; 12/11/2008 ELO 185 8.5 1,572.50 CONTINUED REVIEW OF REBUTTAL TESTIMONY AND PREPARE CROSS EXAMINATION OF WITNESSES 12/12/2008 ELO 185 1.6 296.00 CONTINUED REVIEW OF REBUTTAL TESTIMONY AND PREPARE CROSS EXAMINATION OF WITNESSES; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: TESTIMONY; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH SID ERWIN RE: TESTIMONY 12/13/2008 ELO 185 0.6 111.00 CONTINUED PREPARATION CROSS EXAMINATION FOR HEARINGS 12/14/2008 ELO 185 12 2,220.00 CONTINUED PREPARATION FOR TECHNICAL HEARINGS AND PREPARE CROSS EXAMINATION FOR WITNESSES 12/15/2008 ELO 185 3.5 647.50 TRAVEL TO BOISE, ID 12/15/2008 ELO 185 5.2 962.00 PREPARE FOR TECHNICAL HEARINGS 12/16/2008 ELO 185 9 1,665.00 ATTEND AND PARTICIPATE IN TECHNICAL HEARINGS 12/16/2008 ELO 185 1.8 333.00 ATTEND AND PARTICIPATE IN PUBLIC HEARINGS 12/17/2008 ELO 185 8.5 1,572.50 ATTEND AND PARTICIPATE IN TECHNICAL HEARINGS 12/18/2008 ELO 185 6.2 1,147.00 ATTEND AND PARTICIPATE IN TECHNICAL HEARINGS 12/19/2008 ELO 185 1.5 277.50 PART. IN TECHNICAL HEARINGS VIA CONF. CALL 1/2/2009 ELO 185 4 740.00 PREPARE INTEVENOR FUDING APPLICATION TOTAL FEES 149.8 27,515.00 COSTS 12/11/2008 16.32 POSTAGE 12/03 - JEAN JEWELL -IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES 12/23/2008 273.78 RT MILEAGE POCATELLO-BOISE -12/15-12/18 - ELO 12/23/2008 676.93 LODGING AND MEALS WHILE IN BOISE - 12/15-12/18 - ELO TOTAL COSTS 967.03 ATTACHMNT 2 bO .Sæ0 Date C)Description0... July 1 2 Read testimony and review exhbits of Keen, Gale, and Brilz. 2 4 Read testimony and review exhbits ofBrilz, Drake, Keen. 3 4 Read testimony and review exhbits of Smith, Miller, and Schwendiman. 7 5 Read testimony and review exhbits of Said and Tatum. 8 6 Develop additional interrogatories regarding meter reading errors and accuracy; review assicated data and cases in the last 18 months dealing with the same; discussion with Barker of the Staf regarding outage information that is 15 3 Review hourly company data regarding all input and uses of the power to the system; become familiar with the documents and manipulate data so as to put it in usable form. 16 3 Review 2008 update to the Company's IR from 2006; observe changes that impact the direction of the rate case for allocation purposes and for load management purposes. 17 2 Manipulate data regarding Januar 2006 purchases and sales as well as generation on an hourly basis in order to put it into a form that can be used to define which classes use generation and which classes have excess generation that can be used to sell power off system. 18 2 Manipulate data regarding January 2006 purchases and sales as well as generation on an hourly basis in order to put it into a form that can be used to define which classes use generation and which classes have excess generation that can be used to sell power off system. 21 2 Manipulate data regarding January 2006 purchases and sales as well as generation on an hourly basis in order to put it into a form that can be used to define which classes use generation and which classes have excess generation that can be used to sell power off system. 24 2 Manpulate data regarding January 2006 purchases and sales as well as generation on an hourly basis in order to put it into a form that summarzes use by day and by hour. 25 2 Manpulate data regarding January 2006 purchases and sales as well as generation on an hourly basis in order to put it into a form that summarizes use by day and by hour. 29 3 Manpulate data regarding June 2006 purchases and sales as well as generation on an hourly basis in order to put it into a form that summarzes use by day and by hour. 30 4 Manipulate data regarding June 2006 purchases and sales as well as generation on an hourly basis in order to put it into a form that summarizes use by day and by hour. 31 4 Manpulate data regarding June 2006 purchases and sales as well as generation on an hourly basis in order to put it into a form that summarzes use by day and by hour; balance hourly usage with allocated generation. Aug 1 3 Manipulate data regarding June 2006 purchases and sales as well as generation on an hourly basis in order to put it into a form that summarzes use by day and by hour; balance hourly usage with allocated generation. 14 6 Manipulate data regarding June 2006 purchases and sales as well as generation on an hourly basis in order to put it into a form that summarizes use by day and by hour; balance hourly usage with allocated generation. 15 6 Review data responses to Irrgators; review specific data regarding customers that had incorrect meter readings and compare with what is known from other information; review load data and hourly resource data in order to develop a means of comparng it with data responses regarding distribution outages. 18 6 Review load research data and impact of Irrgation Peak Rewards Program; conversation with Olsen regarding treatment of Irrgation Peak Rewards Program and data in this case; attempt to quantitY impact of the Company's proposed treatment. 