HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080617Application.pdf~IDA""POR~ t:..n An IDACORP Company BARTON L. KLINE Senior Attorney June 16,2008 VIA HAND DELIVERY Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Re: Case No. IPC-E-08-13 In the Matter of Idaho Power Company's Application for an Accounting Order Authorizing the Inclusion of Power Supply Expenses Associated with the Purchase of Capacity and Energy From PPL EnergyPlus, LLC, in the Power Cost Adjustment Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed please find for filing an original and seven (7) copies of Idaho Power's Application and Request for Expedited Consideration in the above matter. In addition, enclosed are an original and eight (8) copies of the testimony and exhibits of Karl Bokenkamp that are being submitted in support of Idaho Power's enclosed filing. One copy of the testimony has been designated as the "Reporter's Copy." Also, a CD containing Mr. Bokenkamp's testimony in Word format has been labeled and enclosed for the reporter. Finally, I would appreciate it if you would return a stamped copy of this letter for my file in the enclosed stamped, self-addressed envelope.ve(r~ Barton L. Kline BLK:csb Enclosures P.O. Box 70 (83707) 1221 W. Idaho St. Boise, ID 83702 BARTON L. KLINE (ISB No. 1526) DONOVAN E. WALKER (ISB No. 5921) Idaho Power Company P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Telephone: 208-388-5317 Facsimile: 208-338-6936 bkline((idahopower.com dwalker((idahopower.com O.f";"..~ £ ....~ t..,-, ¡"..,. i_. "".:.:,I zonB JUN 1 6 PH 1,: 47 Attorneys for Idaho Power Company Street Address for Express Mail: 1221 West Idaho Street Boise, Idaho 83702 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER ) COMPANY'S APPLICATION FOR AN ) CASE NO. IPC-E-08-13 ACCOUNTING ORDER AUTHORIZING ) THE INCLUSION OF POWER SUPPLY ) APPLICATION AND REQUEST FOR EXPENSES ASSOCIATED WITH THE ) EXPEDITED CONSIDERATION PURCHASE OF CAPACITY AND ENERGY ) FROM PPL ENERGYPLUS, LLC, IN THE ) POWER COST ADJUSTMENT. ) Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or the "Company"), pursuant to RP 52, hereby applies to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") for an order (1) approving the Power Purchase Agreement ("PPA") between Idaho Power and PPL EnergyPlus, LLC ("PPL EnergyPlus") and (2) authorizing accounting treatment that allows Idaho Power to include the expenses associated with the PPA in the Company's Power Cost Adjustment. The Company is also requesting that consideration of this Application be expedited by processing it under modified procedure under RP 202. To facilitate APPLICATION AND REQUEST FOR EXPEDITED CONSIDERATION-1 expedited consideration, the direct testimony of Company witness Karl Bokenkamp is filed concurrently with this Application. This Application is based on the following. BACKGROUND 1. In Order No. 29286 issued on July 8, 2003, Case No. IPC-E-03-08, the Commission approved a fixed-term power purchase contract between Idaho Power and PPL Montana, LLC ("PPL Montana Contract"). The PPL Montana Contract allows Idaho Power to purchase power during heavy load hours in the months of June through August of each year for five years, 2004 through 2009. The PPL Montana Contract provides Idaho Power with 83 megawatts per hour of firm capacity and energy during the Company's summer peak-load period. 2. Recognizing that the PPL Montana Contract wil expire at the end of the summer of 2009, in the spring of 2008, the Company issued a Request for Proposals ("RFP") to consider offers for a contract to specifically replace the PPL Montana Contract. PPL EnergyPlus was the successful bidder in the RFP. 3. Idaho Power has successfully negotiated a firm wholesale power agreement with PPL EnergyPlus. A copy of the agreement with PPL EnergyPlus (the "PPA") is enclosed as Attachment NO.1 to this AppHcation and is included as Exhibit No. 1 to the direct testimony of Company witness Karl Bokenkamp, which testimony has been concurrently filed with the Commission in support of this Application. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PPL ENERGYPLUS PPA 4. The PPA provides firm power during the heavy load hours of the months of June, July, and August 2010 and 2011. These are the Company's critical peak hours as identified in the Company's 20061RP. The term of the PPA is two years. APPLICATION AND REQUEST FOR EXPEDITED CONSIDERATION - 2 5. Under the PPA, Idaho Power wil purchase 83 megawatts ("MW") from PPL EnergyPlus ata price of $92.25 per megawatthour ("MWh"). In addition to power costs under the PPA, Idaho Power wil purchase firm monthly transmission service across Northwestern Energy's transmission system to the Jefferson point of delivery. At current rates under Northwestern Energy's Open Access Transmission Tariff, the maximum charge for monthly firm transmission service to Jefferson is $3.42 per kilowatt of reserved capacity per month. Losses are charged at four percent. After consideration of losses and transmission costs, Idaho Power wil incur a total cost of approximately $101 per MWh under the PPA. 6. As consideration for PPL EnergyPlus' agreement to hold the price in the PPA firm during the time it takes for Commission review and approval, Idaho Power has paid PPL EnergyPlus a deposit in the amount of $100,000 that is refundable if this Application is approved by the Commission no later than August 4, 2008. If the PPA does not receive Commission approval by that deadline, the Company wil forfeit the deposit and either part to the PPA may terminate the agreement. ADVANTAGES OF THE PPA 7. The PPA is advantageous because it provides many of the benefits previously associated with the PPL Montana Contract. PPL EnergyPlus, LLC, is the marketing arm of PPL Montana. As a result, it has access to the generating resources owned and operated by PPL Montana. PPL Montana acquired most of the generating assets sold by the Montana Power Company when the state of Montana restructured its electric utility industry several years ago. Consequently, PPL EnergyPlus has access to over 1200 MW of generation capacity located in Montana to supply the PPA. APPLICATION AND REQUEST FOR EXPEDITED CONSIDERATION - 3 8. PPL EnergyPlus' access to generation on the east side of Idaho Power's system and PPL EnergyPlus' investment grade credit rating make the PPA a good resource for the structured power acquisition that the Company needs. 9. In addition, and as described in the direct testimony of Company witness Karl Bokenkamp, the costs associated with this PPA are favorable when compared with alternative resource operations. Moreover, the limited duration of the PPA reduces risk by dovetailing with the Company's ongoing efforts to develop demand management programs that target the Company's summer peak loads and with the Company's planned acquisition of new base load resources in 2012 through its pending request for proposals. SERVICE OF PLEADINGS 10. Service of Pleadings, exhibits, orders, and other documents relating to this proceeding should be served on the following: Barton L. Kline Donovan E. Walker Idaho Power Company P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 bkline((idahopower.com dwalker((idahopower.com John R. Gale Courtney Waites Idaho Power Company P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 rgale((idahopower.com cwaites((idahopower.com MODIFIED PROCEDURE 11. Because of the need for expedited consideration, the Company requests this matter be processed under modified procedure. REQUEST FOR ORDER 12. Idaho Power respectfully requests that the Commission issues its order (1) approving the PPA between Idaho Power and PPL EnergyPlus, LLC, and (2) approving APPLICATION AND REQUEST FOR EXPEDITED CONSIDERATION - 4 Idaho Power's requested accounting treatment for inclusion of the power purchase expenses associated with the PPA in the Power Cost Adjustment as set forth in Mr. Bokenkamp's testimony in support of this Application. ''' DATED at Boise, Idaho, this I (p-- day of June 2008.ß#i~ BARTON L. KLINE Attorney for Idaho Power Company APPLICATION AND REQUEST FOR EXPEDITED CONSIDERATION - 5 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-08-13 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT NO.1 ~'JUN. 3. 2008 3:~IPM 45 Basin Crek Road Butt. MT 59701 (406) 533-nO (406) 5330208 - fax CONFIRMATION NO. ó3J9 P. 2. . j\ ,J. '.. ....IAJ #~~...,;.... PPIE~~'\ .." 'T PPL ~u II t 40ó~33ULU I, . Date: seller: Purchaser:. Agrement: June 2, 2008 PPl EnergyPlus, lLC Idaho Power COmpany i/ WSpp Agreme and Service Scheule C ,/ Prce: Total Priæ: - This Confirmtion is provided to ccnflrm the oral agreent ente into beeen Purchaser and Seller on May 28, 2008; whereby Seller agre to sell and deliver to Purchaser and Purchaser agl' to purchase and recve fmm Seller Firm capacitVlEnergy Sale or Ðcchange Seice, as descibed in WSpp !érvice Scule C ("Firm Energy"), pursant to the fOllOWing terms and mnditons~ Contract Term: Frm the eai1;er of (i) the dat of IPUC approval of the final wrien Confrmation for this trnscton (the "Confirmatonj or (ii) the date of Purcasers writtn notiætion to seleof accptance of the Confrmon, through Augus 31, 2011~ _./ i/ VI.. .. June l)rough A~us 31 for years 2010 !pd 2011, Hour Ending (HE)ß700 through HE 2200, Pacfic Preilng Time (PPl, Monday through saturiay, exluc3ng Sundays and NERC Holidays. $92.25 per MWh.. $19,111,248 ./ Delivery Term: Quantity: 83 MWh per hour ,/ Total Quantity 207,168 MWh ., Delivery"Points: sellers choice int NorthWes Energys trnsmission sym (NWM../ seller and Purchaser agre to the above transacton pursuant to and in accordnce wi the terms and conditins of the WSPP Ãgreement and 5erviæ Schedule C, as amended and efectve as of April 1, 200 ("Agrement''), the WSPP Creit Support Anne dat Marc 25, 2003 and amended January 8, 2004, and those additonal tersand conditons provided for in Speial Provsions below. Special Prosions: 1. seller shall be responsible fot contingenc reerv tht satisf the reuirements of the WECC applicable In th WECC-certfied Balandng Autori not to exce the sum of fi percent of the Quantit provide from hydropoer generation and sen percnt of the Quantit proded from thermal generation (fift pernt of which shall be spinning) and of no diferent quality than currentl reuire. 2. Purchase shall acuire and pay for transmisson seivce from the Delivry Points to Jeffrsn ("ransmission Servce''). Such obligaton indude paying fo all losse in conecon with such Transmission Servic. If seller holds firm Transmissiorl service for any poon of the Quantity fo the DeliVry Term in any year dunng the Conact Term, th Partes agre that sele shall ressign such firm Transmission Service to Purchase and Purchaser shall accpt such ressignment prior to the beinning of such Delivery Term. Purchaser will pay all cost and expense at th actual tari ra for such TransmiSsion Servìce that applies during the Delivery Term. The trnsissin ressignment wil be in a form mutll . agreed to bY the Parties and wil be in acxrdance wi all FEC requireents. By Ocber 1 of each year during the Contrct Term, Purchaser will contct seller to detrmine seller's intnton to rollover such Transmission Service. If seller determines it will not roloer such Transmission Servce, Seller wil notify Purchasr thereof. Purchaser may ef at any time within 10 Busines Days aftr receipt of any such notie, to request that Seller rolloer such Transmission 5ece Idaho 20 i 0.20 11 Jun Jut Aug 83MW WSPP Conf. Sehed C (2) fial JUN. j, LUUti J: 'JtiPM PPL ~Ullt 4UÓ~JJULUI NO. &339 P. 3.. . ,~ , I. I.. ~ ... I , ,,~......(.... , P. p.I.~::." .. , 'N 45 Basn Creek Road Butte. MT 59701 (406) 533-onO (40) 533.0208 - fa and assign such Transmission Seivic to Purchaser fo the enre term and entire quantity of the rollover. 3. Within three Business Days following execution of this Confrmation pursuant to the terms of the Agrement (the "Final Agreement Dare"), Purchaser shall pay a deposil to Seller in the amount of $100,000. Purchasr shall thn have 60 days from the Final Agreement Date (th "Approval Period'1 to see and obtin Idaho Public utilit Commission (the "iPUC¡ approval of the Cofirmation. The COnfirmation shaR becme effe on the earlier of 1) the date the ¡PUC issues a final ordr approving the Confirmatio as submitted (or with mutually accptable changes) within the Approval Period; or 2) any dåte during the Aproval Perio on which Purchasr notifes Seller in writing of Purmaser's elecon to confirm and accept the COnfrmation. Seller shall, wihin three Business Days following reipt of a copy of such final order or Purcaser's accptanc of the Cofirmation, refund the $100,000 deposit to Purchaser. If Purchaser has not accept the Confirmation and if the IPUC has not issued a final order approving the Confirmation as submited (or wit mutually accble changes) within the Approval Perid, then either Part may immediately teinate the Confrmtion by providing writtn notiæ to the other Part within 5 Business Days aftr the end of the Approval Period. If the COnfirmatin is terminate by eiter Part during such time period, Purchaser wil forfeit the $100,000 deposit. Notwithstnding any other provsion of this Agrement, in no event shall any interuption or curtßment of transrnission servce resulting from or arising out of any acton taken by or at the direction of any reliabilty cordinator under or pursuant to the WECC's Unsheduled Row Mitgation Plan (or any replacemen or success plan) constit an Uncntrollable Foræ for purpes of this Agreement, and in no event shall any Part be entitled to daim Uncontrollable Fo to excuse any failure to make avilable capacty or deliver or reive energy as a result of any such interruption or curtilmen of trnsmission service. Upon receipt of this Confirmation, Purchaser shall notify ~ler of it approvl by exeutng and returning this COnfirmation by fax to (406) 533-0208 within five (5) Business Days, This Confirmation shall be final and binding, whether or not signe or çonfirmed by Purchaser, unle Purcaser advises Seller in writng of any inaccuracy within five (5) Business Days follOWing the rept of this Confirmatio. Purdaser Idaho Power CompanySG~~~~Nam . oM c. M. \ \.'-tLTItl: il..~ ';offb' Date: J '-r-"' ': i 'z.oCß seller PPL EneyPlus, LLC . Signed: Name: Kibey J. Ttelheway Title: Team Leader -Trading Contrs Date: /¡,,3-Of f~-Ï~~~? ~'-~""""r"'_+'_'~llS~ . ,.._...~.~ .". ~,... _. ....- ~ .,,~-_.._- ---=i -_._~~.~ .._.... f.-.. -- .~.!~~i:~!~..,; .: Idaho 20io~201 i Jun 1\l Aug 83MW WSPP CoDf ~ Sched C (2) fil