HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090413ICIP Comments.pdfEC"",. ... ~~.R. ~',~. ll~r.QlltH~ PU A T TOR N E Y SAT L AW iong APR 13 PM~: 00 Peter Richardson Tel: 208-938-7901 Fax: 208-938-7904 pete tié r ichardso n ando i eary. co m P.O. Box 7218 Boise,lD 83707 - 515 N. 27th St. Boise, ID 83702 April 13, 2009 Ms. Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilties Commission PO Box 83720 Boise ID 83720-0074 RE: Case No.lPC-E-09.02 Dear Ms. Jewell: We are enclosing an original and seven (7) copies of the COMMENTS OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER in the above case. An additional copy is enclosed for stamping and return to our offce. Sincerely, ~,(tì. Administrative Assistant for Peter Richardson enc!. Peter J. Richardson ISB 3195 RICHARDSON & O'LEARY PLLC 515 N. 27th Street PO Box 7218 Boise, Idaho 83700 Telephone: (208) 938-7900 Fax: (208) 938-7904 peter~richardsonandolear .com Attorneys for the Industrial Customers of Idaho Power R t: ~ r, l\ 1-"\ "- v ::,,~_~ Î "i; J iOü9 I~PR 13 PH 4: 0' UTI!. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF )IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S ) CASE NO. IPC-E-09-02 APPLICATION FOR APPROV AL OF ITS ) AGREEMENT WITH ENERNOC TO ) IMPLEMENT AND OPERATE A ) COMMENTS OF THE INDUSTRIAL VOLUNTARY COMMERCIAL DEMAND ) CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWERRESPONSE PROGRAM ) ) ) COMES NOW, the Industrial Customers ofIdaho Power ("ICIP") by and through its attorney of record, Peter J. Richardson, and pursuant to that Notice of Application and Notice of Modified Procedure issued by the Commission on March 20, 2009 and hereby provides its Comments on Idaho Power Company's ("Company" or "Idaho Power") Application. I SUMMARY The ICIP supports the concept of demand side response programs, but believes the Company's proposal needs modification prior to approvaL. The ICIP makes specific recommendations below relating to varous contract issues, pricing issues, timing issues and missed opportunities. In conclusion the ICIP recommends Idaho Power be required to conform Comments of the Industrial Customers ofIdaho Power IPC-E-09-02 1 its proposal to more closely align its terms and conditions to recently approved demand response programs for its irrigation class of customers. In its application Idaho Power is seeking Commission approval of an agreement between it and EnerNOC under which EnerNOC, acting as a third pary aggregator, wil implement a commercial demand response program ("Program") that would be made available to Idaho Power's commerèial and industrial customers. Although the Program is outlined in the application, the specific contracts and details of each individual commercial or industrial paricipants' relationship with EnerNOC are not included in the application. EnerNOC wil be paid by Idaho Power for a target number of MW reduction, which reduction wil be guaranteed by EnerNOC. EnerNOC then wil individually contract with Idaho Power's commercial and industrial customers and strike individual deals, presumably paying less than it is receiving from Idaho Power, to meet its demand reduction target. The program's costs do not equal what the commercial and industrial customers will receive in exchange for their paricipation. We do not know what EnerNOC will be paying for acquiring its target demand reduction. Because the individual arangements between EnerNOC and the commercial and industrial paricipants are not public, the specific terms and conditions of those relationships are not known at this time. Idaho Power recently had its Irrigation Peak Rewards taiff approved by the Commission in Docket No. IPC-E-08-23. That program acquires demand response from irrigators by paying them directly for curtailment rights. The Program for the commercial and industrial customers purchases an identical product - dispatchable demand response - as does the Irrgation Peak Rewards program. It is therefore reasonable to use the Irrigation Peak Rewards Program as a benchmark against which to measure the EnerNOC aggregation Program. As a result of that Comments of the Industrial Customers of Idaho Power IPC-E-09-02 2 comparsion it became apparent that the Irrigation Peak Rewards tariff has many attactive featues not likewise available under the EnerNOC Program. The Application observes, and the Commission repeats in its Notice of Application, that Idaho Power "presented an overview of the Program to a meeting of the Industrial Customers of Idaho Power." Application at p. 5. The ICIP was indeed presented an overview ofthe program at its meeting in February. It should not be inferred from that statement that the ICIP paricipated in any maner in the program's development or had any role in making decisions relative to its formation. Unlike Idaho Power's inclusion of the irrigators in the settlement