HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081030Application.pdfr ' LISA D. NORDSTROM Senior Attorney etlDA~POR~ An IDACORP Company October 30,2008 VIA HAND DELIVERY Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Re: Case No. IPC-E-08-22 IN THE MA TTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO MODIFY ITS RULE H TARIFF RELATED TO NEW SERVICE A TTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLA TIONS OR AL TERA TlONS Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed please find for filing an original and seven (7) copies of Idaho Powets Application in the above matter. In addition, enclosed are an original and eight (8) copies each of the testimonies of Gregory W. Said, Scott Sparks, and David Lowry that are being submitted in support of Idaho Power's enclosed filing. One copy of each of the testimonies has been designated as the "Reporter's Copy." In addition, a disk containing Word versions of each of the above testimonies has been provided for the Reporter and has been marked accordingly. Finally, I would appreciate it if you would return a stamped copy of this letter for Idaho Power's file in the enclosed stamped, self-addressed envelope. Very truly yours,~A'1~~ Lisa D. Nordstrom LDN:csb Enclosures P.O. Box 70 (83707) 1221 W. Idaho St. Boise, ID 83702 LISA D. NORDSTROM, ISB No. 5733 . BARTON L. KLINE, ISB No. 1526 Idaho Power Company P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Tel: 208-388-5825 Fax: 208-338-6936 Inordstromßiidahopower.com bklineßiidahopower.com REceIVED Z0080CT 30 PH 4: 3 , iDAHO îC UTILITIES C iss ION Attorneys for Idaho Power Company Street Address for Express Mail: 1221 West Idaho Street Boise, Idaho 83702 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MADER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR ) CASE NO. IPC-E-08-22 AUTHORITY TO MODIFY ITS RULE H ) TARIFF RELATED TO NEW SERVICE ) APPLICATION ADACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION ) LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS ) ) Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or "Company"), pursuant to Idaho Code §§ 61-502 and 61-507 and Rules of Procedure 052, 121 and 123, hereby applies to the Idaho Public Utilties Commission ("Commission") for authority to modify the charges and credits listed in the Company's Rule H tariff governing New Service Attachments and Distribution Line Installations or Alterations. The Company requests that the Commission approve the proposed tariff changes no later than March 1, 2009, to become effective 120 days later. In support of this Application, Idaho Power represents as follows: APPLICATION - 1 i. BACKGROUND 1. The Company last filed an application for major changes to its Rule H tariff in 1995, Case No. IPC-E-95-18. The purpose of the 1995 application was to reduce upward pressure on rates by shifting more of the cost of new service attachments and distribution line installations or alterations from system revenue requirement to new customers that request construction. In February 1997, the Commission issued Order No. 26780 approving changes to the cost estimating methodology, allowances, refunds, engineering charges, overhead fees and other miscellaneous provisions. 2. Approximately eleven (11) years later, the Company, in Case No. IPC-E- 08-02, requested to update charges in Section 4(b) of Rule H concerning Underground Service Attachment Charges. The Commission approved this update in May 2008 in Order No. 30558 and the new charges went into effect June 1, 2008. 3. In this present Application, Idaho Power is once again moving to defer rate increases by proposing Rule H revisions to update line installation charges and allowances, thereby shifting more of the cost burden for new service attachments and distribution line installations or alterations from general ratepayers to new customers requesting construction for these services. The philosophy underlying Idaho Power's approach is described in Gregory Said's testimony that accompanies this Application. The tariff has also been extensively reworded and formatted to make it easier to read and understand. In keeping with the recommendations of Staff and the Commission in Case No. IPC-E-08-02 and Order No. 30558, the Company proposes to update its charges and credits in its Rule H tariff on an annual basis. APPLICATION - 2 II. PROPOSED TARIFF MODIFICATIONS 4. Idaho Power proposes modifications to the existing Rule H tariff that reorganize the tariff sections, add or revise definitions, update charges and allowances, modify refund provisions, and delete the Line Installation Agreements section. These modifications are described in greater detail in the proposed tariff (Attachment No.1) and testimony of Scott Sparks that accompany this Application. 5. New Section Titles' and Arrangement. Section titles were arranged to more closely reflect the manner in which customers are charged and to better match the arrangement of the Company's cost estimation process. Below are the new titles and their arrangement: Section 1. Definitions Section 2. General Provisions Section 3. Line Installation Charges Section 4. Service Attachment Charges Section 5. Vested Interest Charges Section 6. Other Charges Section 7. Line Installation and Service Attachment Allowances Section 8. Refunds Section 9. Local Improvement Districts Section 10. Relocations in Public Road Rights-of-Way Section 11. Existing Agreements 6. Definitions and General Provisions. The following Definitions and General Provisions have been added or revised: Alteration, Conversion, Cost Quote, Service APPLICATION - 3 Attachment, Standard Terminal Facilities, Subdivision, Terminal Facilities, Unusual Conditions, Upgrade, Work Order Cost, Rights-of-Way, Propert Specifications, Conditions for Start of Construction, and Interest on Payment. 7. Updated Charges. Idaho Power has created separate sections for Line Installation Charges and Service Attachment Charges. In the Service Attachment Charges section, Idaho Power separated the overhead and underground service attachments, updated the charges for underground service attachments less than 400 amperages, and outlined the calculation for determining underground service attachment charges greater than 400 amperages. The Vested Interest Charges section was reworded and some definitions were removed. The available options and calculations in this section were not changed. Engineering charges, temporary service attachment chargès, and return trip charges were updated in the Other Charges section. 8. Company-funded Allowances. The Line Installation and Service Attachment Allowances section was modified and updated to reflect costs associated with providing and installng "standard terminal facilities" for single phase and three phase service attachments and line installations. Idaho Power further proposes one allowance toward the cost of terminal facilities and line installations and modifies Company-funded allowances inside subdivisions. These two major revisions to the tariff specifically address the Company's and Commission's desire to shift more of the cost for service attachments, distribution line installations, and alterations out of base rates. First, the Company has calculated new service attachment and line installation allowances based on the cost of providing and installing "standard terminal facilties." APPLICATION - 4 Standard terminal facilities are the overhead terminal facilities the Company considers to be most commonly installed for overhead single phase and three phase services. Single phase standard terminal facilities include the cost of providing and installng one overhead service conductor and one 25 kVA transformer to serve a 200 amperage meter base. Three phase standard terminal facilities include the cost of providing and installng one overhead service conductor and three 15 kVA transformers to serve a 200 amperage meter base. Overhead service has long been considered the Company's standard service and by providing maximum allowances equal to these costs, the Company can reduce its revenue requirement by shifting more of the cost of construction to those customers requesting new service attachments, line installations, or alterations. This revision is consistent with the Commission's findings in Case No. IPC-E-95-18: "To the extent that any allowance is ordered, some portion of distribution cost will continue to be recovered through rates. Whether the allowance is applied in exact proportions toward the terminal facilities component, the line extension component, or both, is not criticaL." Order No. 26780 at 15. The Commission also determined that "current allowances should be reduced somewhat to prevent an unreasonable portion of the line extension costs from being shifted to base rates." Id. For these reasons, Idaho Power is proposing one allowance for single phase services and one allowance for three phase services. Second, the revised Rule H tariff provides that all costs within subdivisions, other . than" costs offset by Company-funded allowances given for installed transformers, be borne by subdividers. This revision continues the approach approved in Order No. APPLICATION - 5 26780, where the Commission recognized the need to shift more construction costs to subdividers by reducing subdivision lot refunds from $1,200 to $800. 9. Refunds. Under Idaho Power's current proposal, subdividers and new Applicants wil continue to be eligible for Vested Interest Refunds outside of subdivisions and wil become eligible for Vested Interest Refunds inside subdivisions for additional line installations that were not part of the initial line installation. Idaho Power also proposes to change the availability of Vested Interest Refunds from a 5-year period to a 4-year recovery period and discontinue all subdivision lot refunds. 10. Local Improvement Districts. The Company proposes replacing "Conversion" with "Alteration" to improve clarity. 11. Elimination of Line Installation Agreements. Idaho Power proposes elimination of existing language describing Line Installation Agreements for Line Installation Allowances paid in excess $75,000. The Company does not believe such agreements are necessary. 12. Relocations in Public Road Rights-of-Way. The Company proposes to add this section to address funding of roadway Relocations required under Idaho Code § 62-705. This section identifies when and to what extent the Company wil fund roadway Relocations. Specifically, the section outlines Road Improvements for General Public Benefit, Roadway Improvements for Third-Part Beneficiary, and Road Improvements for Joint Benefit. The testimony of David Lowry explains how cost responsibilty for relocations is generally assigned and offers specific examples of why clarification of the existing Rule H language is needed to address third-party requests affecting utility facilities in public rights-of-way. APPLICATION - 6 13. Existing Agreements. No changes were proposed in this section. 14. Effective Date. The Company is requesting that the updated tariff be approved no later than March 1, 2009. The Company also requests a 120-day implementation period from the approval date to train employees, reprogram computerized accounting systems, and reconstruct internal processes. Therefore, the Company requests that the Commission's Order set an effective date for service requests priced under the revised tariff at 120 days beyond the date of Commission approval. 