HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081030Said Direct.pdfRECEIVED zoua OCT 30 PH i.: 32 IDAHO PLJr311C UTILITIES COMMISSION BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO MODIFY ITS RULE H TARIFF RELATED TO NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS CASE NO. IPC-E-08-22 IDAHO POWER COMPANY DIRECT TESTIMONY OF GREGORY W. SAID 1 Q.Please state your name and business address. 2 A.My name is Gregory W. Said and my business 3 address is 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho. 4 Q.By whom are you employed and in what 5 capacity? 6 A.I am employed by Idaho Power Company as the 7 Director of State Regulation in the Pricing and Regulatory 8 Services Department. 9 Q.Please describe your educational background. 10 A.In May of 1975, I received a Bachelor of 11 Science Degree in Mathematics with honors from Boise State 12 University. In 1999, I attended the Public Utility 13 Executives Course at the University of Idaho. 14 Q.Please describe your work experience wi th 15 Idaho Power Company. 16 A.I became employed by Idaho Powe~ Company in 17 1980 as an analyst in the Resource Planning Department. In 18 1985, the Company applied for a general revenue requirement 19 increase. I was the Company witness addressing power 20 supply expenses. 21 In August of 1989, after nine years in the Resource 22 Planning Department, I was offered and I accepted a 23 position in the Company's Rate Department. With the 24 Company's application for a temporary rate increase in SAID, DI 1 Idaho Power Company 1 1992, my responsibilities as a witness were expanded. 2 While I continued to be the Company witness concerning 3 power supply expenses, I also sponsored the Company's rate 4 computations and proposed tariff schedules in that case. 5 Because of my combined Resource Planning and Rate 6 Department experience, I was asked to design a Power Cost 7 Adjustment ("PCA") which would impact customers' rates 8 based upon changes in the Company's net power supply 9 expenses. I presented my recommendations to the Idaho 10 Public Utilities Commission in 1992, at which time the 11 Commission established the PCA as an annual adjustment to 12 the Company's rates. 13 In 1994, I was selected to a cross-training position 14 as Manager of the Meridian District. In that role, I 15 oversaw line installation work in the Meridian District. 16 Following my return to the Rate Department in 1995, 17 I was promoted to Director of Revenue Requirement in 1996. 18 I have managed the preparation of revenue requirement 19 information for regulatory proceedings since that time. I 20 have also been responsible for overseeing the tariff 21 changes related to Rule H, the Company's line installation 22 rule, and was a witness in Case No. IPC-E-95-18 to update 23 Rule H charges and allowances. The IPC-E-95-18 case was 24 the last case where the Company made substantial changes to SAID, DI 2 Idaho Power Company 1 Rule H. 2 In August 200S, I was promoted to Director of State 3 Regulation, adding the area of Rate Design to my 4 responsibilities. 5 Q.What is the purpose of your testimony in 6 this proceeding? 7 A.My testimony in this proceeding is intended S to describe the instructions that I gave to Mr. Scott 9 Sparks regarding the modifications to Rule H that the 10 Company is requesting. Mr. Sparks will testify to the 11 specifics of those modifications. I will describe the 12 Company's rationale for requesting reduced allowances and 13 refunds. Finally, i will address the Company's proposal to 14 clarify the rules governing the allocation of costs between 15 developers and the Company's customers when real estate 16 development requires relocation of Company facilities 17 located on public rights-of-way. The Company believes that 1S these clarifications will alleviate apparent 19 misunderstandings where certain governmental entities have 20 forced responsibility for funding of line relocation 21 expenses onto Idaho Power customers that should have more 22 appropriately be borne by developers. Mr. David Lowry will 23 testify as to the specifics of some of those instances 24 where governmental entities have incorrectly applied their SAID, DI 3 Idaho Power Company 1 authority to shift relocation costs from developers to 2 Idaho Power customers. 3 Q.Please describe the instructions you gave to 4 Mr. Sparks regarding the improvements that the Company 5 desired be made to Rule H. 6 A.I instructed Mr. Sparks to make a thorough 7 review of the provisions contained in Rule H. I asked him 8 to work closely with the Methods and Materials Department 9 to identify areas of Rule H that could be improved. I 10 identified three primary goals for Mr. Sparks to achieve. 11 First, I wanted Mr. Sparks to improve the readability of 12 Rule H. Mr. Sparks will describe the Company's 13 recommendations to add definitions, add sections, and 14 generally reformat Rule H in order to accomplish this goal 15 of better readability with understandable flow. Second, I 16 wanted Mr. Sparks to update all of the costs contained in 17 the rule. Most of the rates and charges contained in Rule 18 H are a number of years old and, as a result, are not 19 reflective of the costs actually incurred by the Company. 