HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080207Intervenor Funding Petition.pdfEric L. Olsen, ISB No. 4811 RACIN, OLSON, NY, BUDGE & BAIEY, CHATERED P.O. Box 1391; 201 E. Center Pocatello, Idaho 83204-1391 Telephone: (208) 232-6101 Fax: (208) 232-6109 i:...t'...". :¡ 'c.~,'.- 4: i 0 Attorneys for Intervenor Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association, Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN TH MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) IDAHO POWER FOR AUTHORITY TO ) INCREASE ITS BASE RATES AN CHAGES ) FOR ELECTRCAL SERVICE TO ELECTRIC ) CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-07-08 APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING OF THE IDAHO IRGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. COMES NOW the Idaho Irrgation Pumpers Association, Inc. ("Irrgators"), by and through counsel of record, Eric L. Olsen, and hereby respectfully makes application to the Idaho Public Utilities Commssion ("Commssion") for intervenor funding, pursuant to Idaho Code § 61-617 A and IDAPA through .165, in Idaho Power's general rate case, as follows: (A) A summary of the expenses that the Irrgators request to recover broken down into legal fees, consultant fees and other costs and expenses is set forth in Exhbit "A" attached hereto and incorporated by reference. Itemized statements are also included as Attachments 1 and 2 to Exhbit "A" in support of said summary and are incorporated by reference. (B) The Irrigators' President, Mark Mickelsen, Irrigators' member, Jeff PaW, legal counsel, Eric L. Olsen, and consultant, Anthony 1. Yankel, P.E., fully participated in these APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUING OF IDAHO IRGATION PUMERS ASSOCIATION, INC. - i ORIGINAL proceedings. Procedurally, this case went forward like a full blown rate case with direct and rebuttal testimony being filed and all parties preparing for a hearing. Notwithstanding, the case was settled on the eve of hearing through a stipulation of the parties on the majority of the issues presented in this case. The stipulation was presented to the Commssion on January 23,2008. The Irrigators' President, Mark Mickelsen, argued to the Commission that the irrgation class is getting a disproportionate share of the mounting system growth costs without regard of the fact that the irrigation class, as a whole, has not growing. He also pointed out that the irrigation class already received a 4% to 6% rate increase in 2007 due the unexpected loss of the BP A credit. Finally, he urged that the Peak Reward Program needs to be improved. The improvements he urged the Commission to adopt were an increase in the amount of the interruptibility credit, a relaxing of participation standards with a view to encourage more participation, and the implementation of a dispatchable interruptibility program similar to that on the Rocky Mountain Power system. Irrigators' member, JeffPahl, testified before the Commssion that he has been paricipating in the Peak Rewards Program by providing curtailment one day per week since 2005. He urged that an increase in the amount of the curtailment credit would be needed in order to justify him providing additional interrption under the Peak Rewards Program. The increase is needed to cover additional labor costs and justify exposing himself to possible yield loss due to insuffcient watering during the irrigation season. The Irrigators' consultant, Anthony Yankel, emphasized to the Commssion that the cost of system growth is driving Idaho Power's need for rate increases. However, Idaho Power's cost of service study does not incorporate into its methodology a mechanism to allocate the costs of growth to those customer classes that are causing the growth on the system. As a consequence, the cost of APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUING OF IDAHO IRGATION PUMERS ASSOCIATION, INC. - 2 service study in this case allocated disproportionate costs to the Irrgators, as well as other static customer classes. Mr. Yankel also pointed out that Idaho Power's current load research data does not reflect the amount of curtailment being provided by the Peak Rewards Program. He also pointed out to the Commssion that the Peak Rewards Program provides a greater benefit to the Idaho Power system than is currently being recognized in the curtailment credit being paid and that the curtailment credit must be increased significantly to be in line with the benefits being provided the Idaho Power system and encourage greater participation. Mr. Yanel further urged the Commssion to require Idaho Power to continue on with the irrgation time-of-day program and establish time-of-day rates that would send the appropriate price signals to irrigators on the Idaho Power system. The stipulation presented to the Commssion in this case was the result of active participation ofMr. Mickelsen, Mr. Pahl and other Irrgator board members, Mr. Olsen, and Mr. YankeL. Key elements of the Irrgators' positions, such as the cost of service/growth issues, were reflected in the stipulation by the fact of the even rate spread between all customer classes, besides the residential class. Under stipulation, the Irrgators' positions on the Peak Rewards Program will be the subject of subsequent study this coming year between the Irrigators, Idaho Power, Commission Staff and other interest parties, with the ultimate goal of providing changes and improvements for implementation in the 2009 irrigation season. The Irrgators actively participated in all settlement conferences and in the techncal hearing before the Commssion, and also joined in urging the Commssion to adopted the settlement that had been reached between most parties. (C) The expenses and costs incurred by the Irrigators set forth in Exhbit A and accompanying attachments are reasonable in amount and were necessarily incurred. The expenses and costs were incurred in reviewing the Company's filing and intervenor testimony, preparing and APPLICATION FOR INERVENOR FUNDING OF IDAHO IRGATION PUMERS ASSOCIATION, INC. - 3 reviewing approximately 40 Irrgators data requests and responses, drafting and filing direct testimony, drafting and filing rebuttal testimony, drafting stipulation language, drafting cross- examination questions for the Company and intervenor witnesses, and participating in the settlement discussions that resulted in the settlement stipulation that was presented to the Commission. (D) The costs described in Paragraph (A) above constitute a financial hardship for the Irrgators. The Irrigators currently have approximately $42,768.46 in the bank with outstanding accounts payable from the last rate case and other small matters totaling approximately $63,821.08. In addition, the Irrigators have outstanding accounts payable for legal and consultant fees and costs in this case total $51,528.56 as set out in Exhbit "A" and accompanying attachments. The Irrigators are an Idaho nonprofit corporation qualified under I.Re. § 501(c)(5) representing farm interests in electric utility rate matters afecting farmers in southern and central Idaho. The Irrigators rely solely upon dues and contributions voluntarily paid by members, together with intervenor funding, to support activities and participate in rate cases. Each year mailings are sent to approximately 7500 Idaho Irrigators (approximately two-thirds in the Idaho Power Company service area and one-third in the RM service area), soliciting annual dues. The Irrigators recommend members make voluntar contributions based on acres irrigated or horsepower per pump. Member contributions have been fallng which are believed to be attributable to the depressed agricultural economy and increased operating costs and threats, particularly those relating to water right protection issues. From member contributions the Irrgators must pay all expenses, which generally include mailing expenses, meeting expenses and shared offce space in Boise, Idaho, in addition to the expenses relating to paricipation in rate cases. The Executive Director, Lynn Tominaga, is the only APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUING OF IDAHO IRGATION PUMERS ASSOCIATION, INC. - 4 part-time paid employee, receiving a retainer plus expenses for offce space, offce equipment, and secretarial services. Offcers and directors are elected annually and serve without compensation. It has been and continues to be a financial hardship for the Irrigators to fully participate in all rate matters affecting its members. As a result offinancial constraints, participation in past rate cases and in this case has been selective and, primarily, on a limited basis. The Irrigators also have just finished participating in the Rocky Mountain Power general rate case, which has added financial strain on the organzation. (E) The Irrigators' positions urged to be adopted by the Commission materially differed from those addressed by the Commssion Staff and other parties on several important points. First, the Irrigators addressed the growth issue on Idaho Power system and proposed a method to allocate a portion of the growth costs to the customer classes causing the system growth in a way not to penalize other static customer classes. Second, the Irrgators also continue to advocate for improvement to the Peak Rewards Program. The Irrgators provided direct testimony that the curtailment credit