15. Proposed Tariff. The Company's proposed Rule H tariff is included as Attachment NO.1. Due to the extensive reorganization of Rule H language proposed in this Application, it is not practical to provide the proposed changes in typical legislative format. Instead, Idaho Power has provided the text of each section in legislative format independent of the overall restructuring of Rule H in Attachment No. 2 so that the substantive changes can more easily be seen. The Company believes this meets the requirements of RP 121(a). II. MODIFIED PROCEDURE 16. Idaho Power believes that a hearing is not necessary to consider the issues presented herein and, therefore, respectfully requests that this Application be processed under Modified Procedure, i.e., by written submissions rather than by hearing. RP 201 et seq. If, however, the Commission determines that a technical hearing is required, the Company stands ready to present its testimony and support the Application in such hearing. APPLICATION - 7 IV. COMMUNCIATIONS AND SERVICE OF PLEADINGS 17. Idaho Power has planned a special communications effort to advise builders and developers in its service territory of the changes proposed by this Application. Attachment No. 3 contains Idaho Power's press release, Idaho Business Review ad, and mailing to active builders and developers in its service territory. 18. Communications and service of pleadings with reference to this Application should be sent to the following: Lisa Nordstrom Barton L. Kline Idaho Power Company P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Inordstromßiidahopower.com bkline~idahopower.com Scott Sparks Gregory W. Said Idaho Power Company P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 ssparksßiidahopower.com gsaid~idahopower.com V. REQUEST FOR RELIEF 19. Idaho Power respectfully requests that the Commission issue an Order: (1) authorizing that this matter may be processed by Modified Procedure and (2) approving the proposed Rule H modifications no later than March 1, 2009, to become effective 120 days later. DATED at Boise, Idaho this 30th day of October 2008. &llfL~ LISA D. NORDSTR Attorney for Idaho Power Company APPLICATION - 8 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-08-22 IDAHO POWER COMPANY PROPOSED TARIFF ATTACHMENT NO.1 Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. H-1 Cancels Original Sheet No. H-1I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 RULE H NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS This rule applies to requests for electric service under Schedules 1, 4, 5, 7, 9, 19, 24, 45, and 46 that require the installation, alteration, relocation, removal, or attachment of Company-owned distribution facilities. New construction beyond the Point of Delivery for Schedule 9 or Schedule 19 is subject to the provisions for facilities charges under those schedules. This rule does not apply to transmission or substation facilities, or to requests for electric service that are of a speculative nature. 1. Definitions Additional Applicant is a person or entity whose Application requires the Company to provide new or relocated service from an existing section of distribution facilities with a Vested Interest. Alteration is any change or proposed change to existing distribution facilities. An alteration may include Relocation, Upgrade, Conversion, and/or removaL. Applicant is a person or entity whose Application requires the Company to provide new or relocated service from distribution facilties that are free and clear of any Vested Interest. Application is a request by an Applicant or Additional Applicant for new electric service from the Company. The Company, at its discretion, may require the Applicant or Additional Applicant to sign a written application. Company Betterment is that portion of the Work Order Cost of a Line Installation and/or Alteration that provides a benefit to the Company not required by the Applicant or Additional Applicant. Increases in conductor size and work necessitated by the increase in conductor size are considered a Company Betterment if the Connected Load added by the Applicant or Additional Applicant is less than 100 kilowatts. If, however, in the Company's discretion, it is determined that the additional Connected Load added by the Applicant or Additional Applicant, even though less than 100 kilowatts, is (1) located in a remote location, or (2) a part of a development or project which will add a load greater than 100 kilowatts, the Company will not consider the work necessitated by the load increase to be a Company Betterment. Connected Load is the total nameplate kW rating of the electric loads connected for commercial, industrial, or irrigation service. Connected Load for residences is considered to be 25 kW for residences with electric space heat and 15 kW for all other residences. Conversion is a request by a customer to replace overhead facilities with underground facilities. Cost Quote is a written cost estimate provided by the Company that must be signed and paid by the Applicant or Additional Applicant prior to the start of construction. Cost Quotes are derived from Work Order Cost estimates. IDAHO Issued - October 30,2008 Effective - June 29, 2009 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, ID Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. H-2 Cancels Original Sheet No. H-2I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 RULE H NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 1. Definitions (Continued) Fire Protection Facilities are water pumps and other fire protection equipment, served separately from the Applicant's other electric load, which operate only for short periods of time in emergency situations and/or from time to time for testing purposes. Line Installation is any installation of new distribution facilities owned by the Company. Line Installations are exclusive of Service Attachments and eligible for Vested Interest Refunds. Line Installation Allowance is the portion of the estimated cost of a Line Installation funded by the Company. Line Installation Charge is the partially refundable charge assessed an Applicant or Additional Applicant whenever a Line Installation is built for that individuaL. Local Improvement District is an entity created by the appropriate city or county governing body, as provided by Idaho Code §50-2503, whose purpose is to provide for the study, financing and construction of a distribution Line Installation or Alteration. The governing body shall assess property owners to recover the cost of the distribution Line Installation or Alteration. A Local Improvement District has discernible property boundaries. Multiple Occupancy Projects are projects that are intended to be occupied by more than four owners or tenants. Examples include, but are not limited to condominiums and apartments. Point of Delivery is the junction point between the facilities owned by the Company and the facilities owned by the customer; OR the point at which the Company's lines first become adjacent to the customer's property; OR as otherwise specified in the Company's tariff. Relocation is a change in the location of existing distribution facilities. Residence is a structure built primarily for permanent domestic dwellng. Dwellngs where tenancy is typically less than 30 days in length, such as hotels, motels, camps, lodges, clubs, and structures built for storage or parking do not qualify as a Residence. Service Attachment is the interconnection between the Company's distribution system and the Applicant's or Additional Applicant's Point of Delivery. Standard Terminal Facilities are the overhead Terminal Facilities the Company considers to be most commonly installed for overhead single phase and three phase services. Single phase Standard Terminal Facilities include the cost of providing and installing one overhead service conductor and one 25 kVA transformer to serve a 200 amperage meter base. Three phase IDAHO Issued - October 3D, 2008 Effective - June 29, 2009 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, ID Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. H-3 Cancels Original Sheet No. H-3I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 RULE H NEW SERVICE ATIACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 1. Definitions (Continued) Standard Terminal Facilities include the cost of providing and installing one overhead service conductor and three 15 kVA transformers to serve a 200 amperage meter base. Subdivision is the division of a lot, tract, or parcel of land into two or more parts for the purpose of transferring ownership or for the construction of improvements thereon that is lawfully recognized, platted and approved by the appropriate governmental authorities. Temporary Line Installation is a Line Installation for electric service of 18 calendar months or less in duration. Temporary Service Attachment is a Service Attachment to a customer-provided temporary pole which typically furnishes electric service for construction. Terminal Facilities include transformer, meter, overhead service conductor, or underground service cable and conduit (where applicable). These facilities are not eligible for Vested Interest Refunds. Underground Service Attachment Charge is the non-refundable charge assessed an Applicant or Additional Applicant whenever new underground service is required by a customer attaching to the Company's distribution system. Unusual Conditions are construction conditions not normally encountered. These conditions may include, but are not limited to: frost, landscape replacement, road compaction, pavement replacement, chip-sealing, rock digging/trenching, boring, nonstandard facilities or construction practices, and other than available voltage requirements. Upgrade is a request by a customer to increase capacity and/or size of Company-owned distribution facilities. Upgrades are eligible for Vested Interest Refunds. Vested Interest is the right to a refund that an Applicant or Additional Applicant holds in a specific section of distribution facilities when Additional Applicants attach to that section of distribution facilities. Vested Interest Charge is an amount collected from an Additional Applicant for refund to a Vested Interest Holder. Vested Interest Holder is an entity that has paid a refundable Line Installation Charge to the Company for a Line Installation. A Vested Interest Holder may also be an entity that has paid a refundable charge to the Company under the provisions of a prior rule or schedule. IDAHO Issued - October 30,2008 Effective - June 29, 2009 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, ID I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 First Revised Sheet No. H-4 Cancels Original Sheet No. H-4 Idaho Power Company RULEH NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 1. Definitions (Continued) Vested Interest Refund is a refund payment to an existing Vested Interest Holder resulting from a Vested Interest Charge to an Additional Applicant. Vested Interest Portion is that part of the Company's distribution system in which a Vested Interest is held. Work Order Cost is a cost estimate performed by the Company for a specific request for service by an Applicant or Additional Applicant. The Work Order Cost will include general overheads related to the management of construction. 