HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081210Comments.pdfIf ¡fY. BCASWI¡/'f ~.j tl PAGE 02/03 BUILDING CONTRACTORSAsSOCIATIQN OF SOUTHWESTERN IDAHO, INC. 6206 N. Discovery W.l. Suite ABoise. Idcllio 83713 --"'(2081377-3550 t:NA (2081377-3553 fclX ~Nl!l.r.AoDO""Of (lobi'N1H Website: ww.bcaswl.org E-mail: bc.0)heri¡¡gewm~com"A Tradition of Building Exçellence for Over 50 Years" December 9, 2008 President Mack A. Redford Commissioner Marsha H. Smith Commissioner Jim D. Kempton c:::.-10m~Cf-4oO_"~i ~(:: ::C:J ::5_1'" :z (J)(":¡ \f (1) s; ~,~'''' ..c:c:c:ofT(";0m("m Idaho Public Utilities Commission PO Box 83720 Boise, il 83720-0074 Attention:o i,~".,i Dear Commissioners: On behalf of the Building Con.tractors Association of Southwest em Idaho (BCASWl) I am contacting you concerning IPUC Case Number IPC~E-08~22, Idaho Powcrlg application to modify their Rule H Tariff. The BCASWI is very concerned with the possible impacts ufthe proposed modifications upon the development industr as well as the timing in which they are being brought about. . First, we are conc-erned with the timing and processing of the applica.tìoii. We became aware of the order for notice of interention at a ver late date in the process and request an extension of the 14 day timelîne for an parties to file petitions to intervene. By publishing the order on the day before a 4 day holiday weekend, the timeHnc for notlfication and action by aU interested paries was severely diminished. Please do not rush such an important application through the process but allow the public to be served by allowing sufficient time for notification and response. Second, the approval ofIdaho Powers application as proposed wí1 create an undue hardship upon an industry that has beet'! strggling for life for over a year. The removal ofthe $800 per lot refund that developer receive wil put into jeopardy the viabilty of projects that have aJready been approved and financing secured based upon the expectation of a per lot refund. In the tight credit market we aTe seeing today, ths change can have great repercussions. Third, we recognh:e the hardships that Idaho Power faces in providing services in a time of increaing power demands. However, we a.lso ask that it be recognized that the building/development industry is also a vital part of our economy that has been stniggHng for some time. Many of the businesses in our industr have had to layoff statt and fore go wage increases to employees. And an increase in any fees at this time is something that our industry and the market can not handle. A July 2007 study conducted by the National Association of homebuilders identified an $800 increase in initial cost on a home compounds to a $1000 increase in the pJice ofthe home. And that iii the Treasure Valley that$lOOO increase leads to 293 people being' priced out of purchasing the home. We understand the importance of growth 12/10/2008 22: 15 2083773553 BCASWI PAGE 03/03 paying its equitable share. However due to the effect that the proposed Idaho Power modifications has on home affordabilty we must also ask has Idaho Power also made the same tough decisions as our members have in. regars to staffing and budgetary cutbacks? We thank you for your service and for the duty that the IPUC perfonns. We once again ask you for a time extension in regai-ds to the petition to interene deadline. J f you have any questions you can can me, or our Govermental Affairs Director, Joe Kunz at 377-3550. Sincerely, ~,,"."._'--~~'.~7.. ..' .. ..._~~..,~.-=~ .._~... ---. -_. ~ -- -. .... -. .