20 Third, I asked Mr. Sparks to take a close look at line 21 installation allowances and refunds with an eye toward 22 reducing both allowances and refunds. 23 Q.Why is the Company desirous of reducing line 24 installation allowances and refunds? SAID, DI 4 Idaho Power Company 1 A.As the Commission is well aware, the Company 2 has filed general rate case proceedings in 2003, 2005, 3 2007, and 200S. In addition, the Company has also filed 4 cases for the inclusion into rate base of the Bennett 5 Mountain gas-fired plant in 2005 and the inclusion of the 6 Danskin gas-fired plant in 200S. With the recent frequency 7 of rate proceedings, a persistent question arises: Is S growth paying for itself? 9 The clear answer is no. Additional revenues 10 generated from the addition of new customers and load 11 growth in general is not keeping pace with the additional 12 expenses created and required to provide ongoing safe and 13 reliable service to new and existing customers. While the 14 provisions of Rule H have required some contributions in 15 aid of construction for new distribution facilities, there 16 are no requirements for contributions in aid of 17 construction for new transmission or generation facilities 1S which are also typically required to serve customer growth. 19 Reducing the Company's new customer-related distribution 20 rate base by reducing allowances and refunds will relieve 21 one area of upward pressure on rates and will take a step 22 toward growth paying for itself. Mr. Sparks details the 23 Company's recommendations to reduce line installation 24 allowances and refunds to achieve the Company's goal of SAID, DI 5 Idaho Power Company 1 reducing one aspect of upward pressure on rates. 2 Q.Please describe how certain governmental 3 entities are able to force paYment of line installation 4 expenses onto Idaho Power customers that should more 5 appropriately be borne by developers. 6 A.Under Idaho law, governmental agencies 7 charged with constructing, operating, and maintaining 8 roads, such as the Idaho Transportation Department and the 9 Ada County Highway District have the authority to require 10 the relocation of Company-owned transmission and 11 distribution facilities that are sited in road rights-of- 12 way at Company expense. Typically, such relocation is 13 required to accommodate transportation planning for general 14 area growth. Population growth causing the need to add 15 traffic lanes is an example of general area growth. 16 In some instances, relocations have been requested 17 to facilitate specific development by third parties such as 18 residential or commercial subdivisions. In those 19 instances, highway agencies have required developers to pay 20 the costs of related highway improvements. Idaho Power has 21 required the third-party developers to pay for transmission 22 and distribution facility relocation caused by their 23 development. Third parties are also responsible for other 24 developmental costs such as curbs, gutters, and landscape. SAID, DI 6 Idaho Power Company 1 Developers have the ability to form local improvement 2 districts ("LIDs") as a means to pay for such costs, 3 including utility costs. 4 Mr. Lowry has informed me of a number of examples 5 where I believe governmental entities have required the 6 relocation of Company-owned transmission and distribution 7 facilities at Company cost instead of seeking paYment from 8 third-party developers. Mr. Lowry's testimony in this 9 proceeding provides examples of instances where third-party 10 developers have attempted to avoid Idaho Power's 11 requirement that they make contributions in aid of 12 relocating transmission and distribution facilities for 13 their developments. When governmental entities require 14 Idaho Power to relocate facilities and incur costs that 15 should be properly paid for by local developers, it results 16 in the inappropriate shifting of costs from local 17 developers to the general rate paying customers of Idaho 18 Power. Mr. Sparks describes in his testimony a newly 19 drafted Rule H provision clarifying the rules governing 20 cost responsibility for relocations. Hopefully these 21 clarifications will assist the highway agencies in 22 determining when relocation costs should be borne by 23 developers and avoid further inappropriate cost shifting 24 from local developers to Idaho Power customers. SAID, DI 7 Idaho Power Company 1 Q.Ultimately, what is the Company requesting 2 in this proceeding? 3 A.The Company believes that as a result of Mr. 4 Sparks' review and evaluation of the provisions of Rule Hi 5 the revisions to Rule H as proposed in this filing are in 6 the best interest of Idaho Power customers. The proposed 7 Rule H language provides a more logical and readable flow, 8 updates costs to current levels, and reduces one aspect of 9 upward pressure on rates. In addition, the new Rule H 10 section addressing relocation of distribution facilities 11 for third-party development will also assist in making sure 12 that growth pays for itself rather than transferring 13 additional costs to Idaho Power's rate paying customers. 14 The Company therefore requests that the Commission approve 15 the proposed Rule H language as filed by the Company. 16 Q.Does that conclude your testimony? 17 A.Yes, it does. SAID, DI 8 Idaho Power Company