HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081024Parker Direct.pdfBEFORE THE RECEIVED 200 OCT 24 PH 3: 29 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIO~AHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR ) CASE NO. IPC-E-08-10 AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES ) AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE ) TO ELECTRIC CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE)OF IDAHO. ) ) ) ) DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MARILYN PARKER IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OCTOBER 24, 2008 1 Q.Please state your name and address for the 2 record. 3 A.My name is Marilyn Parker. My business address 4 is 472 West Washington Street, Boise, Idaho. 5 Q.By whom are you employed and in what capacity? I am employed by thé Idaho Public Utilities6A. 7 Commission as a Utilities Compliance Investigator. I 8 accepted that position with the Consumer Assistance Staff 9 in November 2002. 10 Q. What is your educational and professional 11 background? 12 A.Prior to my employment with the Idaho Public 13 Utilities Commission, I had twenty years experience 14 working in private industry for three different utilit~ 15 companies. In 1973 and 1974, I was employed by Central 16 Alaska Utilities, a water company in Anchorage, Alaska, as 17 the Executive Secretary to the President of the company. 18 From 1982 until 1987, I was employed as a Customer Service 19 Representative for Idaho Power Company in Salmon, Idaho. 20 From February 1989 until November 2002, I was employed by 21 intermountain Gas Company in Customer Services. During my 22 last six years at Intermountain Gas, I supervised 23 representatives at the Customer Service Center's Emergency 24 Answering Service. 25 I received a Bachelor of Arts Degree in CASE NO. IPC-E-08-1010/24/08 PARKER, M. (D i) 1 STAFF 1 Management and Organizational Leadership from George Fox 2 University in Boise, Idaho in June 2002. 3 In June 2003 and June 2006, I attended the 4 National Low Income Energy Consortium Annual Conference in 5 Sacramento, California and Washington, D.C., respectively. 6 Q.Have you previously testified before the 7 Commission? 8 A.Yes, I have. 9 Q.What is the purpose of your testimony in this 10 proceeding? 11 A.The purpose of my testimony is to address:(1 ) 12 customer comments received by the Commission regarding 13 this case; (2) customer relations; (3) convenience fees; 14 and, (4) irrigation deposits. 15 Q.Please summarize your testimony and 16 recommendations to the Commission. 17 A.I reviewed the customer comments and found that 18 one-third of those commenting were from low and fixed 19 income customers who were concerned about how they would 20 be able to pay higher electric rates and another one-third 21 questioned why existing customers had to pay for new 22 growth. 23 I reviewed the complaints and inquiries received 24 by the Commission over the past four years from Idaho 25 Power customers and identified a consistent decline from CASE NO. IPC-E-08-1010/24/08 PARKER, M. (Di) 2 STAFF 1 2004 to 2007. 2 I reviewed the Customer Service Center's call 3 answering performance and found that the Company's yearly 4 averages met the goal of answering 80% of calls within 30 5 seconds. 6 I identified technological advancements 7 implemented by the Company and how they have improved 8 customer service. 9 I reviewed the Company's forms required by the 10 Commission's Utility Customer Relations Rules and found 11 them to be compliant. 12 I addressed the Company's response to Staff's 13 concerns regarding how Idaho Power's irrigation customers 14 were kept informed of the Company's recent changes to its 15 irrigation deposit collection practices. 16 I recommend that the Company explore 17 alternatives to its policy of requiring customers to pay 18 convenience fees when paying their Idaho Power bills using 19 check-by-phone, credit card or debit card and report its 20 findings to the Commission Staff. 21 CUSTOMER COMMNTS 22 Q.Have you reviewed the written customer comments 23 that have been received by the Commission regarding this 24 case? 25 A.Yes. As of October 16, 2008, forty-nine (49) CASE NO. IPC-E-08-1010/24/08 PARKER, M. (Di) 3 STAFF 1 Idaho Power customers had submitted comments regarding the 2 proposed increase in Idaho Power's electric rates. All 3 the commenters opposed any increase to rates. 4 Q.What are the concerns mentioned most often by 5 customers? 6 A.The comments fell into two maj or categories. 7 One-third of those commenting cited Idaho Power's 8 reference in its press release to the fact that new growth 9 was a major driver in its need for a rate increase. Those 10 customers questioned why current customers had to pay for 11 new growth. Another one-third of the comments were from 12 fixed and low income customers who raised concerns about 13 the current economic conditions and how they would be able 14 to afford to pay higher electric rates. 15 Staff witness Hessing will discuss cost 16 allocation and the cost of growth. Staff witness Thaden 17 will discuss economic conditions and customers' ability to 18 pay. 19 CUSTOMER RELATIONS 20 Q.In the last four years, how many complaints and 21 inquiries has the Commission received regarding Idaho 22 Power? 23 A.Staff Exhibit No. MP #1 shows the number of 24 informal complaints and inquiries received since 2004. 25 Q.What did your analysis of complaints and CASE NO. IPC-E-08-1010/24/08 PARKER, M. (Di) 4 STAFF 2 1 inquiries since 2004 reveal? A.There has been a consistent decline in the 3 number of complaints and inquiries received by the Idaho 4 Public Utili ties Commission from Idaho Power customers in 6 5 the past four years. Q.Regarding complaints and inquiries registered at 7 the IPUC, how does Idaho Power compare to the other three 8 maj or regulated energy companies doing business in Idaho 9 since 2004? 10 A.In 2007, Idaho Power and Avista Utilities in 12 11 northern Idaho had the fewest complaints and inquiries on a per 1,000 customer basis.From 2004 to 2006, Idaho 13 Power had fewer complaints and inquiries than two of the 15 14 major energy companies (see Staff Exhibit No. MP #2) . Q.Is Idaho Power responsive to the Commission's 16 Utility Compliance Investigators during complaint 18 17 investigations? A.Yes. Rule 404 of the Utility Customer Relations 19 Rules (UCRR) specifies that utilities must respond orally 20 or in writing to the Commission within ten business days 21 of receiving notification from the Commission that an 22 informal complaint against the Company has been received. 23 In 2007, the annual average number of days for Staff to 24 fully resolve complaints among all the energy companies 25 was 6. 15 . For Idaho Power complaints, the average number CASE NO. IPC-E-08-1010/24/08 PARKER, M. (Di) 5 STAFF 1 of days for Staff to resolve complaints in that same time 2 period was 5. 27 days. 3 Q.Is Idaho Power's Customer Service Center 4 telephone answering service level goal of answering 80% of 5 incoming calls within 30 seconds consistent and within 6 industry standards? 7 A.Yes. When looking at yearly averages, the 8 Company has met its goal in each of the last four years. 9 However, when looking at its month to month performance, 10 Idaho Power failed to meet its goal in three months 11 between July 2007 and July 2008. 12 Q.Are you concerned about the failures to meet its 13 goal? 14 A.No. It appears that failures were isolated 15 instances. The worst performance was in July 2007 when 16 the service level dropped to 67.9%. The Company 17 attributed this low service level to having six unfilled 18 positions in its Customer Service Center, which is 11% of 19 the total customer service representative staff. Those 20 positions were filled and the new representatives were 21 answering telephones by the following month. In August 22 2007, the service level rose to 81.04%. The Consumer 23 Assistance Staff has not received complaints from 24 customers who report that they are unable to reach the 25 Company by telephone due to long hold times, busy signals, CASE NO. IPC-E-08-10 10/24/08 PARKER, M. (Di) 6 STAFF 1 no answers, or being told to call back later due to high 2 call volumes. 3 Q.Are there any other factors to consider when 4 analyzing the Company's service level? 5 A.Yes. Since the implementation of the 6 Interactive Voice Response Unit (IVRU) and the online 7 customer service that is available through Idaho Power's 8 Website, many customers now have instant access to the 9 information they need either by telephone or the Internet 10 without the need to wait on hold to speak to a live 11 customer service representative. 12 Q. What about customers with outages or emergencies 13 to report? How are those calls handled? 14 A. Customers with emergencies are not handled in 15 the same way that a customer who wants to sign up for 16 service would be handled. When a customer calls Idaho 17 Power, the customer is connected to an automated system, 18 the IVRU, that asks the caller to say one of the following 19 options: "Outage"; "Residential Services"; "Irrigation or 20 Commercial"; "New Construction"; or "Electrician". When a 21 customer says "Outage", the caller is first told that if 22 there is an emergency, the caller should hang up and call 23 911. If the caller stays on the line, the caller is 24 directed to state the city he or she is in. At that 25 point, the automated system looks for an outage in that CASE NO. IPC-E-08-1010/24/08 PARKER, M. (Di) 7 STAFF 1 ci ty. If there is an outage, a recorded message provides 2 details regarding any known outages. If the automated 3 system does not find any outages logged, the caller is 4 advised to stay on the line so that the caller can report 6 5 an outage to a representative. Q.Has Idaho Power made any investments in 7 technology to improve customer service in outage 9 8 situations? A.Yes. The Company has made significant 11 10 investments in its Outage Management System. Q.What were your observations regarding Idaho 13 12 Power's Outage Management System? A.Idaho Power's Outage Management System is now 14 connected to its IVRU. One of the most important benefits 15 of the two systems being linked is the ability of the 16 Company to reduce the number of employees needed to answer 17 incoming telephone calls during outages. 18 In an effort to further improve customer service 19 during emergencies and outages, Idaho Power relocated its 20 Outage Management Department to the same facility as the 21 Customer Service Center last year. Two specially-trained 22 customer service representatives are always located within 23 the Outage Management Center. This allows the Outage 24 Management employees to concentrate on the coordination of 25 communications with its dispatched employees in the field CASE NO. IPC-E-08-1010/24/08 PARKER, M. (Di) 8 STAFF 1 to resolve emergencies and incidents and allows the 2 customer service center employees to work with the 4 3 incoming telephone calls and customer communications. Q.Has Idaho Power recently improved any of its 6 5 existing technologies? A.Yes. The Company made many improvements to its 7 Interactive Voice Response Unit (IVRU). One of the 8 improvements resulted from Idaho Power's internal tracking 9 of complaints registered with its own customer service 10 representatives. Customers complained about being unable 11 to figure out how to speak with a live representative. 12 Idaho Power added an option for customers who select 13 "Residential Services" on the IVRU to speak in person to a 14 customer service representative. In spite of the fact 15 that more and more customers are choosing not to speak 16 with a live customer service representative, Idaho Power 17 accommodated those customers who are still uncomfortable 18 with new technologies; this particularly helps elderly and 19 some physically challenged customers. 20 Q.Do Idaho Power's notices, bills, and written 22 21 information required by the Commission's Utility Customer 23 24 25 Relations Rules (UCRR)comply with these rules? A.Yes.I reviewed the documents in September 2008 and found the Company to be in compliance. Q.In 2008,a provision was added in the UCRR CASE NO. IPC-E-08-1010/24/08 PARKER, M. (Di) 9 STAFF 1 203.03 that states "utilities shall implement procedures 2 designed to monitor and identify customers who may be 3 billed under an inappropriate tariff schedule." Has Idaho 4 Power implemented procedures to be in compliance with this 6 5 new provision? A.Yes. According to Idaho Power, its Customer 7 Information System monitors accounts to ensure a customer 8 is billed under the appropriate rate schedule. When usage 9 occurs outside rate qualification rules for a particular 10 rate schedule, the account is routed to a customer service 11 representative for a manual review. 13 12 CONVNIENCE FEES Q.Pursuant to UCRR 403, did the Commission review 14 Idaho Power's written record of its complaints and 16 15 requests for conferences? A.Yes, I reviewed the Company's records for 2007. 17 These records consist of complaints and requests received 18 by the Company directly and are in addition to those 19 complaints referred to the Company by the Commission. I 20 noted in my review that 10% of these complaints (115) were 21 from customers who were unhappy with the convenience fees 22 required to pay their Idaho Power bill over the telephone 23 with a credit or debit card or check-by-phone. The 24 current charge is $2.85 for a payment of up to $300.00. 25 For example, if a customer calls to pay a bill that is CASE NO. IPC-E-08-I0 10/24/08 PARKER, M. (Di) 10 STAFF 1 $305, the customer is required to pay two convenience 2 fees: $2.85 for the first $300 and an additional $2.85 3 for the remaining $5.00 for a total of $5.70 to .pay one 4 bill. As monthly billing amounts have risen, and more 5 customers pay past due bills that have accumulated over 6 time, customers have exceeded the $300 ceiling with 7 increasing frequency. 8 Q.Did Idaho Power take any action to address this 9 issue? 10 A.Yes. Idaho Power negotiated with a new vendor 11 that charges a $2.50 convenience fee. Additionally, the 12 minimum dollar amount per transaction will rise to $500. 13 The new vendor will begin processing Idaho Power's credit 14 card, debit card, and check-by-phone payments in January 15 2009. 16 Q.Do you have an opinion about Convenience Fees? 17 A.Yes. When regulated energy utility companies in 18 Idaho began to address customer requests for more options 19 to pay bills, many of the companies, including Idaho 20 Power, responded by adding the ability to pay bills over 21 the telephone and online. Because relatively few 22 customers used the new conveniences several years ago, the 23 decision was made by the utilities that customers who used 24 the services should pay for the services through 25 individual transaction fees, called "convenience fees." CASE NO. IPC-E-08-1010/24/08 PARKER, M. (Di) 11 STAFF 1 At the time when convenience fees were first implemented, 2 it seemed logical that those costs created by a few 3 customers should not be passed on to all ratepayers. 4 There was not a sufficient volume of transactions to 5 enable the Company to negotiate fees with the vendors or 6 offer the service without charge to customers. However, 7 the number of transactions using this method of paying 8 bills has grown from 47,713 in 2003 to 186,435 in 2007. 9 Gi ven the fact that the total number of transactions is 10 growing rapidly (nearly four times as many transactions 11 occurred in 2007 than in 2003), it is very apparent that 12 it is no longer just a few customers using the telephone 13 to pay their bills. The ability of customers to pay over 14 the telephone saves the Company money when customers use 15 this service to avoid being turned off for non-payment of 16 their account. The savings come from the Company not 17 being required to send a meter technician to the 18 customer's home to disconnect and subsequently reconnect 19 service. Although I have concerns about convenience fees, 20 particularly with respect to the impact on low income 21 customers and customers who are having trouble paying 22 their Idaho Power bills, more study is necessary before I 23 can make a recommendation about reducing or eliminating 24 these fees. At this time, I recommend that the Company 25 explore alternatives to requiring customers to pay CASE NO. IPC-E-08-10 10/24/08 PARKER, M . (D i) 12 STAFF 1 convenience fees and report its findings to the Commission 2 Staff. 3 IRRIGATION DEPOSITS 4 Q.In the last few years, Idaho Power changed its 5 tariffs regarding when and how deposits are collected from 6 its irrigation customers. What were the primary changes 7 that Idaho Power made to its irrigation deposit collection 8 procedures? 9 A.Idaho Power created two new methodologies for 10 the collection of deposits from its irrigation customers. 11 The first formula is entitled "Tier One" and was created 12 in 2002 and the second is entitled "Tier Two" and was 13 created and added in 2004. The primary changes were that 14 the Company now: 1) uses the number of reminder notices 15 rather than late payments the customer received in the 16 previous twelve months as the determining factor in 17 assessing a deposit; 2) ties the amount of the deposit to 18 the electrical characteristics of the pump and motor 19 rather than the pump usage history from the previous year; 20 and, 3) assesses the higher Tier Two deposit if the 21 customer has an outstanding balance greater than $1000.00 22 on December 31 during any of the previous four years. 23 Q.Since Idaho Power changed its deposit collection 24 procedures for irrigation customers, has the Commission 25 received any complaints from irrigators? CASE NO. IPC-E-08-10 10/24/08 PARKER, M. (D i) 13 STAFF 1 A.Yes. The Commission has received seven 3 2 complaints from irrigators. Q.What were the most significant issues voiced by 5 4 those complainants? A.Two of the most recent complaints from 6 irrigators said they did not feel they had been adequately 8 7 informed of the new deposit collection procedures. 9 Q.Do you concur with the complainants' concerns? A.Yes. My investigation revealed that irrigation 10 customers have not been provided with detailed written 11 information regarding the Company's more stringent deposit 12 policy since May of 2005. 13 Staff reviewed copies of payment reminder 14 notices sent to irrigators and found them to be 15 inadequate. The notices did not make irrigation customers 16 aware of the deposit policy and so customers were not able 17 to avoid having to pay a deposit by altering thir payment 18 habits. 19 Q.Was Idaho Power responsive to the issues 21 20 mentioned above when brought to its attention? A.Yes. Once the Company was aware of Staff's 22 concerns, it began to work immediately with Staff to re- 23 write its reminder notices. For example, wording was 24 added to reminder notices so that the consequences of 25 receiving two reminder notices in twelve months were CASE NO. IPC-E-08~1010/24/08 PARKER, M. (Di) 14 STAFF 1 clearly stated. The Company also agreed to revise its 2 bill statement to include information on its deposit 3 policy. An annual brochure sent to irrigation customers 4 will be revised in time for next year's mailing. The 5 brochure will describe in detail the Tier One and Tier Two 7 6 deposit policy. Q.The reason Idaho Power changed its irrigation 8 deposit structure was to reduce uncollectible and written- 10 9 off irrigation account balances. Has the goal been met? A.Reports from the Company show favorable results. 11 The Company reported to Staff that when comparing 2007 12 with 2003, there had been a 73 percent reduction in past 13 due irrigation account balances and a 93 percent reduction 15 14 in irrigation account written off amounts. Q.Does this conclude your direct testimony in this 17 16 proceeding? 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A.Yes, it does. CASE NO. IPC-E-08-10 10/24/08 PARKER, M . (D i) 15 STAFF c o M 4 0 0 P L 30 0 A I N 2 0 0 T S Id a h o P o w e r Co m p l a i n t s & I n q u i r i e s 20 0 4 - 2 0 0 7 60 0 52 7 50 0 44 7 43 8 41 1 10 0 o 20 0 4 20 0 5 20 0 7 20 0 6 Ex h i b i t N o . 1 4 6 Ca s e N o . I P C - E - 0 8 - 1 0 M. P a r k e r , S t a f f 10 / 2 4 / 0 8 Vli.co Q)~~c:0i.Q.CO Q)+- ~c:c:+-:;0 ~0Q.E0CO::+-..i..s Vl u Q)CO ~0 +-"0 0:c:.II !I . ::t:taa.-- E V)'".-0V)00taNU.a::Ii+-CU.- E-.-+-0:i +-..::V)::0 1.0.a u 0 0NV)'"N CU i--t:~Ii ta 0--::V)0 C"::Nt:0-.c el +-LII0CU0V)C N+-t:0--IitaCU-a.a. E -- 0 o:U 00N 1. ~ N ~ ~ 1. ~ N 0~~~ 0000 UO~Q...c:-z..1I Exhí6H No: 147 Case No. IPC-E-08-10 M. Parker, Staff 10/24/08 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 24TH DAY OF OCTOBER 2008, SERVED THE FOREGOING DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MARILYN PARKER, IN CASE NO. IPC-E-08-10, BY MAILING A COPY THEREOF, POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: BARTON L KLINE LISA D NORDSTROM DONOV AN E WALKER IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOISE ID 83707-0070 E-MAIL: bkline(iidahopower.com lnordstrom(iidahopower .com dwalker(iidahopower .com PETER J RICHARDSON RICHARDSON & O'LEARY PO BOX 7218 BOISE ID 83702 E-MAIL: peter(irichardsonandoleary.com RANDALL C BUDGE ERIC LOLSEN RACINE OLSON NYE ET AL PO BOX 1391 POCATELLO ID 83204-1391 E-MAIL: rcb(iracinelaw.net elo(iracinelaw.net MICHAEL L KURTZ ESQ KURT J BOEHM ESQ BOEHM KURTZ & LOWRY 36 E SEVENTH ST STE 1510 CINCINATI OH 45202 E-MAIL: mkurz(iBKLlawfrm.com kboehm(fBKLlawfirm.com BRAD MPURDY ATTORNEY AT LAW 2019 N 17TH ST BOISE ID 83702 E-MAIL: bmpurdy(fhotmail.com JOHNRGALE VP - REGULATORY AFFAIRS IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOISE ID 83707.0070 E-MAIL: rgale(iidahopower.com DR DON READING 6070 HILL ROAD BOISE ID 83703 E-MAIL: dreading(imindspring.com ANTHONY Y ANKEL 29814 LAK ROAD BAY VILLAGE OH 44140 E-MAIL: yankel(iattbi.com KEVIN HIGGINS ENERGY STRATEGIES LLC PARKS IDE TOWERS 215 S STATE ST STE 200 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84111 E-MAIL: khiggins(fenergystrat.com LOTH COOKE ARTHUR PERRY BRUDER UNITED STATE DEPT OF ENERGY 1000 INDEPENDENCE AVE SW WASHINGTON DC 20585 E-MAIL: lot.cooke(fhq.doe.gov arhur. bruder(ihg .doe. gOY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE DWIGHT ETHERIDGE EXETER ASSOCIATES INC 5565 STERRTT PLACE, SUITE 310 COLUMBIA MD 21044 E-MAIL: detheridge(iexeterassociates.com DENNIS E PESEAU, Ph.D. UTILITY RESOURCES INC 1500 LIBERTY STREET SE, SUITE 250 SALEM OR 97302 E-MAIL: dpeseau(iexcite.com CONLEY E WARD MICHAEL C CREAMER GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 601 WBANNOCKST PO BOX 2720 BOISE ID 83701-2720 E-MAIL: cew(igivenspursley.com KEN MILLER CLEAN ENERGY PROGRAM DIRECTOR SNAKE RIVER ALLIANCE PO BOX 1731 BOISE ID 83701 E-MAIL: kmiler(isnakeriverallance.org SECi&~-- CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE