HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081216Leckie Revised Direct.pdf1 the deferred fees paid to them. While the fees are deferred 2 under the provision of the plan, the fees earn interest at a 3 rate that is 3% over Moody's long-term corporate bond yield 4 average rate. 5 In 2007, the directors of Idaho Power earned 6 $336,676 in interest on deferred fees. Also in 2007, the 7 directors of IDACORP earned $186,721 in interest on deferred 8 fees. For the director fees for IDACORP, over 90% are 9 allocated back to Idaho Power. Therefore, the Company has 10 included at least $504,724 of interest expense that it paid 11 to its directors for the deferred directors' fees. The 12 interest rate paid in 2007 for the deferred amounts ranged 13 between 8.83% and 9.34%. 14 Customers should not be responsible for paying a 15 premium of 3% over Moody's long-term corporate bond yield 16 average rate to the directors. The directors should not 17 recei ve an interest rate greater than the average rate the 18 Company would pay to any independent third party for a 19 similar amount. Any interest above the market rate for 20 funds should be a below-the-line expense and not included in 21 the revenue requirement. Staff therefore recommends that 22 the Company's expenses for the Board of Directors be reduced 23 by 3% of the interest earned on the deferred fees. This 24 would equal $15,142 ($504,724 x 3 %) . 25 Q.Do you have any other concerns about the CASE NO. IPC-E-08-1012/16/08 LECKIE, J. (Rev) 14 STAFF