HomeMy WebLinkAbout20091125Comments.pdfE '\ r ~"'fL' ":',j ~i ~' SCOTT WOODBURY DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0320 BARNO. 1895 il'.ori l.fj' ?5.. M" 9t 30UU) "i..1 .... Street Address for Express Mail: 472 W. WASHINGTON BOISE, IDAHO 83702-5918 Attorney for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR APPROVAL ) OF A FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT ) FOR THE SALE AND PURCHASE OF ) ELECTRIC ENERGY BETWEEN IDAHO ) POWER COMPANY AND IDAHO WINDS LLC ) ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-09-25 COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF COMES NOW the Staff of the Idaho Public Utilties Commission, by and through its Attorney of record, Scott Woodbury, Deputy Attorney General, and in response to the Notice of Application, Notice of Modified Procedure and Notice ofCommentlrotest Deadline issued on October 28,2009, submits the following comments. BACKGROUND On September 10,2009, Idaho Power Company (Idaho Power; Company) fied an Application with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (Commission) requesting approval of a 20-year Firm Energy Sales Agreement between Idaho Power and Idaho Winds LLC (Idaho Winds) dated September 1,2009 (Agreement). Idaho Winds proposes to design, construct, own, operate and maintain a 21 MW (nameplate rating) wind generating facility located approximately six miles northwest of Glenns Ferry in Elmore County, Idaho. The facilty wil be known as the Sawtooth Wind Project. Idaho STAFF COMMENTS 1 NOVEMBER 25, 2009 Winds warants that the facilty will be a qualified small power production facilty (QF) under the applicable provisions of the Public Utilty Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURP A). Under normal and/or average conditions, the facilty's generation wil not exceed 10 aMW on a monthly basis. Should the facility exceed 10 aMW on a monthly basis, Idaho Power wil accept the energy (Inadvertent Energy) that does not exceed the maximum capacity amount; however, the Company wil not purchase or pay for this Inadvertent Energy. i! 7.5. Idaho Winds has selected October 31, 2012, as the first energy date and December 31, 2012 as the Scheduled Operation Date. Appendix B-3. ST AFF ANALYSIS The Agreement contains non-levelized published avoided cost rates as currently established by the Commission for energy deliveries of less than 10 aMW. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement are nearly identical to those included in several contracts recently approved by the Commission. For example, in conformance with Commission Order No. 30488, the Agreement includes a Mechanical Availabilty Guarantee (MAG) (i! 6.4); wind integration cost reduction (i! 7.1), and wind forecasting cost sharing (Appendix E). In addition, the Agreement contains provisions for Delay Liquidated Damages (i! 5.3) and associated Delay Security (i! 5.7) to secure the established Scheduled Operation Date of December 31, 2012. Idaho Winds has been advised and understands that delays in the interconnection process do not constitute excusable delays in achieving the Scheduled Operation Date and if the Scheduled Operation Date is not achieved, delay damages wil be assessed. The primary issue with this Agreement is that this is the second firm energy sales agreement executed by Idaho Power and Idaho Winds LLC for this exact location. The first power sales agreement for the 18 MW Alkali Wind Project was approved on February 26,2007. Reference Case No. IPC-E-06-36, Order No. 30253. On May 6, 2008, Idaho Power filed with the Commission a copy of a letter agreement between Idaho Power and the Alkali Wind Project terminating the Agreement. The power purchase rates contained in the Alkali agreement were roughly 30 percent less than the rates in the Sawtooth Agreement for which the paries are now seeking approvaL. The issue considered by Staff is whether Idaho Winds is entitled to terminate its original agreement and negotiate a new agreement at considerably higher rates for a project at exactly the same site. STAFF COMMENTS 2 NOVEMBER 25, 2009 Although Idaho Winds considers the Alkali and Sawtooth Wind Projects to be different, the only difference apparent to Staff is that the Sawtooth Project is 3 MW larger. In all other respects, the proposed Sawtooth Wind Project appears to be substatially the same as the Alkali Wind Project. Circumstances of the Alkali Contract Termination The Alkali Wind Project was proposed to be located near Glenns Ferr, not far from a cluster of numerous other proposed projects in the Hagerman - Magic Valley area. This dense cluster of proposed projects necessitated that studies be performed to resolve issues related to necessar transmission system improvements and fair cost sharing mechanisms amongst all of the proposed projects. Reference Case No. IPC-E-06-21, Order No. 30414. Although the Alkali project was not included in the transmission cluster studies, the analysis and design work that was being performed by Idaho Power's transmission group for the cluster studies impacted the interconnection and transmission upgrade analysis the Company performed for the Alkali project. i During the analysis of the "cluster," Idaho Power and the developer of the Alkali project became aware of previously unown transmission and interconnection issues and potential costs, and resolution of these issues caused time delays in the interconnection process. In addition, the interconnection analysis for the Alkali project was delayed by unavoidable internal problems at Idaho Power involving the need to replace the study engineer in the middle of the Alkali interconnection study. While it was ultimately determined that the Alkali project could interconnect to the Company's system, Idaho Power admits that processing the interconnection request was inordinately delayed. At least some of the delay, the Company readily concedes, can be attributed to Idaho Power. Commission Order No. 30253 discussed the uncertainty as~ociated with transmission issues occurring at the time (Order No. 30253, pp. 4-7). This period of transmission uncertainty occured at a time when the costs of material and equipment for the Alkali project were rising quickly. As a result, the developer of the Alkali project advised Idaho Power that he desired to cancel the power sales agreement rather than continue to develop the project and risk a financial failure. Idaho Power maintains that it made a diligent effort to work with the developer with the intention of extending the on-line date rather than terminating the contract. However, in the end, the developer concluded that he could not proceed and Idaho Power agreed to a mutual termination of the contract. On May 6, 2008, Idaho STAFF COMMENTS 3 NOVEMBER 25,2009 Power filed a copy of the termination agreement between Idaho Power and the Alkali project with the Commission. The power sales agreement for the Alkali project was terminated by mutual agreement of the paries. By its express terms, the agreement and cover letter specify that "Termination of the Agreement shall only be effective upon execution of this document by both parties and acceptance of this termination by the Idaho Public Utilties Commission." (See Attachment). Although Idaho Power fied the termination letter agreement with the Commission on May 20, 2008, the Commission never took any action to either notice, acknowledge, or accept it. Idaho Power does not contend that the Company's May 20, 2008, fiing of the termination agreement between Idaho Power and the Alkali project binds the Commission. Idaho Power made the filing with the Commission in good faith with the expectation that if the Commission or Staffhad questions or concerns relating to the cancellation, the filing of the cancellation agreement would provide a vehicle for the Commission to inquire fuher. Idaho Power acknowledges that the Commission has not issued an order formally accepting the termination of the Alkali contract. Both Staff and the Company agree that the Commission is certainly free to reject the Sawtooth Wind Project Agreement. The Sawtooth Wind Project Agreement explicitly provides that it is contingent on the Commission issuing its order accepting the agreement and approving it for ratemaking puroses. Idaho Power's Justification for Offering a New Contract to Sawtooth Wind In offering a new contract to the Sawtooth Project, Idaho Power