HomeMy WebLinkAbout20091217Quarterly Progress Report.pdf~t~.fr"'r"t: ~ \1 r,: ti "'IDA~POR~ An IDACORP Company BARTON L. KLINE Lead Counsel bklineØiidahopower.com December 17, 2009 c--63 VIA HAND DELIVERY Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Re: Langley Gulch - Quarterly Progress Report Dear Ms. Jewell: In Order No. 30892, the Commission directed Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Powet' or "Company") to submit quarterly progress reports to the Commission describing the status ofthe Langley Gulch power plant construction (the "Project"). Enclosed with this letter is the first quarterly progress report. While the Project is stil in an early stage of development, the enclosed materials indicate that the Company stil expects the Project to be available for service in the summer of 2012 and that the costs wil not exceed the Commitment Estimate discussed in Order No. 30892. Two areas of uncertainty have surfaced and both relate to permits the Company wil need to acquire for the Project. First, in addressing the BLM right-of-way use for the transmission line and water line, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has identified slickspot peppergrass as a threatened species. This determination by Fish and Wildlife is discussed in the enclosed report. At this early stage of the permitting process there is no way to know whether or not identification of this plant as threatened wil have any material adverse effect on the construction cost or schedule. Second, it has been confirmed that the Company wil not be able to use injection wells to dispose of waste cooling water at the site. This issue is discussed in greater detail in the report. At this point, it does not appear that there wil be an adverse effect on the cost commitment of the Project. Finally, the Company recognizes that this report does not contain a detailed comparison of expenditures to the Commitment Estimate. This is a function of the early stage of Project development. As the Project reaches major milestones in the construction P.O. Box 70 (83707) 1221 W. Idaho St. Boise, ID 83702 Jean D. Jewell, Secretary December 17, 2009 Page 2 process, a comparison of actual expenditures to the Commitment Estimate wil be included in future reports. Because this is the first report submitted to the Commission, the Company is interested to know whether this report provides the right amount of detail or if more or less would be desirable. It is the intention of the Company to file the next quarterly report in early March 2010. , Barton L. Kline BLK:csb Enclosures Langley Gulch Power Plant Quarterly PUC Update December 2009 Ct: i r,'J'... ¡ 20n9 DEC 17 AM 8: 15 Progress Update:_ l Q.p~H () P't) E~Lj ¡ '~;~; C'.. r ~~" U i ¡LIiIES COM;\'¡,.:hJIU~~ Upon receiving a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity from the Idaho Public Utilties Commission, Idaho Power Company (IPC) issued full notices to proceed (FNTP) on September 4, 2009, to Boise Power Parers (EPC Contractor) - ajoint venture of Kiewit Power Engineers and The Industrial Company and to Siemens Energy (turbine supplier). The Langley Gulch team held kick-off meetings with the EPC Contractor on September 30,2009 and Siemens Energy on October 1,2009. Since issuance of the FNTP, the EPC Contractor has issued bid specifications for major equipment components including the heat recovery steam generator, condenser, cooling tower, step-up transformers, and major pumps. Additionally, the EPC Contractor has staed developing design drawings for the site layout and piping and instrmentation drawings. Since the issuance ofthe FNTP, Siemens has been submitting design drawings and specifications to incorporate the owner furnished equipment into the plant design. Generally, the project remains on schedule with the following major milestones. · Construction Notice to Proceed: August 1,2010 · Gas Turbine Delivery: February 201 i . Steam Turbine Delivery: July 20 i i · First Fire: March 2012 · Targeted Commercial Operation Date: July 1,2012 Permitting Update: IPC has taken a leadership role in the permitting process. The following is a summar of the permit applications in progress and a status report. . Air Emissions o Application submittd July 8, 2009 o Completeness letter issued from DEQ on September 4, 2009 o Submitted an