of the Irrigation Peak Rewards docket, the Company formulated this proposal without input from the industrial customers. II CONTRACT ISSUES 1 Lack of Transparency is a Concern The Application is silent on any details ofthe contractual relationship between EnerNOC and the program paricipants. EnerNOC will negotiate contract terms and rates individually with each potential paricipant. Those agreements will be maintained confidentially between EnerNOC and each paricipant. The lack of transparency as to how each participant wil be treated is troubling. This is because there wil exist a large difference in the relative bargaining strengths between EnerNOC and Idaho Power's customers. EnerNOC is a successful aggregator of commercial and industrial demand response. It operates on a national scale. It is in the business of buying demand reductions and aggregating them for bulk sale to utilities. Idaho Power's commercial and industrial customers, on the other hand, have no experience in sellng their demand back to the power company. In addition, EnerNOC's incentive, and profit, are tied Comments of the Industrial Customers ofIdaho Power IPC-E-09-02 3 its striking a series of best deals with the individual paricipants. That said, more transparency- not less - is called for. 2. Advance Notice Provisions The Irrigation Peak Rewards program provides that the paricipant will receive notice of an event of curailment by four p.m on the day BEFORE the event begins. Idaho Power's EnerNOC proposal provides that notice of an event of curtailment be given four HOURS before the event begins. The rational for this disparty is not addressed in the application. However it seems that curiling an operating business or a factory would have much more complex and difficult ramifications than simply turing a pump off in the middle of a potato field. If day ahead notice is sufficient for the Irrgation Peak Rewards paricipants, it should also be made available to the commercial and industrial paricipants in the' EnerNOC managed program. 3. Opt Out and Drop Out Rights The Irrigation Peak Rewards program has several provisions built in that offer some protections for the paricipants that should also be built into the industrial/commercial program. Those protections include Opt Out Rights under which each irrgation paricipant is permitted to opt out of an event of curailment up to five times each growing season. In addition, each irrigation paricipant is given Drop Out Rights under which it is permitted to drop out ofthe program completely upon a one time payment of $500. These protections should likewise be available to all commercial and industrial participants under Idaho Power's proposaL. 4. Price The ICIP has examined the cost to the ratepayer ofIdaho Power's proposed Program and compared it to the payments the Company will make under the Irrigation Peak Rewards program and finds the two numbers to be essentially identical at $4.65 per kw. However, it is not Comments of the Industrial Customers ofIdaho Power IPC-E-09-02 4 reasonable to compare the cost of the commercial/industrial program to the price paid under the Irrigation Peak Rewards program because EnerNOC wil be taking its operating costs and profits out of that $4.65. This means that the commercial/industrial price will likely be less than the price paid to the irrgation class. There is no offer of justification for this price disparity for the purchase of an identical product - dispatchable demand reduction. One possible justification for the price differential between the Irrgation payments and what EnerNOC ends up paying is, undoubtedly, that EnerNOC wil be incuring costs in packaging together a large enough bundle of different commercial/industrial customers to meet its MW reduction taget. We do not know what that number is, however. The commercial/industrial curilment rights would seem to have more value than the irrigation curailment right due to the different advance notice requirements - four hours for the commercial/industral classes and a day ahead for the irrgation class. In addition to the price disparity between customer classes, there will likely be price disparity within the industrial/commercial classes because each individual participant wil strike its own unique deal with EnerNOC. The application offers no justification for variations in price for demand reduction WITHIN the commercial or industrial classes. 