HomeMy WebLinkAbout20101022Comment.pdfJean Jewell From: Sent: To: Subject: BlueRibbonEnergy~gmail.com & ArronEsq~aol.com Thursday, October 21, 2010 1 :23 PM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness PUC Comment Form A Comment from Blue Ribbon Energy LLC follows: Case Number: IPC-E-10-24 Name: Blue Ribbon Energy LLC Address: 4515 South Ammon Road City: Ammon State: Idaho Zip: 83406 Daytime Telephone: 208-524-4-2414 Contact E-Mail: BlueRibbonEnerg~mail.com & ArronEsg~aol. com Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Acknowledge: acknowledge Please describe your comment briefly: The September 3, 2010 Firm Energy Electricity Sales Contract between Idaho Power and British petroleum/Ridgeline for their Rockland Wind Project LLC, is for what some call a Large PUiRPA Project, but in actuality is just a PURPA Facility by definition (16 USC Chapter 12, Subchapter I, §796(17). Blue Ribbon Energy LLC (hereafter "Blue Ribbon") has no objection to the a~firmation of the Contract. Blue Ribbon would however like to make a comment about the cont,ract. COMMENT:' THE ABOVE IP AGREEMENT SHOULD NOT SET PRECEDENT Article VII of the Agreement contains a negotiated levelized energy price for the 25- year term, calculated to be $71.29 per MWh, which is substantially less than the $82.38 levelized published PURPA price set out in the March 16, 2010 Order number 31025, and concerning which there is an even greater disparity with the proposed avoided cost rates contained in the Stawman Poll, sent out recently by the IPUC staff for IP of $85.30. The Public Uti iities Commission should specifically rule in writing, as part of the Order and approval p ocess concerning the aforesaid agreement, that the negotiated payment rate contained t erein, cannot be used by Idaho Power or any other Utility, as a precedent in dealing wit other developers, who do not have the resources of British Petroleum/Ridgeline, whose main bjective may be the ITC Credit, rather than a cash grant or other objectives, and which other developers are financially constrained by debt and equity financing and cash grants to f nd their wind projects. If Idaho Power or any other Utility is allowed to treat this contrac with BP as any sort of precedent, it would have a strong, perhaps disasters, chilling aff ct on other private developers and on the wind industry in Idaho. The proposed rates contain d in the Strawman Poll are moving in the opposite and correct direction, from the aforesaid contract rate, and into closer, but not yet full, compliance with FERC regulations an the PURPA ACT requirements, which require the utility to pay to small energy producers the CTUAL AVOIDED COSTS - "the cost to the electric utility of the electric energy which, but for he purchase from such cogenerator or small power producer, such utility would generate..."(se 16 USC, Chapter 12, Subchapter II, §824a-3(d)). The fact that the facility is greater than 20 MW nameplate does not affect the PURPA Avoided Cost Rate, "Incremental cost of alterna ive electric energy" because by statutory definition., "small power production faci i ty" "means . . . a facility which . . . is not greater than 80 megawatts" (see 16 USC Cha ter 12, Subchapter I, §796(17)). Recently the Utilities filed with the IPUC their ACTUAL CO TS OF PRODUCING ELECTRICITY, the lowest of which, as Blue Ribbon understands it from the IP C staff, was above $84. 00/MWh, and higher than the present published levelized IP rate of $82. 38/MWh, and certainly substantially higher than the negotiated rate in the 1 above contract between Idaho Power and BP/Ridgeline. This means that neither the presently published rate nor the negotiated rate in the above contract appear to comply with the demands and requirements of the PURPA Act as Blue Ribbon understands it. BP, as Blue Ribbon is reasonably informed, owns Ridgeline, which can absorb a lower payment rate in order to obtain tax credits and other benefits, compared to a small developerwhich cannot. . Respectfully submitted, Blue Ribbon Energy LLC The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho.gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc. html IP address is 2