HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090113Affidavit of Counsel in Support of Brief.pdfBruce C. Jones, ISB #3177 Joy M. Bingham, ISB #7887 JONES & SWARTZ PLLC 1673 W. Shoreline Drive, Suite 200 (83702) Post Office Box 7808 Boise, Idaho 83707-7808 Telephone: (208) 489-8989 Facsimile: (208) 489-8988 E-mail: bruce(fjonesandswarlaw.com joy~jonesandswarzlaw.com 2089 It,'-!'iN /2 Pl1 S: o? .. Attorneys for Idaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IDAHO POWER COMPANY, Case No. IPC-E-08-20 Complainant, vs.AFFIDAVIT OF COUNSEL IN SUPPORT OF IDAHO POWER COMPAN'S BRIEF IN OPPOSITION TO RESPONDENT'S MOTION TO DISMISS FOR LACK OF SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTION GLENNS FERRY COGENERATION PARTNERS, LTD., a Colorado Limited Parnership, Respondent. STATE OF IDAHO ) : ss. County of Ada ) I, Bruce C. Jones, being first duly sworn upon oath, depose and state as follows: 1. I am an attorney with the law firm of Jones & Swartz PLLC, and am authorized to practice law before this and all courts of the State of Idaho. 2. I am counsel of record for Idaho Power Company in the above-entitled action. AFFIDAVIT OF COUNSEL IN SUPPORT OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S BRIEF IN OPPOSITION TO RESPONDENT'S MOTION TO DISMISS FOR LACK OF SUBJECT MATTER JUSDICTION - 1 3. Attached hereto as Exhibit A is a tre and correct copy of the Firm Energy Sales Agreement between Idaho Power Company and Glenns Fery Cogeneration Parer, Ltd. (Dec. 9, 1992). 4. Attached hereto as Exhibit B is a tre and correct copy of Idaho Public Utilties Commission Order No. 24674, In the Matter of the Approval of a Firm Energy Sales Agreement Between Idaho Power Company and Glenns Ferry Cogeneration Partners, Ltd. for the Magic West Cogeneration Project (Jan. 22, 1993). 5. Attached hereto as Exhibit C is a tre and correct copy of the Letter from Steven J. Helmers, Vice President, Glenns Ferr Cogeneration Parers, Ltd., to M. Mark Stokes (June 10, 2008). 6. Attached hereto as Exhibit D is a true and correct copy of Idaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 21690, In the Matter of the Investigation on the Commission's Own Motion of Reasonable Terms for Security in Agreements Between Idaho Power Company and Cogenerators and Small Power Producers (Jan. 11, 1988). 7. Attached hereto as Exhibit E is a tre and correct copy of the First Amendment to the Firm Energy Sales Agreement (April 12, 1994). 8. Attached hereto as Exhibit F is a tre and correct copy of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 25505, In the Matter of a Proposed Amendment to the Firm Energy Sales Agreement Between Idaho Power Company and Glenns Ferry Cogeneration Partners, Ltd. For the Magic West Cogeneration Project (May 18, 1994). 9. Attached hereto as Exhibit G isa tre and correct copy of the Second Amendment to the Firm Energy Sales Agreement (Dec. 30, 1995). 10. Attached hereto as Exhibit H is a tre and correct copy of the Idaho Public AFFIDAVIT OF COUNSEL IN SUPPORT OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S BRIEF IN OPPOSITION TO RESPONDENT'S MOTION TO DISMISS FOR LACK OF SUBJECT MATTER JUSDICTION - 2 Utilties Commission Minute Entr, In the Matter of the Application of Rupert and Glenns Ferry Cogeneration Partners for an Order Approving Amendments to Power Sales Agreements (Jan. 8, 1996). 11. Attached hereto as Exhibit I is a tre and correct copy of the Idaho Public Utilties Commission Order No. 21800, In the Matter of the Investigation on the Commission's Own Motion of Reasonable Terms for Security in Agreements Between Idaho Power Company and Cogenerators and Small Power Producers (March 1988). FURTHER YOUR AFFIANT SA YETH NAUGHT. &I:: BRUCE C. JONES SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this 12th day of Januar, 2009. ~~ad~ . Notar Public for Idaho My Commission Expires 1 f. 1.2 AFFIDAVIT OF COUNSEL IN SUPPORT OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S BRIEF IN OPPOSITION TO RESPONDENT'S MOTION TO DISMISS FOR LACK OF SUBJECT MATTER JURSDICTION - 3 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have this 12th day of Januar, 2009, served the foregoing AFFIDAVIT OF COUNSEL IN SUPPORT OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S BRIEF IN OPPOSITION TO RESPONDENT'S MOTION TO DISMISS FOR LACK OF SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTION upon all paries of record in this proceeding, by the method indicated, addressed as follows: Glenns Fer Cogeneration Parners, Ltd. c/o Power Plant Management Serices, LLC 7001 Boulevard 26, Suite 310 North Richland Hils, TX 76180 Attn: Fred Barber/Scott Gross National Corporate Research L T 921 S. Orchard Street, Suite G Boise, ID 83706 I)U.S. Mail ( ) Fax: (817) 616-0754 ( ) Overght Delivery ( ) Messenger Delivery ( ) Email: tbarber(fppmsllc.com sgrossppms(fsuddenlink.net rxU.S. Mail ( ) Fax: ( ) Overnight Delivery ( ) Messenger Delivery ( ) Email:~_i,~ BRUCE C. JONES AFFIDAVIT OF COUNSEL IN SUPPORT OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S BRIEF IN OPPOSITION TO RESPONDENT'S MOTION TO DISMISS FOR LACK OF SUBJECT MATTER JUSDICTION - 4 EXHIBIT A --./,,-, IDAHO POWER COMPANY FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT BETEEN IDAHO POWER COMPANY AND GLENNS FERRY COGENERATION PARTNERS, LTD. A COLORADO LIMITED PARTNERSHIP L899 I II II IV V Vi VII VII IX X Xl XII XII XlV XV XVi XVII XVII XiX XX XXi XXII XXII XXiV XXV XXVi XXVII XXVII XXiX ~.r~ FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT BETEEN IDAHO POWER COMPANY AND GLENNS FERRY COGENERATION PARTNERS, LTD. A COLORADO LIMITED PARTNERSHIP TABLE OF CONTENTS DEFINITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 NO RELIANCE ON IDAHO POWER ............................... 3 WARRANTIES............................................. 4 CONDITIONS TO INTERCONNECTION ............................ 4 TERM, EARLY TERMINATION AND OPERATION DATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10 SALE OF NET FIRM ENERGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11 PURCHASE PRICE AND METHOD OF PAYMENT; ADJUSTMENT OF PURCHASE PRICE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 13 FACILITY AND INTERCONNECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 14 DISCONNECTION EQUIPMENT ................................ 14 METERING .............................................. 16 RECORDS. . . . .. . . .. . . . . ., . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .,. 17 PROTECTION ............................................ 17 OPERATIONS ............................................ 18 INDEMNIFICATION AND INSURANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 19 LAND RIGHTS .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 22 FORCE MAJEURE ......................................... 24 LIABILITY; DEDICATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 24 SEVERAL OBLIGATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25 WAIVER................................................ 25 CHOICE OF LAWS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25 DISPUTES AND DEFAULT. ................................... 25 GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORIZATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 32 COMMISSION ORDER ...................................... 32 SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 32 MODIFICATION. . .. . . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 33TAXES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . .. 33 NOTICE ................................................ 33 ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 34 ENTIRE AGREEMENTM SIGNATURES. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 35APPENDIX A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 37 APPENDIX B ............................................. 43 APPENDIX C ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 47 APPENDIX D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 48 APPENDIX E ............................................. 50 APPENDIX F ............................................. 58 APPENDIX G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 59 APPENDIX H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 60 L900 --,/,.-- ~ ~ No: 21765151 Project: Magic West Less Than 10 MW FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, entered into on this 9th day of December , 1992, is between GLENNS FERRY COGENERATION PARTNERS, LTD., a Colorado limited partnership (hereinaftr referred to as .Seller"), and IDAHO POWER COMPANY, an Idaho corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Idaho Power"). Seller and Idaho Power are hereinafter sometimes referred to collectively as "Parties" or individually as "Part." WIT N E SSE T H: WHEREAS, Seller plans to construct, own and operate a cogeneration facilty; and WHEREAS, Seller wishes to sell, and Idaho Power is legally obligated to purchase firm electric energy generated by Seller's cogeneration facilit. NOW THEREFORE, In consideration ofthe mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter, set fort and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: ARTICLE I: DEFINITIONS As used in this Agreement and the appendices attached hereto, the following terms shall have the following meanings: 1 .1 "Annual Net Rrm Energy" - The amount of Net Firm Energy Seller estimates it will deliver to Idaho Power at the Point of Delivery during each Contract Year. 1.2 "Commission" - The Idaho Public Utilties Commission. 1.3 "Contract Year" - The period commencing each calendar year on the same calendar date as the Operation Date and ending 364 days thereafter. 1.4 "Designated Dispath Facilty" - Idaho Power's Boise Bench System Dispatch Center. 1.5 "Disconnection Equipment" - Any device or combination of devices by which -1- L901 '-"'\/--\ Idaho Power can manually and/or automatically interrupt the flow of energy from the Seller to Idaho Powet s system, including enclosures or other equipment as may be required to ensure that only Idaho Power wil have access to the devices. 1.6 "Facilty" ~ That cogeneration facilty described in Appendix B of this Agreement. 1.7 "First Energy Date" ~ The date when the Seller begins delivenng energy to Idaho Power's system. 1.8 "Interconnection Facilties" - All facilties which are reasonably required by Prudent Electrcal Practices and the National Electric Safety Code to interconnect and to allow the delivery of energy from the Seller's electric generation plant to Idaho Power's system including, but not limited to, Special Facilities, Disconnecton Equipment and Metering Equipment. 1.9 "Losses" - The loss of energy occurring as a result of the transformation and transmission of energy between the Facilty and the Point of Delivery. 1.10 "Metering Equipment" - Equipment required to measure, record or telemeter power flows between the Seller's elecric generation plant and Idaho Power's system. 1.11 "Net Firm Energy" - Electric energy produced by the Facilty, less Station Use and less Losses, expressed in kilowatt hours ("Kwh"), which Seller commits to deliver to Idaho Power at the Point of Delivery for the full term of the Agreement. 1.12 "Operation Date" - The day commencing at 0001 hours Mountain Time, following the day on which the Facilty demonstrates that it has been completed and reached a degree of reliabilty such that it is capable of delivering Net Firm Energy continuously into Idaho Power's system. 1 .13 "Point of Delivery" ~ The location specified in Appendix B, where Idaho Power's and Seller's electrical facilties are interconneced. 1.14 "Prudent 8ectrìcal Practices" - Those practices, methods and equipment that are commonly and ordinarily used in electrical engineering and operations to operate electric equipment -2- L902 /~ lawfully and with safety, dependabilty, effciency and economy. 1 .15 "Scheduled Operation Date" - The date specified in Appendix B when Seller anticipates achieving the Operation Date. 1.16 "Schedule 72" - Idaho Power's Tariff No 101, Schedule 72 or its successor schedule(s) as approved by the Commission. 1.17 "Season" - The three time peds identified in Article Vi. 1.18 "Seasonal Net Firm Energy" - The amount of Net Firm Energy Seller estimates it wil deliver to Idaho Power at the Point of Delivery during each Season. 1.19 "Special Facilties" - Additions or alterations of transmission and/or distnbution lines and transformers to safely interconnect the Seller's electric generation plant to the Idaho Power's system. 1.20 "Station Use" - Eleetc energy which is used solely to operate the Facilty's equipment which is auxilary or directly related to the production of electricity and which, but for the generation of eleetricity, would not be consumed by Seller. 1.21 "Surplus Energy" - Electrc energy which is produced by the Facility and is delivered and accepted prior to the Operation Date or which exceeds the amounts specified in paragraph 6.1. 1.22 "Thermal Energy Metering Equipment" - Equipment required to measure and record the volume and heat content of fuel delivered to and consumed by the Faclity and the amounts of thermal energy produced by the Facilty and delivered to the thermal host. ARTICLE II: NO RELIANCE ON IDAHO POWER 2.1 Seller Independent Investigation - Except for the Disconnection Equipment and any other facilties exclusively within the control of Idaho Power, Seller warrants and represents to Idaho Power that in entering into this Agreement and the undertking by Seller of the obligation set forth herein, Seller has investigated and determined that it is capable of performing hereunder and has not relied upon the advice, experience or expertise of Idaho Power in connection with the transactions -3- L903 ...r-. contemplated by this Agreement. 2.2 Seller Independent Experts - Except for the Disconnection Equipment and aoy other facilties within the exclusive control of Idaho Power, all professionals or expert including, but not limited to, engineers, attorneys or accountants, that Seller may have consulted or relied on in undertking the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, have been solely those of Seller. ARTICLE II: WARRANTIES 3.1 No Warranty by Idaho Power - Any review, acceptance or failure to review Seller's design, specifications, equipment or facilities shall not be an endorsement or a confirmation by Idaho Power, and Idaho Power makes no warranties, expressed or implied, regarding any aspect of Seller's design, specifications, equipment or facilities, including but not limited to safety, durabiltY, reliabilty, strength, capacity, adequacy or economic feasibilty. 3.2 Qualifying Facilty Status - Seller warrants that prior to interconnection with Idaho Power the Facilty wil be a "qualifying facility," as that term is used and defined in 18 CFR, §292.207. After initial qualification, Seller wil take such steps as may be required to maintain the Facilty's "qualifying facilty" status during the term of this Agreement and Seller's failure to maintain qualifying facility status wil be a material breach of this Agreement. ARTICLE iV: CONDITIONS TO INTERCONNECTION 4.1 Prior to the First Energy Date and as a condition of interconnecton with Idaho Power, Seller shall provide the following: 4.1.1 Licenses and Permits - Submit proof to Idaho Power that all licenses, permits or approvals necessary for Seller's operations have been obtained from applicable federal, state or local authorities, including but not limited to, evidence of compliance with Subpart B of 18 CFR §292.207. 4.1.2 Opinion of Counsel- Submit to Idaho Power an Opinion Letter signed by an attorney admitted to practice and in good standing in the State of Idaho providing an -4- L904 ...,-,\ opinion that Seller's licenses, permits and approvals as set forth in paragraph 4.1.1 above are legally and validly issued, are held in the name of the Seller, provide the rights set fort therein, and are enforceable in accordance with their terms. The Opinion wil be in a form acceptable to Idaho Power and will acknowledge that the attorney rendering the opinion understands that Idaho Power is relying on said opinion. Idao Power's acceptance of the form wil not be unreasonably withheld. The Opinion Letter wil be governed by and shall be interpreted in accordance with the legal opinion accord of the American Bar Association Section of Business Law (1991). 4.1.3 Schedule 72 Payments - Make payment to Idaho Power for all costs of Disconnection Equipment. Metering Equipment and Special Facilties as provided for in Schedule 72 and Appendix B of this Agreement; 4.1.4 Written Acceptnce - Obtain written acceptance from Idaho Power as provided in paragraph 8.3; 4.1.5 Insurance - Submit written proof to Idaho Power of all insurance required in Article XiV; 4.1.6 Demonstration of Safe Operation - Demonstrate to Idaho Power's reasonable satisfaction that Seller's Facilty has been completed, and is capable of operating safely to commence deliveries of electric energy into Idaho Power's system; 4.1.7 Maintenance Escrow Account - Demonstrate to Idaho Power's satisfacton that the Seller has established a maintenance escrow account in a form and with an escrow manager which complies with Commission Order Nos 21690 and 21800. Said maintenance escrow account shall be structured and funded as follows: 4.1 .7.1 The escrow instructons estblishing the maintenance escrow account wil provide that the funds in the maintenance escrow account wil be pru- dently invested and that all costs of implementing and operating the maintenance escrow account shall be paid by the Seller. All interest earned on the funds of deposit wil be retained in the maintenance escrow account. At the end of the term of this -5- L905 ..r r-,. i Agreement, any balance remaining in the maintenance escrow account shall be the propert of the Seller; Within sixt (60) days after the completion of each Contract Year, the Seller wil: a) provide both the escrow manager and Idaho Power with a report prepared by an independent accounting firm showing the prior Contract Year's actual maintenance expenses, identified by appropriate FERC maintenance account number; and bl provide an estimate of the Facilty's gross income from Net Firm Energy Sales for the ensuing Contract Year, together with documentation supporting that estimate; and c) deposit cash in the maintenance escrow account in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the Facilty's estimated gross income from Net Firm Energy sales for the ensuing Contract Year, less an amount equal to the Facilty's actual maintenance, repair and replacement expense (maintenance expenses) incurred during the prior Contract Year; and d) provide Idaho Power with evidence of compliance with the maintenance escrow account deposit requirements. This evidence of compliance wil be provided in a manner and form acceptable to Idaho Power. The maintenance escrow fund wil be subject to the lien rights described in paragraph 4.1.8 below. 4.1 .7.3 If Seller determines that the maintenance expense for a Contract Year wil exceed five percent (5%) of the Facility's estimated gross income for that Contract Year, the Seller may request that the escrow manager release funds from the maintenance escrow account in an amount suffcient to pay the anticipated additional maintenance expenses. The request must include documentation supporting the Seller's projection of excess maintenance expense, identified by appropna1e FERC -6- L906 ~.,~\ maintenance account number, and such documentation shall be submitted to both the escrow manager and Idaho Power. Following receipt of the request and documentation, the escrow manager, shall, within five workng days, release the requested funds to Seller. 4.1.8 Security Interests - Provide Idaho Power with acceptable security for Sellet s default under this Agreement. Acceptable security wil conform to Commission Order Nos 21690 and 21800, and may include, but wil not be limited to, security interests in real propert, equipment, fixtures, contracts, permits, easements, rights-of-way, prepurchased fuel supplies, fuel supply contracts, thermal energy sales contracts, and fuel supply transportation contracts associated with the Facilty. Seller wil provide title insurance and other reasonable security arrangements consistent with the Facilty's financing and ownership arrangements. Idaho Power's security interests wil be superior and senior to all liens other than the first mortgage lien, leasehold, financing statement, security agreement and other security interests permitted in accordance with paragraph 4.1 .8.1 If Seller desires to enter into a lease and/or incur a first mortgage lien and other security interests that wil be superior to Idaho Power's security interests in the Facilty, at least twenty-one (21) days prior to their execution Seller wil provide Idaho Power with draft copies of the lease and/or deeds of trust, mortgages and other security agreements that wil be used to secure such first lien. Upon their execution, Seller wil provide Idaho Power with copies of the executed first lien documents. In no event wil the amount of any lease and/or first mortgage lien exceed $15,000,000.00 without Idaho Power's prior written consent which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. The executed first lien documents shall not be assigned, amended, modified, or extended, and no replacement or refinancing of any nature shall be undertaken, without Idaho Power's prior written consent which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. The amount of any refinanced .7. L907 r-.~'. or replaced first liens shall not exceed the unpaid principal balance of the lien they replace. Other than the first mortgage liens permitted herein or temporary mechanics, statutory or similar liens incurred in the ordinary course of business in an amount not to exceed in aggregate ten thousand dollars ($10,000.001, Seller wil not permit any liens or encumbrances of any nature whatsoever to be placed on the Facilty withOut Idaho Power's prior written consent, which consent wil not be unreasonably withheld. If any unpermitted lien or encumbrance is placed on the Facilty, Seller wil provide Idaho Power with a bond, insurance or other security acceptable to Idaho Power in an amount sufficient to secure the full discharge of such unpermitted lien or encumbrance. If, aftr the initial first lien has been established, Seller desires to assign this Agreement or assign, replace or refinance said first lien, Seller wil reimburse Idaho Power for the reasonable out-of-pocket costs Idaho Power incurs for document review and revision including any consents to assignment or subordination agreements that Seller requests from Idaho Power. Idaho Power's out-of-pocket costs wil include but not be limited to filing fees, title insurance premiums, and fees of legal counseL. 4.1.9 Debt Serice Reserve Account - Demonstrate to Idaho Power's satisfacton that Seller has established and funded a debt service reserve account in a form and with a fund holder which complies with paragraph 21.4.2. 4.1 .10 Fuel Supply and Transportation Contracts - Seller will demonstrate to Idaho Power's reasonable satisfaction that Seller has entered into fuel supply and fuel transportation contracts which wil provide a firm supply of fuel and fuel transporttion in amounts sufficient to allow the Facilty to generate the Annual Net Firm Energy amount each Contract Year for the full term of this Agreement. The respective firm fuel supply and fuel transporttion agreements wil include provisions that recognize that: (1) Idaho Power is an -8- L908 .--,~, intended third part beneficiary of the fuel supply and fuel transportation agreements; and (21 that Seller and the fuel supplier and fuel transporter wil be jointly and severally liable to Idaho Power under their respective agreements for payment to Idaho Power of damages arising out of Seller's permanent curtilment as descñbed in paragraph 21.3 herein if such permanent curtailment by Seller arises out of an uncured breach of the fuel and/or fuel transporttion agreements by the fuel supplier or fuel transporter resulting in a curtailment or termination of the fuel supply or fuel transporttion. The contract provisions to be included in the fuel supply and transportation agreements to comply with the requirements of subparagraphs (1) and (2) wil be substantially similar to Appendix F. 4.1.11 Thermal Host Contract - Seller wil demonstrate to Idaho Power's reasonable satisfaction that Seller has entered into a firm contract for the sale of an amount of thermal energy from the Facilit sufficient to ensure that the Facilty wil comply with paragraph 3.2 (Qualifying Facilty Status) for the full term of this Agreement. The thermal energy purchaser wil execute an agreement with Idaho Power and Seller providing, among other things, that: (1) Idaho Power is an intended third part beneficiary of the thermal energy sales agreement; and (2) that Seller and the thermal energy purchaser wil be jointly and severally liable to Idaho Power for payment to Idaho Power of any damages arising out of Seller's permanent curtailment as described in paragraph 21.3 herein, if such permanent curtilment arises out of an uncured breach of the Thermal Energy Sales Agreement by the thermal host which results in a loss of Seller's qualifying facilty status. The contract provision to be executed by the thermal energy purchaser to comply. with the requirements of subparagraphs (1) and (2) wil be substantially similar to Appendix G. 4.1 .12 Obtain written confirmation from Idaho Power that all conditions to interconnection have been fulfiled. Such wñtten confirmation shall not be unreasonably withheld by Idaho Power. -9- L909 .r-,./,-... ARTICLE V: TERM, EARLY TERMINATION, AND OPERATION DATE 5.1 Term. Except as otherwise provided, this Agreement shall become effective on the date first above written, and shall continue in full force and effect for a period of Twenty (20) Contract Years. 5.2 Early Termination. Either Part may terminate this Agreement at the end of the fifteenth Contract Years by giving the other Part written notice of termination a minimum of one year prior to the beginning of the fifteenth Contrct Years provided, hQwever, that neither part shall be allowed to terminate until at least five (5) years after the date of expiration of the initial lease and/or the initial permanent first lien financing for the Project. 5.2.1 Liquidated Administrative Cost . If either Party exercises its option to terminate, in addition to any payments due under paragraph 5.2.3, the Part initiating termination wil pay the other Part liquidated administrative costs which wil be determined according to the following formula: (kWh) x (RateIkWh) x (Percent) = liquidated administrative costs Where: "kWh" is the Annual Net Firm Energy amount shown in paragraph 6.3; and "RateIkWh" is the sum of the base payment shown in paragraph 7.1.1 plus the adjustable payment as set on the July 1 st immediately prior to the notification of intention to terminate; and "Percent" is a multiplier based on the following schedule: 4 Year's prior notice of termination: 1.5% 3 Year's prior notice of termination: 2.0% 2 Year's prior notice of termination: 2.5% 1 Year's prior notice of termination: 3.0% 5.2.2 Idaho Power. Early termination under this paragraph by Idaho Power is not a default by the Seller and wil not constitute a permanent curtilment under paragraph 21.3. -10- L910 /-,/", 5.2.3 ~ - Early termination under this paragraph by the Seller wil constitute a permanent curtilment under paragraph 21 .3. 5.3 Operation Date - The Operation Date may occur only after Seller has achieved the First Energy Date, and the necessary degree of completion and reliabilty has been demonstrted to Idaho Power's reasonable satisfaction, and Idaho Power has confirmed such reasonable satisfaction in writing. The procedure for establishing and confirming eligibilty for an Operation Date is set out in Appendix H. Seller shall have the dut to obtain that confirmation and it wil not be unreasonably withheld by Idaho Power. Prior to the Operation Date, Seller must provide the following: (1 ) As-builtdrawings of the Seller-furnished interconnecton equipment, and (2) Executed Certification of Design Engineer, Engineer's Certification of Design & Constructon Adequacy, and Engineer's Certification of Operations and Maintenance Policy as described in Commission Order No 21690. These certificates wil be in the form specified in Appendix E, but may be modified to the extent necessary to recognize the different engineering disciplines providing the certficates. (3) Written verification by the Design Engineer that the Thermal Energy Metering Equipment has been installed, tested and is operating satisfactorily. ARTICLE Vi: SALE OF NET FIRM ENERGY 6.1 Deliver and Accptance of Net Firm Energy - Excet when prevented by events of force majeure (Article XVI) or otherwise excused as provided herein, Idaho Power wil purchase up to 10,000 kWh per hour of Net Firm Energy produced by the Facility and delivered by Seller to the Point of Delivery. All energy produced and delivered by Seller in excess of 10,000 kWh per hour wil be purchased as Surplus Energy. -11- L911 ,,-r', 6.2 Seasonal Net Firm Energy Amounts- Based on expected site specific equipment performance and average energy producton estimates based thereon, Seller estimates that it can deliver Net Firm Energy in the following seasonal amounts: Season 1 March April May 20,976,000 kWh's Total Season 2 June July August September 27,816,000 kWh's Total Season 3 October November December January February 34,428,000 kWh's Total 6.3 Annual Net Firm Energy Amount - The Annual Net Firm Energy amount shall be 83,220,000 kWh and shall be the sum of the three Seasonal Net Firm Energy amounts Seller specified above. After a reasonable period of operating experience but not later than the end of the fifth (5th) Contract Year, the Parties wil review the actual Annual Net Firm Energy production of the Facilty. If the Parties determine that there is a material difference between the actual Annual Net Firm Energy producton of the Facilty and the Annual Net Firm Energy amount specified above, the Annual Net Firm Energy amount and the resulting Appendix C lump sum repayment amount wil be amended to recognize actual operating experience. 6.4 Subsequent Determination that Facilty Capacity Exceeds Ten Megawatts Cogeneration and small power producton facilties with generating capacit larger than 10 megawatts ("MW") are not leally entitled to the rates terms and conditions contained in this Agreement. The rates, terms and conditions contained in this Agreement are premised on Seller's representation that the c~pacit of the Facility is not larger than 10 MW. If, at any time, Idaho Power determines that the Facilty's capacity consistently exceeds 10 MW, Idaho Power wil notify Seller and the Commission. If the Commission determines that the FaciltY's capacitY exceeds 10 MW, then this Agreement may be modified by the Commission. -12- L912 .,..,r, ARTICLE VII: PURCHASE PRICE AND METHOD OF PAYMENT; ADJUSTMENT OF PURCHASE PRICE 7 . 1 Net Firm Energy Purchase Price - The price to be paid to Seller for Net Firm Energy wil be the sum of the following payments: 7.1 .1 Base Payment - Season 1 35.63 Mils/kWh Season 2 58.16 Mils/kWh Season 3 48.47 MillslkWh 7.1.2 Adjustable Payment -In addition to the base payment specified in paragraph 7.1.1, Idaho Power shall pay to Seller an adjustable payment which shall be established by the Commission and subject to change pursuant to Commission Order effective on July 1 of each year during the term of this Agreement. While the Parties do not know what the adjustable payment amount wil be as of the Operation Date under this Agreement, the Parties acknowledge that the adjustable payments as of the date of the signing of this Agreement are as follows: Season 1 7.00 Mils/kWh Season 2 11 .42 Mils/kWh Season 3 9.52 Mils/kWh 7.2 Surplus Energy Purchase Price - Surplus Energy wil be purchased at the non-firm rate computed in accordance with option B in Idaho Power's Tariff 101, Schedule 86 or with its successor schedule(s) as approved by the Commission. 7.3 Continuing Jurisdiction of the Commission - This Agreement is a special contract and as such, the rates, terms and conditions contained in this Agreement wil be constred in accordance with ~ Power Company v. Idaho Public Utilities Comm'n and Afton Energy, Inc, 107 Idaho 781,693 P2d 427 (1984), ~ Power Company ~ Idaho Public Utilities Comm'n, 107 Idaho 1122, 695 P2d 1261 (idaho 1985), Af Energy, Inc, ~ Idaho Power Company, 111 Idaho 925, 729 P2d 400 (1986), Section 210 of the Public Utilties Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 and 18 CFR § 292.303-308. -13- L913 ;/-"'''- ARTICLE VII: FACILITY AND INTERCONNECTION 8.1 Design of Facilty - Seller shall design, construct, install, own, operate and maintain the Facility and any Seller-owned interconnection facilities so as to allow safe, reliable delivery of electric energy to Idaho Power's system for the full term of the Agreement. 8.2 Interconnection Facilties - Except as specifically provided for in this Agreement, interconnection of the Facility wil be in accordance with Schedule 72. Seller wil pay all costs of interconnecting the Facility with Idaho Power. 8.3 Idaho Power Review - To assure the Facilty and Seller-furnished Interconnecton Facilities are of suitble size and are compatible with Idaho Power's system, Seller shall submit the designs, plans, specifications and performance data for the Facility and Seller-furnished Interconnection Facilities to Idaho Power for review. Idaho Power shall, in writing and in conformance wit paragraph 4.1 .4, notify Seller of its acceptance and confirmation of system compatibility or conversely, notify Seller, in writing, of any changes which, consistent with Prudent Electrical Practces. Idaho Power determines are reasonable and necessary to assure the safe delivery of electric energy from the Facilty to Idaho Power's system. ARTICLE IX: DISCONNECTION EQUIPMENT 9.1 Disconnect Equipment - Idaho Power wil, at Seller's expense, provide, own, operate, and maintain all Disconnecton Equipment. At Seller's request, Idaho Power wil provide Seller with the general specifications and an itemization by category of the costs of such Disconnection Equipment. Idaho Power will establish the settings of Disconnection Equipment to disconnect auto- matically from the Facilty for the protection of Idaho Power's system and personnel consistent with Prudent Electrical Practices. Upon Seller's request, Idaho Power wil notify Seller as to the original setting and any adjustments thereof. Except as otherwise required by Prudent Electrical Practces, Dis- connection Equipment wil be designed so that the closure of any breaker or other disconnectng device which connect the FaciltY to Idaho Power's system shall be controlled by equipment which wil perform the following: -14- L914 /..-...,r (1) Automatically monitor the status of the electical system on Idaho Power's side of the disconnectng device as to voltage and frequency; and (2) Prohibit closure or reconnection until voltage and frequency have been within approved limits for a continuous period of not less than five (5) minutes; and (3) Operate so that if Idaho Power's system is de-energized within sixt (60) seconds after closure of the disconnecting device, the disconnecting device wil immediately open and not close again until it has been manually reset and/or Idaho Power can safely reclose the Disconnecting Equipment. 