amounts must be increased to encourage greater paricipation, to bring the credit in line with the benefit received by Idaho Power system, and help shave the critical summer peak that Idaho Power is facing on its system. In the Stipulation, Idaho Power, the Irrigators, Commission Staff and other interested parties wil be meeting this year to improve the to address the issues raised by the Irrigators. The Commssion Staff did not address these load control issues that the Irrgators had raised. Finally, the Irrigators urged the continuation ofIdaho Power's time-of-use irrgation rate. The Irrigators believe that this type of voluntary program could also help reduce Idaho Power's summer peak. The Commssion Staff did not address this issue. APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUING OF IDAHO IRGATION PUMERS ASSOCIATION, INC. - 5 (F) The Irrgators' participation addressed issues of concern to the general body of users or consumers on Idaho Power's system. All customer classes have an interest in finding a method to equitably pay for the cost ofIdaho Power's system growth. Further, the Peak Rewards Program has enabled Idaho Power to shave approximately 40 to 50mwh of load during the summer system peak. This reduction in peak load benefits all Idaho Power customer classes by reducing the overall system costs. This translates into lower rate increases when rate cases are fied. Continuation and expansion of the Peak Rewards Program may also defer the building of additional generation plant as indicated Idaho Power's most recent Integrated Resource Plan. Avoiding these type of costs is also a benefit to all ofIdaho Power's customers. (G) The Irrgators represent the irrgation class of customers under Schedule 10. Based on the foregoing, it is respectfully submitted that the Irrigators are a qualifying intervenor and should be entitled to an award of costs of intervention in the maximum amount allowable pursuant to Idaho Code § 61-617 A and ID AP A 31.01.01. 161 through .165. DATED this 6th day Of~2008. RACIN, OLSON, NY, BUDGE & BAIEY, CHATERED BYún~LmERIC .OL T APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUING OF IDAHO IRGATION PUMERS ASSOCIATION, INC. - 6 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE ~. c.4...,J.~k I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this ~ day of~, 2008, I~erved a true, correct and complete copy of the Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association, Inc.'s Application for Intervenor Funding to each of the following, via U S. Mail or private courier, e-mail or hand delivery, as indicated below: Jean Jewell Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 E-mail: jean.jewell§puc.idaho.gov Barton L. Kline Lisa D. Nordstrom Idaho Power Company P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707-0070 E-mail: bkline(fidahopower.com E-mail:lnordstrom(fidahopower.com Weldon Stutzman Neil Price Deputy Attorney Generals Idaho Public Utilities Commssion 472 W. Washington (83702) P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 E-mail: weldon.stutzman§puc.idaho.gov E-mail: neiL.price(fpuc.idaho.gov Peter 1. Richardson, Esq. Richardson & O'Leary 515 N. 27th Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise, ID 83702 E-mail: peter§richardsonandoleary.com Don Reading Ben Johnson Associates 6070 Hill Road Boise, ID 83703 E-mail: dreading§mindspring.com Hand Delivery via E-mail US. Maillostage Prepaid via E-mail US. Maillostage Prepaid via E-mail US. Mail/Postage Prepaid via E-mail U.S. Maillostage Prepaid APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING OF IDAHO IRGATION PUMERS ASSOCIATION, INC. - 7 Anthony Yankel 29814 Lake Road Bay Village, OH 44140 E-mail: tony(iyankel.net Michael L. Kurtz, Esq. Kurt 1. Boehm, Esq. Boehm, Kurtz & Lowry 36 E. Seventh Street, Suite 1510 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 E-mail: mkrtz§FKLlawfrm.com E-mail: kboehm(iBKLlawfirm.com Conley E. Ward Michael C. Creamer Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock Street P.O. Box 2720 Boise, Idaho 83701-2720 E-mail: cew(igivenspursley.com Lot H. Cooke Acting Assistant General Counsel United States Department of Energy 1000 Independence Avenue, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20585 E-mail: Lot.cooke§hq.doe.gov Denns Goins Potomac Management Group 5801 Westchester Street P.O. Box 30225 Alexander, VA 22310-1149 E-mail: DGoinsPMG(icox.net Arhur Perr Bruder United States Department of Energy Offce of the General Counsel 1000 Independence Ave. S.W. Washington, D.C. 20585 E-mail: Arhur.Bruder§HQ.doe.gov via E-mail US. Maillostage Prepaid via E-mail US. Maillostage Prepaid via E-mail US. Maillostage Prepaid via E-mail US. Maillostage Prepaid via E-mail US. Maillostage Prepaid via E-mail US. Maillostage Prepaid APPLICATION FOR INERVENOR FUING OF IDAHO IRGATION PUMERS ASSOCIATION, INC. - 8 Denns E. Peseau, Ph.D. Utility Resources, Inc. 1500 Liberty Street, Suite 250 Salem, Oregon 97302 E-mail: dpeseau§excit.com via E-mail US. Maillostage Prepaid Dale Swan Exeter Associates, Inc. 5565 Sterrett Place Suite 310 Columbia, Maryland 21044 E-mail: dswan§exeterassociates.com via E-mail US. Maillostage Prepaid JohnR Gale Vice President, Regulatory Afairs Idaho Power Company 1221 W. Idaho St. P.O. Box 70 Boise, ID 83707-0070 E-mail: rgale§idahopower.com via E-mail US. Maillostage Prepaid !l~~ERICL.