HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090611Boise Chamber Comments.pdf1~~liloi iI~ llJ/¡/t~.~ tI lfoiSE METR CHABER OF~OMMERCE~RECl:IVEE.O lB09 JUNIIPH 2= 2 , To be the community's most indispensable business organization fO . ""i .r. advocating for economic well being, regional development and quality Oft!lllT~~O c'~f,id~SfON rPc-£ -O~ -0 ~ Comments Prepared by the Boise Metro Chamber of Commerce Before the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Regarding Idaho Power's Request for a Cerificate of Public Convenience and Necessity For the Langley Gulch Generation Plant June 11, 2009 Commssioners: The Boise Metro Chamber of Commerce (Chamber) has carefully evaluated energy resource issues and their impacts on the communty. The Chamber stated its conclusions in a docuent entitled "Energy Resources Policy" which was approved by the Chamber's Board of Directors on August 14, 2008. A copy of ths docuent is attached to these comments. One of the key conclusions is the Chamber's strong support of public policy that encourages energy efficiency and responsible energy use by businesses, consumers, and governent, including sustaiable operation and design in buildings. Additionaly, the Chamber is supportive of the development of additional energy infrastrcture including distrbution and tranmission facilties, and environmentally responsible generation to meet the short-term and long-term energy needs for, and to accommodate economic development in, the Treasure Valey. Reliable and affordable energy is an important element to a vibrant area economy. It is our position that the tiely constrction and operation of the Langley Gulch plant is consistent with the Chamber's stated Energy Resources Policy. We conclude that the Langley Gulch Project offers a reliable power supply, is the economical alternative, diversifes Idaho Power's resource portfolio, supplies jobs and tax revenues to the valley now and into the future, supports and complements the development of additional renewable resources, is environmentaly responsible, and provides economic stiulus to the area. The Chamber believes that the project is needed in the tie frame proposed. We are well aware of the impact that supply and transmission constraits have in the valley's abilty to recruit new quality commercial and industral enterpries to the area. We understand that new or additional loads of any size are frequently asked to provide their own generation, be subject to interrption and/or reduce their sumer load shapes in order to intiate servce. Our examation of the restrctions in the recent Hoku Materials electrc servce contract indicates that Idaho Power is constraied in the amount of power it can provide a new customer even today. Idaho Power's cuent resource mi relies signcantly on its hydroelectc generation; therefore its operations can be signcantly affeced by water conditions. Idaho power often must rely on market purchases to meet energy deficits, which in tu are subject to transmision availabilty. The Langley Gulch Power Plant wil reduce that reliance. Ths generation option is even more important as new tranmision constrcton appears to be takg a slower route to completion. From our gleang of the Idaho Power fig, it is apparent that the Langley Gulch project is the most economical of the alternatives avaiable with the second place project in the Request for Proposal process being substantially more expensive and without signcant differences in achevig the goal of reliable power supply. Langley Gulch was the right choice for Idahoans. By selectig the Langley Gulch Project, Idaho Power and its shareholders take on project development and constrction risk. Customers retai the rik of fuel cost increases under either a tollg agreement or a utity-owned. However, th utity-owned resource option provides for customers the potential opportty to share in the benefit if Idaho Power is able to operate and maitai the project for less than its anticipated costs. Langley Gulch wil create both short and long term job opportuties. The constrction wil require a labor force of up to 120 workers for as long as two years. These wil include qualifed local electrician, pipefitters, steelworkers, excavators, carenters, concrete workers, and laborers. Additionaly, Idaho Power has told the Chamber that local services, material and equipment suppliers wi be used wherever possible. Ths wi include such items as concrete, rebar, and steel, and the rental of equipment. Under commercial operations the combined cycle plant staff wil consist of 18 personnel, including 10 operators to provide 24 by 7 coverage, two maintenance mechancs, two techncians, an engineer, a chemit, a clerk/materials coordinator, and an operations and maintenance supervisor. Once complete, the plant wil be placed permanently in the tax base and Idaho Power wil pay propert taxes. The addition of the Langley Gulch Power Plant to Idaho Power's generation portfolio wil enable the Boise Metro Chamber of Commerce to realistically encourage the contiued research and development of cost-effective renewable energy sources, including but not lited to wid, solar, geothermal and bioenergy. Development of these energy options wil lead to new industries and lower the need for traditional generation in the