9.2 Securit of Disconnect Equipment - The Disconnection Equipment wil be located in an enclosure secured by a lock or otherwise secured in a manner designed to ensure that only Idaho Power's authorized personnel wil have access to the disconnecting devices. 9.3 Remote Disconnection - OtherDisconnectionEquipment,includingequipmentwhich wil provide Idaho Power's operating personnel with the abilty to remotely control and monitor the status of the breaker or other disconnecting device by radio or hard-wire circuit between the Facility and the Designated Dispatch Facility may be specified by Idaho Power when, in Idaho Power's reasonable judgment, such equipment is required by Prudent Electrical Practices. Seller recognizes that such remote control equipment may not initially be required by Idaho Power, but at such time as operating conditions on Idaho Power's system dictte, Idaho Power wil install this remote control equipment at Seller's expense. If Seller disputes Idaho Power's determination that the installation of such remote Disconnection Equipment is required, such dispute shall be submitted to the Commission for resolution. 9.4 Interference with Disconnection Equipment - If Seller attempts to modify, adjust or otherwise interfere with the Disconnection Equipment or its enclosure such action shall constitute an event of default pursuant to Article XXi and a material breach of this Agreement. -15- L915 ~,--/ \ ARTICLE X: METERING 10.1 Metering and Telemetry ~ Idaho Power shall, for the account of Seller, provide, install, and maintain required Metering Equipment to be located at a mutually agreed upon locaton to record and measure power flows to Idaho Power in accordance with the standards set forth in Appendix A of this Agreement. If required by Idaho Power, metering wil also include measurement of kilovar~hours in a manner agreed to by both Parties. All Meter Equipment and installation costs shall be borne by Seller, including costs incurred by Idaho Power for inspecting and testing such equipment at reasonable intervals at Idaho Power's actual cost of providing this Metering Equipment and seryices. The point of metering shall be at the location described in Appendix B of this Agreement. All meters used to determine the billng hereunder shall be sealed and the seals shall be broken only by Idaho Power when the meters are to be inspected, tested or adjusted. 10.2 Meter Inspection - Idaho Power shall inspect and test all meters upon their installation and at least once every four (4) years thereafter. If requested by Seller, Idaho Power shall make a special inspection or test of a meter and Seller shall pay the reasonable costs of such special inspection. Both Parties shall be notified of the time when any inspection or test shall take place, and each Part may have representatives present at the test or inspection. If a meter is found to be inaccurate or defective, it shall be adjusted, repaired, or replaced, at Idaho Power's expense, in order to provide accurate metering. If a meter fails to register, or if the measurement made by a meter during a test varies by more than two percent (2%) from the measurement made by the standard meter used in the test, adjustment (either upward or downward) to the payments Seller has received shall be made to correct those payments affected by the inaccurate meter for the actual period during which inaccurate measurements were made. If the actual period cannot be determined, correctons to the payments will be based on the shorter of (1) a period equal to one-half the time from the date of the last previous test of the meter to the date of the test which established the inaccuracy of the meter; or (2) six (6) months. 10.3 Telemetry - Consistent with Appendix A of this Agreement, Idaho Power shall in- stall, operate and maintain. at Seller's expense, metering, communications and telemetry Metering -16- L916 r"..~ Equipment which will be capable of providing Idaho Power with continuous instantaneous telemetry of Seller's net generation to Idaho Power's Designated Dispatch Facilty. 10.4 Thermal Eneray Metring Equipment - During the term of this Agreement, Seller wil install, operate and maintain or cause to be installed, operated and maintained the Thermal Energy Metering Equipment. ARTICLE XI: RECORDS 11 .1 Maintenance and Retention of Records - Seller shall maintain at the Facility or such other location mutually acceptable to the Parties, adequate electric metering and related power production records, thermal energy metering records and fuel delivery and consumption records suficient to permit corroboration, by Idaho Power, that the Facility continues to meet the operating and efficiency standards required to maintain qualifing cogeneration facilty status in compliance with 18 CFR 292.205(a). Seller wil maintain these records in a form approved by Idaho Power and wil retain them for a period of not less than three (3) years aftr the date the records are generated. 11.2 Inspection - Idaho Power, after reasonable notice to Seller, shall have the right, during normal business hours, to inspect and audit any or all of the above referenced records. ARTICLE XII: PROTECTION 12.1 Seiter shalt construct, operate and maintain the Facility and Seller-furnished Interconnection Facilties in accordance with Appendix A, Prudent Electrical Ptactices, the National Electrical Code, the National Electrical Safety Code and any other applicable local, state, and federal codes. If, in the reasonable opinion of Idaho Power, Seller's operation of the Facilty or Interconnection Facilties is unsafe or may otherwise adversely affect Idaho Power's equipment, personnel, or service to its customers, Idaho Power may physically interrupt the flow of energy from the Facility or take such other reasonable steps as Idaho Power deems appropriate under the circumstances. Except in the case of an emergency, Idaho Power wil attempt to notify Seller of such interruption prior to its occurrence as provided in paragraph 13.8. Seller shall provide and maintain adequate protective equipment suff- -17- L917 :~~-'''..~ cient to prevent damage to the Facilty and Seller-furnished Interconnection Facilities. In some cases, some of Seller's protective relays wil provide back-up protection for Idaho Power's facilties. In that event, Idaho Power wil test such relays annually and Seller wil pay the actal cost of such annual testing. ARTICLE XII: OPERATIONS 13.1 Emergency Conditions - Seller agrees that in the event of and during a period of a shortage of power on Idaho Power's system as declared by Idaho Power in its reasonable discretion, Seller shall, at Idaho Power's request and within the limits of reasonable safety requirements as determined by Seller, use its best eforts to provide the requested energy, and shall, if necessary, delay any scheduled shutdown of the Facility. 13.2 Communications - Idaho Power and Seller shall maintain appropriate operating communications through Idaho Power's Designated Dispatch Facilty, and Seller shall report to Idaho Power at the times and in the manner set forth in Appendix A of this Agreement. 13.3 Energy Acceptance - Idaho Power shall be excused from accepting and paying for Net Firm Energy delivered by Seller to the Point of Delivery under the following circumstances: 13.3.1 If it is prevented from doing so by an event of force majeure. 13.3.2 If Idaho Power determines that curtailment, interruption or reduction of Net Firm Energy deliveries is necessary because of line constructon or maintenance requirements, emergencies, operating conditions on its system, or as otherwise rsquired by Prudent Electrical Practices. If, for reasons other than an event of force majeure, Idaho Power requires such a curtailment, interruption or reduction of Net Firm Energy deliveries for a period that exceeds twenty (20) consecutive days, beginning with the twenty-first day of such interruption, curtailment or reduction, Seller wil be deemed to be de1ivering Net Firm Energy at a rate determined by dividing the seasonal Net Firm Energy amount specified in paragraph 6.2 for the season in which the interruption or curtailment occurs by the number of hours in that season. Idaho Power wil notify Seller when the interruption, curtailment or reduction is terminated. -18- L918 r',./--.. 13.4 Voltage Levels - Seller shall use it best efforts to minimize voltage fluctations and to maintain voltage levels acceptable to Idaho Power. Idaho Power may, upon one hundred eighty (180) days' notice to Seller, change its nominal operating voltage level by more than ten percent (10%) at the Point of Delivery, in which case Seller shall modif, at Idaho Power's expense, Seller's equipment as necessary to accommodate the modified nominal operating voltage level. 13.5 Generator Ramping - Idaho Power shall have the right to limit the rate that generation is changed at startup, dunng normal operation or following reconnection to Idaho Powers system. Generation ramping may be required to permit Idaho Power's voltage regulation equipment time to respond to changes in power flow. 13.6 Scheduled Maintenance - On or before January 1 of each year, Seller shall submit a proposed maintenance schedule for that year and Idaho Power and Seller shall mutually agree as to the accePtabilit or unacceptabilty of the proposed date(s). The Partes' determination as to the acceptabilty of Seller's timetable for scheduled maintenance wil take into consideration Prudent Electrical Practices and neither Part shall unreasonably withhold it acceptance of the proposed date for scheduled maintenance. 13.7 Maintenance Coordination - The Parties shall, to the extent practical, coordinate their respective line and Facility maintenance schedules such that they occur simultaneously. 13.8 Contact Prior to Curtilment - Idaho Power wil contact Seller prior to exercising its fights to curtail, interrupt or reduce deliveries from Seller. Seller understands that in the case of emergency circumstances, no notice wil be given to Seller prior to interruption, curtailment, or reduction. ARTICLE XIV: INDEMNIFICATION AND INSURANCE 14.1 Indemnification - Each Part shall agree to hold harmless and to indemnify the other Part, its officers, agents, and employees against all loss, damage, expense and liabilty to third persons for injury to or death of person or injury to propert, proximatelv caused by the indemnifying Part's construction, ownership, operation or maintenance of, or by failure of, any of such Part's -19~ L919 ..'..--..../'. i works or facilties used in connection with this Agreement. The indemnifying Part shall, on the other Part's request, defend any suit asserting a claim covered by this indemnity. The indemnifying Party shall pay all costs that may be incurred by the other Part in enforcing this indemnity. 14.2 Insurance - During the term of this Agreement, Seller shall secure and continuously carry the following insurance coverages: 14.2.1 Comprehensive General Liabilty Insurance for both bodily injury and propert damage with limits equal to fifteen percent (15 % i of the total cost of the FaciltY, 2r $1,000,000, whichever is greater, each occurrence, combined single limit. The deductible for such insurance shall not exceed one-half of one percent (0.5%) of the total cost of the Facilty. 14.2.2 Propert Insurance for catastrophic perils with minimum limits not less than sixt percent (60%) of the total cost of the Facilit. The Propert Insurance coverage wil be written on a replacement cost basis and wil include: (a) Standard fire policy. (b) Extended coverage endorsement. (c) Vandalism and malicious mischief endorsement. (d) Earthquake and flood insurance. (e) The deductble for the above property insurance coverage shall not exceed one percent (1 %) of the total cost of the Facilty. 14.2.3 Boiler and machinery insurance with minimum limits not less than ninety percent (90%) of the total cost of the equipment covered in (a) below: la) All boiler and machinery coverage must be written on a "comprehensive form" basis to provide coverage against the sudden and accidental breakdown of all boilers, machinery and electrical equipment, turbines, generators, and switchgear. (b) Coverage under this insurance must be written on a "Replacement Cost" basis. (c) The deductible for this insurance shall not exceed two percent (2%) of the total cost of the equipment covered in (a) above. -20- L920 ...~ 14.2.4 Business Interruption (Loss of Incomellnsurance with minimum daily limits not less than seventy-five percent (75 %) of the Facilty's estimated gross daily electical revenue and total policy limits not less than twenty percent (20%) of the Facilit's estimated gross annual revenue from the sale of electrical energy: (a) Coverage wil include Seller's loss of earnings when business operations are curtailed or suspended because of a loss due to an insured peril. Coverage may be written on an actual loss sustained basis. (bl This insurance coverage must be endorsed to the Propert Insurance Policy and the Boiler and Machinery Insurance Policy. (cl The deductible for this insurance coverage shall not exceed ten (101 days gross daily revenues from the sale of electrical energy. Cd) Estimated gross daily revenue and estimated gross annual revenue shan be computed on the basis of the kWh production estimates contained in paragraph 6.2. 14.2.5 All of the above insurance coverages shall be covered with insurance companies with an A.M. Best rating of A- or better and shall include: (al An endorsement naming Idaho Power as an additional insured and loss payee as applicable; (bl A provision stating that such policies shall not be canceled or their limits of liabilty reduced without sixt (60) days' prior written notice to Idaho Power. Icl In the case of the insurance coverages described in subparagraphs 14.2.1, 14.2.2 and 14.2.3 above, the total cost of the Facilit wil include any Seller-furnished Disconnection Equipment and/or Interconnection Facilties. The total cost of the Facilty and total cost of equipment wil be adjusted either upward or downward to reflect the current replacement cost of the Facilty or equipment. This adjustment wil be based on either III an appraisal made by, or for, the Seller's insurance company, or (21 the Handy-Whitman Index "Cost Trends of Electric Utility Construction -- Plateau Region" other production plant-gas turbo generators as published by Whitman, Requardt & Associates, 2315 Saint Paul St, Baltimore, MD -21- L921 :~/~ 21218. Such adjustment shall be made, at a minimum, every fifth Contract Year during the term of this Agreement. A copy of these computations and/or appraisals will be submitted to Idaho Power for Idaho Power's review and approvaL' 14.3 Seller to Provide Certificates of Insurance - As required in paragraph 4.1.5 herein and annually thereafter, Seller shall furnish Idaho Power certificates of insurance, together with the endorsements required therein, evidencing the coverages as set forth above. 14.4 Seller to Provide Copies of Policies of Insurance - Within one hundred twenty (120) days after the Operation Date, and within ninety (90) dayS of the effective date of any modifications to the policy, Seller wil furnish to Idaho Power a certified copy of the original of each insurance policy and all endorsements for each of the insurance coverages described above. In the case of policy renewals, Seller may provide a certificate from the insurance carner that there have been no changes to the policy in lieu of providing the required certified copy of the policy. 14.5 Seller to Notify Idaho Power of Lapse of Coverage - If any of the insurance coverages required by paragraph 14.2 shall lapse for any reason, Seller wil immediately notify Idaho Power in writing. The notice will advise Idaho Power of the specific reason for the lapse and the steps Seller is taking to reinstate the coverage. ARTICLE XV: LAND RIGHTS 15.1 Seller to Provide Access - Seller hereby grants to Idaho Power for the term of this Agreement all necessary rights-of-way and easements to install, operate, maintain, replace, and remove Idaho Power's Metering Equipment, Disconnection Equipment and other Special Facilities necessary or useful to this Agreement, including adequate and continuing access rights on propert of Seller. Seller warrants that it has procured sufficient easements and rights-of-way from third parties so as to provide Idaho Power with the access described above. All documents granting such easements or rights-of-way shall be subject to Idaho Power's approval and in recordable form. 15.2 Use of Public Rights-of-Way - The Parties agree that it is necessary to avoid the adverse environmental and operating impacts that would occur as a result of duplicate electric lines -22- L922 ,--..'-- being constructed in close proximity. Therefore, subject to Idaho Power's compliance with paragraph 15.4, Seller agrees that should Seller seek and receive from any local, state or federal governmental body the right to erect, construct and maintain Seller-fumished Interconnection Facilties upon, along and over any and all public roads, streets and highways, then the use by Seller of such public right-of- way shall be subordinate to any future use by Idaho Power of such public right-of-way for construction and for maintenance of electric distribution and transmission facilities and Idaho Power may claim use of such public right-of-way for such purposes at any time. Except as required by paragraph 15.4, Idaho Power shall not be required to compensate Seller for exercising its rights under this paragraph 15.2. 15.3 Joint Use of Facilties - Subject to Idaho Power's compliance with paragraph 15.4, Idaho Power may use and attach its distribution and/or transmission facilties to Seller's Interconnection Facilties, may reconstruct Seller's Interconnection Facilties to accommodate Idaho Power's usage or Idaho Power may construct its own distribution or transmission facilities along, over and above any public right-of-way acquired from Seller pursuant to paragraph 15.2, attaching Seller's Interconnection Facilties to such newly constructed facilties. Except as required by paragraph 15.4, Idaho Power shall not be required to compensate Seller for exercising its rights under this paragraph 15.3. 15.4 Conditions of Use - It is the intention of the Parties that the Seller be left in substantially the same condition, both financially and electcally, as Seller existed prior to Idaho Power's exercising its rights under this Article XV. Therefore, the Partes agree that the exercise by Idaho Power of any of the rights enumerated in paragraphs 15.2 and 15.3 shall: (1) comply with all applicable laws, codes and Prudent Electrical Practices, (2) equitably share the costs of installng, owning and operating jointly used facilties and rights-ot-way. It the Parties are unable to agree on the method of apportioning these costs, the dispute wil be submitted to the Commission for resolution and the decision of the Commission wil be binding on the Parties, and (3) shall provide Seller with an interconnection to Idaho Power's system of equal capacity and durabilty as existed prior to Idaho Power exercising its rights under this Article XV. ~23- L923 ,--.....-. ARTICLE XVI: FORCE MAJEURE As used in this Agreement, "force majeure" or "an event of force majeure" means any cause beyond the control of the Seller or of Idaho Power which, despite the exercise of due diligence, such Part is unable to prevent or overcome. Force Majeure includes but is not limited to act of God, fire, flood, storms, wars, hostilties, civil strife, strikes and other labor disturbances, earthquakes, fires, lightning, epidemics, sabotage, restraint by court order or other delay or failure in the performance as a result of any action or inaction on behalf of a public authority, which by the exercise of reasonable foresight such part could not reasonably have been expected to avoid and by the exercise of due dilgence, it shall be unable to overcome. If either Part is rendered wholly or in part unable to perform its obligations under this Agreement because of an event of force majeure, both Parties shall be excused from whatever performance is affected by the event of force majeure, provided that: (1 ) The non-performing Part shall, as soon as is reasonably possible after the occurrence of the event of force majeure, give the other Part written notice describing the particulars of the occurrence. (2) The suspension of performance shall be of no greater scope and of no longer duration than is required by the event of force majeure. (3) No obligations of either Part which arose before the occurrence causing the suspension of performance and which could and should have been fully performed before such occurrence shall be excused as a result of such occurrence. (4) Seller's obligation to pay liquidated damages as provided in paragraph 21.3 wil not be excused by an event of force majeure. ARTICLE XVii: LIABILITY; DEDICATION Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to create any duty to, any stndard of care with reference to, or any, liabilty to any person not a Part to this Agreement. No undertking by one Part to the other under any provision of this Agreement shall constitute the dedication of that Part's system or any portion thereof to the other Part or to the public, nor affect the status of Idaho Power -24- L924 /--\~, as an independent public utilty corporation, or Seller as an independent individual or entity. ARTICLE XVIII: SEVERAL OBLIGATIONS Except where specifically stated in this Agreement to be otherwise, the duties, obligations and liabilties of the Parties are intended to be several and not joint or collective. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall ever be construed to create an association, trust, partership, or joint venture or impose a trst or partnership dut, obligation or liabiltv on or with regard to either Part. Each Part shall be individually and severally liable for its own obligations under this Agreement. ARTICLE XIX: WAIVER Any waiver at any time by either Part of its rights with respect to a default under this Agreement, or with respect to any other matters arising in connection with this Agreement, shall not be deemed a waiver with respect to any subsequent default or other matter. ARTICLE XX: CHOICE OF LAWS This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Idaho. ARTICLE XXI: DISPUTES AND DEFAULT 21.1 Disputes - All disputes related to or arising under this Agreement. including, but not limited to, the interpretation of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, wil be submitted to the Commission for resolution. 21.2 Default - If either Part fails to perform any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement, (an "event of defauiei the nondefaulting Part shall cause notice in writing to be given to the defaulting Party, specifying the manner in which such default occurred. If the defaulting Part shall fail to cure such default within the sixt (60) days after service of such notice, then, and only then, may the nondefaulting Part pursue its legal or equitable remedies. -25- L925 /,.--~..,.\ 21.3 Seller Permanent Curtailment - If, at any time priot to the end of the term of the Agreement, Seller permanently curtils in whole or in part its deliveries of the Annual Net Firm Energy amount specified in paragraph 6.3, Sèller shall pay to Idaho Power, as reasonable liquidated damages arising out of this permanent curtailment of Annual Net Firm Energy deliveries, the appropriate lump sum repayment amount specified in Appendix C, multiplied by the difference in megawatt-hours between the Annual Net Firm Energy amount specified in paragraph 6.3 and the reduced Annual Net Firm Energy amount after the permanent curtailment. The lump sum repayment amount wil bear interest from sixt (60) days after Idaho Power gives or receives notice of Seller's permanent reducon of the Annual Net Firm Energy amount, until paid, at a rate equal to interest rates specified in Idaho Code §28-22-104(2) or its successor Idaho Code provision in effect during each month of that period. For purposes of this paragraph, Idaho Power's voluntary termination in accordance with paragraph 5.2.2 shall not be considered a permanent curtailment. The Parties further agree that this paragraph does not constitute a waiver by Idaho Power of its right to pursue its remedies under paragraph 21 .6 or by either Part of their right to an award of pre and post judgement interest, costs and attorneys fees as permitted by law in any litigation arising out of this Agreement. 21.4 Security for Repayment Obligation - During the full term of this Agreement, seller wil provide Idaho Power with adequate assurance that seller wil be able to repay the amounts owing Idaho Power if Seller defaults under this Agreement. In accordance with Commission Order Nos 21690, 21800 and Declaratory Order No. 23949 and subject to the provisions of paragraph 21.2 above, this assurance wil be provided as follows: 21.4.1 Insurance - Seller shall comply with the provisions of paragraph 14.2. If SelieI' fails to comply, such failure wil be an event of default. (a) In the case of the liabilty insurance coverage, (paragraph 14.2.1), a default wil be a material breach and may 2! be cured by Seller supplying evidence that the liabilty insurance coverage has been replaced or reinstated. (b) For all other insurance coverages described in paragraph 14.2, the default may be cured bv replacement or reinstatement of the insurance, or by Seller posting liquid -26- L926 /"-"".'--, security in accordance with paragraph 21.5 in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the accumulated overpayment liabilty specified for that year in Appendix C. 21.4.2 Debt Service Reserve Account - (a) During the period of time in which the Facility acts as security for a first mortgage lien which is senior to Idaho Power's security interest in the Facility as described in paragraph 4.1.8 above, Seller shall maintain a debt service reserve account containing cash in an amount equal to twenty percent (20%) of the Facility's estimated gross revenue from Net Firm Energy sales for the first Contrct Year rounded to the nearest $1,000. With Idaho Power's consent, this debt service reserve account may be coordinated with any debt service reserve account required by Seller's first mortgage lender to avoid duplication of accounts. (b) Upon full satisfaction of the above-referenced first mortgage lien and when Idaho Power's security interest becomes the senior security interest in the Facilty, the escrow manager wil pay to Seller the amount in the debt service reserve account which exceeds five percent (5%) of the Facilty's estimated gross revenue for the next Contract Year rounded to the nearest $1,000. (c) The amount to be retained in the debt service reserve account wil be recalculated every five (5) Contract Years to reflect any increases or decreases in the Adjustable Payment amount under paragraph 7.1.2 of the Agreement. (d) During the period when the Facilty is security for a first mortgage lien that is senior to Idaho Powet s lien, the escrow manager of the debt service reserve account will be instructed to only release funds from the debt service reserve account to the hOlder of the first mortgage lien. Funds from said account shall be released only when, and only to the extent that Seller certifies to the escrow manager that after payment of all operating costs, the Facilty's revenues are insufficient to make full debt service and/or lease payments on the Facilty. (e) During the period when Idaho Power's security interest is the senior security interest in the Facilty, the escrow manager wil be instructed to only release funds from -27- L927 /~,.r-., the debt service reserve account to pay operating costs for the Facility. (f) For purposes of the debt service reserve account, operating costs are limited to those costs necessary for the operation of the Facilty such as taxes, insurance expenses, lease payments and other ordinary and necessary operating expenses. Operating costs shall not include any disbursements other than lease payments which would constitute a profit or return on investment. (g) After any release of funds by the escrow manager, Seller shall be obligated to restore the debt service reserve account to the amounts provided for in paragraphs 21.4.2Ia) and (b), whichever is applicable, prior to Seller disbursing funds which would constitute a profit or return on investment. Until the debt service reserve debt accOunt is fully restored, Seller wil, within sixty (60) days of the completion of each Contrct Year, provide the escrow manager and Idaho Power with a report prepared by Seller's independent outside accountants showing that Seller has not breached its obligations under this paragraph 21.4.2(g). (h) Any breach of paragraph 21.4.2(9) by Seller wil be an event of default and wil require posting liquid security in accordance with paragraph 21.5 in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the accumulated overpayment amount specified for that year in Appendix C. 21.4.3 In lieu of establishing and funding the above-described debt service reserve account, with Idaho Power's prior written consent Seller may substitute irrevocable standby letter(s) of credit, book entr certificate(s) of deposit or other security instrument(s) acceptable to Idaho Power. During the period when the Facilty is security for a first mortgage lien that is senior to Idaho Power's lien, Idaho Power and the first mortgage lender wil be joint beneficiaries of the security instrument(s). When Idaho Power's security interest is the senior security interest in the Facility, Idaho Power wil be the sole beneficiary of the security instrument(s). 21.4.4 Engineer's Certification - Every three (3) years for the first twelve (12) -28- L928 -" years after the Operation Date, and every two (2) years thereafter during the full term of this Agreement, Seller wil supply Idaho Power with an Engineet s Certification of Ongoing Operations and Maintenance from a Registered Professional Engineer licensed in th State of Idaho, which ongoing 0 & M Certficate shall be in the form specified in Appendix E. Seller's failure to supply the required certificate wil be an event of default. Such a default may be cured by Seler providing the required certificate or by posting liquid security in accordance with paragraph 21.5 in an amount equal to twenty percent (20%) of the accumulated overpayment liability specified for that year in Appendix C. 21.4.5 Maintenance Escrow - During the full term of this Agreement, Seller shall maintain and fund the maintenance escrow account described in paragraph 4.1.7 and Commission Order No 21690. If at any time Seller fails to maintain or fully fund that maintenance escrow account, such a failure wil be an event of default. Such default may be cured by reinstating the required escrow account or by Seller posting liquid security in accordance with paragraph 21.5 in an amount equal to twenty percent (20%) of the accumulated overpayment liabilty specified for that year in Appendix C. 21.4.6 Security Interests - During the full term of this Agreement, Seller shall maintain compliance with all of the requirements of Idaho Power's security interests described in paragraph 4.1.8 of this Agreement and Commission Order No 21690. Seller's failure to comply with those requirements, wil be an event of default and in addition to any other remedies available under this Agreement, Commission Order No 21690, and the security interests, Seller wil be required by Idaho Power to post liquid security in accordance with paragraph 21.5 in an amount equal to thirt-five percent (35%) of the accumulated overpayment liability specified for that year in Appendix C. Seller recognizes that in accordance with Commission Order No 21690, an event of default under either or both of paragraphs 21.4.3 or 21.4.4 constitutes an event of default under paragraph 21.4.5 and in that event the obligation to post liquid security under paragraphs 21.4.3 through 21.4.5 is cumulative. -29- L929 ~,....-- 21 .4.7 Licenses and Permits - During the full term of this Agreement, Seller shall maintain compliance with all permits and licenses described in paragraph 4.1 .1 of the Agreement. In addition, Seller wil supply Idaho Power with copies of any new or additional permits or licenses Seller is required to obtain during the term of this Agreement. At least every fifth Contract Year, Seller wil update the documentation described in Paragraph 4.1 .1. If at any time Seller fails to maintain compliance with the permits and licenses described in paragraph 4.1 .1 or to provide the documentation required by this paragraph, such failure wil be a default. (al In the case of non-compliance with the required governmental permits, an event of default wil be a material breach and may Q! be cured by Seller submittng to Idaho Power evidence of compliance from the permittng agency. 21.4.8 "K" Factor and Estppel Certificates -In reliance upon Seller's compliance with paragraphs 4.1 .10 and 4.1.11, upon execution of this Agreement by Idaho Power, and approval of this Agreement by the Commission, application of the "K" factor as described in Commission Order No. 21690 is suspended. Every three (3) years during the term of this Agreement, commencing with the third anniversary of the Operation Date, Seller shall deliver to Idaho Power estoppel certificates from Seller and Sener's fuel supplier, fuel transporter and thermal energy purchaser certifying that the contract described in paragraphs 4.1 .10 and 4.1 .11 are unmodified and in full force and efect and that there are no uncured defaults by either party. If Seller fails to provide the required estoppel certificates and the Parties are unable to agree on alternative security, the Partes agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the Commission for a determination of whether the "K" factor and the obligation to post liquid security, as described in this Agreement and Commission Order No. 21690, should be applied to the Facility. 21.5 Liquid Security - If, pursuant to this Agreement or Commission Order No 21690, Seller becomes obligated to post liquid security, such obligation may be satisfied by Seller's (1) -30- L930 ¡-_...,,r'\ depositing cash in an escrow to be held and managed by a bank or savings & loan association located and in good standing in the State of Idaho; or (2) providing an irrevocable standby letter of credit acceptable to Idaho Power. The escrow holder and the escrow instructions for the cash deposit wil be acceptable to both Idaho Power and Seller. Payment of all taxes on the amounts deposited in the escrow wil be the obligation of the Seller. The liquid security escrow account wil be maintained separately from the maintenance reserve account described in paragraph 4.1 .7. Failure to maintain and provide the liquid security required by this Agreement and Commission Order Nos 21690 and 21800 shall be an event of default. 21.6 Equitable Remedies - If as described in paragraph 21.3, Seller permanently curtils all or part of its deliveries of Net Firm Energy to Idaho Power and (1) within three (3) years after said curtilment Seller or its successors or assigns sells or delivers or atempts to sell or deliver said curtailed capacity or energy to any entity other than Idaho Power without Idaho Power's prior written consent, such sale or delivery or attempted sale or delivery shall be a breach of this Agreement; or (2) if, within three (3) years after such permanent curtilment Seller or its successors or assigns attempts to require Idaho Power to purchase said permanently curtiled Net Rrm Energy at a rate that exceeds the rates contained in this Agreement, such attempt wil be a breach of this Agreement. The remedy at law for the above descnbed breaches shall be inadequate and Idaho Power shall be entitled to injunctive relief and specific performance of this Agreement. The provisions of this paragraph 21.6 shall survive any termination of this Agreement (other than an optional termination under paragraph 5.2) for the periods provided for in this paragraph. 21.7 Refund of Lump Sum Repayment - If Seller has made a lump sum repayment as required by paragraph 21 .3 and; (1) Within three (3) years of said payment Seller becomes capable of resuming production of the curtailed Net Firm Energy and offers to resume sales to Idaho Power at the rates, terms and conditions contained in this Agreement for the number of Contract Years that were remaining under this Agreement at the time of the permanent curtailment; then -31- L931 /~. (2) Idaho Power wil resume its purchases from the FacilitY and wil refund a portion of the lump sum repayment amount as follows: (a) If sales resume within one year of the payment of the lump sum repayment amount, Idaho Power wil refund 90% of the lump sum repayment amount; (b) If sales resume within two years of the payment of the lump sum repayment amount, Idaho Power wil refund 85% of the lump sum repayment amount; (c) If sales resume within three years of the payment of the lump sum repayment amount, Idaho Power wil refund 85% of the lump sum repayment amount. ARTICLE XXII: GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORIZATION This Agreement is subject to the jurisdiction of those governmental agencies having control over either Part or this Agreement. ARTICLE XXII: COMMISSION ORDER This Agreement shall become finally effective upon the Commission's approval of all terms and provisions hereof without change or condition and declaration that all payments to be made to Seller hereunder shall be allowed as prudently incurred expenses for ratemaking purposes. ARTICLE XXIV: SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS This Agreement and all of the terms and provisions hereof shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the respective successors and assigns of the Parties hereto, except that no transfer of Sellets rights or obligations under this Agreement by merger or otherwise nor any assignment hereof by Seller shall become effective without the written consent of Idaho Power being first obtained. Such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. This artcle shall not prevent a financing entitY with recorded or secured rights from exercising all rights and remedies available to it under law -32- L932 ..-...~, or contract. Idaho Power shall have the right to be notified by the financing entity that it is exercising such rights or remedies. ARTICLE XXV: MODIFICATION No modification to this Agreement shall be valid unless it is in writing and signed by both Partes and subseQuently approved by the Commission. ARTICLE XXVI: TAXES Each Part shall pay, before delinQuency, all taxes and other governmental charges which, if failed to be paid when due, could result in a lien upon the facilty or Interconnecton Facilities. ARTICLE XXVII: NOTICES All written notices under this Agreement shall be directed as follows, and shall be considered delivered when deposited in the U S Mail, first-class postage prepaid, as follows: To Seller: Glenns Ferry Cogeneration Parters, Ltd. Attn: Alan K Forbes 12150 E Briarwood, Suite 145 Englewood, Colorado 80112 To Idaho Power Vice President, Power Supply Idaho Power Company POBox 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 -33- L933 ,~,/"--~\ ARTICLE XXVII: ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS This Agreement includes the following appendices, which are attached hereto and included by reference: Appendix A Appendix B Standards for Interconnecton and Metering Special Facilities, Point of Delivery, Metering, and Operation Date Lump Sum Refund Payme(lt Operating Instructions Enginee's Certifications Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E Appendix F Appendix G Appendix H Determination of Eligibility for Operation Date -34- L934 ","--'-..'0. ARTICLE XXiX. i:NTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement of the Parties concerning the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous oral or written agreements between the Parties concerning the subject matter hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in their respctive names on the dates set forth below: IDAHO POWER COMPANY, an Idaho corporation By Date: ßC ~ LWz- "Seller" GLENNS FE ~ COGENERJt G eral Partner k:, ei By Date: 1.H F Wright -:w 5.J M Collngwood l2.B L Kline ~'f~6.L R Gunnoe 3.R W Stahman 7.J W Marshall 4.W AMott ãe ~35- L935 ~,,~. STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ss )County of Ada On thisê day of ..e..4 ,1992, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, personally appeare Jan B Packwood, personally known, who being duly sworn, did say that he is the Vice President, Power Supply of the corporation that executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same as the free act and deed of said corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, the day and year in this certificate first above written. (NOTARIAL SEAL)_/,. . ~-/ ..._. .,./ ".", . My Com~¡ssion Expires: 'rtr ¿;'ý ,æu STATE OF COLORADO County of Äf a.0..bct ) ) ss ) On this Cl tt day of D.QQD) i:: , 1992, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, personally appeared Alan K Forbes, personally known, who being duly sworn, did say that he is the General Partner of Glenns Ferry Cogeneration Partners, Ltd. that executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as the free act and deed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, i have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, the day and year in thiscertificate first above written. ,'. .-. (1'-J.OTARI~l SEAL) .., ..v. ,_, My Corñ~ission Expires:(S- /;)i j) - OLp -36- L936 /----..r-, APPENDIX A STANDARDS FOR INTERCONNECTION AND METERING A-l GENERAL PROVISIONS A-1 .1 It is the policy of Idaho Power to permit Seller to operate its Facilty in parallel with Idaho Power's electric system, whenever this can be done without adverse effect to Idaho Powe(' s equipment, personnel or other customers. A-l.2 These guidelines contain the minimum metering, interconnection, protection, operation, and communications requirements for the safe and effective parallel operation of Seller's Facility with Idaho Power's system. Although these guidelines are established to provide a uniform approach for evaluating Seller's generation projects, each interconnecton must be examined by Idaho Power indivi- dually. Idaho Power and the Seller wil be guided by this document, which is a part of the Firm Energy Sales Agreement, in planning an interconnection between Idaho Power's system and the Seller. A-l.3 Idaho Power may provide limited technical assistance for Seller, but wil not perform any engineering, construction or repair work on power production equipment. A-2 GENERAL DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS A-2.1 All Seller generators larger than twenty (20) kVA shall be three-phase generators conneced to three-phase circuits. Generators twenty (20) kVA and smaller may be either three-phase or single- phase, as approved by Idaho Power. Due to physical limitations within Idaho Power's transmission and distribution systems, induction machine sizes wil be limited to confine voltage flicker within acceptable limits. Each generation site is unique and Idaho Power wil determine the appropriateness of any proposed machine tYpe for the site and interconnection. A-2.2 Except in certain instances to be determined by Idaho Power, Seller's generator(s) shall be isolated from Idaho Power's system by a transformer. Transformer type and connection wil be -37- L937 .~"''.~, specified by Idaho Power. The Seller may be required to limit the fault current contribution to Idaho Power's system by generator and/or transformer impedence, neutral grounding, transformer connections or other means. A.2.3 Idaho Power wil not assume any responsibilty for protection of the Seller's generator or of any other portion of the SeUer's electrical equipment. The Seller is fully responsible for protecting its equipment from faults or disturbances on Idaho Power's system. For example, most transmission and distribution line circuit breakers on Idaho Power's system wil reclose automatically after they have attempted to clear a fault. The reclose time delays and system impedances are available from Idaho Power and should be considered very carefully by the Seller to determine if damage to the Seller's facilty is possible. Dead line and synchronism check systems can be installed, at Seller's expense, that wil minimize the possibiltY of a line reclosing into a generator while it is still connected to the system. In some cases, Idaho Power wil require these dead line and synchronism check systems. A-i.4 Seller is hereby notified that certain conditions on Idaho Power's system may cause negative sequence currents to flow in the Seller's generator. It is the sale responsibilty of the Seller to protect its equipment from excessive negative sequence currents, reverse power flow, and single phasing. A-3 METERING AND TELEMETRY REQUIREMENTS A-3.1 Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, metering wil be provided for recording net output of the Facilty and wil be separate from any metering of Seller's load. Metering required wil be determined by Idaho Power on a case-by-case basis, but wil generally follow the guidelines below: A-3.1.1 Capacity ~ 750 kW - Two kWh/demand meters; one measuring power flow into Seller's facilties and one measuring power flow into Idaho Power's system; A-3.1.2 Capacity 2f 750 kW to 4999 kW - A bi-directional, electronic meter installation with load profiling and communication port capability wil be installed, and connected to the project voice communications circuit supplied by the developer with a first priorit given to Idaho Power's use of said communication circuit. An electro-mechanical kWh backup meter wil also be installed: Additionally, if a project is interconnected with Idaho Power's transmission system, all necessary telemetr and communication equipment and a dedicated voice quality -38- L938 ~,./-., unconditioned data line may be installed to provide continuous instantaneous telemetering of net generation to Idaho Power's Designated Dispatch Facilty; A-3.1.3 Caoacit of 5000 kW and Above - A bi-directional, electronic meter installation with load profiling and communication port capability will be installed and connected to a voice communications circuit supplied by the developer with a first pn~rity given to Idaho Powers use of said communication circuit. An electo-mechanical kWh backup meter wil also be installed. In addition, all necessary telemetry and communication equipment and a dedicated voice quality unconditioned data line wil be installed to provide continuous instantaneous telemetering of net generation to Idaho Power's Designated Dispatch Facilty. A-4 FACILITY PROTECTION A-4.1 The Seller has full responsibilty for the maintenance of its generating equipment and the equipment protecting the Facilty. If, in the opinion of Idaho Power, the Seller has failed to provide proper maintenance of the Facilty or its protection equipment and this failure could adversely impact Idaho Power or other Idaho Power customers, Idaho Power can require the Seller to cease parallel operation. A-5 SYNCHRONOUS GENERATORS A-5.1 All synchronous machines five (5) MVA or larger shall be equipped with a speed governor operated with a speed droop characteristic of five percent (5 %). A-5.2 A check interlock for synchronizing of the Seller's genertor(s) is required. A-5.3 Synchronous generators shall be capable of operating continuously at maximum power output within five percent (5%) of rated voltage and anywhere within a power factor range of from ninety percent (90%) lagging to ninety-five percent (95%1 leading. Synchronous generators shall be equipped with an excitation system and a voltage regulator which are capable of automatically controllng voltage at the generator terminals or a point farther into the system through the use of compensation. The excitation system shall be equipped with over and under excitation limiters or equivalent systems which wil permit the voltage regulator to utilze the full reactive capabilty of the machine. -39- L939 r"\,r, In some cases, because of specific system requirements in the area of the interconnection, this general rule may be modified by Idaho Power to include: 11 power factr or reactve control of the voltage regulator; 21 use of a programmable controller to vary the reactive output of the machine based upon a preset time schedule or other control criteria; or 3) Idaho Power may provide a remote signal which wil be used to adjust the voltage or power factor regulator setting. Facilities used to control reactive output including both local and remote equipment will be at the Seller's expense as specified in 8-11 of Appendix B. Idaho Power may also require the use of a power system stabilizer (PSS) on machines with high speed excitation systems. Idaho Power wil provide the required operating criteria (voltage, power factor, schedules, etc.) and/or settngs. Idaho Power may change these criteria from time to time as system requirements change. If after notification of operational deficiencies the Facilty is not operated as specified, or if the Seller does not make necessary corrections within a reasonable time, a default wil be declared pursuant to Article XXi. A-5.4 Due to the abilty of large synchronous generators to influence Idaho Power's system, protective and control relaying, in addition to the usual voltage frequency and fault relaying, may be required by Idaho Power. If required, this wil consist of generator relaying for phase-to-phase and three-phase fault detection. Idaho Power wil specify the relay type and determine settings. This relaying wil be tested annually by Idaho Power and the actual cost of this testing wil be paid by the Seller. A.a INDUCTION GENERATORS A-6.1 Overvoltage can become a serious problem when an induction generator and a porton of the transmission or distribution facilties are isolated from the system. Overvoltage relaying shall be provided that wil open the generator breaker in the event that the voltage reaches predetermined limits consistent with the overvoltage capability of the generator and the system. Undervoltage protection -40- L940 .;.-~ I ~, may also be required. On larger units, underfrequency and overfrequency relaying may both be required. A~6.2 Inducton generators require reactive support to operate. The supplemental reactive required is that amount required to correct th Facilty to unity power factor. The reactive may be supplied by either Idaho Power's system or from capacitive correction at the Facilty or both. Idaho Power will charge the Seller (as specified in Appendix B) for reactive that is provided from Idaho Power's system. At some Facilities, because of system considerations, it may not be practical to provide all of the reactive compensation at the Facilty. In these instances, Idaho Power shall specify the power factor and compensation necessary at the Facilty. The Seller wil have the option to furnish the reactve compensation that is required at the Facilty. If the Seller furnishes the reactive compensation, the Facilty must be operated within five percent (5%) of the specified power factor. The Seller must also design the Facilty to avoid possible overvoltage that can occur under certain conditions when capacitors are applied to the generator terminals. A-7 Qt IQ AC CONVERTERS A-7.1 Direct current generators may be operated in parallel with Idaho Power's system through a synchronous inverter. The inverter installation wil be designed such that an Idaho Power system interruption wil result in the immediate removal of the inverter power flow to Idaho Power. Harmonics and/or spurious frequencies generated by the Sellets generator-inverter combinations must be limited to avoid causing any reduction in quality of electric service to Idaho Power's customers. A-8 SWITCHING REQUIREMENTS A~8. 1 Idaho Power reserves the right to open and secure by lock any disconnecting device without prior notice to Seller for any of the following reasons: A-8.1 .1 System emergency; A-8.1.2 Inspection of the Seller's Facilty protectve equipment reveals a condition which might adversely impact Idaho Power or Idaho Power's customers; A-8.1.3 Seller's generating equipment interferes with Idaho Power's customers, or system. -41- L941 ,.-,~" A-8.2 Seller shall maintain a written record of all operating (opening and closing) by Seller of the Seller's interconnection with Idaho Power. Each operation wil be recorded by the date, hour and minute and wil include the generator kWh reading at the time of the operation. This record will be maintained on a monthly basis and the original wil be mailed to Idaho Power on the first business day of the following month. Idaho Power wil provide the forms necessary for filng this monthly switching repor. A-9 GENERATION SCHEDULING AN REPORTING A-9.1 For installations under 750 kVA, the Seller shall read its generator kWh/demand meter within the 24-hour period following 12:00 noon on the last day of each month. That kWh meter reading is to be recorded on the Monthly Power Production Switching Report. A-9.2 Fo installations 750 kVA and above, see Appendix D. A-9.3 The written record of the end-of-month meter reading on the Monthly Power Production Switching Report, subject to subsequent review and correction by Idaho Power. wil be the basis of payment for energy purchased by Idaho Power from the Seller. An adjustment in the kWhs delivered wil be made to compensate for the losses in 8-6. A-9.4 At the end of each month, the Monthly Power Production Switching Report wil be mailed to: Operations and Joint Facilities Accounting Idaho Power Company POBox 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 A-9.5 Payment to the Seller wil be made no later than thirt (30) days following receipt of the Monthly Power Production and Switching Report. -42- L942 ,~~" i APPENDIX 8 SPECIAL FACILITIES, POINT OF DELIVERY, METERING, AND OPERATION DATE PROJECT NO 21765151 MAGIC WEST COGENERATION PROJECT ß.l DESCRIPTION OF FACILITY The Seller's electrical Facilty is described as natural gas fired turbine generator packages with total nameplate rating of less than 10 MW net at 4,1 60 volts, three phase, 60 Hz. ß.2 LOCATION OF FACILITY The Facilit is located in the SE Quarter of Section 29, Township 5 South, Range 10 East, Boise Meridian, Elmore County, at the Magic Valley potato processing facility in Glenns Ferry, Idaho. ß.3 SCHEDULED OPERATION DATE Seller has selected January 1, 1 995, as the Scheduled Operation Date and December 1, 1994, as the First Energy Date. In making these selections, Seller recognizes that to allow for adequate testing of the Facilty's degree of completion and reliabilty, it must achieve its First Energy Date at least thirt (30) days prior to the Operation Date. Idaho Power, based on the information supplied by Seller, wil schedule its construction so that all Special Facilties, Disconnection Equipment and Metering Equipment wil be completed in time so as not to delay Seller's achieving the First Energy Date. However, if Seller fails to pay the costs specified in B-l1 below at the time specified therein, or materially changes the specifications or design of the Facilty or Seller-furnished Interconnection Facilities from what was previously provided to Idaho Power, Idaho Power may be required to reschedule its constructon of these facilities which could adversely impact Seller s abilty to achieve its scheduled First Energy Date. B- FAILURE TO ACHIEVE OPERATION DATE If Seller has not achieved the Operation Date within eleven (11) months of the Scheduled Operation Date, such failure shall be deemed to be an event of default pursuant to Article XXi. -43. L943 -"'--''../~--'. 8-S POINT OF DELIVERY The Point of Delivery of energy from the Seller to Idaho Power wil be the 138,000 volt bushings of the Seller's transformer. The 11,000 kVA transformer wil be owned and maintained by the Seller. The transformer connection wil be 138 kV grounded Wye/4.16 kV Delta. 8-6 LOSSES Until modified by mutual agreement, losses shall be set at 2.00% of the metered energy delivered. When Seller has supplied Idaho Power with the data needed to properly analyze the Losses associated with the Facility, Idaho Power and Seller wil review that data and re-set the loss factor for the Facilty. If the Parties are unable to agree, they will submit the dispute to the Commission for resolution. Any adjustment wil be retroactive to the First Energy Date. B-7 METERING AND TELEMETRY The Metering Equipment, wil be on the 4,160 volt side of the Seller's step up transformer. Idaho Power provided metering equipment wil consist of: current and potential transformers, a meter enclosure, an electonic bi~directional meter for measuring net generation, an isolation relay, transducer, communication equipment, and all meter wiring. Seller provided metering equipment wil consist of all conduit and junction boxes from the metering transformers to the meter enclosure and all high side conductor and connectors. Seller wil arrange for and make available at Seller's cost, a telephone circuit dedicated to Idaho Power's use terminating in an RJ-11 receptacle to be used for load profiling and another telephone circuit dedicated to Idaho Power's communication equipment for continuous telemetering of the project's kilowatt output to Idaho Power's Designated Dispatch Facility. The meter wil register kilowatt-hours and kilowatt of demand. Idaho Power provided meter and communication equipment will be owned and maintained by Idaho Power with total cost of purchase, installation, operation and maintenance, including administrative cost to be reimbursed to Idaho Power by the Seller. 8-8 SPECIAL FACILITIES The constructon of approximately 3/4 mile of three phase 138,000 volt single pole transmission line with switching provisions and the reconstruction of approximately 1/4 mile of 12.5 kV -44- L944 ./-... distribution circuit wil be supplied and maintained by Idaho Power. The total cost of these facilties wil be reimbursed to Idaho Power by the Seller. B-9 REACTIVE POWER The Seller shall operate the synchronous generators within plus or minus 5% of unity power factor, or as listed in Appendix A. B-l0 DISCONNECTION EQUIPMENT Disconnection Equipment is required to insure that the Seller's Facility wil be disconnected from Idaho Powets system in the event of a disturbance on either Idaho Power's system or the Seller's Facilty. This equipment is for the protecton of Idaho Power's equipment only and wil be located at the Point of Delivery. Idaho Power wil supply a three phase 138,000 volt gang operated disconnect switch, a 138,000 volt potential transformer, a 138,000 volt circuit switcher and a relay cabinet containing relays, assocated wiring, logic, and batteries. Seller wil install all Idaho Power supplied equipment, and all wiring and conduit necessary for the operation of the interconnection equipment. Idaho Power wil supply details for the interconnection panel and wil connect and test the equipment prior to operation of the facilitY. Seller wil provide drawings of their interconnection wiring for engineering approval before installation. The total cost of the interconnection equipment, connecion and testing wil be reimbursed to Idaho Power by the Seller. B-11 COSTS The total cost of the 138,000 kV transmission line Special Facilties is $160,000. The total cost of the distribution line Special Facilties is $3,444. The total cost of the Metering Equipment is $8,236. The total cost of the communication equipment is $8,500. In addition, there wil be a monthly charge for the communication circuit lease cost associated with the telemetry equipment. The communications circuit lease is $280.00 per month as of the date of this Agreement. Seller recognizes that the monthly communications circuit charge may be adjusted by Idaho Power as the cost to Idaho Power is adjusted by the owner of the communications circuit. The total cost of the Disconnecting Equipment is $93,468. The total cost to be paid -45- L945 /-'.~. by the Seller is $273,648. This represents the amount that wil be charged by Idaho Power if the Seller makes the payment on or before January 18, 1993. If the Seller does not make this payment by the specified date, the costs wil be subject to update. Idaho Power wil not schedule construction or order Special Facilities which are not ordinarily maintained in Idaho Power's inventory until payment has been made. In addition to the installation and construction charges above, during the term of the agreement Seller wil pay Idaho Power the operation and maintenance charge specified in Schedule 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON~UTILITY GENERATION or its successor schedules(s). This monthly operation and maintenance charge wil be calculated based on $160,000.00 of 138 kV rated Interconnecion Facilties plus an additional $110,204.00 of Interconnection Facilties rated below 138 kV. The total cost shown above is an estimate calculated on the basis of average costs. When the acual total cost is determined, Idaho Power wil adjust the total cost amount to reflect the actual total cost incurred by Idaho Power. Beginning with the month of this adjustment, the operation and maintenance charges wil also be adjusted. When the actual total cost is known, within sixt (60) days Idaho Power wil refund any overpayment or Seller wil remit any underpayment. 8-12 SALVAGE No later than sixt (601 days after the termination or expiration of this Agreement, Idaho Power wil prepare and forward to Seller an estimate of the remaining value of those Idaho Power furnished Interconnection Facilties described in this Appendix, less the cost of removal and transfer to Idaho Power's nearest warehouse, if th~ Interconnection Facilities will be removed. If Seller elects not to retain ownership of the Interconnecton Facilties but instead wishes that Idaho Power purchase such facilties from Seller at the net salvage value, Idaho Power may then be invoiced by Seller for the net salvage value estimated by Idaho Power for the interconnecton facilities and shall pay said amount to Seller within thirt (30) days after receipt of said invoice. Seller shall have the right to offset the invoice amount against any present or future payments due Idaho Power. -46- L946 ,."~ APPENDIXC LUMP SUM REFUND PAYMENT FOR PERMANENT CURTAILMENT OF PORTION OR ALL OF ANNUAL NET ENERGY AMOUNT UNDER 20-YEAR CONTRACT Contract Year of Dollars Curtailment Per Annual Commencement Megawatt Hour 1 31 2 44 3 57 4 69 5 81 6 92 7 102 8 111 9 118 10 124 11 128 12 130 13 128 14 124 15 116 16 104 17 87 18 65 19 36 20 18 -47- L947 ,~"~, APPENDIX D OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FOR PLATS OVER 750 KW 1. Prior to initial start-up at least one day in advançe the Project sha!!: A. Provide Idaho Power's System Scheduling at the Boise Bench System Dispatching Center with an estimate of the hourly generation that is expected to be produced during the first scheduled test day. The phone number for System Scheduling is listed below. B. Notify the Division Substation Supervisor of project start up plans. The phone number is listed below. C. The kWh meter should be read and entered on the Monthly Power Production and Switching Report (Form No: Cogen CAD-A-l). 2. Before 10:00 a.m. on each normal work day, after the initial start-up, the Projec wil report to the system scheduling ofce the previous day's actual generation based upon midnight to midnight meter readings and the estimate of generation planned for the following day or days. The phone number to report the actual generation and scheduling estimate is listed below. Note that the System Scheduling number is answered only between the hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mountain Time, on weekdays and that generation estimates must be provided for weekend days and holidays. 3. Each time the generator breaker is closed or opened (including testing and normal operation), Idaho Power's system dispatchers must be notified by phone as soon as possible. Prompt reporting is very important. The Designated Dispatch Facilty is manned 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and the phone number is listed below. 4. In addition to promptly notifying the system dispatchers, the record of each breaker opening and closing must be entered on the Monthly Power Production and Switching Report mentioned in 1-C above. 5. For questions or problem concerning: Power Scheduling:(208) 383-2931 System Dispatching:(208) 383-2826 Metering:Meter Engineer - Boise (208) 383-2751 or Division Metering Supervisor Payette Boise Twin Falls Pocatello (208) 642-6284 (208) 322-2029 (208) 736.3284 (208) 236-7771 -48- L948 r-~ Substations:Division Substtion Supervisor Payette Boise Twin Falls Pocatello (208) 642-6262 (208) 322.2064 (208) 736.3237 (208) 236-7774 .m: Operations and Joint Facilties Accounting . Boise (208) 383.2593 Contract: Customer Generation. Boise (208) 383-2427 6. Toll free numbers for Operating Reporting: System Scheduling System Dispatching 1-800-356-4328 1 -800-348-4328 -49- L949 i..~.,~ APPENDIX E CERTIFICATION OF DESIGN ENGINEER The undersigned , on behalf of himself and , hereinafter collectively referred to as "Design Engineer", hereby states and certfies to Idaho Power as follows: 1 . That Design Engineer is a Ucensed Professional Engineer in good standing in the State of Idaho. 2. That Design Engineer has reviewed the Firm Energy Sales Agreement, hereinafter "Agreement", between Idaho Power as Buyer, and as Seller, dated 3. That the cogeneration or small power production project which is the subject of the Agreement and this Certification is identified as IPCo Facility No and is further designated as Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Cogeneration Project No and is hereinafter referred to as the "Project". 4. That the Project, which is commonly known as the Project, is located in Section _' Township_, Range _' Boise Meridian, County, Idaho. 5. That Design Engineer recognizes that the Agreement provides for the Project to furnish electrical energy to Idaho Power for a I year period. 6. That Design Engineer has substantial experience in the design, construction and operation of electric power plants of the same type as this Project. 7. That Design Engineer has reviewed the engineering design and construction of the Project, including the civil work, electrical work, generating equipment, Seller furnished interconnection equipment and other Project facilties and equipment. 8. That the Project has been constructed in accordance with said plans and specifications, all applicable codes and consistent with Prudent Electical Practces as that term is described in the Agreement. -50- L950 .~/-'" 9. That the design and construction of the Project is such that with reasonable and prudent operation and maintenance practices by Seller, the Project is capable of performing in accordance with the terms of the Agreement and with Prudent Electrcal Practices for a (_l year period. 10. That Design Engineer has supplied the Seller with at least one copy of said Plans and Specifications bearing his Stamp and the words "CERTIFIED FOR IDAHO P.U.C SECURITY ACCEPTANCE" on each sheet thereof. 11. That Design Engineer recognizes that Idaho Power, in accordance with paragraph 5.2(2) of the Agreement, in interconnecting the Project with its system, is relying on Engineer's representations and opinions contained in this Certfication. 12. That Design Engineer certifies that the above statements are complete, true and accurate to the best of his knowledge and therefore sets his hand and seal below. By (P.E. Stamp) Date STATE OF IDAHO County of ) ) ss ) On this _ day of ,19_, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, personally appeared , personally known, who being duly sworn, did say that he is the individual who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as a free act and deed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, the day and year in this certificate first above written. (NOTARIAL SEAL)Notary Public for Idaho Residing at: -51- L951 ..../--. APPENDIX E ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION OF DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION ADEQUACY The undersigned , on behalf of himself and , hereinafter collecvely referred to as "Engineer", hereby states and certifies to Idaho Power as follows: 1 . That Engineer is a licensed Professional Engineer in good standing in the State of Idaho. 2. That Engineer has reviewed the Firm Energy Sales Agreement, hereinafter "Agreement", between Idaho Power as Buyer, and as Seller, dated 3. That the cogeneration or small power production project which is the subject of the Agreement and this Certification is identified as IPCo Facilty No and is furter designated as Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Cogeneration Project No and is hereinafter referred to as the "Project". 4. That the Project, which is commonly known as the Project, is located in Section _' Township_, Range _' Boise Meridian,County, Idaho. 5. That Engineer recognizes that the Agreement provides for the Project to furnish electrical energy to Idaho Power for a I year period. 6. That Engineer has substantial experience in the design, construction and operation of electric power plants of the same type as this Project. 7. That Engineer has no economic relationship to the Design Engineer of this Project and has made the analysis of the plans and specifications independently. 8. That Engineer has reviewed the engineering design and construction of the Project, including the civil work, electrical work, generating equipment, Seller furnished interconnection equip- ment and other Project facilties and equipment. -52- L952 .~,"" " 9. That the Projec has been constructed in accordance with said plans and specifications, all applicable codes and consistent with Prudent Electical Practices as that term is described in the Agreement. 10. That the design and construction of the Project is such that with reasonable and prudent operation and maintenance practices by Seller, the Project is capable of performing in accordance with the terms of the Agreeent and with Prudent Electrical Practices for a (_) year period. 