HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081030Lowry Direct.pdfRECEIVED 2038 OCT 30 PM i.: 34 IDAHO PU~,t~\I~ . . a.' UTILITIES COMMI~SIOI'i BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO MODIFY ITS RULE H TARIFF RELATED TO NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS CASE NO. IPC-E-08-22 IDAHO POWER COMPANY DIRECT TESTIMONY OF DAVID R. LOWRY 1 Q.Please state your name and business address. 2 A.My name is David R. Lowry and my business 3 address is 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho. 4 Q.By whom are you employed and in what 5 capacity? 6 A.I am employed by Idaho Power Company as the 7 Proj ect Manager of Highway Relocations. 8 Q.Please describe your educational background. 9 A.In May of 1977, I received my Business 10 Associates Degree in Business Management from Boise State 11 University. 12 Q.Please describe your work experience with 13 Idaho Power Company. 14 A.I became employed by Idaho Power Company in 15 1984 in the Delivery Business Unit as a lineman. 16 In 1997, I was offered and accepted a position as a 17 Facility Representative at the Boise Operations Center. My 18 primary function was to manage requests for new line 19 installations in accordance with Rule H, the Company's line 20 installation tariff. 21 In 2000, I was offered and accepted a position in 22 the Transmission & Distribution Design Group and given the 23 responsibility of overseeing highway relocations. My prior 24 experience with applying Rule H played an important role in LOWRY, DI 1 Idaho Power Company 1 this transition. 2 In 2008, I was promoted to Project Manager of 3 Highway Relocations. 4 Q.What is the purpose of your testimony in 5 this proceeding? 6 A.I was asked by Mr. Gregory Said to describe 7 instances where I have observed state and local 8 governmental entities requiring Idaho Power to pay the 9 costs of relocating its electrical distribution facilities 10 located on public rights-of-way when those relocation costs 11 should have more appropriately been borne by real estate 12 developers. 13 Q.When the Company's distribution facilities 14 must be relocated to accommodate changes in public 15 roadways, how are the costs of those relocations generally 16 assigned? 17 A.Responsibility for facility relocation costs 18 is generally assigned according to the entity making the 19 request for the relocation. Such requests generally come 20 from three main sources. First, Idaho Power often receives 21 requests from governmental agencies to relocate 22 distribution facilities to accommodate new road 23 construction or maintenance of the present roadways. These 24 requests may originate from the Idaho Department of LOWRY, DI 2 Idaho Power Company 1 Transportation ("lTD"), a local highway district, county, 2 or city ("Public Road Agency"). If a relocation of 3 facilities is required due to an identified and budgeted 4 highway proj ect, Idaho Power is legally required to fund 5 the relocation cost. 6 Second, the Company often receives requests from 7 real estate developers, owners of land adj acent to public 8 roads, or other entities that are not a Public Road Agency 9 ("third parties"). These third-party requests seek a 10 utility relocation in conjunction with the third party's 11 request for road improvements not funded by a Public Road 12 Agency. The Company's Rule H states that these requesting 13 third parties will be charged for the cost of relocation. 14 If the roadway work is not an identified and budgeted 15 proj ect of the Public Road Agency, then the requesting 16 third party pays Idaho Power to relocate its facilities. 17 However, the current Rule H tariff does not clearly address 18 cost responsibility for all relocation situations, 19 including relocations requested by a Public Road Agency on 20 behalf of a third party. 21 Third, when a Public Road Agency collects a portion 22 of the cost of roadway work from a third party, a 23 determination of the respective percentages of 24 participation borne by the Public Road Agency and the third LOWRY, DI 3 Idaho Power Company 1 party is determined. Idaho Power bears the percentage of 2 the utility relocation cost commensurate with the 3 percentage of the Public Road Agency's funding and the 4 third party pays the remaining percentage of the line 5 relocation cost. 6 Q.How does the Company currently process 7 relocation requests from government agencies? 