HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090723Comments.pdf1~310'/i A/V.i/ rf ~~ If TOM DALE MAYOR CITY HALL 411 3RD ST. SOUTH NAMPA, IDAHO 83651 (208) 466-5401 FAX: (208) 465-2227 OFFICE OF THE MAYOR July 22, 2009 c: ..:: gi-_ ..=ìo c--~ c:m:i i-Wo N (''"0 (,0(: 3:0", .. 2",,-"" :::=:;",..,Ñ..oo ;;m('m Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 West Washington Street PO Box 83720 Boise ID 83720-0074 Dear Commissioners: cr"".'(I)oz a Re: Case No. IPC-E-09-03 LANGLEY GULCH POWER PLANT The City of Nampa strongly supports Idaho Power's Langley Gulch Power Plant project. We have had unprecedented growt throughout the entire Treasure Valley and need to develop additional energy infrastrcture. Affordable, reliable energy is vital to the health of our communities and imperative for companies interested in bringing their businesses and jobs to the Western Treasure Valley. The Langley Gulch Power Plant is a sound investment that wil provide electrical needs for generations to come. This vital "green" project wil be clean and efficient, moving us towards a better quality of life thoughout our valley. It wil also provide us with short and long-term employment opportnities, which is cruciaL. The proposed location is perfect and the time to build is now. Idaho Power is planning accordingly for future growth and the delivery of power to homes and businesses for all our communities. We are thankful for the outstanding parership Idaho Power has with out cities, counties, and rural areas and whole- hearedly endorse this essential project for the future success of us aU. Sincerely,~ Tom Dale Mayor pc: Mike Ybarguen, Idaho Power Company 2088848119 Line 1 ,/lJ;;#:J/Oq pi.r /l¡/Æ10:23: 15Am.~. ~rr 07-23-2009 2/3 ID IAN~CE\\ D g JUl 23 PM \2; 00 Mayor Tammy de Weerd City Council Members: Keith Bird Brad Hoaglun Charles Rountree David Zaremba ~ '. íJ~~,ttt tf:t -.\OAHO,. \*'\"~l ,.. Ci \Í\\!¡T\ES l'"OMMI~v ....j'!UT\L\ v" July 22, 2009 The Honorable Jim D. Kempton President Idaho Public Utilty Commission POBox 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Dear President Kempton: The City of Merdian as well as the Treasure Valley have experienced tremendous growth over the last 15 year. Meridian has trformed into a full-serice community, where our residents now can live, work and play; however, this growth has also had dramatic impacts on our infrastructure needs. We have worked hard during this time to build our water and sewer lines and systems. We have also worked with ACHD with our growing road infrastrcture needs and plans for future expansion. As elected leaders, we work to anticipate and meet the needs of the citizens while maintaining their quality of life. We appreciate that community parners, like Idaho Power, also work dilgently to build infrstructure to do the same for our citizens. To accomplish this goal, we understand significant capita investment is required to support growing communities. Idaho Power has worked dilgently to improve and expand its generating capacity and electrcal delivery system. Ths brigs needed power to our local businesses, homes, schools, and hospitals - all of which are essential to the economic health and vitality of Merdian and the rest of the Treasure Valley. We have supported Idaho Power's effort to continue to invest in and build the needed infrastrcture for our electrc system to help ensure economic opportties and a high quality of life for Idaho's citizens for years to come. To meet these and other needs, Idaho Power has applied for a Cerficate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the Langley Gulch Generation Plant to the Idaho PUc. Ensuring adequate electricity for the Treasure Valey is dependent upon many factors, including new generation, conservation, and having a reliable transmission system. Absence of growing these efforts, wil both negatively affect retention and/or expansion of our existing business base, but also wil impact our ability to recruit new commercial and industrial businesses to the area. Failure to provide needed energy supplies, and address the existig transmission constraits here in the Treasure Valley, wil severely hamper those efforts and the desirability of this region. A key driver for our economic recovery and development is having inexpensive, reliable, and abundat energy to meet the needs of existing and futue businesses. This requires having Mayor's Office. 