HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081211Comments.pdf12/10/2008 17: 08 ACAR/IMLS2083778066 PAGE 01,/~lJ~ 1Jlllj01f ,/l; ltv./r;~. ~ H.~ ASSOCli\Tl0N OF REALTORS" 1"i ~..)RECE zons DEC l 0 PH It= l 69550 ~$~ iiethel Court Boise. Id~lin a3709 Tel: 208-376-0353 Fax~ iOS-377-!066 iDAHO PUBUC UTILITIES COMMISSION December 10, 2008 Idaho Public Utilties Commission PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Attention:President Mack A. Redford Commissioner Marsha H. Smith Commissioner Jim D. Kempton Dea President and Commissioners: 1 am contating you concerning ¡PUC Case Numbers IPC-E-08-22, Idaho Powe's applicaton to modify their Rule H Tariff. The Ada County REAL TORS(l Association (ACAR) is concered abou.t the possible impacts of the prposed modifications u.pon the housing market. Removing "subdivision Jot refunds" and chaging th.e .'Vested Interest Refund" timefrme from 5 year to 4 yeas wil diminish housing affordabilty at a time when the market 1S beginnng to become more affordale. The Ada, County Association of REAL TORS~ is reuesting an extension of the i 4-day timeline for all parties to fie petitions to intrvene. Plea do not nish such an impont application through the process but allow the public to be SErved by allowing su'fcient time fornotification and response. The removal of the $800 per lot reimbursement that developers recive wil pu.t into jeopardy the viabilty ofpmjects that ha.ve already been approved. Tn the tight credit market we are seeing today, this change can have great repercussions harming aiiy recovery in the housing market. While the home prices have dedi,ned, the increased burden of additional fees has dramatic impact on the cost of homes and bringing new homebuyers into the market. In the Treasure Valley a $1000 increse leads to 293 people being prced out of purchasing the home. While it is importtthat grwth pay its equitable share, limiting access to homeownership at a time when our economy desperately needs the housing market to recover wil have very negative consequences- I thank you for your service and for the duty that the IPUC peifonns. I once again ask you for a time extension to the deadline for the peition to ìntervene. Please contact our Direr of Publìc Policy, Miguel Legaret, with any additional questìons. ~re,L(J . Da.n Hernandez ~ President Ada County Assoiation of REALTORS!l Â~ ww.8d8C~"I"tiI'"It_~m / ~ ~/(llo r '/1, fL.~ ¡;tnof~w/fu ~-" ~ rI, ~ ~ I i£.twttl lDb i./O' . D Home~ MortCoon IN Cus Design Homs Value and Qualit Under One Roof Decber i 0, 2008 Atttion:Prsident Mack A. Redford Commissioner Marha H. Smith Commssioner Jim D. Kempton ~~ ;0n m ("m Idao Public Utilities Commssion POBox 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 :i:: co..f'c. De Commssioners: I am contating you concerng IPUC Case Numbers IPC-E-08-22, Idao Power's application to modify their Rule H Tarff. I am very concered with the possible impac of the proposed modifications upon the development industr as well as the timing in which they are being brought about. Fir the maner in which the tim and processing of the application ha proceeded is concerg to me. I beame aware of the order for notice of intervention at a ver late date in the process and request an extension of the i 4 day timeline for all pares to file petitions to intervene. By publishig the order on the day before a 4 day holiday weekend, the tieline for notification and action by all inteested paies was severly dished. Please do not ruh such an imrtt aplication thoug the process but allow the public to be served by allowig sufcient time for notification and response. Secnd, the approval of Idao Power application as proposed will create an undue hadship upon an industr tht has be strggling for life for over a year. The removal of the $800 per lot refud that developers reive will put into jeopardy the viabilty of projects that have aleady ben approved and fiancing secured based upon the expectation of a per lot refud. In the tight credit maket we ar seeing today, ths chage can have great repecussions. Thrd, i recogne the hadships that Idao Power facs in providig servces in a tie of increasing power demads. However, we also ask tht it be recgnzed tht the buildig/development industr is also a vita pa of our ecnomy that has ben stggling for some tie. May of the businesses in our indus have ha to layoff st and fore go wage increases to employees. And an increas in any fees at ths time is somethg that our industr and the market can not handle. A July 2007 study conducte by the Natona Association of homebuilders identified an $800 increase in intial cost on a home compounds to a $ i 000 increase in the price of the home. And that in the Treasure Valley that $ i 000 increase leads to 293 peple being priced out of purhaing the home. I undertad the importce of growt payig its equitale shae. However due to the effect tht the proposed Idaho Power P.O. Box 935 * Meridian, Idaho 83680-0935 * Telephone (208) 887-2222 * Fax (208) 884-0254 * ww.idahobuilder.com* Builder Registration #: RCE-312 .. - modfications ha on home afordabilty I must also as has Idao Power also make the same tough decisions as our members have in regars to stag and budgeta cutbacks? I th you for your serce and for the duty tht the IPUC peonn. I once agai ask you for a tie extion in regards to the petition to. inteene deadine. And stress the importce of ths application and the effects that it could have if approved. 7#~ R. Kent Mortensen Mortensen Constrction, Inc. P.O. Box 935 Mendian ID 83680-0935 P.O. Box 935 * Meridian, Idaho 83680-0935* Telephone (208) 887-2222 * Fax (208) 884-0254 * ww.idahobuilder.com* Builder Registration #: RCE-312 Dec 10 2008 4: 33PM CAP I TAL DEVELOPMENT 2083753271 p.2 V~JI(Qg lbCAPITAL . L DEVELOPMENT. A AJI.'/1" ~. \ u. ì p RECE 0 Inc. Z008 DEC l 0 PHle: 48 December 10, 2008 IDAHO PU8LiC UTILITIES COMMISSiON Idaho Pul:lic UtÍlities Commission PO Box 83720 Boise,ID 83720;.074 Attention:President Mack A; Redford Commissioner Marsha H. Smith Commissioner Jim D. Kempton Dear Cpmmissidners: I am contacting you~~mcel1ing IPUCCase NumbersIPC-E-08-22, Idaho Power's application to modifY their RuléH Tariff I am very.concel1ed with the possible impacts of the proposed modifications upon the development industr as well as the timing in which they are being brought about¡. . - . . . First, the mannei in whichthe timing and processing of the application has proceeded is concernng to . me. I became aware of the, order för notice of inteiention at a very late date in the pto,Css. By . publishirigthe order on theday'before a4 day holiday weekend, the timeline for notificaÌion and acton by all interested paries was severely diminished. I have personally spoken with builders and developers' iri the last few days and none of them were aware ofthisdeeply concerning issue until I called them. Though I know anly a few biJilder and developers directly affected by this proposed change, I wonder how maný more are also unawar. Please do not rush such an important appliCation through the process. but a:Ilow the public to beserved by allowing suffcient time for notification and response. Additional time is important to allow other affected paries time to intervene. . Second, the appr~val ofIdaho Powers appliCation as proposed would create an undue harship upon an industry that has been strggling for its very life foJ. over a year. The removal of the $800per lotrefund that developers receive wil put into jeopardy the viabilty of proj eets that have already been approved arid financing sècured based upon theel(peètation of a per lot refud. In light ofthe meltdown of real estate values and thetightcredit market we ate seeing today, this change wil have grat reperèùssions. Thrd, màny of the businesses in our industry have had to layoff staff and take significat pay cuts to makes ends meet. An increase in any fees atthis time is something th our industry and the maret canot handle: I must also ask ha Idaho Power also made the same tough deCisions welÍave in regards to staffng and bqdgetary cutbacks? J thank you for your service anc: for the duty tht the IPüC performs. I once again ask you for a time extension in regards to the petition to intervene deadline and stress the importance of this application and the effects thatit còuld have if approved. ~cerelY~A ~g'O~ Prsident 6200Nort Meeker Place BOise, Idaho 83713 Offce: (208) 377-3939 Fax: (208) 375-3271 Dec 10 2008 4: 32PM I'~.~. (¡fIr t~~l'ttl¡ . ..cJ.ITAL ' . . .DE'VLOPMENT. IDC. L CAP I TAL DEVELOPMENT ¡/'f ÆJA ,/tJ 2083753271~., t1 p.2 December io,20P8 Idaho Public Utiiities Commission PO Box 83720 Boise, il 83720~bo74 ZUOS DEC f 0 ' PH a: 48 ¡OANO pi ini V"UTILITIES CO~4M¡Š$ION Attention:PresldentMack A. Redford Commissioner Masha H. Smith ÇorimissionerJim D. Kemptòn Dear Commissiolers: I am contactirg Yiou concerning lPUC Case Numbers IPC..E~08-22, Idaho Power's application til modifY their Rule H Tariff I am v~ry ConCeed with the possible impacts ofthe proposed. modifications upon the development ~ndustry as well as the timing in which they are being brought àbout. First, the maner! in which the timing and processing of the application has ,proceeded is concerning to me. 1 became a~are of the orderf-or notice of interVention at a very late date in the' process. By publishing the Oliler on the day before a 4 day ,holiday weekend, .the timeline for notification and action by allintereste garies was séverely diminished. ' I have pers()nally spoken with dozens of builders and developers~n the last few days and none of them were aware of this deeply concerningissue until I calledth~m. Though I know only a few builders and developers directly affected by this proposed changej I Wonder howmary more are alsò unaware. Please do l10t rush such an important application th:tou~ the process but allow the public to be served by allowing sufficienttime for , notification and r~sponse. Additiona time is important to allow other affected paries time to intervene.. ~ . . . Second, the apI'r~val ofIdaho Powers application as proposed would Create an undue hardship ~pon an industr that has peen strggling for life for over a year. The removal of the $800 per lot refud that . developers recehl.e will- put into jeopardy the viabilty of projects that have already been approved and financing secured based upon the expectation of a per lot refund. In the tight credit market we are seeing today, this chang~ wilhave.great repercussions. Third; many of the businesses in our industr have had to layoff sta and take significat pay cuts to makes ends mee: An increase in any fees at this time is somethng'th our industry and the maret canot hiidle. I lnustalso ask has Idaho Power aise made the same tough decisions we have in regards to stafng and budgetary cutbacks? I than you for yGur serice and for the duty that the IPUC performs; I ohce again ask you fora time, extnsion in regards to the petition to intervene deadline and stress the importance of this application and the effects that it ~ouid have if approved. Sincerely, . .O#~tr~ David Yorgaso~' , Vice Prsident ' 6200 Nort Meeker Place Boise, Idaho 83713 Offce: (208) 377~3939 Fax: (208) 375-3271 Dec 10 2008 4: 3SPM 1~'~irOY 'l~b" . CAPITAL ... DEVELOPMENT.lic. CAP I TAL DEVELOPMENT 2083753271 p.2 rt 14)/A~. of II RECEIVEG Dècember 10, 2008 lU08 Oft , 0 PM 4= 36 lDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMiSSION Idao Public Utilties Commission PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720~0074 Attention:PrsideIit Mack A. Redford Commissioner Marsha H. Smith Commissioner Jim D. Kempton Dear Commissioners: I amcoritacting you concerning IPUC Case Numbers IpG~E-08-22, Idaho Power's appÜcatiort to modify theitRule H Tariff. I am very concerned with the possible impacts of the proposed modifications upon thedevelopmertindústry as well as the timing in which they are being brought about. First. the manner in which the timing and processing of the application has proceeded is concerning to me. I became aware of the order for notice of intervention at a very late datein theprocess. By publishing the order 'on the day before a 4 day holiday weekend, thetimeline foriiotification and action by all intersted parties was severly diIninished~ Though I know only a few builder and developers directly affected by ths proposed change, I worider howriany more are also unawar. Please do not rush such an importt application through the process but allow the public to besèrved by ailowingsufficiènt time tòr notificationandresponse. Àdditional time is importt to àllow òther afected paries timeto interve1e. Second,the approval ofldaho Powers application asprQPOsed would create an undue hardship upon art industry that has been strggling for life for over a year. The removal of the $800 per lot refui;d that developers receive wil put into jeopardy the viability of projects that have already been approved and financing secured based upon the expectation of a per lot refund. In the tight credit market we ar seeing today, this change wil have great repercussions. Third, many of the businesses in our industry have had to lay off staff and take significant pay' cuts to makes ends meet. An increase inaty fees at this time is something that our industry and the market carnot. nà:dle. . I must alSó ask' has rdaó Pbwer also'made- the saie tough decisions we have in regads to staffing andbudgetai cutbacks? ' .' I thank you foryôurseivice and for the duty that the IPUC performs. I once again ask you for a time extension inregards to the petition to intervene deadline and stress the importance of this appUcation and the effects that it could have if approved. 