HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100316Bowman Direct.pdfr.¡;-ï..'_C_ f .. ~".. t ")r:. !' L. U ~ ~'j il /5 PN 5: i 2 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPAN TO INCREASE ITS RATES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE TO RECOVER ITS 2010 CASH CONTRIBUTION TO DEFINED BENEFIT PENSION EXPENSE. CASE NO. IPC-E-10-08 IDAHO POWER COMPAN DIRECT TESTIMONY OF JEANETTE C. BOWM 1 Q.Please state your name and business address. 2 A.My name is Jeannette C. Bowman. My business 3 address is 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho. 4 Q.By whom are you employed and in what 5 capacity? 6 A.I am employed by Idaho Power Company as a 7 Senior Pricing Analyst. 8 Q.Please describe your educational background 9 and work experience. 10 A.In 1973, I graduated from the College of 11 Idaho earning a Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Studies 12 and Mathematics. I have also done graduate work at Boise 13 State University. In addition, I have attended electric 14 utility ratemaking courses offered through New Mexico State 15 University's Center for Public Utilities as well as various 16 advanced rate courses presented by the Edison Electric 17 Institute. From 1973 to 1981, I taught secondary school 18 mathematics and social studies courses. In 1981, I joined 19 Accounting Systems in Boise where my duties primarily 20 involved implementing accounting software systems. In 21 August 1982, I accepted a position at Idaho Power Company 22 (nthe Company") as a Rate Analyst. In July 1986, I was 23 promoted to Senior Rate Analyst, now designated as Senior 24 Pricing Analyst. My duties as a Senior Pricing Analyst BOWM, DI 1 Idaho Power Company 1 include gathering, analyzing, and coordinating data from 2 various departments throughout the Company required for 3 development of jurisdictional separation studies, class 4 cost-of-service studies, and rate design as well as other 5 analyses as may be required. In addition, I have assisted 6 in the development of the Company's tariffs. 7 Q.What is the scope of your testimony in this 8 proceeding? 9 A.I am sponsoring testimony in this proceeding 10 to present the Company's proposal for implementation of 11 defined benefit pension cost recovery that aligns with the 12 provisions approved by the Commission on February 17, 2010, 13 in Case No. IPC-E-09-29, Order No. 31003. 14 Q.Have you prepared exhibits for this 15 proceeding? 16 A.Yes. I am offering the following exhibits: 17 1.Exhibi t No.1, Minimum Required Cash 18 Pension Contributions for Plan Year Beginning January 1, 19 2009; 20 2.Exhibit No.2, Actuarial Estimates of 21 Minimum Required Cash Pension Contributions for Plan Years 22 2010-2014; 23 3.Exhibit No.3, Estimated Pension 24 Balancing Account; and BOWM, DI 2 Idaho Power Company 1 4.Exhibi t No.4, Proposed Recovery of 2 Defined Benefit Pension Plan Contributions by Retail Rate 3 Class. 4 Q.Upon what basis is the Company requesting 5 recovery of cash contributions to its defined benefit 6 pension expense during the moratorium and outside a general 7 rate case? 8 A.For a number of expense categories 9 delineated in the Stipulation filed in Case No. IPC-E-09-30 10 and approved in Commission Order No. 31003, the Company is 11 authorized to make filings with the Commission to adjust 12 its revenue requirement and change rates prior to January 13 1, 2012. Annual pension cost recovery is one of those 14 specified expense categories. 15 Q.Before the recent Order No. 31003, what was 16 the Commission's guidance for recovery of defined benefit 17 pension plan expenses? 18 A.In Order No. 30333 (Case No. IPC-E-07-07), 19 the Commission found it reasonable for the Company to defer 20 the expense associated with the pension plan cash 21 contributions and record them as a regulatory asset. It 22 also stated on page 4 of that Order, nWhen the Company's 23 actuaries notify the Company of ERISA minimum funding 24 requirements, the Company can evaluate the circumstances BOWM, DI 3 Idaho Power Company 1 for ratemaking purposes and make a filing requesting 2 ratemaking treatment, if needed." 3 Q.Does the Commission's most recent Order 4 continue to support recording the Company's pension plan 5 contributions as a regulatory asset? 6 A.Yes. In Order No. 31003, the Commission 7 adopted the Company's clarification provision which states, 8 nThe regulatory asset account previously authorized for the 9 deferral of cash contributions will be considered a 10 balancing account for the purpose of tracking the 11 difference between cumulative cash contributions to the 12 pension plan and amounts recovered in rates." 13 Q.Does the Commission also continue to support 14 the earlier provision that the Company can make a filing 15 requesting ratemaking treatment when the Company's 16 actuaries notify the Company of ERISA minimum funding 17 requirements? 18 A.Yes. In Order No. 31003, the Commission 19 adopted the Staff's recommendation that n the Commission 20 reaffirm its commitment in Order No. 30333 that reasonable 21 and prudently incurred cash contributions based on the 22 ERISA minimum funding requirement may be properly included 23 in the Company's revenue requirement." BOWM, DI 4 Idaho Power Company 1 Q.Has the Company's actuary informed the 2 Company of a minimum required contribution? 3 A.Yes. The Company's actuary, Milliman, Inc., 4 has informed the Company that a contribution is required 5 for the plan year beginning January 1, 2009. 6 Q.How much did the Company's actuary identify 7 as the 2009 minimum required contribution? 8 A.As of January 1, 2009, the required 9 contribution identified by the Company's actuary was 10 $5,092,774. However, from that date, the contribution 11 increases at an annual effective rate of 8.15 percent until 12 paYment. Therefore, additional required contributions will 13 accrue until the extended due date for the Company's 14 federal income tax return of September 15, 2010. On that 15 paYment date, the minimum required contribution for plan 16 year 2009 is expected to be $5,822,145. Details to the 17 required contribution for the plan year beginning January 18 1, 2009, are illustrated in Exhibit No. 1 to this 19 testimony. 20 The full actuarial report is included in my 21 workpapers and available upon request. 22 Q.How much of the minimum required 23 contribution for plan year 2009 is allocated to the Idaho 24 retail customers? BOWM, DI 5 Idaho Power Company 1 A.Wi thin the required $5,822,145 pension 2 contribution total, $46,078 has been reimbursed from a 3 separate IDACORP subsidiary, IDACORP Financial Services 4 (nIFS"), thereby reducing the contribution amount to 5 $5,776,067. The allocated portion of this reduced amount 6 to Idaho retail customers is $5,416,796, or 93.78 percent. 7 Q.Is the Company seeking recovery of actual 8 2010 cash contributions to its defined benefit pension plan 9 for plan year 2009 as part of this proceeding? 10 A.Yes. At this time, the Company is seeking 11 the Commission's approval of $5,416,796 in pension cost 12 recovery for the Idaho-allocated portion of the minimum 13 required contribution for plan year 2009 as a known and 14 measurable paYment the Company will make in September 2010. 15 Q.What is the percentage increase in revenue 16 as measured from total amounts currently recovered from 17 customers? 18 A.Total revenue currently recovered from 19 customers includes the following components: base rates, 20 Fixed Cost Adjustment, Power Cost Adjustment, and Energy 21 Efficiency Rider.The current revenue from these 22 components for the affected classes is $930,475,864. The 23 requested increase, including additional revenue from the 24 Energy Efficiency Rider, is $5,673,553 or 0.61 percent. BOWM, DI 6 Idaho Power Company 1 Q.Has the Company's actuary made proj ections 2 for future required pension contributions? 3 A.Yes. As illustrated in Exhibit No.2, 4 Milliman, Inc. has estimated the Company's minimum cash 5 contributions for defined pension expense for each plan 6 year through 2014. Beginning in 2011, the Company will be 7 required to begin making quarterly paYments starting on 8 April 15. The total contributions required in 2011 are 9 estimated to be $44.2 million. 10 These quarterly and annual pension contribution 11 amounts are estimates. Amounts for future years are 12 uncertain since they are dependent on future year ending 13 values such as market values of plan assets and discounts 14 rates. 15 As previously stated, the full actuarial report is 16 included in my workpapers and available upon request. 17 Q.Because there is an actuarial estimate 18 indicating additional pension contributions will be 19 required in 2011, is the Company also requesting pension 20 cost recovery in this filing for those contributions as 21 well? 22 A.No. Additional requests to recover defined 23 benefit pension expenses based on minimum required cash BOWM, DI 7 Idaho Power Company 1 contributions for plan years 2010 and beyond will be 2 included in the future rate case proceedings. 3 PENSION COST BALCING ACCOUN 4 Q.Please describe the nbalancing account" the 5 Company will be including as part of its pension accounting 6 provisions. 7 A.As provided in the Commission's Order No. 8 31003, the regulatory asset account previously authorized 9 for the deferral of cash contributions will be considered a 10 balancing account for the purpose of tracking the 11 difference between cumulative cash contributions to the 12 pension plan and amounts recovered in rates. 13 Q.How will the Company be using the previously 14 authorized pension cost balancing account if the Commission 15 approves this filing? 16 A.The recovery of defined benefit pension 17 expenses through the balancing account will allow the 18 Company to comply with the Commission's Order No. 31003 and 19 Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (nGAAP") 20 requirements for cash basis accounting of defined benefit 21 pension expense. In September 2010, the Company will be 22 required to make a cash contribution to its defined benefit 23 pension plan for the plan year beginning January 1, 2009. 24 The balancing account will be charged for the Idaho- BOWM, DI 8 Idaho Power Company 1 allocated portion of the cash contributions. The recovery 2 of defined benefit pension costs from Idaho customers will 3 be recorded each month throughout the amortization period. 4 Details of the Company's proposed accounting entries are 5 included as Attachment No. 2 to the Company's Application 6 in this filing. 7 Q.What is the Company proposing as a pension 8 cost recovery amortization period in this filing? 9 A.The Company is proposing a one-year 10 amortization period of June 1, 2010, through May 31, 2011, 11 with tariff rate adjustments becoming effective on June 1, 12 2010. This timing will allow the Company to minimize the 13 number of rate adjustments Idaho customers will experience 14 in calendar year 2010. 15 Q.How will Idaho customers' monthly 16 contributions to pension cost recovery be computed and 17 included in the balancing account? 18 A.The regulatory asset account previously 19 authorized for the deferral of cash contributions is a 20 balancing account that tracks the difference between 21 cumulative cash contributions to the pension plan and 22 amoun ts recovered in rates. Exhibi t No. 3 ill us tra tes the 23 monthly recovery of pension costs from Idaho customers over 24 the amortization period. The monthly amounts are based on BOWM, DI 9 Idaho Power Company 1 the Company's forecast June 2010 through May 2011 base 2 revenues. Upon Commission approval, the computed amount of 3 pension cost recovery from retail rates will begin creating 4 a negative balance in the Company's balancing account 5 starting on the requested effective date of June 1, 2010, 6 and will continue until the Company makes its minimum 7 required pension contribution on September 15, 2010. Upon 8 that contribution, the balancing account will reverse to a 9 net debit balance. By the end of the amortization period 10 (May 31, 2011), the pension balancing account for the 11 September 2010 paYment will approach zero. 12 Q.will the Company apply a carrying charge to 13 the monthly balances in the pension balancing account? 14 A.Yes, as approved in the Commission's Order 15 No. 31003, the Company will be applying a carrying charge 16 equal to the Commission's approved rate for customer 17 deposits each month based on the balance in the regulatory 18 asset account. In a given month during the amortization 19 period, the carrying charge could be a benefit or a cost, 20 depending on whether the Company's cash paid to date is 21 less than or exceeds the computed Idaho customers' pension 22 cost recovery contributions to date. 23 Q.Is the recovery of carrying charges included 24 in the Company's request in this filing? BOWM, DI 10 Idaho Power Company 1 A.No. All carrying charges, either posi ti ve 2 or negative, will be accumulated and requested as part of 3 the Company's revenue requirement in future rate case 4 proceedings. 5 Q.Is the Company proposing that it continue to 6 recover amounts from Idaho customers after the end of the 7 amortization period on May 31, 2011? 8 A.Yes. Even though the recovery of the Idaho- 9 allocated pension amount for plan year 2009 will have 10 concluded by the end of the amortization period on May 31, 11 2011, the Company is proposing to continue to recover from 12 customers in the same manner as during the amortization 13 period. The Company will continue to track the difference 14 between its contributions to the defined benefit pension 15 plan and amounts recovered in rates until the Commission 16 determines a new authorized amount and amortization period 17 for recovery of the Idaho portion of the Company's post- 18 2010 cash contributions to the defined benefit pension 19 plan. The computed amounts of post-May 31, 2011, pension 20 cost recovery from Idaho customers' accumulated in the 21 pension cost balancing account will reduce the amount 22 placed into customers' rates for the ensuing authorized 23 amortization period. BOWM, DI 11 Idaho Power Company 1 Q.What type of rate design does the Company 2 plan to apply to recover the pension costs under the 3 proposed balancing account mechanism? 4 A.As illustrated in Exhibit No.4, the Company 5 proposes to recover its defined benefit pension expense as 6 an equal percentage rate of 0.77 percent applied to all 7 rate classes' forecast base revenues. In turn, the Company 8 is proposing the same 0.77 percent uniform percentage 9 increase be applied as equally as technically possible 10 among the billing components wi thin the rate classes' 11 schedules, with exceptions for Service Charges in 12 Residential Service (Schedules 1, 3, 4, and 5), Small 13 General Service (Schedule 7). Attachment No. 1 to the 14 Application in this filing includes the Company's 15 Calculation of Revenue Impact documents illustrating the 16 impact of pension cost recovery on each billing component 17 within each retail rate schedule. 18 Q.Why are there pension cost recovery 19 exemptions for the Service Charge billing component within 20 the Company's Residential Service and Small General Service 21 rate schedules? 22 A.In Case No. IPC-E-09-30, the Company and the 23 other settlement parties signed a Stipulation that was BOWM, DI 12 Idaho Power Company 1 later approved in Commission Order No. 30978. In paragraph 2 7.2.1. 1 of the Stipulation it states: 3 The Company's share of the PCA rate 4 reduction will be applied to increase 5 permanent base rates on a uniform percentage 6 basis to all customer classes and special 7 contract customers. Schedule 1 and Schedule 8 7 customer classes will have any increase 9 placed on their respective energy rates.10 This increase in base rates will remain in11 effect until new base rates, which are 12 ordered in a future Idaho Power Company13 general rate case, become effective. 1415 The Company is proposing similar treatment for 16 pension cost recovery and applying additional charges to 17 only the respective Residential and Small General Service 18 rate schedules' energy billing component. This will 19 necessitate an increase in excess of 0.77 percent to each 20 affected rate class's energy component to recover the total 21 pension costs allocated to that rate class. 22 Q.Why didn't the Company propose to recoup all 23 pension recovery costs by just assessing a uniform energy- 24 only charge to all classes, similar to the Company's PCA? 25 A.Ei ther a uniform energy-only charge (ç per 26 kWh) or equal percentage charge assessed only to the 27 customers' energy billing component would 28 disproportionately assign pension cost recove~y to high 29 load-factor customers. Until all cost issues can be more 30 fully addressed in a general rate case, the Company BOWMAN, DI 13 Idaho Power Company 1 contends spreading cost recovery over all billing 2 components is a more equitable way to recover defined 3 benefit pension costs. 4 Q.Will the recovery of defined benefit pension 5 costs appear as a separate line item on customers' bills? 6 A.No. Because the Company is proposing an 7 increased percentage rate be applied to all base rate 8 billing components, pension expense recovery will be 9 integrated within those component rates and not listed as a 10 separate item on customers' bills. 11 Q.Does this conclude your testimony? 12 A.Yes, it does. BOWM, DI 14 Idaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO P.UBlIC UTiliTIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-10-08 IDAHO POWER COMPANY BOWMAN, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO. 1 Minimum Required Contribution at Various Dates The plan's Minimum Required Contribution is determined at the beginning of the plan year. The Minimum Required Contribution must be increased with the effective interest rate of 8.15% if payment is not made at the beginning of the year. The Minimum Required Contribution for the plan year beginning January 1, 2009 at various potential payment dates (the respective quarterly dates) is shown below. 1.Minimum Required Contribution as of January 1, 2009 $5,092,774 2.Minimum Required Contribution as of April 15, 2009 5,210,493 3.Minimum Required Contribution as of July 15, 2009 5,313,558 4.Minimum Required Contribution as of October 15, 2009 5,418,662 5.Minimum Required Contribution as of January 15, 2010 5,525,845 6.Minimum Required Contribution as of September 15, 2010 $5,822,145 Exhibit No. 1 Case No. IPC-E-10-08 J. Bowman, ipca Page 1 of 1 January 1, 2009 Actuary's Report Retirement Plan for Employees of Idaho Power Company This work product was prepared solely for Idaho Power Company for the purposes described herein and may not be appropriate to use for other purposes. Miliman does not intend to benefit and assumes no duty or liabilty to other parties who receive this work. Miliman recommends that third parties be aided by their own actuary or other qualified professional when reviewing the Miliman work product. The entire report from which this exhibit was extracted is available upon request. tSMiliman BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-10-08 IDAHO POWER COMPANY BOWMAN, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO.2 o 3l c: ( 1 ii Z o ! : "l ~ = t m II I I O ~ lQ : : i _ . (1 . r ; 2 : -a - - o . . O" l o Z _0 i 0 00 ' .. 0 0 I \ Id a h o P o w e r C o m p a n y Es t i m t e d C a s h C o n t r i b u t i o n s ( i n $ m i l l o n s ) Du e Da t e Co n t r i b u t i o n Du e Da t e Co n t r i b u t i o n Du e Da t e Co n t r i b u t i o n Du e Da t e Co n t r i b u t i o n Du e Da t e Co n t r i b u t i o n 11 1 5 / 2 0 1 0 $0 . 0 11 1 5 1 2 0 1 I $0 " 0 1/ 1 5 1 2 0 1 2 $5 . 9 11 1 5 1 2 0 1 3 $8 . 4 11 1 5 1 2 0 1 4 $8 . 5 4/ 1 5 1 2 0 1 0 $0 . 0 41 1 51 2 0 II $5 . 9 4/ 1 5 1 2 0 1 2 $8 . 4 41 1 5 / 2 0 1 3 $8 . 5 41 1 5 / 2 0 1 4 $8 . 7 7/ 1 5 / 2 0 1 0 $0 . 0 71 5 1 2 0 1 I $5 . 9 71 5 1 2 0 1 2 $8 . 4 7/ 1 5 / 2 0 1 3 $8 . 5 7/ 1 5 1 2 0 1 4 $8 . 7 9/ 1 5 1 2 0 1 0 $5 . 8 9/ 1 5 1 2 0 1 1 $2 6 . 5 9/ 1 5 1 2 0 1 2 $1 6 . 3 9/ 1 5 1 2 0 1 3 $5 . 5 9/ 1 5 / 2 0 1 4 $5 . 6 10 1 1 5 1 2 0 1 0 $0 . 0 10 / 1 5 / 2 0 1 I $5 . 9 10 / 1 5 1 2 0 1 2 $8 . 4 10 / 1 5 / 2 0 1 3 $8 . 5 10 / 1 5 / 2 0 1 4 $8 . 7 To t a $5 . 8 To t a l $4 . 2 To t a $4 7 . 4 To t a $3 9 . 4 To t a $4 . 2 As s u m p t i o n s : 8 . 0 % a s s e t r e t u r n f o r a l l y e a r s . PP A f u n d i n g i n t e r e s t r a t e s b a s e d o n 2 4 - m o n t h a v e r a g e s e g m e n t r a t e s w i t h a o n e m o n t h l o o k b a c k . Lo n g t e r m c o r p o r a t e b o n d r a t e s a s s u m e d t o 6 . 0 0 % f o r a l l y e a r s . No c h a n g e i n 1 / 1 / 2 0 0 9 a c t i v e e m p l o y e e c o u n t f o r f u t u r e y e a r s . No o t h e r a c t u a r i a l g a i n s o r l o s s e s . Th i s w o r k p r o d u c t w a s p r e p a r e d s o l e l y f o r I d a h o P o w e r C o m p a n y f o r t h e p u r p o s e s d e s c r i b e d h e r e i n a n d m a y n o t b e a p p r o p r i a t e t o u s e f o r o t h e r p u r p o s e s . M i l l m a n d o e s n o t i n t e n d t o b e n e f i t a n d as s u m e s n o d u t y o r l i a b i l i t y t o o t h e r p a r i e s w h o r e c e i v e t h i s w o r k . M i l i m a n r e c o m m e n d s t h a t t h i r d p a r t i e s b e a i d e d b y t h e i r o w n a c t u a r o r o t h e r q u a l i f i e d p r o f e s s i o n a l w h e n r e v i e w i n g t h e M i l l m a n wo r k p r o d u c t . T h e e n t i r e c o m m u n i c a t i o n f r o m w h i c h t h i s e x h i b i t w a e x t r a c t e d i s a v a i l a b l e u p o n r e q u e s t . F: \ C l i e n t s \ I P C \ 2 0 1 0 \ F C M o d e l \ I P C F C 2 0 0 9 . 1 - C o n t r i b u t i o n s . x l s Mi l l m a n 2/ 1 / 2 0 1 0 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E.10-08 IDAHO POWER COMPANY BOWMAN, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO. 3 Estimated Pension Balancing Account Contribution Required for Plan Year Beginning January 1, 2009 Assumed Cash Payment on September 15, 2010 Estimated Company Idaho Customer Contribution (1)Allocation (2)Repayment Rev % (3)Balance 2010 June 0 0 (464,549)8.6%(464,549) July 0 0 (553,118)10.2%(1,017,667) August 0 0 (595,622)11.0%(1,613,289) September 5,776,067 5,416,796 (536,427)9.9%3,267,080 October 0 0 (399,784)7.4%2,867,297 November 0 0 (367,757)6.8%2,499,540 December 0 0 (427,298)7.9%2,072,242 2011 January 0 0 (477,846)8.8%1,594,396 February 0 0 (444,437)8.2%1,149,959 March 0 0 (404,857)7.5%745,103 April 0 0 (374,953)6.9%370,150 May 0 0 (370,150)6.8%0 Total 5,776,067 5,416,796 (5,416,796)100.0%0 (1) Company Pension Contribution less IFS Pension Reimbursement ($5,822,145 - $46,078) (2) Idaho Labor Allocator - 93.78% (2008 FERC Form 1) (3) Based on Company's 2010-2011 Revenue Forecast Exhibit NO.3 Case No. IPC-E-10-08 J. Bowman, ipca Page 1 of 1 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-10-08 IDAHO POWER COMPANY BOWMAN, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO.4 VlZo I-:: co 0:I-ZoUz :5cizo VlZwcil- LlWZwco ClwZ LIW Cl LIo~0:w~ouw0: ClwVlocio0:ci O" 0o ~00N N ~.. Lfl~~CO L. :J OJ c: ..CO E ~ OJtl +- c: c. c: OJ c: Vl tl c:OJ 0CO t: L. OJ æ E~ ;: c: CO CO cici ~ L. CO~ U "C "C OJ OJL. E:J :iC" V'OJ V'0: c: 5: 'j ~u .E H QI *IlII IlCD QIo :i.. i: :2 ~ 'j 'j 'j 'j 'j 'j 'j 'j 'j 'j 'j 'j 'j 'j 'j 'j 'j~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ r- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 'j m N r- r-~~~ffoò ÑNLfÑ OLf~mO' Lf u) Lfm Lf O' r-ir Ñ .-lO.. N.. .. .... u)NLfu)~00 N Lf 0 r-Lf~U)Omr' Ñ .. r-' Ñm.. ~Lf U) N 00 0 0N U) m mm ~ N..r'OÒ..Ò.. U)..ir ~~~~~~~~'j~~~~'j~~~r- 0 0 0 O' .. m 0 .. 0 00 m ~ .. mom~ 0 0 0 ~ ~ N 0 0 0 ~ 0 N 0 0 0 ~.. N .. O' NLfU)Lf..U)U)~Nmr-NOLf~OO'mO'~NNoo"" 0\ i. 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