HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110913Affidavit of Counsel in Support of Reply Brief.PDFDonovan E.Walker,ISB #5921 IDAHO POWER COMPANY 1221 W.Idaho Street [83702] P.O.Box 70 Boise,Idaho 83707 Telephone:(208)388-5317 Facsimile:(208)388-6936 Email:dwallcer@idahopower.com Bruce C.Jones,ISB #3177 Joy M.Bingham,ISB #7887 JONES &SWARTZ PLLC 1673 W.Shoreline Drive,Suite 200 [83702] P.O.Box 7808 Boise,Idaho 83707-7808 Telephone:(208)489-8989 Facsimile:(208)489-8988 E-mail:brucejonesandswartzlaw.com joyjonesandswartzlaw.com Attorneys for Idaho Power Company IDAHO POWER COMPANY, vs. Complainant, GLENNS FERRY COGENERATION PARTNERS,LTD.,a Colorado limited partnership, C D ]!1 SEP13 PM 2:52 AFFIDAVIT OF COUNSEL IN SUPPORT OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY’S REPLY BRIEF IN SUPPORT OF MOTION TO DISMISS WITHOUT PREJUDICE STATE OF IDAHO ) Respondent. County ofAda ss. ) I,Bruce C.Jones,being first duly sworn upon oath,depose and state as follows: AFFIDAVIT OF COUNSEL 1N SUPPORT OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY’S REPLY BRIEF TN SUPPORT OF MOTION TO DISMISS WITHOUT PREJUDICE -1 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Case No.IPC-E-08-20 1.I am an attorney with the law firm of Jones &Swartz PLLC,and am authorized to practice law before this and all courts ofthe State ofIdaho. 2.I am counsel of record for Idaho Power Company in the above-entitled action. 3.Attached hereto as Exhibit A is a true and correct copy of the May 19,2011 letter from Randy C.Aliphin,Senior Energy Contract Coordinator,Idaho Power Company,to Charles R. Walker,Jr.or Asset Manager,Glenns Ferry Cogen Partnership,Ltd. FURTHER YOUR AFFIANT SAYETH NAUGHT. BRUCE C.JONES SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this 13th day of September,2011. *,ø 1111(111•.,, 1{E..c ‘% jOT4k. **Notary Public for Idaho J My Commission expires 7.‘/2 ‘,‘ AFFIDAVIT OF COUNSEL TN SUPPORT OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY’S REPLY BRIEF iN SUPPORT OF MOTION TO DISMISS WITHOUT PREJUDICE -2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 13th day of September,2011,a true and correct copy of IDAHO PowER CoMPANY’s REPLY BRIEF IN SuPPoRT OF MoTIoN TO DIsMiss WIThouT PREJUDIcE was served upon all parties of record in this proceeding,by the method indicated,addressed as follows: Kristine Sasser Deputy Attorney General IDAHO PuBLIc UTILITIEs COMMISSION 472 W,Washington [83702] P.O.Box 83720 Boise,ID 83 720-0074 Commission Staff Peter J.Richardson Molly O’Leary RICHARDSON &O’LEARY PLLC 515 N.27th Street [83702] P.O.Box 7218 Boise,ID 83707 Counselfor Glenns Ferry Cogeneration Partners,Ltd. []U.S.Mail Fax: 4Messenger Delivery []Email:kris.sasser@puc.idaho.gov []U.S.Mail [>iax:938-7904 [j Messenger Delivery []Email:peter@richardsonandoleary.com molly@richardsonandoleary.com 0 BRUCE C.JoNEs AFFIDAVIT OF COUNSEL TN SUPPORT OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY’S REPLY BRIEF iN SUPPORT OF MOTION TO DISMISS WITHOUT PREJUDICE -3 EXHIBIT A to Affidavit of Counsel in Support of Idaho Power Company’s Reply Brief in Support of Motion to Dismiss Without Prejudice EXHIBIT A to Affidavit of Counsel in Support of Idaho Power Company’s Reply Brief in Support of Motion to Dismiss Without Prejudice 1HOPOJVER cCCP (crrW May 19,2011 Randy C.Allphin Senior Energy Contract Coordinator Glemis Ferry Cogen Partnership,Ltd. Attn:Charles R.Walker,Jr.or Asset Manager 41 S.Prospect Avenue ParkRidge,IL 60668 Original:Overnight Mail delivery E-mail:Chuck Walker {cwalker@eogllc.netj Re:Magic West Firm Energy Sales Agreement Mr.Walker: In response to your April 26,2011 c-mail to Mr.Donovan Walker,please be advised that Idaho Power will not accept the delivery of energy from the Glenns Ferry facility (Facility)pursuant to the December 9,1992 Firm Energy Sales Agreement (Agreement)between Idaho Power Company and Glenns Ferry Cogeneration Partners,Limited (GFCP),or otherwise,because GFCP has materially breached the Agreement. First,pursuant to Article XXIV ofthe Agreement,Idaho Power has not approved the transfer of partnership interests Idaho Power is entitled to approve GFCP’s ti ansfer of rights or obligations “by merger,or otherwise.”The very broad language of the assignment provision is designed to ensure that Idaho Power knows who it is dealing with and that those running GFCP are capable of meeting the requirements ofthe Agreement.Needless to say,Idaho Power is incapable of evaluating the consent to assignment as you have refused after multiple requests to provide Idaho Power with the Purh&e and Sale Agreement purporting to transfer partnership interests. Second,GFCP has breached the agreement because the Facility no longer has a thermal host,resulting in GFCP no longer maintaining its status as a qualifying facility under PURPA.Paragraph 3.2 of the Agreement provides that GFCP’s “failure to maintain qualifying facility status will be a material breach ofthis Agreement.” O,7C/C7 Vi.dar t 0 67f;2 Third,GFCP has failed to maintain the dedicated telephone circuit allowing the continuous telemetering of the Facility’s kilowatt output to Idaho Power’s Designated Dispatch Facility and remote operations of interconnection equipment as required by paragraph B-7 of Appendix B to the Agreement. This letter will serve as notification that as soon as 5 PM Mountain Standard Time on May 23,2011, Idaho Power will physically adjust the interconnection relay settings at this site that will result in the Facility being disconnected from the Idaho Power electrical system if the generation unit is started.ifthis disconnection is triggered by the start ofthe generation unit,not only the generator will be disconnected from the Idaho Power electrical system,but also the electrical service to the project will be disconnected. In addition,if you desire to continue to receive energy from Idaho Power at this site,you will need to establish a routine commercial retail service for this location.Please contact me ifyou wish to do this and I will arrange for the appropnate Idaho Power personnel to contact you and work through the process ofestablishing this electric service account in accordance with the applicable Idaho Power Tariffs.If you have not notified me with your desire to establish this retail account no later than 5 PM Mountain Standard Time on May 31,2011,Idaho Power Company will assume you do not wish to have electrical service at this location and the electrical service will be physically disconnected. Under no circumstances will the electrical system be enabled to allow delivery of energy from this Facility to Idaho Power until such time as the material breaches of the current agreement have been resolved and/or a separate agreement is executed that would enable the Facility to begin generation of electrical energy. Sincerely, E Randy C.Aliphin Senior Energy Contract Coordinator Cc:(IPCo)Donovan Walker (IPCo)Jason Williams Bruce Jones -0.Lo 7V tOY) W1alt St