õL ~~ APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUING OF IDAHO IRGATION PUMERS ASSOCIATION, INC. - 9 EXHmITA SUMMARY OF EXPENSES INCURRD BY IRGATORS IN CASE NO. IPC-E-07-08 1. Legal Fees: Eric L. Olsen (Partner): Dave Bagley (Associate): Sally Beitia (Paralegal): 81.5 hrs (f $175.00 2.5 hours (f $145.00 3.0 hours (f $75.00 Costs: Tele. Conf./Long distance: Postage: Travel/leage Total Work and Costs: 2. Consultant Anthony J. Yankel: 287 hrs (f $125 per hour Expenses: Travel, room and meals Total Work and Costs: TOTAL FEES AND EXPENSES: $14,262.50 $ 362.50 $ 225.00 $ 84.87 $ 0.00 $ 718.69 $15,653.56 $35,875.00 $0.00 $35,875.00 $51,528.56 RACINE OLSON NYE BUDGE & BAILEY, CHARTERED IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION 710.1518532 Fee Hours Date Att Rate to Bil Amount 6113/2007 ala 175 0.2 $35.00 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH MARK MICKELSON; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH RICK GALE RE: RATE CASE 6113/2007 ELO 175 0.4 $70.00 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: IPC CASE FILING AND STRATEGY RE: SAME; CALL BARTO KLINE RE: GETTING ELECTRONIC COPY OF FILING 6118/2007 ELO 175 0.2 $35.00 REVIEW IPCO FILING AND SEE THAT FILING IS ORGANIZED FOR REVIEW 6119/2007 ELO 175 0.2 $35.00 REVIEW EMAIL FROM TONY YANKEL; EMAIL BART KlI RE: GETTING E-COPY OF FILING 6/2112007 ELO 175 0.5 $87.50 CONFERENCE WITH RANDY LOBB RE: IPCO RATE CASE ISSUES 6/29/2007 ELO 175 2.3 $402.50 CONFERENCE WITH MARK MICKELSEN AND IDAHO POWER REPRESENTATIVES ABOUT CURRENT RATE CASE AND STATUS OF PEAK REWARDS PROGRAM 7/112007 ELO 175 0.2 $35.00 SEE THAT PETITION TO INTERVENE IS PREPARED 7/212007 DB 145 0.7 $101.50 REVIEW AND REVISE PETITION TO INTERVENE (ROCK MOUNTAIN POWER); SEE THAT PETITION IS FILED 7/19/2007 DB 145 1.8 $261.00 REVISE FIRST DATA REQUEST AND SEE THAT SAME IS FILED AND SERVED TO APPROPRIATE PARTIES 7/23/2007 ELO 175 0.8 $140.00 REVIEW IP'S RESPONSE TO STAFFS DATA REQUESTS; CONTINUED REVIEW OF IP FILING; REVIEW IDAHO POWER PROPOSED SCHEDULING AND FORWARD ON TO TONYYANKEL 7/24/2007 ELO 175 1.1 $192.50 REVIEW IDAHO POWER FILING 7/27/207 ELO 175 0.7 $122.50 REVIEW SECOND DATA REQUESTS AND SEE THAT SAME ARE SENT OUT; FINALIZE DATA REQUESTS 7/31/2007 ELO 175 0.4 $70.00 REVIEW IDAHO POWER PROTECTIVE AGREEMENT; EXECUTE EXHIBIT A; EMAIL SAME TO IDAHO POWER 8/212007 ELO 175 0.3 $52.50 FINALIZE SECOND DATA REQUEST AND SEE THAT SAM IS SENT 8/6/2007 ELO 175 0.1 $17.50 REVIEW STAFF DATA REQUEST AND FORWARD TO YANKEL 8/10/2007 ELO 175 0.3 $52.50 REVIEW SCHEDULING ORDER AND CALENDAR THE SAME 8/14/2007 ELO 175 0.3 $52.50 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH JEFF PHAUL RE: PROVIDING PRE-FILED TESTIMONY IN IDAHO POWER CASE 8/2212007 ELO 175 0.3 $52.50 SEE THAT IDAHO POWER DATA REQUESTS ARE PREPARED AND SERVED ON COMPANY; EMAILIIPA MEMBER E: GIVING LAY TESTIMONY IN RATE CASE 8/24/2007 ELO 175 0.3 $52.50 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: ISSUE SON IDAHO POWER RATE CASE 9172007 ELO 175 1.4 $245.00 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: FINAL DATA REQUESTS TO IDAHO POWER; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH MARK MICKELSEN RE: SAME; FINALIZE DATA REQUESTS AND SEE THAT SAME ARE SERVED UPON IDAHO POWER 9/17/2007 ELO 175 $175.00 EMAILL YNN TOMINAGA RE: IRRIGATOR CONFERENCE CALL; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH LYNN TOMINAGA RE: SAME; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH JEFF PAHL RE: MEETING; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH DAVE PICKETT RE: IIPA MEETING ON IDAHO POWER RATE ATTACHMENT 1 CASE; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH DEAN STEVENSON RE: IIPA MEETING ON IDAHO POWER RAT CASE 9/18/2007 ELO 175 0.9 $157.50 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH STAFF RE: ISSUES WITH IDAHO POWER RATE CASE FILING; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: SAME 10/10/2007 ELO 175 0.2 $35.00 REVIEW YANKEL DRAFT TESTIMONY 10/15/2007 ELO 175 0.6 $105.00 CONTINUED REVIEW OF DRAFT