HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200714Letter of Change in Demand.pdfftr*riv6S trtj?il iUL lh AH l0: 26 :I-i.. .: , l,il$Llil i, 1,. ;'..-i=.1 ;: r":iii*4};{lSSISt{ r ,i. t;-)l(t-- ^IInloNpggrEl- Ar1 IDAOOPP Co.rBrY JULIAA. HILTON Deputy General Counsel and Director of Legal ihilton@idahopower.com July 1 4,2020 VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL Diane M. Hanian, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Building 8, Suite 201-A P.O. Box 83720 (83720-0074) Boise, ldaho 83714 Case No. IPC-E-09-35 Micron Technology, lnc.'s Special Contract - Contract Demand Level Decrease Dear Ms. Hanian Enclosed for your reference and file is a copy of a Letter Agreement between ldaho Power Company ("ldaho Powe/') and Micron Technology, lnc. ("Micron") wherein the parties have agreed to a decrease in Micron's Contract Demand Level pursuant to the Agreement for Electric Service between ldaho Power and Micron that was previously approved by the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") in Order No. 31006. ldaho Power is submitting this letterto be included as part of the Commission's file in Case No. IPC-E-09-35, but is not requesting that the Commission take any action. If you have any questions about the enclosed letter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, Re Julia A. Hilton JAH:cld Enclosurecc: Karl T. Klein, Commission - w/encl. (via electronic mail) Elizabeth Elroy, Micron - Wencl. (via U.S. mail) 3Im.. AN IDACORP COMDANY JULIAA HILTON D.pulyG.n rel Courrl end Dlno0or ol Lrgnl@ July 1,2020 VIA ELECTRONIC & U.S. MAIL cclrouDmicrpn.oonr Elizabeth EIroy Boise Facilities Site Director Micron Technology, lnc. 8000 South FederalWby P.O. Box 6 Boise, ldaho 83707{006 Re: Micron Technology, lnc., Contract Demand Level Decrease Dear Ms. Elroy: ! am in receipt of your letterdated June 19, 2020, wherein Micron Technology, lnc. ('Micron") has requested a decrease to its monthly Contract Demand fiom 69 megawatts ('MV\fl) to 63 MWefiective as of October 1,2O2A. ldaho Power Gompany ('ldaho Powef) is pleased to accommodate your request pursuant to the Agreement for Electric Service betrrveen ldaho Power Company and Micron Technology, lnc., dated December 29, 2009 ("Agreemenf). The Agreement provides that Micron may request a decrease to iB Contract Demand in ewn 1,000 kilowatt increments. Agreement S 6.2(b). TheAgreementfurther provides that such new Contract Demand shall be in efiect for a minimum of at least six (6) months. /d. Per your rsquest, Micron's new Contrac't Demand under the Agreement shall be 63 MW efrective October 1 , 2O2O and shall continue to at least April 1 , 2021 . ldaho Power shall continueto provide a Contract Demand of 63 MWto Micron afterApril 1,2021, unless and until Micron provides notice that it desires to decrease and/or increase its Contract Demand in accordanoe with theAgreement. See Sections 6.2(a) and 6.2(b). To confirm this mutual understanding, please countersign both originals of this letter, keep one original for your re@rds, and retum the other originalto me at your earliest convenience. As a procedural matter, I will submit a copy of this letter to the ldaho Public Elizabeth Elroy July 1,2020 Page 2ol2 Utilitbs Commisslon as an informationa! submission, wlrich will not require any formal process. Please callme at (208) 3886117 if you have any questions. Sincerely, f-ItSt )/'-ft u- /,'f is irI JuliaA. Hilton JAH:ddcc: Jim Mesphy, Miqon (via e-mail) Steve Floyd, ldaho Poupr (via e-mail) Aubrae Sloan, ldaho Power (via e,mail) Bo Hancfiey, ldaho Poriler (via e-mail) Brent Lulloff, ldaho Pouer (via +mail) Pau! Goralski, ldaho Powsr (via e-mail) Beniamin Brandt, ldaho Poytor (via +mail) Jordan Prassinos, ldaho Power (via +mail) Agreed b end accepted by illoron Tcchnology, lnc. il Printed #L h/t, )2d