does not believe that the Sawtooth Wind Project should be bound by the same rates, terms and conditions as were included in the Alkali contract that preceded it. As justification for its decision to offer the Sawtooth project a new contract, Idaho Power points out that that at the time of cancellation, the Commission had neither considered nor ordered a change in the published avoided cost rates. The curent avoided cost rates were approved in February of2009, approximately one year after the decision was made to cancel the Alkali contract. Based on its review of the facts and circumstances in this case, Staff does not believe that Idaho Winds deliberately terminated its existing agreement for the Alkali project with the intention of later signing a new contract at much higher rates for essentially the same project. At 1 Staffs recitation of facts is informed by the Company's response to Staffs Production Request Nos. 1-5. STAFF COMMENTS 4 NOVEMBER 25, 2009 the time the Alkali contract was terminated, Idaho Winds had no knowledge that published avoided cost rates would increase substantially in the near future. Staff believes that Idaho Winds terminated its original agreement in good faith, knowing that the escalation in project costs that occured during transmission study delays made its project uneconomical at the avoided cost rates contained in the contract. The eventual outcome of termination of the original Alkali agreement was a new Agreement for the Sawtooth project at much higher rates. Although ratepayers ultimately lose out on the benefits of the Alkali contract with its much lower rates, Staff believes that the unusual circumstances of this case justify a new contract. There is no evidence that either Idaho Winds or Idaho Power took any actions to deliberately "game" the system to the disadvantage of ratepayers. Effect on Other Contracts Besides the Alkali/Sawtooth project, fifteen other wind projects with signed QF contracts were either directly involved or indirectly impacted by the Magic Valley QF interconnection and transmission cluster issue. Four of those projects have been developed and are currently online. All of the other projects experienced transmission study delays but decided to remain in the interconnection and transmission queue. They have each continued to progress through the interconnection study process. They have all retained their power sales agreements but revised their estimated operation dates to September 30, 2010. Staff inquired of Idaho Power as to why each of these uncompleted projects could not also terminate their existing contracts and seek new contracts at higher avoided cost rates in the same manner in which Idaho Winds LLC has done for the Sawtooth project. Idaho Power responded that it does not believe any of these uncompleted projects stand on the same footing as the Alkali project did when Idaho Winds LLC and Idaho Power agreed to terminate the Alkali contract. Idaho Power points out that it was only after the filing of the multiple interconnection requests for the numerous wind projects in the "cluster" area that the complexity of the interconnection and transmission issues in the cluster area became known. This sudden and large influx of megawatts of interconnection requests required a cluster study be performed. Upon completion of this cluster study, the results were presented to the impacted projects. The impacted projects rejected the results of the study and the matter was submitted to the STAFF COMMENTS 5 NOVEMBER 25,2009 Commission in form of a complaint. This complaint was ultimately resolved by Commission Order No. 30414. As stated earlier, this entire process consumed more time than is typically required to perform interconnection and transmission studies. It was during this same time that the Alkali project experienced unexpected time delays and uncertainty of costs in the interconnection process that resulted in the project withdrawing its interconnection request and requesting termination of the Alkali agreement. The issues relating to the interconnection process have now been resolved. The affected uncompleted projects did not seek to cancel their contracts but instead requested to