HomeMy WebLinkAbout20091222SRA Comments.pdf~ '" Comments of the Snake River Alance R E C E \ V E 0 On Application of Idaho Power Company For An Accounting Order tô~ 3: I. 8 Additional Accumulated Deferral Income Tax RateSnû9. And An Order Approving a Rate Case Moratorium !f.. '_', v ¡'i)t?,;,; ~ L. f': ,',','.... '...;,i.i.;',.r i-'Submitted by \ ¡""\\ ITIES l~\,hn;\¡¡0'J l.~Ken Miler, Clean Energy Program Director, Snake River Alance December 22, 2009 The Snake River Allance appreciates the opportnity to comment on IPC-E-09-30 and Idaho Power Company's application for an accounting order to amortize additional accumulated deferral income tax credits and an order approving a rate case moratorium. The Snake River Alliance submits these comments on behalf of its members, many of whom are customers of Idaho Power Co. and most of whom are customers of Idaho's investor-owned utilties. The Allance believes the application for a moratorium in general rate case increases though Januar 2012, as well as the proposed sharng of cerain percentages ofthe anticipated 2010 power cost adjustment, among other things, is appropriate and would serve the best interests of the company and its Idaho customers. In our view, the result of the setlement between Idaho Power and varous stakeholder groups is creative and should lead to outcomes that are preferable to what might have resulted from a contested general rate case. Our concer about this application is the process from which it arose. The Allance and its member believe a docket of this significance might have been better handled though a more transparent process rather than being limited to meetings between the company and select customer groups. We appreciate that settlements in general rate cases are generally preferable to protracted and expensive formal proceedings. However, we find it somewhat awkward that a settlement was reached in the absence of a filing and without the benefit of input from any interested pary choosing to provide it. As the Allance expands utilty education and outreach efforts for our members and constituents, a growing number ofthem desire to paricipate at some level in regulatory matters in which they have an interest. We realize the general public has an opportity to comment on this docket and we have encouraged them to do so. Nonetheless, we agree with the obseration by intervenor Community Action Parerhip Association ofIdaho in its application for intervenor status on Page 2: "This case has followed a somewhat unusual procedural path." We also agree with CAP AI's observation that some paricipants in the settlement discussions opted against executing the settlement, but in the Allance's case that decision was based not on the result of the settlement but the process-related concers expressed above. We commend Idaho Power for its wilingness to initiate the settlement discussions and to seek alteratives to fiing a general rate case. Given the sticker shock that has beset customer of Idaho Power and other regulated utilties in Idaho over the past few years, we agree that a general rate case moratorium, brief as this one might be as compared to that in IPC-E-95-11, is appropriate. We realize # J( that customers may stil be presented with rate increases though other mechanisms specifically excluded from this settlement. But we do not anticipate filing of another energy efficiency tarff rider adjustment within this perod and the next fuel cost adjustment (FCA) filing wil likely be minor. So the possible impacts of increases outside the scope of this agreement wil likely not be significant. We would expect that, while the company was considering filing a 20 percent rate increase in lieu of this settlement, the passing of two year between possible general rate cases will not result in a crppling rate increase in 2012. Regarding the proposed sharng of what wil be a substantial favorable power cost adjustment in June 2010, the Allance has long supported treating anual PCAs separate from rate cases for obvious reasons. The melding of the 2010 PCA for puroses of this rate case moratorium seems reasonable, however, given the expected extraordinar size of the coming PCA. It seems that customers will receive welcome relief though the PCA, while at the same time providing helpful base rate recover for Idaho Power. The proposed acceleration in amortizing accumulated deferred investment tax credits (ADITC) is likewise acceptable in light of the limits agreed to in the settlement: A maximum of$15 milion this year and a ceilng of $45 milion from 2009-2011, providing Idaho Power's retu on equity falls below 9.5 percent, as well as the amount of accumulated credits curently on Idaho Power's books as represented by Company Witness John R. Gale's direct testimony at Page 9, lines 7-11. Unlike the 1995 settlement that contained a similar provision that was not trggered, we expect ths element of the settlement may come into play in this case. Ultimately, the Alliance believes the revenue sharng, PCA sharng, and rate case moratorium components of the settlement in this case sere the company and its customers as well as possible in our curent economic times. Finally, the Allance takes no position on Idaho Power's request that this application be processed by Modified Procedure. Respectfully submitted, jL~~ Ken Miler Clean Energy Program Director Snake River Allance Box 1731 Boise, ID 83701 (208) 344-9161 kmiler(qsnakerverallance.org