8 A.When a request is received from a Public 9 Road Agency for relocation of a line in a road right-of- 10 way, the Company makes a good faith effort to determine the 11 primary reason for the relocation. Idaho Power requests a 12 letter from the Public Road Agency stating that the 13 relocation is for public benefit and the primary reason for 14 the relocation is not for a third party. If the Public 15 Road Agency responds in the affirmative, the Company knows 16 it will bear the total cost of the relocation. If the 17 Public Road Agency does not respond affirmatively, further 18 inquiry is required. 19 If the Public Road Agency plans on making 20 improvements for the general public benefit within three 21 years from the day the improvements begin, or from their 22 budgeted period, Idaho Power will fund the cost of such 23 relocation. Exceptions to this occur when Idaho Power has 24 prior rights of occupancy. LOWRY, DI 4 Idaho Power Company 1 Q.Please explain how prior rights of occupancy 2 affect responsibility for relocation costs? 3 A.The Public Road Agency requesting the 4 relocation may be responsible for the costs of the 5 relocation if: 6 1.Idaho Power has a prior private 7 easement i or 8 2.Idaho Power can claim prescriptive 9 rights for facilities installed previously on private 10 property. If a line has been relocated once at highway 11 agency expense, future moves at that location will be at 12 the agency's expense. 13 Q.Have you observed problems wi th some 14 developers trying to avoid paying their share of relocation 15 costs? 16 A.Yes. In some cases, developers have asked a 17 city to make a relocation request to Idaho Power on their 18 behalf and the city has not disclosed that the developer is 19 involved. The discovery of the third-party developer 20 beneficiary usually is made when the development plans are 21 approved and released by the Public Road Agency. 22 Q.Please describe a specific instance where a 23 local developer has shifted the costs of facility 24 relocation to Idaho Power with the assistance of a LOWRY, DI 5 Idaho Power Company 1 government entity. 2 A.The developers of the Gateway Mall in Nampa 3 submitted plans to have the intersection of Happy Valley 4 Road and Stamm Lane rebuilt as a new entrance into the 5 Mall. The proj ect was then postponed for a year. Idaho 6 Power, at the developer's request, refunded the collected 7 relocation cost for the proj ect to the developer. Shortly 8 thereafter, a request for relocation was received from the 9 Ci ty of Nampa for the same intersection with no disclosure 10 of the interest of a third-party developer. It was only 11 through the communication of Idaho Power employees that the 12 discovery of the third-party developer beneficiary interest 13 in the "city's" project was made. 14 Q.Have you observed other instances of 15 inappropriate cost shifting from developers to Idaho Power 16 customers? 17 A.Yes. There have been requests made by the 18 lTD for improvements in road rights-of-way where the lTD 19 portion of the improvement does not require a relocation of 20 Company facilities but the construction done for the 21 benefit of a third party does. Here, the city in which the 22 highway improvement is being made formed a Local 23 Improvement District ("LID") to install sidewalks or other 24 improvements which require the relocation of Company LOWRY, DI 6 Idaho Power Company 1 facilities. If the Idaho Transportation Department does 2 not disclose to the Company that the LID has been formed to 3 do additional work in the right-of-way as a third party, 4 the LID will collect funding from nearby property owners 5 only for the improvements and relocation of city-owned 6 utilities but not for all the utilities in the right-of- 7 way. lTD then requires Idaho Power and other private 8 utility companies to fund the relocation costs of their 9 utility facilities. Correspondence between Idaho Power, 10 lTD, and the City of Nampa has been included as Exhibit No. 11 1 to my testimony to illustrate how this cost shifting 12 occurs. 13 Q.Is this method of avoiding payment of 14 relocation expenses a recent trend? 