2. General Provisions a. Cost Information. The Company wil provide preliminary cost information addressing in the charges contained in this rule, to potential Applicants and/or Additional Applicants. This preliminary information will not be considered a formal Cost Quote and wil not be binding on the Company or Applicant but rather will assist the Applicant or Additional Applicant in the decision to request a formal Cost Quote. Upon receiving a request for a formal Cost Quote, the Applicant or Additional Applicant wil be required to prepay non- refundable engineering costs to the Company. A Cost Quote will be binding in accordance with its terms. b. Ownership. The Company wil own all distribution line facilities and retain all rights to them. c. Rights-of-Way and Easements. The Company wil construct, own, operate, and maintain lines only along public streets, roads, and highways that the Company has the legal right to occupy, and on public lands and private property across which rights-of- way or easements satisfactory to the Company wil be obtained at the Applicant's or Additional Applicant's expense. d. Removals. The Company reserves the right to remove any distribution facilities that have not been used for 1-year. Facilities shall be removed only after providing 60 days written notice to the last customer of record and the owner of the property served. e. Property Specifications. Applicants or Additional Applicants must provide the Company with final property specifications as required and approved by the appropriate governmental authorities. These specifications may include but are not limited to: recorded plat maps, utilty easements, final construction grades, property pins and proof of ownership. IDAHO Issued - October 30,2008 Effective - June 29, 2009 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, ID Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. H-5 Cancels Original Sheet No. H-5I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 RULE H NEW SERVICE ATIACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 2. General Provisions (Continued) f. Undeveloped Subdivisions. When electric service is not provided to the individual spaces or lots within a Subdivision, the Subdivision wil be classified as undeveloped. g. Mobile Home Courts. Owners of mobile home courts wil install, own, operate, and maintain all termination poles, pedestals, meter loops, and conductors from the Point of Delivery. h. Conditions for Start of Construction. Construction of Line Installations and Alterations will not be scheduled until the Applicant or Additional Applicant pays the appropriate charges to the Company. i. Terms of Payment. All payments listed under this section will be paid to the Company in cash, a minimum of 30 days and no more than 120 days, prior to the start of Company construction, unless mutually agreed otherwise. j. Interest on Payment. If the Company does not start construction on a Line Installation or Alteration within 30 days after receipt of the construction payment, the Company wil compute interest on the payment amount beginning on the 31 st day and ending once Company construction actually begins. Interest will be computed at the rate applicable under the Company's Rule L. If this computation results in a value of $10.00 or more, the Company wil pay such interest to the Applicant, Additional Applicant, or subdivider. An Applicant, Additional Applicant, or subdivider may request to delay the start of construction beyond 30 days after receipt of payment in which case the Company will not compute or pay interest. k. Fire Protection Facilities. The Company will provide service to Fire Protection Facilities when the Applicant pays the full costs of the Line Installation including Terminal Facilities, less Company Betterment. These costs are not subject to a Line Installation Allowance, but are eligible for Vested Interest Refunds under Section a.a. i. Customer Provided Trench Digging and BackfilL. The Company will, at its discretion, allow an Applicant, Additional Applicant or subdivider to provide trench digging and backfilL. In a joint trench, backfill must be provided by the Company. Costs of customer- provided trench and backfil wil be removed from or not included in the Cost Quote and will not be subject to refund. IDAHO Issued - October 30, 2008 Effective - June 29,2009 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, ID Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. H-6 Cancels Original Sheet No. H-6LP.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 RULEH NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR AL TERATIONS (Continued) 3. Line Installation Charges If a Line Installation is required, the Applicant or Additional Applicant will pay a partially refundable Line Installation Charge equal to the Work Order Cost less applicable Line Installation Allowances identified in Section 7. 4. Service Attachment Charges a. Overhead Service Attachment Charge. If an overhead Service Attachment is required, the Applicant or Additional Applicant will pay a non-refundable Service Attachment Charge equal to the Work Order Cost less applicable Service Attachment allowances identified in Section 7. b. Underground Service Attachment Charge. Each Applicant or Additional Applicant wil pay a non-refundable Underground Service Attachment Charge for attaching new Terminal Facilities to the Company's distribution system. The Company will determine the location and maximum length of service cable. i. Single Phase 400 Amps or Less Underground Service Cable (Base charge plus Distance charge) Base charge from: underground overhead including 2" riser overhead including 3" riser $ 41.00 $407.00 $558.00 Distance charge (per foot) Company Installed Facilties with: 1/0 underground cable 4/0 underground cable 350 underground cable $ 7.20 $ 7.80 $10.00 Customer Provided Trench & Conduit with: 1/0 underground cable 4/0 underground cable 350 underground cable $ 2.10 $ 2.70 $ 4.10 ii.All Three Phase and Single Phase Greater than 400 Amps If a three phase or single phase underground Service Attachment greater than 400 amps is required, the Applicant or Additional Applicant will pay a non- refundable Underground Service Attachment Charge equal to the Work Order Cost. IDAHO Issued - October 30, 2008 Effective - June 29, 2009 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, ID Idaho Power Company Second Revised Sheet No. H-7 Cancels First Revised Sheet No. H-7I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 RULE H NEW SERVICE ATIACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 5. Vested Interest Charges Additional Applicants connecting to a vested portion of a Line Installation wil pay a Vested Interest Charge to be refunded to the Vested Interest Holder. Additional applicants will have two payment options: Option One - An Additional Applicant may choose to pay an amount determined by this equation: Vested Interest Charge = A x B x C where; A = Load Ratio: Additional Applicant's load divided by the sum of Additional Applicant's load and Vested Interest Holder's load. B = Distance Ratio: Additional Applicant's distance divided by original distance. C = Vested Interest Holder's unrefunded contribution Option Two - An Additional Applicant may choose to pay the current Vested Interest, in which case the Additional Applicant will become the Vested Interest Holder and, as such, will become eligible to receive Vested Interest Refunds in accordance with Section 8.a. If Option One is selected, the Additional Applicant has no Vested Interest and the previous Vested Interest Holder remains the Vested Interest Holder. The Vested Interest Holder's Vested Interest will be reduced by the newest Additional Applicant's payment. The Vested Interest Charge wil not exceed the sum of the Vested Interests in the Line Installation. If an Additional Applicant connects to a portion of a vested Line Installation which was established under a prior rule or schedule, the Vested Interest Charges of the previous rule or schedule apply to the Additional Applicant. 6. Other Charges a. Alteration Charges. If an Applicant or Additional Applicant requests a Relocation, Upgrade, Conversion or removal of Company facilities, the Applicant or Additional Applicant will pay a non-refundable charge equal to the Cost Quote. IDAHO Issued - October 30, 2008 Effective - June 29, 2009 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, ID Idaho Power Company Second Revised Sheet No. H-8 Cancels First Revised Sheet No. H-8I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 RULE H NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 6. Other Charges (Continued) b. Engineering Charge. Applicants or Additional Applicants will be required to prepay all engineering costs for Line Installations and/or Alterations greater than 16 estimated hours. Estimates equal to or less than 16 hours will be biled to the Applicant or Additional Applicant as part of the construction costs, or after the engineering is completed in instances where construction is not requested. Engineering charges wil be calculated at $58.00 per hour. c. Engineering Charges for Agencies and Taxing Districts of the State of Idaho. Under the authority of Idaho Code Section §67-2302, an agency or taxing district of the State of Idaho may invoke its right to decline to pay engineering charges until the engineering services have been performed and billed to the agency or taxing district. Any state agency or taxing district that claims it falls within the provisions of Idaho Code §67 -2302 must notify Idaho Power of such claim at the time Idaho Power requests prepayment of the engineering charges. Idaho Power may require that the state agency or taxing district's claim be in writing. If the state agency or taxing district that has invoked the provisions of Idaho Code Section §67 -2302 does not pay the engineering charges within the 60 day period as provided in that statute, all the provisions of that statute will apply. d. Rights-of-Way and Easement Charge. Applicants or Additional Applicants will be responsible for any costs associated with the acquisition of rights-of-way or easements. e. Temporary Line Installation Charge. Applicants or Additional Applicants wil pay the installation and removal costs of providing Temporary Line Installations. f. Temporary Service Attachment Charge. Applicants or Additional Applicants will pay for Temporary Service Attachments as follows: i. Underground - $41 The Customer-provided pole must be set within two linear feet of the Company's existing transformer or junction box. ii. Overhead - $182 The Customer-provided pole shall be set in a location that does not require more than 100 feet of #2 aluminum service conductor that can be readily attached to the permanent location by merely relocating it. IDAHO Issued - October 30, 2008 Effective - June 29, 2009 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, ID Idaho Power Company Second Revised Sheet No. H-9 Cancels First Revised Sheet No. H-9I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 RULE H NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 6. Other Charges (Continued) The electrical facilities provided by the Customer on the pole shall be properly grounded, electrically safe, meet all clearance requirements, and ready for connection to Company facilities. The Customer shall obtain all permits required by the applicable state, county, or municipal governments and will provide copies or verification to the Company as required. The above conditions must be satisfied before the service wil be attached. g. Temporary Service Return Trip Charge. If the conditions stated in Section 6.f. of this rule are not satisfied prior to the Customer's request for temporary service, a Temporary Service Return Trip Charge of $41.00 will be assessed each time Company personnel are dispatched to the job site, but are unable to connect the service. The charge wil be billed after the conditions have been satisfied and the connection has been made. h. Unusual Conditions Charge. Applicants, Additional Applicants, and subdividers wil pay the Company the additional costs associated with any Unusual Conditions included in the Cost Quote. This payment, or portion thereof, wil be refunded to the extent that the Unusual Conditions are not encountered. In the event that the estimate of the Unusual Conditions included in the Cost Quote is equal to or greater than $10,000, the Applicant, Additional Applicant or subdivider may either pay for the Unusual Conditions or may furnish an Irrevocable Letter of Credit drawn on a local bank or local branch offce issued in the name of Idaho Power Company for the amount of the Unusual Conditions. Upon completion of that portion of the project which included an Unusual Conditions estimate, Idaho Power Company will bill the Applicant, Additional Applicant or subdivider for the amount of Unusual Conditions encountered up to the amount established in the Irrevocable Letter of Credit. The Applicant, Additional Applicant or subdivider will have 15 days from the issuance of the Unusual Conditions billing to make payment. If the Applicant, Additional Applicant or subdivider fails to pay the Unusual Conditions bil within 15 days, Idaho Power wil request payment from the bank. i. Joint Trench Charge. Applicants, Additional Applicants, and subdividers wil pay the Company for trench and backfill costs included in the Cost Quote. In the event the Company is able to defray any of the trench and backfill costs by sharing a trench with other utilities, the cost reduction will be included in the Cost Quote. IDAHO Issued - October 30, 2008 Effective - June 29, 2009 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, ID Idaho Power Company Second Revised Sheet No. H-10 Cancels First Revised Sheet No. H-10I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 RULE H NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 6. Other Charges (Continued) j. Underground Service Return Trip Charge. When a residential Customer agrees to supply- the trench, backfill, conduit, and compaction for an underground service, an Underground Service Return Trip Charge of $68.00 will be assessed each time the Company's installation crew is dispatched to the job site at the Customer's request, but is unable to complete the cable installation and energize the service. 7. Line Installation and Service Attachment Allowances The Company will contribute an allowance toward the Terminal Facilities and Line Installation costs necessary for Line Installations and/or Service Attachments. Allowances are based on the cost of providing and installng Standard Terminal Facilities for single phase and three phase services. a. Allowances for Overhead and Underground Line Installations' and Overhead Service Attachments Class of Service Maximum Allowance per Service Residential: Schedules 1, 4, 5 Non-residence $1,780 Cost of new meter only Non-residential: Schedules 7,9,24 Single Phase Three Phase $1,780 $3,803 Large Power Service Schedule 19 Case-By-Case b. Allowances for Subdivisions and Multiple Occupancy Projects Developers of Subdivisions and Multiple Occupancy Projects will receive a $1,780 allowance for each single phase transformer installed within a development and a $3,803 allowance for each three phase transformer installed within a development. Subdividers wil be eligible to receive allowances for Line Installations inside residential and non-residential subdivisions. IDAHO Issued - October 30, 2008 Effective - June 29, 2009 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, ID Idaho Power Company Second Revised Sheet No. H-11 Cancels First Revised Sheet No. H-11I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 RULE H NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 8. Refunds a. Vested Interest Refunds. Vested Interest Refunds will be paid by the Company and funded by the Additional Applicant's Vested Interest Charge as calculated in accordance with Section 5. The initial Applicant will be eligible to receive refunds up to 80 percent of their original construction cost. Additional Applicants that become Vested Interest Holders wil be eligible to receive refunds up to their total contribution less 20 percent of the original construction cost. A Vested Interest Holder and the Company may agree to waive the Vested Interest payment requirements of Additional Applicants with loads less than an agreed upon leveL. Waived Additional Applicants wil not be considered Additional Applicants for purposes of Section 8.a.i. (1) below. i. Vested Interest Refund Limitations (1). Vested Interest Refunds wil be funded by no more than 4 Additional Applicants during the 4-year period following the completion date of the Line Installation for the initial Applicant. (2). In no circumstance wil refunds exceed 100 percent of the refundable portion of any party's cash payment to the Company. b. Subdivision Refunds. i. Applicants will be eligible for Vested Interest Refunds for facilities installed inside Subdivisions if the construction was NOT part of the initial Line Installation. Customers requesting additional Line Installations within a Subdivision will be considered new Applicants and become eligible for Vested Interest Refunds. ii. A subdivider wil be eligible for Vested Interest Refunds for payments for Line Installations outside subdivisions. 9. Local Improvement Districts Unless specifically provided for under this paragraph, a Local Improvement District will be provided service under the general terms of this rule. IDAHO Issued - October 30, 2008 Effective - June 29, 2009 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, ID Idaho Power Company Second Revised Sheet No. H-12 Cancels First Revised Sheet No. H-12I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 RULE H NEW SERVICE ATIACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 9. Local Improvement Districts (Continued) The Company will provide a cost estimate and feasibilty study for a Local Improvement District within 120 days after receiving the resolution from the requesting governing body. The Cost Quote wil be based on Work Order Costs and will not be considered binding on the Company if construction is not commenced within 6 months of the submission of the estimate for reasons not within the control of the Company. The governing body issuing the resolution wil pay the Company for the costs of preparing the cost estimate and feasibility study regardless of whether the Line Installation or Alteration actually takes place. After passage of the Local Improvement District ordinance, the Company wil construct the Line Installation or Alteration. Upon completion of the project, the Company will submit a bill to the Local Improvement District for the actual cost of the work performed, including the costs of preparing the cost estimate and feasibility study. If the actual cost is less than the estimated cost, the Local Improvement District will pay the actual cost. If the actual cost exceeds the estimated cost, the Local Improvement District wil pay only the estimated cost. The governing body wil pay the Company within 30 days after the bil has been submitted. A Local Improvement District will be eligible for a Line Installation Allowance for any new load connecting for service upon the completion of the Line Installation. A Local Improvement District will retain a Vested Interest in any Line Installation to the Local Improvement District. A Local Improvement District may waive payments for Vested Interest from Additional Applicants within the Local Improvement District. 10. Relocations in Public Road Rights-of-Way The Company often locates its power line facilities within state and local public road rights-of- way under authority of Idaho Code § 62-705 (for locations outside Idaho city limits) and the Company's city franchise agreements (for locations within Idaho city limits). At the request of the state or local agency that administers the road, such as the Idaho Department of Transportation or city or county highway districts ("Public Road Agency"), the Company wil Relocate its power line facilties from or within the public road right-of-way to make way for road improvements. The road improvements may be for the benefit of the general public, or in some cases, road improvements are made by a Public Road Agency to benefit private or public third parties such as real estate developers, local improvement districts, or adjacent landowners ("third-party beneficiaries"). The Company's cost of Relocations from or within the public road rights-of-way shall be paid as follows: IDAHO Issued - October 30,2008 Effective - June 29,2009 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, ID Idaho Power Company Second Revised Sheet No. H-13 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 First Revised Sheet No. H-13 thru H-16 RULE H NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 10. Relocations in Public Road Rights-of-Way (Continued) a. Road Improvements for General Public Benefit - Where the road improvements requiring the Relocation are funded solely by the Public Road Agency, the Company will bear the cost of the Relocation. b. Road Improvements for Third-Party Beneficiary - Where the Public Road Agency performs road improvements which are funded by a third-party beneficiary, such third- party beneficiary will also pay the Company for the cost of the Relocation. c. Road Improvements for Joint. Benefi - Where the road improvements requiring a Relocation are funded by both the Public Road Agency and a third-party beneficiary, the Company will bear the percentage of the Relocation costs equal to the percentage of the road improvement costs paid by the Public Road Agency, and the third-party beneficiary will pay the Company for the percentage of the Relocation costs equal to the percentage of the road improvement costs paid by the third-party beneficiary. d. Private Right of Occupancy - Notwithstanding the other provisions of this Section 10, where the Company has a private right of occupancy for its power line facilities within the public road right-of-way, such as an easement or other private right, the cost of the Relocation is borne by the Public Road Agency. All payments from third-party beneficiaries to the Company under this section shall be paid in advance of the Company's Relocation work, based on the Company's Work Order Cost. 11. Existing Agreements This rule shall not cancel existing agreements, including refund provisions, between the Company and previous Applicants, or Additional Applicants. All Applications will be governed and administered under the rule or schedule in effect at the time the Application was received and dated by the Company. IDAHO Issued - October 30, 2008 Effective - June 29, 2009 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, ID BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-08-22 IDAHO POWER COMPANY TARIFF SECTIONS IN LEGISLATIVE FORMAT ATTACHMENT NO.2 Idaho Power Company I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 First Revised Sheet No. H-1 Cancels Original Sheet No. H-1 RULE H NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS This rule applies to requests for electric service under Schedules 1, 4, 5, 7, 9, 19, 24, 45, and 46 that require the installation, alteration, relocation, removal, or attachment of Company-owned distribution facilities. New.construction beyond the Point of Delivery for Schedule 9 or Schedule 19 is subject to the provisions for facilities charges under those schedules. This rule does not apply to transmission or substation facilities, or to requests for electric service that are of a speculative nature. 