HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080225Ridgeline Energy Comments.pdfeRiCELINE eEl ENERq)' Z008 fEB 25 Prl 2: 38 23 Febr, 2008 VI US MA AN EMA Jean JewllIdaho Pub Utili Cois472 W Wahin Bo, 10 83720-74 Re: In th Ma of th Ap Di of th Pr fo th sale of IdaPow Copany's S0 Emis Allo in CY 2007 - ca No.: IPe--07-18 Der Ms. Jew: En fo fi pl fi an orna an for (4) co of Rine Ene, llC'sCo 10 No of Mo Prre in Cone wi th Ab capt Matr. If yo ha any ques, pJ cota Ric Raill at 841-5037. Riè ill Vice Pridt Ridgli En LLC Enlosu (5) 720W. Idaho, Suite 39 Boise, Idaho, USA 208.841.5037 DIRCT. 208.575.050 FACSIMILE . r r a V hill rq r 1- en. C 0 il ~ Rich Rayhill (lSB No. 3420) Ridgli En, LLC 720 W Idao, Suite 39 Boise, Idao 83702 Telepne: (208) 841-5037 Fax: (208) 575-0350 (efa) rryhi~-ecom Attrney for Ridgelin Ene, LLC 2: 39 BEFORE TH IDAHO PUBLIC UTITI COMMSSION IN TH MATTR OF TH APPROPRITE ) DisPOmON OF PROCEEDS FOR TH ) SALE OF IDAHO POWER COMPAN'S S0 ) EMSSION ALLOWANCES IN CY 2007 ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-07-18 RIELIN ENRGY, LLC'SCOMM TO NOTICE OF MODIFIED PROCEDUR Ridgelie En, LLC ("Ridgli"), rey submits th followi comments in rens to Or No. 30495, da Feb 4, 2008. For th re su below, Ridgeli surt th Idao Powe Compay ("IPo'j in its th prpose alteve for th us of the S02 pr - the pu of a wi prjec's deelop ñghts 1. Inveent in wi en prvide excellent ecnomic value for Ida rayer. Wind eq or ex ot avale ge me an do't sh th ecmic unties (volatity in ful prce anor ca peties) th maes thos oth form of genon ecmicay ñsk. In es, IP rayer wo be inves in clea re en as a hee agns ñs ga prce an th un ex asia with liely fe can reucton prgr. Th ha th gr cb of prvi IP raye th la re on us of th moy. 2. Vmd en geaton li ot. for of ele geon wi ne be as PE TO INVER. ENGY.lL inpeive in the.fu as it is to. Ths is du to risin conscton and mateal co as well as scity of tuines. Additionaly, the be value in wi en generon is foun at th prer wid site. Th ar not may if th an they ar pri possions. Aly, out-of-st utties have pu coni or en into meor of un an let of in to puha Idao wi frm Idao's prer si. Th si have th highst ca fac, lowe conson co clos prxity to sutale tron and gr ea of inteon Combin th advataes lea to lowe cost and, in tu lowe ene price. On th potential of th prum si ha be ca IP wi be left to pu wi trm th les site an th en wi be mo exve. 3. Th is grwi cume in in ac to rewale en. Avaiabil of reewales wa vo th sie mos im is fa Ida with re to en. Deopmt of rewables wa selec as th highes priority in order to meet Idao's grwig electcit demand. Idaho Energy Policy Surey 2007. See http://ppa.boisestate.edu/ssrc/archive/2007-EPI-pressconf.pdf Conduc by The En Policy Intu an th Center for Advan Ener Stues thug the So Sc Reh Ce. 4. Use of the S02 pr in Ida wil crte Idao jobs and prmote ru ecnomic developm . Th Natona Audubn Soiet, the Sier Club an the Nat Consany, am ot prviou op ofwi en, ar now caling for a 20-25 ti in in glba wi en genon by 2030; . ths would mea an in in US wi ge megawa fr the cwt 13,00 to, poal, 325,00 me ove th ne 22 yea;. Scen at th IN covelyes Ida ha 15,00 me of wi en geer poteti; . ifld, ia 13. in wi en po cod ca i % of th grwt tb wo me lo deop of 3,250 mewa of wi PEON TO INVERI ENGY.lL . In a 2004 anysis, the Idao Deent of Wate reurs determed 93 pet fu-tie jobs would be cr by ever 100 megwat of wi energy generon inled. Umatlla County, Orgon, in 2005 se ths numbe at 42. Texa Sta Ener Conson Ofce, due to an esaton expeence in Wes Texa wh wi en developmet be to pu in ancilar deelot an maac pu th numbe at 300 job pe 100m W . Accy, for ever 100 megawa of ined wi engy genon, de on whch so you ac Ida woul se be 42 an 93 pe ful tie job REULT: the poteti for 3,023 new jobs (9,750 if th TX SECO numbe ar ac) retig frm $6.5 Bilon in caita invesent. . If Ida ca 2% (6,5 mW), th's 6,04 jobs (19,500 us TX nube) an $13 Bilon dollar of cata invesent. . ifwe ca. 3% (9,750 m W) we coul se 9,069 ne jobs (29,250 jobs un TX numbe) an $19.5 Billon inves . Th would me suti loc ta revenue in addition to th jobs. Idaowo se po-send ed pr to surt th job de jus as th have se in Or 18 po se prgr have be esli inth la fe yea. . Mita ex to se 18,405 ne job :f wi ge an relamauf in th co yea 5. On the S02 pro have be exp to purha wi prjec development rights, the am ofS0 pr so ex wo forer be ba :f pron to th Id Pulic Utilities Commisson ("IPUC" for inluon in ra-bag or otherse prte to th IPUC for reym :f IP raye. 6. The fi prpose altee for th us of the S02 pr is to includ th in th anua PCA ca. Th li's sh of th moy wi befit only a few la inal cume. Th bul ofIPo"s cume rede and sm bu ar unely to reive signca befit. Addony, ths is an excellent snw yea, th ty of yea for wh th PCA, lie Ida's reoir reve its gr rehae. It maes gr sens to put th mone to las benefit for the va maty of Ida rayer 7. Th send prpo alve for th us of th S02 pr - the puha of gr ta in anticion of fu leg re - ca be me by lPo se an own po in an PE TO INVER. ENGY, u£ Idaho wid fan. Investent in gr tas win ensur tht the bul if not all, of the S02 pros win be spent out of st. The befits will be enjoyed by those outide IPCo' s sece tetory. Invesent in grn ta may not, ultily, be nec. Invesent in grn ta is a potentiy spulative use of th money. CONCLUSION For th rens st above, Ridgelie rey urges ths Commssion to autori the Ida Powe Compy to us th pr frm th sae of th S02 emns to esli an ownerhip position in a wid ene development prjec as a hedge aga rising and unce fossil ful cost an risk as a mea of seg :f low cost ener; an as a met of meeg the de of IP cume th IP exp it pe of en gen by rele so. ':d DATE th ~ da of Feb 20. By Rich Rayhi Vice Ridgeli Ene, L PEN TO INVERl ENGY, lL CERTICiA:OF SERVICE I HEY CETI th on ~ day ofFeb, a tr an corr copy of th with an forein PETION TO RVEN BY RIELIN ENERGY, LLC, wa seed by U.S. Ma po prd, to: Barn Kline Lisa D. Nordsm JohnR. Gae Celese Schwendi Kal Boenkam Gr Sad Ma Stokes Rady Alph Idaho Powe Compay PO Box 70 Boise, Idao 83707-0070 bkline(!idahopower .com lnordstrom(!idahopower .com rgale(!idahopower .com ceschwendiman(!idahopower.com kbokenkamp(!idahopower.com gsaid(!idahopower .com mstokes(!idahopower.com rallphin(!idahopower .com xx XX XX XX XX:x XX XX Jea Jewell Commisson Se Ida Pulic Utities Commion 472 West Washin Boise, Idaho 83702 Jean. j ewell(!puc.idaho. gOY XX Bil Chisholm Ida Ene Educon Prjec 1093 E. Highway 30 Buh, ID 83316 Chisholm3 (!mindspring.com XX Pete J. Richn Richadsn & O'Le 512N. 2Th St XX PF:N TO INVERI ENGY. LLC eml & US Mail eMaem emaememem ema ema & US Mai emal em . . Boise, ID 83702 peterrqrichardsonandoleary.com Lin Gerais :x emaPatck Eh :x em Avisl 1411 E. Mission Spokane, W A 99202 Linda. gervaisrqavistacorp.com Pat.ehrbarrqavistacorp.com Donn Ensh :x emaRick Ste :x ema Ter Calock :x em RadyLobb :x emai Don Howell :x em Idao Public Utilities Commsson 472 W Washi Boise, Idaho 83702 Donn.englishCiuc.idaho .gov Rick.sterlingrqpuc.idaho. gOY Terr.carlockrqpuc.idaho. gOY Randy .lobbrqpuc.idaho. gOY Don.howeU~puc.idao.gov Joe Miler :x eml 420 W Banock Boise, ID 83702 joerqmcdevitt miler.com Road Doskeland, Winand :x em Bjorn Dokela 7669 W Riversde Dr Bois Idao windrqwindland.com bjomrqwindland.com Rich Howad :x emlIdao Consaton Le Come 5th & Hays Boise, ID 83702 Atlatl lrqyahoo.com Rich RaymU PETTION TO INVERIEL ENGY.lL