6200 North Meeker Place Boise. Idaho 83713 Offce: (208) 377-3939 FOx: (208) 375-3271 II ," Dec 10 2008 4: 40PM lr'~;IJOC¡~ l'l CAP I TAL DEVELOPMENT 2083753271 v1' AV. "If. ~. ~f/ p.2 RECEl\n:n 2008 DEC 10 PH a: 36 December 10, 2008 IDAHO PUBL1G UTILITIES COMMISSION Idaho Public Utilties Commission POBox 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Attention:President Mack A. Redford Commissioner Marha H. Smith Commissioner Jim D, Kempton Dear Commissioners: I am contacting you conceing IPUC Case Numbers IPC-E-OS-22, Idaho Power's application to modifY their Rule H Tariff. I am very concerned with the possible impacts of the proposed modifications upon the development industry as well as the timing in which they are being brought about. First, the manner in which the timing and processing of the application has proceeded is concerning to me. I became aware of the order for notice of intervention at a very late date in the process. By publishing the order on the day before a 4 day holiday weekend, the ti meline for notification and action by all interested parties was severely diminished. Though I know only a few builders and developers directly affected by this proposed change, I wonder how many more are also unaware. Please do not rush such an importt application through the process but allow the public to be served by allowing suffcient time for notification and response. Additional time is importt to allow other affected paries time to intervene. Second, the approval of Idaho Powers application as proposed would create an undue hardship upon an industr that has been struggling for life for over a year. The removal of the $800 per lot refund that developers receive wil put into jeopardy the viability of project that have already been approved and financing secured based upon the expectation of a per lot refund. In the tight credit market we are seeing today, this change wil have great repercussions. Third, many of the businesses in our industry have had to lay off staff and take significant pay cut to makes ends meet. An increase in any fees at this time is something that our industry and the market cannot handle. I must also ask has Idaho Power also made the same tough decisions we have in regards to staffng and budgetary cutbacks? I thank you for your service and for the duty that the IPUC performs. r once again ask you for a time extension in regards to the petition to intervene deadline and stress the importance of this application and the effects that it could have if approved. Sincerely,~).~~ Ryan Grace Capital Homes IßIi I. i /fo Ai.,x~'~ If, RE. ~Elvr.: n. . 'lJ.. ''; -.",i"'" ZOiS DEC l 0 PM It: l 1 iDAHO PUBLIC UTiLITIES COMMISSION Deber 10. 2008 Idaho Public Utilities Commssion PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Attention:Prsident Mack A Redord Commssioner Marsha H. Smith Commssioner Jim D. Kempton Dea Commissioners: I am conta you concerg IPUC Case Numbe IP-E-8-22, Idao Powe~s applicaon to mod thei Rule H Tarff. I am ver conce with th posible imts of the pr modfications upon the development industr as well as th timing in whch thy are being brought about. First, the maner in wlch th ti an procssin of th aplicaon has pree is concerng to me. (bece awa of the order for notice of intion at a ve la da in the proces an reuest an extension of th 14 day tielie for al paes to tile petions to intervene. By publishi the order on th day before a 4 da holida wekend, th tieline fornotication an action by al in paes wa severly dish Ple do no ru su an importt application thug th prss bu alow th pulic to be se by alowi sufcient tie for notification an rense. Second. th approva ofIda Power appliæton as prpose wi cr an un hap upon an indu th ba been st for ii for ove a ye. Th reova of the $8 pe lot refu th deelope reeive will put into jeopay the viilty of prjeçts th have aleay be approved and finacing secur ba upn the exptaon of a pe lot refu. In the tightcret maket we ar see to, th cI ca ha gr reOD Third, I reognze the hadships th Idao Powe fa in providing servces in a time of incrin power demads. Howe, we al ask th it be regnd th thbuididevelopit intr is also a vita pa of our ecy 1b ha be st for some ti. May of th busin in ou inst hae ba to lay off st an fo wag inre to employees. And an incr in any fee at th tie is something th ou ind an the make cat hadle:. A July 2007 st cond by th Naton Assoiaon of homebuiders idenfi an $&00 Ìlcr in in co on a ho coun to a $1000 ÌDçrea in the pñce of the home. An th in the Treas Valley tht $100 incr lea to 293 people be prce out of pW'hasin& the ho. I undes1 th impoe of ¡rwt paying its equitable sh. Howev due to th ef th th prpo Idah Powe G'd ISB1SESBOG Jìì sa r ~~ado~d ~e~swaÐ WdlS:E BOOG 01 oaa Dec 10 2008 4: 32PM Gemstar Propert i es LLC 2089391851 p. 1 -.. modficatons ha on hone afordabilty I mus also ask ba Ida Powe also ma th sae toug deions as our memb have in regads to st an buge cuks? I th you for your serice an for th du tht th IPC peorms. I once ag ask you for a tie extion in:rga to the petion to inte deade. An stess the importce of ths applicaon an th ef th it could ha if apved. Sincely, i:ø./- Gemsta Pres, LLC Bellngham Pak, LLC Steve Schmdt. Member Jeff Hebe Member Lloyd Glgow, Membe t... Mel issa Bernard", ~ __AA' 208-745-7273 p.3/~. ~"'14 Aiif. tl7t) l/..- ~r~I;RMliß!5 F ~ Building Value in Each Community One Propert at a TIme. LandMark Development Properties, LLC 3894 East 200 North Rigby ID. 83442 C-Ir-_=to-:ig::i nO0:23:03 -0 3:r-- :E (jZ~ Ci(j ç gCDorrci ;0mo(' F:*~'l-" December i 0, 2008 oz Idaho Public Utilties Commssion POBox 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Attention:President Mack A. Redford Commssioner Marha H. Smith Commissioner Jim D. Kempton Dear Commissioners: I am contacting you concering !PUC Case Number IPC-E-08-22, Idaho Power's application to modify their Rule H Tarff I am very concerned with the possible impacts of the proposed modifications upon the development industr as well as the timing in which they are being brought about. First, the maner in which the timing and processing of the application has proceeded is concerning to me. I became aware of the order for notice of intervention at a very late date in the process and request an extension of the i 4 day timeline for all paries to fie petitions to intervene. By publishing the order on the day before a 4 day holiday weekend, the timeline for notification and action by all interested pares was severely dimiished. Please do not rush such an importt application through the process but allow the public to be served by allowing suffcient time for notification and response. Second, the approval of Idao Powers application as proposed wil create an undue hardship upon an industr that has been strggling for life for over a year. The removal of the $800 per lot refund that developers receive will put into jeopardy the viability ofprojects that have aleady been approved and ficing secured based upon the expectation of a per lot refud. In the tight credit market we are seeing today, this change can have great repercussions. Phone 208.745.0070 . F~lX 208.745.7979 . info(§landmarkdevelopers.org. ww.landmarkdevelopers.org Me 1 i ssa Bernard 208-745-7273 p.4 December 10, 2008 Page 2 Third, I recognize the hardships that Idaho Power faces in providing servces in a time of increasing power demands. However, we also ask that it be recognized that the building/development industr is also a vital par of our economy that has been strggling for some time. Many of the businesses in our industr have had to layoff staff and fore go wage increases to employees. And an increase in any fees at this time is something that our industry and the market can not handle. A July 2007 study conducted by the National Association of homebuilders identified an $800 increase in initial cost on a home compounds to a $1000 increase in the price of the home. And that in the Treasure Valley that $1000 increase leads to 293 people being priced out of purchasing the home. I understad the importance of growth paying its equitable share. However due to the effect that the proposed Idaho Power modifications has on home affordability I must also ask has Idao Power also made the same tough decisions as our member have in regards to staffng and budgetary cutbacks? I thank you for your service and for the duty that the IPUC performs. I once again ask you for a time extension in regards to the petition to intervene deadline. And stress the importce of this application and the effects that it could have if approved. Sincerely, (--_... .. ./)/7/) ,...