11. That Engine recognizes that Idaho Power, in accordance with paragraph 5.3 of the Agreement, in interconnecting the Project with its system, is relying on Engineer's representations and opinions contained in this Certification. 12. That Engineer certifies that the above statements are complete, true and accurate to the best of his knowledge and therefore sets his hand and seal below. By (P.E. Stamp) Date STATE OF IDAHO County of ) ) ss ) On this _ day of ,19_1 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, personally appeared 1 personally known, who being duly sworn, did say that he is the individual who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as a free act and deed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, i have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, the day and year in this certificate first above written. (NOTARIAL SEAL)Notary Public for Idaho Residing at: -53- L953 ~".r, APPENDIX E ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION OF OPERATIONS &. MAINTENANCE POLICY The undersigned , on behalf of himself and , hereinafter collectvely referred to as "Engineer", hereby states and certifies to Idaho Power as follows: 1 . That Engineer is a licensed Professional Engineer in good standing in the State of Idaho. 2. That Engineer has reviewed the Firm Energy Sales Agreement, hereinafter "Agreement", between Idaho Power as Buyer, and as Seller, dated 3. That the cogeneration or small power production project which is the subject of the Agreement and this Certification is identified as IPCo Facilty No and is further designated as Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Cogeneration Project No and is hereinafter referred to as the "Project". 4. That the Project. which is commonly known as the Project, is located in Section _' Township_, Range _' Boise Merdian,County, Idaho. 5. That Engineer recognizes that the Agreement provides for the Project to furnish electrical energy to Idaho Power for a ) year period. 6. That Engineer has substantial experience in the design, construction and operation of electic power plants of the same type as this Project. 7. That Engineer has no economic relationship to the Design Engineer of this Project. 8. That Engineer has reviewed and/or supervised the review of the Policy for Operation and Maintenance (O&M Policy) for this Project and it is his professional opinion that, provided said Project has been designed and built to appropriate standards, adherence to said O&.M Policy wil result -54- L954 ,~.~'" in the Project's producing at or near the design electcal output, efficiency, and plant factor for a (_I year period. 9. That Engineer recognizes that Idaho Power, in accordance wi paragraph 5.3 of the Agreement, is relying on Engineets representations and opinions contained in this Certification. 10. That Engineer certifies that the above statements are complete, true and accurate to the best of his knowledge and therefore sets his hand and seal below. By (P.E. Stamp) Date STATE OF IDAHO County of ) ) ss ) On this _ day of ,19_, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, personally appeared , personally known, who being duly sworn, did say that he is the individual who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as a free act and deed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, the day and year in this cerificate first above written. Notary Public for Idaho Residing at: (NOTARIAL SEAL) -55- L955 1..--~, APPENDIX E ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION OF ONGOING OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE The undersigned , on behalf of himself and , hereinafter collectively referred to as "Engineer", hereby states and certifies to Idaho Power as follows: 1 . That Engineer is a Licensed Profesional Engineer in good standing in the State of Idaho. 2. That Engineer has reviewed the Firm Energy Sales Agreement, hereinafter "Agreement", between Idaho Power as Buyer, and as Seller, dated 3. That the cogeneration or small power production project which is the subjec of the Agreement and this Certification is identified as IPCo Facilty No and is further designated as Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Cogeneration Project No and is hereinafter referred to as the "Project". 4. That the Project, which is commonly known as the Project, is located in Secton _' Township_, Range _' Boise Meridian,County, Idaho. 5. That Engineer recognizes that the Agreement provides for the Project to furnish electical energy to Idaho Power for a I year period. 6. That Engineer has substantial experience in the design, constructon and operation of electric power plants of the same type as this Project. 7. That Engineer has no economic relationship to the Design Engineer of this Project. 8. That Engineer has made a physical inspecton of said Project, its operations and maintenance records since the last previous certified inspection, and the Project's Policy for Operation and Maintenance (O&M Policy) bearing the words "CERTIFIED FOR IDAHO P.U.C. SECURITY APPROVAL" and the Stamp of the Certfying Engineer. It is Engineets professional opinion, based on -56- L956 /-., I ,r. the Project's appearance, that its ongoing operation and maintenance has been substantially in accordance with said O&M Policy; that it is in reasonably good operating condition; and that if adherence to said O&M Policy continues, the Project wil continue producing at or near its design electrical output, efficiency, and plant factor for (_)years. 9. That Engineer recognizes that Idaho Power, in accordance with paragraph 21.4.3 of the Agreement, is relying on Engineer's representations and opinions contained in this Certification. 10. That Engineer certifies that the above statement are complete, true and accurate to the best of his knowledge and therefore sets his hand and seal below. By (P.E. Stamp) Date STATE OF IDAHO County of ) ) ss ) On this _ day of , 19_, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, personally appeared , personally known, who being duly sworn, did say that he is the individual who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as a free act and deed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and afixed my offcial seal, the day and yeai' in this certficate first above written. (NOTARIAL SEAL)Notary Public for Idaho Residing at: -57- L957 /',~ APPENDIX F Fuel Supplier - Fuel Transporter ("FS") recognizes that Glenns Ferry Cogeneration Parters, Ltd. ("GFCP") has elected to sell the electrical output of the Magic West Cogeneration Facilty to Idaho Power at levelized rates under a twenty (20) year Firm Energy Sales Agreement. FS understands and agrees that Idaho Power wil be a "Lender" as that term is defined and used in the Fuel Supply and Fuel Transporttion Agreements. FS understands that under the Firm Energy Sales Agreement if GFCP permanently curtails its sales of firm electcal energy to Idaho Power prior to the conclusion of the twenty (20) year term of the Firm Energy Sales Agreement, GFCP's election to be paid levelized rates wil trigger a substantial overpayment liabilty payment to Idaho Power. FS furter recognizes that Idaho Power's willngness to purchase firm energy from the Magic West Cogeneration Facility at levelized rates was based, in part, on FS's commitment to supply and deliver fuel in an amount suficient to allow the Magic West Cogeneration Facility to generate the annual Net Energy amount in the Firm Energy Sales Agreement each year during the full twenty (20) year term of the Firm Energy Sales Agreement. FS recognizes that if it terminates or permanently curtails its sales/deliveries of fuel to GFCP, such termination - curtailment could cause a permanent curtailment, as described in paragraph 21.3 of the Firm Energy Sales Agreement. FS and GFCP agree that Idaho Power is an intended third-part beneficiary of the Fuel Supply and Fuel Transportation Agreements. GFCP and FS further agree that they wil be jointly and severally liable to Idaho Power for any damages Idaho Power may incur as a result of an uncured breach by FS of the conditions and covenants of the Fuel Supply/Fuel Transportation Agreements, and such uncured breach results in any permanent curtailment byGFCP. -58- L958 r....,,-... ; APPEND1XG Magic West, Inc. ("MW"I recognizes that Glenns Ferry Cogeneration Parters, Ltd. ("GFCP"I has elected to sell the electrical output of the Magic West Cogeneration Facility to Idaho Power at levelized rates under a twenty (20) year Firm Energy Sales Agreemeot. MW understands and agrees that Idaho Power will be a "Lender" as that term is defined and used in the Thermal Energy Service Agreement. MW understands that under the Arm Energy Sales Agreement if GFCP permanently curtils its sales of firm electric energy to Idaho Power prior to the conclusion of the twenty (20) year term of the Arm Energy Sales Agreement, GFCP's election to be paid levelized rates wil trigger a substantial overpayment liability payment to Idaho Power. MWfurther recognizes that Idaho Power's wilingness to purchase firm energy from the Magic West Cogeneration Facilty at levelized rates was based, in part, on MW's commitment to purchase suficient thermal energy under the Thermal Energy Service Agreement to assure the Magic West Cogeneration Facilty wil be a Qualifying Facility under PURPA , for the full twenty (20) year term of the Firm Energy Sales Agreement. MW recognizes that if it terminates or permanently curtails its purchases of thermal energy from GFCP, the Magic West Cogeneration Facilty may lose its qualifying facilty status. Such loss of qualifying facilty status wil be a default under the Firm Energy Sales Agreeent and would cause a permanent curtailment, as described in paragraph 21.3 of the Firm Energy Sales Agreement. MW and GFCP agree that Idaho Power is an intended third-party beneficiary of the Thermal Energy Service Agreement. GFCP and MW further agree that they wil be jointly and severally liable to Idaho Power for any damages Idaho Power may incur as a result of the loss of the Magic West Cogeneration Facilty qualifying facility status, if such loss of qualifying facility status is a result of an uncured breach by MW of the conditions and covenants in the Thermal Energy Service Agreement, and such breach results in the failure by MW to purchase the amounts of thermal energy required to maintain qualifying facilty status. -59- L959 ,r-.~ APPENDIX H DETERMINATION OF ELIGIBILITY FOR OPERATION DATE 1 . Prior to initial startup and during the determination of eligibilty for an Operation Date, the Facilty wil observe all the applicable requirements of APPENDIX C - OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FOR PLANTS OVER 750 kW. 2. The test period ("Test Period") for determination of eligibilty for an Operation Date shall be thirt (30) consecutive days. 3. Concurrently with the start of its Test Period, the Facilty wil notify Idaho Power, in writing, of the date and time the test is considered to have started. 4. For each 24 hour period during the Test Period, the Facilit wil record, at a minimum, the net generation, in kWh, delivered (n scheduled) to Idaho Power. 5. The Facilty will record all outages occurrng during the Test Period. For each outage, the record wil include, at a minimum, the starting time, the ending time, the total time the unit was disconnected from Idaho Power's system, and the cause(s) of the outage whether internal or external to the Facilty. 6. If the Test Period spans the end of any month, the Facilty wil report to Idaho Power the previous month's total net generation delivered per the requirements of Paragraph A-9 - GENERATION SCHEDULING AND REPORTING. The total kWh delivered during the month wil be correctly designated as having occurred either prior to the date stipulated in 3. above or after the start of the Test Period. 7. Prior to the determination of an Operation Date, all kWhs delivered are Surplus Energy and wil be paid for at the Surplus Energy Purchase Price. 8. At the end of the Test Period, the Facilty will submit to Idaho Power, in writing, the following; a. the complete daily record per 4.; and b. the total net kilowatt hours delivered to Idaho Power (the sum of 4.); and c. the complete outage record per 5., including total hours of outage; and -60- L960 I~~"', d. a calculation showing the Service Factor (SF) which is defined as SF = (SHrrPH) x 100% where TPH is defined as the Test Period Hours which equals 24 hours x 30 consecutive days = 720 hours and, SH is defined as Service Hours which equals TPH - total outage hours (from 8c) e. a calculation showing the Net Capacity Factor (NCF) which equals ANG/PRSNFEA x 100% where ANG is defined as actal net generation delivered during the Test Period (from 8b) and, PRSNFEA is defined as the Pro-Rated Seasonal Net Firm Energy Amount (from paragraph 6.2 of the Agreement) f. A letter certifying to the above and requesting Idaho Powet s concurrence that the Facilty has, indeed, demonstrated the necessary degree of completion and reliabilty and is thus eligible for an Operation Date. 9. The Facilty shall be deemed eligible for an Operation Date if during the Test Period both the Serice Factor and the Net Capacity Factr are equal to or greater than 90%. If both Factors are shown to exceed the minimum requirement, then the eligible Operation Date for the Facilty, per paragraph 1 .12, shall be deemed to have occurred at 0001 hours Mountain Time on the day following the day defined in 3. above as the day the test began. 10. If, at the end of the Test Period, either the Service Factor or the Net Capacity Factor (or both) are found to be below 90%, the Test Period wil be extended on a day to day basis until such time as at the conclusion of a period of 30 consecutive days, both the Serice Factor and the Net Capacity factor m! simultaneously above 90%. The date when the Facilty becomes eligible for an Operation date, in this case, shall be deemed to have occurred at 0001 hours Mountain Time on the day following the day 30 days previous to the conclusion of the extnded Tes Period. -61- L961 ~~.~( . 11. Once the Facilty has accomplished all the requirements of paragraph 5.2, including either 9. or 10. above, Idaho Power wil, as part of the routine month-end payment process, and in addition to any payment due for the then current month, remit to the Seller the diference beteen the appropriate seasonal rate of paragraph 7.1 and the Surplus Energy Purchase Price previously paid for Test Period energy. If the projects Operation Date has been determined per 10., this adjustment will apply to only the 30 consecutive days prior to the conclusion of the Test Period. No interest wil be paid on any adjustment amounts. -62- L962 EXHIBITB , . . Qa.l' UCUl ...:~r-.JAN 22',993~, BEFORE TH IDAHO PUBLIC UT COMMSION INTB MATlOFTHAPOVAL OF )A FI ENY SAL AGRE )BETEE IDAHO POWE COMPAN AN )GL FE COGENTION )PARRS, LTD. FOB TH MAGIC )WE COENTION PRO. ) ) CAS NO. lPE-92-2 ORDER NO. 2474 On December 23, 1992, Idaho Power Company (Idaho Power; Company) and Glenns Ferr Cogenration Parers, Ltd. (Glenns Ferr) fied an Application with the Idaho Public Utilities Commssion (Commsson) requesting approval of a Fir Energy Sales Ageement (Agreement) between Idaho Power and Glenns Ferr. Glenns Ferr is the developer of the Magic West Cogeneration Project (Magic West), a proposed less than ten megawatt natual gas fired turbine generation facity located in the SE Qu of Sen 29, Townhip 5 South, Rage 10 East, Bois Merdian, Elmor County, at the Magic West Potato Processig Facity in Glenns Fer, Idaho. The estimte annual net fi energy production is 83,220,000 kWh. As represente, the projec wil be a . PURA "qualg facity" (QF) pror to interconnecton. The Agreement, dated December 9, 1992, provides for levelied rate over a 20-year contract term. Scheduled operation date is Janua 1, 1995. Magic West is the fist propose natual gas fid quaed cogeneration facity to offer energy to Ida Power. Of sigicance, the Commssion" in its revew of the submittd Ageement, notes the followig nonstanda and/or unque featurs: Su olth T P8d Application of the "K fact, pe pror Comsion Orders, is intended to compensate for the incras rik of loss of motive force attrbutable to non-hydr generati resce and hydr generati reures with less than opti water rihts. Reer Order Nos. 21690 and 21800, Case No. U.I006.292. The Commsion may consder reasonable evdence of ORDER NO. 24674 - i- PS472 /"./". secue motive power as an acceptable means of eliminating the application of the uK" factor. Order No. 23949. Case No. IPC..E.91.13; Order No. 24007. Case No. IPC.E.91.22. In ths case the pares propose "suspendig.' application of the '"K.' factr conditioned upon the commtment of Glenns Fer to provide the followig specic and periodic assurances of the fimness of motive force for the term of the Ageement: a. Agreement' 4.1.0 requies that as a condition tointerconnection, Glenn Ferr must "demonstrate toIdaho Power's reasnable satifaction that Glenns Ferhas ented into fuel supply and fuel tranportationcontracts which wi provide a fim supply of fuel and mel transportation in an amount sufcient to allow the facity to generate the anual net firm energy amount each contract year for the fu term of the Agrment." b. Ageement , 21.4.8 addresses the suspenson of the i"K'. factr and provides a procedure for ongoing monitorig of the status of the contracts between Glenns Fer, its mel supplier and fuel traiport. If thi monitorig frocess reveal that any of the varous contracts, i.e., themotive fore" for the projec, are in default, , 21.4.8prodes that th ~enson of the "K" fact can be revoked with Commssion conCUence and Glenns Ferr woud be obligate to post liquid secty consistent with the Commion's Orders in Case No. U-1006-292. c. Agrment" 4.1.11 and 21.4.8 provide that as acondition of interconnecon, Glenn Fer wi alo prde assuances simiar to (a) . and (b) above for theperormce of the ther host, Magic West, Inc. forthe fu term of the Agment. d. Agent " 4.1.0 and 4.1.11 als provide that GlennFer wi inude contract prvions in its contracts. with a fuel ~pplier and fuel trairte and the. ther host, Magic West, Inc., that wi put theseentities on notice that Idaho Power is an inteded thid pary benefciar of the respecve ageements and that Idao Power can enfrce those agrm.ts ü necsar.Glenn Fer ha alo agr to place Magic West, Inc., th fuel supplier and fuel transportr on notice that ifsuch fuel supplier and fuel trrt and Magic Wes,Inc., have uncu breaches of thei resectveagreements with Glenn Fer that in the case such uncued breach causs a pernt cuaient by ORDER NO. 24674 - 2- PS473 r'.1..'1 Glenn Ferr as defied in the Agreement or in the event such uncured breach by Magic West results in theloss of the facility's qualifyg facilty status, then Idaho Power can proeed directly agait Magic West, Inc.and/or the fuel supplier and fuel tranportr as approprate to recover its damges. Subt detti tht facty capa uc te mewatt Ageement 1 6.4 provides a proedure for revig the contract rates with the concuence of the Commsion if Idaho Power subseently determies that the capacity of the Magic West facilty actualy exceds ten megawatts. Suilus en Ageement , 6.1 provides that all energy produced and delivered by Glenns Ferr in excess of 10,000 kWh per hou wi be purased as surplus energy (Schedule 86). :Mte and Re Therm Energy Meteri Equipment, Ageement' 10.4 and Mainte- nance and Retention of Rerds, Ageement 111.1 prode that Glenn Ferr wi insta, opeate and mata therm energy meteri equipment and maitai necssar records regarg ther energy delveres and naturl gas puhases. Ths meteg and record keping requient wi alow Idaho Power to veri that the effciencies of the proec comply with PURA and presere the prec's QF status over the tù term of the Ageement. Failur to matai QF status for the fu term of the Ageeent is an event of default under th Agment and if UDcued cod lead to a contract termation. Dite Ageeent 1 21.1 reds as follows: "Al diutes reate to or arsing under th Agment, includi, but not lite to, the interetation of the te and condions of th Agrnt, wil be submitte to the Comm~on for reslution." ORDER NO. 24674 - 3.. PS474 .--,¡"-,,i The Commsion remids the paries that jursdiction may not be conferred on the Commssion by contractual stipulation. The authority and jursdiction of the Commsion is restricted to that expressly and by necessar implication conferred upon it by enabling statutes. The nature and extent of the Commssion jursdiction to reslve actual disputes wil be determed by the Commssion on an individual case-by.case basis notwithstandig paragraph 21.1 of the Agreement. The Commssion fids that the Agreement signed and submitted by the pares conta avoided cost rates in conformity with applicable Commssion Orders. Reference Order No. 24383, Case No. IPC-E-92-15. It is the fuher opinon of the Commsion that the precautions taen by Idaho Power to justif . supenion of the "K" factr for the Magic West proect satify the intent and requirements of the Commsion's prior Orders regardig reasonable evidence of a sece motive power. The term of the Ageement, except as qualled above, are reasonable and we approve them. We also approve payments made under this Ageement as prudently inCued exenss for ratemaking puroses. CONCLUSNS OF LAW I The Idaho Public Utities Commsion has jusdction over Idaho Power Company, an electc utilty, pursuant to the authority and power granted it under Title 61 of the Idao Code and the Pulic Utity Regutory Policies Act of 1978 (PUR A). II Thè Idao Public Utitìes Commsion has authority under the Public Utilty Regutory Policies Ac of 1978 and the implementin regutions of the Federal Energy Reguto Commsion (FERC) to set avoded cots, to order elecc utities to ente into fid te obliations for the purhase of energy from qualed cogeeration facities, and to imlement FERC rues. o BD E B In consideratìon of the forgoing and as so quaed, IT is HEREBY ORDERE that the Fi Ener Sales Agment between Idaho Power Company and Glenn Fer Cogeneration Parer, Ltd. subiDtte in this preeg be and the same is hereby approed. ORDER NO. 24674 -4 - PS475 r'-'"~'.. THS is A FINAL ORDER Aiy person interested in thi Order (or in issues fialy decded by this Order) may petition for reconsideration withi twenty-one (21) days of the servce date of thi Order. Withi seven (7) days afr any person has petitioned for reconsideration, any other person may crss-petition for reconsideration. See Idaho Code § 61-626. DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilties Commssion at Boise, Idao, ths ..Â/1d- day of Januar 1993.~iJ~) MAHA H. SMI, PRESIDENT \JWf~fiSSIONE ~~g~L~dO~H~Sõ ;COMMS ÏONER ¡;T:~Q...LD.~~ A J. WALTERS,COMMSSION SECRTARY SW:vld/'o-1985 ORDER NO. 24674 - 5- PS476 EXHIBITC -- .._. --~ =. TM Black Hlllsldaho lIana,ømlJot, Inc. June 10, 2008 Mr. M. Mark Stokes Manager, Power Supply Planning Idaho Power Company P. a.Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Re: Firm Energy Sales Agrement (as amended, the "FESA") between Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power") and Glenns Ferry Cogeneration Parners, Ltd. (the "Parnership") - Magic West Project Dear Mark: We have received and reviewed your letter dated May 23, 2008 (the "May Lettet'), in which Idaho Power identies a purport material breach of the FEA, Idao Power's intention to begin the process of termnating the FESA, and its assessment of liquidated damages payable under the FEA. Given that the May Letter does not identify itself as a formal notice of default or termination under and in accordance with the terms of the FESA, we do not consider it as such. Further, although we understand that Idaho Power believes that the Facilty (as defined in the FESA) has lost its "qualifying facilty" status (as that term is used and defined in 18 C.F.R. 292.207) due to the termination of the operations of Idaho Fresh-Pak, the Facilty's steam host, Idaho Power should consider the following information in light of the conclusions outlined in the May Letter: 1. It is premature for Idaho Power to conclude that the Facilty is no longer a qualifying facilty. Compliance with the criteria of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (the "PERC") for status as a qualifying facilty is measured over the course of the calendar year. Idaho Power's conclusion that the Facilty has not satisfied FERC's criteria presently, therefore, is speculative. If the Parnership concludes that the Facilty may be unable to satisfy PERC's criteria for qualifying facilty status under the circumstances. the Parership wil undertake efforts to preserve such status, including petitioning the PERC for a temporary waiver of the applicable standards for qualfying facilty status. and a reaffirmation of the Facilty's status as a qualifying facilty. We wil apprise Idaho Power of any such petition. 350 Indiana Street, Suite 400, Golden, Colorado 80401 General: 303-568-3260 Facsimile: 303-568-3261 PS1 Idaho Power Company June 10, 2008 Page 2 2. Even if a breach had occUled under Section 3.2 of the FESA, wouldn't the Parershp get the benefit of a notice of the default and the cure period specified in Section 21.2 of the FESA? Section 21.2 requis that a notice in wrtig be given to the defaultig par, and is quite clear on the limitations of the pursuit of remedes by a non-defaultig part, stating, "If the defaultig Par shall fail to cure such default with the sixty (60) days after semce of (the default) notice, or if the defaultig Par reasonably demonstrtes to the other Part that the default can be cured with a commercially reasonable tie but not with such sixty (60) day period, and if the defaultig Par does not commence such cur within the sixty (60) day period and continue to dilgently purue such cure, then, the nondefaultig Part may pursue its legal or equitable remedies. " 3. Idaho Power assert in the May Letter that liquidate daiages of $ 11,234,700 are payable, without (i) citig on what basis the damages are payable, (ü) prviding a calculation of such amount or (ii) referencing the applicable provision of the FESA purant to which such amounts ar payable. Given the lack of substatiation of the liquidated damages clai, we wil not have a plan' for payment of the specified dages, as requested in the May Letter, as we believe those amounts are not due. If you would like to discuss ths issue fuer, we are open to a meeting where your points could be reviewed. We understand that our reading of the provisions of the FESA may differ with Idaho Power's, and would be wiling, under Section 21.1 of the FESA, to take any reltig difference of opinon to the Idaho Public Utiities Commssion ("PUC") for resolution. If, as you state in the last paragrph of the May letter, it is Idaho Power's intention to unateraly fie a notice of materal breach and termation of the FESA with the PUC, the Partership wil vigorously challenge any such action. We contiue to believe tht an amicable resolution is in the best interest of all paries, and we would lie to purue fuer discussions with Idao Power to work though these issues, as well as to reach an arangement whereby the Parership can contiue to provide power to Idaho Power under term that ar acceptable to both pares. The tolling proposal that you reference in the May Lettr was intended to be a startg point for discussions between the partes, and we hope that Idaho Power will be open to working with the Parership to formulate terms for a tollig or other argement tht wil be workable for Idaho Power and the Parership. If, at any point in the future, a default actuly has occurd under the FESA on which Idaho Power intends to take action and notify the Parership, we would remi you of your obligations to the lenders to the Facilty to provide all wrtten notices under the FESA diectly to their Collatera AgeIit, both under Arcle XX of the FESA (as amended pursuant to the Second Amendment to the Fin Energy Sales Agreement, dated PS2 Idaho Power Company June 10,2008 Pag 3 December 30,1995), and under Sectin 1.0 1 (c) of the Consent an Agrent, dated as of December 15, 1995, between Idaho Power an Toronto Domion (Texa), Inc., as Collatera Agent, predecsor in interest to Calyon, New York Branch, the cuent Collatera Agent. We look forward to fuher dicussions with you. Respectflly, Glenn Ferr Cogeneration Parers Ltd. By: Glenns Ferr Magement, Inc., its Geerl ParerBY'~N~~' Title: Vice President cc: Fre Barber, Power Plant Management Servce, LLC Scott Gross, Power Plat Magement Services, LLC Barbara Nevin, Blak Hills Generation, Inc. Mak Lux, Black Hils Energy, Inc. Tom Ohlcher, Black Hills Cooration Ted Vanderel, Calyon - Crit Agrcole cm An She, Calyon - Crédit Agncole em PS3 EXHIBITD Of 'f ti se Serv Date JAN 1 '11988 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTITIES COMMION IN THE MATTR OF TH INSTIGATION ) ON THE COMMSION'S OWN MOTION OF ) RENABLE TERM FOR SECURIY IN ) AGREEMTS BETWEN IDAHO POWER ) COMPANY AN COGENRATORS AND )SMALPOWER PRODUCERS. ) ) CASE NO. U-1006-292 ORDER NO. 21690 i. II. TABLE OF CONTENTS Appearances at the Hearing . Suppliers of Written Comment . PAGE 1 2 Organization of this Order .2 Summary . . . . . . . . . .2 Discussion of Questions & Options 4 A.General Issue ...........4 B.Quantification of Overpayment Amount .5 C.Risks of Economic Walk-Away .....8 D.Security ..................12E.Risk Mitigation in Lieu of Security ...20F.Weighting and the Base Requi rement .....20 G.Basic Insurance ............22 H.Engineering Certification .........24i.Maintenance Escrow .....26J.Lien Rights ..........29 K.The "K"Factor ...............31L.Water Rights ................32 Details of the Methodology.. . 33 A. B. C. The Decision Tree . . . . . . The Security Requirement Amounts The Overpayment Liability . . . . . . . . . 33 . . . . . . 34 . . . . . . . 35 Findings of Fact .. . . 36 Order .. . .. . 38 Appendices (For Guidance Only) A. From Order No. 21446 Appendix A . B. Sample Engineering Certificates Appearances at the Hearing: On March 20, 1987, the Idaho Public Utilties Commission (Commission) initiated Case No. U-I006-292, an investigation into the security provisions of cogeneration and small power production (CSPP) contracts with Idaho Power Company (IPCo). Public hearing was held in this matter beginning Tuesday, June 16, 1987 and continuing through June 19, 1987 in the Commission Hearing Room, Boise, Idaho. The following parties appeared by and through their respective counel: Commission Staff:Scott D. Woour Deputy Attorney General Barton L. Kline Evan, Keane, Koontz, Boyd & Ripley Ronald L. Wiliams Idaho Power Company: The Washington Water Power Company: R. Blair Strong Payne, Hamblin, Coffin, Brooke & Miler N. Randy Smith Merrll & Merrll Michael G. Jenkins Utah Power & Light Company: Bonneville Pacific Corpration & Interwest Financial, Inc.:Gar L. Montgomery Marcus, Merrck & Montgomery David P. Hirschi Cook Electric, Inc. and Afton Energy, Inc.: Owen H. Orndorff Charles F. Peterson Ordorff & Peterson Sithe Energies U.S.A., Inc.: Potlatch Corporation: Roy L. Eiguen Steven R. Ormiston Lindsay, Hart, Neil & Weigler Ralph M. Davisson ORDER NO. 21690 1 Supliers of Wrien Comments: On September 10, 1987, the Commission issued Order No. 21446 and its Appendix A propoal for securng the cumulative overpayment liabilty that occurs with levelized rates in CSPP power purchase contracts. The Commission solicited written comments and specific suggestions from the paties with respect to implementation of the proposed methodology and regarding the Appendix A referenced standards for adequacy and appropriateness. Parties providing written comments to Order No. 21446 were: Idaho Power Company (ICo) Washington Water Power Company (WP) Pacific Power &: Light Company (PP&:L) Utah Power and Light Company (UP&:L) Sithe Energies USA, Inc. (Sithe) Cook Electric, Inc. (Cook) Resource Development Associates (RDA) Bonnevile Pacific Corpration (Bnneville) RTD Hydro Projects (RTD) Stein-McMuray Insurance Organization of ths Or: This Order is structured as set out in the Table of Contents. Although framed as an Idaho Power Company case, the implications of this Order have generic consequence for all Idaho regulated electric utilties. We therefore discuss the various items in generic terms, although we use IPCo data in all of our examples. To establish this Order as a "stand-alone" document, we repeat verbatim here (in single spacing) each item discussed in Order No. 21446. Following each repeated item we discuss the pertinent specific comments provided by the parties and our findings. Summar After reviewing the fiings of record, testimony and submitted comments, the Commission concludes that significant overpayment by ratepayers to cogenerators ORDER NO. 21690 2 and small power producers (CSPPs) occurs in the early years of a level-pay power purchase contract. In the event of a default, we find that some CSPPs may be unable to refund this overpayment unless they maintain some form of liquid securty to provide the funds. Liquid security is to be made available to the ratepayer in an amount equal to the computed overpayment liabilty, adjusted for risk reduction. The Commission finds that the amount of the required securty is determined by the following factors: (a) the length of the power sales contract, (b) the amount of the level rate paid to the CSPP, (c) the type of Qualifying Facilty (QF), (d) the amount and tye of insurance carred on the QF, (e) the quality of design and construction of the QF, (f) the funds available for QF maintenance, and (g) the availabilty of a lien on the QF to the energy purchasing utilty. The details of determining the amount of liquid security required of each QF are exlained in the body of this Order. The steps to be followed in computing the amount of required security are: (1) Using the contract length, the avoided cost rate, and the applicable discount rate, compute the annual total overpayment liabilty (Section I.B. and II.C.); (2) Using the decision tree, determine the base liabilty ratios (Sections I.G., H., I., & J., subsection 3; and Sections II.A. & B.); and (3) Using the "K" factor equation, determine the final liabilty ratio. The effects of having adequate inurance, engineering certification, maintenance escrow, and lien rights all reduce the base liabilty ratio. Application of the "K" factor (required except for hydro projects with protected water rights) adds to the liabilty ratio. ORDER NO. 21690 3 I. Discussion of Question and Qpon A. General Issue 1. Order No. 21446 As established in the Notice of Issue Identifcation (Order No. 21889) the principal issue addressed at hearing was one of securty, assessing the need for and devising a means to protect ratepayers from the perceived exposure and risk of non-recovery of overpayment resulting from the front-end loading that occurs with levelized rates in power purchase contracts. The avoided cost rates paid to cogenerators and small power producers (CSPPs) for energy and capacity are substantially a melded rate levelized over the term of the contract. The Commission in its implementation of the Public Utilty Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA) and the related rules and regulations of the Federal Energy RegulatoryCommission (FERC) has utilzed levelized rates as an incentive to the development of the cogeneration and small power production industr. Levelization provides the project developer with a price for supplied power at the front-end of the contract in excess of the power's actual energy value, thus enabling the project to better service its debt and meet start-up costs. In later years the cumulative overpayment is recouped because the payments at levelized rates are projected to be less than the value of the power. At the end of the contract, the cumulative sum of overpayments and underpayments theoretically will be zero. The need for securty for the amount of overpayment attendant to the front-end loading is commensurate with the perceived risk of economic walk away by the project owner and the consequential or ensuing loss to the utilty's ratepayers. We believe that some form of securty andor risk mitigation is necessary to achieve an optimum level of ratepayer indifference. For the record, the Commission notes that in prior Orders 16025 and 16048 we exressed a policy against enforcing overpayment liabilty clauses. Those Orders were entered in theearly, high inflation years of PURPA implementation when the risk to ratepayers was not definable and at a time when PURPA implementation was the primary goal. The passage of time has more clearly limned the ratepayer risks associated with CSPP development and we can now engage in a more sophisticated balancing of policy goals. 2. Parties' Comments Most parties accepted the commission's defining of the issues without comment. Resource Development Associates however, spent considerable effort comparing the riskiness of utilty plants and CSPP plants. In part, it states "... the ratepayer is not protected nor is the utilty at risk for its economic consequences with generation projects such as WPPS and Kettle Falls. In the long ru the utilties have been able to pass on to the ratepayer the brut of this overpayment for higher cost resources at little or no risk to the utilty or economic consequence to the utilty. It is this double standard that I believe is the single major underlying oversight in this case. II ORDER NO. 21690 4 3. Commission's Position We recognize that utilty-owned resources are not without risk. We do not agree with Resource Development Associates' characterization of that risk nor with its characterization of this Commission's treatment of such risk. We emphasize that this case does not concern the record of the comparative risks of utilty and CSPP resources. This case instead concerns itself with the establishing of a means for securing the overpayment liabilty inherent in the early years of a CSPP power purchase levelized rate contract. The comparison between utilty generation resource costs and CSPP rates is the proper subject of "avoided cost" determination, which is presently being revisited in the U-1500-170 case. B. Ouantification of Oveient Amout 1. Order No. 21446 "We find that appropriate quantification of the overpayment amount for purse of risk assessment and present value calculation involves factoring in the impact of the time-value of money (contra methodology employed by The Washington Water Power Company (WP)). This is accomplished by assigning a discount rate to the balance of the cumulative overpayment. Idaho Power in its "Appendix D lump sum refund payment schedule" has assigned a discount rate of 12.74%, its weighted cost of capitaL. Following is a graphic representation for analysis comparing levelized and non-1evelized rates, and the cumulative over/underpayments with and without a discount rate of 12.74% for a 35 year contract. An added assumption factored into the calculations is an annual inflation rate of 3%. ORDER NO. 21690 5 The disparity between Staff and IPCo calculations of accumulated overpayment amounts, as evidenced in their respective testimony and exhibits, has been subsequently and substantially reconciled. We are satisfied that the 47.05 mil value of avoided costs includes delevelization of the 7 mil adjustable (variable) portion. We find that IPCo's calculations are based on a reasonable interpetation of the modeling approved in the -248 case and are conceptually appropriate for determining the amount of cumulative overpayment liabilty. As indicated above, the discount rate represents the time value of money. An analysis of inflation adjusted retur on various investment instruments shows that long-term expectations are highly variable and extremely risk related. The average expected return on long-term, safe investments over the last 30 years was 0.3% over inflation. The average expected return on very risky short-term investments was 13.5% above inflation. (Reference: Stocks. Bonds. Bils and Inflation: 1986 Year Book, Ibbotson Associates.) On the basis of the foregoing, we believe that IPCo's use of 12.74% as a discount rate assumes a very high level of risk. The use of 12.74% also contributes significantly to the magnitude of overpayment liabilty. We find that a varance in the risk factors associated with any given project or class of projects may justify a proportionate reduction in the cumulative overpayment amounts and level of required securty. Utah Power & Light Company's (UP&L) computation of overpayment liabilty results in a sum nearly three times larger than that of IPCO. The reason for the discrepancy lies in the differing methodologies for computing avoided cost rates for periods less than 35 years. In IPCO Order No. 20350 the minimum length of an agreement qualifying for maxmum levelized avoided costs was determined to be 35 years. A series of arbitrary discounts from the 35-year payment - 85% for 30 years, 75% for 25 year and 65% for 20 years -- was adopted to encourage long-term agreements. (Order No. 20350 at p. 20.) Idaho Power uses the arbitrary percentages in ratesetting for contracts less than 35 years. In determining overpayment liabilty in a 35 year contract the Company computes the amount of overpayment for each year less than 35 years by the discounted present valuemethod, rather than employing the arbitrar discount percentages. We find that the underlying procedure used to construct IPCo's "Appendix D" accurately reflects our intent and we approve the use of such methodology for computation of overpayment liabilty. UP&L Order No. 20637 contains similar languge to that of IPCO regarding the utilzation of an arbitrary discount in ratesetting for contracts less than 35 years. UP&L, however, also uses the arbitrary percentages in computing the amount of overpayment liabilty, as if the contract were written for the shorter contact period, with adjustments for the time value of money. We reject this methodology for computation of overpayment liabilty as being inappropriate." ORDER NO. 21690 6 2. Parties' Comments Cook Electric Inc. and Resource Development Associates provided comments that indicate they do not fully understand IPCo's Appendix D methodology. WW suggests that they may have some difficulty implementing the precise IPCo methodology because of inadequate data in prior Commission orders and suggests an alternate method which provides nearly identical results. UP&L suggests using the CSPP's discount rate in lieu of the utilty's, provided the former is higher. 3. Commission's Position For clarification. under IPCo's Appendix D methodology the computed overpayment liabilty is the cumulative difference between the actual contract rate and what that rate would have been had it been computed by the same method for a shorter contract period. The cumulative difference includes applying the discount rate to increase the balance anually. All computations start with the actual avoided cost rate being paid to the Qualifying Facilty (QF). The discount rate to be used is the Commission-determined "Ratepayer" discount rate. For any project contracting under avoided cost rates determined before Order No. 21630 (U-1500-l70) the ratepayer discount rate is identical to the utilty's discount rate as used in determining the levelized avoided cost. For QFs contracting after Order No. 21630 (U-1500-L70), the ratepayer discount rate wil be specifically identified in the Commission order setting the avoided cost. Using the QF's discount rate is unacceptable. Neither the Commisson nor the utilties ought to be privy to CSPP's cost of capitaL. Furthermore, the damages that we herein attempt to avoid and recover relate to costs to the ratepayer, not costs to CSPPs. ORDER NO. 21690 7 We find that applying the computations to actual annual generation rather than contract energy, as proposed by WWP, is acceptable. In fact, not doing so raises the potential inconsistence of applying a liquidated damages rate to a contract energy far different from any actual energy produced. We therefore find that utilties using a liquidated damages schedule such as IPCo's Appendix D, shall apply the rate to some reasonable estimate of the actual annual generation of the plant. The method of determining the applicable estimate shan be clearly stated in the power purchase contract. c. Risks of Econmic Walk-Away 1. Orr No. 21446 "Although the amount of cumulative overpyment can be readily ascertained, the perceived risk that a given CSPP wil not perform for the full term of the contract and wil 'walk-away' is not easily susceptible to quantification. Given an absence of actuarial experience by which to gauge the associated risk, we are unble to make an accurate assessment as to how many CSPPs wil fail, what type of project is most likely to fail, and when that failure is likely to occur. It can be assumed to be a high probabilty, however, that a project owner receiving levelized payments will seriously consider 'walk-away' if his projected or realized revenue stream is insufficient to meet his variable operating costs. The risks of project failure attendnt to persnal injur or property damage, or equipment failure due to improper maintenance or management are of a nature that can be readily insured against. So too can a project developer insure against catastrophic loss or failure of operating equipment due to natural or man-caused calamity. The prudent businessmen insures against these risks as a matter of course. What we have described above and characterized as economic 'walk-away' is a form of business loss triggered by economic adversity. It has been suggested that the cost of obtaining securty from financial or insurance industries against this risk is prohibitively expensive because the exposure to a CSPP walk-away is perceived to be high. Arguably the cost, if it is indeed expensive, is rather a factor of there being no track record for assessing the incidence of loss. We note however, that segments of the insurance industry are stepping forward with what appear at first blush to be reasonable proposals addressing the overpayment liabilty. (E.g. Stein-McMuray.) Protecting the ratepayer from this risk, assessing the risk and determining the appropriate level of security involves a balancing of equities and benefits. This Commission has previously recognzed that few if any QFs are absolutely risk free. (U-l006-199, Order ORDER NO. 21690 8 No. 17478.) We have long supported the development of cogeneration and small power production as a viable alternative generation resource. We recognize that a diverse generation base enables a utilty to achieve greater reliabilty and provides a societal benefit of marked importance. We are not prepaed to abandon our policy of facilitating the development of QF power through levelized rates by implementing requirements that have the effect of eliminating the benefits of levelization. This is not to say however that the perceived risk attendant to overpayment liabilty need not be addressed. We believe the risk can be mitigated. Assessment of risk for cogeneration and small power production facilities operating under the umbrella of PURPA and FERC rues and regulations is complicated by the limited review permitted into a project's financial structure and organization. Thus constrained, this Commission cánnot engage in project specifc investment tye business analysis. One means of assessing or differentiating risk entails a classification of projects by size and generation technology (fuel source). Generically hydro projects are assumed to be the lowest risk technlogy. Thermal projects are perceived riskier because the fuels or renewable resources used have greater market demand and are by nature volatile in bothprice and supply. A graduated increase in risk is associated with thermal projects utilzing solid fossil fueL. The high end of the risk spectrum under analysis is occupied by thermal projects dependent on gas and oil for firing. Small power projects using wood waste or biomass as a fuel source are viewed as medium to high risk projects. Unproven technologies such as geothermal would generally be classified as high risk. We find the generic differences between hydro and thermal projects to be a reasonable basis for distinctions in treatment. We do not choose to dictate how a qualifying facilty (QF) must be operated. But acknowledging that levelized rates and front-end loading create a risk of overpayment, we find it reasonable to reduce the percentage of overpayment that need be actually secured if the QF wil take identified steps to mitigate and reduce the risk of loss. Risk reducing factors that are entitled to a concomitant reduction in the percentage of overpayment liabilty that must be secured are as follows: 1. adequate basic business insurance 2. appropriate engineering certification 3. appropriate maintenance escrow 4. acceptable lien rights 5. adequate water rights (hydro electric facilty) The factors are further defined in Appendix A, attached hereto together with ilustrative graphs and the Commission's proposed procedure for implementation. You are noticed that the standards of adequacy and appropriateness referenced therein are as yet undefined and are solicited in party comments to this proposaL. The percentage values cited in the Appendix A modeling are to a degree arbitrary as in fact are the risk reducing items themselves. Nevertheless, we believe that the proposal is conceptually a viable and equitable means of determining or projecting the total dollar amount of overpayment liabilty requiring securty for a given project. ORDER NO. 21690 9 As set out in the Appendix A propoal. it is envisioned that the total percentage of liabilty that must be posted or secured may be reduced by the percent value assigned to each rik reducing item down to a propsed floor of 20% of total. There is also a belief within the Commission that qualifying hydro facilties satisfying the five factors cited above should be permitted to escape the base floor requirement of 20%. The lack of unanimity is based on differing perceptions. It is the perception of some that there wil always remain a residual risk that cannot be eliminated. thus justifying a 20% floor. This position is further supported by the realization that qualifying facilties regardless oftechnology have no statutory obligation to provide servce. There exists a belief cutting the other way that qualifying hydro facilties satisfying all mitigation factors may through diversity be expcted to be less risky and achieve a better performance history than utilty base load facilties for which there may always be some attendant risk of failure. An additional reason cited for elimination of the 20% floor for hydro is the degree of risk already assumed by adopting the utilty's weighted marginal cost of capital as the discount factor for avoided cost calculations. The Commission invites comment as to whether a base floor of 20% or some other percentage should be required of all projects. As evidenced from analysis of Appendix A. the Commission's proposal has been so structured as to provide an incentive for QFs to enter into power purchase contracts for period shorter than 35 years. This departs from our prior policy. When PURPA was implemented. non-utilty generation was exected to defer construction of coal-fired plants with life exectancies of up to 35 years. We now regulate no utilty with such a base load plant on its planning horizon. We therefore must reassess the policy favoring 35 year power purchase contracts. The 35 year contract term is no longer a magic number.This adjustment favoring shorter contracts is also an attempt to compensate in part for the perceived and inherent risk of inaccuracy in long-term projections. It 2. Parties' Comments On the question of providing a base level of liquid security the parties were predictably divided. The utilties recommended a base level for liquid securty of no less than 20% of the computed liabilty. with UP&L initially suprting 100% regardless of project typ. The CSPPs take the position that as a result of proper risk mitigation. the level of securty should be substantially reduced to the point where no liquid security is required of a fully mitigated hydro QF. Sithe and Bonneville provided several citations from the record showing that nearly every party sponsored witnesses who believe that the probabilty of default by a well built. well managed hydro facilty with protected water rights is nearly nil. ORDER NO. 21690 10 ¡PCo requested that the Commission not prejudge issues to be discussed in the U-1500-L70 generic avoided cost case, especially as to contract length and levelized rates. 3. Commission Position The preponderance of evidence in the record clearly supports the poition for a zero security base for fully risk-mitigated projects. We remind the parties that the subject here is securty, not liabilty. Every QF is liable for repayment of the full level of discounted overpayment in the event of default. The liquid securty requirement provides a source of funding for all or part of that liabilty. We are satisfied that the risk mitigation measures identifed in Order No. 21446, as herein modified, are adequate to assure ratepayer indifference. Furthermore, every scenaro suggested to demonstrate the possibilty of a CSPP contract default includes infation rates vastly exceeding those used to establish the avoided cost. Since energy costs would increase in proportion to that high inflation rate, we can expect ratepayers to have received substantial benefits from all QFs prior to (and after) default by anyone of them. Furthermore, the Commission expects this Order to result in a quality of design, construction, and management of QFs yielding resource reliabilty equivalent to that provided by utilties. We do not intend to prejudge here issues that are more properly considered in Case No. U-1500-170. However, the issues of contract length and avoided cost levelization are clearly related to overpayment risks and are properly subjects of U-IOO6-292. We remain firmly committed to the general principle of leveUzed avoided cost rates, although we are open to potential variations on the present method of full levelization. Also, we are convinced that the risks associated with setting firm prices increase expnentially with contract length. We therefore intend to discourage firm price contracts exceeding 20 years in length. ORDER NO. 21690 11 D. Secu 1. Order NQ. 21446 "As stated by Russell A. Pack, Manager Qf ResQurce CQntracts fQr UP&L, 'the CQntractual QbligatiQIÌ (tQ repay) is nQthing but an empty prQmise if the CSPPs have nQ funds or assets with which tQ make the repayment'. Mr. Pack's concer is nQt withQut merit; hQwever, we find that mitigatiQn Qf risk is an alterntive tQ full funding Qf the Qverpayment liabilty QbligatiQn. The requirement Qf funding the Qverpayment liabilty tQ the tune Qf a liquidated damages schedule was challenged by Dr. Slaughter (Cook Electric). It is his PQsitiQn that damages (including cQnsequential damages) upon breach Qf contract (including breach Qccasioned by eCQnQmic walk away) are capable Qf ascertainment and shQuld therefQre nQt cQntractually be reduced tQ liquidated damages. The fallacy behind this reasQning is that part Qf the prQblem we are dealing with is the creatiQn Qf a fund (a liquid securty) Qut of which tQ pay Qr satisfy judgment damages. If a target amQunt is nQt identified at the frQnt-end and an amQunt set aside or a fQrm of securty is nQt prQvided, the ratepayer is made tQ assume a greater risk Qr expure that the awarded damages wil nQt be satisfied. The PQtential magnitude Qf risk tQ ratepayers based Qn a reasQnable fQrecast Qf increasing power CQsts, demand, inflation and disCQunt rate justifies the parties stipulating tQ a liquidated damages provisiQn. As previQusly indicated, we believe that SQme fQrm Qf securty and/Qr risk mitigation is necessary tQ achieve and Qptimum level Qf ratepayer indifference. SECURITY OPTIONS The total universe Qr menu Qf QptiQns for securing the Qverpayment liabilty, while conceptually large becomes mQre limited with analysis. The fQllQwing security optiQns were evaluated by the parties: IPCo o Elimination of levelized rates o Risk Premium Discounted Rate o Deep Pocket Corp. Guarantee of Performance o Security Fund (ORF) Hydro Less than 5 MW Trust Account Captive Insurance WW o Elimination of Levelized Rates o Risk Assessment Based on Generation Technology and Location Second Mortgage Lien Financial Guarantees for LOO~ of Overpaymnt Liability Obligation (Actual $ vs. time value of money) UP&L o Elimination of Levelized Rates o Full Cash Security (IOO~) or guarantee o Risk Management/Risk Compensation (Discounting of levelized rate to arrive at risk premium) Second mortgage lien requirement Pooling hydro ( 5 MW .s o Elimination of Levelized Rates o Insurance o Performance Bonds o Escrow o Guarantee Lines of Credit o Project Pooling o Risk Sharing o Lien Rights o Corp. Guarantee of performance ORDER NO. 21690 12 Bonneville Pacific Corporation o No requirement of additional security o Recommends raising avoided cost rates to reflect the new level of risk associated with levelized payments Cook Electric o Risk sharing by ratepayers o Risk pool o Letters of Credit o Second Mortgage Liens o Escrow Potlatch o Corp. Guarantee of performance What follows is an analysis of the major security options commented on by the parties.We appreciate the variety of options presented. They all contributed to our understanding, assessment, reassessment an development of policy and procedure. ELIMATION OF LEVELIZED RATES The favored solution of the utilties to the overpayment liabilty problem is to eliminate levelized rates. Eliminating front-end loading subtantially reduces the magnitude of risk in the event of default. A disadvantage of delevelized rates however is that they do not provide a cushion of stabilty for ratepayers. Once beyond the surlus period they are inclined to spiral ever upward. Capacity and energy payments in a firm contract would vary over the contract term. A risk of overpayment would stil be present owing to the vagaries of forecasting, but the dollar amount of potential loss would be significantly reduced. We view the consequence of full or partial delevelizing of rates to CSPP qualifying facilties as reducing or eliminating the development of those QF projects heavily reliant on financing. Although the experience of other States would indicate that some development of cogeneration and small power production is posible without levelizedrates, we are not prepared to eliminate this incentive. Front-end loading faciltates service of debt, encourages CSPP development, and meets the intent of Congress that wealth is not a pre-condition to participation. Delevelization of rates is not the panacea it is touted to be. While the economics under either levelized or delevelized rates are similar, the perceived gap between projected contract rate and actual value of power may be more pronounced with delevelization. Delevelized rates could engender substantial rate shock at the end of the estimated surplus period. RISK PREMIUM DISCOUNTED RATE The underlying rationale of the risk premium discounted rate is that without security the front-end loading or overpayment amount in levelized rates is tantamount to an unsecured loan from ratepayers to CSPPs. Arguably, as the unecured nature of the loan would justify charging a higher interest rate, so does it justify the use of a higher discount rate to compute the levelized rate. IPCO suggests that the existing -248 (-265) avoided cost rates are appropriate only for facilties with zero risk. It recommends reducing the amount of payment in proportion to the level of risk associated with a given project. Idaho Power imputes its weighted marginal cost of capital, 12.74%, to CSPP projects in ORDER NO. 21690 13 its present value calculations, a discount rate viewed by the Commission as already assuming a very high level of risk. Under this approach it is proposed that a statistical risk model be developed assessing the unique risks of each individual project or class of projects to determine the appropriate discount rate. The type of analysis envisioned is seemingly precluded. It was suggested that this alternative would have the advantage of simplicity and no administrative costs. We question the appropriateness of setting rates on any basis other than utilty avoided cost. We conclude that the more reasoned approach is to use level of risk as reducing the percentage of overpayment amounts requiring security, rather than adjusting or varyng the rates. RISK MANAGEMENT/RISK COMPENSATION A variation on IPCO's rik premium discounted rate methodology is the risk management/risk compensation alternative of UP&L. Whereas IPCO would reduce the rate paid to CSPPs, UP&L would pay the fuU rate and require a percentage refund or risk premium to ratepayers. As propoed the risk premium would be a discounting of the levelized rate below forecasted avoided costs to reflect the ratepayers bearing the risk of potential project failure or economic walk-away. The premium would be paid directly to ratepayers through a non-recourse adjustment in avoided cost rates. As with IPCO's proposal the risk premium floor would be the utilties' weighted marginal cost of capital (UP&L Order No. 20637 - 11.35%.) As an integral part of its proposal UP&L suggests that CSPPs be required to take certain steps to minimize the risk of project failure. A comprehensive general liabilty policy of adequate coverage and limits for property. boiler & machinery and business interrption insurance would be mandatory to mitigate uninsured or underinsured loss. To ameliorate the discount or risk premium. CSPPs would be required to post a certain level of equity (typically a CSPP wil provide only 30% equity) so that the developer has less exosure to debt service constraints. a material amount of his own money at risk. and consequently a greater incentive to perform. OVERPAYMENT RESERVE FUND The principal security measure discussed at hearing was IPCO's proposed Overpayment Reserve Fund (ORF). This method of securty envisions a poling of hydro projects limited in size to 5 megawatts or less. Participation would be limited to hydro because such projects constitute a homogenous grouping of similar risk. Project size would be limited to 5 megawatts because including larger projects would increase the required contribution of aU pool participants (or of the larger facility) and would significantly increase the risk potential of bankrupting the fund. As proposed. the initial contribution would be a reasonable estimate based on modeling assumptions. percentage of participation. assessment of actuarial risk. and fqrecasting of loss probabilty. The required contribution would be adjusted over time or "experience rated". It was estimated that the percentage of revenue stream necessary for funding the ORF against the risk of "economic walk-away" would be 2-4% (estimated initial contrib. of 4%). Periodic review would allow for appropriate contribution adjustments to reflect the cumulative experience. ORDER NO. 21690 14 IPCO foresees the ORF concept as structured along the lines of either (1) a trst account or (2) captive insurance. The functioning of a trust account is generally familar. A captive insurance program is captive in the sense that it is independently structued and only covers losses for which the contributions are made. It is assumed that the insurance premium would be deductible by the CSPP. However, if there is no loss history, it was cautioned that the premiums received may be taxble revenue to the captive insurance company. Tax and legal opinions would be required. Participation in the ORF or in any project pol or homogenous grouping necessarilyinvolves satisfying eligibilty criteria. What are permissible criteria? Wh should establish the criteria? Who should determine whether eligibilty standards are satisfied? What right of appeal exists, if any? It was suggested that a precise or reasonable calculation of contribution requires a substantial amount of knowledge about the cost structure, operating characteristics, financial strength, and functional size, tye and ownership of the qualifying facilty. It would also seem to be a function of level of participation and amount or percentage of cumulative overpayment liabilty that must be secured. It is questionable whether the type of inquiry envisioned as necessary is permissible. It is unquestioned that neither this Commission nor the utilty may engage ininquiry into a CSPP's financial structure or organization. We must necessarily divorce ourselves from any role in administration or review of program eligibilty criteria. CORPORATE GUARANTEE OF PERFORMANCE The corprate gurantee of performance is viable only to the extent that inquiry is permitted into its financial structure and organization. PURPA and FERC rules and regulations as previously indicated ostensibly preclude such an inquiry. Assuming, however, for purse of argument that inquiry is permitted, IPCO suggests that qualifying corporations must exhibit a consistent record of profitabilty, maintain a book equity of at least $100.000,000, a debt ratio of less than 60%, pre-tax interest coverage tests of at least 3.0x, a ratio of total bok equity to total net investment in CSPP assets of at least 500%, and an investment grade commercial paper rating from the nationally recognzed rating agencies. The qualifying factors suggested are to a degree arbitrary but are somewhat indicative of the "deep pokets" that are perceived to be necessar to adequately insure the ratepayer against the risk of overpayment liabilty. Developing precise quantifiable crteria is a difficult process. A corpration that is a stand-alone QF is perceived to be much riskier than a well-diversified corpration with significant financial strength, substantial liquid resources, and varied revenue streams and assets. If a CSPP plant represents a major portion of the QF owners' committed assets and cash flow, a corporate guantee of performance or guaranteed line of credit is probably unacceptable or unattainable. To assess the risk involved in any corprate guarantee one need only read the newspapers. Today's healthy company can quickly become tomorrow's business failure. Acceptance of a corprate guarantee would require monitoring the financial soundness of the gurantor over the term of the contract. An additional perceived impediment to the viabilty of a corporate guarantee is the Commission's inabilty to prevent transfer of project interest to a third party, a party that may have neither the deep-pokets, the commitment nor the inclination to ensure the continued viabilty and continuance of the project. ORDER NO. 21690 15 CASH ESCROW Short of delevelized rates a fully funded escrow provides the ratepayer with the most complete protection against overpayment. Unfortunately it nullfies the benefits of levelization. When used in combination with other security measures however. it may be quite useful in providing the full or requisite coverage. As in any escrow or trut arrangement the element of control becomes a factor when attempting to peñect one's security interest. It has been suggested tht the degree of control necessar to assure perfection is actual possession. (Reference Article 9 securty interest (§28-9-30S I.C.)) LIEN RIGHTS The lien rights available to secure ratepayer interests in CSPP projects are usually subordinate to the first lien of the project financier. The value of a second lien poition in all the QF property and facilties is the measure or degree of control over the project that it imparts with respect to its continued financing, operations and maintenance. Although it provides no liquid fund for satisfaction of overpayment obligation, we nevertheless recognize it as a valuable tool in safeguarding the interests of the ratepayer. To be acceptable a lien should be subordinate only to the first lien of the project financier and the FERC license, as evidenced by an appropriate policy of title insurance. RISK SHARING As expressed at hearing, any entity should have the oppotunity to bear the risk and receive compensation for doing so. In the context of the rik of overpayment liabilty it was suggested that either a non-regulated subidiary of the utilty or the ratepayers themselves might share the risk with the CSPPs. Arguably the ratepayers have been sharing the risk, albeit somewhat unowingly, since the inception and implementation of levelized rates. There has always been a perceived risk. There wil always be a residual risk. We are committed to achieving a reasonablelevel of ratepayer indifference. We do not see any further sharing of risk by the ratepayer as being a viable option. It was suggested that a non-regulated utility subsidiary could operate as a potential risk sharer, taking either an ownership position in selective CSPP plants or brokering for a percentage of the CSPP revenue stream. The taint of impropriety and potential for less than arms' length transactions between the utilty and its subsidiar would seem to miltate against the feasibilty of this option. It also appears that development of such a marketing mechanism would require a paradigm shift of thought on the part of the utilties who are prone to view the CSPP industry as a competitive foe rather than an ally in electric power generation. INSURANCE The feasibilty of insurance as securty against overpayment liabilty is dependent on the wilingness of the industry to insure against economic abandonment for a 3S-year periodwith limited rights of cancellation (nonpayment of premium). It was the expressed ORDER NO. 21690 16 concern of some that insurnce companies rarely make an unconditional commitment to cover all amounts of risk; that a residual risk, the risk above policy limits, remains with the policyholder. The proposal of Stein-McMuray Insurance Servces of Boise, Idaho indicates that the risk of economic walk-away is insurable. Insurng 100% of projected overpayment liabilty, the projected premium as a percentage of revenue streamflow would start at 2% for the first ten years, escalate to 5% for the next six years and gradually decline again to 2%with premium pay-off occurng in year 25 of a 35-year contract. The premium as a percentage of 35-year revenue would equate to 2.2%; as a percentage of 25-year revenue, 2.99%. 2. Paries' Comments a. Elimination of Levelized Rates Resource Development Associates generally agrees with the Commission's position that this option be rejected. The other parties withheld comment on this subject. b. Risk Premium Discounted Rate Resource Development Associates generally agrees with the Commission's position that this option be rejected. The other parties withheld comment on this subject. c. Risk Management/Risk Compensation Resource Development Associates generally agrees with the Commission's position that this option be rejected. The other parties withheld comment on this subject. d. Overayment Reserve Fund Resource Development Associates generally agrees with the Commission's position that this option be rejected. The other parties withheld comment on this subject. e. Corporate Guarantee of Performance Resource Development Associates generally agrees with the Commission's position that this option be rejected. ¡PCo and WWP both urged the Commission to reconsider permitting Corprate Guarantees as a security option. The remaining parties withheld comment on this issue. ORDER NO. 21690 17 f. Cash Escrow Resource Development Associates concurs that a fully funded cash securty escrow nullfies the benefits of levelization. The other parties withheld comment on this issue. g. Lien Righs All of the commenting parties addressed this issue as it relates to risk mitigation. A detailed discussion of the comments follows in Section I.J. of this Order. h. Risk Sharing Resource Development Associates perceives risk sharing as beneficial to the ratepayers. The other parties withheld comment on this issue. i. Insurance Resource Development Associates believes that QF insurance premiums should be added to the "Avoided Cost" rates. RDA suggests no mechanics for accomplishing this, nor does it explain how the premiums constitute costs of the utilty that can be avoided through the purchase of CSPP energy. Sithe, Bonnevile, Cook and Stein-McMurray Insurance point out that the insurance contemplated in Order No. 21446 is unlikely to be available uness the insurance company has access to a customer base comprising a large number of small hydroelectric facilties requiring 100% securty liabilty coverage. Such a base is unlikely to be available under the plan proposed by Order No. 21446. 3. Commission's Position a. Elimination of Levelized Rates The Commission rejects implementation of this option for general application. Individually negotiated non-level rates wil be considered on a case by case basis. ORDER NO. 21690 18 b. Risk Premium Discounted Rate The Commission rejects implementation of this option for the reasons stated in Order No. 21446. c. Risk Management/Risk Compesation The Commission rejects implementation of this option for the reasons stated in Order No. 21446. d. Ovemavment Reserve Fund The Commission rejects implementation of this option for the reasons stated in Order No. 21446. e. Comorate Guarantee of Performance We carefully reconsidered this option in light of the parties' comments, but our conclusions were the same as descrbed in Order No. 21446. We therefore continue to reject implementation of this option. f. Cash Escrow We continue to consider a cash escrow to be the best method of satisfying the liquid securty requirement of a QF. A cash escrow or equivalent shall be maintained in the amount of the overpayment liquid securty requirement. The escrow is to be managed by an institution licensed to execute financial transactions in the State of Idaho (e.g. an Idaho Bank or S&L). g. Lien Rights See Section I. J. below. h. Risk Sharing We believe that the risk mitigation propoal contained in Order No. 21446, as modified herein, reduces the level of risk shared by the ratepayers adequately to substantially represent ratepayer indifference between QF generation and utilty generation. ORDER NO. 21690 19 i. Insunce We are disappointed that the insurance industry appears unwiling to provide insurance for the portion of risk unmitigated under Order No. 21446. Nonetheless. we see no reason to burden all projects equally in order to permit the most risky to obtain insurance at the same rates as the least risky. We continue to offer risk mitigation as the most reasonable solution. E. Risk Mitigation in Lieu of Secuty 1. Order No. 21446 The details of this proposal are set out in Appendix A. attached. 2. Parties' Comments Because of the extensiveness of the comments. they are separated into six separate sections, with discussions of the parties' comments and the Commission's position included in each section. The six sections are: F. Weighting and the Base Requirement G. Basic Insurance H. Engineering Certification I. Maintenance Escrow J. Lien Rights K. The "K" Factor F. Weighti and the Bae Reqement 1. Order No. 21446 The weighting of the 5 risk mitigating factors suggested were: a.b.c.d. Insurance Engineering Certification Maintenance Escrow Lien Rights Non-Hydro or InadequateWater Rights - 20% - 15% - 20% - 25%e. + Add back K = ((1+d)n)%Where: d = discount rate n = contract length ORDER NO. 21690 20 The suggested weighting resulted in a base securty requirement of 20% of the computed overpayment liabilty for a fully mitigated hydroelectric project. 2. Parties' Comments The utilties recommend the following weightings and base requirement: IPCo WW PP&L UP&L Insurance -10%+80 0 -10%Engineering Certification -15%+25 0 -10% Maintenance Escrow -20%+20 -25%-10% Lien Rights -10%+25 -25%-10% Thermal or inadequateWater Rights + K +35 0 + K Adequate Water Rights -25%Hydro Proj ect -20% utility O&M Rights == .: Base Requirement 35%20%0 40% WWP recommends an additive method with an unlimited number of potential adders to a base of 20% of the computed liabilty. ¡PCo discusses the riskiness of CSPP generation as reflected by a comparison of QFs' actual generation to their contractual commitments and concludes that QFs are more risky than utilty generating plants. UP&L also discusses its perception that QFs are very risky. WWP discusses the varng levels of riskiness relative to the QF owner's stabilty and the tye of project. The other parties withheld recommendations of specific weightings, but all except Stein-McMuray Insurance recommended a base of zero for fully mitigated hydroelectric projects. 3. Commission's Position The Commission recognizes that utilities consider goo insurance coverage, excellent design/construction, and prudent operations/maintenance practices to be a necessary part of any generation resource. Nonetheless, QFs deficient in one or more of these areas have been and are "on line" in Idaho. Our goal is to promote measures that ORDER NO. 21690 21 wil increase the likelihoo that the ratepayer wil receive the energy contracted for. Thereforet we give substantial weight to these risk mitigation measures for reducing security requirements. We also recognize that there are other potential actions that may reduce risk and that the "additive" method proposed by WWP permits flexbilty in its application. Flexibilty howevert is likely to breed dispute leading to a reopening of the secuity issue. Thereforet we continue to prefer the "subtractive" methodology proposed in Order No. 21446. As stated previouslYt we find that a zero security requirement base for fully mitigated hydroelectric projects is reasonable. AccordinglYt we have adjusted and selected the following "subtractive" weighting system for risk mitigation measures: Insurance Engineering Certification Maintenance Escrow Lien Rights Non-Hydro or InadequateWater Rights -25% -20% -20% -35% + K=( (i.i8)n-1J% Base Requirement 0% As beforet we ascribe no weight to any mitigation factor unless the basic insurance package is in placet and we ascribe no weight to Lien Rights unless Insurance, Engineering Certification, and Maintenance Escrow requirements have been met. G. Basic Inurnce 1. Order No. 21446 "Adequate basic business insurance" refers to 5 types of insurance that ought to be carred by a prudent businessman. They are: 1. Liabilty insurance, 2. Catastrophic (floo, firet etc.) insurance, 3. Boiler and Machinery insurancet 4. Temporary Los of Income insurance, and 5. For hydr plants, Low Water insurance. ORDER NO. 21690 22 2. Parties' Comments The parties generally concured with the selection of insurance types. IPCo pointed out the varyg levels of protection available for low water insurance. As part of its initial testimony in this case, Sithe submitted a copy of the insurance policy for its Elk Creek project. 3. Commission's Position Based on the above identified comments and original testimony, and in light of the developments during Cook Electric Inc.'s negotiations with IPCo for the Magic Dam Project, we have established a reasnable schedule of insurance limits to provide minimum adequate protection for ratepayers. Of course, individual projects may have unusual features, and conditions change with time, so deviations from the established limits wil be considered on a case-by-case basis. The specific or minimal levels of coverage required to qualify a QF for the 25% reduction in liquid security requirement shall be at least:~ Liabilty Catastrophic Perils Boilerl Machinery Loss of Income (BusinessInterrption) Low Water Limit Max. Deductible The greater of i 5% of plant cost or $1 milion/incident 60% of plant cost 0.5% of plant cost 1.0% of plant cost 90% of equipment cost 2.0% of equipment cost 75% of estimated daily income up to 20% of annual income 10 days of income 25% of anual income 10% of annual income No more than 10 years from the initial generation date, and thereafter at intervals no greater than 5 years, the coverages for Liabilty, Catastrophic, and BoilerlMachinery insurance shall be adjusted by increasing or decreasing the underlying ORDER NO. 21690 23 "plant cost" to reflect changes in the appropriate regional heavy construction deflator as published by the U.S. Department of Commerce. The power sales agreement shall require the QF to submit evidence of adequate coverage at least annually. Should the coverage lapse, the QF shall immediately notify the utilty, and the liquid security requirement level shall revert to 100% of the computed liabilty. Failure either to maintain adequate basic business insurance or to fully fund the required liquid securty fund shall constitute a breach of contract. H. Engineeri Certification 1. Order No. 21446 "Appropriate engineering certifcation" refers to certfication by a Professional Engineer (registered in the State of Idaho) as to the adequacy of the QF's design, construction, and Operations and Maintenance (O&M) procedures policy." 2. Parties' Comments The parties generally agreed that engineering certification of design, construction, and O&M procedures provides a significant reduction in the risk associated with QFs. IPCo and WWP recommend that O&M certification be required periodically over the life of the power sales contract. Sithe suggests that the project design engineer be permitted to certify the project's design. It also suggests that engineers registered in jurisdictions other than Idaho be permitted to certify QFs. 3. Commission's Position a. Idaho Registration We find the requirement for Idaho registration to be reasonable. Idaho has a reciprocity agreement with nearly every other jursdiction in the U.S.. We believe that no qualified professional wil be uneasonably excluded from participation in Idaho's CSPP market by this requirement. ORDER NO. 21690 24 b. Design Certification i. QFs requiring a major FERC license must receive design approval by FERC. Evidence of FERC approval shall adeqately fulfil the requirement for design certification. ii. To qualify for nsk mitigation, a QF unable to show design approval by FERC must have its facilty design certifed by an independent Idaho Registered Prfessional Engineer beanng no association or nexus to the QF's designer. The "second opinion" pnnciple is widely used in many areas of insurance and risk management and we find it appropriate here. c. Construction Certification To qualify for risk mitigation, an independent Registered Professional Engineer having no association or nexus to the primary constrction inspction professional must certify the quality of facilty constrction. We again endorse the "second opinion" pnnciple. d. O&M Certification We concur with ¡PCo and WW that continuing O&M certifications are necessary to qualify for risk mitigation. Initially a Registered Professional Engineer must certify that the QF has written Policies and Procedures for O&M and that they are adequate to assure the plant's viabilty for the life of the power purchase agreement under normal operating conditions. Thereafter, at intervals not greater than 3 years, the QF shall be reqired to provide an Engineers Certification of the continued adequacy of O&M procedures. e. Standards of Certification Appendix B comprises suggested Certifcation Forms. The suggested forms include a statement of the engineer's qualifications, a statement of his review of the QF, ORDER NO. 21690 2S and a certification that the design, construction, or O&M are consistent with the life of the power purchase agreement. Engineer certifcations shall be at least equivalent in all terms to those included in Appendix B of this Order. A copy of each required certifcate shall be submitted to the interconnecting utilty prior to commercial generation by the QF. f. Awlicabilty In order to receive a 20% reduction in liquid securty requirement for this risk mitigation item, all the terms and conditions set out in Sections G and Hof this Order must be met. Failure to maintain said terms and conditions at any time durng the life of the power purchase agreement shall result in the 20% reduction being revoked. Failure to establish and maintain the resulting new level of liquid overpayment security shall constitute breach of contract. I. Maintene Escw 1. Order No. 21446 "Maintenance escrow refers to a contractual arrangement with the Utilty or a competent Idaho financial institution to maintain an account of liquid funds available only for investment in repairs to the QF's physical plant." 2. Parties Comments The parties generally agree that a maintenance escrow provides substantial reduction in the risk associated with QFs. IPCo submits the following outline of suggested terms and conditions: "1. Prior to the date of commercial operation of the project, an amount equal to an agreed upon percentage of annual project revenues is placed in a escrow account. (In this example, we wil use 5 percent). The escrow account is managed by a third partyescrow holder, usually a financial institution, which is set up to handle periodic receipts and disbursements of money. The funds in the escrow account are invested to earn interest for the benefit of the escrow account. 2. As a condition of the CSPP contract, the CSPP developer agrees to provide the utilty and the escrow holder with a formal plan for periodic maintenance of the facilty. From time to time, as maintenance or repair work is performed, the CSPP requests the escrow holder to disburse funds from the account to cover that maintenance or repair work. As a part of the request, the CSPP supplies the escrow holder and the ORDER NO. 21690 26 utilty with documentation regarding the work and the amounts that will be needed to perform the work. Within five days of the request. the request is either approved or denied. Denials are suject to arbitration. 3. The 5 percent amount is maintained throughout the term of the project. Additional funding requirements are satisfied either by periodic lump-sum payments by the CSPP or by regular deductions from utilty energy payments which are deposited directly into the escrow account. If the escrow account earns a higher than excted rate of interest or if there is no uncheduled maintenance and as a result the balance in the escrow account exceeds 5 percent. any overages are immediately paid to the CSPP. In addition. at the end of the contract. the balance in the account is paid to the CSPP." UP&L states that a maintenance escrow" ... has little impact on reducing the risks of economic walkaway." They recommend If... that the funds come from an initial deposit by the CSPP of at least 5 years of estimated maintenance expense and that the fund continue to grow by the utilty withholding a percentage of each month's energy payment and depoiting that into the maintenance escrow. If Sithe and Bonnevile question whether the Maintenance Escrow required by the power purchase agreement is to be separate and in addition to maintenance escrows required by financial institutions. 3. Commission's Position a. Terms and Conditions i. An acceptable Maintenance Escrow shall be managed by an institution licensed to execute financial transactions in the State of Idaho. (E.g. an Idaho Bank or S&L.) ii. Prior to March 1 of each year following the initial generation date the QF shall submit to the Escrow Manager and the utilty the following: (1) An audted statement of the prior calendar year's O&M expenses. (2) An estimate of the present year's gross income. ORDER NO. 21690 21 (3) Evidence that the resultant of 5% of the estimated gross income minus the past year's O&M expense has been submitted to the Escrow Manager for investment in the escrow fund. iii. If at any time it appears that the O&M expense for the calendar year wil exceed 5% of the QF's projected gross income, the QF may request the Escrow Manager to release the overage to the QF from the escrow fund. The request must include documentation of the estimated overage. The QF shall also submit a copy of the request and associated documentation to the utilty. iv. Upon receipt of the request and documentation, the Escrow Manager shall, within 5 working days, release the required fun to the QF. v. At the end of the life of the power purchase agreement, any balance remaining in the maintenance escrow shall be returned to QF. vi. The Escrow Manager's fee, if any. shall be paid by the QF. vii. The spcific languge of the power purchase agreement and the escrow agreements shall be negotiated to reflect the general intent of the above terms and conditions b. Maintenance Escrow The QF shall maintain only one maintenance escrow. Provided, however, that the terms, conditions. and cumulative level of funding of said escrow shall be at least as stringent as those specified above. ORDER NO. 21690 28 c. Applicabilty In order to receive a 20% reduction in liquid security requirement for this risk mitigation item, all the terms and conditions set out in Sections G. and I. of this Order must be met. Failure to maintain said terms and conditions at any time during the life of the power purchase sales agreement shall result in the 20% reduction being revoked. Failure to establish and maintain the resulting new level of liquid overpayment securty shall constitute breach of contract. J. Lien Rights 1. Order No. 21446 Order No. 21446 requires only that the utilty have "adequate lien rights" for the QF to have reduced security requirements. 2. Parties Comments IPCo recommends that utilties' lien rights be made subordinate mi to the first lien holder, that the utilty be permitted to assess a fee for establishing the lien, and that additional liquid security be required. It points out that foreclosure under the lien may not provide full recovery for the ratepayers. WWP cites considerable experience with liens on QFs and recommends that all liens include at least: 1. Title insurance policy. 2. Contractually stipulated first mortgage amount. 3. The filng of fixture financing statements. 4. Assignble contract rights, water rights, permits, licenses, leases, etc., relating to the operation of the QF. WWP also includes a copy of its present contract langge pertaining to liens on QFs. UP&L recommends that the QF "... bear the expense "of the "... tremendous administrative burden ..." placed on the utilty by the lien. ORDER NO. 21690 29 Sithe and Bonnevile recommend that the utilty lien be subordinate to liens created by refinancing of the project as well as to the initial long term financing. Sithe recommends a "standard form" lien. 3. Commission's Position a. Terms and Condition We find that the considerations recommended by WWP, quoted above, are terms that must be addressed by any lien, deed of trut. or mortgage in order to qualify a QF for the 35% reduction of liquid securty requirement under this risk mitigation item. In addition,' fuel consuming thermal projects should be required to provide an assignable fuel contract setting fuel prices for the life of the QF's power sales agreement with the utilty. Experimental technologies (wind, geothermal, solar, etc.) will be subject to the "lien rights" securty reduction only at the utilty's discretion. b. Standard Forms We decline the invitation to invoke "standard form" liens. We believe that these instruments should be drafted by the parties to reflect specific conditions. c. Subordination We concur with ¡PCo that utilties' lien rights should be subordinate only to the initial long term financier's lien. d. Administrative Expenses We find that the cost of administering reasonably wrtten liens wil not substantially burden the utilties and that QFs shall not be required to pay a fee to the utilties. e. APJlicabilty The value to the utilty and the ratepayer of a lien is directly related to the quality of the underlying QF. Hence, the 35% reduction in liquid securty requirement for ORDER NO. 21690 3~ this risk mitigation item shall remain in effect only so long as the QF fulfils all requirements of Sections G., H., I. and J. above. Failure to maintain these terms and conditions at any time during the life of the power sales agreement shall result in the 35% reduction being revoked. Failure to establish and maintain the appropriate new level of liquid overpayment secuity shall constitute breach of contract. K. The ''1" Factor 1. Order No. 21446 "5.)(K); Is the QF hydroelectrc, and if so, are it's water rights secured by agrcultural rights for at least twice the required flow? K = (1+d)n Where: d = discount rate n = contract length" 2. Parties' Comments The parties generally agree that some recognition ought to be given to the differences in quality of motive force (i.e., energy source), but many appear confused by the "K" factor. 3. Commission's Position The "K" factor was developed as an additive item to reflect our belief that the risk of a QF losing its economic supply of motive force increases expnentially with time. The utilties discount rate was selected as the anual rate of risk increase because it is a reasonable reflection of the market's perception of financial risk over time. After receipt and analysis of the parties comments, we find that energy costs are substantially less predictable than financial costs. To reflect this we have substituted IS% in lieu of the utilty's discount rate. Also, to adhere more closely to the mathematics of economic theory, we subtract "one" from the raised value. The resulting equation for the additive "K" factor is: K = ((l.lS)n-ii% ORDER NO. 21690 31 Thus to compute K, raise 1.18 to the "contract length in years" power, then subtract "one" from the result. This number is the percentage increase to be added to the otherwise required overpayment securty if the QF is non-hydroelectric or if the hydroelectric QF's water rights are not protected by downstream consumptive users' water rights. The "K" factor is applicable regardless of other risk mitigation factors. Examples: For 7 year contracts: K= (1.18) 7 -1 = 3.19 -1 =~ For 20 year contracts: 20K= (1.18) -1 = 27.39 - 1 = 26.39% L. Water Rights 1. Order No. 21446 Adequate water rights are defined as rights owned by downstream consumptive users equal to twice the requirement of the QF. 2. Parties Comments ¡PCo suprts the requirement for non-condemnable senior water rights downstream of the QF, but believes that only rights to flows equal to the maximum project usage are necessar. WWP points out the need for seniority to the downstream requirement, and cautions that the downstream rights must not be supplied by inflows below the QF. PP&L recommends broadening the concept to include long-term fuel contracts for thermal projects. Sithe suggests that the QF's water right provides adequate protection without additional downstream water rights. Sithe, Cook and Bonneville state that no value is given to water rights by Order No. 21446. ORDER NO. 21690 32 RTD Hydr Projects states: "There is no potential for future subordination of hydropower water rights to consumptive agrculture uses upstream from (its) diversions. The extremely steep and rocky mountainous terrain upstream from (its) project sites preclude agriculture development. The possibilty of industrial development is very remote and the use of the water in this area for mining purses is very restricted by clean water regulations." 3. Commission's Position The requirement for non-condemnable senior water rights owned by downstream users is reasonable regardless of upstream terrain. To be acceptable the rights must not be supplied by inflows below the QF. Since some water rights may be abandoned, hydroelectric QFs must be able to show non-condemnable senior downstream rights equal to twice their maxmum rated flow to avoid adding the "Kit factor to the securi ty requirement. Long-term fuel contracts are a consideration in determining lien rights, so need not be considered here. n. Details of the Methlogy A. The Deciion Tree The following decision tree (page 33A) leads the user to proper determination of the securty requirement for any given QF depending on the answers to 5 Questions, as listed on the diagram. ORDER NO. 21690 33 o ADEQUATE BUSINESS INSURANCE? o ENGINEERS' CERTIFICATES 7 o MAINTENANCE ESCROW? o UTILITY LIEN? o HYDRO QF WITH DOWNSTREAM WATER RIGHTS?IF "NO", ADO K% TO THE BASE LIABILITY. K,.. = (I.ia" - 1)"1. It' coTIlACT LENGTH (YEARS I YES 55,.. NO 51% NO 35"1. 0"1 BASE LIABILITY ORDER NO. 21690 33A B. The Secmty ReQuiment Amounts 1. The Table The following table (page 34A) provides a matrx of the Securty Requirement Ratios available to QFs depending on the various levels of mitigation. Column (1) identifies the length of the QF's power sales agreement in years. The headings of the other columns identify the level of mitigation which QFs may take. To qualify for the ratios listed in Column (4), the QF may supply either engineering certification or a maintenance escrow in addition to adequate basic business insurance. The ratios in Column (5) require all three measures; basic business insurance, engineering certifications and a maintenance escrow. Column (6) ratios require the QF to grant acceptable lien rights to the utilty in addition to the other three mitigation measures. The row labeled zero under Column (1) represents the securty ratios which must be maintained by hydroelectric QFs possessing adequate downstream water rights, regardless of contract length. To use the table: .. Select the column representing the mitigation measures in effect for the QF. ..Select the row representing the length of the power sales contract for the QF. The percentage listed at the intersection of the selected column and row represents the ratio to the total computed securty requirement that the CSPP must maintain in the form of liquid security in order to avoid breach of contract. 2. The Graph Page 34B is a graphical representation of the data presented in the chart on page 34A. .. ORDER NO. 21690 34 *************************************************************************************** ** SECURITY REQUIREMENT RATIO ** -------------------------- ** * * (NOTE. For hydroelectric projects with "Adequiate Wiater Rights", use the * * ratio for' "0" year contract, regardless of actual contract length.) **.....m=.===.=====.==.===.==============a=====.===..~==========..======..==a======...* ..( 1)*(2)(3)(4)( 5)(6)* ** **RATIO FOR RATIO FOR RATIO FOR * **RATIO FOR ADEQUATE ADEQUATE ADEQUATE * *RATIO FOR *ADEQUATE INSURANCE;INSURANCE;INSURANCE;* *CONTRACT *RATIO FOR INSURANCE;ENGR.CERT.ENGR.CERT.ENGR.CERT. ;* *LENGTH *INADEQUATE NO OTHER OR AND MAINT.ESCROW;* *(YEARS)*INSURANCE MllIGATION MAINT.ESCROW MAINT.ESCROW 8c LIEN RIGHTS * *---------*-------------------------------------------------------------* *0 *100%75%55%35%0%* *** *1 *100%'751.55%35%0%* *2 *100%75%55%35%0%.. *3 *100%7b%56%3bï.1%* *4 *100%76%561.3óX 1%.. *5 ..100%7b%SÓï.361.1%* *ó *100%77%5n 37Y 21... *7 *100%771.57%37%2%* *8 *100%78%581.38Y.3%* *9 *100Y.78Y.58Y.38Y.3%* *10 *100%'791.59%39%4%* *11 *100%80%bOY.40%Sï.* *12 *10Ci%81 i.61Y.41%61.* ..13 *100%83%63%431.Sï.* *14 ..1001.841.64%44%91.* *15 *1001.8óï.661.461.11%'. *16 *1001.881.681.481.131.* *17 *100%91 %71 %51%ló1-.. *18 *1001.94%741.54%191-* *19 *1001.971-771.571-221.* *20 *1001-100%81 %61 %26%* *** ,,.21 *100%1001.861.661.31 %* *22 *1 00%1001.921.72%37%* *23 'Il 100ï.100%99%79%441.* *24 *1001.100%100%871.521-* ..25 *100%1001.100%9"7%621.* *26 *lQ07-1001.100%100%73%'. '.27 *10Q%100%1Q07-100%86%* *28 *100%1 ()Oï.1007-100%1001.* *29 ..100%1001.1001.1001.100%* *30 *1001.1001.1001.1001.100%* *31 ..1001-1001.1001-1001.100%* 'Il :32 '.1001.100%1001.1001.100%* *33 '*1001.1001.1001.1001.1001.* *34 *1001.1001.1001-1001.1()0%* *35 *100ï.100%1007-100ï.100%******************************** ~****************************************************** ORDER NO. 21690 34A o ~:i ê5 .NI-0" \0o w~t: -~D.~o(.1&o !,~ RE Q U I R E D S E C U R I T Y L E V E L S K - ( ( 1 . 1 8 . . " ) - 1 ) 10 0 L 90 - L . . . . . . . . . . - " . - . _ - - " . . . , . - - - - . . - . - - - . . I 80 + . - . . . - . . - - - . . . - . . . - - . - . - - . - - . - - - - . - ' m B B a a a a B a & 50 + . - - - - . . . . - - - . - - - 40 1 _ - - - . - - - - - - lA A A A ~ 70 - l - . - ~ . . - . . . . _ - - - - - . _ - - - - I . ( 2 ) O R ( 3 ) : 1 1 + E N G R . O R M A N T . E S e R O : 60 + . . . . _ . . . . - - ' - _ . . . . . . . . - ' . _ _ . . - - . - 1 - : I I I I I I I 30 . . _ _ _ . - - - . ~ . . _ . . . . _ - - (5 ) : 1 4 + U E N R I G 10 - . - . . - - - . . . - - - - - - o 15 20 o 5 10 CO N T L E G T ( V ) C. The Qvyment Liabilty i. The Chart The chart on page 35A is a matri representing the overpayment liabilty rates in any given year for QFs having a power sales agreement length of 10. 15. 20. 25. 30 or 35 years. The data shown are for avoided cost rates determined using the assumptions of Case No. U-1006-247, but without arbitrary reduction for contracts less than 35 years. The method of determining the overpayment liabilty rates is as described in Section LB.3., above. The chart is included for ilustrative pures only. Actual data will depend on the rates in effect at the time of making the contract and should be clearly stated therein. 2. The Graph Page 35B is a graphical representation of the data shown on page 35A. ORDER NO. 21690 35 *************************************************************************************** ** IPCO OVERPAVMENT LIABILITV LEVEL ** (m/kWh) ** (100% of computed 1 i abi 1 ity) ** **=.======.........=.====.===========.====.=..=.====.....============....=..=.=........* * ** CONTRACT LENGTH ( YEARS): * 10 15 20 25 30 35 ** * **---------------------------*--------------------------------------------------------** * * * LEVEL RATE (m/kWh): * 25.69 34.04 38.56 41.35 43.17 44.37 ** * **---------------------------*--------------------------------------------------------** END OF OPERATION * ** YEAR NO.: i) * 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ** 1 * 7.60 16.46 21.26 24.22 26.15 27.43 ** 2 * 15.71 34.57 44.77 51.07 55.17 57.90 ** 3 * 24.39 54.52 70.82 80.88 87.43 91.79 ** 4 * 33.69 76.53 99.70 114.01 123.32 129.51 ** 5 * 43.69 100.85 131.77 150.86 163.29 171.34 ** 6 * 54.44 127.76 167.41 191.90 207.84 218.43 ** 7,. 66.05 157.57 207.07 237.64 257.54 270.76 ** 8 * 78.60 190.65 251.24 288.67 313.03 329.21 ** 9.42.66177.85250.96296.11 325.51 345.04 ** 10 * 0.00 161. 28 248.51 302.37 337.44 36(1.73 ** 11.. 140.4C) 243.53 307.22 348.68 376.23 ** 12 * 114.58 235.64 310.41 359.08 391.42 ** 13 .. 83.12 224.40 311.65 368.45 406.19 ** 14 * 45.22 209.30 310.63 376.60 420.42 *... 15 * 0.00 189.78 306.97 383.27 433.96 ** 16 * 165.18 300.27 388.22 446.64 ** 17 . 134.78 290.05 391.13 458.27 ** 18 * 97.76 275.77 391.65 468.64 ** 19 * 53. 19 256. 83 389. 41 477. 48 ** 20 .. 0.00 232.55 383.95 484.52 **.. ** 21 * 202.15 374.76 489.43 ** 22 * 164.75 361.28 491.84 ** 23'" 119.37 342.87 491. 34 ** 24 . 64.87 318.77 487.44 ** 25 * 0.00 288.17 479.61 *.. 26. 250. 12 467. 23 ** 27 .. 203.57 449.61 ** 28 . 147. 30 425. 97 ** 29 .. 79. 96 395. 41 ...* 30 . 0.00 356.93 ** 31 * 309.37 ** :32 * 25 i . 46 .li* 33 * 181.73 ** ;)4 .. 98. 53 '.* 35 * 0.00 * ******************************** .***************************************************** ORDER NO. 21690 35A t en~~-a:-c-~ l-~z-w ri -¡~ ~GOen ~ 8 .. ~. 0. ~.. 0: io ~W ,.~ .-Q0.00Itis,...0 iñ 0. W N ã ~ ;~I.0 0- :J 0: ..0 ~g:J00 It~ 000. j 0 0 0 0 0 0 000~0 0It"l N .. (4lA)i/W) A.nlevn J.3rvVd~3AO ORDER NO. 21690 35B FIINGS OF FACT We find: 1) That levelized rates are an incentive to the development of the cogeneration and small power production industry. 