HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080428IEEP Response to Order No 30529.pdf, . (Oil") 1....1) IN TH MATTR OF TH APPROPRIATE DISPOSITION OF PROCEEDS FOR TH SALE OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S S02 EMISSION ALLOWANCES IN CY 2007 BEFORE TH IDAHO PUBLIC UTITIS COMMSSION V'A IEEP Response to f~ ORDER NO. 30529 L L L L CASE NO. IPC-E 07-18 --~ C! ~k:~ On behalf of the Idaho Energy Education Project, I would like to th the Idaho Public Utilities Commsion for thi opportty to provide this proposal that seeks to designate $500,000 of the S02 sales money into enrgy education. The idea of investing money in energy education is very consistent with the following goals of the 2007 Idaho Energy Plan: 4. In order to protect and enhance Idaho's qualit of life, it is incumbent on all citizens to use Idaho's precious natural resources, including energ, in a wise and responsible manner. 5. When acquiring resources, Idaho and Idaho utiites should gie priri to: (1) Conservation, energ efciency and demand response; and (2) Renewable resources; recognizing that these alone may notfulfill Idaho's growing energy requirements. 7. It is Idaho polic to encourage the deelopment of customer-owned and community owned renewable energ and combined heat and power facilites. How else but through education can the citizns ofIdao be expected to use our precious energy resources in a wise and responsible maer, to know the options avaiable to them on both the consumtion and production side of the equation. There is no better pla to begin thi education tha with the youn in our schools. The Idao Energy Education Project is not new to this concept; it has on a small scale been involved in the schools for a number of years. (See attached inormtion about IEEP). The opportuny presented with this proposa ha the potential to advance these goals to a new and more inlusive leveL. To that end, the IEEP invited other entities to parner in this process so that the benefits of energy education could be spread over a larger area. IEEP invited the Idao Offce of Energy Resources, the Idao State Deparment of Education and Idao Power to paricipate in this effort. The e-mail inviting the parnerig and the responses are included in this proposal. The roles of the parners are outlined in the body of ths response. Afer discussion wih those involved in education, it mae no sens to tr and add energy education on to the existin system, but to include energy education in the state . , stdads. Energy education stdads are comig an thi project would help to put Idao education ahead of the cure. Some excellent curculum is aleay available and with perhaps some tweaing to Idao's paricular could be readily adopted afer traig the teachers in tht curculum So the fist step of th project is to tr and excite the teachers on the importce of energy consrvation, effciency and the possibility of renewables, and to get them to look at the possibility of multi-disipline education so tht math, science, economic and even English teachers could parner in teachig this curculum. Some wind and sola for schools projects aleady exist, or are in the works and could be dovetailed with thi project. The second step and the pri goal of ths project is to teach the stdents and excite them about usin energy wiely and respnsibly. Par of the fuds from ths project would purcha educational aids such as electrc meters or other measing devices so that the stdents can lear about the energy us of diferent tys of light bulbs, or other appliances, light meters and thermometers so they can measure candlepower and heat loss. The second par of this project would fud student drven energy consrvation, effciency and possibly some renewable projects, agai where possible dovetailing with existin efforts. Th portion of the project would involve the expertise of other parners in energy audits and solutions strategies, but the students would be the drvers. Assessing a problem, comig up with a solution and then implementin that solution an assessin its effectiveness will be a power exprience th can benefit the students the school and from the stdents into their homes and communty. Ths experience ca fuer economic development in energy effciency and renewables and prepare the students for th increed demad for jobs in these areas as well as be par of our state's energy solution. The Framework for thi Project Structure: A paership ofIEEP, Idao Power, Idao Offce of Energy Resources, Idaho State Deparment of Education, National Energy Foundation, school disicts, individua schools an teachers. Parters roles: Idaho Energ Education Projec wil fuction as project coordintor dur th star-up phase, provide broad outline, faciltating meetings as necessar, workig with other parers to develop their roles, coorditin the fuctions of the parers, paricipate in the evaluation of education component and grants an provide some classroom inction RS well help in the development process of student diected projects. Idaho State Department of Education: wil help evaluate curculum in term of educational standards, assess requirg consation and effciency components be added to various disciplines such as math, Englih, ecnomics, act as point of recrument of schools and teachers to paicipate, wi als pacipate in grt application evaluation. After st-up Deparent of Education wil become the prim mager ofthis program.. Idaho Offce