application update on December 15,2009 o Currently in the 60-day draft permittng writing stage o Anticipate a Permit to Constrct by July 31, 20 i 0 · Payette County o Comprehensive Plan Change completed on May 18, 2009 o Conditional Use Applications (3 total) approved on November 12,2009 o Rezone and Development Agreement approval was received on December 14, 2009 Page i of2 . Water o Submitted groundwater right application for site on June 12,2009 (Priority Date) o Received groundwater approval letter on December 2, 2009 (Permit No. 65-23342) o Requested name change on Cottonwood Right surface water right on July 7, 2009 o Received surface water approval letter on November 16,2009 (Water Right No. 2-10450) o Submitted application for new surface water diversion from Snake River on September 11, 2009 . NEPA (for BLM right-of-way use for transmission and water line) o Right of way grant application submitted to BLM in October 2008 for transmission and water line piping o Most field studies completed in 2009 (including cultural study) o Slickspot Peppergrass was listed as a threatened species by the US Fish and Wildlife Service in October 2009 o Submitted Draft Scoping Document to BLM on November 18, 2009 o Public comment period on Scoping Document is anticipated to sta in January 2010 o Draft Environmenta Assessment (EA) is anticipated to be submitted in Februar 2010 o Biological Assessment for Slickspot Peppergrass wil need to be completed and approved by the USFWS prior to submitting the Final EA o IPC believes the project schedule wil remain unchaged and IPC anticipates a Right-of- Way Grant from the BLM by August 1,2010. The Grant is not required to sta constrction at the project site, however it is required to star construction on the water and transmission lines · Wastewater Disposal/Injection Well Permit o Based on initial discussion in the winter of 2008, IPC determined that injection wells could be permittd for spent cooling water use o IPC selected a consultat in late summer 2009 to evaluate wastewater disposal options and continue coordination with the Idaho DEQ and the Idaho Departent of Water Resources (IDWR) o Through the meetings with the resource agencies and field work, it was determined that because of permitting process changes and quality of existing groundwater, that neither injection wells, infitration ponds, nor land application would be feasible options for disposal of spent cooling water o IPC requested the EPC Contractor pursue a zero liquid discharge for managing spent cooling water o EPC Contractor has proposed a series of water treatment clarifiers, reverse osmosis systems, and other treatment equipment to reduce the total cooling water discharge flow as much as possible prior to sending it to an on-site evaporation pond o Some permitting may be required through the IDWR but after initial meetings, IPC foresees no issues with this permittng o Although there wil be costs associated with the cooling water treatment stategy change, the EPC Contractor has seen cost savings in engineered equipment purchasing which IPC is sharing, no change in the commitment estimate is expected IPC wil continue to be involved with permitting over the next six to nine months, but at this time does not see any significant issues that would cause problems with the expected Commercial Operation Date. Page 2 of2 Idaho Power Company Quarterly Spending Report for Langley Gulch Power Plant Through November 2009 November $'s spent to date Gas Turbine 21,288,419 10,889,584 4,117,065 Steam Turbine EPC Contract Commitment Estimate Contingency Site Procurement 125,047 Water Rights 2,083,419 NEPA Permitting 104,123 310,254 13,106 Air Permitting Water Line Construction Gas Line Construction Miscellaneous Equipment (IPC supplied) Capitalized Propert Taxes Idaho Power Engineering and Oversight 1,004,275 RFP Pricing components (includes start up fuels)376,152 Transmission 79,047 AFUDC 579,821 Totals 40,970,311 Commitment Estimate Remaining Amount 56,281,662 34,993,243 35,710,905 24,821,321 221,421,431 217,304,366 6,800,686 6,800,686 2,000,000 1,874,953 2,200,000 116,581 150,000 45,877 320,000 9,746 8,850,000 8,836,894 3,100,000 3,100,000 662,300 662,300 2,881,277 2,881,277 3,800,000 2,795,725 2,250,000 1,873,848 31,679,100 31,600,053 49,259,378 48,679,557 427,366,739 386,396,428