=: Steve Martinez, President Building Contractors AS5ociatìol1 of Southwestern Idaho Dec 10 2008 10: 29AM Spr i ngcreek Deve i opment C 2089389009 p. 1 'i~~vl'V AA.V' ,/~~. ,. :AL.1 polro~ ~TI gm RECEIVED L008 DEC I 0 Aft II: 57 IDAHO PU i'" UTILITIES CO ¡~SION December 10, 2008 President Mack A. Redford Commissioner Marsha H. Smith Commissioner Jim D. Kempton Idaho Public Utiities Commssion Dear Commissioners, I wrte regarding Idao Power's application to alter its rates under IPUC Case No. IPC ~ E - 08 - 22. My understading is that Idao Power proposes to increase the cost for line service instalaton, eliminate the curent $800 per lot refud on subdivisions and reduce vested interest refunds from a 5 year to a 4 year period. Idaho Power's proposals are cloaked in the rubric of making ..growt pay for itself'. With all due respec, I believe this to be a sham. While I have no doubt tht the proposed changes would benefit Idaho Power and its sharholders, these changes would be substantially harmful to the real estate development and home constrction industr. At a time when ths critical industr is under siege, severely depresed and its members struggling for economic surival, ths is clearly the wrong time to impose additional costs on real estte development and home constrction. In paricular, I am offended by the proposed sudden total elimination of the $800 lot refud. Many projects are already entitled and in some cases built, with the justified expectation that the $800 refud would be paid as lots are sold. At a minmum, any chae in the lot refud (if any change is justified at all) should occur gradually (as oppose to going frm $800 to zero all at once) and should recognze vested rights, grandfathering in any projects which are already entitled through the preliminar plat stage. Than you for your consideration and servce. ~ç'~ Donald E. Knickrehm Managing Member .. Parad.. J2evelopmenh- LLC ____ Paradigm Develment 229 W. River Meadow Dr. Eagle, 10 83616 TeL. (208) 867.7284 Fax. (208) 938~1665 Dec 09 08 05:28p NEMEC CONSTRUCTION COM PANII ~161" ('( II,V. Nil 2088537600vr~. i (- J p.2 NEMEC CONSTRUCTION COMPAN 9167 W. State 81. * Boise, Id. 83714 Phone: (208) 853-7200 Fax: (208) 853-7600 RCE-I December 9, 200 Idao Public Utilties Commission POBox 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 c;:c--to-::m_(l-Lo("-n 0Of': 3:-7; i:~-:f :: CJ(") \.(¿') ..I am contacting you concerning IPUC Case Nwnbers IPC-E-08-22, Idaho Power's application to~odify ~ thir Rule H Tarff I am very concerned with the possible impact of the proposed modificationS'"tpon thedevelopment indutr as well as the timing in which they are being brought abut. Attention:Prsident Mack A. Redford Commissioner Marha H. Smith Commissioner Jim D. Kempton ..gc:to~;0mnm Dear Commissioners: "'''''".,.."..J First, the maner in which the timig and prossing of th aplication ha proceeded is COcengto me.I bece awar of the orr for notice of intervention at a very late dae in the process and request an exension of the 14 day tieline for all paries to fie petitions to interve. By publíshing the order on the day before a 4 day holiday weekend, th timeline for notifcaon an action by all inerested paes wa severely diminished. Please do not rush such an impot application thrugh the process but allow the pulic to be served by allowing suffcient tie for notification and response. Second, the approval ofIdao Powers application as proposed wil create an undue hardship upn an indust that ha been strggling for life for over a year. The removal of the $800 per lot refund thatdevelops receive wil PUt into jeopardy the viabilty of projects that have alrady been approved andfinacing secured based upon the expecttion ora per lot refud. In the tight cred maket we are seeing today, this change can have great repercussions. Third, I recognize the hardships that Idaho Power faces in providing services in a time of increaing power demds. However, we also ask th it be regnized that the building/development indii is also a vita pa of our ecnomy that has been strggling for some tie. Many of the businesses in our indust have had to layoff staff and fore go wage increa to employees. And an increase in any fees at this time is someting that our industr and the market can not handle. A July 2007 study conducted by the National Asociation of homebuilders identified an $800 increae in inital cost on a home compounds to a $100 incras in the price oftle home. An that in