HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090508ICL-SRA Comments.pdf'1~J01 ví A.i/./£~.:: Hi CE1 May 7, 2009 Idao Public Utilties Commission PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 2009 ~i.&Y -7 P~1 2: 46 RE: Idao Conservation League and Snake Rive Alance Comments on Idao Power's Application for Authority to Implement Fixed Cost Adjustment (((FCA") Rates for Electric Service from June 1, 2009, though May 31, 2010, Ca No. IPC-E-09-06. The Honorable Commissioners: Thank you for the opportunity to comment on Idao Power's ("Company") application for the authority to implement Fixed Cost Adjustment ("FCA") rates. The Idao Conservtion League ("ICL") and Snake Rive Allance ("SRA") ure the Idaho Public Utilty Commissioners ("Commission") to grt Idao Power the authority to implement FCA rates for electric servce from June 1,2009 through May 31,2010. For thirt-four year, ICL has been Idaho's voice for clean water, clean ai, and widernessvaues that are the foundation to Idaho's extraordiar quaity of life. The Idao Conservtion League works to protect these vaues thrug citizen action, public education, and professional advocacy. As Idao's larest state-based conservtion orgiztion we represent over 9,500 members, many of whom have a deep personal interest in protecting our clea ai, clean water, and quaity of life. The The Snake River Allance is an Idao-basd non -profit organization, established in 1979 to addres Idaoans' concerns about nuclear saety issues. In early 2007, the Aliance expanded the scope of its mission by launchg its Clean Energy Progr. The Allance's energ initiative includes advocacy for renewable energ resources in Idaho; as well as expanded conservtion and demand-side management progrs offered by Idao's reguated utilties and the Bonneve Power Administration; and development of loca, state, regional, and national initiatives to advace sustaiable energ policies. Energ effciency is the fastest, cheapest, and cleanest solution to Idao's growig energy needs. Historicay, electric utilty rate design in Idao has created a financial baer for utilties to implement aggessive efficiency progrs becaus utilties recover their fixed costs through each kiowatt-hour sold Therefore, efficiency progrs could prevent utilties from recouping their fixed costs by reducing their saes volume and discourge them from of(erig energ-savig measures. In order to end the detrimental connection between Idao Power's financial health and increass in its retai energ saes, the Commission in IPC-E-04-15 in 2007 approved the implementation of a thre-year Fixed Cost Adjustment pilot program in Order No. 30267. The FCA alows Ida Power to separate collection of its fixed costs from its energy sales. Under the FCA, rates are adjusted annuay up or down to recover the difference between the fixed costs authoried by the Commission in Idao Power's most recent genera rate ca and the fixed coss that the Company actuay received throug energy saes durg the previous year. Th mechanism protects the Compay from financial har when its energ saes decreas. As Commissioners are aware, the Idao Energ Plan of 2007 identifes energ efficiency and conservtion as the preferred electrica energ resource in Idao: ((... The Committee establishes conservation, energ effciency and demand response as the highest-priority resource for Idao, and local renewable resources as the second-highest priority.. .." In addition, in response to a request from Gov. Butch Otter, the Commission joined Office of Energ Resources Director Paul Kjellander in a March 2 letter affirming the Commission's commitment to energy effciency, includig the promotion of decoupling mechanisms: "The Idao PUC has already taken significant steps through its decoupling mechanism for electric utiltlies to reduce the perceived disincentives asociated with utilty-based energ effciency progrs. Idao Power Company's Fixed Cost Adjustment, curently in the pilot phas, allows both timely cost recovery and a timely earing opportunity." Followig on that letter and in response to requiements for Idao to receive federal stimulus funds under the America Recovery and Renewal Act, Gov. Otter on March 19 wrote U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu to asure DOE that, "I have wrtten to our Public Utilty Commission and requested that they continue their successful decoupling efforts and consider additional actions to promote energ effciency, consistent with the Federa statutory languge contained in H.R. 1 and their obligations to maitain just and reasonable rates, whie protecting the public." In the Commission's own words, "(p)romotion of cost-effective energ effciency and demand-side management (DSM), we find, is an integr par of leas-cost electric servce. . . Makg the company indifferent to reduced energ consumption and demand is but one half of the quid pro quo agreed to by the stipulating paries. In retur for the FCA, the Company is expected to demonstrate an enhanced commitment to energ efficiency and DSM. Evidence of enhanced commitment wi include, but not be liited to, . . . efforts to improve and enforce state buidig codes and appliance effciency standads, as well as expansions and improvements to its load efficiency, load management and DSM programs. "1 ICL and SRA believe approva of the request before it in this docket is consisent with state energy policy as ariculated by the 2007 Idaho Energ Plan, the governor, and the Commission. We also believe that a successful completion of this Fixed Cost Adjustment pilot project should result in a permanent decoupling mechanism for Idao Power and also Commission diection that Avista and Rocky Mountai Power initiate similar progrs to comport with Idao's policy supporting electric decoupling. ICL and SRA commend Idao Power on its increase in efficiency and DSM progrs. The Company has exceeded its energ efficiency goals and expectations, which demonstrates the great potential for efficiency and DSM progrs. ICL and SRA support the Company's abilty to recover its fixed costs, but the Compay ca do more. . We sugest the Commision solicit information from the Company to demonstrate how it ha encourged improvements in buiding codes and appliance standads, as recommended in the Idao Energ Plan. In addition, we believe a combined effort by the Commission, Idao's reguated utilties, and other stakeholders ca lead to effective appliance efficiency standards - which are long overdue - as well as stronger buidig codes. As the Commision is aware in its work with the Northwest Power and Conservtion Council as it preares its Sixth Power Plan, utilties in Idao and al of the Northwest ca and should seize new opportunities to capture all cost-effective energ effciency opprtunities. If Idao Power and other reguated utilties are to achieve greenhous gareduction 1 Idaho Public Utiities Commission, Ca No. IPC-E-06-32, Order No. 30267, pp. 13-14. requiements that are certai to come in the near future, they are obligated to not only incorporate new renewable energ resources but also to redouble the conservtion and effciency efforts that the Fixed Cost Adjustment mechanism promotes.Thank you for the opportunity to comment on Idao Power's application to implement FCA rates. The need to reduce greenhous ga emissions, impendig federa reguation, and rising fuel costs make efficiency and DSM programs even more crucial to providig the least-cost electric servce. Please grt the Company the authority to implement FCA rates for electric servce but also requie a renewed commitment to effciency progrs, DSM, and a sustaiable energy policy. If you have questions about our interes in this matter, pleas contact Betsy Bridge at 208-345-6933 ex. 12 or Ken Miler at (208) 344-9161. Sincerely,n...~ :t~~Jl / Idao Conservtion League Ken Miler Snake River Allance