33 E. Broadway Avenue, Meridian, in 83642 Phone 208-888-4433 . Fax 208-884-8116 . ww.meridiancity.org 2088848119 Line 1 10:23:34 a.m. 07-23-2009 3/3 The Honorable Jim D. Kempton Page 2 trsmission lines and corrdors to move generated electrcity. Without adequate transmission, additional generation is irrlevant if it canot be delivered to where the demand exits. Discussions are curently occurrng regarding locating a new transmission corrdor, requiring all staeholders to work in collaboration to meet these needs. Just as trsmission needs must be met, short and long-term energy generation wil need to be addressed as well. Each of our communities has diverified electrcal needs along with our own peak demand cycles. It is to meet these and Idaho Power's own requied demands that they hope to satisfy with the Langley Gulch Generation Plant. I encourage you to view their request in context of the overall needs of the Trease Valley, and communities like Meridian, that wil continue to be the economic engine to recovery providig the adequate tools, like clean, inexpensive, and adequate power. We understood that makng investments could possibly impact power prices. With the current financial realities facing many individuals and familes in Merdian, we are sensitive to what increased costs can mea. However, failure to make the needed investment today can lead to insufficient infrastrcture and more significant costs in the future. Together, as elected appointed, and communty leaders, we can address the challenges that we face in growing communities like Merdian and the State ofIdaho. With fair rates, Idaho Power wil be able to build the needed infrastrcture that will keep them healthy and servg futue generations ofIdaho citizens. Ths will ultimately best serve our communities future energy future needs and long-term success and support Idaho Power's efforts. Sincerely,--R Tam Mayor .I~i3/0'1 ¡/l; AY./~.~Lskl '_C:,;-;"~gMNt 215 E. FranklinRoad- PO. Box 7 Meridian, Idaho 83680 CHAMBER oj COMMERCE 2009 JUt 23AH 8: l 1(208) 888-2817- Fax(208) 888-2682 IDA'H:O' "'"1. '~LJ.~.'~. "tU", """~''''H.' UTIUTJES COMMI;:;:I'..n:4 IPUC. COmmissioners P.D.Box 83720 Boise, 1D83 720..0074 Re: . IPC-E-09-03 July 20, 2009 Dear' Commissioners, The :Board of Directors of the Meridian Chamber of Commerce recently voted to support Idaho Power Company's proposed Laigley Gulch Power PhmtinPayette County, and we urge you toapprove this proposal. .' Represeiiting one of Idaho's fastestgrowingcities . over the last decade and a half, Meridian's " lèadersare well a\\are ofthe need for cOntinued energy generation and transmission to. serve the growing needs of existing residents and businesses, as well as to plan for new residents and new . . businesses.. At the same time, we support facilties. that utilze the latest technology for clean energy, and that can accept energy generated by other new, clean sourcesand bring those onto the power grid. From our review of the pmposal, it isc1ear thatthis. project provides fOr existing needs,but more importantly, plans for the future energy needs of the Treasure Vaney, Continued economic developmentrequiresatrustwòrthy energy source, and the lack of it can affect the groWth of existing companies and scare away prospective rdocatìons. In short, this project is vital. to a healthy, growing Treasure Valley. O~ behalfof our nearly 600 member businesses, who havé benefitedfromthearea's reliable and low-cost electricity, we hope that you wil acttoextend those business-friendly benefitsto future companies by approving the Langley OulchPoWer Plant .." Sincerely, 1~,;loi ~1: 141//-r&~- iH REeE l"~~,_.i 2009 JUl 21 PH 3: 24 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION July 21,2009.. :.. Idao Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Stret P.o. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 RE: Cas No. IPC-E-09-03 Langley Gulch Power Plant Commissioners, Given the visible grwt in the Payette County ara and the consistent interest in creating new inctu the Payette Chamber of Commerc Boar of Directors fels that we must add oursupport for this project. The realization and relity is the Payette community has grown every year which has, in fact, created a need for more power. We, as a Board, realize that the community has lost a few opportities for indus to come into the area due to the lack of energy resources. The proposed loCation of the facility is perfect with the gas and transmission lines nearby. The fact tht the constrction of this plant would only have a minimal impact on the environment is very refrehing and the fact that the land wil be used to produce a clean soure of energy pleases us immensely. Given the economic times we are in, we, the Payette Chamber of Commerce Board of Diretors, ar very hapy to hear that most of the constrction of this plant would be bid out to localconstrcton companies. Given the fact that constction of this plant is estmated to tae approximately two year, this ca only to help stimulate our local economy. We, the Payette Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, applaud Idsho P9wer for beinginsightful in planing for the future of our energy needs and hope the commission wil grt the request to build ths plant. It