HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100316Application.pdfLISA D. NORDSTROM Lead Counsel Inordstrom(ãidahopower.com e:1DA~POR~ An IDACORP Company March 15,2010 VIA HAND DELIVERY Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Re: Case No. IPC-E-10-09 IN THE MA ITER OF THE APPLICA TlON OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR A PRUDENCY DETERMINATION OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY RIDER FUNDS SPENT IN 2008-2009 Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for filing please find an original and seven (7) copies of Idaho Power Company's Application in the above matter. Please note that Idaho Power Company has filed its Demand-Side Management 2009 Annual Report as Attachment No. 3tothis Application. The Company intends this filing to satisfy the reporting requirement set forth in Order No. 29419 (Case No. IPC-E-03-19). Very truly yours,;f~j¿'~~ Lisa D. Nordstrom LDN:csb Enclosures cc: Pete Pengilly (w/o encls.) Theresa Drake (w/o encls.) Darlene Nemnich (w/o encls.) P&RS Files (w/encls.) Legal Files (w/encls.) P.O. Box 70 (83707) 1221 W. Idaho St. Boise, 10 83702 LISA D. NORDSTROM (ISB No. 5733) DONOVAN E. WALKER (ISB No. 5921) Idaho Power Company P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-5825 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 Inordstromtãidahopower.com dwalkertãidahopower.com Attorneys for Idaho Power Company Street Address for Express Mail: 1221 West Idaho Street Boise, Idaho 83702 P,.ccnii fi~ ..L..: ... 2DIDHl¡RI5 PM5=/5 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITI S COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR A ) CAS NO. IPC-E-10-09 PRUDENCY DETERMINATION OF ) ENERGY EFFICIENCY RIDER FUNDS ) SPENT IN 2008-2009. ) ) Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Powet' or "the C mpany"), in accordance with RP 052 and RP 201, et seq., hereby respectfully make Application to the Idaho Public Utilties Commission (the "Commission") for an 0 der designating Idaho Powets expenditure of $50,701,740 in Energy Efficiency Rider ("Ridet') funds in 2008 and 2009 as prudently incurred expenses. In support of this Application, Idaho Power repr sents as follows: i. INTRODUCTION 1. Idaho Power considers energy efficienc and demand response to be an important and necessary part of a balanced approach 0 meeting the electricity needs of APPLICATION - 1 its customers. Because energy effciency provides both economic and operational benefis, the pursuit of all cost-effective demand-side resources is a primary objective for Idaho Power even as new supply-side resources are added to the Company's resource portolio. Idaho Power accomplishes this objective with input and consultation with its Energy Efficiency Advisory Group ("EEAG"). Formed in May 2002 with twelve members representing customers, state agencies, and other stakeholders, Idaho Power relies on the EEAG for a broad range of recommendations, including input on new program proposals, modifcations to existing programs, and overall expenditures of Rider funds. 2. Since the Rider was instituted in 2002, Idaho Power has implemented andlor managed a broad array of cost-effective demand-side management ("DSM") programs and energy efficiency initiatives. These programs benefi customers two-fold with opportunities to lower individual energy consumption and by reducing upward pressure on the Company's collective rates by minimizing the need to generate additional power or buy power from the wholesale market. Idaho Powets quarterly customer relationship survey in 2009 indicated that the percentage of customers who have a positive perception of Idaho Powets energy effciency efforts has steadily grown, with a 44 percent increase in positive customer perception from 2003 to 2009. 3. Idaho Power is also recognized nationally for its positive performance in DSM program performance. The American Council for an Energy-Effcient Economy ("ACEEE") annually publishes a scorecard that ranks individual states in terms of commitment to energy efficiency. In 2008, the ACEEE identified Idaho as the "most improved" state in the nation, having moved up twelve spots, compared to the 2007 APPLICATION - 2 scorecard. Also, on Sunday, January 24, 2010, the New York Times ran a substantial story about Idaho Powets innovative electric service concepts, programs, and results. The article titled 'Why Is Idaho Power Paying Its Customers?" focused primarily on the demand response programs and recognized Idaho Powets accomplishments in regulatory strategy, resource planning, energy efficiency, and sustainabilty. The Times story saluted Idaho Power as "vanguard" and acknowledged the Company's efforts as "especially striking given the push for energy effciency is generally associated with coastal states like California and Massachusetts, not with a state whose electric rates are among the lowest in the country." The story was also publicized by the San Francisco Chronicle and the Idaho Statesman. II. 2008 AND 2009 DSM RESULTS 4. In the last two years, Idaho Powets energy efficiency and demand response programs continued to increase in number and customer participation. Idaho Power currently offers their Idaho customers sixteen energy effciency programs, three demand response programs, several educational initiatives, and offers savings to customers through market transformation efforts. 5. Program performance in energy savings and demand reduction made significant advances in the last two years. Overall, annual energy savings from Idaho Powets energy effciency activities increased by 62 percent from 2007 to 2009, posting 140 Gigawatt hour ("GWh") savings in 2008 and an additional 148 GWh savings in 2009. Demand reduction for Idaho Powets demand response programs more than quadrupled from 2007 to 2009. Idaho Powets DSM programs reduced load by 48 APPLICATION - 3 megawatts ("MW") in 2007, 61 MW in 2008, and 218 MW in 2009. This reduction is larger than the capacity of any of Idaho Power's peaker plants near Mountain Home. 6. To achieve these results, total expenditures on DSM-related activities almost doubled from the 2007 total expenditure level of $15.7 milion. Approximately $21 millon was invested in DSM resources in 2008, $18.8 millon of which was from the Idaho Rider. In 2009, $35 millon was spent on DSM-related activities, $31.8 milion of which was funded by the Idaho Rider. A summary of program expenditures funded by the Rider in 2008 and 2009 is provided in Attachment NO.1. 7. Results show these programs are providing a cost-effective resource to customers and the Company. In 2009, all energy effciency programs but one produced savings at a benefit/cost ratio greater than 1.0 when evaluated at a total resource cost perspective, a utilty cost perspective and a participant cost perspective. The one exception is the small Holiday Lighting program, which although cost-effective from a participant cost and utilty cost perspective, was not cost-effective from the total resource perspective. The incremental costs of LED bulbs lowered the benefit/cost ratio from the total resource cost perspective to be under 1.0. II. THE DSM 2008 AND 2009 ANNUAL REPORTS 8. In support of its Application requesting the Commission accept the Company's 2008 and 2009 DSM expenditures funded by the Rider as prudently incurred, Idaho Power presents its DSM 2008 and 2009 Annual Reports. Idaho Power originally filed its Demand-Side Management 2008 Annual Report with the Commission on March 13, 2009, to comply with Order No. 29419 issued in Case No. IPC-E-03-19. APPLICATION - 4 For the Commission's convenience, Idaho Power has included the Demand-Side Management 2008 Annual Report as Attachment NO.2 to this Application. 9. Idaho Power and the Commission Staff subsequently agreed upon the contents of a more comprehensive utilty annual DSM report to faciltate an objective and transparent Staff evaluation of Idaho Powets DSM efforts. Those agreed-upon principles ("guidelines") were set forth in the Memorandum of Understanding for Prudency Determination of DSM Expenditures ("DSM MOU"). The DSM MOU was filed with the Commission on January 25, 2010, as part of the Stipulation filed in Case No. IPC-E-09-09. The DSM MOU can be found in Supplement 2 to the Demand-Side Management 2009 Annual Report included as Attachment NO.3. 10. The Demand-side Management 2009 Annual Report, included as Attachment No. 3 to this Application, is intended to satisfy the DSM reporting obligation set forth in Order No. 29419. As agreed to in the DSM MOU, Idaho Powets DSM 2009 Annual Report now contains the following: a. Template. Idaho Power built upon the format used in its previous DSM Annual Reports to enhance its DSM Annual Report in 2009. In addition to the main document, there are two new Supplements, Supplement 1, Cost-Effectiveness, and Supplement 2, Evaluation. b. Table of Contents. The Demand-Side Management 2009 Annual Report, Supplement 1 and Supplement 2 each have a detailed Table of Contents showing where specific program information can be found as well as the location of the cost-effectiveness analyses and the evaluation table. APPLICATION - 5 c. Introduction Section. This highlights section can be found on pages 3 through 16 of the Demand-Side Management 2009 Annual Report. It provides an overview of program process evaluations, impact evaluations, and updated assumptions used to calculate program cost-effectiveness. d. Cost-Effective Section. Supplement 1, Cost-Effectiveness, provides information on Idaho Powets overall approach to calculating cost- effectiveness, a discussion on the relationship between Idaho Powets DSM plan and the Northwest Power and Conservation Council's 6th Power Plan, and provides a list of data inputs, assumptions, and sources for each individual programslmeasures used for the basis of cost-effective estimates. e. Evaluation Section. Supplement 2, Evaluation, includes an overview of Idaho Powets approach to their evaluation efforts, the DSM MOU, a three- year Evaluation Plan, minutes of Energy Effciency Advisory Group meetings held in 2009, a list of Market Effects evaluations conducted in 2008 and 2009 by the Northwest Energy Efficiency Allance ("NEEA"), and a list of research studies and evaluations conducted by Idaho Power in 2008 and 2009. The remainder of Supplement 2 contains a complete copy of each of the Idaho Power research studies and evaluations. Supplement 2 also contains a CD which holds more than 2,000 pages of the 2008 and 2009 Market Effects Evaluations conducted by NEEA. f. Program Specific Section. The Demand-Side Management 2009 Annual Report contains the following information for each program or initiative: (1) a table listing the summary of the program participation, (2) performance and costs for 2009 and 2008, (3) a description of the program, (4) 2009 activities, (5) a cost- APPLICATION - 6 effectiveness discussion, which includes whether a new analysis was conducted and new assumptions used, and (6) a section on customer satisfaction and evaluations providing an overview of process, impact, and market effect evaluations that were conducted. This section also refers to studies included in Supplement 2. g. Expenses Without Direct Energy Savings. In the section titled "Other Programs and Activities," the Demand-Side Management 2009 Annual Report describes education initiatives and other non-energy saving DSM efforts. These efforts support the Company's overall DSM agenda. Other programs and activity expenses are shown in Appendices 2-4 of the Demand-Side Management 2009 Annual Report and Attachment NO.1. IV. EVOLUTION OF THE 2009 REPORT 11 . Idaho Power believes that the Demand-Side Management 2008 Annual Report and the enhanced Demand-Side Management 2009 Annual Report provide a sufficient basis for the Commission to determine the prudency of these expenses. Idaho Power has also attempted to address Staffs expectations for cost-effectiveness tests, methods, and evaluations as indicated in Attachment No. 1 to the MOU. However, because the MOU was finalized in December of 2009, it was not possible to meet all of Staffs expectations for this first report of 2008 and 2009 activities. However, Idaho Power worked to address the following areas: a. Cost-Effectiveness Measurements. In the Demand-Side Management 2008 Annual Report, Idaho Power calculated cost-effectiveness from the utilty and total resource perspectives at the program level across the life of the programs. In its 2009 Report, Idaho Power calculates cost-effectiveness from the APPLICATION - 7 participant, utilty, and total resource perspectives at the program level, except for those programs with no customer costs. This includes demand response programs which are evaluated at the utilty and total resource cost perspectives. Idaho Power also evaluates cost-effectiveness from the utilty and the total resource cost perspectives for each measure within a program, where the measures are not interactive. In future DSM annual reports, Idaho Power wil also include the Rate Payer Impact cost-effective test as specified in the MOU. b. Net-to-Gross Adjustments. For this 2009 Report, Idaho Power used these ratios as an input to cost-effectiveness calculations where available and appropriate. For a detailed discussion, see pages 1-4 of Supplement 1: Cost- Effectiveness. c. Program Evaluations. Idaho Power uses third-party evaluators when appropriate for the specific study or evaluation being planned. For example, the list of studies and evaluations completed by Idaho Power in 2008 and 2009 found in Supplement 2 shows sixteen impact evaluations or studies. Of these sixteen, twelve were conducted by third parties. In terms of reporting overall evaluation costs, for the 2008 and 2009 time periods, Idaho Power did not track internal evaluation costs separately from other indirect overhead expenses. Going forward, Idaho Power wil report the total cost of evaluating its programs and wil provide the names of primary outside evaluators and the titles of internal evaluators for each evaluation listed. V. MODIFIED PROCEDURE 12. Idaho Power believes that a technical hearing is not necessary to consider the issues presented herein and respectully requests that this Application be processed APPLICATION - 8 under Modified Procedure, i.e., by written submissions rather than by hearing. RP 201 et seq. If, however, the Commission determines that a technical hearing is required, the Company stands ready to present its testimony and support the Application in such hearing. Vi. COMMUNCIATIONS AND SERVICE OF PLEADINGS 13. Communications and service of pleadings with reference to this Application should be sent to the following: Lisa D. Nordstrom Donovan E. Walker Idaho Power Company P.O. Box 70 Boise, ID 83707 Inordstrom~idahopower.com dwalker((idahopower.com Darlene Nemnich Greg Said Idaho Power Company P.O. Box 70 Boise, ID 83707 dnemnich((idahopower.com gsaid((idahopower.com VII. REQUEST FOR RELIEF 14. As described in greater detail above, Idaho Power Company respectfully requests that the Commission issue an order designating Idaho Power's expenditure of $50,701,740 in Energy Effciency Rider funds in 2008-2009 as prudently incurred expenses. Respectfully submitted this 15th day of March 2010. ~Q~~ ïS D.NORDSli OM Attorney for Idaho ower Company APPLICATION - 9 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-10-09 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT NO.1 SUMMARY OF PROGRAM EXPENDITURES Idaho Power Company Idaho Energy Effciency Rider Expenditures (Dollars) Sector/Program 2008 2009 Total Program Energy EffciencylDemand Response Residential AlC Cool Credit...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .....$2,922,985 $3,305,814 $6,228,799 Ductless Heat Pump Pilot(a)... ... ... ...... ... ...... ...... .......0 192,264 $192,264 Energy Effcient Lighting... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... '" ... ... ... ... ...1,011,850 1,190,065 $2,201,915 Energy House Calls ...............................................448,992 479,174 $928,166 ENERGY STAR~ Homes... ............ .........................294,579 348,829 $643,408 Heating & Cooling Effciency Program... ... ...... ...... ... ...466,094 458,216 $924,310 Home Improvement Program(b)... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....123,454 321,140 $44,594 Home Products Program... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...245,219 498,980 $744,199 Rebate Advantage... ...... ...... ... ... ......... ...... ..............79,547 43,954 $123,501 See Ya Later Refrigerator(a)... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0 297,587 $297,587 Weatherization Solutions for Eligible Customers(C)... ......51,670 160,459 $212,129 Commercial/Industrial Building Effciency .................................................1,006,025 1,300,466 $2,306,491 Easy Upgrades...... ...... ...... ............ ......... ...... .........2,922,340 3,213,388 $6,135,728 FlexPeak Management(a)... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...0 528,681 $528,681 Holiday Lighting... ......... ......... ......... ... ...... ...... ........28,782 33,673 $62,455 Custom Effciency... ...... ......... ......... ......... ...... ........3,948,617 5,816,305 $9,764,922 Irrigation Irrigation Effciency Rewards......... .................. ..........1,878,960 2,112,391 $3,991,351 Irrigation Peak Rewards ..........................................1,373,855 9,131,929 $10,505,784 Energy Effciency/Demand Response Total 16,802,969 29,433,315 $46,236,284 Market Transformation Northwest Energy Effciency Allance (NEEA) .............894,913 919,850 $1,814,763 Consumer Electronics Initiative(a)..............................0 160,762 $160,762 Market Transformation Total 894,913 1,080,612 1,975,525 Other Programs and Activities Residential Residential Energy Effciency Education Initiative..........142,969 183,143 $326,112 Commercial Commercial Education Initiative ................................69,059 114,516 $183,575 Other Energy Effciency Direct Program Overhead...... ...... .....135,788 146,007 $281,795 Local Energy Effciency Funds...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .22,714 5,622 $28,336 Other Programs and Activities Total 370,530 449,288 $819,818 Indirect Program Expenses Residential Overhead(d)...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....0 112,984 $112,984 Commercial/Industrial/Irrigation Overhead(e)............ ... ...0 139,101 $139,101 Energy Effciency Accounting and Analysis... ... ... ... ... ...792,480 600,870 $1,393,350 Energy Effciency Advisory Group... ............ ... ... ... ... ...2,148 3,434 $5,582 Special Accounting Entries......................................17,236 1,860 $19,096 Indirect Program Expenses Total 811,864 858,249 $1,670,113 Grand Total $18,880,276 $31,821,464 $50,701,740 New program in 2009 (b) Attic Insulation Pilot in 2008 (el Home Weatherization Pilot in 2008 (d) Reorganization/Previously recorded under Energy Effciency Accounting and Analysis in 2008 (e) Reorganization/Commerical Leader added in 2009