1. Definitions Additional Applicant is a person or entity whose Application requires the Company to provide new or relocated service from an existing section of distribution facilities with a Vested Interest. Alteration is any change or proposed change to existing distribution facilities. An alteration may include Relocation, Upgrade, Conversion, and/or removaL. Applicant is a person or entity whose Application requires the Company to provide new or relocated service from distribution facilities that are free and clear of any Vested Interest. Application is a request by an Applicant or Additional Applicant for new electric service from the Company. The Company, at its discretion, may require the Applicant or Additional Applicant to sign a written application. Company Betterment is that portion of the Work Order Cost of a Line Installation, alteration, and/or AlterationRelocation that provides a benefit to the Company not required by the Applicant or Additional Applicant. Increases in conductor size and work necessitated by the increase in conductor size are considered a Company Betterment if the Connected Load added by the Applicant or Additional Applicant is less than 100 kilowatts. If, however, in the Company's discretion, it is determined that the additional Connected Load added by the Applicant or Additional Applicant, even though less than 100 kilowatts, is (1) located in a remote location, or (2) a part of a development or project which wil add a load greater than 100 kilowatts, the Company will not consider the work necessitated by the load increase to be a Company Betterment. Connected Load is the total nameplate kW rating of the electric loads connected for commercial, industrial, or irrigation service. Connected Load for residences is considered to be 25kW for residences with electric space heat and 15 kW for all other residences. Conversion is a request by a customer to replace overhead facilities with underground facilities. Cost Quote is a written cost estimate provided by the Company that must be signed and paid by the Applicant or Additional Applicant prior to the start of construction. Cost Quotes are derived from Work Order Cost estimates. IDAHO Issued - October 30, 2008 Effective - June 29, 2009 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, 10 Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. H-2 Cancels Original Sheet No. H-2I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 RULEH NEW SERVICE A IT ACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 1. Definitions (Continued) Fire Protection Facilities are water pumps and other fire protection equipment, served separately from the Applicant's other electric load, which operate only for short periods of time in emergency situations and/or from time to time for testing purposes. Line Installation is any installation of new distribution facilities (excluding Relocations or alteration of existing distribution facilities) owned by the Company. Line Installations are exclusive of Service Attachments and eligible for Vested Interest Refunds. Line Installation Allowance is the portion of the estimated cost of a Line Installation funded by the Company. Line Installation Charge is the partially refundable charge assessed an Applicant or Additional Applicant whenever a Line Installation is built for that individuaL. Local Improvement District is an entity created by the appropriate city or county governing body, as provided by Idaho Code §50-2503, whose purpose is to provide for the study, financing and construction of a distribution Distribution Line Installation or Alteration.alteration. The governing body shall assess property owners to recover the cost of the distribution Line Installation or Alteration.alteration. A Local Improvement District has discernible property boundaries. Multiple Occupancy Projects are projects that are intended to be occupied by more than four owners or tenants. Examples include, but are not limited tOï condominiums and apartments. Point of Delivery is the junction point between the facilties owned by the Company and the facilities owned by the customer; OR the point at which the Company's lines first become adjacent to the customer's property; OR as otherwise specified in the Company's tariff. Relocation is a change in the location of existing distribution facilties. '. Residence is a structure built primarily for permanent domestic dwellng. Dwellngs where tenancy is typically less than 30 days in length, such as hotels, motels, camps, lodges, clubs, and structures built for storage or parking do not qualify as a Residence. Service Attachment is the interconnection between the Company's distribution system and the Applicant's or Additional Applicant's Point of Delivery. 'standard Terminal Facilities are the overhead Terminal Facilities the Company considers to be most commonly installed for overhead single phase and three phase services. Single phase Standard Terminal Facilities include the cost of providing and installng one overhead service conductor and one 25 kVA transformer to serve a 200 amperage meter base. Three phase IDAHO' Issued per Order No. 30508 Effective - March 1, 2008 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, ID Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. H-3 Cancels Original Sheet No. H-3I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 RULE H NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 1. Definitions (Continued) Standard Terminal Facilities include the cost of providing and installng one overhead service conductor and three 15 kVA transformers to serve a 200 amperage meter base. Subdivision is the division of a lot, tract, or parcel of land into two or more parts for the purpose of transferring ownership or for the construction of improvements thereonï that is lawfully recognized, platted and approved by the appropriate governmental authorities. Temporary Line Installation is a Line Installation for electric service of 18 calendar months or less in duration. Temporary Service Attachment is a Service Attachment to a customerservice attachment to a Customer provided temporary pole which typically furnishes electric service for construction. Terminal Facilities include transformer, meter, overhead service conductor, or underground service cableï and underground conduit (where applicable). These facilities are not eligible for Vested Interest Refunds. Underground Service Attachment Charge is the non-refundable charge assessed an Applicant or Additional Applicant whenever new single phase underground service is required by a Schedule 1, 4, 5, or 7 customer attaching to the Company's distribution system. Unusual Conditions are construction conditions not normally encountered. These conditions may include, but are not limited to: frost, landscape replacement, road compaction, pavement replacement, chip-sealing, rock digging/trenching, boring, nonstandard facilities or construction practices, and other than available voltage requirements. Upgrade is a request by a customer to increase capacity and/or size of Company-owned distribution facilties. Upgrades are eligible for Vested Interest Refunds. Vested Interest is the right to a refund that an Applicant or Additional Applicant holds in a specific section of distribution facilities when Additional Applicants attach to that section of distribution facilities. Vested Interest Charge is an amount collected from an Additional Applicant for refund to a Vested Interest Holder. Vested Interest Holder is an entity that has paid a refundable Line Installation Charge to the Company for a Line Installation. A Vested Interest Holder may also be an entity that has paid a refundable charge to the Company under the provisions of a prior rule or schedule. IDAHO Issued per Order No. 30508 Effective - March 1, 2008 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, ID Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. H-4 Cancels Original Sheet No. H-4I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 RULEH NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 1. Definitions (Continued) Unusual Conditions are construction conditions not normally encountered. These conditions may include, but are not limited to: frost, landscape replacement, road compaction, pavement replacement, chip sealing, rock digging, boring, nonstandard facilities or construction practices, and other than available voltage requirements. Vested Interest is the right to a refund that an Applicant or Additional Applicant holds in a specific section of distribution facilities '-"hen Additional Applicants attach to that section of distribution facilities. Vested Interest Charge is an amount collected from an Additional Applicant for rend to a Vested Interest Holder. Vested Interest Holder is an entity that has paid a refundable Line Installation Charge to the Company for a Line Installation. A Vested Interest Holder may also be an entity that has paid a refundable charge to the Company under the provisions of a prior rule or schedule. Vested Interest Refund is a refund payment to an existing Vested Interest Holder resulting from a Vested Interest Charge to an Additional Applicant. Vested Interest Portion is that part of the Company's distribution system in which a Vested Interest is held. Work Order Cost is a cost estimate performed by the Company for a specific request for service by an Applicant or Additional Applicant. The Work Order Cost wil include general overheads relatedlimited to the management of construction. 1.5 percent. General overheads in e~(Gess of 1.5 percent wil be funded by the Company. IDAHO. Issued per Order No. 30508 Effective - March 1, 2008 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, ID Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. H-4 Cancels Original Sheet No. H-4I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 RULE H NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 2. General Provisions a. Cost Information. The Company wil provide preliminary cost information addressingas reflected in the charges contained in this rule, to potential Applicants and/or Additional Applicants. This preliminary information wil not be considered a formal Cost Quotecost quote and wil not be binding on the Company or Applicant but rather wil assist the Applicant or Additional Applicant in the decision to request a formal Cost Quote.cost quote. Upon receiving a request for a formal Cost Quotecost quote, the Applicant or Additional Applicant wil be required to prepay non-refundable engineering costs to the Company. A Cost Quote will be binding in accordance with its terms. b. Ownership. The Company wil own all distribution line facilities and -b Installations and retain all rights to them. c. Rights-of-Way and Easements. The Company wil construct, own, operate, and maintain lines only along public streets, roads, and highways that the Company has the legal right to occupy, and on public lands and private property across which rights-of-way or easements satisfactory to the Company wil mabe obtained at the Applicant's or Additional Applicant's expense. d. Removals. The Company reserves the right to remove any distribution facilities that have not been used for ,L-oyear. Facilities shall be removed only after providing 60 days written notice to the last customerCustomer of record and the owner of the property served, giving them a reasonable opportunity to respond. e. Property Specifications. Applicants or Additional Applicants must provide the Company with final property specifications as required and approved by the appropriate governmental authorities. These specifications may include but are not limited to: recorded plat maps, utility easements, final construction grades, aAproperty pins and proof of ownership. f. Undeveloped Subdivisions. When electric service is not provided to the individual spaces or lots within a Subdivision, the Subdivision wil be classified as undeveloped. g. Mobile Home Courts. Owners of mobile home courts wil install, own, operate, and maintain all termination poles, pedestals, meter loops, and conductors from the Point of Delivery. h. Conditions for Start of Construction. Construction of tALine Installations and Alterations/or Relocations wil not be scheduled until the Applicant or Additional Applicant pays the appropriate charges to the Company. IDAHO Issued - October 30, 2008 Effective - June 29, 2009 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, ID Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. H-5 Cancels Original Sheet No. H-5I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 RULEH NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 2. General Provisions (Continued) i. Terms of Payment. All payments listed under this section 'lIiI be paid to the Company in cash, a minimum of 30 days and no more than 120 days, prior to the start of Company construction, unless mutually agreed otherviise. i. Terms of Payment. All payments listed under this section wil be paid to the Company in cash, a minimum of 30 days and no more than 120 days, prior to the start of Company construction, unless mutually agreed otherwise. j. Interest on Payment. If the Company does not start construction on a Line Installation Extension and/or AlterationRelocation within 30 days after receipt of the construction payment, the Company wil compute interest on the payment amount beginning on the 31st day and ending once Company construction actually begins. Interest will be computed at the rate