ca benefit all of us in this community as wen as the communitiesarund us. Sincerely, flH~m~ls Jody Clements President Payett Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Ju 1 22 2009 10: 22AM PMCI JJ101 ,/í ltV 'lPortneu MED1(:il,r. C:ENT1;R 2082391934';0~' .. ¡- . p.2 Comments Prepared by PorteufMedical Center, Pocatello, Idao Before the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Regarding Idaho Power's Reques for a Cerificate of Public Convenience and NecessityFor the Langley Gulch Power Plant; case number IPC-E-09-03 - Idaho Power -CPCN for the Langley Gulch Power Plant RECEI 2019 JUt 23 PH 12: 00 UTtd~kOc Ltc; AfSS/ON July 21, 2009 Commissioner: PorteufMecical Center supports the timely construction and operation of the Langley GulchPower Plant. PortneufMedical Center, in partership with Legacy Hospital Parers, is constucting a new single-campus, 187 bed facility that win be the most advanced medical center in the state of Idaho. The projected completion of this project is mid-201 1. PoreufMedical Cente's ability to safely and effectively serve the residents of Southeast Idao is depndat in part upon renewable, affordable energy resources. The on-demnd energy needs of this over 400,000 square feet community hospital will be considerable. Idaho p;ówer's ability and commitment to provide reliable, responsible energy serces to its customer's in Southeast Idaho is essential to the economic growt and' stimulus in this area. The projected completion of the Langley Gulch Power Plant in the proposed time frame is crtical to PMC, but also to the recruitment of new commercial and industral businesses to our region. PorteufMedical Center and Idaho Power share simlar goals of good stewardship. PMC is committd to providing 400.. jobs dung our constrcton perod. Idaho Power will also employ local labor to build this plant and will provide additionl permanent positions to operate and maintain the facility. From an environental stadpoint, PorteufMedical Center has thoroughly researched the most cost-effective ways to maximize "green" attibutes tlroughout our new facility. PMC will utiliz low emissions materials, recycled materials and a low reflectivity roof. Likewise, Idaho Power "is using the latest air emissions control technologies and best pratices to ensure this plat is equally clean, safe and efficient and meets all fedral, stte and local stadards". As a healthcare leader in Southeast Idaho, Porteuf Medical Center supports the continued research and development of renewable, economical energy sources. The Langley Gulch Power Plant project is an answer to the safe, sustainable energy resource needed to help our region thrive. Norman Stephens Chief Executive Offcer Porteuf Medical Center ~'-;.::~'"~;.~ .s.t:::is=: E~'- Main Office 125 E. 50th St. Garden City, ID 83714 T 208.322.7033 800.859.0321 F 208.322.3569 Weiser Office P.O. Box 311 Weiser, ID 83672 T 208.549.2411 800.859.0324 F 208.549.0071 Proudly sering member counties in Southwest Idaho Ada Adams Boise Canyon Elmore Gem Owyhee Payette Valley Washington TI/ID 1.800.377.3529 EEO/AA Employer ww.sageidaho.com ý1: ¡4r!/~~.11-1 July 22, 2009 RECElVËD Idaho Public Utilties Commission PO Box 83720 Boise, 10 83720-0074 2009 JUL 23 AM 8: , , IDAHO PU8Lit' UTILITIES COMMIĆ SJON Re: Idaho Power Langley Gulch Power Plant Dear Commissioners: Idaho Ore Planning & Development Association, Inc. dba Sage Community Resources is the designated Economic Development District for the ten counties in southwest Idaho. This area covers more than 22,000 square miles and is comprised of almost 50% of the state's population. Formed in 1971, our board of directors consists primarily of County and City elected offcials. Key to our mission at Sage is to assist our membership in creating the conditions upon which private investment and economic development can occur, resulting in viable, healthy and sustainable communities. While we support the critical need to develop alternative energy sources, our region is further challenged by lack of solar, wind or other acceptable and affordable options that can provide 'on demand' power at any time. The Langley Gulch Power Plant wil be able to provide an immediate and constant source of power that is essential to economic development and growth in the region. Through the operating flexibility, this project wil provide backup power to other forms of energy that are or may be developed in the future. The proposed site is 137 acres of undeveloped range land in rural Payette County. The facilty will provide much needed economic stimulus in the form of approximately 100 construction related jobs as well as 18 permanent jobs after completion in the ongoing operation of the facilty. Secondary and tertiary benefis will result from use of local services, materials, equipment and suppliers as well as