futue. From an envionmental standpoint, the Langley Gulch Power Plant wi be fueled by clean burg natural gas and wil be constrcted using the best techology to mitigate ai emisions. The plant contais the best attibutes of both a base load plant that can be ru economicaly for long periods of tie and a peakg plant that can be brought up and down to meet load. It is our understanding, that a combined cycle plant is an excellent resource to integrate wind, and other intermittent resources into the electrical system. June 11, 2009 Page 2 of3 . Langley Gulch As mentioned previously, ths power plant is a rather unque base load facility for the Idaho Power system with the inerent operational flexibilty that can support use of renewable energy sources because it can be dispatched to optiize output and capabilties with Idaho Power's existig generation fleet. The plant can change generation quickly to maintain system balance as load vares or as intermttent resources such as wind and solar vary their output. Idaho Power has aleady leveraged the flexibilty of its clean, carbon-free hydroelectric generatig system and is lited in its abilty to integrate intermttent generation resources such as wind and solar generation. The flexibilty ths plant would provide is necessar to permit integration of future intermittent generation resources. In addition, the plant wil also provide additional operatig reserves necessary to reliably operate Idaho Power's transmision and generation system in those peak ties when demand is high and reliabilty is paramount to our members. Respectfuy submitted, ÇkCfP¥ Julie A. Pipal Director of Legislative Affairs Boise Metro Chamber of Commerce June 11, 2009 Page 3 of3 Langley Gulch .BOISE METRO CHABER OF""OMMERCE~ R.eCEIVED 2009 JUN "PH 2: 22 IDAHO P If'UTlUTfES C iŠSiON ENERGY RESOURCES POLICY POLICY STATEMENT: To support the continued economic development of Southwest Idaho and maintain the qualties of life we enjoy, the Boise Metro Chamber of Commerce wil: · Encourage cost effective energy efficiency programs and responsible energy use by businesses, consumers and governent, including sustanable innovation in the operation and design of buildings. Energy conservation now wil lower the need for additional energy in the future. Advocate and parer with the State of Idaho and local governents for 'high performance' buildings. · Support the development of additional electrcal and natual gas infastrcture projects to meet the area's short-term and long-term energy needs and to accommodate economic development in the Treasure Valley. This includes implementation of plans which specify necessary transmission and distrbution facilties and constrction of environmentally responsible generation facilities withn the Treasure Valley that wil serve the demand and enhance system reliabilty. · Urge members of Idaho's Congressional Delegation to support environmentally compatible exploration for oil and natural gas in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANR), on other federal lands and in portons of the Outer Continenta Shelf now closed to drllng. Support allocation of a porton of the new revenues to national energy laboratories and universities for research for next generation energy development. · Support relicensing of hydro-generation plants in the region, including retention of operational flexibilty to meet demand. Hydropower is a renewable energy source that is clean and affordable. · Support cooperative efforts to preserve and maintain existing water resources for hydro- generation in order to assure that our region's electrcity rates remain affordable. · Encourage the continued research and development of cost effective renewable energy sources, including but not lited to wind, solar, geothermal and bioenergy. Development of these energy options wil lead to new industres and lower the need for traditional generation in the future. · Advocate for the research and development in Idaho of power generation from nuclear energy. A diversified portfolio of sustainable economic energy options wil best provide for the projected population and business growth in Southwest Idaho. In addition to traditional generating resources, the portfolio may include nuclear and varous types of alternative energy resources. Page 2. Background: Southern Idaho has historically benefited from abundant, low-cost, clean electricity due largely to the abilty to generate electrcity from 17 hydro-electrc generation projects operated by Idaho Power on the Snake River and its trbutaes. Low electrcity rates have helped fuel historically unprecedented economic development in Southwest Idaho. Businesses have enjoyed reduced costs of production, makng goods and services more economically competitive. Southwest Idaho consumers have enjoyed relatively greater disposable income which has allowed them to purchase more goods and services. Due to the combination of increased demand for electrcity due to population growt and increased electrcity usage by individual households, and shrnkng base levels of water in the Snake River that have reduced hydro-generation, once abundant supplies of electrcity have beome a luxur of the past. Electrcity is now a precious resource, and wil become more precious in the futue. It must be used efficiently and conserved when possible. Idaho lacks in-state energy resources to meet curent or future demand. Idaho must import over 80 percent of the energy it consumes, including all of its natural gas and petroleum, and over half of its electrcity. Much of the Treasure Valley's electrcity demand is met by hydro-generation within the state. Environmental concerns and competing demands for water makes the development of signficant additional hydro-generation unlikely. Moreover, while development of renewable energy resources such as geothermal, solar, wind and biomass wil continue to help meet the Treasure Valley's energy needs, these energy resources cannot satisfy all additional future demand. Meeting futue demand for reliable electrcity in the Treasure Valley wil require unprecedented constrction of new infrastrctue - principally electrcal transmission and generation facilities. These facilties wil be expensive and take time to build. Paying for this new infrastrcture wil require the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) to authorize responsible, yet necessar, increases in electrc rates. Since the demand for electrcity is growing nationwide, utilities across the countr are also required to build infrastrcture and their customers wil encounter similar rate increases. Although Treasure Valley customers wil see an increase in the cost of electricity, on a relative basis Treasure Valley businesses and residents wil continue to enjoy among the lowest rates in the countr. Growth impacts all infrastrctue - water, roads, governenta services, natual gas, and electrcity generation and transmission. The cost of supplying electrcity to new customers is signficantly greater than the cost of supplying electrcity to existing customers. Electrcal utilities are not permitted by law to impose the full cost of new infrastrcture only on new customers. As a result, existing customers' rates increase as they bear the cost of growth. In this way, attracting new businesses can have the effect of imposing higher costs on existing businesses. In order to preserve existing businesses and jobs, communities should measure the life cycle impacts of attacting new businesses. Maintaining relatively low electrcity rates requies that communities plan better for growth, It also requires that stream flows in the Snake River be maintained in order to preserve our region's base of low-cost, clean, hydro-generated electrcity. Page 3. In order to continue to enjoy low cost electrcity and still permit reasonable economic growth, Treasure Valley business leaders, political leaders and citizens should: · Educate themselves and others about energy issues and our precious hydro-resources. · Conserve electrcity and support energy conservation and effciency efforts. · Support cooperative efforts to preserve and maintain water resources. · Communities need to plan better for growth. · Support the development of new generation necessar to allow reasonable growth. Introduction from the "2007 Idaho Energy Plan": Idaho has historically benefited from a reliable energy supply and from electrcity and natural gas prices among the lowest in the country, despite the fact that Idaho has no domestic petroleum, natural gas or coal resources. These low electrcity and natural gas rates have provided Idaho with an economic advantage in attacting and retaining industry and allowing Idaho households to spend less of their incomes on energy. However, Idaho's economy is more energy-intensive than most other states, and the expansive western landscapes require Idahoans to drve more miles and bur more gasoline than residents of most other states. Ths is compounded by the fact that Idaho's gasoline and diesel prices are somewhat higher than the national average. Moreover, Idaho's relatively low household incomes mean that energy is a larger relative burden for Idaho households than many other states. Whle Idaho's existing electrcity rates are very low, new electrc generating resources are much costlier than the existing resources that serve Idaho customers. Idaho's large hydroelectrc resources are fully developed, and the cost of building and operating new coal and natural gas fired power plants has risen substantially in recent years. Natual gas prices have been rising because U.S. production has not kept pace with demand, requiring the development of costlier resources such as Arctic gas or liquefied natural gas imports. Geopolitical events such as the current instability in the Middle East and rising petroleum demands by developing countres are causing high and volatile global crude oil prices - and as a result, high fuel prices in Idaho. Going forward, Idaho wil likely see escalating prices for its energy supplies. Idaho's lack of domestic energy resources means that Idaho relies on imports for over 80% of its energy needs, including all of its natural gas and petroleum supplies and more than half of its electrcity. The in-state resources that are available to Idaho utilities are largely renewable resources such as geothermal, wind, hydro, and biomass. Increased deployment of energy conservation and renewable energy wil help grow the state's economy by reducing the flow of dollars outside the state and creating local jobs and tax revenues. EnergyPolicy Approved: 08-14-08