applicable under the Company's Rule L. If this computation results in a value of $10.00 or more, the Company wil pay such interest to the Applicant, Additional Applicant, or subdivider. An Applicant. Additional Applicant. or subdivider may request to delay the start of construction beyond 30 days after receipt of payment in which case the Company wil not compute or pay interest. k. Fire Protection Facilities. The Company wil provide service to Fire Protection Facilities when the Applicant pays the full costs of the Line Installation including Terminal Facilities, less Company Betterment. These costs are not subject to a Line Installation Allowance, but are eligible for Vested Interest Refunds under Section 6.a. i. Customer Provided Trench Digging and BackfilL. The Company wil.. at its discretion.. allow an Applicant, Additional Applicant or subdivider to provide trench digging and backfilL. In a joint trench, backfill must be provided by the Company. Costs of customerCustomer provided trench and backfil will be removed from or not included in the Cost QuoteWork Order Costs and wil not be subject to refund. IDAHO Issued - October 30,2008 Effective - June 29, 2009 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, ID Idaho Power Company I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 First Revised Sheet No. H-6 Cancels Original Sheet No. H-6 RULEH NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) (NEW SECTION - EXISTING SECTION 4) 3.4. Charges for Line Installations and ,A,dditional Charges for Underground Service ,Altachments An Applicant or Additional Applicant will pay the Company for construction of Line Installations andlor underground service attachments, less Line Installation ChargesAllowances, based upon the charges listed in this section. a. Line Installation Charge. If a Line Installation is required, the Applicant or Additional Applicant will pay a partially refundable Line Installation Charge equal to the Work Order Cost less applicable Line Installation Allowances identified in Section 7. 4. Service Attachment Charges (NEW SECTION TITLE) i. Line Installation Charges Inside Subdivisions. Inside a. Overhead Service Attachment Charge. If an overhead Service Attachment is required Residential Subdivision, the Applicant or Additional Applicant wil pay a non-refundable Service Attachment Charge equal to Line Installation Charges are calculated using the Work Order Cost less applicable Service Attachment allowances identified in Section 7Terminal Facilities. The maximum refund will be the total per lot refund amount as specified in Section 6.b., but not more than the VVork Order Cost less Terminal Facilities. Costs of ne'o"i facilities outside Subdivisions are subject to Vested Interest Refunds. Inside a non Residential Subdivision, the Line Installation Charges are calculated as follo'l.': Schedule 7 Single Phase ........................................................................Overhead Terminal Facilities Three Phase.............................................................................80% of Terminal Facilities Schedule 9 Single Phase.........................;.............................................. Overhead Terminal Facilities Three Phase............................................................................. 80% of Terminal Facilities Maximum Allowance b. Underground Service Attachment Charge. Each Applicant or Additional Applicant wil pay a non-refundable Underground Service Attachment Charge for attaching new Terminal Facilities to the Company's distribution system. The Company wil determine the location and maximum length of service cable. i. Single Phase 400 Amps or Less IDAHO Issued - October 30, 2008 Effective - June 29, 2009 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, ID Idaho Power Company I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 First Revised Sheet No. H-6 Cancels Original Sheet No. H-6 RULE H NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 4. Service Attchment Charges (continued) 4. Charges for Line Installations and Additional Charges for Underground Service Attachments (Continued) Schedules 1,4,5 and 7, Single Phase Underground Service Cable (Base charge plus Distance distance charge) Base charge from:Charge from underground from overhead including .friser overhead including 3" riser $ 41$-.00$407$i.00 $558.00 Distance chargeCharge (per foot) -Company Installed Facilities with: 1/0 underground cable 4/0 underground cable 350 underground cable $ 5.05 $ 7.20 $ 7.80 $10.00 4,.10 and 5 only, Single Family and Duplex) Customer Provided Trench & Conduit with: $ 1/0 underground cable 4/0 underground cable 350 underground cable $ 2.10 $ 2.70 $ .05 (Schedules ii. All Three Phase and Single Phase Greater than 400 Amps If a three phase or single phase underground Service Attachment greater than 400 amps is required, the Applicant or Additional Applicant wil pay a non-refundable Underground Service Attachment Charge equal to the Work Order Cost c. Vested Interest Charge Additional Definitions for Section 4.c. and Section 6.a.: Original Investment Work Order Cost less Terminal Facilities Allowance. Vested Interest Holder's Contribution Customer Payment plus Line Installation Allowances other than Terminal Facilties. Vested Interest ,6,mount potentially subject to refund. Load Ratio Additional Applicant load divided by the sum of Additional Applicant's load and Vested Interest Holder's load. Distance Ratio Additional Applicant distance divided by original distance. IDAHO Issued - October 30, 2008 Effective - June 29,2009 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, ID Idaho Power Company First Revised Sheet No. H-6 Cancels Original Sheet No. H-6I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 14. RULE H NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) Service Attachment Charges (continued) Option Two An Additional Applicant may choose to pay an amount determined by this equation: Vested Interest Payment Load Ratio x Distance Ratio x Vested Interest Holder's unrefunded contribution. 4. Charges for Line Installations and Additional Charges for Underground Service Attachments (Continued) If Option Two is selected, the Additional Applicant has NO Vested Interest and the previous Vested Interest Holder remains the Vested Interest Holder. The vested Interest Holder's Vested Interest wil be reduced by the newest Additional ,A,pplicants payment. ii. The Vested Interest Charge '..ill not exceed the sum of the vested Interests in the Vested Interest Portion. iii. If an Additional Applicant connects to a Vested Interest Portion '..'hich 'Nas established under a prior rule or schedule, the Vested Interest Charges of the previous rule or schedule apply to the Additional Applicant. IDAHO Issued - October 30,2008 Effective - June 29, 2009 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, 10 Idaho Power Company I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Second Revised Sheet No. H-7 Cancels First Revised Sheet No. H-7 RULEH NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 5. Vested Interest (NEW SECTION - EXISTING SECTION 4) 4. Charges for Line Installations and Additional Applicants connecting to a vested portion of a Line Installation wil pay a Vested Interest Charge to be refunded to the Vested Interest Holder. Additional applicants will have two payment options:Charges for Underground Service Atachments Option One - An Additional Applicant may choose to pay an amount determined. by this equation: An Applicant or Additional Applicant '/Jil pay the Company for construction of Line Installations andlor underground service attachments, less Line Installation Alloviances, based upon the charges listed in this section. Vested Interest Charge A x B x C where; a. Line Installation Charge. If a Line Installation is required, the Applicant or Additional Applicant 'Nill pay a partially refundable Line Installation Charge equal to the W-ork Order Cost less applicable Line Installation Allowances. i. Line Installation Charges Inside Subdivisions. Inside a Residential Subdivision, the Line Installation Charges are calculated using the Work Order Cost less Terminal Facilities. The maximum refund will be the total per lot refund amount as specified in Section 6.b., but not more than the "'lork Order Cost less Terminal Facilities. Costs of new facilities outside Subdivisions are subject to 'Jested Interest Refunds. A = Load Ratio: Additional Applicant's Inside a non Residential Subdivision, the Line Installation Charges are calculated as folloJ..s: Schedule 7 Single Phase........................................................................ Overhead Terminal Facilities Three Phase.............................................................................80% of Terminal Facilities Schedule 9 Single Phase........................................................................ Overhead Terminal Facilities Three Phase.............................................................................80% of Terminal Fac.ilities Maximum Alloi'vance b. Underaround Service Attachment Charae. Each Applicant or Additional Applicant wil pay a non refundable Underground Service Attachment Charge for attaching neJA' Terminal Facilities to the Company's distribution system. The Company J.vill determine the location and maximum length of service cable. IDAHO Issued - October 30, 2008 Effective - June 29, 2009 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, ID I Idaho Power Company I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Second Revised Sheet No. H-7 Cancels First Revised Sheet No. H-7 RULEH NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 5. Vested Interest (continued) 4. Charges for Line Installations and Additional Charges for Underground Service Attachments (Continued) Schedules 1, 4, 5 and 7, Single Phase Underground Service Cable (Base charge plus distance charge) Base Charge from underground from overhead including riser Distance Charge (per foot) Company Installed Facilties $ 30.00 $255.00 $ 5.05 Customer Provided Trench & Conduit $ 1.05 (Schedules 1,4 and 5 only, Single Family and Duplex) c. Vested Interest Charge Additional Definitions for Section 4.c. and Section 6.a.: Original Investment Work Order Cost less Terminal Facilities ,A,lIowance. Vested Interest Holder's Contribution Customer Payment plus Line Installation Alloiyances other than Terminal Facilties. Vested Interest Amount potentially subject to refund. Load Ratio Additional Applicant load divided by the sum of Additional Applicant's load and Vested Interest Holder's load. B = Distance Ratio~- Additional Applicant's distance divided by original distance. C = Vested Interest Holder's unrefunded contribution Option -PNO An Additional Applicant may choose to pay an amount determined by this equation: IDAHO Issued - October 30,2008 Effective - June 29, 2009 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, ID I Idaho Power Company Second Revised Sheet No. H-7 Cancels First Revised Sheet No. H-7I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 RULE H NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) . 5. Vested Interest (continued) Vested Interest Payment Load Ratio x Distance Ratio x Vested Interest Holder's unrefunded contribution. If Option One:i is selected, the Additional Applicant has noNG Vested Interest and the previous Vested Interest Holder remains the Vested Interest Holder. The Vested Interest Holder's Vested Interest wil be reduced by the newest Additional Applicant's payment. ii. The Vested Interest Charge will not exceed the sum of the Vested Interests in the Line Installation. Vested Interest Portion. iii. If an Additional Applicant connects to a portion of a vested Line Installation Vested Interest Portion which was established under a prior rule or schedule, the Vested Interest Charges of the previous rule or schedule apply to the Additional Applicant. IDAHO Issued - October 30, 2008 Effective - June 29, 2009 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, ID Idaho Power Company Second Revised Sheet No. H-7 Cancels First Sheet No. H-7I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 RULEH NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) §. 