a considerable increase in the tax revenue in Payette County. As the Western Treasure Valley is also concerned with air quality issues, the use of environmentally responsible power generation through utilzation of the Best Available Control Technology (BACT) is also a strongly supported component of the project. Longer term impact is diffcult to gauge but the capacity to retain, grow and attract a diverse and strong economic base in the region cannot be underestimated. The Langley Gulch Power Plant project wil provide power system reliabilty by increasing the base-load generation capacity and ultimately, helpmany communities in the region to develop and thrive. In conclusion, on behalf of the ten county region served by Sage Community Resources, we submit our support for the Langley Gulch Power Plant. Sincerely, Board of Directors Sage Community Resources '/~3Jo'/1i Av'.,/1: ~. 1 )j VALLEYS OF SOUTHERN IDAHO Life. Work. Play. Balance.20n9 JUl23 PM I: I IDAUTlUTlE PtlUlll !t'l:'~h,. OMMiSSION July 23, 2009 Case Number: IPC-E-09-03 - IDAHO POWER -- CPCN FOR THE LANGLEY GULCH POWER PLANT Commissioners: As Idaho continues to see an influx in new businesses, business expansions and new residents. the state is gearing up to provide more electric power as well as new energy from renewable/alternative sources. Idaho remains among the lowest in the United States for energy costs. thanks to its many resources for energy. This is a significant asset to new and existing businesses requiring large power supplies looking to relocate or expand. Idaho Power is working to keep up with the growing electricity needs of farmers. businesses and residents. An important step in this direction is the future construction of the Langley Gulch Power Plant in southwest Idaho. This 300 megawatt natural gas-fired combined-cycle combustion turbine plant is slated to be operational in 2012, utilizing the best available control technology to minimize emissions, while maintaining a balance between environmental concerns and costs. The plant can be run for long periods of time and one that can be brought up and down quickly to meet power demands, making this combined cycle plant an excellent resource for integration of wind and solar energy. Langley Gulch wil create up to 120 job opportunities. both short and long term. Eighteen additional jobs wil be needed to maintain and operate the plant. Upon completion, Idaho Power wil pay property taes. contributing to the tax base. Southern Idaho Economic Development Organization (SIEDO) supports Idaho Power in their efforts to meet the curent and future electrcal needs of southern Idaho. The Langley Gulch Project is an alternative resource that wil offer a reliable power supply, support future development of alternative/renewable energies, added tax revenue. a supply of short and long term employment and economic stimulus. Langley Gulch also shows Idaho Power's commitment and responsiblility to our environment. We hope that you wil suport this importnt project. Respectfully, ~~ Jan Rogers Executive Director Southern Idaho Economic Development Organization 104 West Main Street. Suite I04. Jerome. ID 83338 P.O. Box 1238, Twin Falls, Idaho 833°3-1238 1-866-768-8443 . 208-324-7408 www.southernidaho.org 1J;~/61 Jean Jewell ,/1: ~.': tf. From: Sent: To: Subject: lisalotus(gcox. net Thursday, July 23, 2009 4:45 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from lisa lintner, I. ac. follows: -- - - - - - -- - -------- - - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - -- Case Number: IPC~E~09-03 Name: lisa lintner, I. ac. Address: 8 Buttercup Rd City: Hailey State: ID Zip: 83333 Daytime Telephone: 208~ 720-6711 Contact E-Mail: lisalotus~cox.net Name of Utility Company: Intermountain Gas Add to Mailing List: no Please describe your comment briefly: Idaho Power has not demonstrated a need for the Langley Gulch gas plant at this time, and a decision on the Langley Gulch certificate of public convenience and necessity (CPCN) proceeding should be suspended until both economic and long-term planning issues are resolved. · Idaho Power's application was submitted based on outdated forecasts of load growth, which have sharply reduced as a result of the global economic recession. Given current forecasted load growth it is unlikely that the Langley Gulch plant will be needed. · The proposed plant would cost $427 million to construct. This would be the most expensive plant constructed in over 50 years by Idaho Power and the resultant costs of this plant can only be j usti fied when a need for new generation is demonstrated. · Idaho Power has recently put its Integrated Resource Plan process on hold after recognizing its economic and load forecast data are out-dated. Without accurate and accessible data to evaluate the resources needed by Idaho Power to meet load growth, it is premature to make a decision on the Langley Gulch plant. · This plant would be used both for baseload energy and . peaking' requirements during high- use summer months. If built, this plant would essentially displace the need for very expensive peaking plants ratepayers are already paying for. Furthermore, construction of a 330MW plant could remove incentives for the company to build or purchase less expensive renewable energy such as wind or geothermal. Energy efficiency is by far the cheapest way to address Idaho Power's production needs, and Idaho Power has a huge amount of untapped energy efficiency and conservation. It is to the benefit of the ratepayers if energy efficiency is explored as a viable al ternati ve to another peak generation plant. · Also, on May 21, IDACORP shareholders directed the company to create a plan to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by September 30. It would be a huge mistake to build a fossil fuel power plant before the company reports on how it will reduce those emissions. The form submitted on http://ww . puc. idaho. gov Iforms/ipuc1/ipuc. html IP address is - -- - - - - -- ---- --- - - - - - ---- - --- - - - -- -- 1 AJz- /.L11 ¡i.jl 0 'l Jean Jewell ý~~~' I From: Sent: To: Subject: neilandleslie~mac.com Thursday, July 23, 2009 4: 19 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Leslie Bradshaw follows: - - -- ---- - --- - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - ---- Case Number: IPC-E-09-03 Name: Leslie Bradshaw Address: PO Box 7217 Ci ty: Ketchum State: Idaho Zip: 83340 Daytime Telephone: 2087212135 Contact E-Mail: neilandleslie~mac.com Name of Utility Company: Add to Mailing List: Please describe your comment briefly: I am writing to ask you to deny Idaho Power's proposed plan for a $400 million gas plant in Langley Gulch. It is not prudent to move forward with such an expensive project when so much has changed in the economic landscape and Idaho Power's own projects are out of date. Idaho Power has not demonstrated a need for this energy and this energy would be far more expensive than energy savings measures. Moving forward on this plant at this point seems particularly foolhardy given that Idaho Power shareholders recently instructed the company to create a plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by September 30th. Whatever plan is the result of this process will surely change the outlook for energy production and must be considered. Please deny the Langley GUlch application. The form submitted on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc.html IP address is - --- - - ------ - - - --- -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- i Ip.~~JÓ9~ Jean Jewell ¡if: ~. ~ Hi From: Sent: To: Subject: shawn(§twinfallschamber.com Wednesday, July 22, 2009 4:59 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Shawn Barigar follows: Case Number: IPC-E-09-03 Name: Shawn Barigar Address: 858 Blue Lakes Blvd. N. City: Twin Falls State: ID Zip: 83301 Daytime Telephone: 208-733-3974 Contact E-Mail: shawn winfallschamber.com Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Co. Add to Mailing List: yes Please describe your comment briefly: The Twin Falls Area Chamber of Commerce represents 864 business members in South Central Idaho, providing them a strong business voice, vision, and focused leadership to enhance the economic vitality and quality of life in our community. On behalf of our business membership, I offer our support for Idaho Power's proposed Langley Gulch Power Plant. This project offers the opportunity for diversity in Idaho Power's power source portfolio, will provide reliable power supply, is financially responsible, and will support the economy through the construction phase as well as after operational status is achieved with new jobs and revenues for the Idaho communi ties which Idaho Power serves. Idaho Power has a proven track record of being a responsible corporate citizen The company is a partner in economic development and business sustainabili ty . the essential and necessary electrical service to power industry , agriculture, facilities, Main Street storefronts, and homes. in our State. They provide public In South Central Idaho, we're proud of our diverse economy . Agriculture continues to be our base. But we have added manufacturing facilities, high-tech sectors, and growing retail and recreational opportunities to our local economy. All of these depend on the availability of low-cost and efficient energy resources in the future. The Langley Gulch Generation Plant is an important project for Idaho Power and for our State and its residents. We encourage your approval of the necessary actions to move this project forward. The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov Iforms/ipuc1/ipuc. html IP address is 1