2) That CSPPs receiving levelized avoided cost payments wil be overpaid if they substantially reduce generation or if they discontinue generation (i.e. default) prior to the end of their contract term; 3) That the overpayment rate is different in each year of operation; 4) That the burden of said overpayment falls on the ratepayers unless they are reimbursed by the defaulting CSPP; 5) That any reimbursement from a CSPP to the ratepayers for said overpayment ought to include annual interest for the period between the time of overpayment and the time of the reimburement; 6) That the method described herein for estimating the cumulative value of said overpayment is a just and reasonable method of determining liquidated damages; 7) That CSPPs may be unable to provide said reimburement unless they are required to establish and maintain some form of liquid securty; 8) That a cash escrow manged by an Idaho Bank or Savings and Loan Association (or equivalent guaranteed lines of credit or insurance) wt1 satisfy the liquid security requirement; 9) That the risk of default by a CSPP for any QF is directly related to the quality of design, construction, maintenace and management of said QF; 10) That it is just and reasonable to require CSPPs to maintain a form of liquid securty equal to 100% of the estimated cumulative overpayment (estimate) throughout the life of each QF's power purchase agreement; ORDER NO. 21690 36 11) That it is just and reasonable to reduce the amount of the required liquid security (required amount) by 25% of the estimate for each QF protected by adequate basic business insurance as describe herein; 12) That it is just and reasonable to reduce the required amount by an additional 20% of the estimate for each QF meeting the requirements of subparagraph 11, above. and also providing full engineering certification as described herein; 13) That it is just and reasonable to reduce the required amount by an additional 20% of the estimate for each QF meeting the requirements of subparagraph 11. above, and also maintaining a maintenance escrow as descrbed herein; 14) That it is just and reasonable to reduce the required amount by an additional 35% of the estimate for each QF meeting the requirements of subparagraphs 11, 12 and 13. above. and also providing the energy purchasing utilty with adequate lien rights as described herein; 15) That it is just and reasonable to increase the required amount by an amount "K%" of the estimate, as described herein. for any QF that does not receive its motive force from fallng water protected by adequate downstream water rights as described herein; provided that the required value shall not exceed 100% of the estimate; and 16) That it is just and reasonable for each party subject to the requirements of this Order to assume and bear its own administrative costs. ORDER NO. 21690 31 CONCLUSIONS OF LAW I The Idaho Public Utilties Commission has jursdiction over Idaho Power Company. The Washington Water Power Company. Utah Power & Light Company and Pacific Power & Light Company pursuant to the authority and power granted it under Title 61 of the Idaho Code. and the Rules of Practice and Procedure of the Idaho Public Utilties Commission. IDAPA 3L.A. n The Idaho Public Utilties Commission has authority under the Public Utilty Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA) and implementing regulations of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to set avoided costs, to order electric utilties to enter into fixed term obligations to purchase energy from qualifying cogeneration and small power production facilties, and to implement FERC rules. PURPA §§2l0, 210A. 210F, 16 U.S.C.A. §§824-a-3, 824-a-3(a), (f); Afton Energy, Inc. v. Idaho Power Company, 107 Idaho 781.693 P.2d 427. ORDER. In consideration of the foregoing, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that cogenerators and small power producers contracting for levelized rates with Commission-regulated utilties after the date of this Order must provide a Commission-approved form of liquid security and/or risk mitigation in the amount of computed overpayment liabilty to ensure an optimum level of ratepayer indifference to the front-end loading that occurs with levelized rates in power purchase contracts. IT is FURTHER ORDERED that the reasoning and methodology of the Commission as set forth above in Sections i and IT for securing the cumulative ORDER NO. 21690 38 overpayment liabilty that occurs with levelized rates in CSPP power purchase contracts be adopted and implemented. THIS is A FINAL ORDER. Any person interested in this Order (or in issues finally decided by this Order) or in interlocutory Orders previously issued in this Case No. U-lOO6-292 may petition for reconsideration within twenty-one (21) days of the service date of this Order with regard to any matter decided in this Order or in interlocutory Orders previously issued in this Case No. U-IOO6-292. Within seven (7) days after any person has petitioned for reconsideration, any other person may cross-petition for reconsideration. See Idah Cod §61-626. DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilties Commission at Boise, Idaho, this //,¿L day of January, 1988. ~u~R.ON, COMMSSIONER ATTEST:~~~ERS, SECRETARY sw/692L ORDER NO. 21690 39 SEPARATE CONCURRING OPINION In Order No. 21446 the Commission acknowledged that unanimity did not exist among the Commission members on at least one issue presented by this case. And, my separate opinion in Case No. U-1006-294, Order No. 21522, further reflected, or at least hinted at, lack of unanimity. In deference to the majority vote of my colleagues, I have concured in this Order. However, I write separately for the purse clarifying the difference of opinion which existed among the Commissioner. The Commission, in its deliberations leading to this Order, has struggled with a number of difficult issues. For the most part, this Order, which is the product of extensive discussion and debate, achieves a reasonable accommodation of conflcting interests. The most difficult policy decision involved in this case was whether any combination of secinty or risk mitigation should be allowed to completely eliminate a requirement of liquid security. I argued that there should be some residual liquid security requirement for two reasons. First CSPP projects are fundamentally different from utilty-owned projects in that they operate free of regulatory oversight. Ratepayers are protected, at least in theory, from risks arising from the construction of generating facilties by regulated utilties. As a Commission, we do not have corresponding authority with respect to CSPP projects. This distinction, in my opinion, should be reflected in the security mechanism. All CSPP projects, whether they be hydro or cogenerating, should have some residual liquid security requirement. Second, by permitting hydro projects to escape from the residual security requirement we may encourage the development of hydr projects at the expense of thermal projects. Although this is not the intent of the Order, it may be a consequence. DATED at Boise, Idaho, this day of January, 1988. r\nJi IDL ~,PRE~DENT ORDER NO. 21690 ORDER NO.21690 APPENDIX A (From Order No. 21446) Reduction of CSPP risk can best be accomplished by basing the level of liquid security requirement on the answers to "yes-or-no" questions about 5 key areas of a project. The first 4 questions pertain to the developer's contractualarrangements. The fifth question pertains to outside influencesover the QF. The 5 questions are: 1. )(20%l~ 2. )( i 5 % 1 ~ 3. )¡ 20% 1 ; 4. )(25%); 5. )I K ) ; Does the QF have adequate basic business insurance? Has the QF received appropriate independent engineering certification? Does the Owner assure an appropriate Maintenance escrow? Does the utility have acceptable lien rights over the QF? Is the QF hydroelectric, and if so, are it's water rights secured by agricultural rights for at least twice the required flow? "Adequa teinsurance They are: basicthat business ough t to insurance"be carried refers to 5 types of by a prudent busi nessman. 1. Liability insurance, 2. Catastrophic (flood, fire, etc.) insurance, 3. Boiler and Machinery insurance, 4. Temporary Loss of Income insurance, and 5. For hydro plants, Low Water insurance. "Appropriate certification by a state of Idaho) construction, andpolicy. engineering certification" refers to Professional Engineer (registered in theas to the adequacy of the QF' s des ig n, Operations and Maintenance(O&M) procedures "Maintenance escrow. refers to a contractual arrangementwith the Utility or a competent Idaho financial institutiOn tomaintain an account of liquid funds available only for investment in repairs to the QF's physical plant. Standards of adequacy and appropriateness for the three items penUltimately identified are defined elsewhere. The level of security required of a QF can be determinedby sequentially asking one or more questions (depending on the answer(s) to the previous question(sll in the 5 key areas. Bee au set hew r itt end esc rip t ion 0 f the que s t ion i ng pro c e s sis somewhat complex, a pictorial decision tree is attached. The description, in conjunction with the tree, explains the process. Order No. 21446 Appendix A Page 1 of 7 Answers to the key questions will lead to a percentagenumber. This number represents the level of liquid securtityrequired of the QF relative to the total .levelization overpayment liability. as computed by the method describedelswhere. The questions are 'asked as follows. Question No.1. is a crucial determinant of a QF's riskiness. If a QF is not protected against basic risks by adequate insurance, it must be viewed as very risky regardlessof any other measures an Owner may take. Therefore, if the answer to question No.1 is .No., the QF is required to maintain100% of the computed overpayment security. If the answer is .Yes., the security level requirement is reduced by 20% andquestion No.2 is appropriate. If the answer to question No. 2 is .Yes., the securityrequirement is reduced by another 15%. Furthermore, regardless of the answer to question NO.2, question No. 3 is alsoappropriate and if the answer there is .Yes., the securityrequirement is reduced by an additional 20%. If both 2 & 3 are .Yes., question No. 4 is also appropriate. A .Yes. answer to question No.4 reduces the requirement another 25%. Regardless of the answers to questions No.Question No. 5 is appropriate so long as the .Yes.. If the answer to No. 5 is .Yes., then security stays as per questions Nos. 1 thru 4. answer to 5 is .No., the level of security inc reased by: 2, 3, and answer to 1the levelHowever, ifrequirement 4, was of theis K n (1 +d)Where:d = discount rate n = contract length The resul tsof the following if of this series of decisions will result in one 5 is .Yes.. IF THES E ARE YES TH EN TH I S LEVEL NONE 1 Only 1 & 2 1 & 3 1, 2, & 3 1, 2, 3, &4 ioa % 8 0% 65 i 6 a % 45 % 20 % If the answer to 5 is nNO., the appropriate level tabulatedabove will increase according to the contract length, but not in excess of 100%. Order No. 21446 Appendix A Page 2 of 7 CS P S E C U R I T I I U E & J l I A l L E V E L S == = = = = = = = = = = : r = = = = : = = = = = = i : : i = = = = a : : = - NO I i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i . . ~ n K : ( l t d l ll h e r i : d : d i S c o u n t r i t e ; n = c a n t n c t l e n g t h ( r e i r s l . .. . . . . . . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - _ . . . . _ . . . . . . - . . _ - - - - - - - _ . . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . _ - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . _ - LE V E l S : ii : i o II " d i - u: ' c i P . (D ( 1 ( D tj i - w P . I- - z o X 0 i- . :i -. t v ..,i,i O' fl S T l 0 l 5 : Da s t h e C S P P p l i n t h i v e i d e q l l t e b n i c bu s i n e s s i o s u n n c e ? ll s t h e p l i n t r e C l i v l l i p p r o p r i i t e i i d e J l d e n t io i i o n r i n g c e r t i f i c i t i o n ? Da e s t h e p r a j i d u s u r e i n ¡ p p r a p r i i t e l I ¡ i i t e o i l C l Es c r i i ? Do e t i l U t i l i t y l I i v e i c e p t i l l e l i e n r i g h t s ? Is t h e I l F b y d r ø e l e c t r i c , i n d i f s o , a r e t i i c e it s i a l e r r i g J t s s e c u r e d b y a i r i c u l t i i n l r i g J l s ID r i t l e a s t t i i c e t b e r e q u i r e d f l O l ? II i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i . . ~ 45 1 p i i i s K , d e f i n i d i b o v e . __ _ e : _ _ _ _ : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (J ,_.~ LiJ j ! I, I..:)- . l- lL ì'_ Of~ ~i :J iL \091.L iW iW 4. ~ (f ~ ¡ ß: ¡ o ~¡ .' I. ,U...l ,Ct . :=iaLtr. .O;;p Ld _.J .. .i ~, ,~ + "... !¡ + (;;: \.+ .~.. ¡ j i ~t g om,,- t\ t: \1 rb: :h rr ~ +. ,'. t .\., :+ .\:. ¡ ¡+ ,~.; + .It + ¿\. + ;t'ti + ¡ .~. +¡ ,to i-l 'i', 1" .1..'* ,~, + ,~, '+'i' ;+ ,to : + ,1': + .t. ,+ '~': + .:.~: +- .':, , +. I \ ", í.~.__..:---¡. l .I IoIIo¡-,~ ~..._._...,_....... -. --"---", ..--.......r._.. ......r :!! L ~ . ~ ¡t L. ¡ t-~.-t~=. ~ o o~oNo"'~ Order No. 21446 0 Appendix A (031ncw.¡oo .:10 %) ¡3,~' Page 4 of 7 IPCD OYERPAYRET lIABILITY LEVEL li/kMh; 1001)=:......_______===.=..._==......--================ CONTRACT LEO (YEARSI'10 15 20 2S 30 35---------------------------..--------------------------------------------------- LEVE RATE (lIkll)'25.69 34.04 38.56 41.35 43.17 44.37 -------------------...-----1---------------------------------_____________________ OPERATION YEAR:1987 t 7.60 16.46 21.26 24.22 26.15 27.43 1988 t 15.71 34.57 44.77 51.07 55.17 57.90 1989 t 24.39 54.52 70.82 80,88 87.43 91.19 1990 t 33,69 76.53 99.70 114.01 123.32 12.51 1991 t 43.69 100.85 131.17 150.86 163.29 17.54 1992 t 54.44 127.76 167.4 191.90 207.84 218.43 1993 t 66.05 157.57 207.G 237.64 257.54 270.16 1994 t 78.60 190.65 251.24 288.67 313.03 329.21 1995 t 42.66 17.85 250.96 296.11 325.51 345.04 1996 t 0.00 161.28 248.51 302.31 337.44 360.13 1991 t 140.40 243.53 307.22 348.68 376.23 1998 t 114.58 235.64 310.41 359.08 391.42 1999 t 83.12 224.40 31.65 368.45 406.19 2000 l 45.22 209.30 310.63 376.60 420.42 2001 t 0.00 189.78 306.97 383.27 433.96 2002 t 165.18 300.27 388.22 446.64 2003 l 13.78 290.05 391.13 458.27 2004 t 97.76 275.77 391.65 468.64 2005 l 53.19 256,83 389.41 477,48 2006 t 0.00 232.55 383.95 484.52 2007 l 202.15 374.76 489.43 2008 l 164.15 361.28 491.84 2009 l 11.37 342.87 491.34 2010 l 64.87 318.17 487.44 2011 l 0.00 288.17 479.61 2012 l 250.12 467.23 2013 l 203.57 449.61 2014 l 14.30 425.97 2015 l 79.9&395.41 2016 l 0.00 356.93 2017 t 309.37 2018 l 2St. '" 2019 t 181.73 2020 l 98.53 2021 l 0.00 Order No. 21446 Appendix A Page 5 of 7 10l' ~ ~ a II.,l" t~ Ia.Zoo l" ~ It~o II.. + o.,o o (4M)(/W) A.ISVn .1N:aru""d~3I Order No. 21446 Appendix A Paqe 6 of 7 (fw r l- Cñl~ ~I~ zl o ~ w ~ N r=- z.. 0 W (. ? ~L t 0u -. -- ~ I cr lo ~íÜ -.1 0-, i 1\ åi \1 ! i i I I .. iI ! ~-,- .._.l- ~o 'd- --,.,-_._--:-.--- - ----'-.,.-- _."'_..,....---T .., , : ~ ~ ~ t- t': ; ~ ~ ¡ . ~1 ~ ~' ~ I- ~ ~ ~~~ N fr tl- 0 ... , N~ t ~~ 1 ~~¡ i L\ .¡ t~ ~; ~ r ~¡ ~. l t- .t\ . t ~!"~ !O~, i',, ¡ í'" 8I ¡ ~~~ ; tì : 1, t lib ì l- so· i i it ! i ! t! i ¡ it ll I ¡ t t - -- .. -i-.--t.- ----'+ è- .... -,- -1---- -1' -- -- - -I" =.. . It",ooNin..o..ilo",sot' (l.M"/W) SliW 131 Order No. 21446 . Appendix A Page 7 of 7 ~EAF. NO.:1 4 4 5 I;7 B '1 10 a:JYEAR:1987 198 1989 190 1991 1992 1993 194 1m lT9ó----lEVEL RATE:47.05 4i.(¡5 47.05 47.05 47.&5 '¡7.0~47.05 47.05 47,05 l7.0SACTUAL NON.lEYEli 21.2 ¡r.6y 22.07 22.55 l~. iJ :3,H 23.94 14.49 i:. ó4 ¡:i.cilOvER/UNDER PAYNENT:25.85 25.36 24.98 24.50 14.03 :3.56 23.11 ~, =p 124.5'1j ~~~. :H:,...""~.CU"ULATIVE aVER/UNDER PAY"ENTi 27.45 57.S7 91. 77 12.41 171. 4S 218.34 21.', iCI ~29l 14 ~.;4.1ii ...... ... '1:,:=C~~tATlvE PAY"ENT WID INTEREST:25.SS 51. :1 76.19 inO.69 !2.72 148.2E 171. 39 i 1!.;~1~9. 7é 142.75 rEi1;¡ NO.:11 'R is 14 is I'17 i9 19 20 1,; .11VEAK:1~97 ma 1~i;i;20(ìÎ/~ijcji 20.n 2003 2Gu4 20(,5 .:ta'I.IQLEvEL RATE:47.05 47.15 4i.05 47.(15 47.ù5 4j 11)5 47.05 4i.05 4i.ij5 l7.v5"CTUAL ~¡¡N-LEVEL:is. !J n.E7 ;(1.09 82.;8 84.3 ai.16 89.66 i;i.27 94.'14 n.71aVERIUNDER PAY~ENT:(2S. bSi ~ .'0'. S.:¡i::;.\!'¡)(35.ij)i3.£i8)!41Ì.11 142.63i m.ll)i47.S91 í~i).ii£i)C~UL"rIVE OVER/UNDER PAV~ENTI 376.15 j91.35 4ij6.n 42G.36 433.9n 446.59 458.22 468.59 47i.44 484.47CU"ULATiYE PAV~:Ni ï/G l~rEREii:1:4.u7 -': 'I;5v.21 14.S6 .22.8 .62.91 -105.54 .156.76 -1::e.65 -249.31 ::.~._- VEAR Nil.:ZL ii 23 24 25 :b ,7 28 29 30 YEAi:2i)~7 1*9 2ù09 :?~IO ZOlI ir'!2 29li 2014 2015 2'" .. .CI---i.EiJ!. RATE:47,0'47.,j5 47.G~41,,5 47.05 47.v5 47.(\5 47.05 47.~5 47.65ACrUAL NDlH£VEL:Iùn.S5 11)3.5 106. ~3 109.67 11:.91 116.25 11.69 12.21 126.94 133.74aVER/UNDER FAVll!li:;.,. -i'a ¡Si.451 m.48)(62.62)(6'.36)'íÓI3.201 i7,641 m.ll)í79.99!In.b9) ."..... C~~JL.TiVE OYER/UNDER ~AY"EHT:4ao..39 491.&0 491.29 ~61.~O 47~.5b 467. ;:4~~.S7 12:.92 195.l5 3Só.a6C~~ULATIyE ?ArftENT _/9 ~~TEft£sr: .)02.81 .m.2ó .418.14 .46.36 .547.22 4616.42 -689.06 .;t~.29 -84~. 17 .;Z3.66 YEAR NO.:~1 !~J3 34 35YEAR:2017 1~19 20U 2020 2Q1._--------LEVE RATE:47.es 4i.,j5 47.05 47..,5 41.nS ACTUAL N~-lti¡Ei.:1:4.6;,~. Tl/142,9 !4?Z2 ISi.~1. .,.... Q\lER/lI~ER PAYIlNT:!S1.m i:i;1.c:i (9S.BS)(100.17 1104.ói)tU"UL~T:YE aVER/JNOEP. P'rnEHT:31)9.21 ....l ~,lS.61 98.39 10.16).:." ~...D CUATIijE ?AYNENT ~!a I~TEP.ESTI-l016. ~a .1! ~e. :5 -J24 -1304.17 -1408.79 .Order No. 21446 ~,--&;:). l~~i l&:I ¡~t . I j: ' O ~ ,. , 1 1 - ,; ' ø . ~if.N.. '. , ~ . . . .y . . . . . : ø . I o x 0. : 0. 4 G. 0. 2 0. 1 o -0 . 1 -G .- 0 3 -0 . 4 -0 . 5 -0 . 6 -0 . 7 -0 . 8 -0 . 1 -1 -1 . 1 -1 . 2 -1 . 3 -1 . 4 . -1 . 5 _ .7 IP C o C S P P L I A B I L I T Y C O M P A R I S O N S ' (3 5 Y E C O N ' ) l 80 10 1D 20 85 20 0 5 + 1 2 . 7 4 " YE Q N O N - C U M . APPENDIX B Sample Engineering Certificates ORDER NO.21690 ENGINEER · S CERTIFICATION OF DESIGN ADEQUACY FOR A PURPA QUALIFYING FACILITY (QF) 1.I,am a Professional Engineer Name of Engineer registered to practice in the State of Idaho. I have substantial experience in the design, construction, and operation of electric power plants of the same type as (plant) , Title of QF sited at Description of Project Site in County, State of 2. I have reviewed and/or supervised the review of the Plans and Specifications for said power plant and its associated equipment and appurtenances, and it is my professional opinion that if the plant is built in accordance with said Plans and Specifications and operated/maintained to conuercially typical standards for this type of plant, said plant will operate at ornear design efficiency and plant factor for years(length of the proposed Power Sales Contract) , barring unforseeable Force Majeure. 3. I have no economic relationship to the Designer of said plantand have made my analysis of the Plans and Specificationsindependently. 4. I have supplied the owner of the plant with at least one copy of said Plans and Specifications bearing my Stamp and the words "CERTIFIED FOR IDAHO P.U.C. SECURITY ACCEPTANCE" on each sheetthereof. 5. I hereby CERTIFY that the above statements are complete, true, and accurate to the best of my knowledge and I therefore set my hand and seal below. Signed and Sealed Date: Signature ENGINEER · S CERTIFICATION OF CONSTRUCTION ADEQUACY FOR A PURPA QUALIFYING FACILITY (QF) 1.I,am a Professional Engineer Name of Engineer registered to practice in the State of Idaho. I have substantial experience in the design, construction, and operation of electric power plants of the same type as (plant) , Title of QF sited at Description of Project Site County, State ofin 2. I have made and/or supervised periodic inspections of the construction in progress and of the completed plant, and it is my professional opinion that the plant was built substantially in accordance with Plans and Specifications bearing the words "CERTIFIED FOR IDAHO P.U.C. SECURITY ACCEPTANCE" and the Stamp of the Certifying Engineer of the Design, and that the plant was built to commercially accepted standards for a plant of this type. 3. I have no economic relationship to the Designer of said plantand have made my analysis of the Plans and Specificationsindependently. 4. I hereby CERTIFY that the above statements are complete, true, and accurate to the best of my knowledge and I therefore set my hand and seal below. Signed and Sealed Date: Signature ENGINEER · S CERTIFICATION OF OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE POLICY FOR A PURPA QUALIFYING FACILITY (QF) 1.I,am a Professional Engineer Name of Engineer registered to practice in the State of Idaho. I have substantial experience in the design, construction, and operation of electric power plants of the same type as (plant) , Title of QF sited at Description of Project Site County, State ofin 2. I have reviewed and/or supervised the review of the Policy for Operation and Maintenance (O&M Policy) for the plant and it is my professional opinion that, provided said plant has been designed and built to appropriate standards, adherance to said O&M Policy will result in the plant. s producing at or near the design electrical output, efficiency, and plant factor for years (length of the proposed Power Sales Contract), barring unforseeable Force Majeure. 3. I have no economic relationship to the Designer of said plantand have made my analysis of the Plans and Specificationsindependently. 4. I have supplied the owner of the plant with at least one copy of said O&M Policy bearing my Stamp and the words "CERTIFIED FOR IDAHO P. U. C. SECURITY ACCEPTANCE" on each sheet thereof. 5. I hereby CERTIFY that the above statements are complete, true, and accurate to the best of my knowledge and I therefore set my hand and seal below. Signed and Sealed Date: Signature ENGINEER · S CERTIFICATION OF ONGOING OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE OF A PURPA QUALIFYING FACILITY (QF) 1.I,am a Professional Engineer Name of Engineer registered to practice in the State of Idaho. I have substantial experience in the design, construction, and operation of electric power plants of the same type as (plant) , Title of QF sited at Description of Proj ect Site in County, State of 2. I have made a physical inspection of said plant, its operations and maintenance records since the last previous certified inspection, and the plant. s O&M policy bearing the words "CERTIFIED FOR IDAHO P.U.C. SECURITY APPROVAL" and the Stamp of the Certifying Engineer. It is my professional opinion, based on the plant. s appearance, that its ongoing O&M has been substantially in accordance with said O&M Policy; that it is in reasonably good operating condition; and that if adherance to said O&M Policy continues, the plant will continue producing at or near its design electrical output, efficiency, and plant factor for years (time remaining to the end of the plants Power Sales Contract). 3. I have no economic relationship to the Designer of said plantand have made my analysis of the Plans and Specificationsindependently. 4. I hereby CERTIFY that the above statements are complete, true, and accurate to the best of my knowledge and I therefore set my hand and seal below. Signed and Sealed Date: Signature EXHIBITE APF"RVED PER CCiSSlOO ORDER NO. 25505.-: I' Facility No. 21765151 Project: Magic West",) . ') .'v':") ¡ .' v/, .," '.../ /~¿¿/y¿/ ..~J/c: , _!... ~. ,-_" MY J. WALTE c.ISSIGJ SECARY FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT t: ..' ATHIS FIRST AMENDMENT entered into on the ~ day of ~ 1994, to the FIRM ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT (the" Agreement") dated as of DeceR: r~92, between GLENNS FERRY COGENERATION PARTNERS, LTD ("Seller"), and IDAHO POWER COMPANY, ("Idaho Power"), hereinafter sometimes referred to collectively as "Parties., or individually as "Part", for Seller's cogeneration project ("Facilty"). WIT N E SSE T H: WHEREAS, the Agreement was approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") on January 22, 1993 per Order No. 24674; and WHEREAS, the Seler desires to delay the Scheduled Operation Date of this Facilty by one year; and WHEREAS, the Parties desire to embody various other miscellaneous change's which have taken place since the Agreement was first signed. NOW THEREFORE, the Parties have agreed to amend the Agreement as follows: 1. ARTICl Vl/: PURCHASE PRICE AND METOD OF PAYMENT; ADJUSTMENT OF PURCHASE PRICE In Paragraph 7.1.1 Base Payment" "35.63 MilslkWh" is changed to "37.22" MilslkWh" "58.16 MillslkWh" is changed to "60.71" MiUsIkWh" "48.47 MilslkWh" is changed to "50.64" MilslkWh" 2.8-3 SCHEDULED OPERATION DATE "January 1, 1995" is changed to "January 1, 1996" (Scheduled Operation Date) "December " 1994" is changed to December 1, 1995" (First Energy Date) 3. 8-11 COSTS is amended to read as follows: The cost of the 138 kV transmission line Special Facilties is $155,500. The cost of - 1 - PS275 the distribution line Special Facilities is $3,444. The cost of right.of.way acquisition is $4,500. The cost of the Metering Equipment is $8,236. The cost of the communication equipment is $8,500. In addition, there wil be a monthly charge for the communication circuit lease cost associated with the telemetry equipment. The communications circuit lease is $280.00 per month as of the date of this Agreement. Seller recognizes that the monthly communications circuit charge may be adjusted by Idaho Power as the cost to Idaho Power is adjusted by the owner of the communications circuit. The cost of the Disconnecting Equipment is $103,00. The total cost to be paid by the Seller is $283,180. The $283,180 represents the amount that wil be charged by Idaho Power if the Seller makes the payment on or before Februry 1, 1995. If the Seller does not make this payment by the specified date, the cost wil be subject to update. Idaho Power wil not schedule constuction or order Special Facilties which are not ordinarily maintained in Idaho Power's inventory until payment has ben made. In addition to the instllaton and construction charges above, during the term of the agreement Seller wil pay Idaho Power the operation and maintenance charge specifed in Schedule 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON.UTILITY GENERTION or it successor schedules(s). This monthly operation and maintenance charge wil be calculated based on $160.000.00 of 138 kV rated Interconnection Falites plus an additional $119,736.00 of Interconnecton Facilties rated below 138 kV. The total cost shown above is an estimate calculated on the basis of average co. When the acal total cost is determined, Idaho Power wil adjust the total cost amount to reflect the actal total cost incurred by Idaho Power. Beginning with the mo of this adjusten the operation and maintenance charges wil also be adjusted. When the acal tol cost is known, witin sixt (60) days Idaho Power will refund any overpayment or Seller wil remit any underpayment. 4. Except as modifed by this First Amendment, all other parts of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. .2. PS276 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Panies hereto have executed this Amendment as of the day and year herein written. IDAHO POWER COMPANY Byg,Pa!£~ Vi(:8 Presi,nt, Power SupplyDate W94 By ~ .~ Date - 3- PS277 STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ssCounty of Áda ) On thiS~day of , 19U before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, personally appeared Jan Packwood, personally known, who being duly sworn, did say that he is the Vice President, Power Supply of the corporation that executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same as a free act and deed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my harid and affxed my offcial seal, the day and year in this certificate first above written. (NOTARIAL SEAL)~~ Residing at'~44 0) STATE OF CdOrC.d(ì County of Ai C-fY1ß: ) ) ss I On this -:day of Apr L) , 19 fu, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, personally appeared A\c.(' h ç:, ~~, personally known, who being duly sworn, did say that he is the individual who executed the within instrment, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as a free act and deed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affxed my offcial seal, the day and year in this certificate first above wntten. (NOTARIAL SEAi) ~--"-'''~nc.;:GlQrC4Ô Residing at: pc (\( 0 C C ,0 - 4- PS278 EXHIBITF r.....; " ..'-"--ser Dål ,..... , MAY 18 1994BEFRE TH IDAHO PUBUC UTS COMMSION IN TH MATl OF A PRPOSED AMND- ) :MNT TO TH FI ENERGY SALS AGRET BETWEE IDAHO POWER COMPAN AN GLENS FERRY COGEN- ERTION PAR, LTD. FOR TH MAGIC WEST COGENETION PRCT ) CASE NO. JP-E-94-7 ) ) ORDER NO. 25505 ) ~ 9/7b5KJ APCATION On Apri 15, 1994, Idaho Power Company (Idaho Power; Company) and Glenns Ferr Cogeneration Parners, Ltd. (Glenns Ferr) fied an Application with' the Idaho Public Utities Commission (Commission) requesting approval of an Amendment to a Firm Energy Sales Ageement (Ageement) between Idaho Power and Glenns Ferr. The underlyig Ageement dated Dember 9, 1992 was approved by the Commission in Orer No. 24674 on Januar 22,1993. Glenns Ferr is the developer of the Magc West Cogeneration project (Magc West), a proposed less, than 10 MW natural gas fired turine generation facity located in the southeast quarr of Setion 29, Townhip 5 South, Rage 10 East, Boise Meridian, Elmore County, at the Magc West potato procssin facility in Glenn Fer, Idaho. The estiate anual net fi energy prouctin is 83,220,OOOl kWh. As represented. the projec will be a PURPA "qual facility (QF) prior to intercnnecton. The underlyig Agment provides for levelized rates over a 20-year contract term and a scheduled operation date of Januar 1, 1995. Idaho Power ha also ente into a Fir Energ Sales Agement with Rupert Cogeneration Parners, Ltd. (Rupert) to purchase energy to be generated by a less than 10 MW cogeneration project which will be locte adjacent to the Magc Valley Foods potato processin facty in Rupert, Idaho (Magc Valey Prject). The Magic Valey Agement was approved by the Commssion in Ordr No. 25050 on July 23, 1993. The scheduled operation date for the Magc Valey Prjec is Januar 1, 1996. The Application relates that Mr. Alen Forbes is the general parer of both Rupert and Glenns Ferr and as the President of Independent Energ Parers, Inc., is ORDER NO. 25505 .1- PS440 "".- .., developing both the Magic West and Magic Valley Projects. In order to capture certain economies of scale and to coordinate the construction and financing of the Magic West and Magic Valley Projects, Mr. Forbes requested that Idaho Power consent to an amendment to the Glenns Ferr Firm Energy Sales Agement to change the scheduled operation date from Januar 1, 1995 to January 1, 1996. Puruant to agreement of the pares, if the Amendment is approved by the Commission, Rupert has stipulated to a dismissal (with prejudice) of its Complaint against Idaho Power for "grandfathering" in Case No. IPC-E-93-18. The Company contends that deferral of the scheduled operation date of the Magc West Project and settlement of the Rupert Complait would be beneficial to Idaho Power Company and its Customers. The proposed Amendment date Apri 12, 1994 (attached) defers the scheduled operation date for the Magc West Project frm Januar 1, 1995 to Januar 1, 1996. The Amendment alo modifies paraph 7.1.1 of the Magc West Ageement to adjust the rates to correspond with the cunt "published" rates for a 20-year Firm Energy Sales Ageement commencig in 1996. (Reference Commision Order No. 24911.) FIINGS The Commssion ha reviewed the filigs of recrd in Case No. IPC-E-94-7 and ha reviewed its prior Orer approg the Magc West Prject, Orer No. 24674, Case No. IPC-E-92-32. The Commsion fids the term of the Amendment to be reasnable and we approve them. We also approve payments made under the Ageement (as amended) as prudently incu expnss for ratemakg purses. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW The Idao Public Utities Commsion ha jurdictn over Idaho Power Company, an elecc utilty, puruat to the authority and power grted it under Title 61 of the Idaho Cod and the Public Utity Regulatory Policies Ac of 1978 (PURA). The Idaho Public Utities Commsion has authority under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Ac of 1978 and the implementig regulations of the Federal Energ Regulatory Commssion (FRC) to set avoided costs, to order electrc utilities to enter ORDER NO. 25505 .2- PS441 ;;..:. intp fied term obligations for the purchase of energy from qualifying cogeneration facilties; and to implement FERC rules. OR DE R In consideration of the foregoing IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the Firt Amendment to the Firm Energ Sales Ageement between Idaho Power Company and Glenns Ferr Cogeneration Parners, Ltd. submitted in this proceeding be and the same is hereby approved. THS IS A FINAL ORDER. Any person interested in this Order (or in issues finaly decided by this Order) may petition for reconsideration within twenty-one (21) days of the servce date of this Order. Withi seven (7) days after any person has petitioned for reconsideration, any other person may cross-petition for reconsideration. See Idaho Code § 61-626. DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise, Idaho this /82! day of May 1994.tt.g. Û~)MAHA H. SMITH, PRESIDENT ~U1 . EA J. ILLER, COMMISSIONER ~d¿ ¿ ¿*'erRAPH NELSON, COMMISSIONER ATTEST: d;~4.Z-"~Myra W ters Commion Secreta JR\ O-INC-E-9L7.SW ORDER NO. 25505 .3. PS442 Facilitv No. i 1765151 Project: Magic West FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE FIRM ENERGY SAtES AGReEMENT " ,J . . 11, THIS FIRST AMENDMENT entered into on the ~ day af ~ 1994, to U1. FrRM ENERGY SAL.ES AGREEMeNT (the - Agreement-) dated as of Decem r 9. 1992. between GLENS FEY COGENERTION PARTERS, LTD I-Seler-). and IDAHO POWeR COMPANY. (-Idaho Pow..). hereinaher sometim.. referre to collecvelv as -Pal1..- # or individuaUv as · Par- , for Selle"s COeneration project (-FacilitY-). WIT N E SSE T H: WHEREAS, the Agreeent was aøproved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (-Commiuion-' on Januar 22. 1993 P'" Order No. 24674; and WHERi:S. ih s. dura to del-V 1Ie Scedul Operation Date of this Facility by one ye and WHEREAS. th Pa da to ..bo vwi ~ mislaneo chng.. which have Qk pl sinc Ú' Ag..t wu lf sine. NOW THEREFORE. the Part have IQNl to amend 1Ie Agreen IS follos: 1. ARW Vo: PUROfSe PRICE AND METD OF PAYMEN; ADJUSTEN OF PURCHASE PRies In Paragraph 7.1.1 BaM Patm -35.83 MilWh- is ch to -37.22- MîWh-.58.1 e Mi- is ch to -80."" MiI- -48.47 Mi~- is ch to .50.84- MUIIiWh- 2. B-3 SOED OPEnON DATE -.. 1. 1995- is ched to - J8f 1. 1991- (Scle OøemOft D.-a. -Dlbe 1. 1994- ia cNed to Debe 1 l 1995- (Firs En D.-i 3. 8-11 COST is amed to tU .. fo Th co of 1M 138 kV nn li Sp Fd is .155.50. Th co of .1 . ATrACB i OF 4 PS443 ..- t:the distribution line Special Facilities is $3,444. The cost 01 right.ol.way acquisition \\ is $4,500. The cost of the Metering Equipment is $8.236. The cost of the communication equipment is $8.500. In addition, there will be a monthly charge for the communication circuit lease cast lIsociated with the telemetry equipment. The comunicatiorn circuit lease is $280.00 per month as of the date of this Agreement. SeI.r recognizes that the monthly communications circuit charg. may be adjusted by Idaho Power as me cost to Idaho Power is adjusted by the owner of the comunications circuit. The cost of me Disconnecng Equipment is $103,000. The to CO to be pa by the Sell.r is $283, t 80. The *283.180 represents the amount that will be chrged by Idaho Power if the Seller makes the payment on or b.for. Fery 1. 1995. If the Seller does not mike thii payment by the specifed date. the cost wil be subjec to updai.. Idah Power wi11 not sced\.le constrcton or order Spe Facirniu wh ire not ordinarily mantned in Idiho Powers invenory untl pa ha tM ma In ad to . in an coon chare. abov.. during the ter of th agl't Se wi pa Idao Po~ it. Qperati and ~nc charg ii in Scedul. 72 INTCONNECONS TO NON-uUT GE nON Qr it iu .øed..'.l. 'l math opon and manc. charge wiD be calc ba on $160.00.00 of t 38 kV ra Intneon F.. pl _ ad . t 19.738.00 Qf Intne Faclit ra be 138 tV. Th to ca sh abve ia an II calc on it. bu of avee c: WM it cuaa cc ia dein. Ida Powe wi adius it. tota ca lIunt to re 1M IC tø e: In by Ida Powe. Beinnin wi the mø of il ad th QØ II manU chii wi 1LI be adjum. Wh ih 8Caa CO ia kn. wi iØ (80) da Ida Poer wiD ref any ovymen at Se wi re I" und~ -l. &c as rn by 1l Am Amen II ot .- of 11. Agren shll rw in fu fo 8f ef .2. ATTACH 2 OF 4 PS444 /.'-'. 0.' , / IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the Parties hereto have executed this Amendment as of the day and year herein wrinen. IDAHO POWER COMPANYBvaß~ /h PackwooVice pr.si~t. Power Supply Daie 1; 'd/94 '/ By Date - 3- A'rACH 3 OF 4 PS445 '. STATE OF ICAHO : SS \1,CountY ot Ada ) ." #-. ~ iI' ad " On this ~ day of 12 y . 19~, before me. the undersigned. a Notary Public. øersonalfy aøøeared J~ ;:kWOOd. øersonallv known, who being duly sworn, did say that he is the Vice President. Power Suøøly of the corporation that executed the within instrment, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same as a free act and dee. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hernto set my hand and affxed my offcial seal, the day and y.ar in this certficate first above wrtten. (NOTARIAL SEAL) ~~~~ahO '¡J Aesiding at:,"D A dJ, STATE OF r':lúrc..dG ))..Caum of A (' C"i:Cd'¡cc J. On this "Jdav of A r~; L \ , 19~, _ me, 1h. uniged. i Noi Public. pely IØøa ~ pe knwn, wh beng duly sworn, did sa 1ht h. is th inWf wh ue 1h wi in an acoMged to me itat h. ex it. sa .. a fr ac .i de. IN WIesS WHEREOF, I haw IW .. my ha an afxe my of SU, m. day an yur in itia cd ti ave wr.- (NOTARrAL SeAU --so¥p2lfFi8'/ .4. ATrACH 4 OF 4 PS446 EXHIBITG ~~4w_. .~ .:-"-" I ,--~.1", i APPRO PER MIN ENi..ayDATE JAN 81 1996.