HomeMy WebLinkAbout200805162nd Reply Comments.pdf2/4/08 and 2nd mailing 4/18/08 A.M. Scott Pamela A. Bowers 9559 W. Hils Gate Dr. Sta, ID. 83669-5300 21 Pìi 2= 49 i.3 Regardig the Janua 17th anwer Cas # IPC-E-07-14 Attention: Idao Power, PUC and To Whom It May Concern: We wish to addrs the issues and fact th you wil not anwer or resolve in our opinon... 1. Why will you not show in your pictues tht there is a servce box in Blessingers lot tht is and was for, the servce for both lots? He fenced it in it is on his lot. 2. Th box is the box tht is in the eaement! The box we paid for is in a set-back on our propert. The box we pad for had nothg to do with and wa not for Blessinger! Eah and every lot owner was and stll is requied to get heir own service! 3. Pleae describe to us the procur, show us the rues or reguations with regar to egress and ingress. 4. Why is there no policy, procedures or rues with regard to giving notice to the propert owner(s)? 5. Pleas explai why no notice, no disclosus, is requi to be given to the lot owner tht is unowigly payig the enti bil. We never would have gott service for a "yar light". We are not stupid; we would have let Blessinger instl the power!!!!!!!! A building was going to. be built on tht lot; we needed a yard light.... We should have ben inormed that we can hook-up for fr!!!!!!!! Jus wait. Disclosur to all paes is a new rue tht nees to be in plac in your Rule H. Or is there a rue now? 6. Why did you allow hi-give or grt hi the permssion to dig under our fence? Ths is another thg we would go to jai for if we did ths. 7. Why did you allow hi or give hi permssion to bre and enter into our property? Who gave them the right to cut our chai? Breakg and ilegally enterig, in our opinon, is trspassing and should be against the law. We would go to jail ifwe did tht. You al stte no favoritism??? 8. Plea explai who gave the permssion for your (Idao Power) contrtor and Blessinger with his employees to enter our propert? 9. Why will you not show us the policy-rue(s), law tht allows ths kind of behavior? We ar askig agai for a copy of the rues, reguations, procedures tht describe gi notice to land-lot owners. i o. Why do you not show the pictu of the power pole with the trsformer on it tht is in Blessingers lot? 1 i. Why will you not disclose the reasn(s) why he could not us th power pole? Th is still right next to his buildig with a trformer on it. 12. Why will you not give, allow Blessinger servce when he has repeatedly asked for his own servce, for his own use and on his own propert? Or is he telling you a differnt story th he is tèlling us? Ths has crte major upsets, haassment issues, they laugh they bra th they got away with and tok advantage of ths sitution; that the Police, Idaho Power an the PUC are backig them i 00%. He sems to be gettg special favors in our opinon. Because no-one is helping us to resolve ths matter. We ar the only lot owner tht have to sha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You ar justifyg what you have done to us using the Rule H. It is not fuly trth what you have describe to other, in our opinon. In our opinon you ar telling everyone concerned th many businessesshare servce and tht they do not complai.. . . You neglect to show or tell the trth in our opinon. You are merely describing in our opinon, ths kind of an example; a buildig with 4 bays, a duplex, four-plex or an apent building etc... and yes they do all shae service. Have you forgotten we ar indepdent prope owners? Ths is a Commercial subdvision tht wa origily sold to private business owners and we- they were each told that they would be requied to obta their own power, telephone water, septic etc... .for their own us. That was how it was described in our purchas and saes ageement. Each and every lot owner was and stll is reui to obta separte service!!! We ar stl waiti on tht list of others tht shae servce exactly like you have done to us. When the new lot owner south of us intals 3 phae or single phae, we ar askig now, for free servce for, to our 4 buildings. Hopefuly it will be 3 Pha! Drwigs arè submitted of the approximate location of the servce box and of the stae location where the sece trsformer boxes were to be for each lot, (except for the lot owner tht inled their boxes nea their buildigs and or near the middle of their lot etc...) Whch we should have done if we'd only known wh you were going to do ths to us!!! Enclosed is a pictu of the marker-stae for the loop (connection) to the serce box tht was for-to servce both lots. It is on Blessingers propert, inide his fence. Lokig at the photo; Blessiner's drveway is to the left and our fence to the right. He only neeed to order servce, instal his own box and hook it up. It would have all been on his own proper. The marker clearly shows where his service was to be insled for his lot. Diggg under the fence tag advantae of us, tag the opportty to obt fr serice is not legal in our opinon or at the lea should never have ben alowed, .ever!!! - In our opinon you have singled us out, taen away and violated all of our Constitutiona rights with regard to our private propert and devalued out lot. We have been discted agait; you have not allowed us the sae us as all of the other lot owner in the sae facilty. Why ar we not allowed our own service? Why is Blessinger not allowed his own servce? He has sad he does not want ths either. Why we are wrngfly made to sha? Then you'll make us pay agai for seice to be broUgt in agai for our other buidings!!! Who els ca hook-up for fr? Wher ca we locte servce tht no-one else gets fre servce in the futue? Please show on the maps enclosed an exactly where to locate servce. If we sell the propert we want to disclose to the new owner wha the sitution is with reard to power or the lack of. As for the anwer you gave that Blessinger does not work for Idao Power, I will stad corrected. Another play on words on your par in my opinon... .He is a sub-Contractor tht instaUs undergund utities and or digs the trench-ditch and tht ca mea for another contractor, EXALE; H & H utilities, or Tra electrc etc. ..th do contr work for Idaho Power. His employee told us tht they did work instling the underground utilities and it included Idao Power. Sorr if I misunderstood what he showed me, the bilings etc...Blessiner paid $128.70 for his line, not an ination fee in our opinon, (Bas chage and wie).We paid for our line also...$102.45, plus $144.00 engiee fee, plus $20.00 connection chage, NOTE; Blessinger ha his crdite and taen offhis bil!!! Stil not processed the same, is ths fai in your èyestoo? The Commission ha a need to balance was the comment? Order No. 27680 Unfaily in our opinon! Adequate power at ths tie is not the problem. Have Donad Howell. II come out and se the trth- witness to the facts in person, meet us and see what has taen place, and then he can go back and make his reprt then he'll have to live with what he chooses to do. What action he taes, will it prove our point? And most importt to us, is ther an hones persn left in our soiety? Many procedures, ruès and the laws need to be changed, so we can have our own serce for our own intended use. Not pay for the neighbors' service years later. You should be reuied fu give notice, you should ask pession, inorm a lot-land owner before givig away the servce we paid for. You should be reui to give notice before mag a lot owner pay for what he thought was his intended use; power-servce for his lot, that he-she maybe paying for all or par of the rest of the subdivision.. ...etc... With no refuds in the futu either. Both lot owner are extemely upset and have ben complaig and appartly it ha all fallen on dea ear. Both partes want their own separate power- servce, is this not reon enough? Enclosed are the photos, Idao power maps sad another drwig trg to prove our point. Plea come out and physically look at the sitution sO tht you ca addrs the facts. Truy, PtØc- A-- g ÓWevl: A.M. Scott & Pamela A. Bowers