the Treure Valley that $1000 increas leads to 293 people being priced out of purchasing th home. I understand th importnce of growth paying its equitable share. However due to the effect that the proposd Idaho Power modifications has on home afordabilit I mus also ask has Idao Power als made the same tough decisions as our members have in regads to staffmg and budgeta cutbcks? I than YOll for your service and for the duty that the IPUC perorms. I once again ask you for a time extnsion in regas to the petition to intervene dedline. And stres the importce oftbis application and the effects tht it could bave if appoved. Sincer Sent By: The Legend Co.; /~ A-~::Ítol ÓÝ~ 2088530053 ; 1"1: fiJI. Dec-9-08 5:49PM;10~' 1 H Page 2 RECEIVED 2808 DEC lOAM 9: 24 IDAHO PUS! ieUTILITIES COMf~ISSION December 9,2008 Idaho Public Utilities Commission PO Box 83720 Boise, ro 83720-0074 Attention:President Mack A. Redford Commissioner Marsha H. Smith Commissioner Jim D. Kempton Dear Commissioners: I am contacting you concerning IPUC Case Numbers IPC-E-08-22, Idaho Power's application to modify their Rule H Tariff. I am very concerned with the possible impacts of the proposed modifications upon the development industry as well as the timing in which they are being brought about. First, the manner in which the timing and processing of the application has proceeded is concerning to me. I became aware of the order for notice of intervention at a very late date in the process and request an extension of the 14 day timeline for all paries to fie petitions to intervene. By publishing the order on the day before a 4 day holiday weekend, the time1ine for notification and action by all interested paries was severely diminished. Please do not rush such an important application tlrough the process but allow the public to be served by allowing suffcient time for noti fication and response. Second, the approval of Idaho Powers application as proposed wil create an undue hardship upon an industry that has been struggling for life for over a year. The removal of the $800 per lot refund that developers receive wil put into jeopardy the viability ofprojects that have already been approved and financing secured based upon the expectation of a per lot refud. In the tight credit market we are seeing today, this change can have great repercussions. Third, I recognize the hardships that Idaho Power faces in providing services in a time of increasing power demands. However, we also ask that it be recognized that the building/development industry is also a vital part of our economy that has been strggling for some time. Many of the businesses in our industry have had to layoff staff and fore go wage increases to employees. And an increase in any fees at this time is something that our industry and the market can not handle. A July 2007 study conducted by the National Association of Homebuilders identified an $800 increase in initial cost on a home compounds to a $1,000 Sent By: The Legend Co.;2088530053 ;Dec-9-08 5:50PM;Page 3/3 increase in the price of the home. And that in the Treasure Valley that $1,000 increase leads to 293 people being priced out of purchasing the home. I understand the importance of growth paying its equitable share. However due to the effect that the proposed Idaho Power modifications has on home affordabilty I must also ask has Idaho Power also made the same tough decisions as our members have in regards to staffing and budgetary cutbacks? I than you for your service and for the duty that the IPUC performs. I once again ask you for a time extension in regards to the petition to intervene deadline. And stress the importce of this application and the effects that it could have if approved. Sincerely, 7f?tBaryTep a Member Manager The Legend Company, LLC RCE-984 3210 E. Chinden Blvd, Suite 115~218 Eagle, il 83616 12/10/2008 05: 23 2083773553 . BCASWI ,/1 ltv /j;~'; Hi PAGE 01/02 ';~~J(J/.i~11 RECE r1t._._/ lßOB DEC' 0 AM 9= 24 IDAHO pi if:Y ¡(- UTILITIES co1.~~i¡šSION Dcccmbc.l 9, 200R Jd~lio Public UCilitíes;;Cøiil1i-sgjon POBox S.Ú2tl . Bo ¡'se. TO 83720-Ù074 Attention.:Pn.:sidcnt Mtlck A, Rtdf'Ord C()iniisgion-=n' Marshll I-t Smith CÖI"lnii$~i.Pl1ei:J.ini. f). Kemptö:n Dear C0Jllli5Siøiici,s: l aili cQntactilig.ytltl conceniing n:iuc Ca~eNHnibers IPC~E-08':22. ld~ihi) TJm%~~1.7s npplictltion I.(l modify their RllJ~ I~I TariJf. 1 am very conccrl1:ed with '..h~ l'os."l.ibledttpllcL~.t,ir the pl.'Oposed nlodHio::tiOtlS uptm the development i1,diistry as ,,'if,dl U~ the tlinii1g in. whJdi tlwy ürcbcìl1.g brcH.lght ¡-bout. Pir!:t. the m2.1'1cr ¡,n wlüdilhc timtiig i:mo processing of the appli~atloi: ha.sprocccd~d j$ concertijngm nic. l bécfli1li' awll1'C ofthc orrlt.ii' Ih..il(Hcc.'ofînt~rventipn.~t a very .1 ate da.1e. in tine pr(',cess mid request au .'Oxtensi.oi: () nhc L -4 day tiine.Hnc lhr all part:ies tC) lle petiUol1:S 1(1 .intervene, By pllbljshh1g d~eotd~r 011 tlt(LdllY before a. 4 day holiday ';Ircckei:d, the timdi,oe lb:r il(t1f1c~l:.ion mitl nctJon "'yan intèrestcl ptittícs "a:I/aS sèverely dit'i:iinislicd. Please'dc,' i"L l'ush stich lUI itnpO"rtBiir"lPplfci,l.ion,tJii~augh the pi1lces;f but aUow diC puhlic,1:o ht~ 1;ervcd by allowing. 8unìc.icht time ~fhi~'h'Ottfit~ltion and re5pciis~, Secolid,Hic appmv~J of j,.daho Pl)wer~ appll.ati.on iii:1!1~(1po~c;d will cI'C'.licm,. until-ie Iian.l~hj p upon an ìri-du!;t;'y that lia:;bceri stniggling R)f life 'll)t over ü rC~ll'. 'niC H'.mov~1 of the $RDO pcr lot refund l.h~lt developers reeivewill put into jcopnrdy i:ti~ viahî Iity of pl'ti.iccts th~Ll lmve HI rea.dy beel;Hippltvi:d.i:md. finam::rl'ig se¿l.u~ed ba~.eci tipOn the expcctatipn of n per lot rc"Jind. Ii~ ih~j líght 'ci'cdlt i1.1arkel: W€. Hn,:.~..sedi1g totli:W.iliis diriig~l;ân h;:vc greal reper¿l.i~sitms, . "n,inL. I recognize Uie' h~u'dships that Idahö Power fal'lisin provi~li1tg services in a tiiti~ of Ilicr~iishig powen.:em:mi,ds_ Howevcr. \\'C (ilstl m¡k ilw it be 1'C.cøgnízod l1niL Lhe hi~i1dii~sldè'\'efò.p.1H'!n:L hid\l$tiT¡~;ài:sO avÎta.1 pc.tt ofeim' ci:Úl'01l1)i ihrit ha'l.bi~l;n ~Ll"lgHling For sømc iii:~. Mad)" of the blISltll$Se:l' in nur ilidUS1.ry haVe h~id til kii .óf.~l:.1ff and fof\go wage iritrcasesfO t:1.1i¡)1ovecs, And an incre¡i~ ìii any f"cci; fl1 thb:Liimi. ÎN somen.iiig th~\t our indtL,-lr,' tli,d fhe. rn:iirkéi. ~m' tltì~ ilàndle. A July 2q07 st~d)"eoJ\Ò'ltctød by the N~lkmal A~s(1dnti.()nor . hOln.cbtiilders idei~iifial an :$800 inc.rea:oe in ìniLi:a1 coston a hOlneç()I'lp()und~ to :;'$HlO) iloîc,rcase' iii tbe' Iji'¡.ce ()(' Hie hmü~. And I"JWl ili1h~ Tre¡J~Mi; Valle,:'1I1afS" noo ini.reme letds to 293 peöi)I-(~ blÚiig l~rii:èdoLiil)f I'tirèha~iiig the Iiom~~, J tLl1dcrstiind 1hc iinpot1:nocc 0 r gl"wth paying its eauitablcshare. HCI\WVCi' due 1.0 the ef("(cl: lhal: thi: propo:;edldabo Pøv.-et' 12/10/2008 05: 23 2083773553 BCASWI PAGE 02/02- m,odi:l1ctilimii' h~~ 'on lü;im.j~l:rrUi,dahillty I must älso ask luis Id(ih'J :lowt.ir ul.so made th~ i:iinc tlJlgh dccisÍo.m: as our mcmbl;ndl.avl~ in rcgari:ls. lo shiffngand btJd~etêlrycutbacks'? r tHank yo\l fufyol.lrst:rvi'ce and +hi' the duty duitthe IPiX: perfó,ttrs. I, once U1titl a.o:l~ yo..i for a Ll111t; exIensiaii tn ~!5nichi to. .the petit i on t.o i iiicrVCJiC d e~id \,1 ne. . And stl'eS$ the :Lmp()Ft~L I')E:, 0 f thi,i; ~lppiic~ltitiii and the e;ffecisthat it could have if ~ippto'Vcd. JJSinCeirel'Y' . ' .,~ Del1rîÎr:: S!diaftbcr The bcge,.,¡J Coiiipany~ ,1I.C J 12U,t,.Chil1dr;J1 B~ivd. Suite 115~i18 Engl.e, Id~iJl0' 8361 n ir ~p.IIOld'i~ Jean Jewell // Av.1/'/4 If~.~ H¡ From: Sent: To: Subject: elombard~q.com Wednesday, December 10, 2008 5:20 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Ernest J lombard follows: Case Number: IPC-E-88-22 Name: Ernest J lombard Address: 3598 N. Ballantyne In. City: Eagle State: Idaho Zip: 83616 Daytime Telephone: 288-939-3311 Contact E-Mail: elombard~g.com Name of Utili ty Compa~~ Idaho Power Co. Add to Mailing list:~ Please describe your comment briefly: I strongly object to the proposed change by Idaho Power Co. to Rule H. The real estate market is already suffering the biggest downturn in history with over 12,888 built lots sitting vacant here in the valley. All Idaho Power is doing is looking for a windfall at others expense. Because of the unique situation of 12,888 built lots and a very slow absorption rate of less than 2,888 lots per year it will take a long time to play out, so the time for the reimbursement should be extended not shortened or eliminated. The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov Iforms/ipuc1/ipuc. html IP address is i (~¡olo" Jean Jewell ~ If;/-/1d~' ~ H From: Sent: To: Subject: karenellisrealestate~msn.com Tuesday, December 09,200810:06 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Karen Ellis follows: Case Number: IPC-E-08-22 Name: Karen Ellis Address: 169 E. Stonewater Ct City: Eagle State: Idaho Zip: 83616 Daytime Telephone: 208-830-1717 Contact E-Mail: karenellisrealestate~msn. com Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Add to Mailing List:!! Please describe your comment briefly: Increasing the fees will prevent some prospective buyers from buying a home which will have a snowball effect on food for real tors, mortgage personnel, subcontractors, excavators, surveyors, etc. We cannot keep asking the public to pay more. It is time for Idaho Power to do some cost accounting. The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho .gov/forms/ipucl/ipuc. html IP address is 1 1i1.~ ~IOJo'(P"~ /rl _ Jean Jewell 4 /1)).v1:~' i H From: Sent: To: Subject: kevin. wentlandcæsuncorl D. com Tuesday, December 09, 2008 10:09 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Kevin A Wentland follows: Case Number: IPUC Case Numbers IPC-E-08-22 Name: Kevin A Wentland Address: 485 E. Riverside Drive, Suite 300 City: Eagle State: Idaho Zip: 83616 Daytime Telephone: 2089390343 Contact E-Mail: vin. wentland suncorID. com Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Add to Mailing List: es Please describe your comment briefly: December 9, 2008 Idaho Public Utilities Commission PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Attention: President Mack A. Redford Commissioner Marsha H . Smith Commissioner Jim D. Kempton Dear Commissioners: I am contacting you concerning IPUC Case Numbers IPC-E-08-22, Idaho Power's application to modify their Rule H Tariff. I am very concerned with the possible impacts of the proposed modifications upon the development industry as well as the timing in which they are being brought about. First, the manner in which the timing and processing of the application has proceeded is concerning to me. I became aware of the order for notice of intervention at a very late date in the process and request an extension of the 14 day timeline for all parties to file petitions to intervene. By publishing the order on the day before a 4 day holiday weekend, the timeline for notification and action by all interested parties was severely diminished. Please do not rush such an important application through the process but allow the public to be served by allowing sufficient time for notification and response. Second, the approval of Idaho Powers application as proposed will create an undue hardship upon an industry that has been struggling for life for over a year. The removal of the $800 per lot refund that developers receive will put into jeopardy the viability of projects that have already been approved and financing secured based upon the expectation of a per lot refund. In the tight credit market we are seeing today, this change can have great repercussions. Third, I recognize the hardships that Idaho Power faces in providing services in a time of increasing power demands. However, we also ask that it be recognized that the building/development industry is also a vital part of our economy that has been struggling 1 for some time. Many of the businesses in our industry have had to layoff staff and fore go wage increases to employees. And an increase in any fees at this time is something that our industry and the market can not handle. A July 2ee7 study conducted by the National Association of homebuilders identified an $8ee increase in initial cost on a home compounds to a $leee increase in the price of the home. And that in the Treasure Valley that $leee increase leads to 293 people being priced out of purchasing the home. I understand the importance of growth paying i ts equitable share. However due to the effect that the proposed Idaho Power modifications has on home affordabili ty I must also ask has Idaho Power also made the same tough decisions as our members have in regards to staffing and budgetary cutbacks? I thank you for your service and for the duty that the IPUC performs. I once again ask you for a time extension in regards to the petition to intervene deadline. And stress the importance of this application and the effects that it could have if approved. The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gov /forms/ipuc1/ipuc. html IP address is 2 ¡~iof'~ Jean Jewell ý1" ¡4)//0~:c H, From: Sent: To: Subject: steve~rothhomes.com Tuesday, December 09, 2008 2:25 PM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Steven E. Roth follows: Case Number: IPC-E-08-22 Name: Steven E. Roth Address: PO box 140677 City: Boise State: ID Zip: 83714 Daytime Telephone: 208 323 2233 Contact E-Mail: steve~rothhomes.com Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Add to Mailing List: no- Please describe your comment briefly: December 9, 2008 Idaho Public Utilities Commission PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Attention: President Mack A. Redford Commissioner Marsha H. Smith Commissioner Jim D. Kempton Dear Commissioners: I am contacting you concerning IPUC Case Numbers IPC-E-08-22, Idaho Power's application to modify their Rule H Tariff. I am very concerned with the possible impacts of the proposed modifications upon the development industry as well as the timing in which they are being brought about. First, the manner in which the timing and processing of the application has proceeded is concerning to me. I became aware of the order for notice of intervention at a very late date in the process and request an extension of the 14 day timeline for all parties to file petitions to intervene. By publishing the order on the day before a 4 day holiday weekend, the timeline for notification and action by all interested parties was severely diminished. Please do not rush such an important application through the process but allow the public to be served by allowing sufficient time for notification and response. Second, the approval of Idaho Powers application as proposed will create an undue hardship upon an industry that has been struggling for life for over a year. The removal of the $80Ø per lot refund that developers receive will put into jeopardy the viability of projects that have already been approved and financing secured based upon the expectation of a per lot refund. In the tight credit market we are seeing today, this change can have great repercussions. 1 Third, I recognize the hardships that Idaho Power faces in providing services in a time of increasing power demands. However, we also ask that it be recognized that the building/development industry is also a vi tal part of our economy that has been struggling for some time. Many of the businesses in our industry have had to layoff staff and fore go wage increases to employees. And an increase in any fees at this time is something that our industry and the market can not handle. A July 2ØØ7 study conducted by the National Association of homebuilders identified an $8ØØ increase in initial cost on a home compounds to a $lØØØ increase in the price of the home. And that in the Treasure Valley that $lØØØ increase leads to 293 people being priced out of purchasing the home. I understand the importance of growth paying its equitable share. However due to the effect that the proposed Idaho Power modifications has on home affordabili ty I must also ask has Idaho Power also made the same tough decisions as our members have in regards to staffing and budgetary cutbacks? I thank you for your service and for the duty that the IPUC performs. I once again ask you for a time extension in regards to the petition to intervene deadline. And stress the importance of this application and the effects that it could have if approved. Sincerely, Name Company Address The form submitted on http://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipucl/ipuc.html IP address is 2 .¡JA~ ~JloIOCl~l~ Jean Jewell 111 liV'.;10 ~' ~ HL From: Sent: To: Subject: arnoldsteven~stanleygroup.com Wednesday, December 10,20082:00 AM Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness; Ed Howell PUC Comment Form A Comment from Steve Arnold follows: Case Number: IPC-E-08-22 Name: Steve Arnold Address: 2264 S. Bonito Way , Suite 150 City: Meridian State: Idaho Zip: 83642 Daytime Telephone: 855-5600 Contact E-Mail: arnolds rou . com Name of Utility Company: Idaho Power Company Add to Mailing List: yes Please describe your comment briefly: Dear Commissioners: I am contacting you concerning IPUC Case Numbers IPC-E-08-22, Idaho Power's application to modify their Rule H Tariff. I am very concerned with the possible impacts of the proposed modifications upon the development industry as well as the timing in which they are being brought about. First, the manner in which the timing and processing of the application has proceeded is concerning to me. I became aware of the order for notice of intervention at a very late date in the process and request an extension of the 14 day timeline for all parties to file petitions to intervene. By publishing the order on the day before a 4 day holiday weekend, the timeline for notification and action by all interested parties was severely diminished. Please do not rush such an important application through the process but allow the public to be served by allowing sufficient time for notification and response. Second, the approval of Idaho Powers application as proposed will create an undue hardship upon an industry that has been struggling for life for over a year. The removal of the $800 per lot refund that developers receive will put into jeopardy the viability of projects that have already been approved and financing secured based upon the expectation of a per lot refund. In the tight credit market we are seeing today, this change can have great repercussions. Third, I recognize the hardships that Idaho Power faces in providing ~ervices in a time of increasing power demands. However, we also ask that it be recognized that the building/development industry is also a vital part of our economy that has been struggling for some time. Many of the businesses in our industry have had to layoff staff and fore go wage increases to employees. And an increase in any fees at this time is something that our industry and the market can not handle. A July 2007 study conducted by the National Association of homebuilders identified an $800 increase in initial cost on a home compounds to a $1000 increase in the price of the home. And that in the Treasure Valley that $1000 increase leads to 293 people being priced out of purchasing the home. I understand the importance of growth paying its equitable share. However due to the effect that the proposed Idaho Power modifications has on home affordability I must also ask has Idaho Power also made the same tough decisions as our members have in regards to staffing and budgetary cutbacks? 1 I thank you for your service and for the duty that the IPUC performs. I once again ask you for a time extension in regards to the petition to intervene deadline. And stress the importance of this application and the effects that it could have if approved. Sincerely, Steve Arnold, Project Principal Stanley Consultants Inc. 2264 S. Bonito Way, Suite 15Ø Meridian Id. 83642 The form submitted on http://www . puc. idaho. gOY /forms/ipucl/ipuc. html IP address is 2