15 A.Probably not. However, the discovery of the 16 frequency of Public Road Agencies inappropriately 17 facilitating a shift of relocation expenses is recent. The 18 Company's decision to consolidate review of Public Road 19 Agency requests for relocations under one person in 2006 20 has given the Company a better overall knowledge of the 21 projects and how they are financed. 22 Q.How frequently does this cost shifting 23 occur? LOWRY, DI 7 Idaho Power Company 1 A.In the last three years I am aware of 2 several occurrences. However, even when the discovery is 3 made and the cities are contacted, there is reluctance on 4 the cities' part to share the cost of relocation because 5 the existing language in Rule H does not explicitly set out 6 the rules governing cost recovery in the case of third- 7 party requests affecting utility facilities in public 8 rights-of-way or the relocation responsibilities of the 9 LIDs. 10 Q.How much do facility relocations to 11 accommodate roadway changes for new developments typically 12 cost? 13 A. The cost of facility relocations can vary 14 widely. I am aware of relocations ranging in cost from 15 $1,500 to $350,000. 16 Q.Do you believe the proposed Rule H 17 relocation language, as described in greater detail in Mr. 18 Spark's testimony, will provide Public Road Agencies and 19 the public with needed clarity as to how responsibility for 20 relocation costs is to be apportioned? 21 A.Yes. 22 Q.Does this conclude your testimony? 23 A.Yes. LOWRY, DI 8 Idaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-08-22 IDAHO POWER COMPANY LOWRY, 01 EXHIBIT NO.1 - "0 '-'! ITO LEGAL .. ................__.__._._---_.''''. -,.-...~----._-....'-........__. (. A~:20B3344498 Jun 272007 'ru;12 P.02 STATE OF IDAHO . ...", OFFice OF THE ATTEYGENERL . . .: LAWRENCE G. WASDE:~ ..~ 0.. '., ~.Q Juie 27, 200 Via Fax: 208-388-6906 Davd Lowr Relocaon Leer Ida POfler Company POBox 70 Boie, ID 83707 Dea Mr. Lo-wTy I jive reewed you leter of Jue 25, 2007, wrtt on behal of Idaho Power andQwes~ to Sue:Egg Secrta to the Idao Traoron Board. Pll to Idaho Code 40-312(3), utties are pe.ssive user of Dept rit of way and shal relocate in accrdance with the Orer of th Idaho Traportation Boar (Boar). A Boar Order wa issued lat wee following an ex revew of the hitory of both the prject and the more recet postig concrn payment for the relocaon. PIea be advised tht the constction projec is a state fu hiy imprvement, the "Utiities ar withi our righ of w~y, relocation is necsa to avoid dela; to Qur projec and to avoid inconveene to th.e travel public. Idao Power an Qwest have been awa; of the nee for ths i:e1ocation for many months, and the Departn will not acct your faur to reoV'& the utilties in a tielynier. I have reew numerous letter and e-mai that suggt Idao Pow and Qwest wi ony re10caté thei facities up a comnent of reburseen for the cost. Whle I acowledg the arguent you atem to advance, be adved that th Boar Order requi relocaon at your expene. Potetialy the ficial resonsbilty for the relocation could be addessed concu with the relocati or followi it, howe) the Depènt wi not tolerate payment to be used as a barga tool ptor tD you sta work. Exhibit No. 1Coracl~Adminlsa\élaDlvon, Transol1atn Depirtert Case No. IPC-E-08-22p.o. 60x 7129, ßOI,ID 8370-1129;~hoe: (2) 33-81S¡ F;i; (208) 33 Id h P C pany loctsat3311W.siStree\8Qii,1do,83-5i D.Lowry, a 0 ower om Page 1 of6 t"r:lTD LEGAL ('ii aX: 2083344498 Jun 27 2007 C1'):13 p; 03 DavdLowx June 27~ 2007 PageS Pleàse be fuer advised tht the faiure to relocae your facities could signcay delay our project and fuer inconveJJence the travelin public. Should such delay occur, the Boar wi seek reimbument and ath appropnte relief fr t1e Utities i:~onsible. Pleåse govem. yourelf accoly:'.. .'. .:... ..: ~.'" . ..... -":.:....." KDV/jc Exhibit No. 1 Case No. IPC-E-08-22 D. Lowry. Idaho Power Company Page 2 of6 c ~IDA~PCQl An IDACORP Company :.~: ~ . .'0- '. Mr. KarID. Vogt Deputy Attorney General State of Idaho Idaho Trasportation Deparent Contrcts & Admnistrative Law Division P.O. Box 7129 Boise, ID 83707-1129 June 29, 2007 Re:IT Nampa-Boulevar Relocation Dear Mr. Vogt: Idao Power and Qwest have reviewed your lettr date June 27, 2007, regarding the relocation of pole line facilties from IT's Nampa-Caldwell Boulevard right-of-way. The utilties wil proceed with their relocation of the facilities as previously indicated, and withn the end of July timeline reuested by the City of Nampa and IT. Please understand that in our prior correspondence Idaho Power and Qwest were not seeking to disrupt the improvement work in question. We were merely trng to confirm ahead of tie that the cost of the relocation work would be reimbured to the utilities, since the facilties would be relocated to make way for the LI #136 improvements. The initial request for the relocation came from the City of Nampa in connection with the LI improvements, and the poles ar being removed from the same area where the LI improvements ar to occur. Under ths situation, the utilities ar routinely reimbursed for the cost of relocating their facilties to make way for the third-pary development. In any event, we appreciate the willngness expresed in your letter to addrs the reimbursement issue 'furher. Idao Power and Qwest believe that it would be best to sit down with lTD and the City of NampaI #136 representatives to discuss the relocation. . The utilities greatly value our ongoing relationships with the Deparent and the City, both with regar to cooperative roadway work and in our broader relations, and we look forward to resolving this matter amcably. Sincerely, Douglas J. Docktr, P.E. T &D Design Leader cc: Mar Dobson (Qwest) Pat Hanngton Dave Lowry Colleen Ramsey Ed Kosydar Mike Ybarguen Exhibit No. 1 Case No. IPC-E-08-22 D. Lovt~'1~~~~~er Companyiii W.ldahO St. Page 3 of 6 Boise. 108302 l: (,('.__ An IDACORP Company IDO PO COMAN P.O. BOX 70 BOISE, IDA 837 Mic hael Fuss, P .E. Pub lic Works Dirctor City of Nampa Public Works Deparent 411 Thd St South Nampa, ID83651 July 16,2008 Re: Nampa LID #136 Dear Michael, Than you for your latest response regardig the relocation of Idao Power facilties from the Nampa-Caldwell Boulevard right-of-way. There have been several . moving par to ths discussion so I thought it would be good to rete Idao Power's policy on power line relocations. The staing point for Idaho Power relocations is Rule H, on fie with the Idao Public Utilities Commssion. Rule H states the basic rue tht any pary reuesti the relocation of Idao Power facilties must pay for the cost of the relocation. Ths assures that the par benefitig frm the relocation pays for the cost of the work, rather than havig the cost passed on to all of Idao Power's customers. There ar additional relocation requireents that apply when Idao Power's facilties are located with road rights-of-way. As a genera rule, the owner of the road right-of-way may require Idaho Power to relocate its facilties at Idaho Power expnse for the road owner's own road improvement projects (assuing Idao Power does not have a separate easement or other propert right for the facilties). These projects tyically involve road widenig work by the road owner, in which case Idaho Power relocates its facilties fuer back to the edge of the new right-of-way at its own expense. However, Idaho Power's policy is not to relocate its facilties frm road right-of-way at its expense if the relocation is requi for the benefit of a thd par rather th the road owner. A tyical example of ths situation is the installation of a tum lane for a new commercial development. The road owner tyically wi reuir the developer to pay for the cost of the tu lane, and Idaho Power simiarly requies the developer to pay for the cost of relocatig a power line to mae room for the tu lane. . In Idao Power's view ths same priciple applies to its power line relocaton work for LID #136 last suer. Cert improvements were made with the Idaho Deparent of Tranportation Deparent's (lID) Nampa-Cadwell Blvd right-of-way for the benefit of the LID and its parcipants. lTD requid the LID to pay for the cost of intalling the improvements and Exhibit No. 1 Case No. IPC-E-08-22 P Low Idaho Power CompanyPage 4 of6 Telhone (208) 388-8653 ,. ;.. - (( Page #2 Augut 27, 2008 simlarly, Idaho Power should be reimbured for its power line relocation work tht was necesitated by these improvements. Ths is Idao Power's policy thughout its serce terrtory - if a power line