19 7 Manipulate data regarding Jan 2007 purchases and sales as well as generation on an hourly basis in order to put it into a form that summarizes use by day and by hour; balance hourly usage with allocated generation. 20 8 Manipulate data regarding Feb and Mar 2007 purchases and sales as well as generation on an hourly basis in order to put it into a form that summarzes use by day and by hour; balance hourly usage with allocated generation. 21 8 Manpulate data regarding Apr May 2007 purchases and sales as well as generation on an hourly basis in order to put it into a form that summarzes use by day and by hour; balance hourly usage with alocated generation. 22 8 Manpulate data regarding June July 2007 purchases and sales as well as generation on an hourly basis in order to put it into a form that summarzes use by day and by hour; balance hourly usage with allocated generation. 25 8 Manipulate data regarding Aug Sept 2007 purchases and sales as well as generation on an hourly basis in order to put it into a form that summarzes use by day and by hour; balance hourly usage with allocated generation. 26 8 Manpulate data regarding Oct Nov 2007 purchases and sales as well as generation on an hourly basis in order to put it into a form that summarizes use by day and by hour; balance hourly usage with allocated generation. 27 8 Manipulate data regarding Dec 2007 purchases and sales as well as generation on an hourly basis in order to put it into a form that summarizes use by day and by hour; balance hourly usage with allocated generation; Discussion with Irrgation Board regarding direction of case and the treatment of the load 28 7 Redevelop data regarding summarzing different function such as generation, retail, purchases MWh, purchases cost, sales MW, and sales dollars into summary forms by day and by hour of the day. IdentitY highest monthly values for each category for each hour of the day. 29 6 Develop summaries of wholesale data by combining sales and purchase data on the basis of both cost and total energy. Check for and correct errors in data. Print out data in a reviewable form. 30 3 Review Irrgation Peak Rewards Program as proposed by Idaho Power for next Irrgation season; compare the Company option program to that being run by PacifiCorp. Sept 9 4 Review data regarding outages from specific Irrgator substations (Duffn and BUBR) in order to see if there is a correlation with high load times; review outage data of all substations in the aggregate. 10 4 Review Company data responses; develop method of calculating impact of usage by classes for which data was not provided on the need for purchase power or the ability to sell into the wholesale market. 12 4 Review Company data responses; develop method of calculating impact of usage by classes for which data was not provided on the need for purchase power or the ability to sell into the wholesale market. 15 3 Review data response to questions proposed by the Industrial users for impact on overall system costs and also impact upon the Irrgators. 16 5 Review data regarding interrptions on the Company's distribution system; review/establish usage ofIrrgators on an hourly basis from the load research 17 3 Review load research data and convert it to hourly use data for the Irrgators as a class/schedule. 18 7 Review load research data and convert it to hourly use data for the Irrgators as a class/schedule. 19 2 Review load research data and convert it to hourly use data for the Irrgators as a class/schedule. 30 6 Review load research data and convert it to hourly use data for the Irrgators as a class/schedule. Oct 2 3 Review responses to data requests sent by Irrigators and others; review August 2008 IR presentation. 3 5 Develop testimony regarding the impact of using hourly data to allocate Sales for Resale revenues and Purchase Power costs. 4 5 Compare impact of using hourly data to allocate Sales for Resale revenues and Purchase Power costs compared to the normalized way the company did it in the filing; finalize testimony regarding the impact of using hourly data to allocate Sales for Resale revenues and Purchase Power costs. 6 5 Go through old data and develop testimony for this case regarding the impact of growth on the system and the lack of growth by the Irrgators. 7 6 Develop an exhbit that weights generation and transmission demand data as well as energy data for purposed of putting it into a cost of servce study; incorporate data into the Company's cost of servce study and make all necessary adjustments so that the study wil take the data; write testimony 8 5 Review various outage data and formulate groupings to evaluate data; combine with data from recent discovery request #35 to evaluate the general location of outages; assess the value of the data and resulting relationships. 9 6 Review varous outage data and formulate groupings to evaluate data; combine with data from recent discovery request #35 to evaluate the general location of outages; assess the value of the data and resulting relationships. 