HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090622Comments.pdf~ ..l~êf ERUITLAND /j; ;1.//-t ~,;. /I, Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street PO Box 83720 Boise, 10 83720-74 Re: Case No. IPC-E..3 Langley Gulch Power Plant c :~'Ul.~ P.O~O~408 ~ ~R:LA~D,:8:1~ E (2£ôd~5l8. ltfá~Oßll52-5028 . Email: chamber(§fmtc.com IDAHO PUBLIC UTilITIES COMMISSION ;i -C-o 9-03 June 15, 200 Commissioners: the Fruitland Chamber of Commerc is pleased to join our affliae chamber, the Bois Metro Chamber of Commerce in support of the proposed Langley Gulch Power Plant. This project holds significant promise for the western Treasure Valley in many respect. Proposed for Langley Gulch, an unobtrsive setting of dry range land off 1-84 Ex 9, this proje will not negativly impact land under cutin, an importnt factr in this communit. Th plnt wi feature clean burning natural gas power generation as well th abilit to integrte wit wind, and solar sources. The design utilizes the latest technolo to reuc air and nois pollution. Member business of the Fruitland Chamber of Comerc recnize that Idho Powers pledge to use locally produce goos, services and equipment suppliers wil gi a much ne bo to the local economy. Payette County Work Force Trends, June 200, published by th Idaho Department of Labor, gis a second quartr 200 unemployment fiure of 10.2% for Payette County as compared to the 7.8% unemployment figure for the stte of Idaho. Clearl, the reidnts of Payette Count are faring poorly in the current troubled ecnomic cliate. The Langley Gulch projec is expeed to provde grwth in shrt term and long term employent opportunities. Local consruion workers numbering betwn 100 and 120 wil be utlized during the two-year consruction scule. Aditnally, Idaho Pow expe to emplo 18 full time workers at the finished facilty. The promise of reliable and affrdable energ is a key element to attng qualit comerc and industry to this historilly under-developed area. Onc copleed, the estmated 427 million dollar price tag wil place Idaho Power as the top propert tax paer in Payete County. This influx of monies to local government coffrs will ease a tax burden shouldere heavly by smH busness and residential propert ta payers. Idaho Powers Langley Gulc proje compliment th ecnomic devlopment efrt of th Fruitland Chamber of Commerc while respeng th sensi isue of land stewardship. ~A~.f\A' Carrie Draper \N~ President, Fruitland Chamber of Commerce Ar~ t/z:!,q ý", Av./Í~~ H RECEiVED , t89 JUN \ 5 AM a: . iDAHO PUBLIC UTlUT\ES COMMtS June 12, 2009 fPC -£-oe¡" (J '3 IPUC Att: Jea D. Jewell, Secta 472 West Washigton Strt POBox 83720 Boise, Idao 93720-0074 Re: Cas No. IPC-E-09-03 Commssioner, I wanted to sed ths let of supprt for the Idao Power Lagley Guch Power Plant project. When we exame our power grd and the demds th grwt is plain on tht grd it is importt th we plan for our futu as well as the reilty and quaty of servce we expe frm our power provider. Idao Power is regnizing th responsibilty thugh their Lagley Gulch Power Plant prject. Reliable and afordle ener is import to the ecnomic well bein of th Wes Treasure Valey. Th prject complements al of the ecnomic development efforts in the West trur Valey an ad th alteve energy effort th compaes requi when they ar looki at our ar Idao Powe's reur mi is a common queston I have to shae with compaes in their site review pro. A projec of ths matu wi cr sh an long te job oprtes. Iny ths projec suport job cron by those businesses tht chose to locte an opete in our area i recgn th Maur County is in Orgo~ but our quaty of lie is afected by decisìons th Idao Power maes an th prjec maes se. The deliver of power to our homes and buses is imrtt, esialy dur thos pe ties in the sumer when ded incr and reliil be more imrt J n- Maleur Coun Ecnomic Development /,J.._. ~ 11?ú/Y/ Jean Jewell /i~'~ tli ;if? c.-£ - (/ 7-03 From: Sent: To: Subject: Elwood Kleaver (ekleaver~primaryhealth.coml Tuesday, June 16, 2009 10:56 AM Jean Jewell Support of Idaho Power's Langley Gulch Project Commissioners, as a member of the Boise Chamber Executive Committee, Chairman of the Boise Economic Valley Partnership, a member of the Boise Chamber Energy Committee, and the Chief Executive Officer for Primary Health Inc. i would encourage your support of Idaho Power's Langley Gulch Project. As a member of the Energy Committee we studied the energy needs of the Boise Valley and the surrounding area and we concluded that the timely construction and operation of the Langley Gulch plant is consistent with the Chamber's stated Energy Resources Policy. We conclude that the Langley Gulch Project wil offer a reliable power supply, it is an economical alternative, a diversified portion of Idaho Power's resource portolio, wil supply jobs and tax revenues to the Valley now and into the future, wil support and complements the development of additional renewable resources, it is environmentally responsible, and it wil provide an economic stimulus to the area. Thank you for considering my request and if I can be of assistance, please contact me. Elwood Kleaver i