relocation is required for road improvements that benefit a specifc developer or grup, the Company reuires the developer or group to pay for the cost of the relocation. Ths proCedure ha been formaly recogni by the Ada County Highway Distrct for many year, under ACHD Ordiance 330. Idaho Power follows the same approach in al other Idao counties with our service terrtory, even though the other counties have not adopted specifc relocation ordces as ACHD has. Furermore, Idaho Power's frchise agreements in Idaho recite the rue that Idaho Power is not required to pay for the relocation of its facilties in city rights-of-way if the relocation is for the benefit ofa thd par. For iÌance, Nampa's Franchise Ordince No. 3181 sttes in Section 3tht . The Grtee (Idao PowerJ shall bea the cost of relocatig its facilties at the City's request, uness the facilties are to be relocated for the benefit of a third party, in which case the third party shall pay the costs of relocation. (Emphasis added). Ths priciple clearly applies to the relocation of Idaho Power's facilties from the lT Nampa- Caldwell Boulevard right-of-way. Idao Power's facilties were relocated for the benefit of the LID #136 projectand therefore the LID should pay for the cost of the relocation work. Ths is Idaho Power's policy thoughout its servce tertory. Idao Power's relocation policy applies to LIDs in the same maner as any other entity who request the relocation of Idaho Power failties. In fact, as we have dicussed, Rule H includes a specific section for LID relocation reuests. Ths section wa added to Rule H to allow the parcipants of LIDs to pay for power lie alterations though the collective LID payment mechasm, rather than paying the Company diectly as any other customer or entity would. You questoned wheter Nampa LID #136 fals with the Rule H defition of LIDs, since LID #136's puroses are broader than the purose set fort in Rule H - "the stdy, fiancing, and constrction of a Distbution Line Instalation or alteration". However, Idaho Power believes Rule H would apply to LID #136, since the stted puroses of LID #136 specifcaly include "utility improvements". Rule H does not stte tht power line relocations must be the only purose of an LID. The clear interpretion is tht power line relocaons must be one of the naed puroses of the LIP, regardless of any other puroses designted for the LID. An equaly importt point under Rule H is that even if an LID entity is determined" not to mee the Rule H definition of an LID, ths does not mean that the entity is not requied to pay for power line inslations and alteraons under Rule H. Rule H applies to any entity requetig a power lie instaation or alteration, whether it is an LID or not. As indicate above, the LID Exhibit No. 1 Case No. IPC-E-08-22 D. Lowry, Idaho Power Company Page 50f6 -'(( Page #3 Augut 27, 2008 section of Rule H simply provides an opportty for the parcipants of an LID to pay the cost of faciJity relocations though the collective LID payment process. If an entity does not wish to follow ths process, it can simply pay the relocation cost diectly to Idaho Power as a reguar cuscmer and not though the LID mechansm. In either cae though the relocation payment must be made to Idaho Power. I hope t~s let answers your questions regardig Idao Power's policy on power line reloations and how tht policy applies to our relocation work for the LID #136 improvements. Idao Power feels th it is importt to apply its relocation requiements consistently and to collect monies tht are due for relocation work for the benefit of all of our customer. Idao Power agai request tht the City of Nampa and LID #136 reimburse Idaho Power for its relocation cost for the project of $71,807.00. As before, ths request also includes reimbursement of the additiona Qwest costs of $48,900, which were also incured in the same joint relocation work by the utiities (Idaho Power instaled the new poles and re-attched its electrcal wies to the new poles, whe Qwest removed the existig poles and re-attached its communcation cables to the new poles). . Please feel free to contat me if you have any fuer questons regaring ~his reuest. Sinceely Michael D. Ybarguen . Exhibit No. 1 Case No. IPC-E-08-22 D. Lowry, Idaho Power Company Page 6 of6