HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090501final_order_no_30790.pdfOffice of the Secretary Service Date May 1 , 2009 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPROPRIATE DISPOSITION OF IDAHO POWER COMP ANY'S SULFUR DIOXIDE EMISSION ALLOWANCES FOR 2008 AND 2009 CASE NOS. IPC-08- IPC- E-09- ORDER NO. 30790 On March 18, 2009, Idaho Power Company filed a report disclosing that the Company recently recorded the sale of surplus sulfur dioxide (S02) emission allowances. The Company reported that it either sold or entered into contracts for the sale of 16 500 S02 allowances. After deducting its brokerage fees of $4 125 , Idaho Power anticipates booking S02 proceeds of$2 341 375. The Company s report also notes that during calendar year 2008, it sold 000 S02 allowances. After deducting brokerage fees, the Company reported net S02 revenues in 2008 of$2 958 500. See Case No. IPC-08-14 (report filed July 24 2008). On March 27, 2009, the Commission issued a Notice of Modified Procedure requesting written comments on the appropriate disposition and ratemaking treatment of the reported S02 revenues.Order No. 30761.The Commission received four comments in response to its Notice. After reviewing the report and the comments, the Commission finds that these S02 revenues should be included in the Company s annual Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) case. BACKGROUND Title IV of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 establishes a national program for the reduction of acid rain. 42 US.C. ~~ 7651 et seq. The centerpiece of the acid rain program is the incentive- or market-based "cap and trade" S02 program. Under the cap and trade program the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EP A) sets a cap or ceiling on the total amount of S02 emissions allowed nationwide. Based upon this cap, EP A allocates a certain number of S02 emission allowances to thermal power plant owners. Each allowance, or credit, provides authority to emit one ton of S02. Idaho Power has an ownership interest in three thermal power plants in the west: Jim Bridger, North Valmy, and Boardman. A thermal power plant owner must hold sufficient allowances each year to cover its actual S02 emissions. A power plant owner that does not possess sufficient allowances to cover ORDER NO. 30790 its annual emissions must purchase additional allowances or it is automatically fined and must surrender future-year allowances to cover the shortfall. A power plant owner holding surplus S02 allowances in a given year may retain the allowances or sell them. S02 allowances are fully marketable commodities and can be traded on the open market or in special EP A-sponsored auctions. Id. Idaho Power s report merely notes that the Company has accrued S02 credits but does not recommend a particular disposition or ratemaking treatment for the funds. Staff recommended that the Commission initiate a docket to determine the appropriate disposition of the 2008 and 2009 (thus far) S02 credits. In past cases, S02 proceeds have been included in the Company s annual Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) case. See Order Nos. 30041 and 30529. In Order No. 30760 issued March 27, 2009, the Commission authorized $500 000 (with interest) in S02 proceeds to fund a two-year energy education program. ACCOUNTING ADJUSTMENTS In its report, Idaho Power proposes that the "same 90/1 0 percent sharing of benefits be utilized to allocate the proceeds from the sale of S02 allowances booked during 2008 and in January 2009. Report at ~ 7. The Company recognizes that subsequent S02 sales will be subject to the new 95/5 percent sharing methodology consistent with the parties' stipulation approved by the Commission in Order No. 30715 (Case No. IPC-08-19). In addition to the change in sharing methodology, Idaho Power also asserts that the jurisdictional allocations were adjusted in the Company s recent rate case Order No. 30722. In particular, Idaho s jurisdictional percentage increased from 94.70% to 94.79%. Id. THE COMMENTS 1. Public Comments. The Commission received two customer comments in response to its Notice. One customer recommended that the Commission set aside at least $500 000 per year from the sale of S02 credits to further energy education. In addition to energy education programs, the customer urged the Commission to consider allocating some of the S02 revenues for conservation and residential weatherization programs designed to assist low-income and senior homeowners. The other customer also suggested that a percentage of the S02 revenues be used for energy education. 2. Idaho Energy Education Project (JEEP). The JEEP suggested that some of the monies from the sales of S02 credits "be invested in energy education or some other form that ORDER NO. 30790 enhances energy efficiency and conservation.More specifically, IEEP recommended the Commission consider using a percentage of S02 proceeds equal to that amount in the energy education project in Case No. IPC-08-11. This amount would then be set aside in an account similar to the telephone trust funds" to promote energy education following completion of the two-year pilot program in the 08-11 case. 3. Commission Staff. The Staff stated it verified that the S02 sales transactions were booked accurately. Staff also calculated that the S02 proceeds have accrued interest through March 31 , 2009, in the amount of $47 578 ($43 983 for 2008 sales and $3 595 for 2009 sales). Staff Comments at 2. Interest would continue to accrue until the funds are dispersed. Id. Staff recommended that the proceeds from the sale of S02 allowances be used to offset costs in Idaho Power s Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) case this year. Staff noted that the PCA costs through the end of March 2009 were estimated to be nearly $200 million. Id. at 3. Staff further noted that "Passing the customers' share of funds through the PCA will reduce the current PCA cost subject to recovery and (also) mitigate the impact of what will likely be a very large (PCA) surcharge for 2009.Id. Given the Commission s recent Order No. 30760 allocating $500 000 of S02 proceeds to fund the energy education program, Staff believed that the current S02 proceeds should be fully applied to the PCA rather than reserving a portion for energy education programs. Consequently, Staff recommended that the S02 proceeds of 347 453 ($5 299 875 plus interest of $47 578 as of March 31 2009) be included in this year PCA. Id. at 4. DISCUSSION AND FINDINGS After reviewing the S02 report and the comments filed in response to our Notice, the Commission fmds it appropriate to use the S02 emission allowance proceeds to offset this year PCA balance. We decline the customers ' and JEEP's suggestion that a portion of the S02 proceeds be reserved for another energy education project. As the Staff observed, the Commission recently funded a two-year energy education proposal with more than $500 000 in S02 proceeds. The education proposal is set to begin at the start of the 2009 school year this September. We believe it is not appropriate to set aside additional S02 proceeds for energy education until the two-year pilot project has been evaluated. Consequently, we decline to set aside a portion of the current S02 proceeds before the pilot program has even started. ORDER NO. 30790 We agree with the Commission Staff that the best use of these S02 proceeds and the accumulated interest is to offset the proposed increase in the PCA rates. The S02 funds will provide an immediate benefit to all customers. Consequently, we direct that the proceeds of the S02 sales on a system basis of $5 347 453 ($5 299 875 plus interest of $47 578 as of March 31 2009) be used to offset Idaho Power s PCA deferral balance. Interest shall continue to accumulate until the S02 funds are dispersed. ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the $5 347 453 ($5 299 875 plus accrued interest of $47 578 as of March 31 2009) be used to offset the Company s PCA deferral balance this year. The S02 proceeds shall continue to accrue interest until dispersed. THIS IS A FINAL ORDER. Any person interested in this Order (or in issues finally decided by this Order) or in interlocutory Orders previously issued in these Case Nos. IPC-08- 14 and IPC-09-08 may petition for reconsideration within twenty-one (21) days of the service date of this Order with regard to any matter decided in this Order or in interlocutory Orders previously issued in these cases. Within seven (7) days after any person has petitioned for reconsideration, any other person may cross-petition for reconsideration. See Idaho Code ~ 61- 626. ORDER NO. 30790 DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise, Idaho this 30-;-J.. day of April 2009. ;./. 11 TON PRE ENT MARSHA H. SMITH, COMMISSIONER ATTEST: D. Jewel Commission Secretary bls/O:IPC-08-14 IPC-09-08 dh2 ORDER NO. 30790