HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080123Motion for Limited Admission.pdf01/23/2008 15: 00 FAX 2025867479 USDOEGCOUNSEL~JG ~002/002 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMSSION In the Matter ofthe Application ofIdaho Power ) Company for Authority to Increas its Rates and ) Chages for Electrc Serice to Electrc )Customers In the State of Idaho ) Case No. IPC-E-07-8 RECE 2nn8 Jl~l 23 Pri \2: 58 ~~~~~~iEr.1,~~O~lo ~~~ ~i~J~R~JitHf¡i~¿Ól~r~ìì~S10r Lot Cooke Esq. and Arur Perr Bruer, Esq., purt to Rules 19 and 43 of ths Commsion, and as per Idao State Bar Association 222, subnut ths petition for leave to appear pro hac vice before the Idao Public Utilties Commssion (the "Commssion") as attorneys for the United States Deparent of Energy ("DOE"), the United States National Nuclear Admstration ("NNSA") and all other affected Federal Executive Agencies ("FEA") (collectively "DOEINSA"). In support of ths petition, we state as follows: 1. We are attorneys who are not admtted to practice before the cours ofthe State ofIdaho; 2. Mr. Cooke is an active member in good standing of the Virgini Bar. He maintas the regular practice of law at the address shown below; 3. Mr. Bruer is an active member in good stading of the New York Bar. He maintais the regular pratice oflaw at the address shown below; 4. We are employees of the Office of the General Counel of the United States Deparent of Energy; 5. As per Rule 222, we wil submit this motion to the Idaho State Bar, with the requisite fee, as soon as possible. We canot do ths simultaeously with ths present filing of this motion with this Commssion, because we leared ofthi requiment only last evenig, and applicable Federal procedures for payment of such fees do not permt action so quickly, except in cirumstances more exigent than those that obtain here; 6. We anticipate that Mr. Joseph Miler, of the fum of McDevitt & Miler, an active member of the Idao State Bar, wil serve as local representative for DOEINSA as per Rule 222. We will shortly provide Mr. Miler's cerficaton as per Rule 222. The other requisite information regarding Mr. Miler is as follows: (a) address: 420 W. Banock, Boise, ID 83702; (b) telephone: (208) 343-7500; (c) Idaho BarNo.: 1968; 7. As per Rule 222, we consent to the exercise of disciplinary jursdicton by the Comssion and the Idaho State Bar over any alleged miconduct which occurs durig the progrs of this proceing; 8. This motion is being served upon all pares via emal today; 9. We respctfuly request that the Commssion grant leave. for us to appea pro hac vice in th proceeding. We fuher respectfully request tht this motion be granted today, pending the actions described in secons 4 and 5, supra, so that we may paricipate telephonically today in the above-captioned proceedg. Janua, 2008. ei~v~ Arur Perr B~d Jk Office of the General Counsel The United States Departent of Energy 1000 Independence Avenue SW Washington, DC 20585 Telephone: (202) 586-3409 Facsimile: (202) 58603409 Email: arur.bruer~hq.doe.gov