TESTIMONY; TELEPHON CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: IDAHO POWER CASE AND REVIEW OF TESTIMONY; CALL AND LEAVE MESSAGE WITH JEFF PAHL 10/15/2007 ELO 175 0.6 $105.00 CONTINUED REVIEW OF YANKElS DRAFT TESTIMONY 10/16/2007 ELO 175 3 $525.00 CONTINUED REVIEW OF YANKEL DRAFT TESTIMONY; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL AND REVIEW TESTIMONY; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH MARK MICKELSEN RE: ISSUES IN IDAHO POWER RATE CASE; REVIEW EMAIL RE: PROPOSED CHANGE OF SCHEDULING ORDER 10/17/2007 ELO 175 0.8 $140.00 REVIEW EMAILS FROM INTERVENORS RE: CHANGE IN IDAHO POWER SCHEDULING; EMAIL PARTIES RE: IRRIGATOR POSITIONS; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WIT TONY YANKEL RE: SAME 10/17/2007 ELO 175 0.3 $52.50 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH RANDY LOBB RE: IDAHO POWER RATE CASE; CALL AND LEAVE MESSAGE WITH WELDON STUTZMAN RE: SETTLEMENT NEGOTIATION 10/23/2007 ELO 175 $175.00 PREPARE FOR IDAHO POWER SETTLEMENT DISCUSSIONS 10/24/2007 ELO 175 3 $525.00 TRAVEL TO BOISE FOR SETTLEMENT DISCUSSIONS (0 WAY) 10/24/2007 ELO 175 3.2 $560.00 PREPARE FOR SETTLEMENT MEETINGS; ATTEND IDAHO POWER SETTLEMENT MEETINGS; CALL AND LEAVE MESSAGE WITH YANKEL RE: SAME; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH LYNN TOMINAGA RE: SAME; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: ISSUES RAISED IN IDAHO POWER RATE CASE 11127/2007 ELO 175 0.7 $122.50 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: STATUS OF IDAHO POWER DIRECT TESTIMONY 11/30/2007 ELO 175 1 $175.00 REVIEW YANKEL DRAFT DIRECT TESTIMONY 1213/2007 ELO 175 4.9 $857.50 REVIEW YANKEL DRAFT DIRECT TESTIMONY; LEGAL RESEARCH RE: CASE ON DISCRIMINATORY RATES 1214/2007 ELO 175 2.2 $385.00 CONTINUED REVIEW OF YANKEL DRAFT DIRECT TESTIMONY; EMAIL YANKEL RE: TESTIMONY COMMENT CALL AND LEAVE MESSAGE WITH JEFF PAHL RE: TESTIMONY; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH MARK MICKELSEN RE: TESTIMONY AND CONFERENCE CALL 1215/2007 ELO 175 1.2 $210.00 CONFERENCE CALL WITH TONY YANKEL AND MARK MICKELSEN; CONFERENCE CALL WITH JEFF PAHL AND TONYYANKEL 1216/2007 ELO 175 1.1 $192.50 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL AND REVIEW FINAL COMMENTS ON TESTIMONY; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH LYNN TOMINAGA RE: STATUS OF CASE AND FILING DEADLINE; DRAFT TESTIMONY OF MARK MICKELSEN 121/2007 ELO 175 0.4 $70.00 GATHER EXHIBITS FOR YANKEL TESTIMONY; FINAlIZ YANKEL DIRECT TESTIMONY; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH DEAN STEVENSON RE: PROVIDING TESTIMONY 1219/2007 ELO 175 3 $525.00 DRAFT TESTIMONY OF JEFF PAHL; CONFERENCE WITH JEFF PAHL RE: SAME AND FINALIZE TESTIMONY 12110/2007 SAB 75 2.1 $157.50 CONFERENCE WITH ATTORNEY OLSEN RE: EXHIBITS AND FILING; ORGANIZE EXHIBITS; LETTER TO JEWE CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE; CREATE SEARCHABLE DIS FOR REPORTER 12110/2007 ELO 175 4.5 $787.50 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: FINALIZING TESTIMONY; CONTINUED DRAFTING OF TESTIMONY OF MARK MICKELSEN AND TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH STEPHANIE MICKELSEN RE: SAME; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH MARK MICKELSEN RE: REVIEW OF TESTIMONY; FINALIZE TESTIMONY AND EXHIBITS AND SEE THAT SAME IS FILED 1211112007 SAB 75 0.5 $37.50 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH IPUC CLERK; CREATE SEARCHABLE DISK 1211212007 SAB 75 0.4 $30.00 EMAIL FROM IPUC RE: EXHIBITS TO YANKEL TESTIM CLARIFY FOR CLERK 12119/2007 ELO 175 1.9 $332.50 PARTICIPATE IN IDAHO POWER SETTLEMENT CONFERENCE; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE 12126/2007 ELO 175 2.3 $402.50 REVIEW DISCOVERY REQUEST; CALL AND LEAVE MESSAGE WITH YANKEL; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: REBUTTAL TESTIMONY; SEE THAT YANKElS WORK PAPERS ARE PROVIDED TO PARTIES TO CASE 12131/2007 ELO 175 0.7 $122.50 PREPARE DISCOVERY RESPONSE TO IDAHO POWER AND SEE THAT SAME IS SERVED 1/212008 ELO 175 2.9 $507.50 REVIEW DRAFT OF YANKEL REBUTTAL TESTIMONY; REVIEW LEGAL RESEARCH ON DISCRIMINATORY RATES AND AUTHORITY OF COMMISSION 1/3/2008 ELO 175 1.9 $332.50 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: REVIEW OF REBUTTAL TESTIMONY; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH RANDY LOBB RE: ISSUES IN THE RATE CASE 1/4/2008 ELO 175 2.8 $490.00 REVIEW FINAL REBUTTAL TESTIMONY; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: SAME; FINAlIZ REBUTTAL TESTIMONY AND SEE THAT SAME IS FILED SEE THAT DISK OF TESTIMONY IS SENT TO COMMISS 1172008 ELO 175 0.4 $70.00 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: REVIEW OF PARTIES; REBUTTAL TESTIMONY 1/8/2008 ELO 175 0.5 $87.50 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: ISSUES RAISED BY STAFF ON GROWTH ISSUES 1/8/2008 ELO 175 0.5 $87.50 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH BRENDA TOMINAGA RE: STATUS OF IDAHO POWER RATE CASE; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: CONTINUED REVIEW OF REBUTTAL TESTIMONY 1110/2008 ELO 175 0.3 $52.50 REVIEW E-MAIL RE: SETTLEMENT CONFERENCE; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH CONNIE BUCY RE: GETTING MS WORD COPY OF TESTIMONY 111112008 ELO 175 1.2 $210.00 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: STATUS OF IDAHO POWER SETTLEMENT; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL E-MAIL E-COPY OF DIRECT REBUTTAL TESTIMONY TO CONNIE BUCY; CAL AND LEAVE MESSAGE WITH RANDY LOBB; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH RANDY LOBB RE: IDAHO POWER CASE AND SETTLEMENT ISSUES 1114/2008 ELO 175 0.8 $140.00 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH LYNN TOMINAGA RE: STATUS OF IDAHO POWER CASE AND SETTLEMENT ISSUES; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: UPCOMING SETTLEMENT CONFERENCE AND IPC INTERRUPTIBllITY CREDIT PRICING 1115/2008 ELO 175 2.7 $472.50 REVIEW VOICEMAIL FROM PETER RICHARDSON; CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: SETTLEMENT NEGOTIATIONS; PREPARE FOR SETTLEMENT NEGOTIATIONS; REVIEW REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF COMPANY AND INTERVENORS 1/16/2008 ELO 175 3 $525.00 TRAVEL ONE WAY TO BOISE 1/16/208 ELO 175 3.9 $682.50 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: SETTLEMENT ISSUES; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH PETER RICHARDSON RE: SETTLEMENT ISSUES; ATTEN IDAHO POWER SETTLEMENT CONFERENCE; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH MARK MICKELSEN RE: TERMS OF SAME AND PEAK REWARDS ISSUES; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: SETTLEMENT TERMS; CONTINUE WITH SETTLEMENT CONFERENCE 1117/2008 ELO 175 0.9 $157.50 TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH DEAN STEVENSON RE: IDAHO POWER SETTLEMENT AND PEAK REWARDS PROGRAM WORKING GROUP; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH JEFF PAHL RE: SAME; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH LYNN TOMINAGA RE: RESULTS OF SETTLEMENT NEGOTIATIONS 1118/2008 ELO 175 3.5 $612.50 DRAFT SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT LANGUAGE FOR PEAK REWARDS PROGRAM IN STIPULATION; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH TONY YANKEL RE: COMMENTS ON SETTLEMENT STIPULATION; REVIEW COMMENTS FROM BOARD MEMBER; TELEPHONE CONFERENCE WITH BART KLINE AND MAGGIE BRILZ RE: CHANGES TO SETTLEMENT STIPULATION 1/2212008 ELO 175 0.4 $70.00 REVIEW REVISED STIPULATION 1/23/2008 ELO 175 3 $525.00 TRAVEL TO BOISE FROM POCATELLO 1/23/2008 ELO 175 1.3 $227.50 PREPARE FOR AND ATTEND AND PARTICIPATE IN IDA POWER HEARING TO PRESENT SETTLEMENT STIPULATION 215/2008 ELO 175 1.5 $262.50 PREPARE APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING 216/2008 ELO 175 1.5 $262.50 CONTINUE PREPARE APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING AND FILE TOTAL FEES 87 $14,850.00 IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. 2007 IDAHO POWER GENERAL RATE CASE FILING Cost Date Amount 10/17/2007 $84.87 TELECONFERENCE CHARGES 11/15/2007 $226.98 RT MILEAGE POCATELLO-BOISE - 10/24 - ELO 214/2008 $491.71 RT MILEAGE POCATELLO-BOISE -1/16 AND 1123 - ELO; MEALS IN BOISE - ELO TOTAL COSTS $803.56 IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. 2007 IDAHO POWER GENERAL RATE CASE FILING UlOI.5æ0 Date Co Descriptioni:.. June 25 4 Review testiony and exlbits of Lamont Keen, Steven Keen, Lori Smith, and Schwendian. 29 2 Review fig in preparation for conference cal; attend meetig with Irrgators and Idaho Power by phone to discuss Idaho Powers position on the rate case and other issues related to rates and costs of servce. July 6 2 Review testiony and exlbits ofBri as well as testiony of Gale; compare Bri exlbits to those of the last case. 9 6 Develop intial set of interrogatories regardi bilg usage data, load research data bil frequency data, system supply and sales, margial cost data, scheduled maitenance, development of distrbution data. 10 2 Review data regardig Ditrbution substations fonnd in Tatu's exlbit and compare it to similar data provided by Bri in the last case. 25 1 Review data responses to Industral Customers Request Set 3 and manpulate the costs of servce studies provided. Aug 1 4 Review cost of serce studies provided by the Company in ths case as well as the development of alocation factors. 