-.....-=~7 "/ß-C?~~'----=.. - ~/......--_. ..~ Melissa R. Bernard, Member /~/(_. ----" ., ~ ~ Me 1 i ssa Bernard ~ /JIII/Or' v"f A,V. 208-745-7273/r;~. i rf p. 1 -=~~.~ December 10, 2008 . Attention:President Mack A. Redford Commssioner Marha H. Smith Commissioner Jim D. Kempton ~ilwr Crft Cn~trmtwn C~.i In~i Jc-lr_-0-l);m'"w-0° 00-0$:.~ š:.;"...... eEo (/11 atc:CDori(";0m('rn Idaho Public Utilities Commission PO Box 83720 Boise, il 83720-0074 -0:: Cf ;.: Dear Commissioner: .-.\,...i'2: .rN I am contacting you concerng IPUC Case Numbers IPC-E-08-22, Idaho Power's application to modify their Rule H Tarff I am very concerned with the possible impacts ofthe proposed modifications upon the development industr as well as the timing in which they are being brought about. First, the manner in which the timing and processing of the application has proceeded is concerning to me. I became aware of the order for notice of intervention at a very late date in the process and request an extension of the 14 day timeline for all paries to file petitions to intervene. By publishing the order on the day before a 4 day holiday weekend, the timeline for notification and action by all interested paries was severely diminished. Please do not rush such an important application though the process but allow the public to be sered by allowing sufficient time for notification and response. Second, the approval of Idaho Powers application as proposed wil create an undue hardship upon an industry that has been strggling for life for over a year. The removal of the $800 per lot refund that developers receive will put into jeopardy the viability of projects that have already been approved and financing secured based upon the expectation of a per lot refund. In the tight credit market we are seeing today, this change can have great repercussions. 3894 E.200 N. - RjØ~1 il 83442 Office: (208)745-7099 - Fax: (208) 745-7979 - e-mail: silvercklwmSl1.com lVW"I .sil vercreekcol1structiol1.com Me 1 i ssa Bernard 208-745-7273 p.2 December 10, 2008 Page 2 Third, I recognze the hardships that Idaho Power faces in providing serices in a time of increasing power demands. However, we also ask that it be recognzed that the building/development industr is also a vital part of our economy that has been strggling for some time. Many ofthe businesses in our industr have had to layoff staff and fore go wage increases to employees. And an increase in any fees at this time is something tht our industry and the market can not handle. A July 2007 study conducted by the National Association of homebuilders identified an $800 increase in initial cost on a home compounds to a $ i 000 increase in the price ofthe home. And that in the Treasure Valley that $ 1000 increase leads to 293 people being priced out of purchasing the home. I understand the importance of growth paying its equitable share. However due to the effect that the proposed Idaho Power modifications has on home affordability I must also ask has Idaho Power also made the same tough decisions as our members have in regards to staffng and budgetary cutbacks? I tha you for your serjce and for the duty that the !PUC pedorms. I once again ask you for a time extension in regards to the petition to intervene deadline. And stress the importance of this application and the effects that it could have if approved. Sincerely,/ji ! --"/! ¡ / -! ~-). '.. ~~. l ..,ç. " ~ J¡GBemard, President //~ c'. ..i''-.. 12-11-0S;10:32AM;; Sky line Compan i es # 2/ 9 /,L A;1i1' ~~vr. ¡j.Ai.~ íH December 10, 2008 Idaho Public Utilities Commssion POBox 83720 Boise,ID 83720-0074 Attention:President Mack A. Redford Commissioner Marsha H. Smith Commssioner Jim D. Kempton Dea Commssioners: I am contacting you concernng IPUC Case Numbers IPC-E-08-22, Idaho Power's application to modify their Rule H Tariff. I am very concered with the possible impacts of the proposedmodications upon the development industr as well as the timing in wluch they are being brought about. First, the maer in wluch the timing and processing of the application ha proceeded is concerng to me. I became aware of the order for notice of intervention at a very late date in the process and request an extension of the 14 day timeline for all pares to fie petitions to intervene. By publishig the order on the day before a 4 day holiday weekend, the tieline for notification and action by all interested pares was severely dimnished. Please do not ru such an important application though the process but allow the public to be served by alowig suffcient time for notification and response. Second, the approval of Idaho Powers application as proposed wil create an tudue hardslup upon an industr that has been strggling for life for over a year. The removal of the $800 per lot refud that developers receive wil put into jeopardy the viabilty of projects that have already ben approved and financing secured based upon the expectation of a per lot refud. In the tight credit market we are seeing today, ths change can have great repercussions. Thd, I recognze the hardships that Idaho Power faces in providing services in a tie of increasing power demands. However, we also ask tht it be recognized that the buildig/development industry is also a vita part of our economy that has been stgglin for some time. Many of the businesses in our industr have had to layoff sta and fore go wage increases to employees. And an increase in any fees at ths time is something that our industr and the market can not handle. A July 2007 study conducted by the National Association of homebuilders identified an $800 increase in initial cost on a home compounds to a $1000 increase in the price of the home. And tht in the Treasure Valley that $1000 increase leads to 293 people being priced out of purchasing the home. I understand the importance of growt paying its equitable share. However due to the effect that the proposed Idaho Power 12-11 -08; 10: 32AM;; Sky line Compan i es # 3/ 9 modifications ha on home affordabilty I must also ask has Idaho Power also made the same tough decisions as our members have in regards to stafng and budgeta cutbacks? I than you for your service and for the duty tht the IPUC performs. I once agai ask you for a time extension in regards to the petition to intervene deadline. And stress the importce of th application and the effects that it could have if approved. Sincerly,~/J Edward A. Johnon 5330 Farow St. Boise, Idaho 83713 (. ~.~I~~'~~~_ß¿ ~ 12-11-08; 10: 32AM;; Sky line Compan i es # 4/ 9 December 10. 2008 Idaho Public Utilities Commission POBox 83720 Boise.ID 83720-0074 Attention:President Mack A. Redford Commissioner Marsha H. Smith Commssioner Jim D. Kempton Dear Commssioners: I am contacting you concernng IPUC Case Numbers IPC-E-08-22, Idaho Power's application to modif their Rule H Tariff. I am very concerned with the possible impacts of the proposed modications upon the development industry as well as the timing in which they are being brought about. First, the maner in which the timing and processing of the application has proceeded is concernig to me. I became aware of the order for notice of intervention at a ver late date in the process and request an extension of the 14 day timelie for all paries to file petitions to intervene. By publishig the order on the day before a 4 day holiday weekend. the timeline for notification and action by all interested pares was severely diminshed. Please do not rush such an important application tlough the process but allow the public to be served by allowing sufcient time for notification and response. Second, the approval of Idaho Powers application as proposed will create an undue hardsp upon an industr tht has been strggling for life for over a year. The removal of the $800 per lot refud that developers receive wil put into jeopardy the viabilty of projects that have already been approved and financing secured based upon the expectation of a per lot refud. In the tight credit market we ar seeing today, this chage can have great repercussions. Thid, I recogne the hadships that Idaho Power faces in providing services in a time of increasing power demads. However, we also ask that it be recognized tht the buildig/development industry is also a vita par of our economy that has been strggling for some tie. Many of the businesses in our industry have had to layoff staff and fore go wage increases to employees. And an increase in any fees at this time is somethng that our indust and the market can not handle. A July 2007 study conducted by the Nationa Association of homebuilders identified an $800 increase in initial cost on a home compounds to a $ i 000 increase in the price of the home. And that in the Treasure Valley that $ i 000 increase leads to 293 people being priced out of purchasing the home. I understand the importance of growt payig its equitable shar. However due to the effect that the proposed Idaho Power 12~11-08;10:32AM;; Sky line Compan i es # 5/ 9 modifications has on home afordabilty I must also ask has Idaho Power also made the same toug decisions as our members have in regards to staffing and budgetay cutbacks? I than you for your service and for the duty that the IPUC performs. I once agai ask you for a time extension in regards to the petition to intervene deadline. And stress the importce of ths application and the effects that it could have if approved. Sincerely,~ß~ Samuel Johnson 5572 N. Mendelson Meridian, Idaho 83646 12-11-08; 10:32AM;;Skyl ine Companies # 6/ 9 December 10,2008 Idao Public Utilities Commission PO Box 83720 Boise, il 83720-0074 Attention:President Mack A. Redford Commssioner Marsha H. Smith Commssioner Jim D. Kempton Dea Commssioners: I am contacting you concerng IPUC Case Numbers IPC-E-08-22, Idao Power's application to modify their Rule H Tarff. I am very concerned with the possible impacts of the proposedmodifications upon the development industr as well as the timing in which they ar being brought about. First, the maner in which the timing and processing of the application has proceeed is concerning to me. I becae aware of the order for notice of intervention at a very late date in the process and request an extension of the 14 day tieline for all pares to file pettions to intervene. By publishig the order on the day before a 4 day holiday weekend, the timeline for notification and action by all interested paries was severely diminished. Please do not ru such an important application though the process but allow the public to be served by allowig sufcient time for notification and response. Second, the approval ofIdaho Powers application as proposed wil create an undue hardship upon an industry that has been strggling for life for over a year. The removal of the $800 per lot refud tht developers receive will put into jeopardy the viabilty of projects that have alreay been approved and fincing secured based upon the expectation of a per lot refud. In the tight credit market we are seeing today, ths change can have grat repercussions. Third, I recogne the hardships that Idaho Power faces in providing serces in a tie of increasing power demands. However, we also ask that it be recognzed tht the building/development industry is also a vita part of our economy tht has been strggling for some time. Many of the businesses in our industr have had to layoff staff and fore go wage increaes to employees. And an increase in any fees at this time is somethg that our industy and the market can not handle. A July 2007 study conducted by the NationalAssociatioii of homebuilders identified an $800 increase in initial cost on a home compounds to a $1000 increase in the price of the home. And that in the Treasure Valley that $1000 incree leads to 293 people being priced out of purchasing the home. I understad the impoiiance of growt paying its equitable share. However due to the effect that the proposed Idaho Power 12-11-0S;10:32AM;;Skyl ine Companies # 7/ 9 modifications has on home afordabilty I must also ask has Idaho Power also made the same tough decisions as our members have in regards to stafg and budgetar cutbacks? I than you for your service and for the duty tht the IPUC performs. I once agai ask you for a time extension in regards to the petition to intervene deadline. And stress the importance of ths application and the effects that it could have if approved. Sincerely, Tucke . Johnson 12828 W. laSalle St., Ste 100 Boise, Idaho 83713 12~11-08;10;32AM;;Skyl ine Companies # 8/ 9 December 10, 2008 Idaho Public Utilities Commission POBox 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Attention:President Mack A. Redford Commissioner Marsha H. Smith Commssioner Jim D. Kempton Dear Commssioners: I am contactg you concerning IPUC Case Numbers IPC-E-08-22, Idaho Power's application to modify their Rule H Tarff I am very concerned with the possible impacts of the proposed modifications upon the development indust as well as the tiing in which they are being brought about. First, the maner in which the timing and processing of the application has proceeded is conceg to me. I became aware of the order for notice of intervention at a very late date in the process and request an extension of the 14 day timeline for all paries to file petitions to intervene. By publishig the order on the day before a 4 day holiday weekend, the timeline for notification and action by all interested pares was severely diminished. Please do not ru such an importt application though the process but allow the public to be served by alowig suffcient time for notification and response. Second, the approval ofIdaho Powers application as proposed will create an undue hadshp upon an industr that has been strggling for life for over a year. The removal of the $800 perlot refud that developers receive wil put into jeopardy the viabilty of