HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090727Comments.pdf~ JiÎ2'1 01 r/~~'1 /I.. ;/j; IVI RECr-f' If"'", _ ,~,r iJ ,.,,' i-. r ." :.~... .:¡.,~ 2009 JUl 24 PH 2= 35 iJul;J4l. Idaho Public Utilities Commssion 472 West Washington Street POBox 83720 Boise,Id. 83720-0074 RE: Case No. IPC-E-09-03 Langley Gulch Power Plant Commssioner: The Caldwell Chamber of Commerce strongly urges the IPUC to approve Idaho Power's proposed Langley Gulch Power Plant. It is our sincere belief that this project is essential to the continued growth and prosperity of our community and others in southwest Idaho. For more than a decade southwest Idaho has experienced unprecedented growth. This growt has placed considerable strain on the infrstrcture available to meet the needs of those new residents and businesses in the region. As the power requirements of the region continue to expand it is essential that the infrastrcture is developed to meet current and futue power needs. A failure to do so may result in economic stagnation in many communities and will serve as an impediment to futue growth and development. The approval of the Langley Gulch Power Plant wil drmatically improve the caring capacity of the grd servng our region. The Langley Gulch Power Plant will provide jobs for hundreds of citizens and wil serve as a significant boost to the economies of the region during the diffcult times we fid ourselves in. Most importntly, this much needed addition to the infrastructure of the region will help ensure that all of the families and businesses of the region, current and futue, will continue to enjoy the clean, effcient, reliable and inexpensive power that remains one of Idaho's greatest advantages. The Caldwell Chamber of Commerce joins with the Boise Metro Chamber of Commerce, the Fruitland Chamber of Commerce and many other concerned entities in support of Idaho Power'sefforts to serve our region with the development of the Langley Gulch Power Plant. We urge the IPUC to do the same. Respectfully,Òr~~ Diana 1. Brown President/CEO Caldwell Chamber of Commerce 704 BL.AINE STREET · P.O. Box 819 · CALDWELL, IDAHO 83606 CHAMBER(gCI.CALDWELL..ID.US · WWW.CALDWELLIDAHO.ORG · 208-459-4793 · FAX 208-454-1284 ~~J-11(j1~;/í AV-.-í~j" ¡I RECEIVEr: July 24, 2009 Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idao Public Utilties Commssion 472 West Washigton Street POBox 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Dear Commissioners: cc: Mike Ybarguen, v'b' A~/1/of~.'1~v'1o A-V.~1i~~ i-f City ofW¡lder RECEI 219 Third Street, P.O. Bo:x687 Wilder, Idaho 83676 .019 JUL 24 AH 10: 19 (208) 482-6204 Fax: (208)u~_r 1¡;'Lie www.cityofwilder.org v MISSiON July 22, 2009 Idaho PUC Boise, Idaho - Langley Gulch Power Plant Commissioners, I am writing this letter of support fro Idaho Power Langley Gulch Power Plant project. As an elected offcial, it is important that we plan for future needs of our city in all aspects, and this includes a reliable, and adequate power supply. As this country moves more and more towards environmental projects, Langley Gulch wil be clean and effcient. i like the design that includes using the exhaust steam of power a 2nd turbine, rather than simply venting it out. The Langley Gulch project wil also benefit the entire area with short term employment. The construction phase is estimated to take up to 2 years and possibly more, allowing some local citizens to gain employment. Idaho Power has always used local services, and workers wherever possible. Langley Gulch wil benefit many citizens with reliable, future power. The uninterrupted delivery of power to homes and businesses is important to the future of our economy. None of us would enjoy the brown outs that my daughter expenences in Southern California. Respectfully W~ Wilder, Idaho j~i-"/04 ~ ¡r(/j;~'; If RECEI 2009 JUl 24 AM 10= I 9 IDAHO pur:;! ;., UTILITIES COM~1išSíON July 22, 2009 Jean O. Jewell, Stry Idaho Public Utili s Commission 4n West Washi ton Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 837 0-0074 Re: Case No. IPC-E-Q9-Q3 LANGLEY GULCH POWER PLANT Commissioners: The Nampa Chamber of Commerce strongly support Idaho Powets proposed Langley Gulch Power Plant project This project will provide many benefits including opportnit for growth, local jobs, and a more reliable currnt power system. This expansion is vital to continued growth in the Western Treasure Valley area. Our power system is currently strined and we lack the abilit to substantially provide power needs for new industes and commercial opportunities. This project will give an ecnomic boost to the local community and Treasure Valley area. Idaho Power will be using local businesses to constct the facility. The project wil provide over 100 local jobs during constrction and about 18 permanent positions