HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100301NWEC.pdf~IIÙ ¡/1t1 A.V 110 NW ition February 26, 2010 ç- i-=-::: .J: é-";,J:; ~;r"t I Ç)Jean D. Jewell, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 :i:i 0).. Baron L. Kline Lisa D. Nordstrom Idaho Power Co. PO Box 70 Boise, ID 83707-0070 Case No. IPC-E-09-09, In the Matter of the Application of Idao Power Co. for a Prudency Determination of Energy Effciency Rider Funds Spent in 2002-2007 Please accept these comments of the NW Energy Coalition in support of the Application fied by Idaho Power and the Stipulation jointly fied by Commission staff and the Company. As energy efficiency resources become a larger par of utilty resource portolios and the investment of funds to acquire those resources become more significant it is crucial that utilities develop and use common, or at least consistent, protocols to evaluate, measure, verify and report savings and costs of demand-side management (DSM) program delivery. This enhanced focus wil help ensure the cost-effective delivery 9f this resource and increase the credibilty of DSM savings for reducing i6ads. The proposed stipulation and memorandum of understanding provides an importt initial framework for developing an enhanced EM& V program. We recommend, as has been started with the MOU, that the three investor- owned electric utilties continue to collaborate, where appropriate, on research, field monitoring and data collection, and market characterization studies. These collaborative efforts can reduce costs and increase collective understading of the resource and its delivery. We also recommend that the Commssion keep in mind that thorough and effective EM&V wil have costs associated with it at a level greater than currently budgeted by Idaho Power. It is our understading that Idaho Power is allocating 1- 1.5% of the current DSM budget for evaluation. Wayne Shirley with the Regulatory Assistance Project suggests that a more comprehensive and thorough EM&V program would require a budget that is between 3.5-6% of the DSM budget. Since 2002, the NW Energy Coalition has been an active member of Idaho Power's Energy Effciency Advisory Group. As par of our role on the EEAG we review program budgets, savings estimates, paricipation rates, program design and proposed changes to program design to faciltate more effective delivery. While our parcipation in the EEAG does not constitute a prudence review, it does give us sufficient confdence to support the stipulation recommendation to find the company's program expenditures prudent. The Memorandum of Understading contains a framework for filing DSM annual reports. The Coalition did not have the benefit of partcipating in the workshop and hearng the dialogue among the MOU signatories as to rationale behind some of the evaluation and cost-effectiveness recommendations. That said the general format outlined in the MOU seems to present the narative and data in a very systematic and orderly manner. While the MOU Attchment No. 1 is only for informational purposes we are concerned that PUC sta are recommending the addition of the ratepayer impact test to the cost-effectiveness screens used by the utilties. Over the past ten years, use of the ratepayer impact test has been reduced as a screen for determning the cost-effectiveness of a program because it looks only at rate impacts rather than a comprehensive view that includes benefits from a measure or program including bil reductions. We are pleased to see provision Number 7 in the MOU in support of expenses without direct energy savings. The Coalition believes that utility driven education, outreach and market research are critical to the success of a utilty's full portolio of offerings as well as individual programs. And finally, we recommend the Commission, Idaho Power and other interested pares look to the Northeast Energy Efficiency Partership's EM&V Forum for protocols and information that can help improve this effort - http://neep.org/emv-forum/about -emv-forum. Thank you for the opportunity to provide these comments. As the process for further refining the DSM reporting and evaluation template goes forward, the Coalition would like to partcipate in a more active maner. Particularly around the items raised by PUC sta as to their expectations outlined in Attachment No. 1. Sincerely, ~~ Nancy Hirsh Policy Director 811 First Ave., #305 Seattle, W A 98119