projects that have alrey been approved and financing secured based upon the expectation of a per lot refud. In the tight credit market we are seeing today, this change can have great repercussions. Thd, I recognze the hardships that Idaho Power faces in providing services in a time of increasing power demands. However, we also ask that it be recognized tht the building/development industry is also a vital par of our economy that has been strggling for some time. Many of the businesses in our industry have had to layoff sta and fore go wage increases to employees. And an increase in any fees at ths tie is somethig tht our industr and the market can not handle. A July 2007 study conducted by the National Association of homebuilders identified an $800 increase in initial cost on a home compounds to a $1000 increase in the price of the home. And that in the Treasure Valley that $1000 increase leads to 293 people being priced out of purchasing the home. I understand the importance of growt paying its equitable share. However due to the effect that the proposed Idaho Power 12-11-08; 10:32AM;; Sky ¡ j ne Compan j es # 9/ 9 modifications has on home afordabilty I must also ask has Idaho Power also made the same tough decisions as our members have in regards to stafng and budgetar cutbacks? I th you for your servce and for the duty that the IPUC performs. I once aga as you for a tie extension in regards to the petition to intervene deadline. And stress the importance of ths application and the effects that it could have if approved. Sincerely,~ Tyler Johnson 10764 W. Dason Ct. Boise, Idaho 83713 12-11-08; 10: 32AM; TO: COMPANY: FAX#: FROM: DATE:, ., . ;Skyl ine Companies # 1/ 9 S~llne 12828 i; LaSalle St Ste. 100 Boise, Idaho 83713 (208)377-4104 FAX (208)376-6908 FAX COVER SHEET PuC 3 ?JLl- 3 lLD L -r u. l~ it larl ti -¿~--)(# OF PAGES (including cover): SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: i ,/LL.~. ~l/dDt/d~ 1~ Jean Jewell vl~.~ tfi From: Sent: To: Subject: mike~lndpro.com Wednesday, December 10, 2008 9:58 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Mike Harris follows: --- - - - - --- --- --- -- - - - --- - - -- - - - - - --- Case Number: Name: Mike Harris Address: 2364 S TITANIUM PL City: MERIDIAN State: ID Zip: 83642 Daytime Telephone: 208 895 8858 Contact E-Mail: mike~lndpro.com Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Add to Mailing List: .!! Please describe your comment briefly: Dear Commissioners: I am contacting you concerning IPUC Case Numbers IPC-E-08-22, Idaho Power's application to modify their Rule H Tariff. I am very concerned with the possible impacts of the proposed modifications upon the development industry as well as the timing in which they are being brought about. First, the manner in which the timing and processing of the application has proceeded is concerning to me. I became aware of the order for notice of intervention at a very late date in the process and request an extension of the 14 day timeline for all parties to file petitions to intervene. By publishing the order on the day before a 4 day holiday weekend, the timeline for notification and action by all interested parties was severely diminished. Please do not rush such an important application through the process but allow the public to be served by allowing sufficient time for notification and response. Second, the approval of Idaho Powers application as proposed will create an undue hardship upon an industry that has been struggling for life for over a year. The removal of the $800 per lot refund that developers receive will put into jeopardy the viability of projects that have already been approved and financing secured based upon the expectation of a per lot refund. In the tight credit market we are seeing today, this change can have great repercussions. Third, I recognize the hardships that Idaho Power faces in providing services in a time of increasing power demands. However, we also ask that it be recognized that the building/development industry is also a vi tal part of our economy that has been struggling for some time. Many of the businesses in our industry have had to layoff staff and fore go wage increases to employees. And an increase in any fees at this time is something that our industry and the market can not handle. A July 2007 study conducted by the National Association of homebuilders identified an $800 increase in initial cost on a home compounds to a $1000 increase in the price of the home. And that in the Treasure Valley that $1000 increase leads to 293 people being priced out of purchasing the home. I understand the importance of growth paying its equitable share. However due to the effect that the proposed Idaho Power modifications has on home affordability I must also ask has Idaho Power also made the same tough decisions as our members have in regards to staffing and budgetary cutbacks? i I thank you for your service and for the duty that the IPUC performs. I once again ask you for a time extension in regards to the petition to intervene deadline. And stress the importance of this application and the effects that it could have if approved. The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov Iforms/ipucl/ipuc. html IP address is 2 /~"I'~ Jean Jewell Ý1o~.4 rli From: Sent: To: Subject: hearland~cableone.net Wednesday, December 10,20089:57 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from John Laude follows: Case Number: Name: John Laude Address: 2364 S TITANIUM PL City: MERIDIAN State: ID Zip: 83642 Daytime Telephone: 208 895 8858 Contact E-Mail: hearland~cableone.net Name o~ Utility Company: Idaho Power Add to Mailing List: ~ Please describe your comment briefly: Dear Commissioners: I am contacting you concerning IPUC Case Numbers IPC-E-08-22~ Idaho Power~s application to modify their Rule H Tariff. I am very concerned with the possible impacts of the proposed modifications upon the development industry as well as the timing in which they are being brought i:bout. First~ the manner in which the timing and processing of the application has proceeded is concerning to me. I became aware of the order for notice of intervention at a very late date in the process and request an extension of the 14 day timeline for all parties to file petitions to intervene. By publishing the order on the day before a 4 day holiday weekend~ the timeline for notification and action by all interested parties was severely diminished. Please do not rush such an important application through the process but allow the public to be served by allowing sufficient time for notification and response. Second, the approval of Idaho Powers application as proposed will create an undue hardship upon an industry that has been struggling for life for over a year. The removal of the $800 per lot refund that developers receive will put into jeopardy the viability of projects that have already been approved and financing secured based upon the expectation of a per lot refund. In the tight credit market we are seeing today ~ this change can have great repercussions. Third, I recognize the hardships that Idaho Power faces in providing services in a time of increasing power demands. However ~ we also ask that it be recognized that the building/development industry is also a vital part of our economy that has been struggling for some time. Many of the businesses in our industry have had to layoff staff and fore go wage increases to employees. And an increase in any fees at this time is something that our industry and the market can not handle. A July 2007 study conducted by the National Association of homebuilders identified an $800 increase in initial cost on a home compounds to a $1000 increase in the price of the home. And that in the Treasure Valley that $1000 increase leads to 293 people being priced out of purchasing the home. I understand the importance of growth paying its equitable share. However due to the effect that the proposed Idaho Power modifications has on home affordabili ty I must also ask has Idaho Power also made the same tough decisions as our members have in regards to staffing and budgetary cutbacks? 