HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080225ICL Comments.pdf,02/25/2008 MON 14:23 FAX 2083440344 :;'."'"t'..~'"::::.." FEB25 Prl 2: 25 II'WI\. Wí/(j;i/1iI.,/lrg Conservtion Legue PO!3 844, f30ise, If) 8.1701 208.345.6933 IDAHO PUBLIC urnxlIES COMMISSION POBox 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 Street Address: 472 W Washington 83702 HE: Case No. .IPC-F:-07-18, Order No. 30495 - Customer input soii~ht 011 how to trent emission snle revenues Dear Commissioners: Thank you for thc opportunity to comment on thc proposed use of revenue generated by the sale of Idaho Power Company's sulfur dioxide emissions allowances. For thirty-nHI!' yeals, the Idaho Conservation League has been Idaho's voíce for ckai1 water, clean air, and wîlderness..-...values that are the fbundation to Idaho's extl'(\ordinnry qunlity o!dl¡fe. Idaho Conservation League works to protect these valucs through citizen action, publìc education, and professional advocacy. As Idaho's largest statc-bascd conservation organization we represent over 9.500 members. many of whom have a deep personal intercst in pl'tccting our clean aÎr, clean water, and quality of lie. According to the 2007 Boise State University Energy Policy Survey. 50% of Idahoans believe that the development of "greeil' or renewable electricity sources is of the highest priority when addrcssing Idaho's electricity needs. Idahoan's have made their decision to support renewable energy and Idaho Power, as a public utility, has an obligation to listen to the will o!ïts customers. In Idaho and surrounding states. new wind and geothermal projects are being developed annually. Renewable energy project development brings needed investmcnt into Idaho's rural communities and offers "clcan" energy solutions to the region. Of the four options presented by Idnho Public Utilities Commission and Idaho Power Company, Idaho Conservation League supports the third option: "... 10 allow Idaho Power to enler negotiations or solidts bid,; to buy a wind praject 's development rights. In essence, ¡he company "voulei be purchasing a wind prajecl with capital..-. proceedo;.f;'om the SO,i sales ..... contributed hy eus/omers. ,. Idaho Conscrvation League supports this option fix a number of reasons. This option COnf()lllS to existing policy to increasc the reduction of hazardous emissions, supports ~001l003 . 02/25/2008 MON 14:23 FAX 2083440344 renewabk e;nergy reSOl.irces, and allows Idaho Powcr Company to invest in generution facilties while benefiting from the "green tags" thcsc facilities provide, In addition. this option most closely follows the 20.year plan set forth in Idaho POWCI' Company's Inier;l'aied Resource l'an (lRP) (2006). Idaho Power plans to add 250 MW ofwincl energy by 2025. Investment iiiO wind energy can be f\.irihcr f'acilìtatcd with the sui Cur dioxide credit proceedfi. It is no secrct that thc cost of energy generation is incrcasing, According to the U.S Energy Infì:)1nation Administration, natural gas used to power electrical plal1ts has more than tripled in priee since i 999 and coal priccfi arc up 45 percent ovel' the same períod. 'rhe worldwide demand for steel, concrete;, Hnd other ìndustrial materials has led to upward price pres$tu'es ror the development of energy tìicilities. It is appropriate, in light of thesc economic factors, to turn to SOtlCCS of energy wìth stable eost projections and long-term economic benefits f()r customers. Thc lack of fuel costs allows rencwable sources, ¡ike wind facîlities~ to oflei' a relatively stable price over the lire olthe I¡icîiity. Estimates from thc Encrgy Information AssocÎniiol1 phice the cost of wind encl'gy between 3 and 5.5 cents per kilowatt-hour. 'rhe average retail price of clectricíty tì:)r Idaho consumers is (;,21 cents per kilowatt-hour. ßy increasing investment into wind energy Idaho Power could rcducc ovcrall electricity costs to retail consumers, No other energy resource guarantees economically viable development costs and long~tcnn price stability. Additionally, iii light of' expected federal carbon regulations. and possible federal or rcgiomil porlJblio standards, Idaho Power cun reduce the initial costs associated with compliance to programs. Idaho Power Company should usc the allowances to invcst in wind cnergy facilities. reducing Idaho's carbon risk whilc mecting projected energy demands. By ìnvesling in wìnd facilities, Iclaho Power Company would also own the rcncwable energy credits or ¡¡grcen tags'~ that are associated with these facilities. Currcntly, Idaho Power is rcquired to purchase the output of qualified Public Utility Reguh.ltory Policies Aet of 1978 (PllRPA) projects, but does \101 own the green tags associated with the PURPA generalion, Investing in wind facilities allows Idaho Power to provide for inCl'e,lsing energy demands while bendïting from the environmental attributes of green tags associated with the wind facilities. F¡nally~ option three fiis mosl appropriately with Idaho Power Company's 2006 my, Idaho Power Company has planned to accommodate 11,000... 12,000 new retail customers though 2025, This gl'wth is expected to inci'case demand by an additional 1300 MW over a 20-year planning pei'iod. Thc IRP calls rot' 250 MW of wii1d generation by 2025. Providing fbI' additional wind generatíon would further support the two primary goals or the 2006 IRP: 1) Identify suff.ícíent resources to reliably serve the growing demand tì:)r energy within idaho Power's servicc arca throughout thc 20"ycal planning period: and 2) Ensllc the portfolio of selected resourccs balances costsi risks, and el1vimnincntal coneei'ns. Using the sulfur dioxide allowances to invest in further renewable energy generation in the near term wil aid in protecting consumers from thc dramatic cost increases associated ~002/003 , 02/25/2008 MON 14:23 FAX 2083440344 with the dcvelopment of gencration facilities. I r the allowances today arc iised to preparc for the regulations of tomorrow, Idaho Power can dilute the overall cost to consumers. Thank you For the opportunity to commcnt on lhe usc of thesc funds. Please feci fi'ce to contact me with for further c1ariJïcation 01' questions at (208) 345"6933 ex. 23. Sincerely. ötJ Sara Cohn Community Conservation Associate Idaho Conscrvation League ~003/003