HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100301ICIP, Protest.pdfDE-GEl';r '1.,.... ..,l..... ,.J ~r.ClJ,B~1t PUCATTORNEYS AT LAW 2010HAR -I PM I: 31 Peter Richardson l ()f:~r1() UTILITIES Tel: 208-938-7901 Fax: 208-938-7904 perer~ r ichardsonandol eary. com P.O. Box 1218 Boise,ID 83707 - 515 N. 27rh Sr. Boise, ID 83702 March 1,2010 Ms. Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, 10 83702 RE: IPC-E-09-09 Dear Ms. Jewell: We are enclosing an original and seven (7) copies of the COMMENTS AND PROTEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER in the above case. An additional copy is enclosed for you to stamp for our records. Sincerely,~~\~\ Richardson & O'Leary PLLC encl. RErEi\l "",\....J.....! \;? -:_.;,J Peter J. Richardson ISB # 3195 Gregory M. Adams ISB # 7454 RICHARSON & O'LEARY PLLC 515 N. 27th Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-2236 Fax: (208) 938-7904 peter(ßrichardsonandoleary.com greg(ßrichardsonandoleary.com 2010 ~1AR -I PM 1: 31 Attorneys for the Industrial Customers of Idaho Power BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY OF A PRUDENCY DETERMINATION FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY RIDER FUNDS SPENT IN 2002-2007 ) CASE NO. IPC-E-09-09 ) ) COMMENTS AND PROTEST OF ) THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF ) IDAHO POWER ) Pursuant to Rule 203 of the Rules of Procedure of the Idaho Public Utilties Commission (the "Commssion") and the Commssion's Notice of Modified Procedure served Februar 8, 2010, the Industrial Customers ofIdaho Power ("ICIP") hereby file these comments and protest. As discussed below, ICIP opposes the Commission's approval of the stipulation submitted by Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or the "Company") and Commission Staff ("Staf') in this case, and respectfully urges the Commission not to unconditionally approve the Memorandum of Understanding for Prudency Determination ofDSM Expenses ("Memorandum of Understading") attched to that stipulation. BACKGROUND This case began in Idaho Power's 2008 general rate case (Case No. IPC-E-08-10). There, the Company sought a Commission order finding that from 2002 though 2007 it had prudently Page 1 - COMMNTS OF THE INDUSTRIL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER, IPC-E-09-09 spent the entirety of approximately $29 milion in demand side management ("DSM") fuds collected from ratepayers on the energy effciency rider. See Application of Idaho Power Company for a Prudency Determination of Energy Effciency Rider Funds Spent in 2002-2007 (hereinafter "Application"), Case No. IPC-E-09-09, ir 2 (April 1,2009). In Idaho Power's 2008 general rate case, Staff initially filed testimony recommending that the Commission defer a ruling on the prudency determination until afer Idao Power provided documentation of how it spent the energy efficiency rider fuds. See id. at ir 1. Subsequently, Staf and the Company fied, and the Commission approved, a stipulation that the Company's expenditure of approximately $14.3 milion of these rider fuds was just, reasonable and in the public interest, but the Commission required the Company to fie a pleading regarding the remaining $14,657,971 by April 1,2009. Id. at irir 2-3 (quoting Commission Order No. 30740). Now, the Company has fied its application for approval of that remaining amount, and Staff has signed a stipulation stating that it agrees the Company prudently spent those ratepayer dollars on programs designed to reduce demand. See Stipulation, In the Matter of Application of Idaho Power Company for a Prudency Determination of Energy Effciency Rider Funds Spent in 2002- 2007 (hereinafer "Stipulation") Case No. IPC-E-09-09, ir 5 (Janua 25,2010). But the stipulation does not only address those remaining $14.6 milion spent from 2002 to 2007. It also shoehorns in a request for the Commission's approval of a new Memorandum of Understanding between Staff and the three investor-owned-utilities in Idao regarding future prudency reviews. See id. at irir 3-4 and Attchment 1. This Memorandum of Understanding is the product of negotiations between Staff and the thee investor-owned-utilities -- Idaho Power, A vista Utilities, and Rocky Mountain Power. ICIP and other stakeholders received no notice of, or prior invitation to attend, these negotiations and had inadequate opportunty to shape the Page 2 - COMMENTS OF THE INDUSTRI CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER, IPC-E-09-09 substantive and procedural requirements for futue DSM prudency reviews contained in the resulting Memorandum of Understading. Apparently, the Memorandum of Understanding arose out of Staffs conclusion that Idaho Power had provided insuffcient evidence that it had prudently spent the remaining $14.6 milion of ratepayer fuds at issue in this case. With regard to whether the Company "provided sufficient evidence of evaluations of its programs for 2002 through 2007," Staff concluded "( n Jot entirely." Direct Testimony ofLynn Anderson, Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff, Case No. IPC-E-09-09, p. 4 (Februar 19,2010). In response, "Staff convened a workshop," and the "(t)he end result was an agreement by each of the utilties to formally evaluate all of their programs on regular, multi-year cycles and to report the results. . . ." Id. at pp. 4-5. "In exchange for the utilty commitments, Staff agreed that if the evaluation and reporting commitments are fulfilled and if there is no evidence of DSM imprudence, then, when requested by the utilties, Sta would recommend that DSM expenditues be found prudent by the Commission." Id. at p. 5. And Staffalso "agreed that it would recommend that Idaho Power's remaining $14,657,971 or Rider-fuded expenses from 2002 through 2007 be found prudent in the present case before the Commission." Id. Staff therefore believes the utility commitments contained in the Memorandum of Understanding warant ignoring the insuffciency of Idaho Power's documentation of its DSM expenditues of rider fuds from 2002 through 2007. See id. (stating that "Stafs major concerns in the past should be resolved as evidenced by futue evaluations). However, the Memorandum of Understading only contais weak requirements for the anlysis of the prudency of utility expenditures of ratepayer- funded DSM dollars. It includes as an attchment Staff s "expectations" for such reviews. See Stipulation at Attchment 1, p. 9. Although Staffs expectations include a requirement for cost-effectiveness evaluations from Page 3 - COMMENTS OF THE INDUSTRI CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER, IPC-E-09-09 different perspectives, this evaluation process does not include a requirement that DSM programs prove cost-effective to receive Staffs support in a prudency review. Furher, Stafs expectations do not require a thrd par to evaluate the effectiveness and prudency of the utilties' DSM expenditures. See id. at Attchment 1, p.9. Most troubling, the Memorandum of Understanding only requires the utilties to make a "good faith effort to address Staffs expectations." See id. at Attchment 1, p. 1. The utilities and Staff agree that "implementation of the DSM prudency guidelines and evaluation framework. . . will not automatically result in DSM prudency findings" and that "future prudency findings will require preparation of a formal fiing with the Commission." Id. at Attachment 1, pp. 2-3. But they go on to assert that a "showing by the utility that it made a good faith effort to reasonably perform withn these guidelines will constitute prima facie evidence that the utilty's DSM expenses were prudently incured for cost recovery puroses." Id. at Attchment 1, p. 6. As such, ''te utility can reasonably expect that in the ordinar course of business Staffwill support the full cost recovery of its DSM program expenses." Id. To obtan Staffs support, the Memorandum of Understanding contains only requirements to comply with guidelines for reporting and analysis of cost-effectiveness -- not substative requirements that the utilities prudently achieve demand reductions with Commission-approved DSM programs. See, e.g., id. at Appendix 1, p. 2 (stating that Idaho Power's 2009 Demand Side Management Annual Report is the template). As discussed below, ICIP supports requiring transparency going forward with regard to how utilities are spending ratepayer-fuded DSM dollars, and will not challenge Staff s finding ofprudency as to Idaho Power's expenditue of the remainng $14.6 milion spent from 2002 to Page 4 - COMMNTS OF THE INDUSTRIL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER, IPC-E-09-09 2007. But ICIP opposes unconditioned Commission endorsement of the Memorandum of Understading between Sta and the thee investor-owned-utilties. DISCUSSION To star, ICIP urges the Commission to recognize that this case involves large sums of money paid by ratepayers on their power bils to be used for conservation and electricity demand reductions by investor-owned, electrc utilities in the business of profiting off of electricity sales. Although Idaho Power's initial filing only addressed the remaining $14.6 milion of energy effciency rider fuds from 2002 to 2007, this case now includes a request for Commission approval of the Memorandum of Understading that will address futue prudency reviews. And those futue reviews will involve far larger sums of money. Idaho Power curently collects an energy efficiency rider of 4.75% of base rates, from which Idaho Power projected it would collect $29.7 milion in 2009, see Application at ir 4, and over $33 millon in 2010. See Direct Testimony of Tim Tatum, Exhbit No.3, Case No. IPC-E-09-05 (March 16,2009). Any procedure that provides for anything less than a completely transparent, open, and independent review of how an investor-owned, electrc utility spends that amount of ratepayer money to "unell" electricity would not adequately protect ratepayers. ICIP supports efforts by Staff and the utilties to avoid a situation where a utilty seeks a rubber stap on its several-year-old DSM expenditues such as in this case where Idaho Power seeks approval of$14.6 millon of rider fuds long after they were spent. However, ICIP respectfully urges the Commission to require a more thorough and independent review ofDSM expenditues than called for in the Memorandum of