5. OtherCharges (SECTION 6 - EXISTING SECTION 5) All charges in this section are non refundable. a. AlterationRelocation and Removal Charges. If an Applicant or Additional Applicant requests a Relocation, Upgrade, Conversion or removal of Company facilities, the Applicant or Additional Applicant wil pay a non-refundable charge equal to the Wo Order Cost Quote. b. Engineering Charge. Applicants or Additional Applicants wil be required to prepay all engineering costs for Line Installations; and/or AlterationsRelocations greater than 16 estimated hours. Estimates equal to or less than 16 hours wil be biled to the Applicant or Additional Applicant as part of the construction costs, or after the engineering is completed in instances where construction is not requested. Engineering charges will be calculated at $58W.00 per hour. c. Engineering Charges for Agencies and Taxing Districts of the State of Idaho. Under the authority of Idaho Code Section §67 -2302, an agency or taxing district of the State of Idaho may invoke its right to decline to pay engineering charges until the engineering services have been performed and biled to the agency or taxing district. Any state agency or taxing district that claims it falls within the provisions of Idaho Code §67 -2302 must notify Idaho Power of such claim at the time Idaho Power requests prepayment of the engineering charges. Idaho Power may require that the state agency or taxing district's claim be in writing. If the state agency or taxing district that has invoked the provisions of Idaho Code Section §67 -2302 does not pay the engineering charges within the 60_-day period as provided in that statute, all the provisions of that statute wil apply. d. Rights Right of--Way and Easement Charge. Applicants or Additional Applicants wil be responsible for any costs associated with the acquisition of right§.-of-way or easements. e. Temporarv Line Installation Charge. Applicants or Additional Applicants will pay the installation and removal costs of providing Temporary Line Installations. f. Temporary Service Attachment Charge. Applicants or Additional Applicants wil pay for Temporary Service Attachments as follows: i. Underground - $4144 IDAHO Issued - October 30,2008 Effective - June 29, 2009 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, ID Idaho Power Company Second Revised Sheet No. H-8 Cancels First Revised Sheet No. H-8I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 RULE H NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 65. Other Charges (Continued) The Customer-provided pole must be set within two linear feet of the Company's existing transformer or junction box. ii. Overhead - $182l2 The Customer-provided pole shall be set in a location that does not require more than 100 feet of #2 aluminum service conductor that can be readily attached to the permanent location by merely relocating it. The electrical facilties provided by the Customer on the pole shall be properly grounded, electrically safe, meet all clearance requirements. and ready for connection to Company facilties. The Customer shall obtain all permits required by the applicable state, county, or municipal governments and will provide copies or verification to the Company as required. The above conditions must be satisfied before the service wil be attached. g. Temporary Service Return Trip Charge. If the conditions stated in Section §..f. of this rule are not satisfied prior to the Customer's request for temporary service, a Temporary Service Return Trip Charge of $4135.00 wil be assessed each time Company personnel are dispatched to the job site, but are unable to connect the service. The charge wil be biled after the conditions have been satisfied and the connection has been made. h. Unusual Conditions Charge. Applicants, Additional Applicants, and subdividers wil pay the Company the additional costs associated with any Unusual Conditions included in the 'JVork Order Cost Quote.related to the construction of a bine Installation or Relocation. This payment, or portion thereof, wil be refunded to the extent that the Unusual Conditions are not encountered. Unusual Conditions payments for bine Installations wil also be refunded, under the provisions of Section 6, if the Unusual Conditions are encountered. IDAHO Issued per Order No. 30508 Effective - March 1, 2008 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, ID Idaho Power Company I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Second Revised Sheet No. H-9 Cancels First Revised Sheet No. H-9 RULE H NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 65. Other Charges (Continued) In the event that the estimate of the Unusual Conditions included in the We Order Cost Quote is equal to or greater thanexceeds $10,000, the Applicant, Additional Applicant or subdivider may either pay for the Unusual Conditions or may furnish an Irrevocable Letter of Credit drawn on a local bank or local branch offce issued in the name of Idaho Power Company for the amount of the Unusual Conditions. Upon completion of that portion of the project which included an Unusual Conditions estimate, Idaho Power Company wil bil the Applicant, Additional Applicant or subdivider for the amount of Unusual Conditions encountered up to the amount established in the Applicant, Additional Applicant or subdivider fails to pay the Unusual Conditions bil within 15 days, Idaho Power wil request payment from the bank. i. Joint Trench Charge. Applicants, Additional Applicants, and subdividers wil pay the Company for trench and backfill costs included in the Cost Quote.'Nork order prepared for an unshared trench. In the event tJthe Company is able to defray any of the trench and backfll costs Qvíncluded in the v.'rk order through the sharing ÊGf trench with other utilities, the trench and backfil cost reductionsa'oings wil be included in the Cost Quoterefunded. j. Underground Service Return Trip Charge. When a residential Customer agrees to supply the trench, backfill, conduit, and compaction for an underground service, an Underground Service Return Trip Charge of $68W.00 wil be assessed each time the Company's installation crew is dispatched to the job site at the Customer's request, but is unable to complete the cable installation and energize the service. IDAHO Issued per Order No. 30508 Effective - March. 1 , 2008 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, ID Idaho Power Company Second Revised Sheet No. H-10 Cancels First Revised Sheet No. H-10I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 RULEH NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 1.3.Line Installation and Service Attachment Allowances (NEW SECTION TITLE - EXISTING SECTION 3) The Company wil contribute an allowance toward fethe Terminal Facilities and Line Installation costs necessary for service attachments and/or Line Installations and/or Service Attachments. Allowances are based on the cost of providing and installng Standard Terminal Facilities for single phase and three phase services. . A Line Installation Allo"'°o'ance 'Nill be applied to the Line Installation costs for a Subdivision as outlined in Section 4.a.i. Subdividers may recoup their payments only through the refunding provisions under Section 6 of this rule. a. Allowances for Overhead and Underground Line Installations and Overhead Service Attachments Class of Service Maximum Allowance per Service Residential: Schedules 1, 4, Of5 Non-residence $1,780 Cost of new meter only Non-residential: Schedules 7, 9, 24 Single Phase Three Phase $1,780 $3,803 Large Power Service Schedule 19 Case-By-Case b. Allowances for Subdivisions and Non Electric Heat Residence Overhead Terminal Facilities'" $1,000 All Electric Residence Non Residence Multiple Occupancy Projects Developers of Subdivisions and Multiple Occupancy Projects wil receive a $1,780 allowance for' each single phase transformer installed within a development and a $3,803 allowance for each three phase transformer installed within a development. Subdividers will be eligible to receive allowances for Line Installations inside residential and non-residential subdivisions. Single Phase Three Phase Schedule 7 O'Jerhead Terminal Facilities'" $1,300 Cost of Meter Only Overhead Terminal Facilities 80% of Terminal Facilities IDAHO Issued - October 30, 2008 Effective - June 29, 2009 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, ID Idaho Power Company I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Second Revised Sheet No. H-10 Cancels First Revised Sheet No. H-10 RULEH NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) I. Line Installation and Service Attchment Allowances (continued) Single Phase Three Phase Schedule 9 Single Phase Three Phase Schedule 24 Single Phase Three Phase Schedule 19 Case By Case Overhead Terminal Facilities 80% of Terminal Facilities $1,726 80% of Terminal Facilities $1,726 Overhead Terminal Facilities IDAHO Issued - October 30,2008 Effective - June 29, 2009 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, ID Idaho Power Company Second Revised Sheet No. H-11 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 First RevisedOriginal Sheet No. H-11 RULE H NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) ~ê. Refunds (SECTION 8 - EXISTING SECTION 6) a. Vested Interest Refunds. The initial Applicant '..ill be eligible to receive up to 80 percent of the original investment as a Vested Interest Refund in accordance with Section 4.c. Refunds wil be paid by the Company and funded by the Additional Applicant's Vested Interest Charge as calculated in accordance with Section 5. The initial Applicant will be eligible to receive refunds up to 80 percent of their original construction cost. Additional Applicants that become Vested Interest Holders wil be eligible to receive refunds up to their total contribution less 20 percent of the original construction cost. 4:A Vested Interest Holder and the Company may agree to waive the Vested Interest payment requirements of Additional Applicants with loads less than an agreed upon leveL. Waived Additional Applicants wilWG not be considered Additional Applicants for purposes of Section §.