extend the operation date within their contracts. Because the interconnection studies are now substantially complete and the magnitude of the interconnection-upgrade costs have been disclosed, Idaho Power believes that the remaining projects have no basis to claim they do not know the construction schedule or the general magnitude of costs of interconnection at this time. Contract cancellation at this point, Idaho Power contends, would simply be an attempt to obtain the new, liigher rates and would be a clear breach of contract. Idaho Power believes that dispositive difference between the status of the uncompleted projects and the Alkali-Sawtooth projects is that the Alkali project decided to cancel its contract nearly a year before the Commission increased the published avoided cost rates to the curent leveL. At the time the Company and the Alkali project agreed to voluntarly terminate the power sales agreement, neither Idaho Power nor the project developer knew that the Commission would, many months later, increase the published avoided cost rates. Idaho Power maintains that is not the same situation for the remaining uncompleted projects. If the remaining projects choose to default now and subsequently request a contract at rates they now know are higher, the Company believes denial of a new contract would be reasonable and legally sustainable. New Contract Provisions to Guard Against Defaulting to Obtain Higher Rates In most instances, the owner of a QF resource is a limited liabilty company ("LLC") with little or no assets other than the power sales agreement and the project's equipment and facilties. In most instances, the project's equipment and facilities are subject to substantial first mortgage liens, thereby putting Idaho Power behind other creditors in the event of a default or banruptcy. STAFF COMMENTS 6 NOVEMBER 25, 2009 As a result, under most vintages of power sales agreements, it is unlikely that Idaho Power wil be able to recover its damages if a QF developer defaults or terminates a contract. Idaho Power and the Commission Staff have struggled to address the balance between including terms and conditions in QF contracts that wil adequately protect customers while at the same time not unduly inhibit the development of QF projects. In the end, the only mechanism the Company believes is both fair and effective is the posting of liquid security to be retained for a period of time to ensure QF developers do not cancel or terminate projects in an effort to "game" the system. It is Idaho Power's opinion that the only effective way to deter QF developers from terminating or defaulting on existing contracts in order to negotiate new contracts at higher avoided cost rates is for the Commission to allow Idaho Power to include reasonable liquidated damages provisions in QF contracts and to allow the Company to include contract provisions that require QF developers to provide meaningful amounts of liquid security to be retained by the utilty in the event of a termination or default. Unless the QF developer has a meaningful financial incentive not to terminate or default, some QF developers wil continue to look at power sales agreements as options which they can exercise or ignore without adverse consequences. Recent power sales agreements between Idaho Power and QF developers have included such liquidated damage and security provisions. The Tuana Springs expansion, Camp Reed, Yahoo Creek, and Payne's Ferry QF contracts recently approved in Commission Order Nos. 30917,30924,30925, and 30926, respectively, all include delay damage contract language and security in the amount of $20 per kW. The proposed Sawtooth contract includes them as welL. Now however, Idaho Power believes that the $20 amount is probably too low to be a meaningful deterrent. The Company believes that an amount of security equal to the greater of three months anticipated revenues or $45 per kW is more realistic. In comments fied in the pending GNR-E- 09-03 case, Idaho Power and Avista have suggested that $45/kW or approximately three months of revenue is an appropriate amount of security for new QF contracts going forward. RECOMMENDATIONS Although Idaho Winds originally signed