of Energ Resources wil provide additional experise on renewables, energy consrvation and effciency opportities, help wih curiculu development an grant evaluation. National Energ Foundation: Provide of award wimg energy educational curcula and materials and teacher traig. Idaho Power wil provide inormation about their system, how much energy is used, where it comes from, what conservation and effciency programs they have in effect and what the impacts are. IP wi also paricipate in energy audits, curculum development and grant application assesment. School districts, individual schools and or individual teachers: wil apply to paricipate in the energy education project beyond the stadads, be provided curiculum and traig. Wil provide leaership in multi-discipline paricipation where feasible and provide guidace in the development of stdent drven projects. The schools wil benefit from a more energy aware stand student body. Schools wil be fushed with devices such as electric meters, light meters and temperature sensors as aids in assessing energy use. Students: will be inired by the potential of renewables, enegy conseration and effciency and wil develop and propose projects where they can see their ideas reach frition. Monies: Thre are two compnents of th project. The educational portion an the project portion, $500,000 total $250,000 for education and $250,00 for projects. Education Monies: One possibilty would be that a thid of the educationa money go into curculum development and admistration. One thid of the money would go into actuay teachig the teachers via in sevice and other educational opprtunies for extened credits and the remaing thid would go into various classroom aids such as light meters, electrc meters which could be hooked to various devices that would show energy usage, etc. Project parners wil be reimbursed for their time basd on an ageed to hourly rate plus mileage and pe diem where applicable.. Project Monies: $250,000 wil be available for grts to faciltate student developed conservation and energy effciency projects in either the paricipating schools or in some project in the local community in need of such a project. Caps on thse grants would be $12,500, which would facilitate 20 such projects at full grt levels or more at lesser levels of fuding. Project parners wil be reimbursed for their time on an hourly rate plus mileage and per diem where applicable. All monies not spnt would remain in an interest bearin acunt, wih the interest going toward projec expenses or fuher grants. Currculum: The National Energy Foundation has award wig curiculum that mets National Science Education Standads. The Idao State Deparent of Education would review that curculum and adopt them as standads. Those curculum would need to be supplemented with Idao specific curiculum. Whle the bulk of ths project wil focus on the energy used in the homes, businesses an indus ofIdao, some focus should also be made on other uses of energy such as trportion. Teacher Recruitment: The Idao State Deparment of Education will use its contacts with the school disricts to recruit teachers to paricipate in th important project. Offering both economic incentives, advance curculum train and the clasroom support ofIEEP or other parners. Teachers: For the effciency projects to be a success, a teacher needs to believe in and be a chapion of energy education. It will then be up to the lead teacher in each school to defie in coordintion with the project parers how th project wil be hadled. As there are may opportunies at al levels of educaion from elementa school through high school, and via a number of disciplines, recrument should be broad. The goal being knowledge ofthe electrcal system and the importt role of conservation and energy effciency in reducing demad and thus the nee for new production and trmision economic an envionmental costs. Paricipatin schools and teachers wil agee as par of their paricipation to evaluate both the curculum and the effectiveness oftheir projects. Students: They are the key, they are the purse of th project and it is essntial that they be full and rescted parers. It is essential that they buy into the project, understand the economic and environmental benefits to themslves, their failes, their schools, their communties and their futue. They wil be given knowledge of (energy systems) the electrca system, whe the enegy comes from, what the options are, how it is being used, how it could be consed or usd more effciently, how to assess that and what kinds of tools are available to accomplish the economic and envionmental benefits of doing so. The students then wil be ofted the opportunty to develop projects of their own either for their school or for their commun, an then apply for grts to implement their project, assess its effectiveness. The Effectiveness of the Project: The impact of ths project can be measured in KWs saved or perhaps generated. The projects wil be fuded by grts which wil have to address the amoun of energy in use before and the savigs th project would failitte. There could be spin-off chalenges for savis in th school and in the stdents homes which could be measured thrugh the comparison of the energy usae the curent month thi year versus the sae month las year. Of cour the longer measure wil be in the stdents, the teahers and the rest of the citizns using energy wisely and respnsibly and lowering