ê.a.i._(1) below. i. Vested Interest Refund Limitations (1). Except for Rule 6.c, Vested Interest Refunds wil be funded by no more than ~ Additional Applicants during the ~á-year period following the completion date of the Line Installation for the initial Applicant. (2). In no circumstance wil refunds exceed 100 percent of the refundable portion of any party's cash payment to the Company. b. Subdivision Refunds. i. Applicants wil be eligible for Vested Interest Refunds for facilities installed inside Subdivisions if the construction was NOT part of the initial Line Installation. Customers requesting additional Line Installations within a Subdivision wil be considered new Applicants and become eligible for Vested Interest Refunds. li. A subdivider will be eligible for Vested Interest Refunds for payments for Line Installations outside subdivisionsthe subdivision. ii. A subdivider wil be eligible for a refund from the Company on the Line Installation Charge inside the Subdivision when a permanent Residence connects for service and occupies a lot inside the Subdivision within 5 years from the construction completion date of the Line Installation for the Subdivision. IDAHO Issued - October 3D, 2008 Effective - June 29,2009 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, ID I Idaho Power Company Second Revised Sheet No. H-11 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 First RevisedOriginal Sheet No. H-11 RULE H NEVV SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLAIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 6. Refunds (Continued) iii. The amount refunded to subdividers of residential Subdivisions wil be $800 per lot. less any additional Line Installation costs required to provide connected service to the lot. c. Special Rule for Undeveloped Subdivisions Platted Prior to January 1, 1997 i. For an undeveloped Subdivision which has been platted prior to January 1, 1997, and which has not been amended after Januarv 1, 1997, refunds wil be made for connections inside the Subdivision during the first 10 years follo'Ning the completion date of the Line Installation. ii. The subdivider '..ii not be entitled to refunds under Sections 6.b.ii. and 6.b.iii. Connections '..ithin the undeveloped Subdivision wil be treated as individual Applicants or Additional Applicants for payment. extension allowance, and refunding purposes. iii. The individual requesting the 10 'lear refund date 't"i.ill have the burden of demonstrating that the Line Installation is to a Subdivision 'Nhich has been platted and is undeveloped. iv. Special Arrangements Permitting Deviation from Rule H Refund Provisions An Applicant and/or Applicants and the Company may mutuallv agree that a deviation from Rule H refund provisions is reasonable and does not adversely affct other Customers of the Compan'l. A 'I.'ritten agreement to deviate from Rule H refund prol/isions '.vii be prepared and submitted to' the Commission. The agreement l..ill not be effctive until approved by the Commission. IDAHO Issued - October 30,2008 Effective - June 29,2009 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, ID Idaho Power Company Second Revised Sheet No. H-12 Cancels First Revised Sheet No. H-12I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 RULEH NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 9. Local Improvement Districts (SECTION 9 - EXISTING SECTION 9) Unless specifically provided for under this paragraph, a Local Improvement District wil be provided service under the general terms of this rule. The Company wil provide a cost estimate and feasibility study for a Local Improvement District within 120 days after receiving the resolution from the requesting governing body. The Cost Quote cost estimate wil be based on Work Order Costs and wil not be considered binding on the Company if construction is not commenced within 6 months of the submission of the estimate for reasons not within the control of the Company. The governing body issuing the resolution wil pay the Company for the costs of preparing the cost estimate and feasibility study regardless of whether the Line Installation or Alterationthe conversion actually takes place. After passage of the Local Improvement District ordinance, the Company wil construct the Line Installation or Alteration.conversion. Upon completion of the project, the Company wil submit a bil to the Local Improvement District for the actual cost of the work performed, including the costs of preparing the cost estimate and feasibility study. If the actual cost is less than the estimated cost, the Local Improvement District will pay the actual cost. -If the actual cost exceeds the estimated cost, the Local Improvement District wil pay only the estimated cost. The governing body wil pay the Company within 30 days after the bil has been submitted. A Local Improvement District will be eligible for a Line Installation Allowance for any new load connecting for service upon the completion of the Line Installation. A Local Improvement District will retain a Vested Interest in any Line Installation to the Local Improvement District. A Local Improvement District may waive payments for Vested Interest from Additional Applicants within the Local Improvement District. IDAHO Issued - October 3D, 2008 Effective - June 29, 2009 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, ID Idaho Power Company Second Revised Sheet No. H-13 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 First Revised Sheet No. H-13 thru H-16 RULEH NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 10. Relocations in Public Road Rights-of-Way (SECTION 10 - NEW SECTION) The Company often locates its power line facilities within state and local public road rights-of-way under authority of Idaho Code § 62-705 (for locations outside Idaho city limits) and the Company's city franchise agreements (for locations within Idaho city limits). At the request of the state or local agency that administers the road, such as the Idaho Department of Transportation or city or county highway districts ("Public Road Agency"), the Company wil Relocate its power line facilities from or within the public road right-of-way to make way for road improvements. The road improvements may be for the benefi of the general public, or in some cases, road improvements are made by a Public Road Agency to benefit private or public third parties such as real estate developers, local improvement districts, or adjacent landowners ("third-party beneficiaries"). The Company's cost of Relocations from or within the public road rights-of-way shall be paid as follows: a. Road Improvements for General Public Benefit - Where the road improvements requiring the Relocation are funded solely by the Public Road Agency, the Company wil bear the cost of the Relocation. b. Road Improvements for Third-Party Beneficiary - Where the Public Road Agency performs road improvements which are funded by a third-party beneficiary, such third-party beneficiary wil also pay the Company for the cost of the Relocation. c. Road Improvements for Joint Benefit - Where the road improvements requiring a Relocation are funded by both the Public Road Agency and a third-party beneficiary, the Company wil bear the percentage of the Relocation costs equal to the percentage of the road improvement costs paid by the Public Road Agency, and the third-party beneficiary wil pay the Company for the percentage of the Relocation costs equal to the percentage of the road improvement costs paid by the third-party beneficiary. d. Private Right of Occupancy - Notwithstanding the other provisions of this Section 10, where the Company has a private right of occupancy for its power line facilities within the public road right-of-way, such as an easement or other private right. the cost of the Relocation is borne by the Public Road Agency. All payments from third-party beneficiaries to the Company under this section shall be paid in advance of the Company's Relocation work, based on the Company's Work Order Cost. IDAHO Issued - October 30, 2008 Effective - June 29, 2009 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, ID Idaho Power Company 1 I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 RULEH NEW SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR AL TERATIONS (Continued) 11 8. Existing Agreements (SECTION 11 - EXISTING SECTION 8) This rule shall not cancel existing agreements, including refund provisions, between the Company and previous Applicants, or Additional Applicants. All Applications wil be governed and administered under the rule or schedule in effect at the time the Application was received and dated by the Company. IDAHO Issued per Order No. 30508 Effective - March 1, 2008 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, ID Idaho Power Company I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Original Sheet No. H-1 RULEH NE'IV SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) 7. Line Installation A-greements (DELETED SECTION) When the Line Installation Allowance paid by the Company under the provisions of this rule equals or exceeds $75,000, the Applicant '..ill be required to contract to pay, for a period of 5 years folloviing the completion date of the Line Installation, an annual payment equal to the greater of the billings determined by application of the appropriate schedule or: a. Eighty percent of the Applicant's total annual bill as determined by application of the appropriate schedule; plus; b. T'..enty percent of the Line Installation Allowance granted the Applicant. Each Line Installation, for which the Line Installation Allo'i.ince paid equals or exceeds $75,000, 'Nill require a separate Uniform Distribution Line Installation Agreement bet'l.'een the Applicant and the Company. Developers of multi family residential d'Nellings in which each unit is separately metered will be exempt from the requirement to enter into an agreement with the Company if the Line Installation Allowance paid equals or exceeds $75,000. IDAHO Issued per Order No. 30508 Effective - March 1, 2008 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, ID Idaho Power Company I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Original Sheet No. H-1 RULEH NEVV SERVICE ,ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALbA.TIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) Idaho Power Company Uniform Distribution Line Installation Agreement DISTRICT THIS AGREEMENT Made this ACCOUNT NO. day of , 20 , betw-een , '/lhosebillng address is hereinafter called Customer, and Idaho Po'..er Company, A corporation with its principal offce located at 1221 'Nest Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho, hereinafter called Company: NON THEREFORE, The parties agree as follo'NS: 1. The Compàny i,,,ii agree to provide facilties to supply volt, Service for the Customer's facilties located at or near , County ofkl phase Electric , State of 2. The Customer iiiil agree to: a. Make a cash advance to the Company of $ Customer's share of the investment in service facilties; as the b. Provide rights of way for the line extension at no cost to the Company, in a form acceptable to the Company; c. Pay an annual minimum charge during the firs 60 months follolNing the Initial Service Date. The annual minimum charge wil be the greater of (1) the total of the schedule billngs for the year or (2) $ plus 80 percent of the total schedule bilings for the year. The total schedule billngs 'Nill be computed in accordance .."iith the rates and provisions of the schedules under 'Nhich the Customer received service for that year. 3. This ,Agreement will not become binding upon the parties until signed by both parties. 4. The initial date of delivery of pO\\'er and energy is subject to the Company's abilty to obtain required labor, materials, equipment, satisfactory rights of 'Nay and comply 'Nith governmental regulations. The term of this Agreement will be for 5 years from and after the Initial Service Date 6. This Agreement wil be binding upon the respective successors and assigns of the Customer and the Company, proi¡ided however, that no assignment by the Customer ,..i1 be effctive without the Company's prior written consent. The Company's consent wil not be unreasonably withheld. IDAHO Issued per Order No. 30508 Effective - March 1, 2008 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, ID Idaho Power Company I.P.U.C. No. 29. Tariff No. 101 Original Sheet No. H-15 RULEH NEVil SERVICE ATTACHMENTS AND DISTRIBUTION LINE INSTALLATIONS OR ALTERATIONS (Continued) Idaho Power Company Uniform Distribution Line Installation Agreement (Continued) _ 7. This Agreement is subject to valid laws and to the regulatory authority and orders, rules and regulations of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission and such other administrative bodies having jurisdiction as 'Nell as Idaho PO'l.'r Company's Rules and Regulations as now or may be hereafter modified and approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. 8. The Company's Rule H, any revisions to that rule, and/or any successor rule is to be considered as part of this Agreement. 9. In any action at la'N or equity commenced under this Agreement and upon 'l/hich judgment is rendered, the prevailing party, as part of such judgment, 'l/ill be entitled to reco\'er all costs, including reasonable attorneys fees, incurred on account of such action. \lV.O. No. Initial Service Date LAPPROPRIATE SIGNATURES) IDAHO Issued per Order No. 30508 Effective - March 1, 2008 Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY John R. Gale, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, ID