1 I thank you for your service and for the duty that the IPUC performs. I once again ask you for a time extension in regards to the petition to intervene deadline. And stress the importance of this application and the effects that it could have if approved. The form submitted on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuc1/ipuc.html IP address is 2 /~.~/(/O(l~ Jean Jewell ilf;~' · tli From: Sent: To: Subject: kevincælndpro.com Wednesday, December 10, 2008 9:57 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Kevin Amar follows: Case Number: Name: Kevin Amar Address: 2364 S TITANIUM PL City: MERIDIAN State: ID Zip: 83642 Daytime Telephone: 208 895 8858 Contact E-Mail: kevin~lndpro.com Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Add to Mailing List: no- Please describe your comment briefly: Dear Commissioners: I am contacting you concerning IPUC Case Numbèrs IPC-E-08-22, Idaho Power's application to modify their Rule H Tariff. I am very concerned with the possible impacts of the proposed modifications upon the development industry as well as the timing in which they are being brought about. First, the manner in which the timing and processing of the application has proceeded is concerning to me. I became aware of the order for notice of intervention at a very late date in the process and request an extension of the 14 day timeline for all parties to file petitions to intervene. By publishing the order on the day before a 4 day holiday weekend, the timeline for notification and action by all interested parties was severely diminished. Please do not rush such an important application through the process but allow the public to be served by allowing sufficient time for notification and response. Second, the approval of Idaho Powers application as proposed will create an undue hardship upon an industry that has been struggling for life for over a year. The removal of the $800 per lot refund that developers receive will put into jeopardy the viability of projects that have already been approved and financing secured based upon the expectation of a per lot refund. In the tight credit market we are seeing today, this change can have great repercussions. Third, I recognize the hardships that Idaho Power faces in providing services in a time of increasing power demands. However, we also ask that it be recognized that the building/development industry is also a vi tal part of our economy that has been struggling for some time. Many of the businesses in our industry have had to layoff staff and fore go wage increases to employees. And an increase in any fees at this time is something that our industry and the market can not handle. A July 2007 study conducted by the National Association of homebuilders identified an $800 increase in initial cost on a home compounds to a $1000 increase in the price of the home. And that in the Treasure Valley that $1000 increase leads to 293 people being priced out of purchasing the home. I understand the importance of growth paying its equitable share. However due to the effect that the proposed Idaho Power modifications has on home affordabili ty I must also ask has Idaho Power also made the same tough decisions as our members have in regards to staffing and budgetary cutbacks? i I thank you for your service and for the duty that the IPUC performs. I once again ask you for a time extension in regards to the petition to intervene deadline. And stress the importance of this application and the effects that it could have if approved. The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov Iforms/ipucl/ipuc. html IP address is 2e9 .161. 26 .198 2 iI~iilQY Jean Jewell t/1: ~. rtf From: Sent: To: Subject: shawn~lndpro.com Wednesday, December 10, 20089:57 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Shawn Brownlee follows: - - ------ ----- - - -- - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - -- Case Number: Name: Shawn Brownlee Address: 2364 S TITANIUM PL City: MERIDIAN State: ID Zip: 83642 Daytime Telephone: 2Ø8 895 8858 Contact E-Mail: shawn~lndpro.com Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Add to Mailing List: ~ Please describe your comment briefly: Dear Commissioners: I am contacting you concerning IPUC Case Numbers IPC-E-Ø8-22, Idaho Power's application to modify their Rule H Tariff. I am very concerned with the possible impacts of the proposed modifications upon the development industry as well as the timing in which they are being brought about. First, the manner in which the timing and processing of the application has proceeded is concerning to me. I became aware of the order for notice of intervention at a very late date in the process and request an extension of the 14 day timeline for all parties to file petitions to intervene. By publishing the order on the day before a 4 day holiday weekend, the timeline for notification and action by all interested parties was severely diminished. Please do not rush such an important application through the process but allow the public to be served by allowing sufficient time for notification and response. Second, the approval of Idaho Powers application as proposed will create an undue hardship upon an industry that has been struggling for life for over a year. The removal of the $8ØØ per lot refund that developers receive will put into jeopardy the viability of projects that have already been approved and financing secured based upon the expectation of a per lot refund. In the tight credit market we are seeing today, this change can have great repercussions. Third, I recognize the hardships that Idaho Power faces in providing services in a time of increasing power demands . However, we also ask that it be recognized that the building/ development industry is also a vital part of our economy that has been struggling for some time. Many of the businesses in our industry have had to layoff staff and fore go wage increases to employees. And an increase in any fees at this time is something that our industry and the market can not handle. A July 2ØØi study conducted by the National Association of homebuilders identified an $8ØØ increase in initial cost on a home compounds to a $1ØØØ increase in the price of the home. And that in the Treasure Valley that $1ØØØ increase leads to 293 people being priced out of purchasing the home. I understand the importånce of growth paying its equitable share. However due to the effect that the proposed Idaho Power modifications has on home affordability I must also ask has Idaho Power .also made the same tough decisions as our members have in regards to staffing and budgetary cutbacks? 