HomeMy WebLinkAbout20141210Notice of Sale of Interest.pdfGtvENS PunsLEY,,." Attorneys and Counselors at Law 601 W. Bonnock Slreet PO Boxz7n Boise. lD 83701 Ielephone: 20&388- I 200 Focsimile: 20&38&13@ w.givenspunley.com Deboroh E. Nelson 20&38&12ls den@ givenspursley.com December 8,2014 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Attention: Kristine Sasser 472W Washington Street Boise,Idaho 83702 Idaho Power Company Attention: Donovan Walker l22lW.Idaho Street Boise, ID 83702 RE: Notice of Sale of Interest in Idaho Wind Partners I,LLC Dear Kristine and Donovan: On behalf of our client Idaho Wind Partners I,LLC (fWP) and for your clients' information and records, EFS Idaho Wind, LLC (EFS Idaho), a wholly-owned indirect subsidiary of General Electric Capital Corporation, intends to sell before year-end all of its Class A non-managlng membership interests in IWP. After the sale, EFS Idaho will no longer hold any manbership interests in IWP. The buyer will be a newly formed entity, MREH Idaho Wind A, LLC, which will be a wholly-owned indirect subsidiary of Macquarie Infrastructure Company LLC. IWP owns eleven project companies.l Each project company owns and operates a QF wind project in Idaho and is party to a Firm Energy Sales Agreement and a Generator Interconnection Agreement with Idaho Power Company. The sale will not require modification or assignment of those agreements, and no contact information for [WP will change. The sale I Burley Butte Wind Parh LLC; Golden Valley Wind Park, LLC; Milner Dam Wind Park, LLC; Oregon Trail Wind Park, LLC; Pilgrim Stage Station Wind Parlq LLC; Thousand Springs Wind Parh LLC; Tuana Gulch Wind Park, LLC; Camp Reed Wind Park, LLC; Payne's Ferry Wind Par( LLC; Salmon Falls Wind Parh LLC and Yahoo Creek Wind Park, LLC. Potrick J. Miller Judson B. Montgomery Deboroh E. Nelson W. Hugh O'Riordon, LLM. Angelo M. Reed Michoel Roe P. Mork Thompson Jeffrey A. Won Robert B. White Reliā‚¬d: Kenneth L. Pursley Jomes A. Mcclure (r92+2or r) Roymond D. Givens (19r7-2008) Gory G. Allen Peter G. Borton Christopher J. Beeson Clinl R. Bolinder Erik J. Bolinder leff W. Bower Preslon N. Corter Jeremy C. Chou Williom C. Cole Michoel C. Creomer Amber N. Dino Thomos E. Dvorok Jeffrey C. Feredoy Moriin C. Hendrickson Don E. Knickrehm Neol A. Koskello Deboro K. Krislensen Michoel P. Lowrence Fronklin G. Lee Dovid R. Lombordi Kimberly D. Moloney Emily L. Mcclure Kennelh R. McClure Kelly Greene Mcconnell Alex P. McLoughlin Melodie A. McQuode Christopher H. Meyer L. Edword Miller llt-E-o;-ob Ir"c-5 -05 -07 //',c-E'os '03 tlc-E-o< -Oq llC-e-o<- /l 1?C-E -o{^ t3 / lC'E'PS- 30 /?c -E'0s' 3j /1trrc-E-tm-l{ //c- E'oq-/L lft -6'oq'20= _:It:_Ar I r r-./_a- il u..I(:',:. FJ = c3rrrC? Ir.o -p .s Idaho Public Utilities Commission ldaho Power Company December 8,2014 Page2 will not change any operation, management or control of the project companies themselves or of the property owned by the project companies. Also for your clients' information and records, MREH previously purchased a small interest in IWP through an acquisition of Exergy Idaho Holdings, LLC, which owns 100% of the Class B non-managing membership interests in IWP. Exergy Idaho Holdings, LLC is now 99o/o owned by WEH Magic Valley Holdings, LLC, an indirect subsidiary of Macquarie Infrastructure Company LLC, and l%by EIH Parent,LLC. After the sale by EFS Idaho, IWP's ownership structure will be as follows: POS'r TRANSACTION Please let me know of any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Deborah Nelson Amy Fisher, General Electric Capital Corporation Steven Eisenberg, Idaho Wind Partners Jessica Friedman, Van Ness Feldman LLP (for Macquarie Infrastructure Company LLC) cc: