HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090304ACHD Comments.pdf, ,.l /~/óq i/~ 1/-/vf; ~~ Hi Ç\"n::Rç:C.., .~,... '" 2t '35 1i~~ ~tiR - \; l ~;f~7.'"~eo~u:t; ~u- Carol A. McKee, President Sherry R. Huber, 1st Vice President Rebecca W. Arnold, 2nd Vice President John S. Franden, Commissioner Sara M. Baker, Commissioner BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO MODIFY ITS RULE H LINE EXTENSION TARIFF RELATED TO NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS. ) ) CASE NO. IPC.E.08.22 ) ) COMMENTS OF THE ) ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY ) DISTRICT ) ) The ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT (hereinafter "ACHD") hereby submits the following comments in the above-captioned matter pursuant to the Idaho Public Utilities Commssion's (hereinafer "IPUC") Januar 12,2009 Notice of Modifed Procedure, Notice of Scheduling, Order No. 30719. ACHD COMMENT NO.1 Proposed Section 10 of Rule H is Beyond the Jurisdictional Authori of/PUC Pursuant to Idaho Code § 40-131O( 1) & (8), highway districts have exclusive general supervision and jurisdiction over all highways and public rights-of-way within their highway system and full power to establish design standards, establish use standards. This includes the unqualified abilty to demand that electric utilty facilities within the public rights-of-way relocate per Idaho Code § 62-705. Proposed Section 10 of Rule H is an ilegal usurpation of the highway districts' exclusive general supervision and jurisdiction over all highways and public rights-of-way because it purports to regulate and control electric utilty relocations by assigning financial liabilty for such relocations. Such is strictly in the power and authority of the highway districts and should be left in the hands of the highway districts, working in a coordinated effort with local government offcials and utilty companies to develop an approach that is mutually beneficiaL. This local approach was taken by ACHD with great success in 1986 and resulted in ACHD Resolution 330; upon which proposed Section 10 of Rule H appears to be loosely based. The usurpation ofthe highway district's exclusive general supervision and jurisdiction over the highways and public rights-of-way through proposed Section 10 of Rule H is clearly contrar to Village of Lapwai v. Alligier, 78 Idaho 124,299 P.2d 475 (1956), in which the Idaho Supreme Court established clear lines of authority over the public rights-of-way and the relocation of utilty facilities. within public rights-of- way, stating: ". . . the (Public Utilities Law) does not contain any provision diminishing or transferrng any of the powers and duties of the municipality to control and maintain its streets and alleys. Moreover, the legislature, in providing for the use of streets and alleys by utilties, expressly required the consent of the municipal authorities, and authorized the municipal authorities to impose reasonable regulations upon such use. The legislature recognizing the duty it imposes upon the municipality to control and maintain its streets and alleys, has preserved to the municipality the power to deny their use to a utilty, or to impose reasonable regulations thereon, when necessar to the use of such streets and alleys by the public in the usual manner. . . we conclude that the village was not required to procure the consent of the (public utilits) commission as a condition to discontinuance of appellants' service and their ouster from its streets and alleys." (Emphasis added) 1d. at 478. ACHD respectfully requests that the IPUC strike from Idaho Power's proposed Rule H Tarff, anything whatsoever attempting to regulate in any manner, the relocation of utilties in the public rights-of-way. Ada County Highway District. 3775 Adams Street. Garden City, ID. 83714. PH 208 387-6100 · FX 345"7650. ww.achd.ada.id.us ACHD COMMENT NO.2 Proposed Section 10 of Rule H Appears to be Unconstitutional: In Rich v.idaho Power Company, 81 Idaho 487,346 P.2d 596 (1959), the Idaho Supreme Court struck down as unconstitutional, Idaho Code § 40-120(27) which established upon the Idaho Board of Highway Directors (predecessor to the Idaho Department of Transportation) and affirmtive obligation to pay for utilty relocations associated with state highway projects. To the extent that proposed Section 10 of Rule H imposes a duty upon the state to pay for utilty relocations associated with state highway projects, it appears to violate Article 8 § 2 and possibly Article 8 § 17 of the Idaho Constitution. Applying Rich v. 1daho Power Company to proposed Section 10 of Rule H as it relates units of local government and local improvement districts created by units of local government, proposed Section 10 of Rule H also appears to violate Aricle 8 § 4 of the Idaho Constitution which operates in the same manner as Aricle 8 § 2 to prohibit the loaning of a local government's credit to any individual, association, municipality, or corporation. ACHD respectfully requests that the IPUC strike from Idaho Power's proposed Rule H Tarff, anything whatsoever attempting to regulate in any manner, the relocation of utilties in the public rights-of-way. ACHD COMMENT NO.3 Third Party Beneficiary: As currently written, the proposed Section 10 of Rule H includes an overly broad and potentially troublesome definition of "third party beneficiar" which could be construed to include a highway district whose roadways are being improved strictly as a result of another political subdivision's public project. For example, road improvements occurrng in the course of a city sewer project. From the highway district's perspective, road improvements benefit the general public as a whole, whether underten as a highway district planned and coordinated project or by another entity improving its own facilities. Therefore, ACHD requests that proposed Section 10 of Rule H be modified to expressly exclude public entities and political subdivisions from the definition of "third pary beneficiar". Local improvement districts created by a highway distrcts under Idaho Code § 40-1322 and organized and operated under Title 50, Chapter 17 of the Idaho Code are limited to the "construction, reconstruction and mantenance of highways and accompanying curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paved medians. . . ", all of which are improvements that ultimately benefit the general public as a whole. Therefore, ACHD requests that proposed Section 10 of Rule H be modified to expressly exclude Local Improvement districts created by highway districts under Idaho Code § 40-1322 from the definition of "third pary beneficiar" . Than you in advance for your consideration of ACHD' s comments in the above-captioned matter. Dated this 3.. day of March, 2009. ADA COUNY HIGHWAY DISTRICT CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I hereby certify that on the3 ,.day of March, 2009, I caused to be mailed by U.S. Mail (postage prepaid) a tre and correct copy of the foregoing COMMENTS OF THE ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT as follows: Commssion Secretary Idaho Public Utilties Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise,ID 83720-0074 Lisa Nordstrom Barton L. Kline Idaho Power Company P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707-0070 Michael C. Creamer Givens Pursley, LLP 60 i W. Banock St. Boise, ID 83702 Scott Sparks Gregory W. Said Idaho Power Company P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707-0070 Micheal Kurz, Esq. Kur J. Boehm, Esq. Boehm, Kurtz & Lowr 36 E. Seventh Street, Suite 151O Cincinnati, OH 45202 Matthew A. Johnson Davis F. VanderVelde White Peterson Gigray Rossman Nye & Nichols, P.A. 5700 E. Franin Road, Suite 200 Nampa, ID 83687 Kevin Higgins Energy Strategies, LLC Parkside Towers 215 S. State Street, Suite 200 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT