HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100408Comment.pdfII ¡;. 1~~'~6~/ ,,_.~/,. 110 (ßTV~¡ ~ S/c.-ç-/ó -01, 1(+:- £ - 10 -Of 5f'c. - £ - /(j - 0 fl iO\Û RPR -5 Pt~ z: ll9 'ic..,~,.3,932 Leland Way döl\;i.ùl\~);:;¡()Boise, Idah 83709 April 4, 2010 . . 3 Idao Public Utilities Commission P. O. Box 83720 Boise, Idao 83720-0074 Sirs; Enclosed is a copy of the in in my las bil for Mach and th bil. My reaction is-- "Oh, boo-hoo, poor Idao Power. Poor United Water, poor Qwest and Alled Wase. All these POOR companies have asked for raises for no increas in service. Only Intermuntain Ga ha ben a good steward of the natural gas resource and pnce accordin to what they pay. United Water asks ever more for water they don't own and for infrastructue that we in old pars of the city and county derive NO BENEFIT from. Alled Waste forces us to us monstrosities for trash can even though all our weekly trash fills ONL Y ~ of a grocer bag. And they are ru the recycling centers into the grund by this not sort recycling because the centers receive less for non-sorted recyclables. Alled Waste wants paid for no service when we have no trash to put out. They refue to even consider that we older folks who live. alone only NEED to plae out trash perhaps on a MONTH Y basis therefore our servce chaes should machthaLAndpoor old Qwest raisd my bil thi Yea. YET, YET, the Feds say that there is NO INLATION therefore we on Social Security as our only income got no increase. But here comes good old, greedy Idaho Power wanting the ratepayer to give them more for their giveaway to the wealthy program." That, folks, is my feeling to thi money grb every year by thi company. We have been hounded for several years now to CONSERVE power and THEREFORE REDUCE our costs. Many of us who exist on shoestrig budgets have cut back about a far as we ca go without goin to live in the streets. Yet here comes Idao Power with this Fixed Cost Adjusment (FCA). Now, since people have consed and cut back in their power usge in order to save money, Idaho Power ths that they are entitled to have us pay for somethig we DON'T USE so they can keep high profits to give to the wealthy. If th is goin to be the cas then I th rlljust us a lot more and was as may of my neighbors do now. IF I mus pay for somethig I don't us then I may as well waste away. I DO NOT see that thi is anythig but highway robbery committed to us citizens who have done as asked and now, having done so will be punshed for usin less mainly beause we have no money to do otherw! As to the sma meters, those were forced upon us als. As to having "detailed access to their usage, and wil eventually be able to become more energy effcient and save money by adjusting their usage ... ", well I have no detail of my usage. I was told that I could se what eah applia uss on thi meter. Well I have looked at th supposely "sma meter" and all I have ever seen is a constat numbe that is there all the time no matter what appliance is rug. If several appliances ran at once that number is there all month. With the old wheel I might not have a number but I could have an idea if the appliance was using a whole lot, moderate or little amounts by the speed. This thig tells me nothig at alL. These meters were forced upn us bese it was suppose to reduce Idao Power's cost by duming thir meer reaer. Now they wan us to pay for somehig that provides no added benefits to the consr but wil give Idao Power control over our meters and power at any whim on their par. If they wish to cut off our power they can. No maer that we may be il or tha we may be cag or bain brea or even cooki our mels. So why in the hell should we be payig for somethig we did't want an never needed??? They want additional revenue now when the claim was that they were saving money. PRETTY STRAGE ACCOUNTING IF YOU ASK ME! An WHY IN THE HELL SHOULD WE. TH CONSUMR, PAY FOR SOMEONE ELSE'S FAT RETIME WHN WE HA VB NONE?? You wi never anwer that I know but tht isn't nght in anyone's book. . I know you are too cowardly to reply. I jus wish Perr Swisher were stil here. At lea he looked out for th cons an not jus for th weay corpraions. Sincerely disgusted and made poor by the greedy, "-1/( /I~.. "~~~' ¡.øt -~:- . Mrs. Sandra RHicksein ~ !SDU.a:PO. An lOAOR C-omPM'l Idaho Power is committed to providing energy efficiency initiatives and programs forour customers. This partership with customers demonstrates our commitment to securing our energy future in the cömmunities we serve. Meeting these commitments reqires periodic filngs with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (lPUC) and sometimes involves changing the rates we all pay for elecric service. lijho Poer filed three requests with the IPUC on March 15 which m~y.aff~yo.~ ~ates.Two of these rate actions expnd our energy effciency activ~tles and underscore our commitment to helping our customers increase their energy efficiency, providing more oprtnity for them to control their elecic energy usageand costs. Fixed Cost Adjustment (FCA) The FCA is a pilot program designe to allow Idaho Power to invest in energy efficiency prrams and activities without . gne final impact The program achieves IS reimbursing the company when it dot reover its commissKm-auforized fixed costs of providing energy due tô 4 . 4 ""'_ reduced energy consumptio encouraed through energy efciency. , lhelfl'to ma the. fQi. permnt. d "'~ i Th FCA annually adjusts residential ~~~i ~~" general ~rvice _'. ';/ cutomer elenc rates up or down. if. beuse of reduced energy \ use during the year, Idaho Power undr-collec the autrized ¡ fixed cost amount, it can collec the diffnce through a surcharg.- If the company ovr-collec the authorized amount, it refunds th . di~erc~t~.~u~t()m~rs tlr()~ha credit. During 2009, Idaho Power's enrgy use per customer decreased in part due to increased engy effciency; the company under- ' colleced fixed cost from both residential and small general service custom.ers. The filing p~oposes to collec $6.3 milion for one year, or an additional $3.6 million over currently biled amounts. Beginning June 1, the company propses to receive an additional 0.1218 cents kilowatt-hour (kWh) from residetial customers and 0.1535 cents kWh from the small general service class. Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Respoding to a changing technological environment and pat direcves frm the IPUC, Idaho Power continues to install advanced O"-:o, N = metering infrastructure (AM!), including smart meter for customer across its service area. This technology will provide enhanced customer and environmental benefitsreduce operating costs associated with meter reading and improve meterreadíng accurac, outage monitoring and restoration. Customers with smart meters currently have detailed access to their usage, and wìl eventually be able to become more energy efficient and save money by adjusting their usage to take advantage of lower price periods. Smart meters also wilfallow more customers to partídpate in more energy effciency and peak demand reduction programs. If approved, this action will increase residential, small business and irrigation customer' rates unifonnly by 0.41 percent over base rates, and wil produce an estimated $2.4 milion in aditional revenue per year. Pension Funding Pensions help Idaho. Power attaetand retain high quality employee ensuring our ability to provide customers reliable, resposible, fair-priced elecc seæon-dmand. The IPUChasacknowedtht itis apPopateforldahö Por toreqtratereovery for reas()abl~ndpruntl incurred cash .contrbutionforpensi()e~ This wotildbërecovred throughaunífor~se\rateim:l'aseof.oi77 pecentor$S;4 millon. Overall.'.ll1~~et..o~~heseAati~nS If apprved, thesr~collecjvèwillhaved~îiIJ9iin on th rat~~i~by(9~I5~st~~~~.~lebø()~~th averagepercentaçhangeita~ri~.currentlybi.ll~ Fo a typical residetial customr using 1,050 kWh of energ eah month, the monthly bil would increase by $1.59 pe month during June, July and August and by S 1.53 during non-summer months. Idaho Power's applications are filings open to public review and coniment an subjec to IPU roval. Th are available on .the company's Web pa at 'W. oper.comfidáhoratefilings or at the comission's We pa at 'W.puc.state.id.us. Copies also are available at Idho Por offces or at th IPUC offce in Boise. ~ID~POIE.,~ ~..\:¡:l'''''. C)-'1'n;"¡' Qii:_' c...,,,, .. .. PO aolt 1'. fI io 8370100 "I" t1:l)"'~(TI"'_"""'¡¡ko,ScliøN~MlFo f"".. _"".. ~ul f__.fi'l ; :iôllT. ~6iol'm CustO.ITII?r Name Aco:nt Numt;r ßilling Date Pfjnt Oaté ''¡vAl T & SARA HiCKSTEIN utZ233165 03151010 Ci3lSt1010W'..ldlhopø .com Service Agflèent No: 75021429 serviCe Location: 393lELANO WAY/SISe.lO Next Read oate: 042110 ..'hLbt501125 s-~ p~ Mimb ¡FfO To L of ~ ~/22!~!~t~'tO ¡ '. :æ_ Rei~.Re- I ..""" R" d'T' Me f '. ~k;;"""#'~" t-P~i. c; T~l::.__"' ~ii_.à'~';"";'.'i;.".';:.,'...~~'.,:,.""" 8t KtN ..oRftlRa Sch tot, 0212210 . 03/10 29 days $eMc Charg .,....,......, ..' . ... .... .. .'............. Ncmer Eiy Cha ö-8Q kWh .GSO.oseQ5 per kWh .........0 ... PCA CD $0.014022 pe kWh ....................... . .'...... ............... ..?f! Effncy 8e~ ..:...,... .,.....................................................Currnt châi':-äe serve $400 $1401 $3,45 $0.. 122M CR,. ~ kW.~ PC ..!~~~~~ it.. ti llè-:"1M tM c:J G ~ Ge_ You EleUMPa HJt...080X 10 BOI$£. 10 63707 ~_'I. 'öu...:'11.'. ,""O;,lI;., ...:"t~l.t~ .i~.,Jl!-'".)ii:i.:.i.i (11_...... v.. Amnt EndMd '$ ~ ",,, fO ...0.. ~..-i.... ,,""..'" -"".... "'- ~ IQII II ~uf$N....~;;..,--Ai.Ml Cote. n: Qf,.... ". "mllll..l.. IlIlilIlI. IImtlJI. .1.1l.'..IIIl1..1I1. I 1111 A\l I) 33 t",,~i..) j, ':'lo WAl. T & SANDRA HICiiSf£IN ~ lELAND WAY8O. l083~ Il. .1... tI.I...1 II,,, I, I, ..I. ,1.11,. .1.1..11.. ..11,..1.11..11 11,1.1..111111..11..1 .ltI.III.L.ln..I.I. It.I.I.II,H..,1I1I PROCSSING CENTER POBOX 3496 SEATTLE. 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