3 6 Review the Company's last two IRP's for costs associated with growt and the DSM programs that have been developed to reduce the increase in energy and the increases that are takg place in peak 8 6 Review other data regardig tie of day rates tht may be usefu for smaler farers for which the Company does not want to include in its irgation load management program; review possible impacts of these 10 6 Review usage data thoughout each month by hour to develop relationships between tie of day and day of the week; develop patterns of usage from hourly data by day of the week; develop scenaros regardig how farers can shift usage into ties when their 13 7 Review usage data thoughout each month by hour to develop relationships between tie of day and day of the week; develop patterns of usage from hourly data by day of the week; develop scenaros regardig how farers can shift usage into ties when their Page 1 ATTACHMENT 2 Ul .ffæ0 Date Co Descriptione: 21 8 Review data responses on Micron regadig usage levels of varous classes by month in order to see how data fit with the Company's fied usage data; compile historic usage data ofIrrgators in Idao and Oregon and compare with that presented in the FERC Form l's: review losses and impact oflosses in the Company's fig with the losses that have historicaly be recorded in the FERC Form l's. 22 6 Review responses to Irrgatots fist data set; review Idaho Powers hourly purchases and prices; review the extent to which load research data covers varous customer sizes. Sept 6 3 Review data responses regardig Irrgator set 2 regardig PCA predicted costs under varous scenaros; analyze data provided with responses in order to show consistency between responses. 7 7 Review data associated with the company's response 2- 1 to the Irrtors and compare how the montly projections for 2007 compared with the actuals for 2006 with respect to average usage, maxum usage, and light-load and heavy load usage; develop interrogatories to cover problems or inconsistencies uncovered. 10 2 Review response to LIP A 2-2 and develop relationships between what the model predicted for 2007 on an hourly basis with the actu results of2006 by hour and by month for peak, average and on-peak and off- 12 4 Analyze hourly system costs data in order to form relationships between usages and costs by hour of the day and day of the week. 27 2 Review recent data responses from the Company regardig the Irrgators and the US Deparent of Energy. 28 8 Review data regardig load management program for Irrgators: review past sumares of irgation load management that were prepared by the Company; review hourly information regardig usage of Irrgation customers on Schedule 23. Oct 1 7 Review al past data responses to the Irgators; review diection of data responses for Micron and the US Deparent of Energy; calculate costs of purchase power and suilus sales durg the hour of the system peaks for the last four years. Page 2 UlOI.5æ0 Date Co Descriptioni:- 2 8 Develop overa diection oftestiony regardi problems with normaled sales data for power cost calculations, lopsided growt, inappropriate or lack of interrptions when they should have occured, reflections on why cost-of-servce results do not reflect cost causation, and credit for Schedule 23 customers; develop mstorical backgromid to list mstoric usage over varous classes and the mstoric alocation of costs and bilg determinants for Irrgators. 3 8 Develop testiony regardig lutoric usage, mstoric alocation factors and the mis-match; review and develop data to support chanes in alocation factors and amomit of plant alocated over the last 14 years. 4 7 Develop data and exlbits that establih a weightig for growt that is reflective of the next ten years out and is in lie with the Company's support behid its base case alocation method. 5 8 Develop testiony regardig the weightig of alocation factors that wi reflect the growt that is to take place along the system and how that fits in with the Company's Base Case alocation method; develop testiony regardig the problems with the curaient customers in the load research data beig too few on the days of the peak as well as 8 8 Develop testiony regardig the BP A credit; develop testiony regardig the irgation peak rewards program, includig the success it has enjoyed or the lack there o( a development of a proper level of credit based upon both the Company's avoided capacity costs and the report that was pedormed by a consultant for PaciCorp. 9 8 Work on developing numbers for the level of the credit that can be provided for the Irrgation Peak Rewards program; develop appropriate testiony that outles the method for ths calculation of a credit. 10 8 Develop testiony regardi the development of a tie-of-day rate for Irrators; review draft testiony and tighten up the draft as far as wrtig errors are concerned. 