HomeMy WebLinkAbout20091211Answer.pdfDECr.1". .J~' c *SIDA~POR~ An IDACORP Company BARTON L. KLINE Lead Counsel bkline(âidahopower.com 3 \ December 11, 2009 VIA HAND DELIVERY Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Re: Case No. IPC-E-09-27 ROBERT BRUNO DBA BRUNOBUIL T HOMES, COMPLAINANT, VS. IDAHO POWER COMPANY, RESPONDENT. Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for filng please find an original and seven (7) copies of Idaho Power Company's Answer in the above matter. Very truly yours,(WtJ Barton L. Kline BLK:csb Enclosures P.O. Box 70 (83707) 1221 W. Idaho St. Boise. 10 83702 BARTON L. KLINE (ISB No. 1526) LISA D. NORDSTROM (ISB No. 5733) Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-5825 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 bklineCâidahopower.com InordstromCâidahopower.com 0ECi:I' ¡eni'~,¡'. .i~. \- '",~L" 2009 DEC i i PH 12: 3 r Attorneys for Idaho Power Company Street Address for Express Mail: 1221 West Idaho Street Boise, Idaho 83702 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ROBERT BRUNO dba BRUNOBUIL T HOMES, Respondent. ) ) ) Case No. IPC-E-09-27 ) ) ) ANSWER ) ) ) ) Complainant, vs. IDAHO POWER COMPANY, Respondent, Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Powet' or the "Company"), hereby answers the Complaint of Robert Bruno, d/b/a Brunobuilt Homes, in the above-entitled case as follows: I. BACKGROUND This case arises out of a dispute between Idaho Power and Mr. Bruno regarding his compliance with Idaho Powets Rule H. Rule H is Idaho Power's tariff that governs line extensions. More specifically, the dispute in this case relates to the standards that Idaho ANSWER-1 Power has established for customer-constructed underground service line extensions to residential meters. Underground service includes trenching, installng conduit, backfillng, and pullng cable to attach to the meter. Prior to 1992, Idaho Powets line extension rules provided that the Company would install underground service lines to residential meters. In 1992, in response to requests from homebuilders, the Company agreed to change its line extension practices to allow homebuilders and their subcontractors to perform certain underground service facilty installations so long as they met specifications established by Idaho Power. In Idaho Powets current Rule H, in accordance with Section 4.b.i., an Applicant can provide trench and conduit for an underground service attachment. This section of Rule H is commonly referred to as the "reduced charge option" because it substantially reduces Idaho Powets charges for an underground line extension. As previously noted, Applicants can take advantage of the reduced cost option if they comply with construction specifications established by Idaho Power. These specifications are published in a brochure entitled Reduced Cost Option ('the Brochure"). The Brochure has been published since 1993. The version of the Brochure that was in effect when Mr. Bruno elected to proceed under the Reduced Cost Option is Attachment C to the Staffs Decision Memorandum. The Staff's Decision Memorandum was included with the Commission's Summons. For the convenience of the Commission's review, a copy of the applicable Brochure is enclosed as Attachment NO.1. Page 3 of 5 of Attachment No. 1 is the pertinent portion of the Brochure. ANSWER-2 II. FACTS OF THIS CASE Mr. Bruno is a homebuilder doing business under the name of Brunobuilt Homes. In July of this year, Mr. Bruno was constructing a residential dwellng at 10112 Whitecrest in Star, Idaho. Mr. Bruno elected to install the underground service to 10112 Whitecrest under the Reduced Cost Option. After Mr. Bruno's excavation subcontractor and electrician subcontractor finished installng the conduit and meter base, they contacted Idaho Power to request that cable be pulled through the conduit and the meter installed. Upon arriving at 10112 Whitecrest, Idaho Power's crew observed that the conduit had not been installed in compliance with the Company's published standards for the Reduced Cost Option. The conduit was not sufficiently vertical and was not parallel to the side ofthe house. Idaho Power notified Mr. Bruno that it could not pull the cable and install the meter until the problems had been corrected. Mr. Bruno's subcontractors subsequently corrected the problems and the cable was pulled and the meter set. However, in accordance with Section 6.j. of Rule H, the Company assessed Mr. Bruno an underground service return trip charge in the amount of $50.00 because the crew had to make two trips to the site to complete the installation. According to the Idaho Public Utilties Commission Staffs Decision Memorandum, Mr. Bruno has lodged both informal and formal complaints objecting to Idaho Powets assessment of the $50.00 return trip charge. In his formal Complaint (Attachment A to the Staffs Decision Memorandum), Mr. Bruno does not assert that the conduit originally installed at 10112 Whitecrest conformed to the standards specified in the Reduced Cost Option brochure. Instead, he expresses his opinion that other contractors have been allowed to install non-conforming conduits and that he is being treated unfairly because his non-complying conduit was rejected. ANSWER-3 II. COMPLIANCE WITH STANDARDS As previously noted, in his Complaint, Mr. Bruno does not allege that the conduit installed by his contractor at 10112 Whitecrest complied with the standards set out in the Brochure. Even so, Idaho Power believes it is important for the Commission to see the condition of the conduit installation at 10112 Whitecrest before it was rejected and after it was accepted. Attachment NO.2 is a photograph showing the condition of the conduit installation that Idaho Power rejected. Attachment Nos. 3 and 4 are photographs showing the completed meter installation after it was accepted by Idaho Power. It is readily apparent that the installation shown in Attachment NO.2 does not comply with the standards as expressed in the drawing on page 3 of 5 in the Brochure (Attachment No.1) while Attachment Nos. 3 and 4 show the final meter installation in compliance with the drawing on page 3 of 5 of the Brochure. The reason that Idaho Power insists on underground line extensions complying with the standards set out on page 3 of the Brochure are for both safety and maintenance reasons. First, if the above-ground section of conduit is not close to and parallel to the siding of the house, the chances that it wil be hit by lawnmowers, weed eaters, etc., is greatly increased. A cracked or broken conduit can result in exposed wires and increased moisture in the