HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071206Settlement stipulation.pdflSB LISA D. NORDSTROM, IS8 Attorneys Jor Idaho Power Company M. ADVOCATES FOR THE 610 SW Alder Street, Portand, OR 97205 T et 503-542-5245 Fax: 503-225-0276 bedd¡e~advocateswest()rg Attorneys fo Renewable Northwest Project and NW Energy Coalition RECEIV iU1n DEC - 6 PM 4: 0-1 'r'ißHO PUBLIC, Ulll1flES COMMISSIO¡ BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S PETITION TO INCREASE THE PUBLISHED RATE ELIGIBILITY CAP FOR WINO POWERED SMALL POWER PRODUCTION FACILITIES; and TO ELIMINATE THE 90%1110% PERFORMANCE BAND FOR WIND POWERED SMALL POWER PRODUCTION FACILITIES ) ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-07-03 ) ) SETTLEMENT STIPULATION ) ) ) ) ) ) 1. This Settlement Stipulation ("Stipulation") is entered Into by and among Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or "the CompanY'), Renewable Northwest SETTLEMENT STIPULATION -1 and to this toareto as or as, t INTRODUCTION a and is interest The Utiltis Stipulation or the issues identified in this matter. Commission, accrdance Rule of and all of and conditons without material n. BACKGROUND 3. In Case No. IPC-E-0&-22, the Commtssion endeavored to propeiiy determine the appropriate pricing ofintermltent generation purchased from Qualified Facilities ("QFs") pursuant to Section 201 and 210 the Public Utîlty Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 ("PURPA") ascertain whether any related integratioo costs were fully reftectedin pubUshed avoided cost rates. pending this determination, the Commission issued Order No. 29839 in August 2005 reducing the published rate eligibility cap for intermittent QFs using wind as the motive force ("Wind QFs") from 1 0 average MW per month to 100 kW and required individual contract negotiations for Wind QFs larger than 100 kW, Idaho Power subsequently perfrmed a study to quantify the additi,onal costs it would incur directly related to purchasing a signifcant amount of wind generation rWind SETTLEMENT STlPULATION .2 or filed together a was to of and cost rates in system avoided to 10,000 forA. kWs average B, .OFs to compensate requested; publiShed to wind variabilty as Idaho Power to purchase state-of-the-art wind energy production forecasting services that wil provide Idaho Power forecasts of wind conditions in those geographic areas In which Wind QFs are locted. The Petition requested the order further provide that OFs reimburse the Company for their share of the on-going cost of the wind forecasting service; and D. Authorizing the Company to include a "mechanical avaUabilty guarantee" ("MAG") in all contracts with new intermittent Wind QFs. The MAG would require intermittent Wind QFs to demonstrate monthly that, except for scheduled maintenance and events of force majeure,. the Wind OF project was physically capable and available to generate at full output during 85°/0 of the hours in the month; and E. If the Commission orders the requested changes to the published rates, authorizes the acquisition and funding of the wind forecasting services and authorizes SETTLEMENT STIPULATION -3 energy from the remove new in ~s us positons of the case, other consideration as the Parties agree terms: 3. Terms oUbe Stipulation. (a.) Idaho Power's published avoided cost rates for Wind OFs wil be adjusted to recognize an assumed cost integrating the energy generated by Wind OFs as a part of the Company's generating resource portolio. rate adjustment be applied three increasing as the total of wind integrated onto idaho Powerfssystern grows. The Integration charge for each Wind OF project be calculated at the time a Wind OF project achieves its Operation Date as that term is defined in the Energy Sales Agreement ("FESA") between the Company and the OF. The integration charge wm be calculated as a percentage (7%,8% 01'9%) of the current 20-year, levelized, avoided cost rate, subject to a cap of $6.50/MWh. The integration charge as calculated on the Operation Date will remain fixed throughout the term of the contraetand wil be applied as a decrement to the applicable published fate according to the table below: SETTLEMENT STlPULATION -4 1 2 3 the wind on a with Wind been by as wil wind as such are in If the capacity associated a causes the of to 300 or to exceed 500 MW, such Wind QF wm be subject applicable integration cost for Tier 2 or Tier respectively. The term "applicable pubiished rate" means the applicable avoided cost rate approved by the Idaho PUC for purchases of power fromOFs producing less than 10aMW, the relevant contract year and time period of energy generation. (b.) Thé "90%1110%" performance band approved by Commission in Order No. .29632 be eliminated from the template Firm Energy Sales Agreement for future Wind QFs. The 90%/11 0% performance band wil be replaced in future FESAs by the integration charge described in paragraph 3(a) above, a mechanical availabilty guarantee as described Idaho Powets Petition this case, IPC-E-07-o3 and a wind forecasting charge as described in paragraph3(f) below.OFs currently holding approved FESAs which include the 90%/110% performance band can elect to amend their existing FESAs to replace the 90%/110% performance band with the mechanicalavailabmty guarantee but if they make that election, they will be subject to SETTLEMENT STlPULATION ~5 Idaho Power an in venues. SETTLEMENT STIPULA TION.-ô not Idaho wil share over the It and cost Reasonable Compromise: a of in case.provided in RP other support of approval of to a Party to explain before the own statements and positions with respect to this Stipulation, statements made and positions taken in negotiations to Stipulation shall be confidential and not be admissible in evidence in orany other proceeding. 5. Best Efforts for Approval: The Parties submit this Stipulation to the Commission and recommend approval in entirety pursuant to RP274. The Parties shall suppo.rt this Stipulation before the Commission and no Party shall appeal a Commission Order approving this Stipulation or an issue resolved by this Stipulation. If this Stipulation ,is challenged by any person not a party to this Stipulation, the Parties to this Stipulation reserve the right to file testimony, cross-examine witnesses and put on such case as they deem appropriate to respOnd fully to the issues presented, including the right to raise issues that are incorporated in the settements embooiedin this Stipulation. Notwithstanding this reservation of rights, the Parties to this Stipulation SETTLEMENT STIPULA T!ON -7 they or this on approval of the to withdraw seek reconsideration the as it witnesss, and do things to case as it deems appropriate. In case, the Parties immediateiy will convening of a conference for purposes of establishing a procedural the completion case. The Parties agree to cooperate in deveiopment of a schedule that concludes the proceeding the earliest possibie date, taking into accunt the needs of the Parties in pa.rticîpating hearings and preparing briefs. Public Interest: The Parties agree that thís Stipulation is the public interest and that all of its terms and conditions are fair, just and reasonable. 8. Commission Ap.proval: The obligations of the Parties under this Stipulation are subject to the Commissíon's approval of this Stipulation in accrdance with its terms and conditions. 9. Counterparts: This Stipulatíon may be executed íncounterparts and eaCh signed counterpart shall constítute an origínal document SETREMENT STiPUlATION-8 of FLEISCHMAN SETTLEMENT STIPULATION