HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110907Energy Wise Program 09-10.PDFR - :.—fl IDAHO POWER ENERGY WISE®PROGRAM SUMMARY REPORT SPONSORED BY: An IDACORP Company 0 SUBMITTED BY: RESOURCE ACTION PROGRAMS 2009 -2010 Idaho Power Energy Wise Program Sponsored by: IQHO PWER® An IDACORP Company Program Summary Report 2009-2010 Submitted By: Resource Action Programs May2010 Table of Contents Executive Summary 1 Program Overview 3 Program Materials 4 Program Implementation 5 Program Impact 7 A.Home Survey and Retrofits 7 B.Knowledge Gained 8 C.Energy Savings Summary 9 D.Participant Response 10 E.Program Enhancements 16 Appendices 17 A.Energy Savings Projections 18 B.Home Survey and Retrofit Data 21 C.Teacher Evaluation Data 25 Energy se EXECU11VE SUMMARY This report summarizes the 2009-2010 Idaho Power Energy Wise Program which was implemented by teachers in Idaho Power’s service area.The program was used by one thousand forty-five (1,045)sixth-grade students, teachers and their families,and was funded by Idaho Power. The Program is a fully implemented,multi-resource efficiency/education program designed to facilitate installation of efficiency measures in homes and build knowledge of environmental issues.The Program yields a variety of measurable energy savings results using the best messengers -students.The Program delivered a proven blend of teacher-designed classroom activities with hands-on home projects to install energy efficiency devices and introduce resource-conscious behavior to students and their families.Both educational studies and utility evaluations have confirmed the importance of addressing the various learning styles to maximize both learning and the adoption of new behaviors.The most critical elements of this approach are both the actual use of the new knowledge as well as the reporting function which provides a crucial reinforcement of the Participant Satisfaction:A significant element of a successful Program is participant satisfaction.Students,teachers and parents are all asked to evaluate the program and provide personal comments.Responses were unanimously positive and reveal a high level of parent involvement in the activities.Specifically: •100%of participating teachers indicated that parents supported the program. •100%of participating teachers indicated they would recommend this program to other colleagues. •81%of participating students gave the program a rating of good or great. (A summary of responses can be found n Appendix C) learning process while increasing participation and persistence.An overview of the results from the Program appears below,with greater detail in the attached report. 0 / The Program dWeredaprovenbIendof 0 teacher-designedclassroom activities with hands-on home projects to install high efficiency devices.“Thanks for prov/ding such good information.” Diana Scott,Parent Filer Elementary School 0 Ii Energy Wise” •78%reported they installed the 13 Watt Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL). •88%reported they installed the LimeLite®Night Light. (A summary of responses can be found in Appendix B) EXECU11VE SUMMARY Energy Vese Knowledge Gained:Identical surveys (tests)were taken by students prior to the Program and again upon Program completion to measure knowledge gained.Scores and subject knowledge improved from 77%to 86%. Audit Data Obtained:Home audits were performed by students and their families,collecting household demographic and usage data along with program participation information. Measures Installed:Students completed retrofit activities as part of the Program,and reported the measures they installed in their own homes.Specifically: Energy Savings Results:In addition to educating students and their parents,the primary program goal for utility sponsors is to generate cost effective energy savings.Student reporting activities not only provided the data used in savings projections,but also reinforced the learning benefits. Projected Average Ten Year Savings per Home 121 •73%reported that their family homes were owned. •62%reported that their water was heated by electricity. •79%reported that their home has a dishwasher. (A summary of responses can be found in Appendix B) Projected Resource Savings (A list of assumptions and formulas used for these calculations can be found in Appendix A) ProjectedAnnual Savings 251,989 kWh electricity saved 4,524 therms of gas saved Projected Average Annual Savings per Home 241 kWh electricity saved 4 therms of gas saved Projected Ten Year Savings 1,921,078 kWh electricity saved 45,238 therms of gas saved 1,838 43 kWh electricity saved therms of gas saved Resource Action Programs For more than sixteen years,Resource Action Programs (RAP)has designed and implemented resource efficiency and education programs —changing household energy and water use while delivering significant, measurable resource savings for program sponsors.All RAP programs feature a proven blend of innovative education,comprehensive implementation services,and hands-on activities to put new knowledge to work in students’homes. RAP Programs serve more than 200,000 households each year through elementary school,middle school and adult programs.Our forty person staff manages the implementation process and program oversight for nearly 200 individual programs annually.Recognized nationally as a leader in water and energy efficiency education and program design, RAP has a strong reputation for providing a high level of client service to its sponsors as part of a wide range of conservation and resource efficiency solutions for municipalities,utilities,states,community agencies and corporations. All aspects of program design and implementation is completed from the Program Center in Sparks,Nevada.These include graphic and web design,print production,warehousing and distribution,kit production,marketing,program tracking,data tabulation,and reporting. The school-based Energy Wise Program is fully implemented and designed to generate immediate and long-term savings by bringing interactive ‘real world”education home with motivated students.The Program staff identifies and enrolls students and teachers within the designated service territory.Enrolled participants receive educational materials designed to build knowledge and demonstrate simple ways to save,by not only changing habits,but also changing devices. Materials support state and national educational standards,which allow the Program to easily fit into teachers’existing schedules and requirements. The Program begins with classroom discussions teaching the importance of using water and energy efficiently,followed by hands-on,creative problem solving.Next,participants take home a Energy Wise Activity Kit that contains high efficiency measures.With the help of their parents,they install the measures in their home and complete a home survey.The Energy Wise staff tabulates all responses,including home survey information,teacher responses,student input,parent responses, and generates a Program Summary Report.After installing and monitoring the new efficiency measures in their homes, students are able to measure what they have learned by seeing the actual water and energy monetary savings!These savings benefit both the participating student households and their communities overall. Energy se PROGRAMOVERVIEW RAP Programs serve more than 200,000 households each year through elementary school,middle school,and adult programs.0 Energy Wiser’ PROGRAM MATERIALS Energy Wise Each participant receives classroom materials and a Energy Wise Activity Kit containing efficiency measures for their homes to perform the hands-on activities.Modifications were made to select materials which incorporated Idaho Power’s logo and color scheme. Each student/teacher receives: Student Guide Student Workbook Parent Introduction Letter* Home Audit Form Pre &Post Surveys Certificate of Achievement Energy Wise Activity Kit containing: •13 Watt Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL) •18 Watt Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL) •23 Watt Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL) •FilterTone®Alarm* •LimeLite®Night Light •Natural Resources Fact Chart •AirTemperature Ruler •Reminder Stickers and Magnet Pack* •Parent Comment Card ‘GetWise’Wristbands Interactive Program Web site Toll-Free Telephone Support *Materjals /Installation Instructions Provided in English and Spanish Each teacher/classroom receives: Teacher Book Step-by-Step Program Checklist Lesson Plans Teacher Program Evaluation Supplemental Activities* ID State Education Standards Correlation Chart Pre/Post Survey Answer Keys Classroom Electricity Poster Self Addressed Postage Paid Envelope *-‘ iii 141 -i Resource Action Programs Energy se PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION The 2009-2010 Energy Wise Program followed this comprehensive implementation schedule: 1.Identification of ID State Education Standards &Benchmarks 2.Curriculum Development and Refinement (Completed Annually) 3.Curriculum Correlation to ID State Education Standards &Benchmarks 4.Materials Modification to Incorporate Idaho Power’s Logo and Color Scheme 5.Incentive Program Development 6.Teachers Enrolled in the Program Individually by Idaho Power 7.Implementation Dates Scheduled with Teachers 8.Program Material Delivered to Coincide with Desired Implementation Date 9.Delivery Confirmation 10.Periodic Contact to Ensure Implementation and Teacher Satisfaction 11.Program Completion Incentive Offered 12.Results Collection 1 3.Program Completion Incentive Delivered to Qualifying Participants 14.Thank-you Cards Sent to Participating Teachers 1 5.Data Analysis 1 6.Program Summary Report Participating teachers are free to implement the Program to coincide with their lesson plans and class schedules.The next table is a comprehensive list of sixth-grade classrooms that participated during the 2009-2010 school year. II 0 0 0 Energy Wise PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION iT IrTfl!I IilhT 7th Day Adventist School April Colev 1 14 American Falls Intermediate School Kristen Jensen 1 20 Canyonside Christian School Dan Kuka 1 30 Castleford Elementary School Kent DahI 1 20 Council Elementary School Janice Paradis 1 18 Eagle Hills Elementary School Amy Cox 1 30 Eliza Hart Spalding Elementary School Shawna Brenna 1 35 Endeavor School Sonia Galaviz 1 30 Filer Elehientary School Larry Sutton 1 22 Fruitland Middle School Heidi Olson 1 26 Galileo Math &Science Magnet Nicole Sarty 1 35 Greenacres Elementary School Tamme Mullett 1 20 Greenacres Elementary School Tacia Tsakrios 1 20 Hagerman Elementary School Ruby Marshall 1 16 Hansen Elementary School Shirley Mikota 1 25 Harrison Elementary School Connie Petersen 1 30 Highlands Elementary School Ingrid Jungen 1 30 Homedale Middle School Jennifer Martin 1 30 Horizon Elementary School Tracy Blenker 1 30 l.B.Perrine Elementary School Gaelene Mueller 1 27 Indian Hills Elementary Mark Bowman 1 30 Indian Hills Elementary Carolyn Dudley 1 30 Indian Hills Elementary Toni Wright 1 30 Kimberly elementary Sheryll Sharp 1 25 Kimberly Elementary Kelly Gibbons 1 25 Koelsch Elementary School Tom Clark 1 3 Lincoln Elementary School Rhonda Slagel-Sao 1 30 Magic Valley Christian School Debra Carroll 1 8 Marsing Middle School Joe Wing 1 70 Midvale Elementary School Varina Picket 1 12 Riverside Elementary School Bonnie Dufty 1 30 Riverside Elementary School Jennifer Woodhull 1 35 Shadow Hills Elementary School Kenney Jeifries 1 35 Thomas Jefferson Charter School Carol Ozuna 1 32 Trail \Nind Elementary School Meko Meyers 1 30 Washington Elementary School Jan Damron 1 45 Wood River Middle School Jeremy Silvis 1 30 Totals 37 I 1008 Total Participants 1045 Resource Action Programs’6 — Energy Mse 1 The Idaho Power Energy Wise Program has had a significant impact within the community.As illustrated below,the Program successfully educated a portion of the community about energy efficiency while generating resource savings through the installation of efficiency measures in homes.Home audit and installation information was collected to track savings and provide household consumption and audit data to sponsors.Program evaluations and comments were collected from teachers,students and parents.The following program elements were used to collect this data: A.Home Survey and Retrofits Upon completion of the Program,participating families are asked to complete a home survey to assess their resource use, verify product installation,provide demographic information and measure participation rates.A few samples of questions asked are below while a complete summary of all responses is included in the appendices. Did your family install the first Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL)? Did your family install the LimeLite Night Light? Did your family change the way you use energy? Did your family change the way you use energy? 0 Energy Wise PROGRAM IMPACT Yes -78% Yes -88% Yes-75% Yes 15% 0 No 25% II Energy Wise’ PROGRAM IMPACT — Energy Wise B.Knowledge Gained Students were asked to complete a ten question survey before the Program was introduced and then again after it was completed to determine the learning impact and the knowledge gained through the Program.The average student answered 7.7 questions correctly prior to being involved in the Program and then improved to answer 8.6 questions correctly following participation. Scores improved from 77%to 86% V-7 Pre Survey 86% Post Survey 77 Resource Action Programs”181 Energy Wee PROGRAM IMPACT 0 I 1,045 I 0 Annual Lifetime 91,634 627,627 kWh 58,266 399,086 kWh 40,156 275,044 kWh 28,074 280,741 kWh 33,858 338,580 kWh 4,524 45,238 therms TOTAL PROGRAM SAVINGS:251,989 1,921,078 kWh 4,524 45,238 therms TOTAL PROGRAM SAVINGS PER HOUSEHOLD:241 1,838 kWh 4 43 therms Energy Wisee C.Energy Savings Summary As part of the program and working with parents or guardians,students installed resource efficiency measures in their homes.They also measured the pre-existing devices to calculate savings that they generated.Using the family habits collected from the customer survey information as the basis for this calculation,one thousand forty-five (1,045)households are expected to save the following resource totals.Savings from these actions and new behaviors will continue for many years to come. Projected Resource Savings Number of Participants: ___________ Reduction from the 23 waft compact fluorescent lamp (CFL): Product Life:10,000 hours Reduction from the 18 waft compact fluorescent lamp (CEL): Product Life:10,000 hours Reduction from the 13 watt compact fluorescent lamp (CFL): Product Life:10,000 hours Reduction from the night light: Product Life:10 years Reduction from the air filter alarm: Product Life:10 years 191 PROGRAM IMPACF Teacher Response (A summary of responses can be found in Appendix C) 100%of participating teachers indicated they would conduct the Program again given the opportunity. 100%of participating teachers indicated they would recommend the Program to their colleagues. In my opinion,what the students like best about the material/Program was: “The hamburger story and the activities were a student grabber!” Dan Kuka,Canyonside Christian School D.Participant Response Program improvements are based on participant feedback received from each program.Students,teachers and parents are each asked to evaluate relevant aspects of the program.Each response is reviewed for pertinent information to both the Program and the Program Sponsor.The following is a sample of feedback collected during the Program. I1o “i..teaching the math end of this Program.The students can actually see the savings and they share that with their parents.” Mark Bowman,Indian Hills Elementary School “The incentives,hands-on supplies,and additional activities were great!” Carolyn Dudley,Indian Hills Elementary School “It was very easy to use as all the materials were organized in one area.” Varina Picket,Midvale Elementary School I Energy Wise Resource Action Programs Energy Mse PROGRAM IMPACT Teacher Response cont. As a teacher,what I liked best about the materials/Program was: “i..the fun lessons!” Ingrid Jungen,Highlands Elementary School “..the good lessons to teach students about conservation of energy.” Janice Paradis,Council Elementary School “The Kit was fantastic!I enjoyed the lesson plans.They were well thought out.” Toni Wright,Indian Hills Elementary School “The home Kits were great and the student booklets were nice.” Meko Meyers,Trail Wind Elementary School In the future,one thing I would change would be: “...the furnace filters,because it was very challenging.” Ingrid Jungen,Highlands Elementary School “..the global apple activity!Knives are not allowed at school.May I suggest using chocolate oranges that break into slices?” Mark Bowman,Indian Hills Elementary School “Some workbook activities were a bit wordy.” Carolyn Dudley,Indian Hills Elementary School “..some of the activities.” Meko Meyers,Trail Wind Elementary School liii 0 0 p Energy Wise PROGRAM IMPACF Teacher Letter Ap 2C1 raT & Thri yj sc mh o so’rn t Ergy W PriJ!rari ‘:r D’J LS.T Uthfl3 E9 vaabe essoci zbout sCi’ir rcily,wtr rr rior rwb!rurc;.Th E W. wnrkbcos wr u’d by P tii€my aim t as’t t’(r’1 ml duc-g th cat O lDW ii t!Qr hms,i p ‘riSwIr very pcy mspn thp ogra’i a a My L.ent3 amid I ve &o Ieariwd .bvut th c e!crct and wzit ucaie wi.ch .s vv’y i-mprtar ri 3ur rytaj rura am1jn nmurifty. Thank yc gaml r sporsortg this w’r’n arid mag yu o ,p-rIior r the ograii 1h’ Sricr’rciy, i k VarIa Pck 5/radQ adie MIdw.Idabi Resource Action Programs’ Energy Wise 1121 Energy Mse —PROGRAM IMPACT Parent Comments:From both a utility and teacher perspective,parent involvement with program activities and their children is of paramount interest.When parents take an active role in their child’s education it helps the schools and strengthens the educational process considerably.When students successfully engage their families in the retrofit and home efficiency projects,utility efficiency messages have been powerfully delivered to two generations in the same household.The Program is a catalyst for this family interaction,which is evidenced by the parent comments which are received each year.An excerpt is presented below. Parent Response What comments would you like to express to your child’s program sponsor? “Thank you!Loved the samples.” Sarah and Jeff Morris,Eliza Hart Spalding Elementary School “Our child thought the night light was really neat.” Anonymous,Spalding Elementary School “Thank you.” Jennie Waters,Council Elementary School “Very good Program.” Mike Paradis,Council Elementary School “It was fun to do.” Bert and Jill Aloshire,Council Elementary School “Good job and thanks for including and teaching our children about being wise about electricity usage.” Mitu Smith,Indian Hills Elementary School ‘All I have to say is that it was a great Program for my child to do and learn about.Thank you so much.” Rick Meade,Marsing Middle School “Thank you very much.It was a pleasure working with my daughter on this.” Denise Dollar,Indian Hills Elementary School 131 Energy Wise” Parent Response (cont.) PROGRAM IMPACT “Thank you!” Amy Brown,Indian Hills Elementary School “My child had fun doing the Program.” Jeri Flores,Castleford Elementary School “Thanks for providing such good information.” Diana Scott,Filer Elementary School As a parent which aspect of the Program did you like best? “We liked Taylor “teaching”us to be more energy efficient.” Sarah and Jeff Morris,Eliza Hart Spalding Elementary School “I liked the dirty-filter alarm.This is one area that /know we can be improved.” Mary Kestner,Indian Hills Elementary School “The free Kit items are a great way to try products.I like the aspect of children learning how they can conserve energy” Anonymous,Spalding Elementary School “..showing the kids how to help save money” Jennie Waters,Council Elementary School ‘..savings benefits.” Mike Paradis,Council Elementary School “..working with my child and getting CFLs to use.” Bert and Jill Aloshire,Council Elementary School “The teachers are teaching the children about energy” Sylvia Murch,Washington Elementary School “My daughter came home all excited about what she learned.She now keeps lights turned off and loves the night light.” Mitu Smith,Indian Hills Elementary School ‘7 liked the thing that told you when you need to change your filter on your furnace.” Rick Meade,Marsing Middle School 1141 Energy Wse Resource Action Programs Energy se PROGRAM IMPACT Parent Response (cont.) “1 liked that it showed how much energy you can save by using the CFLs and how much money you can save as well.” Denise Dollar,Indian Hills Elementary School “I liked that it taught kids about conserving energy and the CFL5!” Amy Brown,Indian Hills Elementary School “I/ike saving energy.” Stephanie Jacob,Filer Elementary School “It opened the childrens eyes as to how much energy is wasted in our household.” Jeri Flores,Castleford Elementary School “1 didn’t know there were some other ways to save energy such as the filter tone alarm.” Stephaney Osburne,Perrine Elementary School ‘teaching children and parents to save power” Jody Mondraqon,Perrine Elementary School “..learning about the watts needed and saving power” Cheri Conner,Perrine Elementary School “..making the kids aware of energy savings.” Judy Davidson,Harrison Elementary School ‘to see how much money you can save.” Diana Scott,Filer Elementary School 1151 C) 0 0 Energy Wise’ PROGRAM IMPACT —I Energy Wise E.Program Enhancements In addition to increasing resource awareness and efficiency,the Program strengthens bonds between sponsors and their communities.The Program has been designed from start to finish with this in mind.Some of the steps taken to ensure our sponsors receive the greatest possible exposure are as follows: Promotion of Sponsor Programs:Program materials can be used to publicize and boost enrollment in additional efficiency program opportunities.This option was not used howeve Energy Wise can easily promote residential programs such as toilet replacement or other programs. Custom Branding:Each Resource Action Kit was labeled with the Idaho Power logo.In addition to the Resource Action Kit,the Introduction to Parent Letter,and Teacher Program Evaluation featured sponsor branding. 1161 Parents/Guardians:SAVE up to... $your utilities! .ddUO:USI4DV,,,I.OdyhO:be.,,d.TOdI,,pENd,s.,, to .,,t,Ubn.tWG’Pr A,Tfl:s.d h,bMP lb.,,UWHbU.dI,,,W,bU,SINO cOSTlb TO the schobe OHEUNHU.YOSITOII,U,E#upI,NIOrOI,,wbc’,.AIRy ba,C., r,nw:IISI..bCna.ItMC.ooIoesr —.J1oWHO,VU,,,UW WHEN:Thu,bCId.lnd,b,w:IecUUSbAl:,,.bIc10SbItUbflt,becOdSd IWIIEETCIAVNP,00e.,.,,,u,,dIEbbIGTOUbIbflndEvGNOdUIESth EIchU1IE..SI.,dt.C.,.U,flt,S.O:e,5IETOIUU,epb0IEtU,eI 1ICE .TSd,flebb E1J0eUEHOOtSe,bPIOUI0110,hUEydbN,,eMOu, .teoI.eItgE tolobeeEjuCEk,I,UYO,,b,ddloIobebe.Ehemyw.. hb,Sk,ed cIEbOWh:dl:lb)chlOlflgtbqUMPy h,Uh,eflthm:n00010UUIAZUE Np Gl,U,I.,E,.Id:,EUI.d,IdUE:ECVU,d,AlU1Soeb,pWOUHOIUEIP.PUC bwIENIbthhdbIhdlbAEflpHbUglNmSIEO,c,lUnehEvNba.EUI,tbnIlbD WIlT IJbaTO..blEb.tthE.OfldEEebtO:Ilfl bI,,00EAN,I:IU,u01bOEbeWb,dElptllduU:UIEIp,10,NOEUPIUIWbebOOtedby1.019 lIERe AC.U1PIlTOIAIIIO1IIEIO1COlE,lythEeSt l4,B.GET.VISEH.HTO,dOdoffiHeloIt,obl,lbebllebdpd p11th.PlUCER OlE ulCd01IlbO:ISIOhIbSI.,. POrT FENGETTO RITIJEN TedsFORMTOURQ*cOI ICANTNWISN ETJUNI lITTOSleEVE A SIDEMINI GRANT FOR L!Program EVALUATION * INU1I,OU.O,TOdl*ITOEII.Ol 0 0 0 1Th.oU,hlCod 1111.1 *,Eldl1,C0100,0 0 0 0 IbEEOI ,,bOEOIhO*,’CU1.ldOIEE.UEd 0 0 0 0 0 0 CT 0 IeC.OdOlUdllO:,,,:TOId,00EEIO 0 0 0 0 CPIEOh.dU.,pTey.e,I0lTEO&CR,T 0,0 CTEe 0,0 lEo Resource Action Programs0 APPENDICES 0 Appendix Contents A.Energy Savings Projections 18 B.Home Survey and Retrofit Data 21 C.Teacher Evaluation Data 25 0 0 Energy Wise -fl Energy Wise 1171 APPENDIX A Projected Savings from 18 Watt CFL Retrofit Average length of use: Product life: Average incandescent light bulb uses: Compact fluorescent light bulb uses: Energy saved per year Energy saved over life expectancy: Installation /parlicipation rate of: Number of Participants Reduction from compact fluorescent lIght bulb: Annual kWh: Lifetime kWh: 2 Provided by manufacturer. Data reported by program participants. Assumption (4 hours per day) 1460 hours per year4 10,000 hours2 75 wafts per hour 18 wafts per hour2 83 kWh 570 kWh 67% 1,045 58,266 kWh 399,086 kWh Projected Savings from 13 Watt CFL Retrofit Average length of use: Energy Vsew Product life: Average incandescent light bulb uses: Compact fluorescent light bulb uses: Energy saved per year Energy saved over life expectancy: 1460 hours per year4 Installation I participation rate of: Number of Participants 10,000 hours2 60 wafts per hour 13 wafts per hour 69 kWh 470 kWh Reduction from compact fluorescent light bulb: 56% 1,045 2 Provided by manufacturer. Annual kWh: Lifetime kWh: Data reported by program participants. (4 hours per day) 40,156 kWh 275,044 kWh Resource Action Programs 1181 APPENDIX A 0 Projected Savings from 23 Watt CFL Retrofit Average length of use:1460 hours per year4 Product life:10,000 hours2 Average incandescent light bulb uses:100 waifs per hour Compact fluorescent Tight bulb uses:23 waifs per hour2 Energy saved per year 112 kWh Energy saved over life expectancy:770 kWh Installation I participation rate of:78% Number of Participants 1,045 Reduction from compact fluorescent light bulb: Annual kWh:91,634 kWh Lifetime kWh:627,627 kWh 2 Provided by manufacturer. Data reported by program participants. Assumption (4 hours per day) C Projected Savings from Night Light Retrofit Average length of use:4380 hours per year4 Average nightlight uses:7 waifs per hour LimeLite uses:0.03 waifs per hour Product life:10 years2 Energy saved per year:31 kWh per year Energy saved over life expectancy:305 kWh Installation I participation rate of:88% Number of Participants 1,045 Reduction from LimeLite ®night light: Annual:28,074 kWh Lifetime:280,741 kWh 2 Provided by manufacturer. reported by program participants. (12 hours per day) Energy Wise Energy 111cc 1191 APPENDIX A Projected Savings from Filtertone®Retrofit Annual energy use by air conditioner,heat pump or furnace:3,000 kWh2 Projected increase in efficiency:1 Product life 10 years2 Energy saved per year:90 kWh per year Energy saved over life expectancy:900 kWh Annual energy use by air conditioner,heat pump or furnace:650 therms2 Projected increase in efficiency:1.85% Product life 10 years2 Energy saved per year:12 therms per year Energy saved over life expectancy:120 therms per year Installation I participation rate of:36% Number of Participants 1.045 Total reduction from FilterTone ®alarm: Annual:33,858 kWh Lifetime:338,580 kWh Annual:4,524 therms Lifetime:45,238 therms ‘Reichmuth P.E.,Howard.(1999).Engineering Review and Savings Estimates for the ‘Filtertone’Filter Restriction Alarm. 2 Provided by manufacturer. Data reported by program participants. Resource Action Programse Energy Wise 20 I Energy Wse Section I -Home Check-up 1 What type of home do you live in? Single family home Multi-family (2-4 units) Multi-family (5-20 units) Multi-family (21+units) 2 Was your home built before 1g92? 3 Is your home owned or rented? Owned Rented 4 How many kids live in your home (age 0-17)? 5 How many adults live in your home (age 18+)? 6 Does your home have a programmable thermostat? Yes 7 What is the main source of heat in your home? I 211 APPENDIX B 0 Home Survey and Retrofit Data 80% 16% 4% 0% Yes 50% No 50% 73% 27% 1 14% 2 36% 3 23°h 4 15% 5+10% 1 15% 2 67% 3 12°h 4 5% 5+1% 64% No 36% Natural Gas Furnace 41% Electric Heater 38% Propane 4% Heating Oil 1% Wood 9% Other 7% 0 Energy Wiser APPENDIX B Section I -Home Check-up 8 What type of air conditioning unit do you have? Central Air Conditioner 64% Evaporative Cooler 6% Room Unit 13% Dont Have One 16% 9 Does your home have a dishwasher? Yes 79% No 21% 10 How is your water heated? Natural Gas 38% Electricity 62% Resource Action Programs 22 APPENDIX B Section II -Home Activities 1 Did your family install the first Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL)? 2 If you answered “yes to question 1,what was the wattage of the incandescent bulb you replaced? 60-watt 3 Did your family install the second Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL)? 4 If you answered “yes to question 3,what was the wattage of the incandescent bulb you replaced? 5 Did your family install the third Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL)? 6 If you answered “yes to question 5,what was the wattage of the incandescent bulb you replaced? 60-watt 75-watt 7 Did your family install the LimeLitd Night Light? 8 Did your family raise the temperature on your refrigerator? 23 Yes No 75-watt 100-watt Other Dont Know Didn’t install the CFL Yes No 60-watt 75-watt 100-watt Other Don’t Know Didn’t install the CFL Yes No 100-watt Other Don’t Know Didn’t install the CFL Yes No Yes No Energy se C D 0 78% 22% 33% 14% 9% 12% 17% 16% 67% 33% 23% 23% 7% 8% 12% 27% 56% 44% 23% 8% 15% 8% 11% 35% 88% 12% 22°h 78°h Energy Wise APPENDIX B 9 Did your family lower your water heater settings? Yes 28% No 72% 1.0 Did your family install the Filterton Alarm? Yes 36% No 64% 1.1 How much did your family turn down the thermostat in winter for heating? 1-2 degrees 20% 3-4 degrees 16% 5+degrees 9% Didnt Adjust Thermostat 54% 12 How much did your family lum up the thermostat in summer for cooling? 1-2 degrees 16% 3-4 degrees 13% 5+degrees 10% Didnt Adjust Thermostat 60% 13 Did you work with your family on this program? Yes 82% No 18% 14 Did your family change the way they use energy? Yes 75% No 25% 15 How would you rate the Energy Wise program? Great 43% Pretty good 38°h okay 17% Not so good 2% Resource Action Programs Energy Wse 24 APPENDIX C . Teacher Evaluation Data 1 The materials were attractive and easy to use. Strongly Agree 67% Agree 33% Disagree 0% Strongly Disagree 0% 2 The materials and activities were well received by students. Strongly Agree 50% Agree 50% Disagree 0% Strongly Disagree 0% 3 The materials were clearly written and well organized. Strongly Agree 83% Agree 0% Disagree 17% Strongly Disagree 0% 4 The conservation technologies were easy for students to use. Strongly Agree 83% Agree Disagree 0% Strongly Disagree 0% 5 Students indicated that their parents supported the program. Strongly Agree 50% Agree 50% Disagree 0% Strongly Disagree 0% 6 If you had the opportunity,would you conduct this program again? Yes 100% No 0% 7 Would you recommend this program to other colleagues? Yes 100% No 0% I 25 Energy Wise Energy Wee 1> RISOURCE ACTION PROGRAMS RESOURCE ACTION PROGRAMS® 976 United Circle Sparks,NV 89431 888-GET-WISE •www.resourceactionprograms.org