Understading. Commission Staff and the utilties provided no public notice of the DSM Evaluation Workshop held on October 5, 2009. Ratepayers and other stakeholders were not invited to, and have not paricipated in, the process Page 5 - COMMNTS OF THE INDUSTRIL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER, IPC-E-09-09 that resulted in the Memorandum of Understanding. The guidelines contained therein were obviously designed to shape the utilties' futue prudency reviews. Unfortunately, the ratepayers and the other staeholders did not have any opportunty to paricipate in and help shape that process. To the extent the opportity to provide these comments allows for such after-the-fact paricipation, ICIP respectfully submits that an investor-owned-utility ought not be allowed to ru its own demand-side reduction programs. The overarching utility-incentive structure accepted by most utility economists is the Averch-Johnson effect. See Harey Averch and Leland Johnson, "Behavior of the Firm Under Regulatory Constraint," American Economic Review, VoL. LII (December 1962). That well-accepted principle holds that utilties will seek to fulfill their fiduciary duty to their shareholders to maximize returs by pursuing capita investments, so long as the authorized rate of retur on those investments exceeds the cost of capitaL. Some economists have applied the A verch-Johnson effect to decoupling mechanisms and concluded that even revenue decoupling mechansms canot overcome the overarching incentive for capital investments resulting in ineffective utilty promotion ofDSM programs. See Steve Kihm, "When Revenue Decoupling wil Work... and When It Won't," The Electricity Journal, Volume 22, Issue 8 (October 2009). Utilities profit from selling electricity and from building capital resources to sell electricity. They have significant economic incentive - and even a fiduciary duty - to pursue capital investments supported by higher electrcity use. Given that economic reality and the substatial sums of money now involved, ICIP continues to assert that Idaho Power's DSM programs should be operated by a thrd pary without an incentive for the DSM programs to be unsuccessful in reducing electricity sales. See In the Matter of the Application of Idaho Power Company to Implement a Demand Side Page 6 - COMMNTS OF THE INDUSTRI CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER, IPC-E-09-09 Management Incentive Pilot Program, Case No. IPC-E-06-32, Order No. 30268, p. 4 (March 12, 2007) (stating ICIP's suggestion that the Commission should assign the tak ofDSM implementation to a third-pary provider of conservation). Staff too has expressed interest in fuer exploring the option of having a third pary ru the DSM programs. See Comments of the Commission Staff In the Matter of the Application of Idaho Power Company for Authority to Implement Modifcations to the Performance-Based Demand-Side Management Incentive Pilot Program, Case No. IPC-E-09-4, p. 4 (May 1,2009). At a minimum, ICIP respectfully requests that the Commission impose additional conditions on its approval of the Memorandum of Understading. ICIP recognizes that even if a utilty implements Staff s DSM prudency guidelines and evaluation framework in the Memorandum of Understanding, the utility wil stil need Commission approval of the expenditues in a formal filing, such as a general rate case. See Stipulation at Attchment 1, pp. 2-3. Nevertheless, Staffs support or opposition of the utility's expenditue ofDSM fuds is importt. Thus, ICIP would support Commission approval of the Memorandum of Understanding only with the addition of the following conditions, which would limit the Company's inherent motivation to inadequately operate its DSM programs and provide for a more adequate prudency review. 1. The Memorandum of Understanding should require an independent, third- part evaluation ofDSM expenditures to receive Staff's support. Staff recognizes the importance of evaluating DSM programs. DSM program results "can only be estimated though a combination of engineering measurements, verification of installations and assumptions, and overall program evaluation." Direct Testimony ofLyn Anderson, Idaho Public Utilties Commission Staff, Case No. IPC-E-09-09, p. 4 (Febru 19, Page 7 - COMMENTS OF THE INUSTRIL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER, IPC-E-09-09 2010). Staff concludes that "(p)rograms that are not properly evaluated wil suffer from uneliable cost-effectiveness estimates and will not likely be improved to their optimum performance levels." ICIP submits that the only way to obtan an unbiased and accurate evaluation of an investor-owned utilty's DSM programs is though the use of an independent, third pary evaluator. Staff recognizes that thrd pary evaluations "tend to be perceived as being more objective and transparent, and thus more credible, than evaluations performed by utility staff." See Stipulation at Attchment 1, p. 9. But Staffs expectations in the Memorandum of Understading do not require a thrd pary to evaluate the effectiveness and prudency of the utilities' DSM expenditues, see id., and even if they did, the Memorandum of Understading only requires the utilties to make a "good faith effort to address Staffs expectations." See id. at Attachment 1, p. 1. Without requiring investigation by a third-pary evaluator with specialized knowledge ofDSM programs, Staff and ratepayers will have difficulty determining ifIdaho Power is prudently spending the approximately $30 milion per year it wil collect from rate payers for its DSM programs. The Company should not be allowed to conduct its own evaluation of the prudency of its own DSM expenses. 2. The Memorandum of Understanding should expressly provide that Staff wil only support a prudency finding if the utilty demonstrates that it actually prudently incurred the DSM expenses at issue. As discussed above, the Memorandum of Understanding requires Staff to support all utility DSM expenditues if the utilities merely comply with the reporting requirements of the Memorandum of Understading. It states "(b)y performing withn these gudelines, assuming there is no evidence of imprudent actions or expenses, the utility can reasonably expect that in the ordinar course of business Sta will support full cost recovery of its DSM program Page 8 - COMMENTS OF THE INDUSTRI CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER, IPC-E-09-09 expense." Id. at Attachment 1, pp. 2-3, 6. This languge improperly shifts the burden of proof to Staff. This means that Staff will have the burden of demonstrating that the utilties incured DSM expenses imprudently, not that the utilities must demonstrate prudent expenditues. The Commission authorizes individual DSM programs. But without an auditing backstop to ensure the utilties actually implement the programs adequately, ratepayer fuds are at risk. The Memorandum of Understanding should expressly provide that the utilities have the ful burden of proof that their DSM expenditues are prudent. In addition, Staff and any interveners reserve the right to challenge the prudency of DSM expenditures. For example, the Memorandum of Understading requires utility analysis of the cost- effectiveness of their programs, and requires that evaluation include "changes in the program due to evaluation results." Stipulation at Attchment 1, p. 5. But it does not state that Staffwill oppose a prudency finding for programs the utilty has pursued despite their lack of cost- effectiveness. Furher, the Memorandum of Understading does not state that Staffwill not support the continued operation of programs that prove to lack cost-effectiveness. Cost- effectiveness needs to be the governing factor of the DSM programs to ensure that ratepayer fuds achieve the greatest demand-side reductions for ratepayer benefit. The Memorandum of Understanding should expressly state that Staff and interveners reserve the right to oppose a prudency finding for non-cost-effective DSM programs. 3. The Memorandum of Understanding should make explicit that the utilities wil be subject to a ratepayer refund of energy efficiency rider funds that the Commission finds to be spent imprudently. Finally, there needs to be a serious deterrent to Idaho Power imprudently spending $30 milion per year of ratepayer dollars because the utility uses that money to implement DSM programs that, if successful, will lower its profits. ICIP proposes that the Commission make Page 9 - COMMNTS OF THE INDUSTRIL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER, IPC-E-09-09 explicit in any order approving the Memorandum of Understanding that the utility risks paying a ratepayer refud and corresponding revenue requirement reduction for amounts of ratepayer- supplied DSM fuds found to be imprudently spent. Without such a deterrent, the utility has little incentive to adequately ru the Commission-authorized programs. CONCLUSION In sum, ICIP submits that ifIdaho Power is allowed to continue rung its own $30- milion-dollar-per-year program to decrease futue electricity sales, the Commission should at least require a third-pary evaluation of the prudency of the utilty's DSM expenditures and expressly state conditions deterring the utility from inadequately ruing the DSM programs. Respectfuly submitted this 1st day of March 2010,~, Greg ams RICHARDSON & O'LEARY, PLLC Page 10 - COMMNTS OF THE INDUSTRIL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER, IPC-E-09-09 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 1st day of March, 2010, a true and correct copy of the within and foregoing COMMETNS AND PROTEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER was served in the manner shown to: Ms. Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission PO Box 83720 Boise, 1083720-0074 L Hand Delivery _ U.S. Mail, postage pre-paid Facsimile Electronic Mail Weldon B. Stutzman Deputy Attomey General Idaho Public Utilties Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 weldon .stutzman(Çpuc. idaho.gov .l Hand Delivery _ U.S. Mail, postage pre-paid Facsimile 2L Elèctronic Mail Lisa Nordstrom Barton L. Kline Idaho Power Company PO Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707-0070 Inordstrom(Çidahopower.com bkline(Çidahopower.com -. Hand Delivery U.S. Mail, postage pre-paid Facsimile L Electronic Mail ~.