HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070521AARP Comments.pdf'- ..'. .- C" .. Ji:,2D i;;\3:~- BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMIS~J91Ni'fJ\iJq(,J( \\\U\iC;':; cu;c;,'i\;::kji, IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT CASE NO. IPC-07- APPLICATION OF COMMUNITY ACTION PARTNERSHIP ASSOCIATION OF IDAHO INC AND IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO CONTINUE THE PRESENT) FUNDING LEVEL FOR WEATHERIZATION) ASSISTANCE AS AUTHORIZED BY ORDER NO. 29505 NOTICE OF JOINT APPLICATION NOTICE OF MODIFIED PROCEDURE ORDER NO. 30310 COMMENTS OF AARP IDAHO IN SUPPORT OF THE JOINT APPLICATION TO CONTINUE THE PRESENT FUNDING LEVEL FOR WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE AS AUTHORIZED BY ORDER NO. 29505 Pursuant to Order No. 30310, AARP Idaho submits the following comments in support ofthe Joint Application of Community Action Partnership Association ofIdaho Inc, and Idaho Power Company for Authority to Continue the Present Funding Level for Weatherization Assistance as Authorized by Order No. 29505. AARP is a non-profit membership organization for people aged 50 and over. AARP has nearly 177 000 members in the State of Idaho. AARP Idaho was a joint intervener with the Community Action Partnership of Idaho, Inc, (CAP AI) in Case No. IPC-03-, the Idaho Power Company rate case in which the Commission initially ordered the company to fund weatherization assistance at $1.2 million per year for three years. In our joint post-hearing brief in that docket AARP and CAP AI called on the Commission to "implement specific measures that pertain to the consumption and pricing of electricity in a manner that will assist Idaho Power s low-income customers.l Increased funding for weatherization assistance is one such specific measure. AARP Idaho supports extending the program because there is a clear need for weatherization programs, which help reduce energy usage, and thus energy bills, for qualified households. Data from the 2000 Census show that more than 21 000 Idaho households live with incomes ofless than 50% ofthe poverty rate, and recent research based on 2006 energy prices estimates these Idaho households pay a whopping 39.4% of 1 Before the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, In the Mater of the Application of Idaho Power Company for Authority to Increase its Interim and Base Rates and Charges for Electric Service, Case. No. IPC-03- , Post-Hearing Brief of Community Action Partnership Association and AARP, April 26, 2004, at p. 2. their income on energy bills.2 Another 33 000 Idaho households live with incomes ofless than 100% of the federal poverty guidelines and pay between 11 % and 15% of their income for home energy bills. Existing sources of energy assistance are not sufficient to meet all ofthe needs in Idaho. For example, the federal Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) allocation for Idaho falls far short of serving the eligible households in our state. Not only is the need great, but by Idaho Power s own reports, the program has been a great success. The program, Weatherization Assistance for Qualified Customers (or W AQC), has funded nearly 1400 weatherization projects over the past three years saving more than 7 million kWh, at a savings-to-investment ratio far in excess ofthe standard set by the Commission in the rate case. For the reasons stated above, AARP Idaho supports the Joint Application of Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho and Idaho Power Company for authority to continue the present level of funding for the W AQC program. - ~~.hb ~~' lL,') ~~: State Director AARP Idaho 208-855-4005 cc: Commission Secretary Barton L. Kline Monica B. Moen Ric Gale Brad M. Prdy http:! /www.homeenergyaffordabilitygap.comldownloads/2006 Released Apr07/States/ldaho.pdf