~~~tLL~J. WATE c:ISlal SECAR Facilty No. 21765151 Project: Magic West SECOND AMNDMENT TO THE FIRM ENEGY SAES AGREEMENT i L THIS SECOND AMNDMENT entered into on the !l day of tv../w 1991 to the FIRM ENERGY SAES AGREEMNT (the "Agreement" dated as of December 9. 1992. between GLENNS FERRY COGENERATION PARTNERS, LTD ("SeUer"). and IDAHO POWER COMPAN, ("daho Power''). hereinaftr sometimes referred to collectively as "Paries". or individually as "Party", for Seller's cogeneration project ("Facilty"). WIT N E SSE T H: WHREA, the Agreement was approved by the Idaho Public Utilties Commssion ("Commssion'') on January 22. 1998 per Order No. 24674; and WHEREA. the First Amendment was approved by the Idaho Public Utilties Comnssion ("Commssion") on May 18,1994 per Order No. 25505; and WHERE. the Paries desire to embody various other nnscellaneous changes which have taken place since the Agreement was first signed. NOW THEREFORE, the Parties have agreed to amend the Agreement as follows: 1. Paragraph 4. 1.8.1 ~ "$ 15,000,000.00" is changed to read "$17.000,000.00" 2. Paragraph ~ is changed to read: "Other than the first mortgage liens pernutted herein. Permtted Encumbrances as that term is defined in that certain Credit Agreement between Seller and Toronto Dominion (Texas) Inc.. as Agent and as Collateral Agent. and The Toronto Donnnion Bank. Houston Agency, as Lettr of Credit Issuing Bank as Lender. pursuant to which the Lender extends credit to Seller to construct, install and equip the Facility (the "Credit Agreement")) or temporary mechanics, statutory or similar liens incurred in the ordinary course of business in an amount not to exceed in aggregate ten thousand dollars ($10.000.00), Seller wil not permit any liens or encumbrances of any nature whatsoever to be placed on the Facilty without Idaho Power's prior written consent. which consent wil not be unreasonably withheld. If any unpermtted lien or encumbrance is placed on the Facilty. Seller wil provide . 1 - PS265 ,'" ~'! l! .r-"..~ Idaho Power with a bondt insurance or other security acceptable to Idaho Power in an amount suffcient to secure the full discharge of such unpermitted lien or encumbrance." 3. PaJ:agraph 13.3.2 - is changed to read: ''If Idaho Power determies that curtn~ inteJ:uption or reducton of Net Firm Energy deliveries is necessar because of line constructon or mantenance requirementst emergencies, operat_ng conditions on its system, or as otherwise required by Prudent Electrica Practces. I~ for reasons other than an event of force majeure, Idaho Power requiJ:es such a curaiimen~ interruption or reduction of Net Firm Energy deliveries for a period that exceeds twenty (20) consecutive dayst beginning with the twenty-first day of such interruption, cuilent or reduction, Seller wil be deemed to be delivering Net Firm Energy at a rate determined by dividing the seasonal Net Firm Energy amount specified in paragraph 6.2 for the season in which the interruption or curtailment occurs by the numer of hours in that season. Idaho Power shall be obligated to mae payments in accordance with this Agreement for Net Firm Energy so calculated for the remainder of any such curtlment period. Idaho Power wil notify Seller when the interruption, curtilment or reduction is terminated." 4. Paragraph 14.2.4 is changed to read: ''Business Interruption (Loss ofIncome) Insurance with minimum daily limits not less than seventy-five percent (75%) of the Facilty's estimated gross daily electrical revenue or one hundred percent (100%) of annual business income (i.e., profit before income taxes, debt service and continuing operating expenses) whichever is greater and total policy limits not less than twenty percent (20%) of the Facility's estimated gross annual revenue from the sale of electrical energy or one hundred percent (100%) of the annual business income (as described above) for a period of up to twelve (12) months, whichever is greater," 5. Paragraph 14.2.4(c) is changed to read: "The deductible for this insurance coverage shall not exceed thirty (30) days gross daily revenues from the sale of electrical energy." 6. Article XV (4) is changed to read: "Seller's obligation under paragraph 21.3 to pay liquidated damges as a result of a permanent curtailment will not be excused even if the permaent curtailment arises out of an event of force majeure." - 2- PS266 " , ~/--/,, 7. Paragraph 21.2 De£ault is changed to read: Default - If either Part fa to perform any of the term or conditions of this Agreement, (an "event of default") the nondefaulting Party shall cause notice in writing to be given to the defaulting Par, specifing the maner in which such default occurred. If the defaulting Part shall fai to cure such default within the sixty (60) days afer servce of such notice, or if the defaulting Pary reasonably demonstates to the other Par that the default ca be cured within a commercially reasonable time but not within such six (60) day period, and if the defaulting Pary does not commence such cure within the sixt (60) day period and continue to dilgently pursue such cure, then, the nondefaulting Part may pursue its legal or equitable remedies. 8. Paragraph 21.4.2 Debt Service Reserve Account - (a) is changed to read: Debt Service Reserve Account - (a) During the period of time in which the Facilty acts as security for a first mortgage lien which is senior to Idaho Power's security interest in the Facilty as described in paragraph 4.1.8 above, Seller shall mantain a debt service reserve account containing cash in an amount equal to fifty percent (50%) of the Faciltys estimated Annual Debt Service rounded to the nearest $1,000. With Idaho Power's consent, this debt servce reserve account may be coordinated with any debt service reserve account required by Seller's first mortage lender to avoid duplication of accounts. 9. Paragraph 21.4.3 is changed to read: In lieu of establishing and funding the above-described d~bt service reserve account, with Idaho Power's prior written consent Seller may substitute irrevocable standby letter(s) of credit, book entry certificate(s) of deposit or other security instrunient(s) acceptable to Idaho Power. During the period when the Facilty is security for a first mortgage lien that is senior to Idaho Power's lien, the Seller may, in lieu of establishing and funding the above-described debt service reserve account, substitute Debt Service Loan(s) as such term is defined in Section 2.1(c) of the Credit Agreement and Idaho Power and the first mortgage lender wil be joint beneficiaries of the security instrument(s). When Idaho Power's security interest is the senior security interest in the Facilty, Idaho Power wil be the sole beneficiary of the security instrument(s) acceptable to Idaho Power. - 3 . PS267 . ~. l " , "".,,~, 10. ARTICLE XXI: NOTICES Notices are amended to read as follows: "To Seller:Toronto Domion (Texas) Inc Attn: Manager, Agency 909 Fannin, Suite 1700 Houst~ TX 77010 To Idaho Power:Vice President, Bul Power Markets Idao Power Company POBox70 Boise, ID 83707" 11. Appendix B to this Agreement is deleted in its entirety and the following is substituted in its place: "APPENDIXB SPECIA FACILITIES, POINT OF DELIVRY, METERING, AN OPERATION DATE PROJECT NO 21765151 MAGIC WEST COGENERATION PROJECT B-1 DESCRIPTION OF FACILITY The Seller's electrical Facilty is described as a natural gas fired turbine synchronous generator package with total net rating of less than 10 MW net at 12,470 volts, three phase, 60 Hz. B-2 LOCATION OF FACILITY The Facilty is located in the SE Quarter of Section 29, Township 5 South, Range 10 East, Boise Meridian, Elmore County, at the Magic West, Inc potato processing facilty in Glenns Ferry, Idaho. B-3 SCHEDULED OPERATION DATE Seller has selectd March 7, 1996, as the Scheduled Operation Date and February 5, 1996, as the First Energy Date. In making these selections, Seller recognizes that to allow for adequate testing of the Facilty's degree of completion and reliabilty, it must achieve its First Energy Date at least thi (30) days prior to the Operation Date. Idaho Power, based on the information supplied by Seller, wil schedule its construction so that all Special Facilties, Disconnection Equipment and Metering Equipment wil be completed in time so as not to delay Seller's achieving the First Energy Date. However. if Seller fails to pay the costs specified in B-ll below at the time specified therein, or materially changes the specifications or design of the Facìlty or Seller- furnished Interconnection Facilties from what was previously provided to - 4- PS268 ~,:. ',r .~\ Idaho Power, Idaho Power may be required to reschedule its construction of these facilties which could adversely impact Sellerls abilty to achieve its scheduled First Energy Date. B-4 FAIURE TO ACHI OPERATION DATE If Seller ha not achieved the Operation Date within eleven (11) months of the Scheduled Operation Date, such failure shall be deemed to be an event of default pursuant to Aricle XX. B-5 POINT OF DELIVRY The Point of Delivery of energy from the Seller to Idaho Power wil be the 12.47 kV bushings on the Idaho Power side of the Sellerls transformer. The 10,000 kVA transformer wil be owned and maintained by the Seller. The transformer connection wil be 12.47 kV Grounded Wye I 12.47 kV Delta. B-6 LOSSES The metering point and the Point of Delivery of energy are at the same location, so no adjustment to energy for losses wil be necessary. B-7 METERING AN TELEMETRY The Metering Equipment, wil be on the Idaho ~ower side of the Seller's transformer. Idaho Power provided metering equipment wil consist of: current and potential transformers, a meter enclosure, an electronic bi- directional meter for measuring net generation, an isolation relay, transducer, communication equipment, and all meter wiring. Seller will arrange for and make available at Seller's cost, a telephone circuit dedicated to Idaho Power's use termnating in an RJ-ll receptacle to be used for load profiling. At Seller's cost, Idaho Power wil arrange for a second telephone circuit dedicated to Idaho Power's communication equipment for continuous telemetering of the project's kilowatt output to Idaho Power's Designated Dispatch Facilty. The meter wil register kilowatt-hours and kilowatts of demand. Idaho Power provided meter and conuunication equipment wil be owned aid maintained by Idaho Power with total cost of purchase, installation, operation and mantenance, including administrative cost to be reimbursed to Idaho Power by the Seller. B-8 SPECIAL FACILITIES The construction of a substation breaker, with associated buss, relaying, control equipment and 138 kV PT's for fault detection, and a 3 phase 12.47 kV dedicated distribution line including all appropriate poles, crossar, cond~ctor, and disconnects and other associated hardware wil be supplied and mantained by Idaho Power. The total cost of these facilties wil be reimbursed to Idaho Power by the Seller. - 5 - PS269 \ ~t"',~ .. RECTIV POWER The Seller shal operate the synchronous generators within plus or iinus õ% of unity power factor, or as listed in Appendix A. B-I0 DISCONNECTION EQUIPMENT B-9 Disconnection Equipment is required to insure that the Seller's Facilty wil be disconnected from Idaho Power's system in the event of a disturbance on either Idaho Power's system or the Seller's Facilty. Ths equipment is Cor the , protecton ofIdaho Power's equipment only and wil be located at the Point of. . Delivery. Idaho Power wil provide and instll a thee phase pole mounted 15 kV oil switch to be used as a breaker, the disconnection panel which includes the relays and associated logic, a pole mounted transformer ban for ground fault detecton, and a pole with three single phase safety switches which wil also be for the connection of Seller's conductor at the Point oCDelivery. Seller wiU supply and install conduit and cable connecting CT's on the Seller's transformer to the disconnecting paneL. Idaho Power wil supply details for the disconnection panel and wil connect and test the equipment prior to operation of the facilty. Seller wil provide drawings of their interconnection wiring for engineering approval before installation. The total cost of the disconnection equipment, installation, connection and testing will be reimbursed to Idaho Power by the Seller. B-ll COSTS The total cost or the substation Special Facilties is $157,000. The total cost of the distribution line Special Facilties is $16,700. The total cost of the Metering Equipment is $10,800. The total cost of the communication equipment is $8,500. In addition, there wil be a monthly -charge for the communication circuit lease cost associated with the telemetry equipment. The ..- communications circuit lease is $320.00 per month as of the date oC this Agreement. Seller recogniz.es that the monthly communications circuit charge may be adjusted by Idaho Power as the cost to Idaho Power is adjusted by the owner of the co~unications circuit. The total cost of the Disconnecting Equipment is $41,600. The total cost to be paid by the Seller is $234,600. This represents the amount that wil be charged by Idaho Power if the Seller maes the payment on or before December II, 1995. If the Selle~ does not make this payment by the specified date, the costs wil be subject to update. Idaho Power wil not schedule construction or order Special Facilties which are not ordinarily maintained in Idaho Power's inventory until payment has been made. In addition to the installation and construction charges above, during the térm of the agreement Seller wil pay Idaho Power the operation and - 6 - PS270 -' . .. ,C~"/--\ mantenance charge specied in Schedui~ 72 INTRCONNECTIONS TO NON- UTILITY GENERATION or its successor schedules(s). The tota cost shown above is an estimte calculated on the basis of average costs. When the act total cost is determined, Idaho Power wil adjust the tota cost amount to reflect the actual tota cost incurred by Idaho Power. Beginning with the month of this adjustment, the operation and mantenance charges wil also be adjusted. When the act tota cost is known, within six (60) days Idaho Power wil refund any overpayment or Seller wil remit any underpayment. B-12 SALVAGE No later than sixty (60) days afr the termnation or expiration of this Agreement, Idaho Power wil prepare and forward to Seller an estimate olthe remaining value of those Idaho Power furnished Interconnection Facilties described in this Appendix, less the cost of removal and transfer to Idaho Power's nearest warehouse. if the Interconnection Facilties will be removed. If Seller elects not to retain ownership of the Interconnection Facilties but instead wishes that Idaho Power purchase such facilities from Seller at the net salvage value, Idaho Power may then be invoiced by Seller for the net salvage value estimated by Idaho Power for the interconnection faciUties and shal pay said amount to Seller within thirty (30) days after receipt of said invoice. Seller shall have the right to offset the invoice amunt against any present or future payments due Idaho Power." - 7 - PS271 . ., " .. ./"./~\ 12. Appendix C - Lump Sum Refund Payent for Permnent Curtailmnt is deleted in its entirety and (ollowing substituted in its place. "APPENDIX C LUM SUM REFUND PAYMNT FOR PERMANT CURTAILMENT OF PORTION OR ALL OF ANAL NET ENERGY AMOUN UNDER 20-YE CONTRACT Contract Year of DollasCuraientPer Anual Comnencement Megawatt Hour 1 32 2 46 3 59 4 72 5 85 6 96 7 107 8 116 9 124 10 130 11 134 12 135 13 134 14 130 15 121 16 109 17 91 18 68 19 38 20 19 13. Except as modified by this Second Amendment, all other pars of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. - 8- PS272 ,= .' ~. l ..,0...--., IN WITNESS WHREOF, the Parties hereto have executed ths Amendment as of the day and year herein writtn. :~~Vice President, Bulk Power MarketsDate I~. GLENNS FERRY COGENERATION PARTNERS, LTD By'fYWJ '1 !2iY.lJirr~ Its i PI!.ESIOc/JT I L'i (:-ri 1..&. i JDate __ " .9- PS273 : ~r.. .' ¡_.. ~~ /~ .'STATE OF IDAHO ) ) S8County of Ada. ) On this.l day of s\1Al.. . 19.K before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, personaly appeared Jan B Packwood, personally known, who being duly sworn, did say that he is the Vice President, Bulk Power Markets of the corporation that executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the sam as a tree act and deed, IN WITNESS WHREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and afxed my offcial seal, the day and year in this certificate first above written. (NOTARIA SEA) ~.L.~Notay~liC for:Jho Residing at: ~ ¡ It),?" My Commssion Expires ~ JI, /99'1 STATE OF Ni/,'v ~I( ) V, ) S8County of New,o£/(. ) On this )Uii day of !:; l' t" c- ¿ -I , 19 1 j , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, personally appeared Il/At/( ¿ Ft"'t-NI/.iw!tt ,personally known, who being duly sworn, did say that he is the individual who executed the within instrument,f 'and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as a free act and deed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and afiied my offcial seal, the day and year in this certificate first above writtn. '" . l-t Uk- (NOTAPIA SEA) No try Public for NEw "'C.£t. Residing at: rvwi/¡:ic l My Commssion E . ires PETER J. FELTMANNotar Public, Stale of Ne YorkNo. 31-48281QualIfied In New York Conty .j 4Commssion expires June 22. 189r. . , Pl: ~ . 10- PS274 EXHIBITH c../:. -- .:~.. ,r"...-, BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) RUPERT AND GLENNS FERRY COGENERA- ) CASE NO. IPC.E-95-19 TION PARTNERS FOR AN ORDER ) APPROVIG AMENDMENTS TO POWER )SALES AGREEMENTS ) MINUTE ENTRY ) On December 19, 1995. Rupert Cogeneraon Parers Ltd. (Rupert) and Glenns Ferr Cogeneron Parers Ltd. (Glenn Ferr) tied an Applicaon with the Idao Public Utities Commssion (Commssion) requesting Commsion approval of proposed fit and second amendments to the repectve Fin Energy Sales Agrement(s) of Rupert and Glenns Fer with Idaho Power Company. The executed amendments were fied with the Commission on Januar 3. 1996 (atthed). Rupert Cogeneration Parers Ltd. is the developer of a natu gas cogeneraon project (approxily 10 MW) adjacent to the Magic Valey Foods. Inc. potao processing facilty in Rupert, Idaho. The estimated annua net fi energy production is 83,220,000 kWh. The Agrement dated June 25, 1993. provides for levelized ra over a 20 year contrct term. Reference Case No. IPC-E-93-15, Order No. 25050. The scheduled operaon dat is Janua i. 1996. Glenn Ferr Cogeneration Parers Ltd. is the developer of a na gas cogeneron project (approximately 10 MW) at the Magic West Pota Processing Faciity in Glenns Ferr, Idao. The estimated annual net fum energy producton is 83,220.000 kWh. The. Agment dated December 9, 1992, provides for levelized rate over a 20-year contrt term. Reference Case No. IP-E-92-32, Order No. 24674. Scheduled operation da puruant to Firt Amendment is Januar i, 1996. Reference Case No. IPC-E-94-7. Order No. 25505. The submittd amendments make the following changes: Aricle 4.1.8 Security Interests (Rupert) 'J The first mortgage lien amount is increed frm $15 miionto $17 millon. . ei The term "encumbrace" is furter dermed. MI ENY -,1 - PS437 /! ..( 'w r',,r", . Arcle 4.1.8 Security Interest (Glenn Ferr) , The fit mortage lien amount is incrased frm $15 miion to $17 millon. , The term "encumbrce" is fuer defied. Arcle 13.3 Ener Acceptace , 13.3.2 Idao Power's obligatons in the event of curent ar fuer defied. Arcle 14.2 Insurce , 14.2.4 Alteratie laguage added regardig business interrption (loss of income) inurce. , 14.2.4(c) Amount of authorized deductble increased frm ten days to thir days grss daily revenues from sale of electrca energ. Arcle 16 Force Majeure , 16.4 Language added to clafy that obligation to pay ljquidated damages as a result of permanent curent wil not be excused even if the perment curtlment arses out of an event of force majeure. Arcle 21 Disputes and Default , 21.2 Amended to permit cur of default "with a commerialy reasonable tie," , 21.4.2 Debt Service Reserve Account requirement amount changed from 20% of the facilty's estimated grss revenue frm net fi ener- sales for the firs contrct year to 50% oftle facilty's estimated anua debt service. , 21.4.3 Amended to permit seller, with Company approval, to substitute Debt Servce Loan in lieu of Debt Service Reserve Account. Aricle 27 Notices Notice Requirement of Seller Amended. Agreement AppendiA-B, Special Facilties, Point of Delivery, Metering and Operation Date Deleted in its entirety and substitute language submitted. MI ENRY - 2 - PS438 . .,¡i;t ~'(~.,..--'./ '\ Schedued operon da extended to March 7. 1996. Agrment Appendix C. Lum Sum Refud Payment for Penn anent Cuent (Glenns Ferr' ony) Deleted in its entity and sutitute laguge submitt. Refud Payment Amount adjust for chage in scheduled operaon date. The negotited changes and amendments to the respective underlyig Fin Energy Sales Agrements of Ruper and Glenns Ferr in Ca No. IPC-E-9S-19 have been revrewed and considered by the Commsion as a regul"'-sheduled item on its Janua 8. 1996 decsion agènda. It is the Comnssion' s fidig that the proposed changes do not matenaly afect the nsk to the Company or its customers and that the amendment(s) ar reaonable and should be approved. The Commsion contiues to fid that al cost incud by Idao Power related to the Fir Energ Sales Agrments should be alowed as prudently incUI expenses for ratemakg pmposes. DATE at Boise. Idaho ths 8 th day of Janua 1996. k~æl1¿..~~ RÅÑÊLSON. PRESIDEN..o'~, J/~ MARSHA H. SMITH. COMMSSIONER Commissioner Hansen was out of the office on this date. DENNS S. HASEN. COMMSIONER ATTST: ~~~.r2~-_. Myiia J. W~tersCommssion Secretar L blsC-ipce9S 19.me MI'I ENTY - 3 - .~ PS439 EXHIBIT I /orders/21953.0RD/21800.wp (3 hits) BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE INVESTIGATION ) ON THE COMMISSION'S OWN MOTION OF )CASE NO. U-I006-292 REASONABLE TERMS FOR SECURITY IN ) AGREEMENTS BETWEEN IDAHO POWER -- SMALL POWER PRODUCERS. ) ) ) ) COMPAN AND COGENERATORS AND On Februar 1, 1988, Utah Power & Light Company (U&L) filed a Petition with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (Commission) requesting clarfication and reconsideration of Order No. 21690 issued Januar 11, 1988 in Case No. U-1006-292. That Order required qualifyng cogenerators and small power producers (CSPPs) to provide Commission approved forms of liquid securty and/or risk mitigation in the amount of the computed overpayment liability that occurs with levelized rates in CSPP power purchase contracts. Although characterized as a Petition for Reconsideration, the Petition fails to comply with the requirements of Petitions for Reconsideration as set forth in Rule 33.1(a) ofthe Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure: Petitions for Reconsideration must set forth specifically the ground or grounds why the petitioner contends that the Order or Rule is uneasonable, unlawful, erroneous or not in conformity with the law, and a statement of the nature and quantity of evidence or arguent the petitioner wil offer if reconsideration is granted. from failing to comply with procedural requirements, a simple reading ofthe Petition reveals that petitioner is asking for nothing more than clarfication. We therefore characterize UP&L's Petition as one for clarfication only under Rule 32.4 and not one for reconsideration as defined in Rule 33. UP&L suggests that the Commission leaves many questions unanswered regarding implementation. UP&L's concerns can be best addressed in the order of their presentation. I. GENERA CONCERNS (UP&L) UP&L states that although Order No. 21690 requires CSPPs to comply with certain risk reducing factors or, in the alternative, to post up to 100% liquid securty... the Order does not address the consequences of a CSPP's failure to comply with the risk reducing factors. Using that statement as a springboard, the Company then poses the following questions: o Is the utilty's only remedy to force the CSPP to post the appropriate percentage of liquid securty through a breach of contract or a similar action? o Wil the utilty be allowed to stop paying the CSPP for energy (or refuse to receive any more energy) until the CSPP posts adequate securty? o Wil the CSPP be considered to be in breach of contract thus allowing the utiity to terminate the Power Purchase Agreement? o Who has the burden of "discovering" that the CSPP is or is not in compliance with the risk reducing factors? o What are the consequences to a utility (and its customers and shareholders) that does not "discover" noncompliance? response: Order No. 21690 unequivocably states that failure to establish and maintain adequate required liquid securty is a breach of contract. Failure to maintain the terms and conditions of risk mitigation factors results in an immediate revocation of the related percentage reduction in liquid securty requirement. Failure to establish and maintain the resulting new level of liquid overpayment securty constitutes a breach of contract. As a general rule, the rights of the paries in the event of default or breach of contract are set out with some specificity in the Power Purchase Contract. Those rights are appropriately determined by negotiation between the paries and, although subject to review and approval of the Commission, should not be dictated by the Commission. A Power Purchase Contract establishes attendant rights and obligations between the contracting parties. The Commission is not a contract signator. Accordingly, contracting and contract enforcement, administration and monitorig are the responsibility of the utility, not the Commission. It is not the fuction of the Commission to assume that responsibility nor determine in advance what constitutes prudent management. The Company canot divorce itself from the contractual responsibility attendant to implementation of a federally mandated requirement of purchase. II. SPECIFIC CONCERNS (UP&L) A. Liquid Security Cash Escrow To the extent that the computed liquid amount of overpayment liabilty is not reduced by application of the identified risk reducing factors the Commission requires a CSPP to post and maintain the resulting level ofliquid overpayment securty. UP&L seeks clarfication on the following issues related to the liquid securty cash escrow account: o Who is to choose the escrow account holder? o When can cash be withdrawn from the escrow account and by whom? o Who wil pay taxes on the interest eared by the fuds? o Who wil decide disputes regarding the escrow fuds? o Is UP &L entitled to an Aricle IX securty interest in the liquid securty escrow fuds? Response: The identified issues are an appropriate subject for negotiation between the contracting paries. It is clearly the intent of the Order that the security escrow must be maintained at the required level at all times. Income taxes are normally the responsibility of the pary receiving income. Except at project default, it is envisioned that the escrow wil belong to the CSPP. It follows that the CSPP should be responsible for the payment of income taxes on interest accruing to the escrow fud. IRS Code Section 51 ir1510. Contract disputes and interpretation in the event of alleged default or breach are normally appropriate for judicial determination, not Commission determination. B. Basic Insurance Order No. 21690 defines essential types of "adequate basic business insurance" and establishes minimum levels for coverage to qualify for a related reduction in liquid securty requirement. UP&L seeks clarfication on the following issues related to the five identified types of basic business insurance: o Are the utilty and Commission entitled to a notice of cancellation or a notice of change of policy limits directly from the insurance company rather than rely on the CSPP for notice? o Wil the utility be added to the insurance policies as an additional insured with regards to the utility's interests? o Is the utility entitled to pay for the basic insurance if the CSPP fails to do so, and deduct the costs from such insurance premium from payments made to the CSPP? o Are the Commission and the utility entitled or expected to review the insurance policies issued to the CSPP to verify compliance with the insurance requirements of the Order? o Who decides if the insurance companies issuing the policies are reputable companes capable of handling the risks assumed? Response: The identified issues are an appropriate subject for negotiation between the contracting paries. While it is the fuction of the Commission to identify essential elements that should be addressed and included in Power Purchase Contracts, it is not appropriate that the Commission draft or define contract terms with any greater specificity, nor is it the fuction of the Commission to monitor compliance or to devise fuher standards and a mechanism for doing so. C. Engineering Certifcation UP&L seeks Commission clarfication that certification as to the adequacy ofthe QF design, construction and O&M must be performed by an independent registered professional engineer to qualify for the related percentage reduction and liquid securty required to be posted. Commission response: It is clearly the intent of the Commission that all certification be performed by independent registered professional engineers. The logistics related to the certification process are an appropriate subject for negotiation between the contracting paries. D. Maintenance Escrow As an approved method of risk mitigation for related percentage reduction in liquid securty requirement, the Commission has established minimum guidelines for a maintenance escrow to provide a fud for maintenance and repair to the physical plant. UP&L seeks clarfication on the following issues related to the maintenance escrow: o If initial generation of a CSPP project occurs on or soon after March 2 of a given year, is the CSPP relieved of placing fuds in the escrow account until March 1 of the following year? o Who is to audit O&M expenses? o Who is to give evidence to whom that the required amount was placed in the escrow account? o Does the utility have input in the decision whether to release the funds from the escrow account? o Is the liquid securty escrow account to be maintained separately from the maintenance account? o To whom wil escrow fuds be released? The Commission response: It is the Commission's intent that the maintenance escrow be fuded only after the first full year of operation. This allows the escrow to be fuded out of operating revenue or cash flow, rather than investment capitaL. The remaining questions or identified issues are an appropriate subject for negotiation between the contracting parties. It is assumed that the contracting paries are acting in good faith. The utility should reconsider whether it wants to involve itself in QF decisions regarding the timing or need for maintenance and repair. The utility should also be mindful ofthe ramifications and preclusive effect of Section 21O(e)(1) ofthe Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 regarding exemption of qualifyng CSPPs from traditional utilty-type cost of service regulation or respecting the financial or organzational regulation of such facilities. E. Lien Rights Order No. 21690 establishes the granting of "adequate lien rights" as an approved method of risk mitigation for the qualifyng facility (QF) to reduce the level or required amount ofliquid overpayment securty. The Commission found that "The cost of administering reasonably wrtten liens wil not substantially burden the utilities and that QFs shall not be required to pay a fee to the utilties." UP &L contends that "The cost of administering the lien rights and other aspects of the order wil be tremendous. . . and that if done properly it wil require constant attention from (UP&L's) planing deparent, risk management deparent, legal deparent and other deparents." UP&L recommends that the cost be borne by the CSPPs. Commission response: UP&L's assertion that the costs attendant to administering its power purchase contracts wil be "tremendous" is unsupported and speculative. It is expected that reasonable administrative costs wil be incured by the utility. Washington Water Power, in comments of record, relates that it has had extensive experience with CSPP liens and considers them simple to administer. We trust that UP&L wil engage in economic and prudent administration of its power purchase contracts. F. "K" Factor UP&L states that it is confused by the Commission's explanation ofthe "K" factor in Order No. 21690 and does not understand why the Commission subtracted "1" from the raised value. Commission response: The "K" factor is a model that mathematically represents risk increasing with time. It should be obvious that there is no risk associated with a contract of zero-length. Hence, "K" ought to be zero for contract length zero, but: ifK = (1 + d)n, (where contract length = n and discount rate = d) then at n = 0, K = (1 + d)O = 1.0 therefore, to meet the logical restraint that K = 0 at n = 0, K is defined as ((1 + d)n - 1) therefore, K = (1 + d)O - 1 = 1 - 1 = 0 at n = 0 CONCLUSIONS OF LAW I The Idaho Public Utilities Commission has jursdiction over Idaho Power Company, The Washington Water Power Company, Utah Power & Light Company and Pacific Power & Light Company pursuant to the authority and power granted it under Title 61 of the Idaho Code, and the Rules of Practice and Procedure of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, IDAPA 31.A. II The Idaho Public Utilities Commission has authority under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PUR A) and implementing regulations ofthe Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to set avoided costs, to order electric utilities to enter into fixed term obligations to purchase energy from qualifying cogeneration and small power production facilities, and to implement FERC rules. PURA §§21O, 210A, 21OF, 16 U.S.C.A. §§824-a-3, 824-a-3(a), (f); Afton Energy, Inc. v. Idaho Power Company, 107 Idaho 781, 693 P.2d 427. OR DE R In consideration of the foregoing IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the Petition for Reconsideration fied by Utah Power & Light Company in Case No. U-1006-292 be dismissed for failure to comply with the requirements ofIDAP A 31.A.33.1(a). IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that said Petition be characterized as a Petition for Clarfication under IDAP A 31.A.32.4. IT is FUTHER ORDERED that the Petition for Clarfication ofUP&L be granted and answered as set forth above. We find ourselves unable to answer UP&L's concerns more fully in the absence of a paricular case or more specific facts being presented to us. THIS is A FINAL ORDER. Any person interested in this Order (or in issues fially decided by this Order) may petition for reconsideration within twenty-one (21) days of the service date of this Order. Within seven (7) days after any person has petitioned for reconsideration, any other person may cross-petition for reconsideration. See Idaho Code §61-626. IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise, Idaho, this March, 1988. day of DEAN J. MILLER, PRESIDENT PERRY SWISHER, COMMISSIONER RAPH NELSON, COMMISSIONER ATTEST: MYAJ. VVALTERS, SECRETARY SW:vs/817L Filename: E:\Common\UT _ ORD\21953.0RD\21800.wp dtSearch 6.03 (6079)