HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090311order_no_30746.pdfOffice of the Secretary Service Date March 11 2009 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO MODIFY ITS RULE H LINE EXTENSION TARIFF RELATED TO NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS. NOTICE OF EXTENSION OF COMMENT DEADLINE CASE NO. IPC-08- ORDER NO. 30746 On October 30, 2008, Idaho Power Company filed an Application with the Commission seeking authority to modify its Rule H tariff relating to new service attachments and distribution line installations and alterations. Specifically, the Company wishes to increase the charges for new service attachments, distribution line installations and alterations. On November 26, 2008 , the Commission issued a Notice of Application and set a deadline for intervention. Order No. 30687. Four parties petitioned and were granted intervenor status: Building Contractors Association of Southwestern Idaho; City of Nampa; The Kroger Co.; and Association of Canyon County Highway Districts. On January 21 , 2009, the Commission issued a Notice of Modified Procedure and Notice of Scheduling outlining the parameters for discovery, setting a comment deadline of March 20, 2009, and suspending the Company s proposed effective date for 60 days. Order No. 30719. On February 27, 2009, the Building Contractors Association of Southwestern Idaho (BCA) filed a Motion to Extend Comment Period. BCA requests that the comment deadline be extended until April 17, 2009. BCA argues that, due to the complexity and nature of the issues involved, the parties should permitted enough time to ask and analyze the information produced through the discovery process. BCA maintains that, given the current economic conditions, its requested extension will not prejudice Idaho Power or any other parties to this case. Based upon our review of BCA's Motion for an extension, and after consideration of the complex issues and multiple interests involved in this case, the Commission finds it reasonable to modify the comment deadline previously set in Order No. 30719. In order for the Commission to adequately review Idaho Power s Application and the record generated during this case, an extension of the comment period necessitates an extension of the May 1 , 2009 effective date also. NOTICE OF EXTENSION OF COMMENT DEADLINE ORDER NO. 30746 NOTICE OF EXTENDED COMMENT DEADLINE YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the deadline for filing written comments and/or briefs with respect to Case No. IPC-08-22 has been extended until FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 2009. Comments/briefs shall include all factual and legal arguments. Persons desiring a hearing must specifically request a hearing in their written comments/briefs. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that any interested person or party may file response comments no later than FRIDAY, MAY 2009. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that written comments concerning this Application shall be mailed to the Commission and the parties at the addresses reflected below: Commission Secretary Lisa Nordstrom Idaho Public Utilities Commission Barton L. KlinePO Box 83720 Idaho Power Company Boise, ID 83720-0074 PO Box 70 Boise, ID 83707-0070 E-mail: lnordstrom~idahopower.com bkli ne((l)jdahopower .com Street Address for Express Mail: 472 W. Washington Street Boise, ID 83702-5918 Scott Sparks Gregory W. Said Idaho Power Company PO Box 70 Boise, ID 83707-0070 E-mail: ssparks((l)jdahopower.com gsaid~idahopower.com Michael C. Creamer Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise, ID 83702 E-mail: mcc~givenspursley.com Matthew A. Johnson Davis F. VanderVelde White Peterson Gigray Rossman Nye & Nichols, P. 5700 E. Franklin Road, Suite 200 Nampa, ID 83687 E-mail: miohnson~whitepeterson.com vanderv e de~whi tepeterso n. com Michael Kurtz, Esq. Kurt J. Boehm, Esq. Boehm, Kurtz & Lowry 36 E. Seventh Street, Suite 1510 Cincinnati, OH 45202 E-mail: mkurtz~BKLlawfirm.com kboehm~BKLlawfirm.com Kevin Higgins Energy Strategies, LLC Parkside Towers 215 S. State Street, Suite 200 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 E- mail: khigginsiW,energystrat. com NOTICE OF EXTENSION OF COMMENT DEADLINE ORDER NO. 30746 These comments should contain the case caption and case number shown on the first page of this document. Persons desiring to submit comments via e-mail may do so by accessing the Commission s home page located at www.puc.idaho.gov. Click the "Comments and Questions icon, and complete the form, using the case number as it appears on the front of this document. These comments must also be sent to the parties at the e-mail addresses listed above. EXTENSION OF EFFECTIVE DATE As a result of the extension of the comment deadline, the Commission finds that it cannot adequately review Idaho Power s requested Rule H changes before the May 1 , 2009 effective date set in Order No. 30719. Pursuant to Idaho Code ~~ 61-622 and 61-623 , the Commission hereby suspends the proposed changes for an additional sixty (60) days until July 1 2009, or until such time as the Commission enters an Order accepting, rejecting or modifying the request in this matter. ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the parties comply with the amended case schedule set out in the body of this Order. Interested persons and the parties may file written comments no later than April 17, 2009. Response comments may be filed by any interested person or party no later than May 1 , 2009. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the effective date of May 1 2009, is suspended for an additional sixty (60) days until July 1 2009, or until such time as the Commission enters an Order accepting, rejecting, or modifying the request in this matter. NOTICE OF EXTENSION OF COMMENT DEADLINE ORDER NO. 30746 tit.DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise, Idaho this day of March 2009. MAC~RD . DE -:- MARSHA H. SMITH, COMMISSIONER w~~, KEMPTON C6' -=-iSSIONER ATTEST: O:IPC-08-22 ks3 NOTICE OF EXTENSION OF COMMENT DEADLINE ORDER NO. 30746