HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090429Stein Direct.pdfre,i, E i 2009 APR 28 P'1 1l: 57 10";"'" UTiLlTI'¡':i:;'....v BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY FOR THE LAGLEY GULCH POWER PLAT. CASE NO. IPC-E-09-03 IDAHO POWER COMPANY DIRECT TESTIMONY OF STEVEN STEIN 1 Q.Please state your name and business address. 2 A.My name is Steven Stein and my business 3 address is 1000 Legion Place, Suite 1100, Orlando, Florida 4 32801. 5 Q.By whom are you employed and in what 6 capacity? 7 A.I currently am employed with R. W. Beck, 8 Inc. ( "R. W. Beck") as a Principal and Senior Director. 9 Q.Please summarize your educational background 10 and work experience. 11 A.I am a graduate of the University of Central 12 Florida with a B. S. in Electrical Engineering and an M. S . 13 in Industrial Engineering. I received my Master of 14 Business Administration at the Florida Institute of 15 Technology. My Professional Engineer licenses are with the 16 States of Alabama and Florida. 17 Since joining R. W. Beck in 1977, I have directed 18 the preparation of power supply planning, financial and 19 rate-related studies for individual electric utilities, 20 joint action agencies, industrial clients and other large 21 energy consumers. I have helped clients develop energy 22 strategies and evaluate power supply alternatives. I have 23 represented clients in contract evaluation and negotiations STEIN, DI 1 Idaho Power Company 1 to help them achieve the most economical and reliable 2 energy supply. 3 Company witness Karl Bokenkamp included a copy of R. 4 W. Beck's letter report as Exhibit No. 4 to his direct 5 testimony in this proceeding. Exhibit No. 4 includes my 6 resume describing my experience in further detail. 7 Q.Have you previously submitted or provided 8 testimony. 9 A.Yes. I have rendered testimony before the 10 Public Utility Commission of Texas in Docket No. 15100 11 pertaining to the request for proposal process and the 12 evaluation of responses to the request for proposals. I 13 have rendered testimony before the Florida Public Service 14 Commission in Docket No. 810346-EU, pertaining to a 15 petition to Determine the Need for Transmission Lines 16 required pursuant to the Transmission Line Siting Act under 17 Florida Statutes. I have also submitted testimony before 18 the FERC in FERC Docket No. ER83-3689 and before a Florida 19 circuit court in regard to a revenue bond validation 20 proceeding. 21 Q.What is the purpose of your testimony in 22 this matter? 23 A.At the request of Idaho Power Company 24 ("Idaho Power" or the "Company"), I am submitting this STEIN, DI 2 Idaho Power Company 1 testimony to directly sponsor Exhibit NO.4. Exhibit No. 4 2 is an abbreviated letter report that was prepared under my 3 direction and control. The abbreviated letter report 4 describes the Independent Consultant role R. W. Beck 5 performed for Idaho Power in conjunction with the Company's 6 requests for proposals for baseload generation in 2012 and 7 offers certain conclusions regarding the process followed 8 by the Company for conducting the RFP. 9 Q.Is Exhibit No. 4 a true and correct 10 description of R. W. Beck's conclusions regarding Idaho 11 Power's conduct of its 2012 Request For Proposals for 12 base load generation? 13 A.Yes. Exhibit No.4, the letter report, is a 14 true and correct statement of R. W. Beck's conclusion that 15 the Idaho Power RFP Evaluation Team conducted the 2012 16 baseload RFP process fairly and properly and that all 17 qualifying offers provided to Idaho Power as a part of the 18 RFP process, including the Benchmark Resource, were treated 19 obj ecti vely and consistently as set forth in Section 5 of 20 the Request For Proposals documents. 21 Q.Does this conclude your direct testimony? 22 A.Yes, it does. STEIN, DI 3 Idaho Power Company