10 7 Develop data associated with the impact of capacity available at specific hours for use as Sales for Resale; develop testimony regarding same. 11 4 Develop data associated with the impact of capacity available at specific hours for use as Sales for Resale; wrte testimony regarding same. 13 8 Review Peak Rewards program and its impact on cost of servce; develop two cost of servce studies that reflect impact of Peak Rewards program; wrte testimony regarding impact of Peak Rewards program. 14 7 Finalize draf testimony and exhbits; conversation with Hessing regarding testimony in the last case. 18 6 Rework testimony; clean up exhbits and put in final form. 21 1 Review final draf, conversation with Olsen regarding direction. 24 2 Review of testimony of Sid Erwn; multiple discussions with Olsen regarding my testimony and that of Erwin. Nov 3 2 Review testimony of CAP A; review orders and entries put out by the Commssion in other cases. ". 4 4 Review testimony of Micron witness Peseau regarding cost allocation and rate spread; Review Peseau's testimony regarding revenue requirement and review basis ofinforration he presented; Review testimony of DOE wintess Goins regarding allocation of costs and spread of revenue requirement. S 4 Review testimony of Industnal witness Reading and some of the Staf witnesses and develop comments on the testimony. 6 3 Review more testimony of the Staff as well as a number of data responses that were not reviewed dunng the last month. 7 3 Review recent data responses of the Company With emphasis on issues that impact irrgation allocations and demand side management issues. 10 4 Develop responses to the Company's discovery request to the Irrgators including finding cases where testimony was filed, reviewing past testimony that was filed, and developing a listing of the testimony and issues. 11 3 Review a number of discovery responses that were received over the last month that had not been reviewed; review Staf testimony as a basis for filing rebuttal testimony regarding cost allocation. 12 4 Review data from previous cases to follow Hessings assertion that the "disparty" in rates will continue in the future; try to determne how the dispanty functioned in the past in order to see if it is the same as now. 13 4 Review a number of discovery responses that were received over the last month that had not been reviewed; review company testimony as a basis for filing rebuttal testimony regarding cost allocation. 28 7 Review the development of the exhbit prepared by Hessing in the last case and attempt to make the same adjustments, but including data from this case; analize the impact of the Hessing example in this case. Dec 1 8 Review the development of the exhbit prepared by Hessing in the last case and attempt to make the same adjustments , but including data from this case; analize the impact of the Hessing example in this case. 2 8 Wnte rebuttal testimony regarding revenue spread; address testimony of Hessing in the last case and his example of growth in just one class; address testimony of Staf witnesses Lobb and Hessing from this case; address direct testimony ofPeseau and Reading from this case. 3 6 Conversations with Olsen regarding testimony; rewrte testimony; finalize 4 7 Review all of the rebuttal testimony filed in the case; prepare for what I expect to have to address on crossexarnation; develop thoughts on our approach to cross of other winesses and the areas to address. . 5 8 Review testimony of Company witness Tatum regarding my proposed cost of servce method for addressing growth and develop suggested crossexamination. 8 8 Review testimony of Kroger witness Higens and develop suggested crossexarnation regarding his comments on cost allocation as well as his comments on my sales for resale proposal. 9 8 Review testimony of Department of Energy witness Goins regarding his comments on my proposed allocation of growth related costs and his suggestion that I used vintage pricing; develop suggested crossexarnation for Goins. 10 6 Review testimony of Staf witness Hessing regarding his thoughts on the ability or desirablility to allocate the cost of growth and develop suggested crossexarnation. 11 3 Discussions with Olsen regarding crossexamination; review of testimony of witnesses Reading and Peseau. 15 6 Review testimony of others; review my testimony; prepare for 16 8 Travel to Boise for the hearing; review testimony of others in preparation of being cross-examined; attend hearng; meet with Olsen regarding directions of the hearing. 17 8 Attend hearing and submit to crossexamination; assist in crossexamination of witnesses; discussions with Irrigators regarding direction of case. 18 6 Prepare for hearng; attend hearing. Total 376 ;"1 _~ TRAVEL EXPENSE Date Lodging Meals Transportation 16-Dec $45.00 $519.99 AirLine 17-Dec $45.00 18-Dec $45.00 19-Dec $45.00 $312.68 car $34.00 parking Subtotals $0.00 $135.00 $866.67 Total Travel Expense $1,001.67