HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090109Workshop Materials.pdfPC--r -c-l 1SIDA~PO(I An IDACORP Company Energy Effciency Education Concept Proposal In response to IPUC Order number 30699 (Notice of Addition Workshop), Idaho Power is presenting a description of its energy efficiency outreach education efforts and proposed concepts for the disposition of sulfur dioxide (S02) emission proceeds to fund energy efficiency efforts. Attached is the outlne of the proposed concepts. 1221 W. Idaho St. (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ID 83707 , This document assumes a two-year timeline for implementation of energy efficiency activities would begin late spring of 2009 and run until spring of 2011 . Annual budget would be $250,000 dollars per year. Concept Number 1 Expand the mini home audits for students with more in-depth follow-up in the classroom. Idaho Power has an existing "Home Audit" for children; however additional curriculum goals could be achieved with activites and follow-up. Funding amount $90,000 per year Project Plan - Energy efficiency classroom kits · Create a classroom kit that includes the following materials:o Kilo - 0 - watt meter (30) $600o Exercises to calculate usage in a home (30) $50o Reading a meter form (30) $20 · Mechanical · Digitalo Miscellaneous collateral $50 o Information about AMI (30) · What an AMI meter looks like $150 · How it works · Why are utilities implementing AMI · When it is coming to Idaho Power customers Classroom kits would be $800 - $900 dollars/each. Idaho Power Community Education Reps could distribute the energy efficiency kits during school visits. Idaho Power would distribute 90 - 110 classroom kits each year to schools in the Idaho Power service area. Idaho Power Page lof3 118/2009 " Concept Number 2 Energy Audits of schools or classrooms facilties by students could lead to recommendations for implementing energy efficiency measures. Participating students would build the business case and make presentations to decision makers and district administrators. Idaho Power currently offers commercial incentives; however, student-led projects adopted by the schools provide the opportunity for students to participate in a "learning lab" and experience success with a tangible project. Funding amount $85,000 per year Project Plan - Energy Efficiency School Audits with student participation . Materials developed o Advertising/Promotion · Newsletters · Print Ads · Handouts/Flyers · Web content $10,000 o Audit Form/Process $10,000 · Site visits/Technical assistance · Building information · Building characteristics · Accounting information (Annual Use and Cost) o Regional workshops $15,000 · Conduct (2) regional training sessions for students, teachers (Train the trainer format) . Western Region and local school . Canyon Region and local school . Capital Region and local school . Southern Region and local school . Eastern Region and local school o V2 FTE Program Specialist $40,000 Idaho Power would work on recruiting interested student teams led by a teacher or local champion. The team would participate in a training class on how to do the following: . Conduct an audit . Gather facilty information . Calculate energy usage . Identify energy efficiency options . Organize information . Make recommendations . Present material to school district officials During this process, the team would have iterative meetings with Program Manager. The program could also expand to have high school teams make recommendations on other schools in the district. Initially, the program would focus on school facilty lighting upgrades. Idaho Power Page 2of3 118/2009 Concept Number 3 Idaho Power sees opportunity to increase the number of qualiied applications to Solar4RScools program and provide funding fOfadditional program awards. Funding total $75,000 per year Project Plan - Increase Solar4RSchoois participation Materials developed o Classroom Kits: $1,500 to $2,500 each · Depending on grade level (k-12 comprehensive is most expensive) · 10 kits per year to participating schools o Training: $2,500 each · Conduct two training sessions per year in Idaho Power Service area · Sessions would include material for existing and interested schools o Two New Solar4Rschoois installations · ($25,000 dollars each) $50,000 Idaho Power Page 3 of3 118/2009 ii 0 e . - E - 0 8 - / ( Id a ' h o P o w e r En e r g y E f f i c i e n c y Ef f o r t s f o r S c h o o l s Th e r e s a D r a k e Ja n u a r y 8 , 2 0 0 9 Id a h o P u b l i c U t i l t i e s C o m m i s s i o n Of f i c e o f t h e S e c r e t a r y RE C E I V E D JA N - 8 2 0 0 9 Bo l s 8 , I d a h o C\ tn(I CJ ~l-t:ro::~ 0 C/0 S i: tn i:on 0~0 o~0 ~(I o~ro CZ ro~~..Coa:ro ~0 ..o~C/v.i:ro Co ~o"" ::- ~ ~~~Ji C/~Co ~o"" :;U(I i:~rJ i:0Q)Q)~Cl :=0 -0Ò~o~~CZ 0o~Co ~~o~o ,.Uo~~o~t:S0roi:ro ~~Co ~ ~~0 o""~Q)C.::i:~"'"'~~~Q)ro o ,.~on ro~rJ ~~v.0 £ i-C/0 0 00Q)bO ~ U~0 i-t:i-frJ:a u ~Q) Q)0 i:0 ca s lr ~~~u~"o~::i--~.C/.. 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