wiring. Second, some amount of settling ofthe underground conduit almost always occurs. Even with a slip coupling in place, a conduit that is placed at an angle to the house has a tendency to exert downward pressure on the meter base, which increases the likelihood that wiring can become exposed and present a safety hazard. Therefore, when Mr. Bruno admits in his complaint that "my subcontractors had installed a run of ANSWER-4 conduit which wasn't perfectly vertical or attached to the building. . . ," it should not be viewed as a mere issue of aesthetics, but instead it is an issue of safety. The principal complaint Mr. Bruno has with Idaho Powets enforcement of its standards at 10112 Whitecrest is that even though his installation might not have been constructed in accordance with the standards, he believes that other contractors also violate the standards and, as a result, he is the victim of selective enforcement. First, Idaho denies that Mr. Bruno is being singled out. Idaho Power trains its line installation crews to understand the standards that are set out in the Brochure with the intent that they uniformly enforce the standards. While any enforcement of standards requires the application of judgment and experience, Idaho Power denies that it enforces the standards in an arbitrary and capricious fashion as alleged by Mr. Bruno. In his Complaint, Mr. Bruno claims to have photographs of locations where Idaho Power has installed power to homes with "crooked conduit or unattached conduit showing that it (Idaho Power) picks or chooses who it wants to help or hurt on any given day." Mr. Bruno has not supplied copies of those photographs to Idaho Power or as a part of his Complaint. Therefore, it is impossible for Idaho Power to respond to this allegation. IV. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS In his formal Complaint, Mr. Bruno does not allege he was unaware of the standards his subcontractors would have to comply with when utilzing the Reduced Cost Option under Idaho Powets Rule H. However, in their Decision Memorandum, the Staff notes that Mr. Bruno apparently indicated to the Staff investigator that perhaps there had been a recent change in the rules and he was not advised of the change. Any claim of ignorance of the standards should be discounted for several reasons. First, the standards applicable ANSWER-5 to the Reduced Cost Option for underground secondary line installations have not materially changed since 1993. Enclosed as Attachment NO.5 are copies of the pertinent portions of the standards taken from three versions of the Brochure that precede the version of the Brochure applicable to 10112 Whitecrest. As can been seen in Attachment No.5, the section dealing with how the conduit should be installed to attach to the meter base has not materially changed since 1993. Second, Mr. Bruno has been in the homebuilding business in Idaho Powets service territory for several years. His excavation contractor and his electrician are experienced subcontractors who are well aware of the standards that are applicable to the underground service installation at 10112 Whitecrest. Third, Idaho Power provides public notice of the standards set out in the Brochure in several different ways. Because the state of Idaho does not require construction contractors to be specifically identified in its licensing data base, there is no convenient list of construction contractors to which the Brochure can be sent. However, Idaho Power sends new versions of the Brochure to the members of the various local chapters of the Idaho Building Contractors Association across Idaho Powets service area. These local chapters include the Building Contractors Association of Southwestern Idaho, the Magic Valley Builders Association, and others. Mr. Bruno is a member of the Building Contractors Association of Southwestern Idaho. In addition, Idaho Power maintains a copy of the Brochure on its website. The hyperlink to the website is as follows: http://ww.idahopower.com/pdfs/ServiceBilling/customerservice/newCons truction/DFE071 ReducedChargeOption.pdf. Finally, Idaho Powets personnel that provide cost estimates to the excavation contractors and other developers and contractors are trained to answer any questions regarding the standards set out in the Brochure. If a contractor is identified as a new ANSWER-6 contractor, the estimators are trained to advise them of the location of the standards on the website and if a hard copy of the Brochure is needed, to make a hard copy available to the contractor. While Idaho Power believes that it does a good job of making the availabilty of the Brochure known to potential contractors, Idaho Power has recently added a step to its cost estimating and quotation process in which it requires anyone receiving a cost quote to acknowledge that they have received a copy of the most recent Brochure. A copy of the new cost quote sheet is enclosed as Attachment NO.6 and the new line item addressing the Brochure is in the box below the signature lines. It is hoped that this additional step wil ensure that contractors that might somehow be unaware of the standards contained in the Brochure wil be put on notice. V. IDAHO POWER'S POSITION The Company contends that in its dealings with Mr. Bruno, it has fully complied with Rule H, specifically Section 4.b.i. and 6.j. It is Idaho Power's position that it has properly enforced the standards set out in the Brochure, that it does not enforce the standards in an arbitrary or capricious manner, and that Mr. Bruno was not singled out for unfair treatment. The Company also contends that it has undertaken reasonable efforts and established reasonable processes for giving notice to the public and appropriate contractors of the availabilty of the Brochure and the standards contained therein. Finally, the Company contends that it has reasonably responded to Mr. Bruno's objections to paying the $50.00 return fee. Enclosed as Attachment Nos. 7 and 8 are copies of correspondence between the Company and Mr. Bruno and the Company and Commission Staff regarding Mr. Bruno's Complaint. Idaho Power believes that these ANSWER-7 attachments demonstrate that it made a good faith effort to address Mr. Bruno's concerns prior to Mr. Bruno filing this formal Complaint. Vi. COMMUNICATIONS AND SERVICE OF PLEADINGS Service of pleadings and communications with reference to this case should be sent to the following: Barton L. Kline Lisa Nordstrom Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street Boise, Idaho 83702 bklineCâidahopower.com InordstromCâidahopower.com Greg Said Scott Sparks Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street Boise, Idaho 83702 gsaidCâidahopower.com ssparksCâidahopower.com VII. REQUESTED RELIEF For the reasons stated above, Idaho Power requests that the Commission deny Mr. Bruno's Complaint. Dated this 11th day of December 2009. BAR~~ Attorney for Idaho Power Company ANSWER-8 CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 11th day of December 2009 I served a true and correct copy of the within and foregoing ANSWER upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Robert Bruno BRUNOBUIL T, INC. 947 East Winding Creek Eagle, Idaho 83116 Hand Delivered -2 U.S. Mail _ Overnight Mail FAX Email ~l~ Barton L. Kline ANSWER -9 BEFORE TH!E IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-09-27 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT NO. 1 -i11W~POR.Reduced Charge Option for Underground Electrical Service Revised June 2008M IDACaR P Copay Program Explanation The Reduced Charge Option is available for new l-Ø underground eleccal servces and allows the customer to intall the conduit for the serce cable. When the inStalation is complete, inspected and all requiements have been met, Idao Power will then instal the cable and meter at a reduced charge. Be sure to connect to the proper equipment. Refer to the Definitions section or conta Idao Power for clarfication. Call Dig-Line for locations at least 2 business days before diggg. Dial~811Knowwhats below. Call before you dig.Nationwide Conformance Each intalation is subject to review and inspection at any tie by Idao Power for conformce to these specifications. If a non-conformce is discovered such as the conduit lengt, route, depth, etc., or if you are not ready when the instalation crew arives, the cable WIL NOT BE INSTALLE and you wi be charged $50.00 for each retu trp. Afer the non-compliance is corrected, contat Idao Power to reschedule the installation. ~ Contact Idaho Power if: _ . Ths is your fist tie using this program. . Your serce exceeds any of the design limts. . A conduit stb canot be found . You require service from a pole. Reduced Charge Option, DFE 071 Revised June 2008 Design Limitations 200 Amp. For self-contaned meter bases up tho~gh 200 ams that meet the followig litatons; you do not need to contact Idaho Power until you are ready for your serce to be intalled. . Use 2" gray, UL lited, Schedule 40 PVC Use 2" conduit, bends, and fittgs unes Idaho Power specifically tells you to use 3". . 125' maxum servce length Ths is the horizonta distace measured along the serce route betwee Idaho Power's equipment and the mete. . Up to 1350 of conduit bends. Don't inciude the bends at the meter or Idaho Power's equipment in the 135° limt. 400 Amp. For larger self-contaied meter bases up though 400 amps, you must contact Idaho Power for approval in advance to ensure . a proper design. . 3" conduit All serces to meter bases larger than 200 ams require 3" conduit, bends, and fittgs. Additional Requirements Conduit bends. Only use gry colored manufaced beds with a radius of at least 24". Do not form your own bends! Trench and Backfll. Backfill Material No rocks larger than 2" No trsh Of rubbish Conduit Page 1 of 5 Attchment C Page i of 5 Reduced Charge Option Revid June 2008 WARG! Non-confonnances may have to be corrected at the builder's expene. Importnt Information DON'T heat the conduit in any way to shape it or to form bends. DON'T leave open trenches. Any ope trench must be adquaely barcaded or protected to ensure public safety as requied by local, state, or federal rues and regulations. Keep open trenches to a minimum. DON'T change conduit sizes in the ru. DO compact the trench parculaly nea the meter where settling could pul the conduit down and dage the meter base. Although compactig the trench is the builder's responsibilty, the homeowner is responsible for any futue setg. DO "make squar conduit cuts. Remove burs from the inside and outside edge. DO glue conduit joints. All joints must be completely seated and permently glued with PVC cement. DO keep dirt and debris out of the conduit. DO keep proper trnch separations. Keep a 12" horizontal and vercal clearance between the electrcal conduit and all other utilities and any strctues. DO keep proper meter separtions. The electc and gas meters must be separted as shown. HIDA~PO.IIIDA' Copa Ownership and Maitenance Idao Power assues ownership of the builder- inlled condut when the electrcal serce cable is inled. However, the builder is responsible for the condition of the conduit and trnch until the ownership of the home is trsferred to the first buyer. Afer the cable ha been installed, Idaho Power will own and matai: . All conduit and fittings installed below the finshed grade. . The enti lengt of electc cable and the connectons at Idao Power's equipment. . The mete. NOTE. Idao Power will connect the cable to the meter base but the homeowner will own and maintai the connections. Afr the cable has been installed, the builder or homeowner will own and mata: . All conduit and fittgs installed above the fished gr. . The trench and any landscaping. . The met base and its connections to the elecc cable. . All wig and electca connections on the customer's side of the meter. Meter Base Guidelines Refer to the Meter Base Identifcation Guideline located on ww.idaopower.com. Meter Base Requirements The meter base must accept 3" conduit if 3" conduit is used for the servce. The meter base and conduit must be on the outside of an outside strctue wall and remn accessible to Idaho Power. Exceptions must be approved in advance! Page2of5 Attchment C Page 2 of5 Reduced Charge Option Revised June 2008 Locate the meter on the side of the house toward the front. . Don't place the meter behind a fence. . Don't put the meter at the back ofthehouse~ Don't put the meter here NOTE. Placing the meter in frnt of the fence will keep the meter reader out of the back yard. The center of the meter must be 5'-6" (+/- 6") above the fished grade. Meters intaled on a pedestal requi a minium height of 3' -0". WARNING! Any conduit above ground must mee applicable electrical code requirements. Slip Coupling Support Bracket5'.6' (+f- 6") Finished Grade i Suggestion. Block out a section of the footing for an easier installation. ø=.MÐAPec OK NOT PERMITTED o Keep the riser straight Don't form the PVC conduit with heat or add extra bends Transformers Most trsformers have 2" or 3" conduit stubs as shown below. Expose the end of the stub and connect your new conduit. If the stub maker canot be found, contact your Idao Power representative. Don't dig under the transformer! Stret Idaho Powets Conduit Stub Transformer Stret .1 Conduit Stub Marker Ic: Idaho Powts Buildets Conduit Stub Conduit Page 3ot5 Attachment C Page 3 of5 Reduced Charge Option Revised June 2008 Handholes Most hadholes do not have conduit stubs. . Plumb the conduit into the nearest comer of the handhole using a 450 or 90° bend with the end 2" above the handhole floor. . Plug or cap the open end of the conduit to keep out dir and debris. If there is a conduit stub, expose the end and connect your conduit to it. Street-- Street-- . t 30" min l Builder's Conduit Street Handhole Builder's Conduit WARNG! Call Dig-Line for locations at least 2 business days before digging. ~ 811 Know whats below. Call before you dig.Nationwide ~ID~PO./llC-U'~1 Contact Idaho Power if your serce involves a pole. Special Requirements for Poles You must meet with an Idao Power repesentative prior to diggng the trench todetee: 1. If the pole is adequae for your service. 2. Whch side of the pole you must route the conduit toward. Trench all the way to the base of the pole. If the pole becomes unstable, contact Idaho Power imeditely! When backfllig the trench, leave 6' to 8' open adjacent to the pole. Any open trench must be adequately barcaded or protected for public safety. Afer Idao Power connect the pole riser and conduit, it is the builder's responsibility to backfll and compact any remag trench. Call Idaho Power to determine which side of pole to route the conduit toward (Iil /1.(! (i, ), \' ¡I./11 II /1 ! . II 1-18"--It!: --I! -\ \ I /1 /1 ! /l l i-,~L/~; Leave 6' to S' of Open Trench -I Barricade as Needed l30"min i /36"max / .,,1I"'~ Seal the End of the Conduit Page4of5 Attchment C Page 4 of5 Reduced Charge Option Revised JUDe 2008 Important Idaho Cost Information The cost inormtion below has been extcted from the "Rule H Line Installation Tarffs". You may view the tarffs on http://dahopower.com/aboutuslregulatorvinfo/tariffdf.asp?id=32&.pdf . Copies are available by contacting Idaho Power or the respective"Public Utilities Commssion. Underground Services (400 amp max.) The non-refudable charge for a new Schedule 1 or Schedule 7, undergound 1-0 serce consists of a Base Charge plus a Distance Chage. These costs do not apply to servces with meter bases larger than 400 amps. Base Charge From underground .....................................$40.00 From overhead (2" pole riser) .................. $395.00 From overhead (3" pole riser) .................. $520.00 Distance Charge With 1 fO service cable.. ...... .... .... .... ........... $2. 151f With 4/0 service cable ...... ......... ................ $3.601f With 350 service cable ..... ............ ........ ..... $4.651f NOTE. Use the following Distance Charges if Idaho Power provides the trench and conduit: Distance Charge (IPCo trench & conduit) With 1/0 cable ...........................................$6.901f With 4/0 cable ...........................................$7.501f With 350 cable ....... ...................... .... ......... $9.601f There may also be additional charges for unusual trenching conditions. Temporary Services The non-refudable charge for intallg a l-Ø tempora serce is: From underground................................ $140.00 The customer-provided meter pole must be securely set within 2' of the hand hole or padmounted transformer. From overhead ....................................... $120.00 The custmer-provided meter pole must be securely set in a location that wil allow the temporary service conductor to be attached to the permanent meter location by merely relocating it. A maximum of 100' of #2 Tx conductor is allowed. TEMPORARY SERVICE NOTES. . Elecrical facilties provided by the customer must be properly grounded, electrically and structuraiiy safe, provide adequate clearances, and ready for connection. . The customer must obtain all permits required by the applicable stte, county, or municipal governments before calling Idaho Power and provide copies or verification, as required. . The site must be inspected, if required. . All conditions must be met before the service wil be connected. (If any condition is not met, the service will not be connected and the customer will be billed $35.00 per trip each time Idaho Power dispatches personnel to connect it.) NoTE These costs are subject to chage. Call Idaho Power for curent pricing. Contact Idaho Power for Oregon Cost Information ~1WaiPO.Nt IDf Capa Page Sof5 Attchment C Page 5 of 5 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-09-27 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT NO.2 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-09-27 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT NO.3 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-09-27 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT NO.4 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-09-27 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT NO.5 Trench and Backfll. The conduit must be buried a minimum of 30 inches below the fi- ished grade, but not more than 48 inches. Acceptable backfi material wil meet the Idaho Power specifications shown in Figue 5. r Builder's conduit SO" min 48' max Backfill and compact using material no larger than 6" selected, compacted backfill using material no larger than 4" (don't use mecanicl tamping equipment in this area) i Figure 5: Trench and Backfil Speclficatons Compaction of the excavated trench to prevent it from settlg is the responsibilty of the builder. Compaction is especially important near the meter base, where conduit damage from setting is most likely to occur. To help prevent damage to underground utity facilties, ask for them to be located by calling Dig-Line at 1-800-342-1585. Separation from Other Facilties. A 12-inch horizontal and vertical separation must be maitained between the conduit and any other utity facilties or other structures (except that a 36-inch horzontal separation must be main- tained from a natural gas line) as specified in the National Electic Safety Code. Ownership and Maitenance Responsibilty. In addition to owning and maintaining that portion of the conduit instaled by the buider (from 18 inches below finished grade at the meter base end to the transformer, junction box or power pole), Idaho Power wil own, instal, and maintain the meter, the electric service cable and the connections at the transformer, junction box, or power pole. Also, Idaho Power wil make the connections between the electric service cable and the meter base. Revised March 1993 The buider or homeowner wi own, insta, and maitain the meter base, al wirig and electri- cal connections on the customer side of the meter, and the conduit from the meter base to 18 inches below the finished grade. Also, the builder or homeowner wil maintai the con- nections between the electric service cable and the meter base. Location of Facilties. The meter base and con- duit not owned by Idaho Power must be located on the outside of an outside structure wall so that it wi be readiy accessible to Idaho Power as shown in Figure 6. Exceptions must be approved in advance by the Division Meter Supervisor. T 5'-6" Finished Grade :0 Figure 6: Meter Base and COnduit Location The maxmum distance that the meter base may be located from the front of the house is 15 feet. The meter base must be located so that when it is installed, the meter wil be 5 feet 6 inches above the finished grade. Page4of4 Meter Base Placement The preferred meter location is on the side of the house toward the front. . Don't place the meter on the backside of the house. . Don't place the meter where it wil be behind a fence. WARNING! Any conduit above ground must meet applicable electril code requirements. 5'-6" R";""'~ j l 30" min l Don't put the meter here Revised October 2001 r Keep this conduit straight ok24"R Suggestion. Block out a section of the footing for an easier conduit installatin. OK NOTE. Placing the meter in front of the fenæ wil keep the meter reader out of the back yard. The meter base and conduit must be on the outside of an outside stcture wall and remain accessible to Idaho Power. Exceptions must be approved in advance! The center of the meter must be 5'-6":l 6" above the finished grade. Keep the nser stright Meters installed on a pedestal require a minimum height of 3'-0". Page 3 of6 NOT PERMITTED Don't fonn the PVC conduit with heat or add extr bends The preferred meter location is on the side of the house toward the front. . Don't place the meter on the backside of the house. . Don't place the meter where it wil be behind a fence. Don't put the meter here NOTE. Placing the meter in front of the fence wil keep the meter reader out of the back yard. The center of the meter must be 5'-6" +/- 6" above the fmished grade. Meters installed on a pedestal require a mium height of 3 '-0". WARNING! Any conduit above ground must meet applicable electrical coe requirements. Slip Coupling Support Bracket5'-6" F;";,hod Gmde I 30" min Suggestion. Block out a section of the footing for an easier installation. DFE 071 (01f04) OK Revised .January 2004 NOT PERMITTED ~ "\I,.1. Keep the riser straight Don't form the PVC conduit with heat or add extra bends Transformers Most trsformers have 2" or 3" conduit stubs as shown below. Expose the end of the stub and connect your new conduit. If the stub marker cannot be found, contact your Idaho Power representative. Don't dig under the transformer! r: Street- Transformer Street-Conduit Stub Marker c: Idaho Power's Builder's Conduit Stub Conduit Page 30f5 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-09-27 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT NO.6 An IDACORP company CUSTOMER COST QUOTE N/A Prepaid Fees Design Number: 0000075472 Credit Work Order #: 27298551 Debit Totals 1,4091 Customer or Project Name: TOM CABIN 1. Line InstallationlUpgrade Costs 2. Company Bettrment 3. Line Installation Allowances a. Customer Allowance b. Terminal Facilities Allowance c. Salvage Taxable - Credit I 01§I 01 I 01 4. Line Installation Credit (Customer Provided Trench) 5. Vested Interest Work Order # 6. Bank Lettr of Credit (for Unusual Conditions over $10,000) 7. Unusual Conditions 01 01 8. Net Construction Cost 9. Net Vested OR Refundable Construction Cost 10. Construction Cost Not Available for Vesting or Refund (Limited to 5 years or 4 additional applicants) 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 11. Right of Way Permit (NSR) 12. Bilable Engineering Charges (NSR) 13. Underground Service Charge (NSR) 14. Relocation or Removal Charges (NSR) a. Relocation or removal with new capacity. (412) b. Relocation or removal with NO new capacity (415) c. Non-Taxable Salvage Credit on Relocation or Removal 01 15. Other Charges 16. Feeder Charge 17. Sub.Total Non-Refundable Charges 18. Engineering Fees 19. Right of Way Permits (NSR) 20. Temporary Service Charge (NSR) 21. Total Prepaid Customer Charges $01 $1,4091 $1,4091 22. Idaho Power Co. Contribution & Bank Lettr of Credit 23. Total Work Order Charges 24. Total Customer Payment Due (Line 8 + Line 17) Notes: Notice: This writen quotation shall be binding on the Company until November 30, 2009, subject to changes in information provided by the Customer or changes in the Company's ability to obtain satisfactory rights-of-way or to comply with governmental regulations, including but not limited to the rules, regulations, and tarif of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. The Customer must make payment of the quote amount not less than thirt (30) days prior to the start of construction, but the Company does not represent that construction wil commence within 30 days of recept of payment The start of construction wil be subject to the Company's ability to obtain the necssary labor materials and equipment Customer Signature Date Quotation Date IPCo Representative (Customer Initials) Total Customer Payment does not include Underground or Non-Utility Service Charges. (Customer Initials) Received copy of Reduced Charge Option for Underground Electrical Service, also available at idahopower.com CCQ 2 REV 11-13-2009 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-09-27 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT NO. 7 ¡~ ,~ \ Sm i t h , M a t t Fr o m : Se n t : To : Su b j e c t : Sp a r k s , S c o t t Fr i d a y , J u l y 1 0 , 2 0 0 9 1 1 : 2 6 A M 'N a n c y H y l t o n ' RE : B r u n o B u i l t , I n c . c o m p l a i n t Hi N a n c y , It l o o k s l i k e y o u ' r e o u t o f t h e o f f c e t o d a y s o I ' m e m a i l i n g y o u w h a t I f o u n d r e g a r d i n g t h i s c a s e . . T h e C o m p a n y h a s m a d e m u l t i p l e a t t e m p t s t o r e s o l v e t h i s i s s u e w i t h t h e c u s t o m e r t h r o u g h e m a i l a n d p h o n e c o n v e r s a t i o n s . T h e s e a t t e m p t s s t o p p e d w h e n th e c u s t o m e r s t a r t e d u s i n g a b u s i v e a n d d e r o g a t o r y l a n g u a g e . . O u r L i n e s L e a d e r ( M a t t S m i t h ) a n d l i n e c r e w f o r e m a n m e t w i t h o u r f i e l d p e r s o n a l t o v e r i f y c o n s i s t e n c i e s i n a p p l i c a t i o n a n d C o m p a n y r e q u i r e m e n t s f o l l o w e d in t h e c a s e . · A f t e r a d d i t i o n a l t r i p s t o v e r i f y t h i s i n f o r m a t i o n , i t w a s d e t e r m i n e d t h a t t h e C o m p a n y ' s r e q u i r e m e n t s f o r i n s t a l l a t i o n o f c o n d u i t w e r e n o t f o l l o w e d ( s e e l i n k ht t p : / / w w . i d a h o p o w e r . c o m / p d f s / S e r v i c e B i l i n g / c u s t o m e r s e r v i c e I n e w C o n s t r u c t i o n / D F E 0 7 1 R e d u c e d C h a r g e O p t i o n . p d f ) a n d t h e c r e w w a s r e q u i r e d t o ma k e a n a d d i t i o n a l t r i p t o i n s t a l l w i r e ( R u l e H - R e t u r n T r i p C h a r g e ) a f t e r t h e c o n d u i t w a s r e - i n s t a l l e d t o m e e t C o m p a n y r e q u i r e m e n t s . . C o m p a n y l e a d e r s f o l l o w e d u p w i t h a c o n f e r e n c e c a l l t o t h e c u s t o m e r t o e x p l a i n t h e r e a s o n f o r t h e c h a r g e . · I n t h e e n d , t h e w i r e w a s n o t p u l l e d b e c a u s e d i s t a n c e r e q u i r e m e n t s w e r e n o t m e t . T h e i s s u e w a s n o t t h e c l a m p a s t h e C o m p a n y h a s i n s t a l l e d w i r e i n t h e pa s t w i t h o u t t h e c l a m p i n p l a c e . O u r c r e w s m e r e l y p o i n t e d o u t t h a t t h e c l a m p w a s n o t i n p l a c e . . T h e c u s t o m e r w a s s e n t t h e R e d u c e d C h a r g e O p t i o n p a m p h l e t t o a v o i d f u t u r e m i s i n t e r p r e t a t i o n s . As y o u k n o w , t h e C o m p a n y h a s s p e c i f i c i n s t a l l a t i o n r e q u i r e m e n t s f o r c o n d u i t b e c a u s e t h e C o m p a n y a s s u m e s o w n e r s h i p o f b u i l d e r - i n s t a l l e d c o n d u i t a t t h e t i m e t h e wi r e i s p u l l e d a n d s e r v i c e i s c o n n e c t e d . T h e C o m p a n y d o e s n o t f e e l t h e c h a r g e s h o u l d b e w a i v e d i n t h i s c a s e n o r d o e s i t f e e l t h e a d d i t i o n a l c o s t s r e l a t e d t o t h e re t u r n t r i p s h o u l d b e s p r e a d a c r o s s a l l r a t e p a y e r s . Pl e a s e f e e l f r e e t o c a l l m e o r m a i l i f y o u ' d l i k e t o d i s c u s s f u r t h e r . Si n c e r e l y , Sc o t t Fr o m : N a n c y H y l t o n ( m a i l t o : N a n c y . H y l t o n ( Q p u c . i d a h o . g o v l Se n t : T h u r s d a y , J u l y 0 9 , 2 0 0 9 8 : 3 6 A M To : S p a r k s , S c o t t Su b j e c t : B r u n o B u i l t , I n c . c o m p l a i n t i Sc o t t , I ' m a t t a c h i n g a c o m p l a i n t t h a t r e o p e n e d o n J u l y 9 , 2 0 0 9 . I w a n t t o b r i n g y o u r a t t e n t i o n t o a n e m a i l c o n t a i n e d i n t h e n a r r a t i v e f r o m M a t t Sm i t h a t I d a h o P o w e r o n J u l y 7 , 1 : 4 1 p m . T h e c u s t o m e r a d d e d e d i t o r i a l c o m m e n t s t o i t t h a t a r e i n p a r e n t h e s i s . I w i l l a l s o f o r w a r d a p h o t o t a k e n by I d a h o P o w e r a n d p r o v i d e d t o u s b y t h e c u s t o m e r . Is I P C w i l l i n g t o w a i v e t h e c h a r g e t h i s t i m e a n d p r o v i d e h i m w i t h a c o p y o f t h e s p e c s s o t h a t h e w i l l k n o w w h a t i s r e q u i r e d b y I P C ? P l e a s e l o o k a t th e i s s u e r a i s e d h e r e o f i n c o n s i s t e n t a p p l i c a t i o n / i n t e r p r e t a t i o n o f I P C ' s r e q u i r e m e n t s by i t s o u t s i d e t e c h s . T h a n k y o u . oc o c B r u n o B u i l t I n c . p d f ~ ~ Na n c y H y l t o n Ut i l t i e s C o m p l i a n c e I n v e s t i g a t o r na n c y . h y l t o n ( ( p u c . i d a h o . Q o v 20 8 - 3 3 4 - 0 3 0 4 Fa x : 2 0 8 - 3 3 4 - 4 0 4 5 2 (esIDA~POe Reduced Charge Option for Underground Electrical Service Revised June 2008An IDACeR P Compay Program Explanation The Reduced Charge Option is available for new i -0 underground electrcal serces and allows the customer to install the conduit for the serce cable. When the installation is complete, inspected, and all requirements have been met, Idao Power wil then install the cable and meter at a reduced charge. Be sure to connect to the proper equipment. Refer to the Definitions section or contact Idaho Power for clarfication. Call Dig-Line for locations at least 2 business days before digging. Dial~811 ( Know whats below. Call before you dig.Nationwide Conformance Each installation is subject to review and inspection at any time by Idao Power for conformance to these specifications. If a non-conformance is discovered such as the conduit lengt, route, depth etc., or if you are not ready when the installation crew arves, the cable WIL NOT BE INSTALED and you wi be charged $50.00 for each retu trp. After the non-compliance is corrected, contact Idao Power to reschedule the instalation. _ Contact Idaho Power if: . . Ths is your first time using ths program. . Your servce exceeds any of the design limits. . A conduit stub canot be found. . You requie servce from a pole. Reduced Charge Opton, DFE 071 Revise June 2008 Design Limitations 200 Amp. For self-contained meter bases up though 200 amps that meet the following limitations, you do not need to contact Idao Power until you are ready for your servce to be installed. . Use 2" gray, ULlisted, Schedule 40 PVC Use 2" conduit, bends, and fittgs unless Idaho Power speifically tells you to use 3". . 125' maximum servce lengt This is the horizontal distace measured along the serce route betwee Idaho Power's equipment and the meter. . Up to 1350 of conduit bends. Don't include the bends at the meter or Idaho Power's equipment in the 1350 limit. 400 Amp. For larger self-contaed meter bases up though 400 amps, you must contact Idao Power for approval in advance to ensure a proper design. . 3" conduit All servces to meter bases larger than 200 amps require 3" conduit, bends, and fittgs. Additional Requirements Conduit bends. Only use gry colored manufactued bends with a radius of at leat 24". Do not form your own bends! +" :724" Radius ,,'/ Trench and Bacldil. Backfill Material No roc larger than 2" No trash or rubbish Conduit Page 1 of5 Reduced Charge Option WARNING! Non-conformances may have to be corrected at the builder's expense. Important Information DON'T heat the conduit in any way to shape it or to form bends. DON'T leave open trenches. Any open trench must be adequately barcaded or protected to ensure public safety as required by local, state, or federal rules and regulations. Keep open trenches to a minimum. DON'T change conduit sizes in the ru. DO compact the trench parcuarly near the meter where settling could pull the conduit down and daage the meter base. Although compacting the trench is the builder's responsibility, the homeowner is responsible for any futue settling. DO make square conduit cuts. Remove burs from the inside and outside edges. DO glue conduit joints. All joints must be completely seated and peranently glued with PVC cement. DO keep di and debris out of the conduit. DO keep proper trench separations. Kee a 12" horizonta and vertical clearance between the electrcal conduit and all other utilities and any strctues. DO keep proper meter separations. The electrc and gas meters must be separated as shown. ( Keep the elecric out ofthe shaded ~DU~PO. M ÐA" Coiy Revised June 2008 Ownership and Maintenance Idao Power assumes ownership of the builder- instaled conduit when the electrcal serce cable is instaled. However, the builder is responsible for the condition of the conduit and trench until the ownership of the home is transfered to the first buyer. After the cable has been installed, Idaho Power will own and maintain: . All conduit and fittngs installed below the finished grade. . The entire lengt of electrc cable and the connections at Idao Power's equipment. . The meter. NOTE. Idaho Power wil connect the cable to the meter base but the homeowner wil own and maitain the connections. After the cable has been installed, the builder or homeowner wil own and maintain: . All conduit and fittngs installed above the fished grade. . The trench and any landscaping. . The meter base and its connections to the electrc cable. . All wig and electrcal connections on the customer's side of the meter. Meter Base Guidelines Refer to the Meter Base Identifcation Guidelines located on ww.idaopower.com. Meter Base Requirements The meter base must accept 3" conduit if 3" conduit is used for the servce. The meter base and conduit must be on the outside of an outside strctue wall and remain accessible to Idaho Power. Exceptions must be approved in advance! Page 2 of5 Reduced Charge Option Revised June 2008 (Locate the meter on the side of the house toward the front. . Don't place the meter behind a fence. . Don't put the meter at the back of the house. Don't put the meter here NOTE. Pladng the meter in front of the fence will keep the meter reader out of the back yard. ( The center of the meter must be 5'-6" (+/- 6") above the finished grade. Meters installed on a pedestal require a minimum height of 3'-0". WARNING! Any conduit above ground must met applicable electrical code requirements. Slip Coupling Support Bracket Keep this conduit straight Suggestion. Block out a section of the footing for an easier installation. øMl.An IDP Co OK Keep the riser straight Transformers NOT PERMITTD Don't form the PVC conduit with heat or add extra bends Most transformers have 2" or 3" conduit stubs as shown below. Expose the end of the stub and connect your new conduit. If the stub marker canot be found, contact your Idaho Power representative. Don't dig under the transformer! Stret ll.................: ",". ...........d~~.,. ~~"'..:... ... '!5:::::::::::::::...... Idaho Power's Conduit Stub Transformer cr Conduit Approx. StubStreet 5' - Marker- c= Idaho Power's Builder's Conduit Stub Conduit Page 30tS Reduced Charge Option Revised June 2008 Handholes Most handholes do not have conduit stubs. . Plumb the conduit into the neaest comer of the handhole using a 45° or 90° bend with the end 2" above the handhole floor. . Plug or cap the open end of the conduit to keep out dir and debris. If there is a conduit stub, expose the end and connect your conduit to it. Street--Cd Street-- Handhole l 45° bend Buildets Conduit Street-- Handhole Builder's Conduit WARING! Call Dig-Line for locations at least 2 business days before diggig. Dial~811 Know whats below. Call before you dig.Nationwide ø_. M IDP Co Contact Idaho Power if your service involves a pole. Special Requirements for Poles You must meet with an Idaho Power representative pnor to digging the trench to deterine: 1. If the pole is adequate for your servce. 2. Which side of the pole you must route the conduit toward. Trench all the way to the base of the pole. If the pole becomes unstable, contact Idaho Power imediately! When backfilling the trench, leave 6' to 8' open adjacent to the pole. Any open trench must be adequately barcaded or protected for public safety. After Idao Power connects the pole riser and conduit, it is the builder's responsibilty to backfll and compact any remaining trench. Call Idaho Power to determine which side of pole to route the conduit toward ..-."l 11\~ Leave 6' to 8' of Open Trench -i Barrcade as Needed I l 30" min36"max /Bu;Id't'~ /1'1 ,iiI! 1\ i/1 \1 l~i/ I i I /1l r L 18"--1/1 '"~i i ii ; Ii' 1i.. seal the End of the Conduit Page40f5 Reduced Charge Option Revised June 2008 (Important Idaho Cost Information The cost information below has been extracted from the "Rule H Line Installation Tarffs". You may view the taffs on http://idahopower.com/aboutus/regulatoryinfo/tariffdf.asp?id=32&.pdf . Copies are available by contactig Idao Power or the respective Public Utilties Commission. Underground Servces (400 amp max.) The non-refudable charge for a new Schedule i or Schedule 7, underground 1-0 servce consists of a Base Chare plus a Distace Charge. These costs do not apply to serices with meter bases larger than 400 amps. Base Charge From underground ..... ... ..... ............ ............ $40.00 From overhead (2" pole riser) ............. ..... $395.00 From overhead (3" pole riser) .................. $520.00 Distance Charge With 1/0 service cable............................... $2.151f With 4/0 service cable...............................$3.601f With 350 service cable..............................$4.651f NOTE. Use the following Distance Charges if Idaho Power provides the trench and conduit: Distance Charge C1PCo trench & conduit) With 1/0 cable ...........................................$6.90/ft With 4/0 cable................................ ..... ...... $7.501f With 350 cable ..........................................$9.601f There may also be additional charges for unusual trenching conditions. Temporary Servces The non-refudable charge for installing a I-Ø temporar serce is: From underground............................... $140.00 The customer-provided meter pole must be securely set within 2' of the hand hole or pad mounted transformer. From overhead ....................................... $120.00 The customer-provided meter pole must be securely set in a loction that wil allow the temporary service conductor to be attached to the permanent meter location by merely relocating it. A maximum of 100' of #2 Tx conductor is allowed. TEMPORARY SERVICE NOTES. . Elecrical facilities provided by the customer must be properly grounded, elecrically and structurally safe, provide adequate clearance, and ready for connection. . The customer must obtain all permits required by the applicable state, county, or municipal governments before callng Idaho Power and provide copies or verifcation, as required. . The site must be inspected, if required. . All conditions must be met before the serice wil be conneced. (If any condition is not met, the serice will not be connected and the customer will be billed $35.00 per trp each time Idaho Power dispatches personnel to connect it.) NOTE. These costs are subject to change. Call Idaho Power for curent pricing. Contact Idaho Power for Oregon Cost Information (~ID~PO.IwIOIICo Page sots BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-09-27 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT NO.8 Sm i t h , M a t t Fr o m : Se n t : To : Su b j e c t : Ro b e r t ( R o b e r t ~ b r u n o b u i l t . c o m l Tu e s d a y , J u l y 0 7 , 2 0 0 9 2 : 4 9 P M Sm i t h , M a t t RE : R E : Yo u t e l l a g o o d l i e M r . S m i t h Ro b e r B r u o Br u o Bu i l t , I n c . 94 7 E W i n d i n g C r e e k D r v e Ea g l e , I D 8 3 6 1 6 93 8 - 2 3 5 7 Fr o m : S m i t h , M a t t ( m a i l t o : M S m i t h C § i d a h o p o w e r . c o m ) se n t : T u e s d a y , J u l y 0 7 , 2 0 0 9 1 : 4 1 P M To : R o b e r t Cc : J o h n s t o n , G u y Su b j e c t : R E : R E : De a r M r . B r u n o , I o r i g i n a l l y t o l d y o u w h e n I s p o o k t o y o u o n T h u r s d a y J u l y , 2 t h a t I w o u l d c h e c k i n t o w h y i t w a s t u r n e d d o w n . I d i d t h a t a n d I w a s t o l d t h e c o n d u i t wa s n o t a g a i n s t t h e s i d i n g a n d t h e c l a m p w a s n o t i n s t a l l e d t o s e c u r e t h e c o n d u i t . i s h a r e d t h i s w i t h y o u w h e n w e t a l k e d t h i s m o r n i n g a n d I d i d s a y i w a s t o l d i t wa s a p r o x 8 " a w a y a n d y o u d i s p u t e d t h a t . I t h e n s a i d i w o u l d c h e c k a g a i n a n d i d i d . I r e s p o n d e d b a c k t h a t t h e 8 " w a s m o r e o f a g u e s s a n d t h a t w a s f r o m t h e fo u n d a t i o n a n d n o t t h e s i d i n g a n d I a p o l o g i z e d f o r t h a t . I a l s o e - m a i l e d y o u a p i c t u r e o f t h e c o n d u i t a n d w h y i t w a s t u r n e d d o w n . I t a l k e d t o y o u r e x c a v a t o r a n d he s a i d i t w a s 3 Y i o r 4 i n c h e s f r o m t h e s i d i n g b u t h e a g r e e d t h a t t h a t w a s t o o f a r . i a l s o h a v e t a l k e d t o y o u r e l e c t r i c i a n t o g e t h i s p e r s p e c t i v e a n d h e t h o u g h t i t wa s b e c a u s e t h e c l a m p w a s m i s s i n g . W e d o w a n t t h e c l a m p i n s t a l l e d a n d w e d o s o m e t i m e s p u s h w i r e b e f o r e t h e c l a m p i s i n s t a l l e d b u t t h e m a i n r e a s o n t h i s w a s tu r n e d d o w n w a s t h e d i s t a n c e f r o m t h e s i d i n g a n d w e a l s o s t a t e d t h a t t h e c l a m p w a s m i s s i n g . H e a g r e e d t h a t i t s h o u l d h a v e b e e n d o s e r . Y o u a l s o s t a t e d t h a t t h e si d i n g w a s s t u c c o a n d t h a t ' s w h y t h e c l a m p w a s n o t i n s t a l l e d a n d w h y i t w a s a w a y f r o m t h e s i d i n g , t h i s i s n o t c o r r e c t a s t h e p i c t u r e s h o w s . i a s I s t a t e d b e f o r e i st a n d b e h i n d t h e w o r k o f m y e m p l o y e e s a n d i f w e m a k e a m i s t a k e a s w e d o o n o c c a s i o n I w i l l c o r r e c t t h e i s s u e a n d r e s o l v e t h e d i s p u t e . Y o u a l s o s t a t e d t h a t w e "a l w a y s " l e a v e t h e w i r e e n d s a n d t r a s h a t y o u r w o r k s i t e , I f t h i s d o e s h a p p e n p l e a s e c o n t a c t m e a n d w e w i l l r e s o l v e t h e i s s u e b e c a u s e w e e x p e c t o u r e m p l o y e e s to c l e a n u p t h e i r m e s s . I w o u l d e n c o u r a g e y o u t o r e v i e w t h e R e d u c e d c h a r g e O p t i o n f o r U n d e r g r o u n d E l e c t r i c a l S e r v i c e a t h t t p : U w w w . i d a h o p o w e r . c o m / Ma t t W . S m i t h Li n e s L e a d e r , C a p i t a l R e g i o n Id a h o P o w e r C o m p a n y (2 0 8 ) 3 8 8 - 2 0 5 3 ms m i t h C ë i d a h o o o w e r . c o m i /~ ! Fr o m : R o b e r t ( m a i l t o : R o b e r t ( § b r u n o b u i l t . c o m ) se n t : T u e s d a y , J u l y 0 7 , 2 0 0 9 1 1 : 0 2 A M To : S m i t h , M a t t Su b j e c : R E : ;~ /~ Fo r t h e r e c o r d M r . S m i t h , y o u t o l d m e t o d a y t h a t t h e c o n d u i t w a s 8 i n c h e s a w a y f r o m t h e h o u s e a n d t h a t i s w h y t h e p o w e r w a s n ' t p u l l e d . Yo u a l s o t o l d m e a s a r e s u l t , i w a s b i l e d a r e t u r n t r i p c h a r g e . Yo u r c r e w s t o l d m e t h e y w o u l d n ' t p u l l t h e p o w e r b e c a u s e t h e c o n d u i t w a s n ' t c l a m p e d d o w n t o t h e h o u s e . S o m e t h i n g t h a t i s a c o m m o n p r a c t i c e . ( N o t h a v i n g a cl a m p e d r i s e r u n t i l t r i m o u t ) Ge t y o u r s t o r i e s s t r a i g h t . Yo u w o n ' t m a k e a g o o d w i t n e s s i f y o u d o n ' t . Ro b e r t B r u n o Br u o B u i l t , I n c . 94 7 E W i n d i n g C r e e k D r i v e Ea g l e , I D 8 3 6 1 6 93 8 ~ 2 3 5 7 Fr o m : S m i t h , M a t t ( m a i l t o : M S m i t h ( § i d a h o p o w e r . c o m ) Se n t : T u e s d a y , J u l y 0 7 , 2 0 0 9 9 : 2 7 A M To : R o b e r t Su b j e c t : 2 M c:o"ëi E Q)c: ~ 8ro æ ..:! a. ~g. E 0Ü 0(' 0:5..üio~"- Q) .. 0 ttE i: Q) N i: CI tt ~ ei 0-:;.3a.~~;: rn o-:!:iQ)~ciEttc:ttOrn::::~~E i~ ~ - - 1 Th i s t r s m i s s i o n m a y c o n t a n i n f o r m a t i o n t h a t i s p r i v i l e g e d c o n f i d e n t i a l a n d / o r e x e m p t f r o m d i c l o s u r e u n d e r a p p l i c a b l e l a w . I f y o u a r e n o t t h i n t e n d e d r e c i p i e n t , y o u a r e h e r e b y n o t i f i e d t h a t a n y d i s c l o s u r e , c o p y i n g , d i s t r b u t i o n , o r u s e o f th e i n f o r m a t i o n c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n ( i n c l u d i n g a n y r e l i a n c e t h e r e o n ) i s S T R I C T L Y P R O H I B I T D . I f yo u r e c e i v e d t h i s t r m i s s i o n i n e r r o r , p l e a e i m m e d i a t e l y c o n t a c t t h e s e n d e r a n d d e s t r o y t h e m a t e r a l i n i t s e n t i r e t y , w h e t e r i n e l e c t r o n i c or h a d c o p y f o r m a t . T h a n k y o u . 4