HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100415White Direct.pdf--c:Z'-(!-0:a r¡l\. Dean J. Miller (ISB No. 1968) Chas. F. McDevitt (ISB No. 835) McDEVITT & MILLER LLP 420 West Banock Street P.O. Box 2564-83701 Boise,ID 83702 Tel: 208.343.7500 Fax: 208.336.6912 j oe(ßmcdevitt-miller. com chas(ßmcdevitt -miler .com ZOiû APR 15 Aì'~ to: 04 Attorneys for The New Energy Company LLC and Western States Equipment Company, Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMSSION The New Energy Company LLC, An Idaho Limited Liabilty Company, and Western States Equipment Company, Inc., An Idao Corporation, Case No. IPC-E-IO-13 Complainants v. Idaho Power Company, A Regulated Public Utilty, Res ondent. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION DIRECT TESTIMONY OF LESLIE WHITE 1 Q.Please state your name. 2 A.My name is Leslie Whte. 3 Q.What is your occupation? 4 A.I am one of the two co-owners of The New Energy Company, LLC. 5 Q.Please describe your educational and professional background. 6 A.I am a Chemical Engineer. Prior to my work in renewable energy, I had worked 7 for seventeen years in energy related industres primarly centered around coal, 8 upgrading oil and gas. My professional experience also includes chemical 9 processing and design development for solid rocket boosters. 10 Q.What is the New Energy Company? 11 A.We are a women-owned company specializing in energy efficiency solutions for 12 businesses and renewable energy development. 13 Q.What is the purose of your testimony? 14 A.I will describe, in addition to negotiations with Idao Power Company, other 15 efforts we have underten to develop our projects. 16 Q.Please describe the projects. 17 A.We are working to develop thee electrc generation projects at large dairies in 18 southern Idao. They are the Rock Creek Dai in Filer, the Double B Dairy in 19 Muraugh and Swager Farms in Buh. 20 Q.What is the intended nameplate capacity of each of the projects? 21 A.The intended capacity for the Swager and Double B dairies is 1.2 MW for each. 22 The initial intended capacity for the Rock Creek Dairy was 2.4 MW. White, L 1 The New Energy Company 1 2 3 Q. 4 5 A. 6 7 8 9 Q. 10 A. 11 Q. 12 A. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Q. 20 21 A. 22 23 Subsequent analysis has shown that Rock Creek may be capable of an additional 1.6 MW capacity. Please describe the technology that will be used for the generation of electric power. The anmal waste from the dairy is processed in an anaerobic digester. Biogas from the digester is captured, cleaned and utilzed in the reciprocating engines to produce electricity. The technology also includes solids separation and water cleanup. When did New Energy commence work on these projects? We first began discussions with the owners of the dairies in July of 2009. Did New Energy subsequently enter into wrtten agreements with the daes? Yes. In September of 2009, New Energy and the owner ofthe Rock Creek and Double B Dairies, Mr. Luis Bettencour, executed Letters of Intent setting out the terms on which New Energy would place digesters at those diares. In October of 2009, a similar Letter ofIntent was executed with the owner of Swager Fars, Mr. Dean Swager. Since that time, our attorneys and attorneys for the daires have exchanged drafs of defInitive lease and off-take agreements. As of March 16,2010, those agreements were in near-final form. Please describe efforts New Energy has undertaken to obtan governenta or environmenta permits for the projects. New Energy has put effort into obtaning two permits, the Special Use Permit from Twin Falls County and the Air Permit from the Deparent of Environmental Quaity. Specific to the Special Use Permit, New Energy has met White, L 2 The New Energy Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Q. 13 14 A. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 with the Twin Falls Planing and Zoning Deparment to determine the requirements of the Special Use Permit. We have met thee times with the environmental engineer in charge of Bettencour Dairies to discuss the procedure and technical requirements for the SUP. New Energy has worked with our technology provider to determine the design parameters needed to submit the SUP application. Specific to the Air Permit, we met with the DEQ on Febru 5, 2010, to determine the permitting requirements for the Air Permit. The modeling protocol was submitted to the DEQ on Febru 13,2010. We engaged an environmenta permit specialist to direct our air permit process. Subsequently, we have met with ths consultat several times to provide facilty design and emissions input for the modeling necessar to obtain the air permit. Please describe efforts New Energy has made in the area of engineering design for the projects. In March of 2009, New Energy began thorough research on anaerobic digestion and the production of electricity from the produced biogas. Two main types of technology were evaluated and thee specific technologies were selected for fuher investigation. Capital costs and operating costs of the anaerobic digestion and of generation reciprocating engines were determined. Facilties in Washington, Michigan and Wisconsin were visited to determine the best technology. Evaluation of the technology included research and investigation of systems for cleaning the water, removing solids from the waste and engine effciency and emissions. A business plan and cost model were developed to explain the technology and to provide a mechanism for investment. White, L 3 The New Energy Company 1 Q. 2 3 A. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Q. 20 A. 21 22 23 Please describe efforts New Energy has made to procure or reserve digester and related equipment for the projects. Selection of the anaerobic digestion technology and evaluation of the engines curently utilzed in the industry was the first step. Afer the technology was selected, New Energy worked with the technology providers to determine the lead times of critical equipment. The tas utilzed in anaerobic digestions are primarly made of concrete, however, they can be steel construction. New Energy provided a preliminar cost analysis of both constructions and worked with the technology providers to determine the most cost effective design. The generating equipment design and lead time for procurement was investigated at each of the facilties that New Energy visited. New Energy determined that Western States Equipment Company will provide the generating equipment. New Energy has developed a project schedule which defines critical steps in the design engineering, procurement and constrction. The tans on the digesters canot be reserved or ordered off the shelf. New Energy has inquired as to the lead time on the generating equipment. Two engines and the associated switchgear for the facilties are reserved; the smaller engines can be procured withn the time constraints of the digester constrction. Please describe efforts New Energy has made in the area of project financing. As noted above, the engines necessar to convert biogas to mechancal energy wil be provided by Western States Equipment Company of Meridian, Idaho. In December of 2009, we began discussions with Western States about the possibilty of equity paricipation by Western States in the projects. On Whne, L 4 The New Energy Company 1 2 3 4 5 Q. 6 7 A. 8 9 10 Q. 11 l2 A. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Q. 21 22 A. 23 December 22nd 2009, Mr. Joseph Terteling indicated commitment in the form of equipment in kind for six generators to the projects. After a series of discussions, in Febru of201O, Western States, gave a firm commitment to provide equity fuding. What affect does the decrease in the avoided cost rates have on the economics of the projects? The new rates have substatially affected the financial retu by decreasing the ROI by approximately 10%. Ths level of decrease to the financial retur jeopardizes the economic viabilty and financial success of the projects. Has New Energy made substatial financial investments in the development of these projects? Yes it has. We have incured costs in excess of $30,000 in consulting fees for engineering and equipment design. We have incured costs for sureying and preparation of legal documents of approximately $6,500. Prior to March 16, 2010 we paid deposits to Idaho Power Company in the amount of $20,760. On April 2, 2010, we paid additional deposits to Idaho Power of $23,490. Travel and office expense has totaled approximately $11,000. Salar, benefits and insurance for the members of New Energy are $218,750 as of March 16,2010. Taken together our investment in the projects exceeds $310,000. Subsequent to March 16, 2010 has New Energy continued efforts toward development of the projects? Yes, on March 31, 2010, I completed the Qualifying Facility certification process though the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Whne, L 5 The New Energy Company 1 Q. 2 A. 3 4 5 Q. 6 7 A. 8 9 10 Q. 11 A. Is there a reason you had not completed the self-certification process sooner? We understood that the self-certification process is largely an clerical process involving the completion of an on-line questionnaire at FERC that could be completed any time prior to execution of a purchase power agreement. Why did you continue to expend effort to obtain purchase power agreements 'and electrical interconnection after the issuace of Order No. 31025? New Energy desires to demonstrate that it is serious about pursuing the projects, if it is determined the projects are entitled to avoided cost rates existing prior to March 16,2010. Does this complete your testimony? Yes it does. White, L 6 The New Energy Company