the load, paricularly at peak demad. Fiscal Management: It is proposed tht the Idaho State Deparment of Education be the fiscal maner of this project and that quaerly reports of what the money is being spent on be submied to the IPUC for its oversight. As the projects st to come on lie and their impacts measued tht inormtion will also be pulled together and forwarded to the IPUC. In Concluion: Given the short time lie the Idao Energy Education Project ha in formg the structe for this project, there is stil work to be done. The project is worthy, it is a matter now of bringing together the will to get it done. In an era of upward spirling energy costs and a downward trending economy, investing $500,000 of the S02 cred saes money maes sense, it is in the "public interest". As the proposed parners have not all ageed as to how this should happen, they have all expressed interest and spoken to the possibilties. I would therefore ask the Idaho Public Utilities Commssion to continue its tentative approval of th project continent on th proposed parner comig to some ageement by June i, 2008. Th wil give the parners time to better defie there roles and also gîve the project time to pull together the curculum and begin teacher traig so that the energy education portion of the project could begin in the Fall of2008. Submitted thi 25th day' of ApriL, 2008 by~ iJlme , or Idao Energy Education Project About th Ido Energy Education Project by Bil Chisholm project coordintor The Idao Energy Education Project (IEEP) was born out of Sempra Coal Plant issue. As a long time energy activist I thought it important to move beyond the focus on thi one plat and to expand the debate to energy in broader ter from both the production and consption side of the equation. The IEEP is a small project, it ha been fuded through small grants via the Fund for Idaho, with the Idao Rural Council acting as its fiscl agent. Though the project is small, its impacts have ben fairly large including the energy educaion proposa before the PUC in the matter of the Idao Power S02 credits sale. The IEEP put an Idaho Energy Plan on the table and on the Legislative Energy Interi Commttee's web site even before the commttee met for the fist time. The IEEP has also facilitted numerous public discussions on energy aroun the ste from Pocatello, to the Magic Valley, Bois and Couer d Alene. In addition IEEP taught a class at Casleford High School in which students were taught how to assess the energy needs ofthe school's greenhous and then faciltated the students mag a plan to help address those nee. In an unelated water right settlement with a CAPO, myself an another activist garered an $18,000 donation to the school to miigate the CAPO's impact on the schooL. The CAPO owner and myself signed a letter to the school board requiing that the second half of those monies be invested in energy solutions, not merely spent on general expnses. Th money was thn avaiable to implement th students recommendations. Acting on behalf of the Idao Rural Council, as its energy coorditor, I helpe to facilitate the fist Sola for Schools project in Idaho at Castleford. That project was fued via Idao Power's Green Power Prgram though a grant from the Bonneville Envionmenta Foundation. The Idao Rur Council Idao Power, the Casleford schools, Balanced Rock Electric and Windpower Unlimited LLC worked together to bring tht project about. The project included lKW of net metered sola, 3.5KW of energy effciency upgres and includes us of inverer generted inormaion in school curculu. In the fall of 2007,. IEEP held two 3 par semis of energy and clite chage for the Magic Valley Alterntive High School in Twi Falls. The fit clas dealt with problem assessment, the send class focus on decisions and th thid class had stdents come up wih plans for solutions in their homes and in their communy with discussion of those plans. IEEP is an acive paricipant in Idao Power's Maic Valley Electrical Plang Commitee, bringing forth ideas and emphaizing the importance of energy conservation and effciency as par of that plang process. IEEP recntly acted as the Ida corditor for gaering support from a broad coalition urgin Senators Crag and Crapo to support federal tax incentives for energy effciency and renewable energy. Both Senators supported that legislation. ; ; Invitation to Superitendent Lun and Respons from his Offce Mr. Lun Pasted below is a portion of a recent Idaho Public Utilities Commssion order stemmg from an Ida Power cas tht involves the disbusement of monies the company received :fom the sale of S02 credits. The order references a proposa frQm the Idao Energy Education Project of which I am the coordintor. I have been doing this work on a small scale, but as you can tell from my proposa an the PUC order thigs wil step up several notches. What I am proposing is a paership between my project, Idao Power, the Idao Offce of Energy Resources and the Deparment of Education. I have been doing this work and wil coordite the effort, but would like the parnership of your deparment to help evaluate the curculum and be a source of contact with the schools. I don't se this as tag a lot of time, but cery some and would be proposing some modest fudin for any staff time. I am also lookig at some fuding incentives for the teachers involvement. I see great opportunties for multi-discipline education as energy issues involve