HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100309Compliance Filing.pdfBARTON L. KLINE Lead Counsel bklinetiidahopower.com :SIDA~POR~ An IDACORP company March 8, 2010 VIA HAND DELIVERY Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Re: Compliance Filing - Case No. IPC-E-09-31 Sale of Electric Distribution Facilities to Raft River Rural Electric Cooperative Dear Ms. Jewell: In Order No. 30993 issued in the above-referenced case, the Commission directed Idaho Power Company to file certain information regarding the above-described transaction. Please find enclosed for filing the following: 1. The accounting entries related to the transaction. 2. A copy of the Bil of Sale for the transaction. 3. An original Pole Attachment agreement. If there are any questions regarding these documents, please contact me.ve~~ Barton L. Kline BLK:csb Enclosures Cc: Doug Jones (w/encls.) Aubrae Sloan (w/encls.) Shelby Leforgee (w/encls.) Cecily Vaughn, IPUC (w/encls.)P.O. Box 70 (83707) 1221 W. Idaho St. Boise, ID 83702 RAFT RIVER ACCOUNTING ENTRIES 108000 - Accum Prov F/Depr-EPIS 101000 - Electric Plant in Service Record retirement of electric plant sold. 126,612.36 102000 - Electric Plant Purchsd or Sold 108000 - Accum Prov F/Depr-EPIS Transfer cost of assets sold to 102000 126,612.36 108000 - Accum Prov F/Depr-EPIS 83,421.31 102000 - Plant Purchsd or Sold Transfer accumulated depreciation on assets sold 143XXX - Accounts Receivable 43,191.05 102000 - Electric Plant Purchsd or Sold Set up receivable from Raft River for Electric plant sold. 126,612.36 126,612.36 83,421.31 43,191.05 r- !_r 20in MAR -8 PM~: 53 CE!\'! BILL OF SALE ZOIUMAR -8 PM~: 53 tC¡i\~"lC urii 1"¡"lf:;:'I(~'"' '.".' I\A This Bil of Sale ("Bil of Sale") is executed and delivered as of this '2 day ofIv\.~ , 2010, by Idaho Power Company, an Idaho corporation, with it principal offces at 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho 83702 ("Seller"). This Bil of Sale relates to the sale of a portion of the equipment that makes up the Border 011 Feeder to Raft River Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc., an entity created pursuant to the statutes of ,the state of Idaho, with its principal offces at 155 North Main Street, Malta, Idaho ("Buyet'). FOR GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the receipt and suffciency of which is hereby acknowledged, Seller hereby bargains, sells, assigns, transfers, grants, and conveys unto Buyer all of Sellets right title and interest (subject to the limitations set forth below) in, to, and under the assets owned by Seller which are more particularl' described in the attached Schedule A. IN WITNESSETH WHEREOF, Seller has executed this Bil of Sale as of the date and year first above written, and the assets are hereby conveyed, AS IS, WHERE IS. SELLER IDAHO POWER COMPANY~~- N. Vernon Porter Senior Vice President, Delivery State of Idaho ) ) ss.County of Ada ) On this ~11 ci day of ~4rc¿ ,in the year of 2010, personally appeared before me N. Vernon Porter, personally known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. .."........",,," . ""~..,~ ~ D. /to ". ~.." n'- ~.......'l.À_ "'.'I ~v.. ..''?ll~.... 'v:" .1~l..0'fAJih\~ \. . ~ r I: . i= * i _.- · *... c 1 :i. \ j)URi.\'. I".. . ...!I ll ~~... ...~'l'O ~ "4'41 .,' ') ....... ~,. ~4i"4'#" 1'l OF \~ .,....''l""..."...,., ~8~ otary Public for Idaho Residing at: ~t2ue My commission expires on: a/5/ £0/5. o r:rr:\/t\.i\,.à... '~ SCHEDULE A ?1ìI. n ~;~R -8. PH~: 53t-U.' iJ \ b',¡ Vintage on all poles and wire is 1984. Material is as follows: 27 -Class 2 50f poles 1 -Class 150ft pole 1-Class 270ft pole Wire= 21 ,132' of 795AL and 7044' of 336AL. XARMS= 29- 10' arms Anchors= 3- 22 in cones Insulators= 87- 34.5KV Pole top pins = 29 Neutral brackets= 29 March 1, 2010 etlDA~POR~ An IDACORP Company Mr. Heber Carenter, General Manager Raft River Electric Cooperative Inc. P.O. Box 617 Malta, Idao 83342 Subject: Raft River Electric Attachment to Idaho Power Company Poles Dear Mr. Carenter: I am wrting this letter to confirm the terms of our agreement to allow the attachment of distrbution conductors which are owned by Raft River Electric (RR) to Idaho Power Company's distribution poles near the Border Substation. At RR's request and puruat to the following conditions, Idaho Power wil allow RR to install its distribution conductors on the four distrbution poles located near the Border.Substation, identified as pole Nos. 1-4 on the attched map. 1) RR will pay anual, non-prorated pole attchment fees to Idaho Power in the amount of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00). An invoice for this amount will be sent to RR on or about Janua 2 each calendar year. Payment in full must be received by Idaho Power no later than January 31 ofthe same year. RR's failure to pay pole attchment fees in ful in the specified timeframe shall constitute a breach of this agreement. Pole attachment fees may be changed by Idaho Power upon 30 days prior wrtten notice to RR but not more often than once per calendar year. Price increases will be cost based. 2) RR will maintain ownership of the distribution conductors, hardware, and equipment instaled on Idaho Power's poles and crossars. RR will attch a permanent identification placard to the distribution ar with the letters "RRC". This placard will be located such that it is readily visible to an observer stading on the ground and the letters will be at least two inches in height. 3) Idaho Power will maintain ownership of the poles and crossarms as well as conductors, hardware and equipment that are not directly associated with RR's distribution facilities. 4) RR wil not impede the ability of Idaho Power to access, maintain, repair or operate Idaho Power's facilities. This includes the right to install devices and equipmentinthe future as deemed necessar by Idaho Power. 5) RR will notify Idaho Power in writing and receive permission from Idaho Power before modifying RR's distribution system in any way that changes strctual loading on poles or changes clearance requirements at poles or at mid-spans. 6) As the owner of the poles, Idaho Power will be responsible for pole maintenance. RR wil be responsible for maintaining its distribution facilities attched to Idaho Power poles. P.O. Box 70 (83707) 1221 W. Idaho St. Boise, ID 83702 Mr. Heber Carenter Page 2 of3 March 1,2010 7) Idaho Power wil verify the structural adequacy of the poles and verify that adequate clearances are maintained on the poles. Should pole modifications or replacement be required to accommodate RR's facilities, Idaho Power's crews wil perform the work at RR's expense. IfRR requires a new pole to be installed in the existing line ofIdaho Power's poles for any reason, Idaho Power's crews will install the new pole and RR will reimburse Idaho Power for all associated costs. Ownership of the new pole will remain with Idaho Power. 8) If in the future poles or facilities attched to poles are damaged, the pary responsible for the damage will be responsible for all associated costs. RR will be responsible for repairs or replacement of its distribution facilities and its crews will perform the repairs. Idaho Power's crews will be used to repair or replace the poles and facilities attched to its poles except for RR's distribution facilities. If Idaho Power crews are present before RR is on site and RR distribution facilities must be repaired, replaced or relocated to eliminate a safety hazard, Idao Power will perform the necessar work on the distrbution facilities at RR's expense. 9) Unless Idaho Power and RR agree otherwse on a case-by-case basis, should poles require replacement for reasons other than damage, emergency restoration or to accommodateRR's distribution facilities, Idaho Power will replace the pole at no cost to RR. RR will transfer RR's distribution facilities to the new pole at RR's expense. 10) RR will, prior to Februar 1 of each year, submit to Idaho Power curent proof of liabilty insurance, in an amount not less than $1,000,000, listing Idao Power as an additional insured. 11) Each pary will indemnify and hold the other harmless, including each paries owners, parents, subsidiaries, affiiates, agents, directors and employees against any and all suits or claims by third-paries including liabilties, claims, judgments, losses, orders, awards, damages, costs, fines, penalties, costs of defense and attorney's fees to the extent they arse from or in connection with actual or alleged fault or negligence associated with the facilities the paries respectively own, operate, and maintain under this Agreement. Please indicate your acceptance of these terms by signing both copies of this letter in the space provided and retu both copies to me. I will retu one original copy to you and retain the other for my file. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely,~t2;4-- Brent VanPatten, P .E. Joint Use Leader Enclosure cc: File Legal Mr. Heber Carenter Terms of agreement accepted by: Representing Raft River ElectricilÇL Name ~ General Manager Title Heber Carpenter Signature March 4, 2010 Date Page 3 of3 March 1,2010 4 t i i , ì ! ! I !ABC "'01ZCEo.¡ Svb~+' oJ-J i i IT-l , _..io;~coJ :1 : T042 "- , vt 15Q'é .Jô'b1 SÍ 12.5kV - 34&.k\l ._.--~..."~------ - -~--.-._-------- - :1- - ..- - - -Ifva.l d't /~.. 4 -~l ):DJ .OJ ): ~~S-oÝ., ¡li' : I ¡! ::8V 41 i hjaho Power I SCALE: 1 IN = 97 FT I 0211/10 10:01