5. Dates of Potential Curailments Irrgators may only be curtailed between June 15 and July 31 while the EnerNOC commercial/industrial program proposes to curtail those two classes between the dates of June 1 through August 31. There was no discussion in Idaho Power's application as to why the dates June 1 through August 31 were selected. As one might expect, there was also no discussion of why the Irrgation Peak Rewards program only targets six weeks while the commerciai/industrial program tagets three full months. This puts the commercial/industrial customers at much more Comments of the Industrial Customers ofIdaho Power IPC-E-09-02 5 risk of incurng an event of curailment and should therefore require either higher compensation or a justification for this disparity between classes. The longer time period for the commercial/industrial program is made more perplexing when one reviews Idaho Power's testimony supporting the six week irrigation program that was prepared and filed just five months ago. In support of a stipulation regarding the terms and conditions of the Peak Rewards program, Mr. Timothy Tatum provided the following testimony: Q. Why is the Company proposing to reduce the number of weeks over which the program is operated anually? A. As part of the research and analysis process that led to the proposed Program design, the internal Program design team at Idaho Power held several discussions with subject matter experts that work within the generation dispatch and power supply planing fuctions of the Company. According to perspectives shared by representatives from the generation dispatch and power supply planing groups, the value of the load reduction capability of the Program is in its ability to reduce loads when the demand on the electrical system is at or near the anual system peak. Furhermore, these discussions confirmed that currently there is a near zero probability that Idaho Power's electrical system will experience a anual system peak demand outside of the time period of June 15 through July 31. With that in mind, the Program Season was revised to align with the June 15 through July 31 period. IPC-E-08-23, Tatun, Di at pp 14 - 15. The dates used by the Irrgation Peak Rewards program were specifically approved by this Commission in its order adopting a settlement among the paries to resolve outstanding issues on how that program was to be implemented. In its order the Commission made the following finding: The changes also reduce the number of weeks over which the program is available, from the three sumer months of June through August to a six-week period, June 15 through July 31. The time period was shortened because the value of the load reduction capability of the program is its ability to reduce loads when the demand on the electrical system is at or near the anual system peak. Idaho Power's witness testified that "curently there is a near zero probability that Idaho Power's electrical system will experience a anual system peak demand outside of the time period of June 15 through July 31." Tatu Direct, p. 15. Thus, the program season was revised to align with the June 15 through July 31 period. Comments of the Industrial Customers ofIdaho Power IPC-E-09-02 6 Order No. 30716, issued January 14,2009. Should the Commission approve the commercial/industrial demand response program proposed by Idaho Power, then it is recommended that the time period in which curilment may take place be revised to match the Irrigation Peak Rewards time period. VI CONCLUSION Approval ofIdaho Power's application in this docket should be made contingent upon (1) greater transparency in contract terms and conditions; (2) a requirement that the advance notice provision be increased to day ahead notification (3) a requirement that customer protection measures be offered to all commerciai/industrial paricipants such as Opt Out and Drop Out clauses; (4) the implementation of a pricing mechanism that either matches the price being paid to the irrigation class or a clear and defensible justification for any variations in price; and (5) shortening the season during which curailments may take place to June 15 through July 31.. Respectfully submitted this 13th day of April, 2009. RICHARDSON & O'LEARY PLLCByßt#4Peter J. ìëh~ Attorneys for the Industrial Customers of Idaho Power ~ Comments of the Industrial Customers ofIdaho Power IPC-E-09-02 7 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 13th day of April, 2009, a true and correct copy ofthe within and foregoing COMMENTS OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER, was served in the maner shown to: Ms. Jean Jewell Commssion Secreta Idao Public Utilities Commission POBox83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 X Hand Delivery _ U.S. Mail, postage pre-paid Facsimile Electronic Mail Lisa Nordstrom Baron L. Kline Idaho Power Company PO Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707-0070 lnordstrom(fidahopower .com bkline(fidahopower .com x. Hand Delivery _U.S. Mail, postage pre-paid Facsimile Electronic Mail JohnR. Gale Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Idaho Power Company POBox 70 Boise, Idaho 83707-0070 rgale(fidahopower .com L Hand Delivery _U.S. Mail, postage pre-paid Facsimile Electronic Mail ~~ Nina Curis Administrative Assistant