science, math, economics and communication. Please let me know your thoughts on thi. As you can see from the order I have a short time frame in which to put thi together. I have ben doin the work, so it is not lie going from 0 to 60, more lie 45 to 60, but the devil is in the details. Thas, Bil Chiholm Idao Energy Education Project, coordintor BILL CHISHOLM chisholm3 (fmindspring. com EarhLin Revolves Around You. Mr. Chisholm, Supt. luna is traveling this wek and asked me to work on this wih you. I forwarded your email to our Direr of Content Are Peter Kavoras and our Sdenæ Coordinator SCtt Smith. Both of them are very enthusiastic about finding out more about this proposal. SCtt in particular was very excite; his baground indude working with Idaho Power, BSU and the Idaho National Lab on Alternate Energ Eduction, so he understands the pontial of your proram. I note in your reponse to Paul Kjellander that you were hoping this meeting could take p1aæ as early as Monday, April 21. Supt. luna's April calendar is nerly full, but he would be happy to have you include SCtt in th initial meeng so as not to delay proress. Sctt can brief Tom for future meetings. Otherwise, his first open dates are Monday, May 5 after 10:30am and Wedneay, May 7 after 1:00pm. I'm taking th libert of sending your emails on to Sctt Smith so he c;n be kept in the loop. Please copy him on future emails as well. Thanks!! Brend Mattn Exec. Ast. to Supt. luna , , Idao Power Invite to Kal Bokenp an Respnse Kal, I reckon you've seen the PUC order on the S02 monies. I have twelve days to put together my proposa. I'm not having to go from 0 to 60, more lie from 45 to 60 to flesh thi thi out. I have been doin ths, but obviously this is a much bigger project. Wht I am proposing is a parnership between my project, the Idao Energy Education Project, Idaho Power, Idaho Offce of Energy Resources, Idao State Deparent of Education an of course the schools an teaher. Wh I se in ter of ne for th parership is someone from Ida Power that ca provide informtion on thir system and their progrs, help evaluate the curculum and when it comes to it, help evaluate the project proposa from the schooL. Since I only have twelve days to put somethg before the PUC, I woul ne to know if Ida Power woul be wiing to paer. I would then propose some amunt of th budget to help pay staf time. I don't see thi as a major time consumer as I would coordinate the project. I serve on Idaho PQwer's Magic Valley electrical plang committee and a lot of system informtion, which I thi would be usfu in the classroom. I se this fist as a claoom exercise, then involvig the stdents in developinR project proposals. Th for your time, Bil Chiholm Idao Energ Education Projet, corditor Bil - Idaho Power is interested in exploring the opportunities to work with you, and other members of the proposed partnership - the Ofce of Energy Resources and Supt. Luna's offce, to develop IEEP's energy education program proposal as outlined in your email yesterday. This effort may fit nicely with an ongoing internal effort to refresh some of our educational materials for use in classrooms. Idaho Power's involvement wil most likely involve folks from our Customer Relations and Energy Effciency group. Patti Best is our Program Specialist in charge of the Green Power Program (including Solar 4R Schools) and she wil be your contact for this project. Please go ahead and contact her directly - her number is (208) 388-5948. Bil, thanks again for thinking of Idaho Power as a partner on the project - we look forward to working with you. Karl , ' Invite and First Response of Paul Kjellander, Idaho Ofic of Energy Resources Mr. Kjellander, Pased at the end ofthis e-maiUs a portion of a recent order from the Idao Public Utilties Commssion regarding the disburement of monies from the sale of S02 credits by Ida Power. I am the coorditor of the Idao Energy Education Project that is referenced in the order. I have been doin this work on a small scale, but thi opportty is much lager and could use the exprtise of your staf Wht I pla to propose to the PUC is a parnership between the Idaho Energy Education Project, Idao Power, the Idao Depament of Education and your offce, to assemble some of the curculu material and develop an car out some ofthe assessment. I wi coQrdinte the effort and in my proposal wil allocate some fuding for all the parners to help pay for staf time. I don't see thi as takg a lot of time, but it does need some quaty attention and having worked with your st over th yeas, I know that qua is thre. Becus I know Sue Seifert well, I have sent her the followig and asked for her wise counel. Please let me know your thoughts on this and how I might proceed.Ths, Bil Chisholm Idao Energy Education Project, corditor BILL CHISHOLM chishoim3~mindspring.com EarhLin Revolves Around You. Bil: Thank you for contacting me in reference to the recent PUC order. Perhaps it would be wise to meet and discuss an overview of your project. Then it might be worthwhile to bring the potential partners in this effort together to identify opportunities and barriers. From this, a clear path forward is likely to present itself. From the material provided in your e-mail, I think we could play a direct role related to the grants component of your project. Again, thank you for contacting me and i look forward to learning more about this opportunity. Paul