to maintain the facilty. The abilty to provide more power will allow commercial growt, which will provide a long-lasting signifcant economic impact. Idaho Power has proven to be responsible in maintaining a diversified and environmental approach to power sources. The proposed site should have minimal impact on the environment and local communit. The location is unobtrusive on undeveloped land but close to nearby gas and trnsmission lines. We fully support Idaho Powets Langley Gulch project as it will meet the current and future needs of the demand for more effcient power. Georgia Presiden EO Nampa Chamber of Commerce 312 13th Avenue South Nampa, 10 83651 208-880-2299 CC: Idaho Powr Mike Ybaigue, Comunit Relations 2420 Chacrtui Ln. Nampa, Idaho 837 .; ft:¡~1 d' vl; Av'.,/1" ~. s- 1-1. RECEIVED BANNocK DEVELOPMENT CORPORAnON 2009 JUt 24 AM II :48 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION July 22, 2009 Idaho Public Utilties Commission PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Case # IPC-E-09-03 - IDAHO POWER-CPCN FOR THE LANGLEY GULCH POWER Commissioners, \ Bannock Development Corporation support the timely construction and operation of the Langley Gulch plant. This project is in line with our position to support public policy that encourages energy effciency through responsible use of energy, as well as the development of additional energy infrastructure, including distribution and transmission facilties, and environmentally responsible generation to meet current and future demands. Available and reliable power is vital to economic development in eastern Idaho and the state. We support the project, not only in its strength in diversifying Idaho Power's resource portolio, but also in its abilty to increase the reliable power supply. We understand that recent, un-projected industrial and residential growth have placed a constraint in the company's excess power availabilty and has curtailed the company's abilty to encourage short-term large industrial developments in the state. It is extremely critical that the project be completed in the proposed time frame. It is vital to the success of our state that we continue to have reliable, available, and competitively priced power to continue to recruit and grow existing companies. Historically, our low power rates, coupled with excellent reliabilty, have made Idaho very attractive to businesses and very competitive in the recruiting market. Our state needs projects such as this to remain competitive. As a representative of one of the economic development entities for the state, we strongly support Idaho Power's long term plan to develop generation and transmission projects to address the growing residential, commercial and industrial needs. We also strongly support Idaho Power's move towards diversifying its energy resource portolio to include wind power, clean burning gas, and other alternative energy resources. It fits, not only with both the national and global move to increase alternate energy use to decrease C02 emissions and decrease reliance on fossil fuels, but also fits with southeastern Idaho's goal to create jobs by building an alternate energy industry cluster in the state. ISU Research and Business Park 1651 Alvin Riekn Drie Pocatello, Idaho 83201 Phone: (208) 233.3500 Fax: (208) 233..268 We appreciate the thoughtful effort that Idaho Power has put into determining the need to construct the Langley Gulch plant. In addition to its projected contribution to economic development in terms of investment and job creation during both the construction and operations phases, it will also provide the needed capacity to continue to recruit and grow businesses in Idaho. Additionally, we also appreciate that this project will provide the necessary reserves to reliably operate Idaho Power's transmission and generation systems during peak demand when reliabilty is critical to its existing industrial, commercial, and residential customers. Thank you for the opportunity to provide this letter of support for Idaho Power's Langley Gulch project. Sincerely, 6¡~~ Gynii A. Giliam Executive Director Bannock Development Corporation ISU Researdi and Business Park 1651 Alvi Rícken Drive Pocatello, Idaho 83201 Phone: (208) 233-350 Fax: (208) 233-0268 (P~~/oq~ Jean Jewell ,/1( ivl ,/10 ~m.n". 1 If From: Sent: To: Subject: lonrstewart~yahoo.com Friday, July 24, 2009 5:48 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Lon Stewart follows: - --- - -- - - --- - -- - - - - - - -- - - - --- - - - - - -- Case Number: docket IPC-E-09-03 Name: Lon Stewart Address: 4610 N Shirley City: Boise State: ID Zip: 83703 Daytime Telephone: 208-841-3929 Contact E-Mail: lonrstewart~yahoo.com Name of Utility comp~ Idaho PowerAdd to Mailing List ~ Please describe your comment briefly: Dear Commissioners: I urge you to reject Idaho Power's request for the proposed Langley Gulch power plant. The proposed plant is estimated to cost $427 million to construct. That's a lot of money. It is the second largest plant Idaho Power would own and be 25% of their rate base. A huge gamble to put into one plant, especially since Idaho Power has not demonstrated a need for the gas plant at this time. Idaho Power recently suspended the process of updating its Integrated Resource Plan after recognizing that it' s economic and load forecast are outdated. Forecasting is hard at best, but without accurate and accessible data to evaluate the resources needed by Idaho Power to meet load growth, it would be premature to make a decision on the Langley Gulch plant. Paci ficorp recently cancelled their plans for a gas plant in the same area, what do they know that Idaho Power does not know? The IDACORP shareholders on May 21, 2009 directed the company to prepare a plan by September 30, 2009 to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which means that is the direction that shareholders want the company to head. The product of combustion in a natural gas plant is carbon dioxide. This is in direct opposition to the directives of the shareholders to have a more environmentally conscious company. Energy efficiency and energy conservation are much more cost effective than building a new power plant. The cheapest power plant is the one you never have to build and the cheapest power is that which is never used. If Idaho Power put just a fraction of the $427 million towards energy efficient product or conservation programs, they could probably save the 330 megawatts that the plant would have generated. If Idaho Power were to be more aggressive towards reducing the air conditioning load through a mandatory, rather than a voluntary, program and if irrigation pumping were reduced during the peak use time of day, Idaho Power's peak load could be significantly reduced to the point that peak load could be handled by existing generation capacity. Implementing programs of this sort and other "smart grid" technologies could eliminate the need for another fossil fuel power plant. 1 Idaho Power's Integrated Resource Plan and the 2007 State Energy Plan state that energy conservation and efficiency is the cheapest way to not use energy. Renewable energy, such as wind and geothermal, generation is the next best way to create power and lastly building a standard fossil fuel plant as the last alternative for power. I read about 3 proposed wind farms in Idaho this week. The combinations of energy efficiencies, renewable generation, and smart grid technologies, the possibility of brown outs or a lack of energy can be virtually eliminated. The PUC should follow the State Energy Plan in its decision making process for the Langley Gulch plant. The PUC should also make Idaho Power follow its Integrated Resource Plan, even though it is in the process of being updated, to implement energy efficiency and conservation measures and purchase renewable energies prior to constructing an outdated, costly, inefficient power plant. Construction of the Langley Gulch plant would remove any incentive for Idaho Power to purchase or produce less expensive renewable forms of energy. If the plant is constructed, the rate payers of Idaho will be paying for this plant for a long time, which I do not want either. Than you for your consideration, Respectfully submitted, Lon Stewart 4610 N Shirley Boise, 10, 83703 208-841-3929 The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov /forms/ipuc1/ipuc. html IP address is - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 j~~.i4IÔ~ Jean Jewell /7, ~. ~. H From: Sent: To: Subject: mstohr~boisestate.edu Thursday, July 23, 2009 11: 12 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Mary K. Stohr follows: - --- - -- - ---- - -- ------ - --- - - - - - - ----- Case Number: £Pc-ê-oO¡-o3 Name: Mary K. Stohr Address: 1011 N. 5th St. City: Boise State: ID Zip: 83702 Daytime Telephone: 208-426-1378 Contact E-Mail: mstohr~boisestate. edu Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Add to Mailing List: .! Please describe your comment briefly: Please do not allow the Langley Gulch Permit for Idaho Power. We do not need this gas facility or the power. Alternative sources of energy would be much much cheaper for Idahoans and would provide sufficient power. Idaho Power needs to rethink their business plan and start reacting to the realities of this economy and our need to generate less pollution. For the sake of all Idahoans, please deny this permit. Thank you I The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov Iforms/ipuc1/ipuc . html IP address is - -- - - - --- ---- -- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- - - - - --- 1