HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100505Comments.pdf~./~ ~. 51410 ýí AJI /i~~ bf Morton & Kimberly Hardwick ¡:, 7190 N. Spurwing Way LU\ß t~~ Y -4 pA~n~: ~~~:~~~;3~~ah~a~:3~ci;_888_5806 May 3,2010 Re: IPC-E-1O-06, E-1O-07, E-1O-08 Dear Commissioners, I agree with the premise that the PUC serves the public interest and it is not in the public's interest to have utilities that do not have the generation, transmission and distribution infrastructure to provide safe, adequate and reliable service to their customers. Customers should pay a reasonable rate for those services. Our family has consistently reduced our electricity usage as is shown in the billng and usage chars supplied by Idaho Power to Chris Hecht of the PUc. The problem is that the rate increases granted by the commission generate more revenue for less power usage. For example, comparng our KWH for the first four months of2010 with 2009 on meter 75359249, our usage was down 17%. The biling went down 2%. On meter 75360551 for the same four month period, usage went down 23% while the billng went down only 10%. F or the fourth quarer of 2009, IdaCorp reported its revenues increased 17% while it's profit more than tripled. The common stock of the company has been reaching new highs on a weekly basis. This is occurrng as a result of the PUC allowing outsized rate increases over what should be considered a normal return. Is the commission able to modify these constant rate requests which are generating huge profits on the backs of the customers? I am anxious to see how these new requests are handled. Relief for the consumer or more large profit gains for IdaCorp. Please bring the rates to a level where you meet the goal mandated t9 the Commission of a fair return to IdaCOrp and a reasonable rate for the c~umer. Very TrulYY9urs \/7/--~~Morton Hardwick . I . . . /10 ~. , i-I ",...~¡,- in y -5 f',fî 8: I ì 3932 Lelad Way Bois, Idaho 83709 May 4, 2010 Commssion Secreta Idao Public Utilities Commsion P. O. Box 83720 Bois, Idao 83720-0074 Idao Public Utilities Commsion; As I ~te before, I do not thi it is up to the ratepayers to pay highe rates jus becaus we have saved on electric us mainly becaus our pocketbooks are empty but also beause we are urged to save power so that we can SAVE on our power bil. Then when we do reduce us, then it is deeme right and prope to then hi us wit a surchage for recin consumption. May fid thi rathe a slap in the fae an more of th usl corprate greed to give top execs high pay to do nothi but dream up more ways to stb ratepayers in the bák. And to also give the stockholder money that they have not eared. People don't come to meins or wre for the simle reason that they knw that no matter what they say, the Commsion ha already mae up their mid to give to whtever corpration is asking for ever more money the rate increases asked for. Nor do most of us, who have next to nothi an never ha a peion pla nor could we save for a peion, believe tha we shuld pay for pension for somebody else just because we are forced to us a service i.e. electricity. Pension payments shoul come frm the profits of the company and Idao Power maes plenty, what with rate increases ever yea. Meatime we, th ratepayer, get a decre in payor no pay eah yea. Perhaps Idao Power ought to tighten their collecive behs just as we porer folks have to do. We soon wil be squeezed to death, as we wil have nothi left to tighten. All the while we are being told how low the rates are for Ida Power compared to elswhere. It is hadly a tre compison as our pay hee in no way matches the pay elsewhere. Whle we lowly janors hee mae $8,00.00 to $lO,ooO.OO/yea, the sa job in New York or Chicao paid $60,000.00 to $80,000.00. As a cousin in New York City tells me, he m8es $33.00/hour as a desk clerk. I doubt anyone here maes that amount for any jobs. So, no, most folk don't se tht a rae hie is neeed again an again and again year afer yea. Fir it was fied cost, then it is pensions, an meters th we did not iiee nor ask for and now surchaes. Wht's next? A surhage to pay those poor execs so they can use the bathroom? Or beuse they have a cell phone that we can't afford? Enough already. It is time tha thy hold the lie an stop aski raepayer to pay cost tht should either come from profis or cut the fit pay to the execs jus like th rest ofus got. I know thi is a wase of time but I want to have my say. Many feel the sae way but won't spak up as it is a useless exercise. Sinerely disgused with th greed, ~-/J/~., ~. ,t ~ m ~J /I . IJlcK~ i:i/' f"''5 blt:crrt ("- -