1 I thank you for your service and for the duty that the IPUC performs. I once again ask you for a time extension in regards to the petition to intervene deadline. And stress the importance of this application and the effects that it could have if approved. The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov Iforms/ipucl/ipuc. html IP address is 2 cI~'~llJOrl JeanJeWelr v/i¡''I ~. ; ¡,l From: Sent: To: Subject: ashley(Çlndpro. com Wednesday, December 10, 20089:56 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Ashley Clark follows: Case Number: Name: Ashley Clark Address: 2364 S TITANIUM PL City: MERIDIAN State: ID Zip: 83642 Daytime Telephone: 208 895 8858 Contact E-Mail: ashle~lndpro.com Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Add to Mailing List: no-- Please describe your comment briefly: Dear Commissioners: I am contacting you concerning IPUC Case Numbers IPC-E-08-22, Idaho Power's application to modify their Rule H Tariff. I am very concerned with the possible impacts of the proposed modifications upon the development industry as well as the timing in which they are being brought about. First, the manner in which the timing and processing of the application has proceeded is concerning to me. I became aware of the order for notice of intervention at a very late date in the process and request an extension of the 14 day timeline for all parties to file petitions to intervene. By publishing the order on the day before a 4 day holiday weekend, the timeline for notification and action by all interested parties was severely diminished. Please do not rush such an important application through the process but allow the public to be served by allowing sufficient time for notification and response. Second, the approval of Idaho Powers application as proposed will create an undue hardship upon an industry that has been struggling for life for over a year. The removal of the $800 per lot refund that developers receive will put into jeopardy the viability of projects that have already been approved and financing secured based upon the expectation of a per lot refund. In the tight credit market we are seeing today, this change can have great repercussions. Third, I recognize the hardships that Idaho Power faces in providing services in a time of increasing power demands. However, we also ask that it be recognized that the building/development industry is also a vi tal part of our economy that has been struggling for some time. Many of the businesses in our industry have had to layoff staff and fore go wage increases to employees. And an increase in any fees at this time is something that our industry and the market can not handle. A July 2007 study conducted by the National Association of homebuilders identified an $800 increase in initial cost on a home compounds to a $1000 increase in the price of the home. And that in the Treasure Valley that $1000 increase leads to 293 people being priced out of purchasing the home. I understand the importance of growth paying its equitable share. However due to the effect that the proposed Idaho Power modifications has on home affordabili ty I must also ask has Idaho Power also made the same tough decisions as our members have in regards to staffing and budgetary cutbacks? 1 I thank you for your service and for the duty that the IPUC performs. I once again ask you for a time extension in regards to the petition to intervene deadline. And stress the importance of this application and the effects that it could have if approved. The form submitted on http://www . PUC. idaho. gov Iforms/ipuc1/ipuc. html IP address is 2 /~I,log Jean Jewell /í/~' r If From: Sent: To: Subject: dave(Çlndpro.com Wednesday, December 10, 20089:56 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from David LaBrie follows: Case Number: Name: David LaBrie Address: 2364 S TITANIUM PL City: MERIDIAN State: ID Zip: 83642 Daytime Telephone: 208 895 8858 Contact E-Mail: dave~lndpro.com Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Add to Mailing List: no Please describe your comment briefly: Dear Commissioners: I am contacting you concerning IPUC Case Numbers IPC-E-08-22, Idaho Power's application to modify their Rule H Tariff. I am very concerned with the possible impacts of the proposed modifications upon the development industry as well as the timing in which they are being brought about. First, the manner in which the timing and processing of the application has proceeded is concerning to me. I became aware of the order for notice of intervention at a very late date in the process and request an extension of the 14 day timeline for all parties to file petitions to intervene. By publishing the order on the day before a 4 day holiday weekend, the timeline for notification and action by all interested parties was severely diminished. Please do not rush such an important application through the process but allow the public to be served by allowing sufficient time for notification and response. Second, the approval of Idaho Powers application as proposed will create an undue hardship upon an industry that has been struggling for life for over a year. The removal of the $800 per lot refund that developers receive will put into jeopardy the viability of projects that have already been approved and financing secured based upon the expectation of a per lot refund. In the tight credit market we are seeing today, this change can have great repercussions. Third, I recognize the hardships that Idaho Power faces in providing serviçes in a time of increasing power demands. However, we also ask that it be recognized that the building/development industry is also a vi tal part of our economy that has been struggling for some time. Many of the businesses in our industry have had to layoff staff and fore go wage increases to employees. And an increase ~n any fees at this time is something that our industry and the market can not handle. A July 2007 study conducted by the National Association of homebuilders identified an $800 increase in initial cost on a home compounds to a $1000 increase in the price of the home. And that in the Treasure Valley that $1000 increase leads to 293 people being priced out of purchasing the home. I understand the importance of growth paying its equitable share. However due to the effect that the proposed Idaho Power modifications has on home affordabili ty I must also ask has Idaho Power also made the same tough decisions as our members have in regards to staffing and budgetary cutbacks? 1 I thank you for your service and for the duty that the IPUC performs. I once again ask you for a time extension in regards to the petition to intervene deadline. And stress the importance of this application and the effects that it could have if approved. The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov Iforms/ipucl/ipuc. html IP address is 2