a contract for the Alkali project with much lower rates than are contained in the new proposed Sawtooth contract, Staff believes that the unusual circumstances of this case justify termination of the Alkali contract and approval of the STAFF COMMENTS 7 NOVEMBER 25, 2009 new Sawtooth contract. There is no evidence that either Idaho Winds or Idaho Power took any actions to deliberately "game" the system to the disadvantage of ratepayers. Staff recommends that the Commission acknowledge termination of the Alkali agreement. Staff recommends that the Commission approve all of the Sawtooth Agreement's terms and conditions and declare that all payments Idaho Power makes to Idaho Winds for purchases of energy from the Sawtooth Wind Project wil be allowed as prudently incurred expenses for ratemaking purposes. '1 Respectfully submitted this d5 day of November 2009. Scott Woodbur Deputy Attorney General Technical Staff: Rick Sterling i :umisc: commentsipce09 .25swrps comments STAFF COMMENTS 8 NOVEMBER 25, 2009 .i. ' ..,,.,...,,._....... "'....,-"......"."....~,_..,--_...."',.._....;.~.."'..."'''"._._,,-~~~...-.,..M.....=..""~ ....~~",~-."-"".. ..~',.~"i HIDA~POe", ..... .~-,....- ..-=~.~ '....~,--_._, ..._...-.__.,- ~ "-.. .". -"~.." RECE!VED''''"""" ,~,~",,,,.",,.,;..;....,,~,. ,-'--,-1'"""''''.,, .,,_.._._..__~":...~...._..~_."',...,.,': ""'.~~C_,.'"~__4..""...,--~'"_-.~...._.~.....-"..""..~ . ',~ ~.. 'f 'ì1J PM 3=.1f "'""..,,,...._"---~--,,~..~_.,,_._-_....._.~,,..,,~;May 19,2008 i~" ,.. . .'J .-, '''~Ì'~IDAHCJ¡-'utiL;f'.. .'. UT1UllES clS~üS. ,.,,~__~_.~....._,"_.._.,..~.,_~,__~~,._o_...,".,..."',."''' .. An IDACOP Company '-""...._,.".~,.-..~'M..'....__......_,.""'''' "'.~ ...,' ."...,."'_..,..H,._................~_.._.,-.~...._""l_ Jea Jewell Commssion Seceta Idao Public Utilities Commssion POBox 83720 Boise, il 83720-0074 Randy C. Alphi Senor Plag Admstrtor Tel: (208) 388-2614 ralpiiidaoower.com i RE: Idao Winds LLC , Al Wind Project, Case No. IPC-E-06-36 Dear Ms. Jewell: On Febru 26, 2007 in Order No. 30253, the Idao Public Utilties Commssion approved the Fir Energy Sales Agrent ("AgÎement") l:een Idao Power Company and Idao Winds £LC. ("Idao Winds") for the sale of etergy to Idao Power Company frm t1e proposed Al Wind Projec (the "Prject") to be lòcatednea Glen Fer, Idao. As proposed, the 18 MW Prject would have been consider a Quified Facilty ("QF") under the Public Utilty Reguatory Policies Act of 1978. The specified Scheduled Opertion Date with ths Agreeent was Decemer 31, 2007. Due to varous issues, . including the procss of resolvig the QF internnection ises included inIPUC case IPC-E-06-21, the Project delayed constrtion and did not mee the Decem 31,2007 Scheduled Opertion Date. In vaous e-niils, leter and convertions since December 2007, Idaho Power and Idao Winds have been discussing possible revsions to the Scheduled Opertion Date. At ths time both paries have agree tht a mutuly agreeable revised Scheduled Opertion Date is not achievable and therefore tertion of the Agrent is appropriate. Attached is a tertion leter execed by both Idao Power and Idao Winds sumg the teration of ths Agreeent. Ths terti()na~ment specìf~sthtifsli.onlybe effective upn execution by both pares and aceptaceof thst9Jtion by the.Idaö Public Utilties. Commssion. If the Commssion reui any fuer inormtion or action from Idao Power Company prior to providigIdaò Power accetace of ths tertion, pleae notify me (388-2614) or attorney Bar Kle (388-2682). Page 1 of2 POBox 70 Boise, Idao 83707 1221 W Idao St Boise, Idao 83702 Attachment A Case No. IPC-E-09.25 Staff Comments 11/25/09 Page 1 of 5 l. Ii;, ~ '. cc:Rick Sterling (IUC) Scott Woobu (IPUC) Sincely, fJ f.,~'~dy C Allphi . ldaoPower Company POBox 70 Boise Idao 83707 Page 2 of2 1221 W Idao St. Boise, Idao 83702 ÄttachIent Ã. Case No. IPC-E-09-25 Staff Comments 1 1/25/09 Page 2 of 5 ". \'" .."HIDA~POe.-.... An IDACRP comny May 6, 2008 "'..~ ... Rick Koebbe Idao Winds, LLC 5356 N.Cattl Way Boise, Idao 83714 Randy C. Alphi Senor Plan Admstrtor Tel: (208) 388-2614 . ralphinlâidaooower.co Re: Idao Winds 18 MW Al WiId Project Dear Rick: As you are awar, we have bee iI discussions the last few months to esablish a rese Scheduled Opertion Date for the Fir Ener Sales Agrent betee Idao WiIds LLC and Idaho Power Company dated Decembe 12, 2006 for the Al WiId Fan (Agrent). The Scheded Opertion Date with the Agrement was origiy established as Deember 31, 2007. At ths poiIt the pares ar unble to agr upon an acceptable resed Scheduled Opertion Date. To sume the past discussions Idao WiIds contends: ./ Afer the Agrement was a completed, issue regar trsmission upgrdes arse in regads to the iIteronnecon costs an proceses reqred to iIteronnect ths projec to the Idao Power eleccal system. Some of these issues were' presented to the Idao Public Utilties Commssion for resolution. ./ Consideble time pased iI the resolution of the vaous iIteronnection issues an durg th time, the project's constrction costs and tubiIe avalabilty statu expenced signficant advere chages. As a reult, Idao Winds contends tht the project is no longer viable. Idao Power contends: Page ion POBox 70 Boise, Idao 83707 1221 W Idao St. Boise, Idao 83702 Attachrrént A Case No. IPC-E-09-25 Staff Comments 1 1/25/09 Page 3 of 5 . 0/ The project has cited tht delays ar due to the interconnecion issues and these interconnecion issues have now been resolved by Commssion Order. Therfore, Idao Power has suggested tht a revised Scheduled Opertion Date ca now be established using the curen. interconnection process and timeline. 0/ Idao Power believes the project did not perorm adequate due dilgence regarg th interconnecon process pror to commtting to the origil Scheduled Operion Date. However, Idao Power (power Supply) also reogns tht relution of the interonnection issues did tae a considerble perod of tie. Tertion of the Agreeent 0/ As of the date of ths leter, both paries mutuy agÌ tht tertion of the Agreeent is acceptabte. .¡ Upon tertion of this Agreeent both paries agre to waive any claim aga the other based on either negligence or breach of contrct. .¡ Tertion of this Agreeent shal be effective upn execution of ths document by both paries and accepance of th tertion by the Idao Public Utiities Commssion without requients for any materal chages to th document. Idao Power is providing thre copies of ths tertion docuent. Pleae sign each copy and retu all three copies to me no later th Friday, May 16, 2008. Idao Power reseres the right to modify ths docuent if the signed docuents ar not received back by the date spified above. US Mail:Overght Maiing Addss: Idao Power Company Att: Rady Alphin POBox 70 Boise, il 83707 Idao Power Company Att: Rady Allphin 1221 WIdao Boise, il 83702 Upon reeipt of the th signed copies I wil arge for and present the tertion . documentation to Idao Power Company mageient for thei signtu. Afer Idao Power Company sign these docents, I will re one colete signed origial to you for your recrds, prepare and fie one origi with the Idaho Public Utilities Commssion (!UC) reesting thei acceptace of ths tertion documentation and kee the thd origi for our rerds. Page2of3 POBox 70 Boise Idao 83707 1221 W Idao St Boise Idaho 83702 - AftachientÁ Case No. IPC~E-09-25 Staff Comments 1 1/25/09 Page 4 of 5 UNERSTOOD, AGREED AN ACCEPTED: Signtu :¡ Name Rick Koebbe Idao Power Company-vJf6tv~.!I tlfl1fl :5,oKê t1AIJfrJ ~i?5¡)PPL'1 'RIvJoJ~ 5/7/2~8r i Title President Date tx $ ~p cc: Ba Kline (IP)' Dollvan Wal (IPo) Mad Stoke (IP) Sincerly, ~ e ú!' Rady C. Allphi POBox 70 Boise, Idao 83707 Page 3 on 1221 W Idao St. Boise, Idao 83702 Attcrnerii À ... Case No. IPC-E-09-25 Staff Comments 1 1/25/09 Page 5 of 5 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 25TH DAY OF NOVEMBER 2009, SERVED THE FOREGOING COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF, IN CASE NO. IPC-E-09-25, BY MAILING A COPY THEREOF, POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: DONOV AN WALKER BARTON L KLINE IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOISE ID 83707-0070 E-MAIL: dwalkercmidahopower.com bklinecmidahopower.com RANDY C ALLPHIN CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR IDAHO POWER COMPANY POBOX 70 BOISE ID 83707-0070 E-MAIL: rallphincmidahopower.com TOM FETZER IDAHO WIND FARMS LLC 4255 S NICKEL CREEK PLACE MERIDIAN ID 83642 -1~ SECRETAR CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE