HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090106Responses to Informal Requests.pdf/ ~~". r....-.. \ USA D. NORDSTROM Senior Attorney September 5, 2008 VIA HAND DELIVERY Don Howell, Deputy Attorney General Lynn Anderson, Policy Strategist Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 West Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 SIDA~PaeRECEiVEO î'08:SEP -5 ~K lli an \Ò~\EHSOi~J~~S\ONUTi'-T.. . An IDA cony Re: Case No. IPC-E-08':11 In the Matter of the Appropriate Disposition of Idaho Power Company's 502 Emission Proceeds to Fund an Energy Education Proposal Dear Don and Lynn: Enclosed are Idaho Powets responses to your informal data requests in the above matter. If you have any questions regarding any of the enclosed documents, please do not hesitate to contact me. LDN:csb .Enclosures cc: Barton L. Kline - wlo encls. Very truly yours,~~4l'r~ Lisa D. Nordstrom P.O. Box 70 (B3707) 1221 W. Idaho St. Boise. ID 83702 ,-. Idao Power Company IPUC Data Request Energy Education Proposal IPC-E-Q8-11 REQUEST NO. 1: Pleae provide copies of the following resources listed in Idao Power's 200712008 Educational Resource Guide. List schools or school distct that have obtaned these resources and indicate how many of each resource were provided to each school or distct. Also, provide the cost and any evaluation of the effectiveness of these resources and feedback from schools regarding them, both positive and negative. And ran the listed resours according to the interest in them expressed by schools. Presentations: (provide syllabus and wrtten or electronic materal presented) 3rd Grade "Saving a World Full of Energy" 4th Gre "At the Speed of Ligbt: Electrcity's Jourey from Generator to Motor"6th Grade "Sources of Electrcity" . . Brochures: "Electrcity from Water, Wind and Sunight" "Energy and Your Environment" "Pigopolis" "How to Save Energy" "Practical Ways to Manage Your Electrcity" Videos: "Curent Events" "Pigopolis" "The Energy Savers" "Becoming Energy Wise" RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.1: The principals of every prima and secondar school in Idaho Power's service terrtory - as well as the superintendents and curculum coordinators/directors of every school distrct - will receive a packet of information that will include copies of the Educational Resource Guide, the 30 Simple Things You Can Do to Save Energy booklet, and the Simple Ways 10 Save Energy: A1ini Home Audit. The costs of the brochures, videos, and presentations were not readily available in time to respond to this information request. The cost information for the 30 Simple Things You Can Do 10 Save Energy booklet and Simple Ways to Save Energy: Mini Home Audit is included in response to question 9. In 2006 Idaho Power surveyed 52 educators. In that surey, attched hereto in Attchment No. 1, 90% of the teachers "strongly agreed" our material matched up well with the State of Idaho/Distrct curculum. Additionally, 100% of the teachers surveyed "strongly agreed" the Idaho Power Company's Response to Data Requests - i Idaho Power Company IPUC Data Request Energy Education Proposal IPC-E-08-11 Idaho Power presentations were a valuable addition to their classrooms. In general, Idaho Power has received favorable comments from teachers and adminstrators about its school programs. Community Education Representatives ("CERs") have also received numerous "than-you" letters, notes, and cards from teachers, stdents, and parents expressing their appreiation for providing these presentations. Idaho Power's educational presentations ar briefly described below and were made at the requesting schools identified on the enclosed list, Attachment No.1. i. "Saving a World Full of Energy" for 3rd grade: Describes the nature and role of many types of energy; explains where energy comes from and how it is used; emphasizes cert types of energy are not renewable and wars about the dagers of wasting energy. ii. "At the Speed of Light: Electrcity's Journey from Generator to Meter" for 4th grade through adult: Describes the process of how electrcity is generated, transmittd, distbuted, and meaured for our customer's electrca needs. ii. "Sources of Electrcity" for 6th grde: Generation, tranmission, and distrbution of electricity, as well as energy conservation and the relationship between electrcity and our environment. Student interaction and multiedia. iv. "Simple Ways to Save Energy" for 4th grade though adult: By makg simple chages in the way we use energy, we can help conserve our natual resoures and create a reliable, responsible energy futue. Ths interactive presentation shows why energy effciency matters and includes energy saving tips, a family home energy audit and other tools to lea how to use energy wisely. Includes suggestions for energy effciency related supplemental math and science activities. Attchment NO.1 is a CD which contains the electronic materials used in presentations by Idaho Power's Community Education Representatives ("CERs"). Idaho Power has five CERs thoughout its service terrtory. The interest in the Company's education resources varies by area and is not tracked as such. Of the presentations given from Janua 2008 to present, the percentages related to presentation tyes are 58% on Safety, 37% on Generation/Conservationlnvironment, and 6% on other information. The Brochures related to energy and energy efficiency are listed below and copies of these brochures are included in the envelope labeled as Atthment NO.2. Idaho Power Company's Response to Data Requests. 2 . ., Idao Power Company IPUC Data Requests Energy Education Proposa IPC-E..08- i 1 ßrochures: "Electrcity from Water, Wind and Sunght" "Energy and Your Environment" "Pigopolis" "My Book about Saving Energy" "It's a Wired World" "Generating Electrcity" "Where the Light Bulb Gets its Juice" "About Energy" The videos used by the CERs are listed below. These videos are copyrghted and canot be duplicated. Idaho Power has a limted numbe of copies of these videos. Copies of these videos have been obtaed from the Company's loan libra and are available for review by Commssioners or Commssion Sta at the Compay's heaquatrs. Please contact Dave Thornton or Pete Pengily at 388-5691 or 388-2281 to schedule a tie to view these videos. Videos: "Pigopolis" "The Energy Savers" "Becoming Energy Wise" Prepared by Market Segment Coorditor, Dave Thornton, and Communty Education Representatives. Idaho Power Company's Response to Data Requests.. 3 " Idao Power Company ¡PUC Data Requests Energy Education Proposa IPC-E-08-11 REQUEST NO.2: In general, were the above resources requested by individua schools or by school distrcts? RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.2: These matenals, like all others in Idaho Power's Loan Librar, are generly requested and used by individua schools. Prepared by Market Segment Coordiator Dave Thornton, and Communty Education Representatives. Idaho Power Company's Response to Data Requests - 4 11..... Idao Power Company IPUC Data Requests Energy Education Proposa IPC-E-08-1 i REQUEST NO.3: Provide Idao Power's 200812009 Educationa Resour Guide when it beomes available and provide copies of any new resources listd in it tht focus on energy effciency. Pleae describe Idaho Power's distbution plan for ths Guide. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.3: Hard copies of the 2008/2009 Educational Resource Guide are now available and are also available on Idao Power's website. A pape copy is included in Attchment No.2 and the URL is: ww.idahopower.comlaboutus/communty/publiceducation. The newest and perhaps most signficat, resource specificaly focusing on energy effciency is a new progr entitled, "Simple Ways to Save Energy" - previously provided to the Commission Sta for review. In terms of plan for distbuting the Educational Resource Guide, each Communty Education Representative will deliver one copy to every pricipa and classroom teacher in ever public and private school in Idao Power's service terrtory. The majority of these are had-delivered. Additionaly, the superintendents and curculum coorditors/directors of every school distct will receive one copy eah - tyically via U.S. mai. Prepared by Maket Segment Coordintor, Dave Thornton, and Communty Education Representatives. Idaho Power Company's Response to Data Requests - 5 " Idaho Power Company IPUC Data Requests Energy Education Proposal . IPC-E-08-ll '. REQUEST NO.4: List all school building energy effciency audits conducted by Idaho Power and, separately, those that were incented by an Idao Power payment. Indicate the costs and which, if an)', of these audits included paricipation by students of the schooL. Indicate the tyes of meaures eventuly underten, the costs, the expected energy savings, and the expected cost-effectiveness. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.4: Idaho Power does not offer techncal audits for schools. The Company does however offer general wal though energy assessments. Ths tyicay includes a discussion with facilties personnel and/or school administers and if requested students may be involved. Items of discussion include operating hours, age of building or equipment, problems, and opportties. The labor costs of these walk though assessments are paid for as par of Idaho Power's general cusomer servce and general business expense. There are no diec energy savigs or expected cost-effectiveness associated with these assessments. In the last two yea the followig schools have been visited by an Idao Power Cusomer Representative: · Grace Lutheran School & Holy Spirit Catholic School - Pocatello (Students involved) · Communty School - Sun Valley (Seventh Grade science class involved) · Boise School Distrct · Timberline High School - Two students' Senior Project · Vallvue School Distct · Pleasant Valley School Distct · Caldwell School Distrct · Magic Valley Chrstian School - Jerome · Buh High School · Gooding High School · School for the Deaf & Blind -Gooding · Homedale School Distrct: o Two schools had wal though assessments with energy sub metering to understad percentage of overall use for selected end users. For larger schools, scoping audits ar available through the Custom Efficiency Program which give a high level indication of where the largest potential for energy efficiency improvements lies. This is typicaly offered to larger customers (500 kW and larger) at no cost to the customer, To date no schools have requested scoping audits. Prepared by Market Segment Coordinator, Jim Jauregui. Idaho Power Company's Response to Data Requests - 6 ',- Idaho Power Company IPUC Data Requests Energy Education Proposal IPC-E-08-l 1 REQUEST NO.5: Provide a sumar of tota and individual parcipation in any other Idaho. Power commerCial energy efficiency incentive progr by schools for 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 to date. Indicate the tys of meaures underten, the cost, the expeted energy savigs, and the expeed cost- effectiveness. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.5: The two commercial Idao Power energy effciency progrs tht have provided incentives to schools for energy effciency projects in Idaho ar Eay Upgrades and Building Effciency. All of these projects occured in 2005, 2007, and 2008. Idao Power electronicaly trcks the costs and energy savings from these progr at the project leveL. A project may have severa sets of measurs. Attchment No.3 includes, by progr, all of the costs elements, energy savings, cost effective limits, and cost-effectveness ratios. Because. Idaho Power does not track Company administrative costs by project, the utilty cost included here have estated admstrative costs based on average adstrative cost per project by year. The types of meaures underten in these projects are displayed in Attchment No.4. Ths attchment includes a raned list the meaures utilize by progr showig which meaures are utiliz most often. Prepared by Customer Reseach & Analysis Leder, Pete Pengilly. Idaho Power Company's Response to Data Requests - 7 Idaho Power Company IPUC Data Request Energy Education Proposal IPC-E-08- 1 1 REQUEST NO.6: Provide the FTE number and tota cost of Idaho Power's Communty Education Representatives in 2007 and an estmate of the percentage of tht cost tht was spent on energy effciency education. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.6: Idaho Power has five employees that are CERs. These individuas cover the entire service area of the Company and are based out of our five regiona operation centes. The total CERs' labor and expenses for 2007 was $412,000 dollar. The CERs spnt about 10% of their overall time educating our community about energy effciency and conservation. Of their specific presentation time, about 15.20% of it was dedicated to energy effciency and energy conservation. Prepaed by Market Segment Coordinator, Dave Thornton Idaho Power Company's Response to Data Requests. 8 ~. I Idaho Power Company IPUC Data Requests Energy Education Proposal IPC-E-08-11 REQUEST NO.7: Provide a reasonable bredown of the tota cost of Idao Power's "Solar 4R.Schools" progr and list the parcipating schools. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.7: There are eight schools with Solar 4R Schools inlations and thee schools in the process of receiving instalations (scheduled to be completed in the fall of 2008). The schools are: · Capita High School - Boise, ID · Castleford School - Castleford, ID · Eagle Middle School - Eagle, ID · Payette High School - Payett, ID · Pocatello Communty Charer School - Pocatello, ID · Riversone Interntional School - Boise, ID · Wiliam Thomas Middle School - America Falls, ID · Wood River High School - Hailey, ID · Grace Lutheran School, Pocatello, ID (Italation in progress) · Ola Elementa-Middle School, OLa, ID (Ilation in progress) · New Meadows Schools, New Meadows, iD (Ilation in progress) The program is managed in parership with the Bonneville Envionmenta Foundation ("BEF"). As par of Idaho Power's Green Tag purase contract with BEF, 10% of the cUstomer contrbutions are set aside for the Solar 4R Schools progr. As fuds accrue, Idao Power awards instalations. Historicaly, additional intalations have been support by BEF though grants and donations. . The actual costs per school differ due the location of the school, the schools physical design, and the varabilty of the price of equipment. Idao Power provides some program marketing and admnistrtion. These costs ar par of the Green Power Program adstration and ar not tracked separately. See Attchment NO.5 for a breakdown of expenses. Prepared by Program Specialist II, Patti Best. Idaho Power Company's Response to Data Requests - 9 ". Idaho Power Company IPUC Data Requests Energy Education Proposal IPC-E-08-1 i REQUEST NO.8: In an April 30, 2008, letter to Bil Chisholm Theresa Drae describe severa tyes of energy effciency programs and effort conducted by Idao Power and concluded with "...we welcome opportties to supplement and augment existg program." Pleae explai specificaly which of the program or effort Idaho Power would choose to augment and by approxiately what amounts. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.8: As mentioned previously, Idaho Power welcomes any progrs or effort to increase children's understanding of energy and the value it brings to our communties. Specifically, Idaho Power would like to see the follo\\'Íg: o Expanding the mi home audits for school children with more in-depth follow-up in the classroom. Idao Power ha an existing "Home Audit" for children, but feels additional curculum goals could be achieved with activities and follow-up. o Energy Audits of schools or classroom facilties by students could lead to recommendations for implementig energy effciency measurs. Paricipatig students would build the business case and make presentations to decision makers and distrct admstrtors. Idao Power curently offers commercial incentives; however, stdent-led projects adopte by the schools provide the opportty for students to parcipate in a "leag lab" and experience success with a tagible project. o Idaho Power believes the number of quaified applications to Solar 4R Schools could be increased. o Educational "energy efficiency" materials/kts could be shared by stdents with their familes. Presently, a school kit cost $40-$50 dollars each and are cost prohihibitive to provide to classrooms in our service terrtory. Prepared by Customer Relation & Energy Effciency Manager, Theresa Drake. Idaho Power Company's Response to Data Requests - 10 "".. '.Idaho Power Company IPUC Data Request Energy Education Proposal IPC-E-08-11 REQUEST NO.9: Provide any other information regardig Idaho Power's effort to improve school building operation effciency or to educate stdents or customer in general about energy effciency, including their costs, fuding sources, and prelimiar or completed evaluations. For example, how many ofIdaho Power's booklet 30 Simple Things You Can Do to Save Energy have been prited and at what cost? How many have been distbuted and at what cost? Has there been any prelimnar evaluation of the effects of distrbutig tht booklet? And the same questions for the 2007/2008 Educational Resource Guide, and Simple Ways to Save Energy- Mini Home Audit. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.9: Idaho Power's effort to improve school building effciency not included in the inormation provided in the above questions includes trg and education of trade allies who work with the schools. Idao Power is also a sponsor of the Integrted Design Lab which available to schools and has been utilized by schools parcipating in the Building Effciency progr. The education of stdents outside the classroom is included in the Company's genera energy effciency education effort, which includes but is not limited to: radio and TV interviews, raio and TV advertsing, prit adversing, parcipation in events such as county fais or the Green Power Expo, ad hoc speakg engagements by Company employees and managers, and Idao Power sta teaching and speang at secondar education facilties and communty organzations. The costs of all these activities ar not all tracked separtely. The fuding of these activities is provided by the Energy Effciency Rider and general Company operation and matenance fuds. Most of these activities do not have formal evaluations but the value of parcipating in these events is assessed by customer feedback, employee feedback, quatity and type of material distrbuted, and other non-quatifiable information. Genera customer satisfaction with Idao Power's energy effciency effort is meaured in the Company's quaerly Burke customer satisfaction surey. The most recent cusomer surey available (second quarer 2008) shows that 37% of the customers surveyed believe that Idao meets or exceeds their needs with energy effciency program offerigs and 51% believe Idao Power encourges energy efficiency. In May 2008, Idao Power printed 25,000 copies of 30 Simple Things You Can Do to Save Energy. The primar distrbution outlet for ths publication has been events, including the Idaho Green Expo on May 17 and 18. Idaho Power has distributed 6,493 retaing 18,507 in inventory. The cost for printing this publication was $61,200. In 2007, Idaho Power printed 7000 Community Education Resource Guides contaning 24 pages at a cost of $5629. This year (2008) Idaho Power printed the same 7000 quantity containing 36 pages at a cost $5694. In 2007, Idaho Power printed the Simple Ways to Save Energy - 1i1ini Home Audit in varying quatities (100 - 1000) based on need in Idaho Power's print center at a cost of approximately $.28 each. In 2008, Idaho Power is printing 10,000 copies of Simple Ways to Save Energy - 1i1ini Home Audit at an estimated cost of$1300-1500 from a commercial printer. Idaho Power Company's Response to Data Requests - 11 ~. Idaho Power Company.. IPUC Data Requests Energy Education Proposal IPC-E-08-11 Prepared by Market Segment Coordinator, Dave Thornton, and Cusmer Reseach & AnalysisLeader, Pete Pengily. . Idaho Power Company's Response to Data Requests - 12 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-08-11 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT NO. 1 , Idaho Power Community Education On-Line Teacher Survey 1.liow did you hea~about IdahoPovr Compal'y'sCommunltEducaon program(s)1 Please che~kaUthat apply., :. ".J."':; -': :,-.' .: ",'-"."", . -,' ..' '. _.~ .' '. ," Arrnged for programs In previous yeal' Educational Resource Guide (hard copy) Idaho Power website (ww.idahopower.com) Local Idaho Power Community Education Representative A colleague/fellow educator Other media (please specify) . Respon~;., R,sponse.._ .' Percent'."' 'cOunf~t'.:.;:~:~; - ~-_.' . \:,~ :'~,- . ":"~~, hi'ii! illl.jJ~"..i.._ . :nn¡i;irr' I iiUll Il. 1111 92.3%'48 Jtì I.:..25.0%13 l'i'-!l 13.5%7 ~.;t'tlJ.l;t."W!.~.IlI(" 't1iIf~'lìí_'.46.2%24 1,.41---.26.9%14 i 1.9%1 ;2;'H~wdld 'you~~ntaÇi .y~ur la~'IJd~ho P9wer'Ç~.mmunlty Edu,c~tion Rèpres~ntatì".e to ~rran'g~ 10~:Yé~~~;pre~~r~ti'?~this yei~) (piea~ech~~~_a~.~~~t ,~ppl)'l~.:i:~ .i~i ,-C'", " .. ..' . .'. ',.... . ',,'-::~g;:Ld: .:\':"., . ,r., .:.~;, Telephone Individual e-mail Group e-mail (e.g., idaed(gidahopower .com) U.S. Postal mail (e.g., Request Card insert found in the Educational Resource Guide) Other (please specify) .."~. . :; 'Res~~'s'i,:d.~èsponSe' . '....Percent,.;... Count. :'.. .;"s ,,::',';:-;~, "~f-' :~,;: ~';::ê':.',:~~r'~':;;:s\';:.~ :.' .~.."'I¡.¡¡-II.ì1l.ll 48.0%24 f1-'.~ilØ."'.II''$J 1l_.58.0%29 ~6.0%3 f,.....,'d-.',-..i.,.~lífi 14.0%7 I(X~.'.'Îr'iil 18.0%9 skippøquestion page 1 3~ How m~riy years have you requestededucatiorial Prorams I PRlsenta~lons frt.rr)dahoPower Con¡pany? ",: ". Respo~se;:." Rèspo~~i: Percent', .' .Count. " ,'£',.L': :'~~:- ' ;i.;~ ~~. "~, ~~:'::~;~:'~.;~.2;;~:;:~i;li-'~;'~.:.'t 0.0%0 13.1%1 . 31.3%19 21.5%14 13.1% 7.8% . '.":; -A:. This year (2005-2006) was the first time 2-5 Iãm._ 6.10 ~\1'i.lli1l in.. 11.15 ~p"r"'\1_'" 16-20 fT"Yl ¡ll!'I¡¡1 More than 20 .4. The Information provldedlrrthërequested program Integrated well with thestate'andJ orsc:hÇ)oì.distrlct's c:urric:ulum'd:guldfiÎlnes.:/" . ...": ;'\.:1..'.... ....:.', "' ",c.:/' ".\.,:, ' j.".'.:,:. ....., ".d.':.i;....:,~.:, . "'d.:;, /::~ '.". . C'. ,. :,-,~' .,-'.' . . ",! :;;'~ _,:;:;~~ ., , _:~)' .,' '".,' ',',','. ).Re~~onse: ..i R~spÓ'nsé\ . 'Perc:ent';ii: Counf, ,;,'r,,',.;-,'.,',',,; Strongly agre 1:'.-' '.il iI;rtrui'-'j",.'üî!lTlQ" :-i:d"..'~ì'-:"T'-" -l"lit'rl 90.2% Somewhat agree t".,a Neither agree nor disagree ~ 7.8% 2.0% Somewhat disagree 0.0%: Strongly disagree 0.0% answered question . Skipped question ~~",,:); ;;. ',1 r'~~g'2 :: "~!Th~Inforni~~onJ)rovldedjnth~requested program Intl!grat~~Ciii ~ youro'on lesson plan,. 88.0% 8.0%4 4.0%2 0.0%0 0.0%0 Strongly agre Jlf1U iit.ria,. i I i ii i..nlll L11nMIIll1t1l11 iilí Somewhat agree i! Neither agree nor disagree ii Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Very valuable IlIì,w""~.tIllll ì IIÎ_iii:UI,fl;MU..iIlUI II lit .'1 II 100.0% 6.HoVi valuable\vasthlnformatl~n prov'ded'ln:thereq~Elsted¿~¡9ramt'oYQu as'ân:~ducatoÌ';' "~-:"'-'-'- ,.,-: ~. ;.." ',' ,':~:-¡-':"--'" .:", "';,-' . ',' ',,":'.',', ':",,:~-,;;,~,;,-,-"/---:":, '-,'-;,-,-.",', ...:.'.-'; Somewhat valuable 0.0%o Not very valuable Not valuable at all Page 3 \ 7. How valuable was the Information prClvldedln the requested proram to yourst~denl$?..' - ".. " ,"- - -." - .. ..' .~ ~:,. -. . ", .... :.~ , ".' ',' ...'.', '.'" . ...":-...... - "'. ..,..' ,'- .. 'ú- '.' .. .. -:. ~~'..:L;,;.: . ,.,~ . ;:-'. : ;-i,-i . RespOnse'~ RespØnse' ::-~.iefi:e.~t~.;,:.~i.; ;.~~e~?!';,;,i:: Very valuable p.m. uri.iiii. i_I JUtl_.l¡iULI 1I1,1._...lEUI 98.0%49 2.0%1 0.0% 0.0% Somewhat valuable l Not very valuable Not valuable at all ~.,Thé ÇomrnunltyEduç¡tion Rep'resentative~skno~ledgeable~ithregard to the topic of the preseritiltloJ1?'.:,,.. . . -, ',~" _.j --'.. .. .,', .." :-'.' -, ,- . .. .. ¡-:",."".: ' ." .." _.. .. ',- ',,' ..', .. ''',.. - '" .. ,.. _.. '-. "..' ., .. ..: .... .. .. ". .". Strongly agre F.. ¡¡IM.ln a. HI".'. !I.IG ''ft'........._1.t;.~rø.1l11f1i1ïl Somewhat agree Neither agree nor disagree ..0.0% Somewhat disagree 0.0% F'B9E' 4 '9. How'lIkelywill you be to utiliz Idaho Power Company's Community Educaon prøgram(s)In thefuture1': . ,".- - - . '-:." -. .-, ' ",' ". "," :. -' . ". .,('..,,~ :.:,',:.( J'':..," ,"" Respønse,I': ~.'. ~spønse::' '.. tL~~r;~~~,.~"l~E~~~~~~i. Definitely will . 100.0%51 0.0%0 0.0%0 0.0%'.0 0.0%0 Probably will Mayor may not Probably wil not Definitely wil not Response. t.' - '~' ., . Count.:. ~ 'l,.,~+,tt!~r,.~-,;;~:;~a~;:: 32 l~f~+~~~1~0 r'ii; skiPPfa au~i!();t:ê. .' d 20',;; Very Aware rrr.ñí""ìi'i;fJi'''P¡1l'..ra"._45.1% Somewhat aware n.d"iQ:7ï"¡i,"\iw¡.c'rTíiirQflinOJ 41.2%21 Not aware at all ~¡ 'c'r'..l 13.7%7 PaCJe 5 12. Do you order and I orutllize the loan library materials?. ..' ," .' .'. .' .' ',' '_..' '-. ~ ~r~ ';;:":d:::.:~:_;:.)i.~ ." ~ ~.~:: ::,'r. ~f~ '. Response '.' ~ Response" . ..~~~~~n~ .~;,_ ~',?~~2~; ,ii:: Yes ."iI.un..27.3% .. 12 \~ 13: What l1aterjalsfrom Id.aho¡:ower's loan library have you. usec:'l (Please check aU .tilatliPPIY)';,",-.-.--, .,',C, "::';:""". .....;0,...::::. ",.,::.d' ".:'-' .' -'." ..::',_....-' ~":..-....-_..l.--..;:-:..-;_.:..-.-:.-..-:'...,...;~--_:....:':..,.~~::.:.~-' Videos I-,,"'~d:ltt ¡îtei=~t-ì' .... ."'li"'tiii-.n ¡ li .66.7% Brochures I¥c'¡f.líf,,~'t"e"T'l.'~_41.7% Teaching Units tn,Ul!:r:...25.0% Teaching Kits lt7-.t'1.'IEii_í_ Black-line Masters 14. How valua~le have the materialsln the loan IIbrary been to youas~n educator? " .' .' .'.' . .'.'.' - .' .' .-i_~' .~' , Very valuable t..~ ..~_.....1 . ~ .'- ...c..,,,.,"_...____'..;~...,."",,,,l,,¥.......'i.' '.~'","j_md;./~-Æl_."' ;;~,._.,,_~-:d-.-~I100.0%12 Somewhat valuable 0.0%o Not very valuable 0.0%o Not valuable at all 0.0%o answered question 12. skipped question 40 F'è,Ç¡e E '~.' " '15. HowvaluabJehave the ma'terialsin the loan IIbra!y ben to yourstudems?; '. ":;\:, :.r;:,~:,';.:~:::':/: ;.:...:'..~;: "'~::",:':':_'.'~:.,~: ..".' ',,: . " ':,":L :"~::'i'," '\.'.:': ': ,.:~",': :è:~'::' '; ,'::~,,' ""''':,;::,:,~:-;£: -".' , ."~,:' " '.' . " ";"'/, ". ':~ ::",i' ~':~'.'~~" :,: ,',:~::.\~':. ~'i;~t:; ~,:T~:'i:~'~~'~:t ;~:t'~~~ ;~t:=~:t,tiJìi;:,~,.(i~::.:.~,..: ~.-;il: ~;,'.,::';¡S .'~~¿?~:t;~~ Very valuable I¡Wlll ¡.1I111 ME iiÎliin '11'1111_1. it If 111.11~i111 1..1 100.0%12 Somewhat valuable 0.0% Not very valuable 0.0%o Not valuable at all 0.0%o .,~f .y,::\r:...:,- :,':),'~,i.' ";:' ,": L,:, .j.... ~: ,:;: r:::,/,~.',;",;:,::::_:1~2~:,~'~'~"t,\,;" . answere question " '. ",', .0,12 .'., ",'.,:';,"""'.",','-,", '--.. ..,' ' "', ,."",.'.",., '.,....".,"'.,.'" .' ~"if :~" ,: ,', ,~t~~ ~ ì :,,~.~:~'~:: ~~ "';;:::,: ~'~~ ';¡::,,:~;,: :;:";~': ':.,::~;~;~;).tf:?~,~.t~F :' sk¡p~dquest¡t!n.':. ',," 40,~: 16'. How likely wil you be to~til~,!dallo Power Company's loan IIbrary¡nthefuture~, ,:,'--.'. :;, . . ',.-. ...' ",'- )" :', \"":' ":,, ,;,',. t,,' ~ ....', ,.- ' ' ''', .. ,;'. ',,, " .' ",",:" ': :" i'... " ; , . -', (Response Response' , ;::;,l~,~~~~t: t: ):,~,":e~~~\ ,:¿ Definitely wil' _'¡rt7iiîi&jjqi'~!I'!Úiih¡¡¡._l 75.0%9 Probably wil _iiliri ii Mayor may not Probably wil not Definitely wil not ""/'.~~i -: ~;'swe,edquest¡on, ''':~;'.: ,:'-':\",:~'~,t~i;"'; ; "'~-,: "::,; , ,. F. What additional suggeslo.n~.d.0 you hav.e to helpldah~ Poweri,!prov~theïoari librarY?', Page 7 '.-,',; , . 18. What could Idaho Power do to Improve Its programs to better Integraewlt~. the State and or school dl.stlêt'scurrlculurn '/:.guidelines? . c..'."'., ,:\. ...,- ;\2::' ~esponse;\. .,' C~unL;.d: "d';';~,\,; ';~',,:, o 1.~.~What could Idaho Power do to improve Its. programs to betterl'ltegrate~tii your.l~sst:npl~'ls? 20. What coulclldah() Power do to improve thfi. value of.lts prog~rnsfor you? skipped qiJestion 21. What could Idaho Power do to improve the value of Its programs for your students?" '. .' , " . Response Count'. . o skippe question 52 L~t'J;::' ~; 22. In what wayscould~"Ct?rnrnunlty ~dùc:onReJ)~nUllvelmprovetheil'kn.owle~~~'!lth.nl~pe,ct.~,o:'tie.Prt'S.~rn()r p~esentatlon? """", CO", d ....' '. .(. ." -/.,.;,;~' .:"'::~ .;".';:L..,;lŠi"c/ - . -;\-:'~'.'. ."..¡ ,~.' ,.,. .;: .~. . .~, .. '. ~, ' . - ,', 23. Please, help~s undersnd wl)yyou would not use Idah,o Po~ts~'()mmUnltyEducati~:mPr~gnlm~~g~iii;,;;,ç c.' . ':--'. ,-.,"',,:..".," .-,-;- "..-; "', '. ,." '.'," ".': ", ""--';/:-~'.:t": ",' -.; ','. ,"--:.. -c'.'" .~- ,;.,. " :;'.:. ;--..\," ''''"-'~:-_-'' _:":O':'-":""~':";;.~':~-,-;'!'~~' ,-;:-"~.:~:./' :J":"': .:.t.,; . 2:.1 ~"'..:~ o .. .\ :l'-. 24,,;'What coulçJ .Idïlho ';P:owèr,"dò -to" .i~prove.:-the' value-.:qf-ìts -loan' library~:for you1"~;: ~::':-_~:./'_ .: :.1" J :R 3";~! ::;;.:',.. !.,'.:",:":.;. ':.:'.:,-: ;.. _'~"_~i':'_' -: '_. ::,. :;,;t ..i~':.. .'.:~'.. ~,;,: :','~~:.' " _ " ' -,,,'__,:',;'. :..~;__' X~: :~,~~~,~, :'.~'~,,.,C :: '\~J: ,,",',: '." ',',\/'~,~ ,:. _,::~':~ / ;'::,:: .'," " ¡,:,I ~.', . ~t,,~~~ .',~~ ':': :::' ..:;:..~....~:;¡ ';,~;2 .~~: ;', . , i\"lRn~~~~~~~ûêsti~~~'.~;h':;iF:"~~d ,,'! " ~','; ":.-,t~:.-" t~..l,~:,,!:-~.'t'''',i' . ';52' 25.What could Idaho Power do to Improve the v~lueoflt loan library materials for your students? c'~,.- -:-- .'., '. ' " '.,. ,: " 'J - ':" - Response,. Count.'"." ".:¡,;" .:,;.(,:"',' o P¿'ge 9 26. Please help us understand why you would not use Idaho Power's Loan Library again. . ~- " 27. Have you ever receive,d feedback frm parents regarding any ofthelnformatlon provided by IdahoPower-liieither classl'om presentations or lrithe a~cilary materials (e.g., actvlt/colo.r1ng b~klets,bookmarks,,~tÇ.)1.'."'" '. ',~ " .... " .:':~:, ,,'. ,: -~ : ..:.,.....1 ,-.-,,, 7" "Res~nse Percent. :R~spon~~ . Courit~..,. ~'.'-m:: t;.: '; ;:~,/:~:~ 'A;;~j't_:t~,~f~:Dt~;.;,- ; -;~. .':." . Yes Fe, ~'ìi tWltii1itñ"¡t'.._il'..52.9%27 No I tr-_"'ii.l\~'ì'¡("':e_".lll¡;~47.1%24 28. I"years, how long have you ~ndan -ed';ca0r? 1-5 0.0%o 6-10 J"...."7i 7.8%4 11-15 "t,I'.,o.tij 15.7%8 16-20 I"" ¥d'''''j 21.6%11 Over 20 &..."'.¡.....~"'r.'....~'..7 "1YtT:j 54.9%28 skipped question 1 r?:Qf: j 0 \ ,,''¡'' 29. At what grade level do Y9ucurrntly teach?. . . . ' '.' " ."',. " ."!' ~ ,;' . .... -'~'." " .' '. .. \": ".:, " "' ;j;:~,: :;;;1 Kindergarten O.OOÆi o 1st 0.0%o 2nd __._.25.5%13 3rd Iin..i 4th pi'ltlîií''Mll!pl_r_ 5th "I'.11.8%6 6th ~ Middle School I Junior High i High School I! 5.9%3 "'",,"., .' ':~~~,:;,~,"~~', . - ~"~t:' ;.,': -, .~;" ~'~.,~ :'.'..;,'c",-."o'";Î;.:.. :, ':"'-"~~., :..::',,:;/: : ResJ)onse' i... .Count ,,,.,. :..;':~;:L _.i:.:"::.t:.-:~ 38 P;:çj'? 1: Attachment 1 Response to question 1 esIDI~PO. An IDACORP compny LIST OF SCHOOLS REQUESTING EDUCATIONAL PRESENTATIONS DURG THE 2007.208 SCHOOL YEAR EAST REGION - CLAUDIA TREMELLING POCATELLO SCHOOL DISTRCT # 25 Chubbuck Elementa Wilcox Elementar Edahow Elementary Gate City Elementay Green Acres Elementay Indian Hils Elementa Jefferson Elementa Lewis and Clark Elementar Ells Elementa Syrìnga Elementa Tendoy Elementary Tyhee Elementay Washington Elementay SNAKE RIVER DISTRICT # 52 Moreland Elementary Rockford Elementary Riverside Elementa BLACKFOOT DISTRICT # 55 Staler Elementar Stoddard Elementary Wapello Elementay Groveland Elementay Ridge Crest Elementar ABERDEEN DISTRICT # 58 Aberdeen Elementar AMERICAN FALLS DISTRICT # 381 Hilcrest Elementary America Falls Intermediate School ROCKFORD DISTRICT # 382 Rockford School SALMON DISTRICT # 291 Salmon Middle School Salmon Pioneer School SOUTH LEMH # 292 Leadore School Page 2 of 5 PRIVATE SCHOOLS Grace Lutheran School - Pocatello Holy Spirt Catholic School - Pocatello Salmon Seventh-Day Adventist School - Salmon LIST OF SCHOOLS REQUESTING EDUCATIONAL PRESENTATIQNS DURG TH 2007.2008 SCHOOL YEAR CANQN REGION - LINA GARCIA NAMPA SCHOQL DISTRICT Roosevelt Elementay Iowa Elementary Reagan Elementary Snake River Elementa Endeavor Elementa Central Elementar Owyhee Elementary Sherman Elementa Wilow Creek Elementa Nampa Chrstian Elementa CALDWELL SCHOOL DISTRICT Sacajawea Elementary Lewis & Clark Elementa . Washington Elementar Wilson Elementay Van Buren Elementay KUNA SCHOOL DISTRICT Crimson Point Elementa Hubbard Elementary Reed Elementay Fremont H. Teed Elementa Indian Creek Elementar Ross Elementa :MDDLETON SCHOOL DISTRICT Middleton Heights Elementary Middleton Mil Elementay Middleton Purle Sage Elementa V ALLIVU SCHOOL DISTRICT Sage Elementar Central Canyon Elementary Thomas Jefferson Elementary Birch Elementary East Canyon Elementay MOUNTAIN HOME SCHOOL DISTRICT East Elementary Nort Elementary West Elementary Page 3 of 5 MELBA SCHOOL DISTRICT Melba Elementary LIST OF SCHOOLS REQUESTING EDUCATIONAL PRESENTATIQNS DURNG THE 2007.2008 SCHOOL YEAR WEST REGION - PAM COMPQN Marsing Parma Nyssa Vale Harer Unity Pleasant Valley Alameda St. Peter's Notus Garden Valley Anex Donnelly Riggin Council Midvale Payette Cambridge Richland Homedale (Elementar & High Schools) Adrian, OR (Elementar, Jr. High & High Schools) Cairo Ontaio Wilow Creek Jordan Valley Aiken Mar Robert Four Rivers Charer Horseshoe Bend Emmett (4 Elementa Schools) Idaho City McCall New Meadows Weiser (3 Schools) Fruitland (Elementary & Jr. High Schools) New Plymouth (Elementa & Jr. High Schools) Halfway Pioneer LIST OF SCHOOLS REQUESTING EDUCATIONAL PRESENTATIONS DURG THE 2007.2008 SCHOOL YEAR SOUTHERN REGION - CHRS BELL Grand View Elementary Harson Elementary Lincoln Elementary Oregon Trail Elementar Popplewell Elementa Hollster Elementay Hansen Elementary Murtaugh Elementay Bellevue Elementary Hailey Elementary Oakey Elementary Hagerman School Bickel Elementa I. B. Perrine Elementa Morningside Elementa Sawtooth Elementay Filer Elementay Kimberly Elementa Castleford Elementay Carey Public School Ernest Hemingway School Camas County Elementary/Junior High Wendell Elementary Bliss School Gooding Elementary Valley School . Jefferson Elementar Xavier Charer School Immanuel Lutheran School Twin Falls Chrstian Academy Page40f5 Horizon Elementay Brueau Elementay Clover Trinity Lutheran School St. Edwards's Catholic School LIST OF SCHOOLS REQUESTING EDUCATIONAL PRESENTATIONS DURG THE 2007.2008 SCHOOL YEAR CAPIAL REGION - RUSS WEEDON BOISE SCHOOL DISTRICT Adams Elementary Cole Elementary Cynthia Man Elementar Garield Elementa Highlands Elementar Horizon Elementary Jefferson Elementary Liberty Elementa Maple Grove Elementa Monroe Elementa Owyhee Elementary Riverside Elementary Shadow Hils Elementar Valley View Elementay White Pine Elementa Whittier Elementar Hidden Springs Charer Les Bois Junior High School Captial High School MERIDIAN SCHOOL DISTRICT Chaparal Elementary Christine Donnell Magnet Discovery Elementary Eagle Hils Elementary Amity Elementa Collster Elementar Franin Elementar Hawtorne Elementa Hilcrest Elementa Jackson Elementa Koelsch Elementar Longfellow Elementar McKiney Elementay Mountain View Elementay Pierce Park Elementay Roosevelt Elementa Trail Wind Elementa Washington Elementa Whitney Elementay Wiliam Howard Taft Elementary Garden City Community School Riverglen Junior High School. Timberline High School Chief Joseph Elementa Desert Sage Elementary Eagle Elementary Frontier Elementary Hunter Elementary Lae Hazel Elementar Mar McPherson Elementa Meridian Elementay Pepper Ridge Elementa Ponderosa Elementa Seven Oaks Elementary Spalding Elementary Summerwind Elementay Galieo Math & Science Magnet Sacred Hear Catholic School Foothils School of Ar & Sciences Eagle Middle School Meridian High School Page 5 of5 Joplin Elementa Linder Elementa McMilan Elementa Paramount Elementa Peregrine Elementa River Valley Elementary Silver Sage Elementa Sta Elementay Ustick Elementa Nort Star Public Charer Cole Valley Chstian School Lowell Scott Middle School Eagle High School BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC.E.08.11 IDAHO POWER COMPANY )" l'\ +~ . - . .._- J/L .. ';' j,j). " . .-f.....:n~. .-4i.~~1.~ ~'Lj"=-i. '.""_'--~,_.,_.- ------~,--, ...- '~"._. ,.__. _~_ ..,;-e__ .....___~.:..~._... ATTACHMENT NO.2 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC.E.08.11 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT NO.3 At c h m e t 3 Re p o s e t o R e U M N o . 7 . ?~ = r 1 1 W ~P O . An I D O R P c o m p y Le e l e d To t Av e r a g e le v e l i e d Co t s . Co t Pr o j To t l U l i l i t y Pa r l Re s To t a E n Pr o a m CO . U C 3 TR C 3 Ef f e c l i v e Co ' Co t s Co t r in v e s Co t s Sa v i ( k w h Me e u t e (i t ) (e J w h ) Um i t ( e J w h UC R a t i TR C R a t i Ea s v U o a d 54 $1 7 9 , 3 9 $6 1 4 , 0 1 1 $1 2 2 , 2 8 5 $6 7 1 , 1 2 2 1, 1 1 9 . 7 4 1 12 1. 5 6. 5 6 8. 0 8 4. 6 1 1. 2 3 Bu i l d i o E f f i c 18 $5 7 6 , 4 7 9 $6 , 3 3 $5 , 1 1 0 $6 7 , 7 0 5 2, 1 9 5 . 6 0 12 2. 8 7 3. 4 8 8. 0 8 2. 8 1 2. 3 2 To t a 72 $7 5 5 , 8 7 4 $1 . 2 4 0 , 3 4 7 $6 7 , 3 9 $1 . 3 6 , 8 2 7 3, 3 1 5 , 3 4 1 12 2. 4 9 4. 5 2 8. 0 8 3. 2 4 1. 7 9 No ' " a n d A u p t l 1, P r o j C o t s a r e f o S c p r o j 2 0 t h r o u 8 1 1 9 1 . 2. P a r c o t s a r e r e p e d f o E a U p g a n e s t i t e f o t h B u E f t h i n e n l p a r l c o t i s e s t i a t e d t o b e 2 4 % g r e a t e r t h i n l i v e s . 3. E n g y S a v i u t i n I e v e l e d c o t c a t i i n l i l o . BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-08-11 IDAHO POWER COMPANY A IT ACHMENT NO.4 At t m e 4 Re p o . . t o R e q u e t N o 7 . Ea s y U D Q r a d e s S c h o o l P r o l e c t M e a s u r e S u m m a An I D O R P C o m ø v Sc h o o l P r o l e c t M e a s u r e S u m m a te r n BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-08-11 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT NO.5 iiI_2~ rG ,. öz ¡:i 5ri:II 0 1: ; II II e c.c 0u Q,ia II= IIq: i: ~Nia .c.! ë ~o II :iE ..lj ..w ~i:.... ~i:.... I ra .c.. C\ Ø) " g 'S 0 C\o:iClccqo :u = ..~ ~!i: ..MM ~..¡: .caiæ õCI 0= .c ~~ :. 8 à1 ra ~ ¡ 8S'ell;_à5 iau_,§g¡.!io~i=~~ .. ~ aic m ¡ci ~(I ëñ ..C~ l! ~ ~ ci :í.. II II II II II II II II il II IIII II II II II II II II II II II~~e~~!!!!~~Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Ql Ql Ql Cl Qleeeeeeeeeee a. a. a. a. a. a. a. a. a. a. a. iaEEEEEEEE.E.E.Ec Nl/ ~ ~II 0z i :: II II II II II II II II II 1I.1III II II II II II II II II II II ~! ! ! ! ! ~ ! ~ ! !Ql Ql Ql Ql Ql Ql ~ Ql Ql Ql Ql2eeeeeë.eeeea. a. a. a. a. a. a. a. a. a. a. _.;.E.EE.EE.E.EE.E.E.E i; II II II II II ~ II II II II IIII II II II II II II II II II~~!~!,-~!CÐ!!~~~e ~~~~~~~ a. a. a. a. a. a. a. a. 0. a. a. ia.E.E.E.EE.E.EEE.EEc j'; ã~g$!~ II :. C'ta?íli .! ti""_.E Æ ~_... en CI i: .5ã 8 .s ¡ ~ ~ ~ If 0i: EMMM l ~ g ~~~ia N .! .. -.c -(, ~ ~ .S .5 'i j .s 'ã ! ¡o '" ;.0. ...E 2EMMM C\ Ø) ig~e ~-.... .cai~ ~ iia -.= 0 a. IDia ..(, ~ æei 0., MM .9" -" -- 0:: 0 II .cõi ~ ~ C\ ægo., MM C\ Ø)g ~., MM 'E ii .S 0CI 0- .c'I uia fi(, CC~$!OO""CIIl.è'iiii-ei ~C\ C\C'Øl~.. MMMMMMM ~~~~~~~...C\ -or.. MMMllllMlI ~~~ ~ ~ ., uS MMMMM ~~ ~ ~i6 M MMM M ~~ ~ ¡i6 I tb li M CD C\ lO.. N.. .. . C'.. M M ~~ ~ ¡. iiII ;. eQ. u.WMM CD ~~.. M M li ~C\ en ¡ ~ i: :2II 'j; ~ u.WMM CD C\10_ N,. .. . C'- M MM ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ æ.~ l~~ l ~ &E w èi2!~ g c'"a. :.'2 ::"3 C) 1;) "C¡ -/l .c c ''5 ~ E t ~ ~ lß.. :?~,g 8"0~ Qj'ëcn"3~.a.~.me:a. u.ca.2"8 ~.g.'õi~~i'~ litb:!cñ::EÐ5iÍEO~ü~CDiS ~~C\ II- j ~ 'l;; .s .gl £Q) l Ql ~ ~ M ~ ~ . C'.. j ~li .a u ! ri ~l!!"..8.Il' lD ..:!l¡f~_ ~ ~)! ~II .OM.5 .l ~ e.s~..'".. c ,¡ .l ~ § Ii 8o II Ü .5 '6 cD ¡II II õi'l"8"'''Eu.c W:.~!5 uîll .ü : '" Q)õ ~ ~ i=t: Q) ~ .l! 'l E § II E CI c"''05:~ li ~ e '-.l . Cl~ II ii e ~ 8 t ~ .§ 1i :. .;Q);' ..~'=.e~'õi GI :E eC e _ CDQ) :; c ;; lio,g,3 ¡"G.! Q) .. ,S 'l C."3 C II e5r8.5Cl ;. lß .5 uîQ)'O'O ~=::Q).g ~ g ~ igÕ§~:: ¡:i l! ~ùi.s:i~Z2Q),SQ) .O.c II ;:.!Zi-.E.EO ~ l I ~:t.~ ~II Q);; .s .g Q. l i ~ lQ. g .= È~ l! e ~. Q) a." ..CI ~ :3 ifC' ãi ~ ~ e .6 Cl .s II CD .c C =£ ~i~ ~ CI I;; fd ill ~ e Cl~ Co (¡ ~ ~~.s l ~ tb ~ iiCD Q) ~ .i .s i="2li .~.9:.8" ~ai~~:e=aiii,¡;e:ee-&~¡EÜ e-5 §.SCI II CD J: '" E-.!§.. .-'0~-ga..! ~~i:~ãii'ë~~ãiÆ~i~if~()€_~ci:a.~jo :lüõ.. fda."'q:-Q)üoCl a. .c =--£0 Q).cQ)'" 1l:: =.£§gieii"'-a. .- II '0 oS;; o ~ CI ii ..~.u.3.cüu.~_ ~g,~J: cW5 ~~~~~ 8.0¡ ãl5l ¡ II ;:~ "0 "'"0 Õ =맧§§ ~~u. u. u. u. W'C.. :\ :i .. in 0. .." . ó DATErriME PLACE TO CONDUCT A STATUS CONFERECE ON: CASE NO. IPC-E-08-11 MORE SPECIFICALL Y IN TH MATTR OF THE APPROPRITE DISPOSITION OF IDAHO POWER COMP AN'S EMISSION PROCEEDS TO FUN AN ENERGY EDUCATION PROPOSAL INODUCTION OF TH COMMISSIONERS: CHA JIM KEMPTON/ PRESIDENT MACK REDFORD/ MASHA SMITH PROCEEDINGS IN THIS CASE AR BEING CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WIll COMMISSION JUSDICTION UNDER TITLE 61, IDAHO CODE AND COMMISSION RULES OF PRÚCEDURE UNDER IDAPA 31.01.01. STATUS CONFERENCE WILL BE RECORDED APPEARCE OF ANY INTERESTED PARTY IN A TIENDENCE BEFORE THE COMMSSION IN TODAY'S STATUS CONFERENCE iS NOT RESTRCTED AN . THRE IS NO DESIGNATED LEAD PARTY (Expand to others in the room.) APPEARACES/ REPRESENTIG:IPUC: DON HOWELL IEEP: OER: DOE: IPC: BEFORE ADDRESSING CONFERENCE PROCEDURES: BRIEF HISTORY FOR THE.RECORD/ DISTRIBUTION OF OER "PROPOSAL" (Recess to read ???) CONFERENCE PROCEDURS/(çHARM'S PROPOSAL) 1. PRESENTATION ORDER: JEEP/OERlOEIIPC 2. QUESTIONS: COMMISSION! PARTIES IN THE ORDER OF PRESENTATION 3. ADDITIONAL DISCUSSION: BY DIRECTION OF THE CHAIR ANY OTHER PRELIMINARY MA TIERS? ." ( I .( l AFR CONFERENCE ACTON(S)I RECOMMNDATIONS: