HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080519ICL Comments.pdfMa~ 14 2008 11: 54AM Idaho Conservat i on League 208-3340344 p. 1 Idaho Pub Ii Office (iii RECt:!! WWloltwiit NAY 1._ Boid èonseon Leaue PO BO 84. Bois 10 8370120.345.69 Idao Public Utilities Cossion P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 ' May 13. 2008 RE: Idaho'ConservtionLeague Comments on Idaho Power EneriY Effciency Rider (Case No. IPC-E~08-03) Dear Conussioner: Than you for the opportty to comment on the proposed expanion of Idao Power's energy effciency programs though an effciency rider increase. For thirt-four year, the Idao Conservation League has been Idao's voice for clean water, clean ai, and wildemess-values tht are the foundation to Idao's extaordinar quality of life. The Ida Conservon League works to protect thse values through citizen action, public education, and professional advocac. As Idao's larest state.based conservation organiation we represent over 9,500 members many of whom have a deep personal interst in protecti our clean air, clean water, and qulity of life. The Idao Conservation League (ICL) urges the Idao Pulic Utility Commissioners (PUC) to approve the 1 percent increas proposed for Idaho Power's Energy Effciency ..der (Rder). In addition, ICL reuests that the PUC dit idao Power to provide fuer details, such as a scope an budget, associated with the use of these fuds to supprt smal-scale renewable energy programs. Since 2001, Idao Power has been involved in developin Deman Side Management (DSM) prgram to reduce electric consumption and assist ratepayers in reducing their bils. In 2002, the fit Rider was approved as a sour of fuding for the DSM programs. This Rider was set to taget each customer class at 0.5 percent of overal class revenue. ' Since that time, Idao Power has steadly incrased die fudig for the DSM programs to include aditional efficiency and conservation prgrs such as the NC Cool Credit Program and the Rebate Advantage program. On Jun i, 2008, Idao Power proposes to agin increase the suort for the DSM progÌs by inreasing the rider from the existig 1.5 percent to 2.5 percet, a 1 pert incree. Idaho Power's application indicates th ths i percent increase would suport the DSM program beyond 2010 and that fuer incrases in fudi wil be necessar after tht time. To date, these programs have been shown to be cost-effective in comprison to the next best resource alterative as they result in energy savis and reduced demad. Ma~ 14 2008 11: 54AM Idaho Conservat i on League 208 -3340344 p.2--~- In addtion to supportg DSM programs, Idao Power would lie to expand the scope of the Rider to includ suport of smaii~scale reewable energy progras. The Idao Conseration Leage commends Idao Power for its desir to assist rateayers in fu(l small.scale renewable, However, based on the application it is unclear whether'he t percent increase will prvide adequate fincial support to fud boll progrs. Fung for small scale renewable should not be done in a way tht may result in reduced fudig for DSM projects. Pnor to approvig the use of Rider fuds to support small-scale renewable projec, more detals need to be provided to the PUC regarding the fianial incentives to be implemented and the prjecte scope of the progr. A Small-Scale Renewable 'Ener;logr Plan should be develope by Idao Power to detail, and mae publicaly available, the allocation of Rider fuds for reewable projects. We encourage the Commissioners approve all other conditions associated with tls an incrase in the Ride. However, we encourage th Commissioners to direct Idaho Power to provide Ad detai1 with regard to the small..scale renewable prior to approving thportion. ' Than you for the opportty to comment on th Rider eae. Pleas feel free to conta me with any ,question or comments. Saa Cohn 8!.. Communty Conseration Associate Idaho Conservation League