11 6 Develop additional backgromid and support for the $94/kW margial cost of avoided capacity arguent. 12 8 Develop load research data in a form where it can be analyzed to determine what the Irrgation class as a whole uses on an hourly basis so that a tie-of-day analysis can be performed in order to develop a rate that is neutral if there is no smft in load. Page 3 Date 15 Nov 26 16 17 25 27 28 29 29 30 Ul .~æo Co e:Description Contiue to work over load research data in order to develop an average iigator usage pattern for a tie of day scenaro; develop a tie of day rate based upon average usage pattern and other concepts or stated goals of a good tie of use program. 8 8 Review other margial cost data in support of the $98/kWh fie used in the testiony; utied the margial cost data that was provided in the case as a workpaper for generation; star to put testiony into fial 7 Work to fiale testiony; discussion with Olsen regardig lu suggested changes. 1 Review proposals regardig where testiony is going as presented by the pares in the prehearg conference. 5 Review previous draft oftestiony; review testiony of Company witness Tantu; review the development of the varous cost of serce studies developed by the Company in th case. 6 Review mstoric usage levels between the Irrgators and the rest of the Company; review the treatment of bilg deterrenants in ths and previous cost of servce studies fied by the Company. 7 Review relationsmp oflutoric usage and costs of instalg new facilties; review report of workshop group that looked into alocations; wrte testiony regardig growt issues; look into additional way to measure growt (5 year data verse 10 year data). 7 Review costs ofDSM projects and the cost basis for other planed resource additions regardi levelied costs; review 2006 and the 2004 IRP's for the costs of varous programs that are being considered and 8 Review costs ofDSM projects and the cost basis for other planed resource additions regardig levelied costs; review 2006 and the 2004 IRP's for the costs of varous programs that are being considered and implemented; converations with the Company regardig the treatment of costs associated with the Residential and Commercial"in-place" DSM programs; wrte testiony. 8 Review the Company's concern regardig free-rider and develop a method that would speak to the Company's concern without hur al customers; fiale rates and rate desig to be charged for customers curai; address the difference in recommendations in ths case and the stipulation in the PacifiCorp case; wrte testiony. Page 4 UlOI.5æ0 Date Co Descriptione= Dec 3 7 Make fial review of data responses and data I developed in order to insure that the testiony is factualy based. 4 6 Make fial review of data responses and data I developed in order to insure that the testiony is factualy based. 5 2 Conversations with Olsen and Mick1eson regardi the Idaho Power testiony; mak corrections to testiony. 6 6 Final review oftestiony; make appropriate changes and corrections. 7 6 Review tie-of-day material being discussed by Idaho Power for the smaler commercial customers; review Dr. Peseau's testiony regardig forecast test year, revenue adjustments, and his proposed changes in cost-of-servce studies; review accompanyig exhbits. 10 1 Review Dr. Peseau's testiony regardig cost of servce studies. 12 1 Conversations with Olsen; attempt to connect with conference cal; review of Hessing testiony. 20 1 Review testiony of Readig and make notes regardig agreement and disageement. 21 2 Review testiony of Denns Goins and Kevi Higgis and make notes regardi agreement and diageement. 26 2 Review data requests from Idaho Power; review my testiony regardig what was being sought; develop data responses; discussion 27 8 Review testiony of other pares; outle differences of position between them and my Direct testiony; wrte rebuttal testiony. 28 8 Review testiony of other pares; outle differences of position between them and my Direct testiony; wrte rebuttal testiony. Jan 4 i Discussions with Olsen regardig draft testiony; rewrtig some of the testiony. 5 2 Discussions with Olsen regardig draft testiony; rewrtig and fialg the testiony. Page 5 Date 7 15 16 18 Total 287 Ul .lfæo Co i=Description Read rebuttal testiony of Company, Peseau, and Hessin; discuss with Olsen. 2 2 Review varous load control options, prices, ties, of the varous Company's and formulate information to Olsen to use; conversations with Olsen regadig same as well as stipulation discussion points. 2 Multiple conversations with Olsen regardig stipulation; attend stipulation conference via phone. 1 Review proposed language in stipulation and that proposed by Olsen; discussion with Olsen. 287 hours (g $125 per hour = $35,875 Page 6